Define the rule of eight in a restaurant. Serving restaurant visitors

07.04.2019 Egg dishes

There is no problem finding an example of service standards on the Internet. But, of course, they must be adapted to the format of your particular establishment. In this article, I'll give you some simple guidelines on what to look out for when drafting standards and how to make them truly useful for your establishment.

I want to note right away that service standards are the basis on which everything is built. Quality service, training and supervision - all this follows from the accepted standards of service in the restaurant.

The principles of drawing up service standards in the institution


Standards should be clearly and logically structured. I would distinguish 4 groups of standards:

  1. Standards appearance a waiter;
  2. Serving standards, serving, etc .;
  3. Service standards (communication with guests and sales);
  4. Teamwork standards.

They are all important, but the largest and by far the most important group is the third: "guest service". It should also be structured, and the most logical structure for it is stages guest service. Those. the standards are described in stages, starting with meeting the guest and ending with parting and cleaning the table.

Adaptation to a specific institution

Guest service standards are 70% dependent on the format of the establishment. There are many variables, and here are the main ones that are important to pay attention to:

  • type of establishment (5 stars, fast food, nightclub?);
  • contingent (who are your guests?);
  • organizational structure (do you have waiters, how many, what is the workload, are there waiters, what are their responsibilities?);
  • the concept of the institution.

Common sense and functionality

When consulting institutions, I always ask to show me the standards and sometimes I find in the list some item, apparently thoughtlessly taken, along with the rest from the Internet. Not only does such a point not only do not fit into the format of the establishment, but it is also completely impossible to explain its meaning. Of course, no one is doing it.

You must be able to explain to the waiters the purpose of each rule and justify the need to follow it. And be prepared to answer countless “what if…” waiters.

Each rule must be applicable to the format and explainable. Those. it should serve some purpose: either for the efficiency of the establishment, or for improving the comfort of the guest, or for two at once.

Sometimes democratic institutions seek to introduce some kind of 5-star service standards, explaining this by the fact that one must strive for excellence. But here it is important to understand that such standards:

  • Firstly, your contingent may be embarrassing (imagine that you came to eat pasties at an inexpensive price, and the order is accepted by butlers in white gloves).
  • Secondly, most likely, they will increase the service time (if "table turnover" is not just empty words for your establishment, then your way is simple and clear standards aimed at increasing speed).
  • Thirdly, the implementation of complex service standards requires special training of waiters and additional motivation. Those. you must teach them this (increase the internship time and labor costs of the mentor) and motivate them to do it (raise wages, come up with penalties, monitor implementation).

In short, if yours is not a super-elite establishment, then focus on functionality when developing service standards.


If you want your establishment not only to work, but to make a profit, then the offer of food and drinks by the waiter should be part of the standards! Those. the waiter cannot offer drinks to the guest, but must to offer them at a certain stage. And this must be spelled out.

Many years of practical experience shows that it is easy to demand from the waiter "offer drinks to the guest" in best case leads to incorrect phrases: "Would you like something from the drinks?", and often the waiters simply ignore this requirement. One reason: they just don't know how to propose correctly.

Therefore, it is necessary to write scripts (verbatim phrases) in the standards for recommendations. For example, one of the correct phrases for accepting an order for an aperitif is: "I can immediately offer you drinks: fresh juice, mineral water, a glass of wine ...".

Prohibited actions

A separate list should highlight what the waiter is prohibited from doing. When choosing these items, you should also use common sense and justify each item.

What is not written down does not exist

In conclusion, I want to note that the standards of service in the restaurant:

  • Must be written down.
  • Printed out and given to each employee of the hall.
  • It is advisable to discuss all the points with each waiter to make sure that he understands: why and how to perform them, and why is it important?
  • Knowledge of standards should be periodically monitored in assessments (the form is not important: verbally or in writing).
  • Compliance with the standards must be constantly monitored.

Also, if something has changed for you, then the standards need to be changed. It shouldn't become some kind of formal document like job description, which is the same everywhere, the presence of which everyone knows, but no one remembers the last time they saw it.

It should be a living, working document, always up-to-date, always at hand and in memory. It must be appealed to and all elements of the system must flow from it: learning, motivation and control. The whole service should be based on it.

The efficiency of the waiter's work depends on a clear knowledge and understanding of the structure of the complete guest service process, from it to the wires.

In order to improve the quality of service in the Fabrika restaurant, it was decided to develop a service standard for line personnel, in this case for waiters. This standard will improve public opinion about this restaurant, maximize profits, and optimize the work of the waiter.

In order to develop a suitable waiter service standard, the entire service process should be divided into steps (Figure 2), which will be easier to standardize in the future.

Figure 15- Step-by-step scheme of the waiter's work

This scheme of preparation for service is due to the reduction in the time and trajectory of the waiter before starting the service.

Each step of this scheme should have been standardized, this will allow the company to step by step assess the work of its employees and, as a result, optimize the work of personnel.

Before starting to work directly with the guest, the waiter must prepare the sales area. The hall is cleaned in the following order:

Wiping tables and chairs with a damp, spongy cloth;

Polishing tables with a dry cloth, using a special polish for wooden surfaces;

Checking the bottoms of the tables for glued gum;

Correction of all sofa covers;

Arrangement of tables according to the scheme (Appendix G);

Polishing devices and placing them in special pockets for devices;

Ashtray rub;

Menu rubbing (day shift rubbing all menus in circulation at the enterprise);

take the required number of menus and put them on the waiter's station.

Next, the waiter tidies up his appearance. What the service staff looks like is " business card"Institutions. Every little thing plays a big role here, even too large waiter earrings can set up a guest negatively. The standard of the waiter's appearance is presented in table 4.

As a rule, now at enterprises only the presence of uniforms indicates the standard of appearance of employees, everything else remains at the discretion of the waiter, and is based on the level of his upbringing.

Further, the waiter discusses the absence of any product with the chef and the bartender of the shift, with the subsequent entry of the missing items into the stop list. This process is extremely important, as in the future it will allow you to avoid unpleasant moments with guests. In this light, the question arises about the standardization of the waiter in terms of knowledge of the menu and bar card. The waiter must know exactly what ingredients are in what dish or drink in order to work with the guest as efficiently as possible.

Due to the fact that during the day shift the waiter himself deals with the seating of guests, he needs to look at the booking log at the beginning of each work shift. This procedure includes several aspects:

For how long the table is booked;

For how many persons;

Is there a reservation in the kitchen and bar;

Special requests from guests.

Table 4- The standard of appearance of the waiter



Washed, dried, gathered in a tight, high bun or tail. Hair ties - black, or matching hair color, without decorative elements. Hairpins - only "invisible"

Loose hair, pulled back only half. The length of the straightened part of the hair should not exceed 10 cm.

Mandatory availability.

Eyes - mascara, thin eyeliner, shadows in light matte tones are allowed,

Lips - hygienic lipstick,

Facial skin - foundation or powder. A small amount of blush is allowed.

Dark lipstick, red lipstick,

Eye makeup "smoky eyes"

Uniform (shirt, apron)

Only the presence of a form of the established sample. Clean and ironed. No obvious defects.

Hands (manicure)

The length of the nail edge is max. 3 mm, evenly trimmed and clean. Pastel shades of manicure are allowed.

Bright manicure, French manicure.

Dark trousers or black jeans are allowed. Fitted at the waist. Straight or slightly tapering to the bottom. No decorative elements. Clean and ironed.

Shorts, skirts (any models), leggings, tights. Pants in bright and light colors

Black, with closed toe and heel. No decorative elements. The maximum heel height is 3cm. Soft sole. Convenient.

Clogs, sandals. Stiletto shoes. Shoes with iron heels, obvious decorative elements. Any color other than black. Sneakers are also not allowed.


Only stud earrings are allowed.

Any other jewelry, as well as accessories such as watches, headbands, brooches, are strictly not allowed.


In the apron pocket, the waiter must have:

2 handles. Classic, without decorative elements. Color: black or blue.

2 lighters.

Notebook of the established sample. Clean, not rumpled.

It is not allowed to carry aprons in your pocket: phones, cigarettes, gum, music players, etc. Foreign objects.

Next comes the direct work with the guest at the table. This stage of the waiter's work is very important and should also be standardized in stages. Often it depends only on the competent work of the waiter with the guest whether he will come to this institution or not.

Step-by-step instructions for working with a guest are presented in Figure 16.

Figure 16 - Step-by-step scheme of serving a guest by a waiter

At the entrance to the guest's hall, the waiter is obliged to greet him. The greeting phrases are quite traditional: "Good afternoon / morning / evening", "Hello", "Welcome". At this stage, it is necessary to make it clear to the guest that they are glad to see him here. It is from the greeting that the first impression of the guest about the staff and the institution as a whole is formed.

While the waiter is escorting the guests to the table, he should already have a menu for the number of people in his hands. The menu is served open, on the first page. While the guest took the menu, the waiter must introduce himself: "Hello, my name is ……. Today I will be your waiter." This moment helps to establish contact with the guest, which in the future will greatly facilitate the work of the waiter. You should also immediately offer your help in choosing food and drinks.

Acceptance of the order is the key to working with the guest. His further work with this guest depends on how quickly and competently the waiter accepts the order. It is always necessary to repeat the order to the guest, specifying all the nuances of preparing food and drinks and the order in which they are served. This procedure will avoid conflict situations.

When taking out dishes, the waiter should be as unobtrusive as possible. At the moment when the waiter puts the dish on the table, he should name this dish and wish you bon appetit: "Please, your Greek salad, Bon Appetit".

Calculation of the guest is one of those moments where standardization is necessary, it is at this moment that the waiter most often makes mistakes. This fact is explained by the fact that the waiter understands that the guest will soon leave, his work is finished and soon he will receive a well-deserved reward (tip). In view of these conditions, the waiter relaxes and does not take care of the guest so carefully. Guest calculation standards are presented in Table 5.

Table 5- Guest Calculation Standards

Guest calculation



Before taking out a check

Taking out a check

Guest calculation

Carrying out change

The check is issued only at the request of the guest.

The check is carried out in beer mugs, specially marked, rolled along. Given personally into the hands of either the man or the host of the feast. This procedure should be as invisible as possible to other guests.

The calculation of the guest is made only with his consent. If the bill was issued a long time ago, but the guests are in no hurry to pay, then a polite appeal is allowed: "Let me count you."

Produced in the same mug. Given personally into the hands of the person who paid.

Take out a check as soon as the guests have finished their meal (if the guest has not asked for it himself);

Take out a check without a mug;

Look into the mug, get money, count it (these operations are performed only by the cashier);

Seeing off the guest is the final moment in the service, he is able to both spoil the guest's mood and certify him to visit this institution again. The waiter is obliged to say goodbye to the guests and, if possible, accompany them to the door. If this is not possible, the waiter is obliged to take a couple of steps with the guests towards the door. Farewell phrases: "Goodbye", "We will be glad to see you again", "all the best."

Working with a guest is not only technical aspects such as accepting an order, taking out dishes and drinks, calculating a guest, but also constant communication with a guest. By his communication, the waiter can both "fall in love" with the guest in the given establishment, and strengthen in him the desire to never visit this restaurant again. This aspect of the staff's work is extremely difficult to standardize, but this procedure is necessary so that the restaurant does not lose its image. The standards for communication with the guests of the Fabrika restaurant are presented in Table 6.

Table 6- Standards of communication with the guest

Guest communication standards

A guest waiter must communicate only on "you", with respect;

Support the topic suggested by the guests (if it does not belong to the category of forbidden topics);

Tell a guest full information on the proposed dish;

When addressing a guest, always use phrases such as: "I am sorry" "Let me ask you" "Let me take it away" "Thank you", etc .;

Provide the guest with accurate information about the waiting time for the order;

If the guest has thanked the waiter, he must thank in return.

To be rude, to be rude to the guest, to communicate with the guest on "You";

Discussion of topics: discrediting the honor and dignity of staff, you personally, other visitors, discussion of this enterprise in a negative way, topics of an intimate nature.

To say to guests: "a second", "a minute", "please", "nothing at all", "Wait", "This is the policy of the institution";

To enter into polemics with guests, to argue;

Talk with guests, on non-working topics, more than 5 minutes.

Shift transfer, The final stage in the work of a waiter. When transferring a shift, the waiter is obliged:

Prepare a sales area for a new shift (rub appliances, ashtrays);

If the waiter has a table, he is obliged to hand it over to his replacement with an indication of the account number and all the nuances of the service;

On the evening shift, the waiter must:

Close all accounts in his name;

Wipe the tables in your work area;

Remove the waiter's station;

Close the shift in the computer system.

Thus, the standards for the appearance and service process of the waiters look like. The full text of the standard is presented in the appendix.

These standards will allow for more effective training of personnel, will improve the quality of service in the Fabrika restaurant and, as a result, increase the prestige of the institution and increase profits.


The structure of the restaurant service. Restaurant staff. Service standards. Dealing with guest complaints

1 The structure of the restaurant service

2 Job responsibilities of employees

3 Schedules of work

4 The concept of a quality service standard

5 Development of service standards, personnel training, control over the implementation of standards

6 Basic standards of restaurant service

7 Conflict and its essence

8 Example of a conflict situation in a restaurant

9. Actions of the leader and methods of conflict resolution

10 Analysis of handling guest complaints

Practical task. Development of a book of restaurant standards (for example, the restaurant "Karelia")

1 The structure of the restaurant "Karelia"

2 Development of standards for the appearance of employees. Go-to-work schedules

3 Standards of ethics for communicating with a guest

4 Standards for meeting and accommodating guests

5 Standards for the design and presentation of menus and dishes

6 Standards for ordering

7 Standards required for ordering

8 Standards for invoicing and submission

9 Standards of farewell to a guest

10 Application of service standards in practice (staff training, control over the implementation of standards)



restaurant service standard guest


Saint Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The northern capital of Russia has always attracted great amount tourists. Therefore, St. Petersburg has a wide tourist infrastructure, which develops and improves every year. New hotels are opening, new public catering networks are being formed.

Since St. Petersburg is the tourist capital of Russia, it simply needs to have and constantly replenish its pantry of hospitality. The city has big amount hotels and various accommodation facilities. St. Petersburg is also famous for its restaurants, and often some of the best are located on the territory of any hotel complexes.

In order to succeed in the restaurant business, to compete successfully, to meet the expectations of consumers, an enterprise needs to follow world standards of service.

The relevance of this term paper is that the active and rational application of international standards of service in its activities is economically very expedient for the restaurant business. This allows you to provide the required quality of services, organize a streamlined and continuous technological process and ultimately leads to an international level of service in restaurants, setting a higher the level of prices and, in general, an increase in the level of competitiveness.

The essence of a high level of service culture lies in the fact that it should be service from the "first presentation", the establishment of close ties with the clientele, where the request and the ability to anticipate the client's desire become the highest priority in the work. Service that meets international standards also presupposes that employees have skills in social behavior, communication, speech culture, knowledge of the intricacies of professional etiquette, and the ability to conduct telephone conversations.

How skillfully and professionally the employees are proficient in this, so depends on their success in business in accordance with international requirements.

The aim of this course work is to study the theoretical basis of the standard of service in a restaurant, analyze the work with complaints from guests, as well as develop a book of service standards (for example, the restaurant "Karelia") to improve the culture of service.

The set goal is concretized by a number of tasks:

Explore the concept of a quality service standard

Consider the basics of customer service in a restaurant

Analyze the standards of behavior and communication between staff and guests of the restaurant

The object of the research is the restaurant, and the subject of the research is the standards of service in the restaurant.

1. The structure of the restaurant service. Restaurant staff. Service standards. Dealing with guest complaints

.1 Restaurant service structure

There are a number of services in any hotel. The main ones, of course, include accommodation and meals. In this work, I will consider and analyze in detail the work of the catering service, using the example of a restaurant.

Most clearly they can be represented in the diagram.

Thus, we see that the structure of the restaurant service is very complex and multifunctional. And for the efficient operation of the enterprise a prerequisite is the coordinated and professional work of all services.

.2 Job responsibilities of employees

I Job responsibilities of the bartender

Serve visitors at a high level with the provision of a sufficient range of products of foreign and domestic production.

Be considerate and polite, follow the rules internal regulations.

Strictly observe cash discipline, know and follow the instructions for working on the cash - operating system.

Know the current sales prices for goods.

Correctly make settlements with visitors.

Know the procedure for drawing up applications for the required quantity and range of drinks, snacks and other goods, keeping records and the need for utensils.

Receive goods and products from a warehouse or production in a timely manner.2

Know the varieties and types of domestic and imported goods, as well as their brief merchandising characteristics.

Know the recipe and etiquette of making cocktails and drinks, the rules of serving foreign visitors in the bar. At the request of the guest, serve him directly at the table in the trading floor of the bar.

Know the procedure for drawing up and timely submit to the accounting department in the prescribed form reports on the movement and balance of goods accounted for in total terms.

Check for labeling of wine and vodka products received from the warehouse.

Be dressed in a uniform.

Ensure proper sanitary condition of the bar's sales area, utility room, trade and technological equipment and inventory.

Advise guests in advance about the end of the service before the bar closes at the time set by the administration.

Passage of honey. examinations at the set time and transfer of medical certificates to the Manager.

II. Job responsibilities of a waiter:

Serve tables.

Change tablecloths and napkins in a timely manner as they become dirty.

Provide, at the request of the visitor, qualified assistance in choosing food and drinks.

Orient the customer according to the cooking time of the ordered dishes.

Distribute the order at the place of its execution between the Bartender and the Chef.

Control the timeliness of preparation and presentation of dishes before serving.

Serve ordered meals.

Display the final amount of the order on the "Account".

Submit an "Invoice" to the visitor and make a full payment for the order with him.

Decorate the hall and serve the tables according to the festive and current events.

Draw up registers at the end of the working day.

Conduct a monthly inventory of dishes.

Be attentive and polite, follow the house rules.

Know the varieties and types of domestic and imported goods, as well as their brief merchandising characteristics.

Wear a uniform.

Show a creative approach to their immediate responsibilities, try to be useful to the company in its current business activities. Show reasonable and constructive initiative. Responsibilities of the head waiter

Hall administrator:

Provides work for the efficient and cultural service of restaurant visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.

Advises visitors on the provision of services, ensures their familiarization with the range of available food and drinks.

Carries out control over the rational design of the hall, bar counters, showcases, etc.

Provides cleanliness and order in the hall.

Controls the acceptance of orders by waiters from visitors.

Checks issued invoices and makes settlements with visitors.

Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

Considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service, and takes appropriate organizational and technical measures.

Accepts orders and develops plans for holding and servicing anniversary celebrations, weddings, banquets.

Monitors the observance of labor and production discipline by employees of the organization, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety measures, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

Informs the management of the organization about the existing shortcomings in the service of visitors, takes measures to eliminate them.

Exercises control over the execution of the instructions of the organization's management by the employees.

Carries out individual service assignments of his immediate supervisor

From the above, we can conclude that, theoretically, the job responsibilities of employees are very extensive, and not everyone can remember everything thoroughly. But the main thing is that each employee understands the essence of his professional activity and can apply all his skills and abilities in practice.

.3 Work Schedules

Schedules for going to work should be drawn up in a timely manner and usually the administrator does this and is approved by the head of the restaurant.

Administrators usually work on a schedule - 2 through 2, or 1 through 3.

Waiters also work mostly 2 through 2, as do the bartenders


  1. You must come to work 15 minutes before the start of the work shift.
  2. In times of heavy workload, you may be required to be present at the workplace at the end of the working day.
  3. The number of working hours per week, the duration of the vacation and the procedure for granting it are spelled out in the contract of each employee.

Therefore, whatever the work schedule, the main thing is that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is observed, and all processing is paid for.

.4 Concept of quality service standard

Today, high-quality service is one of the main reasons why customers choose a particular establishment. Now a person can find similar services in different restaurants, and when choosing an institution, the decisive factor is not the dish, not the price, but the quality of the service. To surprise the guest, the service personnel must possess the necessary skills and abilities, in particular, service standards, product knowledge, the ability to recommend and sell it.

Standard is a document that establishes a set of norms, rules, requirements for an object of standardization, in which, for the purpose of voluntary repeated use, the characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, sale, performance of work or the provision of services are established.

Service standards are criteria necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the quality management system. Service standards refer to a set of procedures and daily operations performed by staff to maximize customer satisfaction. The key to the commercial success of a restaurant is the ability of its owners to anticipate every possible desire of a potential client. Standards mean not only the correct technology for serving guests, but also the attitude of the staff to their work, i.e. to visitors. Often, the reason for the deliberately unsuccessful service lies not in the absence of any expensive equipment and insufficient gloss of the interior, but in the "unobtrusive" service, so each restaurant should have its own code of regulations concerning:

) behavior;

) appearance;

) technological process;

) knowledge of a foreign language within the profession;

) knowledge of the concept of the restaurant and its structure.

The standards of many restaurants determine that the staff should be: sociable, friendly, pleasant-looking, and able to work in a team. Compliance with the standards guarantees the stability of quality indicators: there can be no "bad or good" change of waiters ", everyone always works this way. Administrator or waiter - each of them must know, understand and strictly adhere to professional standards.

All restaurant employees, in terms of qualification requirements, can be divided into three large groups: management team (director, manager, administrator); staff working with guests (waiters, bartenders, cloakroom attendant); supporting departments (technicians, warehouse workers).

The competence of the staff of these groups is of paramount importance for quality management. Restaurant management must ensure that the staff have the necessary qualifications, knowledge and skills to do their job the best way... General requirements for all personnel:

) communication skills, politeness, friendliness, enthusiasm, interaction with colleagues;

) flexibility, adaptation to any situation;

) acceptance of responsibility, initiative;

)personal hygiene;

) discipline, punctuality;

) knowledge of work, quality of work, attention to detail;

) work with stress, with stress;

) the ability to complete tasks to the end;

) awareness of costs; knowledge of a foreign language.

Thus, service quality standards make it possible not only to ensure that each employee clearly knows what, how and when he should do, but also objectively, completely impartially assess the quality of his work, which is often a very difficult task for the team.

.5 Development of service standards, personnel training, control over the implementation of standards

Development of standards

The development of service standards will differ depending on the format and concept of the restaurant business. Some catering establishments correspond to a democratic style, to others - traditional for the countries in whose cuisine they specialize, in the third - only decorous adherence to the canons of service will seem organic. Despite the dissimilarity of the forms, service standards should be developed for all cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments without exception, because, despite this dissimilarity, guests inside one establishment (and buyers - if we are talking about fast food outlets, incl. mobile), you need to service the same.

The order of work for the development of standards:

Gathering the information needed to create service standards:

wishes of clients and managers regarding the actions of employees,

study of the most frequent complaints from customers,

individual characteristics, concept, style and principles

Adaptation of existing templates of service standards, taking into account the information received. Preparation of individualized standards for the restaurant.

Discussion of the adapted standards with the Company's management, revision if necessary.

The basis of the service - management system is clear, understandable, transparent service standards. Ideally, they should be created at the stage of planning the restaurant's activities, be present in both network and independent establishments. Basically, we are faced with the fact that service standards arise when a chain of restaurants has already been created. Moreover, for companies it is more likely a way of improvement, or a tool for the franchisor's control over the franchisee. Unfortunately, the majority of catering establishments are not spelled out at all. But if you follow the standard scheme for creating a restaurant, this should be done at the planning stage. That is, after the development of the concept and business plan, the so-called business processes must be described, which also contain the standards of personnel service. If you do this in advance, the job will be much easier.


Teaching standards to employees is even more difficult than developing them. Resistance is in the nature of the worker. What is being introduced "from above" has little to do with reality - this is what the majority of front line employees think, that is, those who directly communicate with customers. It is much easier to develop a unique concept for a menu or interior design of a restaurant than to ensure that the service standards in a particular restaurant are met every day.

Where to start building a training system?

Best option- creation of the document "Standard of customer service in a restaurant". This document defines how the specialist should perform his duties. In the theater metaphor, the Standard is a script that includes the description of behavior - words, gestures, facial expressions - in accordance with the professional role. The standard is intended to give all staff a clear understanding of what is required of them in terms of serving guests.

An important aspect in training is the explanation of the importance and attitude of specialists to emotional work in the service process. Because quality service in the restaurant business involves not only physical, intellectual, creative, but also emotional efforts. Emotional labor is the expression of socially desired emotions in the process of serving a client. Sometimes the client needs the friendliness of a specialist, sometimes sympathy, sometimes emphasized respect. To understand what the client is feeling, to find the right emotion and express it - this is the task of a professional business specialist. The absence of the emotions necessary for the client in the specialist is perceived as indifference.

Whom to entrust and how to organize training of restaurant personnel?

A competent management decision would be to delegate the task of personnel training to a specialist in the development and conduct of business trainings. Business training is a special form of training aimed at transferring and practicing business skills and business technologies. Technologies in this case are clear algorithms of action, a carefully thought-out sequence of steps in the process of customer service and sales in a beauty salon. A business coach is a specialist in interactive training, which is carried out in the mode of intensive interaction between the trainer and the training participants. Participants get the opportunity to try out new behaviors in situations close to real-time situations, and receive individual feedback. A business coach solves the following tasks:

ü Changing the attitude of your employees towards serving guests

ü Formation of their active position and change of business behavior

ü Strengthening team spirit and building a corporate culture

ü Practicing advanced business technologies and business skills.

In any training, there are two main aspects: theoretical (what to do?) And practical (how to do?) Business training answers the question - how to do? For example, how to establish and maintain contact with a guest, how to deal with different types clients.

Business trainings, in contrast to lectures and seminars, include 30% theory and 70% practice. Thus, during the training, your specialists will not only listen about how to serve customers and sell, but also actively practice in service and sales. The activity of the training participants is achieved through the trainer's interactive messages, group discussions, exercises, video filming and video analysis, analysis of specific situations from the daily practice of serving guests in a restaurant.

Monitoring the implementation of standards

In order for the standards not to disappear a month after implementation, it is necessary not only to monitor their implementation, but also to interest managers in this. It is best to develop standards in conjunction with those who will implement and monitor them. This can be done during training or in the course of any other collective form of interaction. To maintain the standards, it is proposed to hold chef meetings with waiters, administrators or hall managers every day, analyze the mistakes of the previous day and draw conclusions for the future. In addition, it is worth setting aside 5-10 minutes every day for a short service training. And also it is necessary to conduct a survey of restaurant visitors and unscheduled inspections. Staff will be wary of service standards until they are told what it is for. Then everyone approaches with understanding. Standards are technology that explains how to act in certain situations, how to ensure a high result. And professionalism makes this technology effective. .

Consequently, the introduction of service standards increases: an increase in sales, an increase in the number of regular guests, a decrease in conflict situations, an increase in the professional level of staff, the formation of a recognizable and positive image of the restaurant. Therefore, any catering establishment must have service standards and constantly strive to improve them.

.6 Basic Catering Standards

The main components of a service culture:

Professional presentation.

Warm and sincere greeting and farewell to guests.

Guaranteed and timely satisfaction of guests' wishes and complaints.

Understanding the needs and exceeding the expectations of the guests.

Personal responsibility of each employee.

Work as a single team and support from colleagues.

Appearance standards

It is the responsibility of all employees to maintain the appearance and personal hygiene at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the hotel standards;

during working hours in the restaurant and other areas of the hotel, a full set of uniforms issued by the hotel should be worn;

it is forbidden to leave the hotel building in uniform, if you do not have the permission of the head of the service;

uniforms should be clean and ironed, without additional items or decorations. All buttons on jackets and shirts must be buttoned;

Uniform replacement procedure:

the uniform is changed on a one-to-one basis in the underwear;

uniforms will not be issued separately if there is no permission from the head of the service;

the uniform must be returned in good condition and must be handled carefully;

A name badge with your name on it must be worn on the left side of the uniform.

General rules appearance:

jewelry should be limited and simple in design:

women have one ring on their hand;

the chains should be worn under the blouse and should not be visible;

chains are not allowed on the ankle;

the number of earrings is limited to 1 earring per ear, no more than 1 cm long;

men are not allowed to wear earrings;

other body piercings are not permitted;

all female employees must wear tights natural color, without holes and arrows and have a spare pair of tights;

hair should be clean and tidy every day;

long hair (only allowed for women) should be neatly tied at the back;

men must be clean-shaven daily;

men's hair should not touch the shirt collar;

mustache - neatly trimmed and tidy;

wearing a beard is not allowed;

all male staff must wear black socks.

Standard for meeting and accommodating guests:

The guest must be met within 30 seconds;

Meet the guest at the entrance to the restaurant and greet him;

The greeting should be polite and friendly;

Use greetings according to the time of day: good morning / afternoon / evening;

When talking to a guest, always try to make eye contact and smile;

Find out the name of the guest and use it in further communication;

Ask the guest politely if he has made a reservation;

invite a guest to follow you to the table;

lead the guest to a designated table, always pointing out obstacles such as stairs or steps;

keep up with the guests and pay attention to how fast they are walking;

never try to rush a guest;

without pre-order:

find out if the guest prefers a section for smokers or non-smokers;

check the possibility of receiving the required number of guests, then lead them to the table in the way described above;

if space is not available, suggest an alternative restaurant in the hotel or ask if guests would like to wait at the bar and have an aperitif. In this case, write down the name of the guest and tell him how soon the table will be free. If the mentioned time is approaching, and there are still no vacancies, always inform the guests in the bar about the expected delay;

it is necessary to seat the guest at the table within 1 minute;

be sure to seat the guest at a fully set table;

pull out chairs for guests (primarily for ladies, following their age), then for men, and last of all for the host of the feast;

waiters around the table should always, if time permits, help in pulling out chairs for guests;

the employee must put a napkin on the guest's lap;

aperitifs offer:

as soon as the guests are seated, offer them an aperitif;

the order of drinks must be entered into the system immediately;

drinks must be served within 3 minutes;

use a guess-offer method when selling, for example, “Do you want dry sherry or a glass of champagne as an aperitif?”;

offer different drinks for lunch and dinner;


if guests are wearing coats, help them take them off at the door and take them to the wardrobe;

give the guest a number from a hanger on a plate and tell them what kind of number it is;

if the guest insists that the coat be in the restaurant, pull out an empty chair next to the table so that the client can leave the coat on it;

removing unnecessary cutlery: remove all cutlery from places that are not occupied, i.e. remove 2 cutlery from a table set for four if only 2 guests are sitting at it;

Replacement of appliances: replace all appliances from the standard set according to the guest's order so that there is no need to change them before the individual serving of meals.

Menu and dishes:

The menu cover should be clean and tidy;

Menu pages should be clean, not wrinkled and without inscriptions;

The menu should represent an assortment of appetizers, soups, salads, seafood, meat, poultry, desserts;

Dishes and drinks:

The design, appearance and color of the dishes should be attractive;

The assortment of breakfast dishes must comply with the standard ( fresh fruits, muesli, cold meat, egg dishes, etc.);

All meals must be freshly prepared;

The dishes served must strictly correspond to their description on the menu;

The temperature of each dish when served must comply with the standard;

Servings must be of a standard;

Meals should be prepared taking into account the guest's requests ;;

Tea / coffee must be freshly brewed.

Standards for ordering and serving menus

So, if there are women among the guests, you should help them take places at the table, substitute chairs. The menu is primarily offered to the older one. After waiting a few minutes aside, you should kindly ask if your visitors have chosen anything. If they ask for advice on which dish is better to choose, the waiter is obliged to immediately come to their aid with readiness, trying to take into account the tastes of the visitor.

The main rule of the waiter's behavior when serving visitors is tact. He must serve in silence, without listening to the conversations of visitors at the table, without engaging in a conversation that is not related to service

entering the order into the system:

Immediately after accepting the order, enter it into the system;

Open the corresponding table number and punch the order;

Orders for all drinks must also be entered into the system;

Be careful and attentive when entering the order;

Special wishes of the client:

If a guest has special requests that are not on the menu, tell the guest that you will check in the kitchen;

Never say no to a guest outright. Always tell the guest what the kitchen can do for him;

Explain the guest's request in the kitchen; if it is not possible, ask about an alternative that you could suggest to the guest;

Always tell the guest the price of the item;


The waiter should automatically offer each guest a snack;

The waiter should automatically propose to each guest additional meals(if possible);

The waiter must offer wine according to the order;

The waiter should automatically offer the next bottle of wine after the previous one ends;

The waiter should automatically suggest mineral water;

If the guest does not order dessert, the waiter should automatically suggest an alternative (digestif, coffee, cheese, etc.).

Negotiate the cooking time - after all, this is an important procedure for accepting an order.

Registration of an invoice:

the guest asks for a check:

Print on the appropriate form a receipt from the system for the required table;

Before printing a receipt, check on the monitor whether all the names have been entered correctly into the system;

The account must include all items and be correct;

Show the guest a check with a pen;

The invoice must be submitted in a clean case and with a working pen;

The waiter must quickly accept payment;

The waiter must return all change;

closing a check:

payment by credit card:

When paying by credit card, the waiter must verify the signature;

Cash payment:

after receiving the money and closing the check in the system, hand the original check to the guest;

account per number:

After receiving the signed check, make sure that the guest's name is spelled correctly and close the check;

Submit the signed original to the reception and placement service as soon as possible.

Seeing off the guest

The guest leaves the table:

Move back chairs and help with coats, if necessary, ladies first;

Thank the guests and invite them to come again;

The guest leaves the restaurant:

As you leave the restaurant, thank the guests for their visit, wish them a pleasant morning, afternoon or evening, and invite them to come back another time.

General rules for communicating with a client: conversation

Try to talk to the guest in a way that makes personal contact;

A guest who feels a friendly attitude from the staff is more likely to return to the restaurant;

When you receive a tip, thank the visitor, but never show a guest who has not left a tip, not the slightest sign of displeasure;

Never ask for tips in any form;

All guests should be treated equally, whether they tip or not.

Thus, whatever the restaurant's standards, management should always strive to improve them and keep pace with the times. And the staff, in turn, knew how to convey the standards to the guests well and efficiently.

.7 Conflict and its nature

A conflict is a clash of opposing goals, interests, positions, opinions, points of view, and the views of communication partners.

The following types of conflicts are distinguished:

Intrapersonal - arises from a state of dissatisfaction with a person with any circumstances, the presence of conflicting interests, aspirations, needs.

Interpersonal - is the most common, occurs between two or more people.

Intergroup - a consequence of the collision of interests of different groups

The conflict between the individual and the group is a consequence of the clash of contradictions between the expectations of one individual and the norms of the group's behavior.

Styles and strategies of behavior in a conflict situation

An employee, entering into a conflict, can choose the following behavioral strategies for getting out of a conflict situation.

Rivalry (competition) - ("Shark")

This is an orientation towards victory, regardless of their own sacrifices, or the damage done to the opposite side. The preference for such behavior in conflict is often due to the desire to protect oneself from the psychological trauma caused by a feeling of defeat. This strategy reflects a form of struggle in which one side emerges victorious.

In the event that you, possessing indefinite power, are confident in the correctness of your decision in this situation;

The outcome is very important to you and you are betting heavily on your solution to the problem;

The decision must be made quickly and you have enough authority and opportunities for this;

If you feel that you have nothing to lose and you have no other choice.

You are in a critical situation that requires an immediate response.

Fixture ("Teddy Bear")

This type of response is aimed at maximum in relationships and minimum in achieving personal goals. It is the sacrifice of one's own interests for the interests of the opponent. This is an attitude towards benevolence, a desire not to hurt the feelings of another. By using this tactic, you simply push the problem away from yourself and the other side gets nothing in the end.

You are not particularly concerned with what is happening;

Your contribution to this situation is not too great;

The truth is not on your side;

You have little chance of "winning".

Compromise ("Fox")

This style means joint actions with another person, concessions in their own interests, so that the enemy does the same. Such people tend to offer a middle position, trying to find a combination of benefits and losses for both parties.

The fastest and most economical solution must be found;

Both sides want the same thing, but they understand that it is impossible at the same time;

You may be happy with a temporary solution;

Other approaches to solving the problem seem ineffective;

Avoidance ("Turtle")

As one of the options for resolving the conflict, in which it is possible for others to take responsibility for resolving a controversial answer, to avoid unnecessary tension; in a critical situation, hide in your shell. This style can serve effective way resolving the situation, and withdrawal or postponement can be a constructive reaction to a conflict situation.

The tension of the situation is too great and there is a need to reduce the intensity;

The outcome is not very important to you;

The situation is too difficult for you;

You need to buy time;

You do not have enough power to solve this problem.

Cooperation ("Owl")

A person with this type of response openly recognizes the conflict, presents his interests, expresses his position and offers ways out of the conflict. When settling a controversial situation, people with this type of response try to determine what all the interests and controversial issues are. At the same time, he expects reciprocal cooperation from the enemy. The parties to the conflict come to its resolution with full satisfaction of the interests of both parties. This style is recommended for use when:

Both parties are able to express the essence of their interests and listen to each other;

You have time to work on the problem that has arisen;

Solving the problem is important for both sides;

Both parties involved in the conflict have the same ability to solve the problem.

In conclusion, I would like to note that each of these styles is effective only under certain conditions and none can be singled out as the best.

The bottom line is to deliberately make this or that choice, taking into account the specific circumstances and the warehouse of your character.

So, we can conclude that the main thing in the work of any restaurant is to avoid conflict situations.

1.8 Example of a conflict situation in a restaurant

Before the closing of the restaurant, two customers asked for an extra bottle of champagne, the waitress refused them, saying that the champagne was out. The guests expressed their dissatisfaction, demanded the manager. The conflict was resolved in this way: the manager apologized for the refusal and brought the required bottle from the warehouse.

The manager reprimanded the waitress with a warning about further dismissal. The initiator of the conflict was the waitress, she had no desire to go to the warehouse for champagne.

The best way to resolve the conflict: not to aggravate the situation and not lead to a conflict, the waitress had to fulfill the guests' request in a timely manner, without the intervention of the manager.

.9 Actions of the manager and methods of conflict resolution

The leader should not avoid conflicts, but constantly work to resolve them, to deal with the elimination of the reasons leading to such conflicts. We can consider this in this diagram:

1.10 Analysis of handling guest complaints

Guests expect restaurant employees to quickly, efficiently and politely resolve their problems, satisfy wishes and deal with complaints.

How should issues and complaints from guests be dealt with?

Get involved. Notice signs of dissatisfaction in time and act quickly

Encourage the guest to provide an opinion on the service at your restaurant

Listen to all comments and complaints calmly and patiently, do not interrupt.

Never force a guest to repeat their requests and complaints.

Listen carefully without interrupting.

Find out all the necessary details.

Sorry for the inconvenience to the guest.

Thank the guest for their comments and show your genuine interest and willingness to help.

Never defend anyone or make excuses in front of a guest.

Take personal responsibility for solving the problem.

Act according to the situation - tell the guest what action you are going to take or suggest an alternative.

If the problem cannot be resolved immediately, tell the guest what action you are going to take, specify the date and time. Tell the guest your name - by doing this you take personal responsibility.

If a guest is unhappy with the solution you suggested, refer to the guide for help.

Personally check that all necessary actions to resolve the conflict have been taken and the guest is satisfied. Apologize again and thank the guest for bringing the issue to your attention.

Record all complaints received in the Incident Log and report this immediately to management.

Complaints are an important source of feedback and a symptom of larger problems in the future. Their repetition is unacceptable! Guests whose complaints are resolved quickly and efficiently become more loyal and loyal to the restaurant than those with whom you had no problems at all.

Main reasons for complaints:

slow service

poor quality of services

failure to comply with the deadlines

lack of service standards

lack of knowledge of the standards of telephone conversations

inability to listen and hear

lack of care and personal attention

lack of goodwill

carelessness or rudeness of the attendants

incorrect calculations when paying

delayed handling of minor complaints

Responding to complaints:

positive attitude to complaints

quick and objective response to them

registration, measurement and analysis of complaints

a responsible approach to responding to complaints

Standard Complaints Procedures:

Keep calm.

Put yourself in the shoes of a guest. Experience his experiences.

Focus on the guest - put your business aside for a while.

Listen carefully.

React - apologize. It is important that the apology is timely, personal, impeccable, understanding.

Be courteous and helpful.

Find a solution.

If it is impossible to solve the problem yourself, forward it to the one who is better and faster to cope with it.

Check it out.

Record your complaint in a report.

So, it should be noted that complaints are, of course, bad, but this is also an opportunity to show off professionalism in front of the guests, despite the complexity of the situation. Problem solving is a key element of excellent service.

2. Practical task. Development of a book of restaurant standards (for example, the restaurant "Karelia")

.1 The structure of the restaurant "Karelia"

I passed my industrial practice in the Karelia business hotel, in the Karelia restaurant.

For the practical part of my thesis, I would like to develop a version of a book of standards to improve the quality of service in my restaurant. After all, for real good restaurant means not only good cuisine, but also the highest level of service. In a modern market, failure to comply with either of these two conditions can result in, if not a complete failure, then significant financial losses for an institution.

External attributes, of course, are also important, but they often fade into the background, while high standards restaurant services play a huge role in increasing the profits of the establishment. It is on raising these standards that everyone who wants to succeed in the restaurant business needs to stake.

But first of all, I would like to demonstrate the structure of the restaurant service in which I did my pre-graduation practice:

.2 Development of standards for the appearance of employees

The following characteristics are the basis for the standard of appearance of my restaurant employees:

Ø during working hours in the restaurant and other areas of the hotel, a full set of uniforms issued by the restaurant should be worn;

Ø uniforms should be clean and ironed, without additional items or decorations. All buttons on jackets and shirts must be buttoned;

Ø it is forbidden to leave the restaurant building in uniform, if you do not have the permission of the head of the service;

Ø jewelry should be limited and simple in design:

Ø women have one ring on their hand;

Ø the chains should be worn under the blouse and should not be visible;

Ø chains are not allowed on the ankle;

Ø the number of earrings is limited to 1 earring per ear, no more than 1 cm long;

Ø men are not allowed to wear earrings;

Ø other body piercings are not permitted;

Ø hair should be clean and tidy every day;

Ø long hair (only allowed for women) should be neatly tied at the back;

Ø men must be clean-shaven daily;

Ø men's hair should not touch the shirt collar;

Ø mustache - neatly trimmed and tidy;

Ø wearing a beard is not allowed;

Ø all male staff must wear black socks.

Ø A name badge with your name on it must be worn on the left side of the uniform.

Since my restaurant is located at the Karelia business hotel, you can immediately understand that the main contingent of the restaurant is businessmen and business people who often come to our city on a business trip. And, of course, the first thing they pay attention to is the appearance of the staff. Therefore, I would suggest the following uniform for metro hotels, waiters and bartenders:

the shape is kept in strict colors (blue and gray shades)

if the metro hotel is a girl, then a prerequisite is wearing a skirt below the knee and tights flesh-colored

for the convenience of waiters and bartenders, aprons in dark blue with a pocket

men must wear a tie or bow tie to match their uniforms

Employee work schedules

The start and end times of work, rest breaks, meals and vacation schedules are established in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Start and stop times may vary from restaurant to restaurant. All processing is paid.

Schedules for going to work should be made in a timely manner and usually this is done by the administrator and approved by the head of the restaurant. In my restaurant, the work schedules of the service staff are as follows:

Administrators at the Karelia restaurant usually work according to the schedule - 1 through 3, but from the beginning of the season, such as 2 through 2, or even 2 through 1 are also possible.

The waiters work mostly 2 through 2, as do the bartenders.

Work time. Vacation.

You must come to work 15 minutes before the start of the work shift.

In times of heavy workload, you may be required to be present at the workplace at the end of the working day.

The number of working hours per week, the duration of the vacation and the procedure for granting it are spelled out in the contract of each employee.

.3 Ethical Standards for Guest Communication

Essence of professional ethics of restaurant workers.

As you know, the moral responsibility of restaurant employees is very high, since their activities are related to people. At the same time, the well-being, mood and health of the visitors communicating with them largely depend on their work. The work of restaurant employees cannot be strictly formalized. They are required not only high qualifications, but also a deep awareness of their moral duty to the guests. Here duty turns into a moral need. In other words, in professions of the "person - person" type, in addition to the general requirements of morality, there are specific requirements and norms of morality. These include, of course, the profession of a waiter, bartender, head waiter, etc.

The professional ethics of restaurant employees expresses the practically established morality of serving in a restaurant. What is its essence?

Professional ethics of a restaurant employee is a set of specific requirements and moral norms that are implemented in the performance of his professional duties in serving guests. It is based on psychology restaurant service... Professional ethics has as its goal the formation of a waiter (bartender) professional duty and honor, instilling the skills of a culture of communication, both with visitors and with their colleagues, etc. It serves the waiter as a guide to the available samples (standards) of morality. So, cordiality, politeness, tact, friendliness are the essential qualities of a restaurant employee. Each of them should strive for this exemplary set when serving visitors. In order to develop the habit of observing the requirements of professional ethics, a restaurant employee, especially a beginner, must at first monitor his every step. Then this will not be required, because he will no longer be able to do otherwise.

The requirements of professional ethics of restaurant employees are recorded in a special document (Code of Professional Ethics).

Let's consider the main provisions of the code in the memo "Rules for the culture of service in a restaurant":

Each guest should feel that they are welcome at the restaurant.

Every visitor is a potential guest.

A friendly look, a kind smile, combined with businesslike behavior, help to establish contact with the guest and facilitate his service.

The attentiveness of the waiter is one of the main conditions for a favorable moral and psychological climate in the restaurant's service hall. Inattention is the greatest evil in a relationship with a visitor.

Nothing traumatizes mentally, depressing and exasperating a visitor like indifference, a disdainful attitude towards him.

Know how to control yourself, show endurance and patience. Take care of yourself, do not allow yourself to be overly annoyed.

Respond to rudeness with restraint and courtesy.

Never ignore the claims and objections of the guests.

A sincere and timely apology is not humiliation, but a worthy admission of a certain guilt and a sign of culture.

Every deed of a restaurant employee must be motivated and not cause the guest to doubt his justice.

Stay upright and do not lower your head when you are in plain sight or talking to a guest.

Try to evenly distribute your physical and mental stress, do not forget about the hours of the main flow of visitors.

Stick to the time of arrival agreed with the guest.

Protect the honor of the restaurant and your fellow workers.

It is not enough for a restaurant employee to just learn the provisions of this memo. These provisions should pass into his convictions, become his "second nature".

2.4 Standards for meeting and accommodating guests

In my restaurant, I would like to propose the following standards for meeting and accommodating guests:

Ø the guest must be met within 30 seconds;

Ø meet the guest at the entrance to the restaurant and greet him;

Ø the greeting should be polite and friendly;

Ø use greetings according to the time of day: good morning / afternoon / evening;

Ø When talking to a guest, always try to make eye contact and smile;

Ø find out the name of the guest and use it in further communication;

Ø ask the guest politely if he has made a reservation;

if a table has been reserved:

Ø invite a guest to follow you to the table;

Ø lead the guest to a designated table, always pointing out obstacles such as stairs or steps;

Ø keep up with the guests and pay attention to how fast they are walking;

Ø never try to rush a guest;

without pre-order:

Ø find out if the guest prefers a section for smokers or non-smokers;

Ø check the possibility of receiving the required number of guests, then lead them to the table in the way described above;

Ø if space is not available, suggest an alternative restaurant in the hotel or ask if guests would like to wait at the bar and have an aperitif. In this case, write down the name of the guest and tell him how soon the table will be free. If the mentioned time is approaching, and there are still no vacancies, always inform the guests in the bar about the expected delay;

Ø it is necessary to seat the guest at the table within 1 minute;

Ø be sure to seat the guest at a fully set table;

Ø pull out chairs for guests (primarily for ladies, following their age), then for men, and last of all for the host of the feast;

2.5 Standards for the design and presentation of menus and dishes

Ø the cover of the menu should be clean and tidy;

Ø the menu should contain information about the company (address, phone number, working hours, name)

Ø the menu should reflect the specifics of the enterprise

Ø the menu must be printed in 2 languages

Ø the menu should represent an assortment of appetizers, soups, salads, seafood, meat, poultry, desserts

Ø the menu should reflect the range of dishes that the restaurant can actually offer at a given time

Ø the name of unfamiliar dishes should be briefly deciphered

Ø information about dishes must be complete, it is forbidden to replace the composition of dishes made according to the original recipe (if the recipe is changed, this must be indicated in the menu)

Ø names of dishes must be indicated in full, abbreviations are not allowed

Ø it is advisable to post color photographs of dishes

Ø all dishes on the menu are listed in sequence according to the meal.

The order of the dishes in the menu:

)Signature dishes and snacks are arranged in the same sequence as all other dishes on the menu

)Cold snacks should be placed on the menu in the following sequence:




From the bird


Egg dishes


The temperature for serving cold snacks should be 7-14C.

)Hot appetizers

Arranged in exactly the same sequence as cold

Serving temperature 80-90C

)First courses (soups) are indicated in the following sequence:


.Puree soups

.Refueling soups



Serving temperature of hot soups 75-90 С

)Desserts are hot first

Cold serving temperature desserts 7-14C, hot 65-75C


Since my restaurant belongs to the 3-star category, the menu should contain at least 10 cold appetizers, 3 hot appetizers, 5 types of soups, 23 main courses and 6 types of desserts. Moreover, at least 25% of the dishes must be branded.

Dishes and drinks:

Ø the design, appearance and color of dishes should be attractive;

Ø the assortment of breakfast dishes must comply with the standard (fresh fruit, muesli, cold meats, egg dishes, etc.);

Ø all meals must be freshly prepared;

Ø the dishes served must strictly correspond to their description on the menu;

Ø the temperature of each dish when served must comply with the standard;

Ø portions must comply with the standard;

Ø meals should be prepared taking into account the guest's requests;

Ø tea / coffee must be freshly brewed.

2.6 Standards for ordering and serving menus

After the visitor takes a seat at the table, the waiter must approach him on the left and offer a menu (in expanded form on the page with specialties) and a wine price list (in a closed folder). If several people are seated at a table by the same company, the menu is served to the eldest of them.

When meeting visitors, accepting an order and serving, the waiter must comply with the accepted rules of etiquette.

So, if there are women among the guests, you should help them take places at the table, substitute chairs. The menu is primarily offered to the older one. After waiting a few minutes, you should kindly ask if your visitors have chosen anything. If they ask for advice on which dish is better to choose, the waiter is obliged to immediately come to their aid with readiness, trying to take into account the tastes of the visitor.

Advice expressed with apparent indifference when a waiter, talking with a visitor, absentmindedly looks into the hall is unacceptable.

If the guest does not want to be helped, the waiter is advised to wait patiently. At the same time, he should never lose sight of his site, timely serving already ordered dishes and snacks to other tables, removing used dishes, etc.

If the guest asks the waiter: “What is delicious today? "- you should never answer:" Everything is delicious with us. "

When recommending a particular dish to a visitor, the waiter must competently tell about it taste and cooking features. For example, it is appropriate to say: “Order chops cutlets: they are fried in oil, accompanied by a varied vegetable garnish, aromatic and tasty sauce. " You should also clarify how long it will take to complete the order.

Then the waiter can help visitors in choosing wines for the first, second courses, etc.

The order for wines must be accepted immediately after ordering the dishes in order to be able to cool the wine or bring it to room temperature (at the request of the visitor). The waiter needs to thoroughly know not only the assortment of wines, but also their quality, features and, in particular, skillfully recommend certain wines in combination with the ordered dishes.

If the visitors, sitting at the table, have a long conversation, the waiter can, without waiting for the end of the conversation, ask: "May I take the order?" This is important to speed up further service.

When ordering portioned dishes it is necessary to check whether they are preparing in production by the specified date, and if there is a delay, call the head waiter or production manager.

An order from a visitor can be taken by a waiter, and from large companies or groups - by a head waiter. The order is recorded in a notebook of invoices in duplicate with a carbon copy.

Clarification of the time of order placement:

When a waiter accepts an order from a guest, it is imperative to warn the guest about the time of preparation of a particular dish.

This is done for two reasons:

to avoid conflict situations

for the convenience of the guest (since often guests can be in a hurry and for them the fastest cooking will be the best dish)

.7 Standards Required for Ordering

Having accepted the order, the waiter receives dishes for cold snacks in the service set and places an order. Then he goes to the hot shop and orders hot meals. And only after that he punches the checks at the cash register to receive the buffet products. Usually, when ordering second courses (hot), the waiter places an order for dessert dishes, so that the chefs prepare the necessary products or semi-finished products. Then, at the right moment for serving, cooking them will take much less time.

When receiving ordered dishes from the kitchen, the waiter must pay attention to their design, temperature, etc.

When receiving drinks, fruits and other products from the buffet, the waiter pays attention:

Ø Compliance with their order by name, completeness of assortment and quality;

Ø The cleanliness of the outside of the bottles;

Ø On the integrity of the factory cork and labels with the restaurant's stamp: check if there is sediment in the bottles, whether apples, pears, etc. are well washed and dried.

Ø Wine and vodka products are dispensed from the buffet in bottles or by pouring in decanters, with an individual order of 50-100 g of the drink in a glass. The products received in the buffet are transferred to the hall on a tray covered with a napkin.

After drinks, the waiter receives and serves sequentially cold appetizers, hot appetizers, soups, second hot courses, and then dessert.

When receiving hot snacks, the waiter should pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes, the presence of papillotes on heaps of cocotte makers and napkins, on the handles of chill molds or the handles of portioned frying pans folded in a triangle. This is necessary to protect the guest's left hand from burns, with which he holds the dishes by the handle while eating.

When receiving soups, the waiter must: put a tray covered with a napkin, a stack of heated deep plates (the plates are heated in thermal cabinets or mobile electric cassettes), next to the stack of plates, put a bowl of soup covered with a lid, a gravy boat or a rosette with sour cream and herbs, sold separately ;

Pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes, the temperature of the soup (for hot soups 65-70 C, for cold soups 8-15 C), the presence of sour cream and herbs, served separately or in the soup;

Side dishes and sauces can be served separately from the main product, hot side dishes - in metal dishes, and cold - in porcelain.

When receiving second hot dishes, the waiter must:

Ø put a stack of heated small (table) plates on a tray with the help of a parking brake;

Ø give the chef a check for the amount of products received;

Ø pay attention to the correspondence of the number of servings to the order, the appearance, the design of the dish, the cleanliness of the dishes, the temperature of the dish (75-85 C).

Ø Put the dishes on a tray with the help of the handbrake and deliver them to the dining room on the utility table.

When receiving sweet dishes, special attention is paid to the dishes served in glass, crystal dishes so that there are no chips or cracks on it.

The intervals between the receipt and delivery of different dishes are set by the waiter and visitors by agreement.

2.8 Standards for drawing up and submitting an invoice:

The invoice must be submitted within 3 minutes after the guest's request was made;

the guest asks for a check:

Ø print on the appropriate form a receipt from the system for the required table;

Ø before printing a receipt, check on the monitor whether all the names have been correctly entered into the system;

Ø the account must include all positions and be correct;

Ø Show the guest a check with a pen;

Ø the invoice must be submitted in a clean case and with a working pen;

Ø the waiter must quickly accept payment;

Ø the waiter must return all the change;

closing a check:

Close the receipt by receiving a receipt from the visitor and using the correct payment method;

Pay attention to payment by credit card;

Make sure that the check is closed to the corresponding card if direct access to the system is not possible;

If necessary, get an authorization code from the credit card company by phone;

Mark the card number on the guest's check and payment printout;

payment by credit card:

After receiving the credit card and closing the check in the system, present the printout from the credit card to the visitor for signature, hand him a copy along with the original guest check;

.9 Guest farewell standards

The guest leaves the table:

Ø move the chairs back and help with coats, if necessary, ladies first;

Ø thank the guests and invite them to come again;

The guest leaves the restaurant:

Ø When leaving the restaurant, thank the guests for their visit, wish them a pleasant morning, afternoon or evening and invite them to come back another time.

Ø try to talk to the guest in such a way as to establish personal contact - a guest who feels a friendly attitude from the staff is more likely to return to the restaurant;

After developing our book of standards, I did a little research to find out how much more efficient our restaurant has become. I reflected all the data obtained in the form of graphs and tables, according to which even non-professional people will understand how much the work of our restaurant has improved.

What we had before the introduction of the book of standards What happened after the adoption of the book of standards1. Appearance of the staff: Guests are dissatisfied with the appearance of the staff (untidiness, bright makeup) Staff appearance: Guests are very satisfied with the staff appearance (new, well-ironed staff uniform, light make-up, neat appearance) 2. The restaurant staff is not friendly enough and sociable 2. The restaurant staff is very polite and sociable, because they know the standards of ethics in dealing with Guest 3. Meeting and accommodation of guests: v Guests are met at the wrong time v The waiter greets the guests with the phrase: "hello!" v The waiter did not help to accommodate the women at the table 3. Meeting and accommodating guests: v Guests are met within 30 seconds v The waiter greets the guests with the phrases: “Good morning (afternoon, evening) depending on the time v The waiter always helps women and children to sit at the table 4. Menu: v Only in Russian v there are 6 types of halls in total. snacks v a small selection of major mountains. dishes and soups v there are practically no specialties v the names of little-known dishes do not indicate the composition of the ingredients from which they are prepared4. Menu: v in 2 languages ​​(Russian, English) v more than 20 types of hall. snacks v 12 types of main hot dishes, 10 types of soups. v 25% of dishes are branded v all dishes contain ingredients.5 Acceptance of the order and serving of the menu: v the menu is often served closed v guests are already ready to order, but the waiter is not in the hall v the waiter does not specify the cooking time 5. Acceptance of the order and serving the menu: v the menu is served openly on the page with specialties v the waiter is always in the hall if guests are sitting at at least one table and is always ready to take an order v the waiter always specifies the time of preparation of the dish 6. Farewell to the guest: v the waiter does not help guests with outerwear v the waiter does not thank the guests and asks them to come again v the waiter does not wish the guests a pleasant morning (afternoon, evening) 6. Farewell to the guest: v the waiter helps the guests to sit at the table and with outerwear v the waiter thanks the guests and asks them to come again v the waiter wishes guests a pleasant morning (afternoon, evening)

10 Application of service standards in practice (staff training, control over the implementation of standards)

Although we now have developed service standards in sufficient detail, for some reason, not all guests are satisfied enough. So what's the matter, why are guests often dissatisfied? Apparently, there is no completely unambiguous answer to this question due to the immense variety of tastes of the guests. However, I would like to formulate some useful recommendations for improving the restaurant's performance. They come from practice and my personal experience. Naturally, crucial role here it is assigned to personnel who are not very eager to comply with our standards, or simply have little knowledge of them. The main problem seems to be that the service standards are too formalized. The personnel, especially the contact personnel, mechanically perform the prescribed actions with the same haughty expression on the face of the ever-memorable Soviet catering. And, as practice shows, even in every detail of the process of receiving and serving guests, a soul should be put, figuratively speaking! That is why it is not enough just to develop standards, but it is imperative to train staff to apply them in practice.

In order to implement and successfully convey all the developed standards, it is necessary:

ü conduct (organize) research on the degree of satisfaction of guests with the quality of reception and service at the enterprise, trends in their needs, by means of questionnaires;

I would suggest this version of the questionnaire for conducting a survey of guests of our restaurant:

ü organize and carry out work to prevent abuse of contact personnel during the reception and service of guests;

ü organize training (advanced training) of contact personnel in practical skills to comply with the requirements of the standards for receiving and servicing guests established at the enterprise, by conducting trainings, seminars, lectures;

ü to develop, implement and apply a system of motivation, both material (cash bonuses, incentives, the provision of vouchers for the children of employees in camps), and non-material (certificates, medals, etc.)

After all, training is a form of active learning, usually aimed at the integrated development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, at the formation of the necessary abilities, the assignment of methods of "correct" behavior and action, the identification and development of ways to overcome typical difficulties. The effect of trainings is predetermined by a combination of a narrowly posed training task and the use of a wide range of exercises and games to achieve the training goal, ensuring a person's involvement in the training process, using all personal and professionally significant human mechanisms.

The general model of all types of training is a cycle:


As a rule, training assumes initial awareness of the participant about the action to which the training is devoted, and is based on the primary level of skills. Thus, the main task of the training is to improve and develop practical skills, bringing them to a certain automatism.

The key tasks that can be solved in training activities are as follows:

ü formation and consolidation of professional skills, replenishment of missing knowledge;

ü acquisition and expansion of subject knowledge;

ü formation and improvement of abilities;

ü mastering new tools and ways of using them, approaches and methods of work;

ü team building and skills acquisition teamwork;

ü correcting shortcomings in the performance of the employee's job duties;

ü bringing to automatism the skills of working in crisis situations;

ü consolidation of work skills in the performance of those that are especially important for the restaurant.

That is why this method of personnel training is the most effective. Unfortunately, trainings are held in my restaurant very rarely, which may be why the Karelia restaurant is not famous for its high level of service.


The restaurant is faced with the task of providing and maintaining the quality of service at the proper level, timely elimination of deficiencies in the provision of services, and developing a strategy for improving service. Research shows that the main reason a customer honors a visit to a restaurant again or not is the good or bad service provided, and this depends very much on the standards by which the enterprise operates. For the first time, the guest can be lured with good advertising, rich interior or varied menu, but the second time he comes thanks to the professional work of the staff and the high quality of service received earlier. The problem of quality of service is very relevant in many catering establishments in our country. Given the fact that customers' requirements for providing high quality service are constantly increasing and changing, the most important strategy is to provide a service of such quality that would satisfy all customer needs and meet the established standards.

And also you need to keep up with the times, that is, make some adjustments to the existing standards and, thanks to this, improve the work of your restaurant. Innovation in this case refers to all service innovations - both new services and improvements introduced into established service processes. In order to improve the quality of services and improve the culture of service, one should also systematically conduct a self-assessment of the service - questioning personnel about their interaction with service consumers and, of course, questioning visitors about the quality of the services provided. The accumulation and processing of statistics of questionnaires of consumers and personnel will allow the management of the enterprise to form and document a policy in the field of culture and quality of service.

However, unfortunately, there are cases when employees do not comply with the standards set by the leaders in their work, do not provide in service the quality that guests expect.

Dealing with complaints from guests is also a very important task for a restaurant to preserve its image. Complaints are an important source of feedback and a symptom of larger problems in the future. Their repetition is unacceptable! Guests whose complaints are resolved quickly and efficiently become more loyal and loyal to the restaurant than those with whom you had no problems at all.


Textbook Usov V.V "Organization of production and service at public catering establishments"

Usov V.V. Organization of service in restaurants. - M .: Higher school, 2007 .-- 211 p.

Tutorial Lyapina A.Yu., Chesnokova L.G., Chizhevskaya I.G. "Professions of service workers"

Grishina N.V. The psychology of conflict. - SPB .: Peter, 2000

Emelyanov S.M. Workshop on Conflitology. - SPB .: Peter, 2001

Academy of Hospitality website: www. nha. ru

Handbooks website. ru

If your establishment has a waiter service and you prefer to dine in your colleagues' establishments, and not in your own, then there are probably two reasons for this incident. The first is problems with the kitchen. The second is service problems. We are convinced that you know better the peculiarities of the work of your establishment and that you yourself will be able to compose a small questionnaire for your employees. Why don't you arrange a little impromptu service and maintenance review? Below is an example of such attestation offered by Pitportal.


When and how is the menu served to the guest?

The incoming guest is greeted and offered to choose a table at the bar.
After the guests have chosen a table, you need to help them sit down. Each guest is given a menu in a certain order (taking into account the gender and age of the guests). If this is a large company, then the tables need to be moved.

What does the waiter say when approaching the guests' table initially?

The waiter comes to the table as soon as the guests have taken the table. Introduces himself: "Good afternoon (morning, evening), my name is _________ I will be your waiter." Offers to order drinks (aperitif).
Describe the actions of the waiter immediately after accepting the order (Who should be informed about the specifics of serving). Having accepted the order, the waiter repeats the order to the guest and says "Thank you". He informs the chef and bartender about the peculiarities of serving.

How long does it take for drinks to be brought to the guest?

Drinks are brought to the guest during three minutes after accepting the order and when serving it to the guest, they must be called: "Please, your tea, coffee ...".

Describe the actions of the waiter immediately after accepting the order (Who should be informed about the specifics of serving).

Having accepted the order, the waiter (bartender) repeats the order to the guest and says "Thank you".

How long does it take for drinks to be brought to the guest? Describe what the waiter will do if the drinks are served in bottles.

If drinks are served in bottles (min. Water, wine, cola, etc.), then the first portion of the guest should be poured by the waiter. All glass ("highballs", "old fashion", glasses, etc.) is placed on the guest's table on the coasters for beer. All drinks are brought to guests on a tray. All portioned drinks from the bar are brought to closed bottles; glasses with ice, straws and lemon are brought separately.

What is the table setting, if the order is accepted for snacks, hot. What is the serving time of the snacks and how are they served?

The waiter accepts an order for snacks (hot dishes). The order must be repeated, to clarify the specifics of the submission. Before serving, the table is served with cutlery to order. Snacks are brought to the guest within 10 minutes after the order is accepted. In the event of a delay, it is imperative to warn guests. When serving, be sure to tell the guests the names of their dishes: please, your Greek salad, etc. Enjoy your meal.

What does the waiter say to the guest after serving the snacks?

After serving snacks, the guest is invited to place an order for a hot meal (if the guest did not do it right away), the order is repeated, if necessary, it is necessary to clarify the degree of roasting, the presence of a side dish, sauce, etc. After accepting the order, the Guest is told "Thank you."

Hot feed time.

"Hot" is served within 25 minutes after accepting the order, with the exception of dishes for which, according to the cooking technology, a longer time is allotted. The guest must be advised how long it takes to prepare the dish.

How is a hot dish served with a side dish?

A "hot" dish with a side dish is served - the main product (meat, fish, etc.) to the guest. When served, it is called: "Please, your medallions, medium rare."

How and when does the waiter clear the table while serving guests, and what does he say at the same time?

The waiter must promptly clean up used dishes, appliances, and replace ashtrays. When cleaning the table, the waiter asks the guest for permission: “Can I take your plate (your glass, etc.)? The waiter should be attentive when approaching the table, paying attention to small debris, clean it up in a timely manner (used napkins, toothpicks, etc.). Remove crumbs from the table using a special cloth or a damp cloth using a tray.
After the guest has had his fill of our drinks, salads, soups, hot, the waiter quickly removes dirty dishes from the table, (the table is cleaned with a tray !!)

What is the serving time for desserts and how are they served?

Desserts are brought within 10 minutes after the order is accepted and must be named when served to the guest. It is necessary to place dishes to the right of the Guest from behind; wish: "Bon appetit".

The actions of the waiter if the guest has eaten and finished his drinks, but does not ask for the bill

Ask: "Would you like to repeat your brandy (vodka, juice, tea ...)"?

How is an invoice served to a guest?

The invoice is given to the guest in a clean daddy on clean table with a restaurant business card.

How does the waiter see off the guests, and what does he say at the same time?

The guests are seen off by the waiter with the words: "Goodbye, thank you, come to us again, have a nice day, etc.".

How and for how long is the table cleaned after the waiter has seen off the guests?

First of all, the table is removed (the table is removed within 2 minutes, the table is cleaned and served only with a tray !!). The cleanliness of the floor under the table is carefully checked, the table is checked for the absence of chewing gum, wax. If necessary, call a cleaning lady.

What a waiter should look like

The waiter (bartender) must be in a clean uniform, look neat. It is obligatory to have a nameplate on the uniform T-shirt. Dress code for bar workers: top - branded T-shirt, bottom - dark trousers, shoes - black and closed. Men should be clean-shaven. A neat haircut is required. Long hair must be tied up. Uniforms must be washed at least once every 2 weeks.

Rules for serving food and drinks

The serving of food and drinks by waitresses (bartenders) should be carried out strictly according to the rules:
- All work is done from a tray (except for the bar). When the waiter (bartender) approaches the tables or paths, be sure to have a damp cloth on the tray for wiping the tables and change the ashtrays. An ashtray is considered dirty after two cigarette butts, a piece of paper or toothpicks are placed in it.
- Dishes and drinks are placed on the table on the right from behind the Guest, the main product (dishes) to the Guest.
- Glasses with logos are placed in front of the guest in such a way that the logo looks at the Guest. Be sure to have a stand under the glass with any drink.
- There must be napkins, an ashtray, toothpicks, spices on the table (if food is present).
- Sauce boats, cups, cocktail tubes, etc. additional items are brought to the Guests on a separate plate with a napkin. The sauce-boats must necessarily look with the handle to the left, and the handle of the spoon to the right. Likewise, cups of tea or coffee. See drawing. Served from the right from behind the guest! Appliances may only be covered when wrapped in a napkin and if they are placed on the table, then only on a napkin !! Cymbals are taken strictly by the rim! No fingers in the plate !!

List the order of serving dishes, as well as the nuances of changing the order of serving.

When the Guest orders drinks and / or dishes, food is served in the appropriate order:
Aperitif (drinks before meals);
Cold appetizer;
Hot snack;
Hot dish;
Hot drink.
In cases where you have doubts about the order of serving dishes or when the Guest asks to serve something from the "out of line" list, you should additionally check with the Customer about the order of serving drinks and dishes.
In no case should you bring overlapping dishes. When cold appetizer has not yet been eaten by the Guest, but the soup has already been brought !!

How and when is the table served?

Always cover the cutlery before serving. The presence of such situations is not allowed when the soup has already been brought, but there is no spoon for it yet. All additional devices (spices, napkins, etc.) are brought to the dish in advance !!

How should the waiter carry the tray?

The trays are only carried with one hand (left if you are right-handed)! It is not allowed to carry the tray by grasping it by the rim or by grasping it with both hands. In exceptional cases, a (very heavy) tray may be carried with both hands. It is strictly forbidden to place trays on guests' tables or on adjacent tables.

What is strictly prohibited for a waiter?

It is not allowed to turn your back to the hall, talk on non-production topics with each other, drink drinks in the club hall, chew, watch TV, read, listen to music, etc. Consumption of food and / or drinks in the hall will be immediately penalized !! It is not allowed to sit in the hall, let alone lie! Mobile phones are also not allowed.

Restaurant service is no different from any other customer service company. The only difference is that there are guests in the restaurant, and the key word in our case is “hospitality”. It's important to remember that guests don't go nowhere: the guest you lost today is your competitor's customer tomorrow.

Each company intuitively and each in its own way understands how the process of interaction with the client should be organized so that he is satisfied and votes for the company with his wallet and feet again and again. Based on the conducted research and internal analytics, the company is developing a service quality management system, in which a special place is given to service standards.

Let's list the basic principles of developing service standards:

· Standards should be based on the needs and expectations of specific people. In general, service standards should be clear and measurable.

· Standards should be developed based on what real customers say and think about the service, while the vision of even the top management is secondary.

· Standards must be achievable for staff and flexible in relation to different markets.

· Standards should include from the outset all costs that can be borne by the consumer.

· Standards should be shared by all team members: both managers and ordinary employees.

· Standards must be publicly announced.

· Standards are necessary to measure the level of development of a company, assess the level of service and customer satisfaction.

· Standards can and should change over time. Once established, service standards can become outdated in the same way as market strategy, positioning, brand, and so on.

Service standards are criteria necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the quality management system. Service standards refer to a set of procedures and daily operations performed by staff to maximize customer satisfaction. Standards mean not only the correct technology for serving guests, but also the attitude of the staff to their work, i.e. to visitors. Often, the reason for the deliberately unsuccessful service lies not in the absence of any expensive equipment and insufficient gloss of the interior, but in the "unobtrusive" service, therefore each "self-respecting" restaurant has its own code of regulations concerning:

· Behavior;

· Appearance;

· Technological process;

· Knowledge of a foreign language within the profession;

· Knowledge of the concept of the restaurant and its structure.

The standards of many restaurants determine that the staff should be: sociable, friendly, pleasant-looking, able to work in a team.

All restaurant employees in terms of qualification requirements can be divided into three large groups: management team (director, manager, administrator); staff working with guests (waiters, bartenders); supporting departments (technicians, warehouse workers).

The competence of the staff of these groups is of paramount importance for quality management. Restaurant management must ensure that the staff have the necessary qualifications, knowledge and skills to do their job in the best possible way. General requirements for all personnel can be indicated as follows:

· Politeness, friendliness, enthusiasm, interaction with colleagues, relations with guests;

· Flexibility, adaptability;

· Acceptance of responsibility, initiative;

· personal hygiene;

· Discipline, punctuality;

· Knowledge of work, quality of work, attention to detail;

· Work with a load, with stress;

· The ability to complete tasks to the end;

· Awareness of costs; knowledge of a foreign language.

Thus, service quality standards make it possible not only to ensure that each employee clearly knows what, how and when he should do, but also objectively, completely impartially assess the quality of his work, which is often a very difficult task in teams. From here the next point of my work flows smoothly.