Bonn soup - proven recipes. How to make Bonn soup properly and tasty

04.05.2019 Vegetable dishes

Bonn soup is ideal for those looking to lose weight quickly.

But the dish is not suitable for everyone. Especially alien to nutritionists. After all, the dietary food on the soup cannot be called balanced. And the taste of the dish is peculiar.

The main ingredients are cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes and onions cooked in water. Therefore, the soup from this is not particularly tasty.

Many criticize him for the special taste of boiled cabbage. There are alternative recipes for such people.

The dish itself is not harmful, but a diet on it can lead to the most unexpected results.

Benefits of Bonn Soup

Bonn soup, also known as celery or onion soup, is made with "negative calorie" vegetables. The body spends more energy on the digestion of these vegetables than it receives from them.

The main calories in the dish are from cabbage and onions. The rest of the vegetables add vitamins and essential nutrients to the dish.

As a result, the body begins to spend energy contained in body fat, and not received from food.

In addition, the soup contributes to a powerful cleansing of the body and the removal of excess fluid due to the improvement of the gallbladder and liver.

Calorie content Bonn soup, prepared according to the classic recipe, only 33 calories per 100 grams.

The nutritional value:

  • Fat - 0.08 g
  • Proteins - 1.33 g
  • Carbohydrates - 6.64 g

Vitamins and trace elements:

  • Potassium and sodium salts
  • Phosphorus salt
  • Iron and iodine
  • Vitamin PP and A
  • Vitamin B1 and B2
  • Many people wonder how often to sit on Bonn soup. One full course is a week, then you can repeat the course over and over again. Moreover, if some rules were violated during the diet, then the countdown must be started from the beginning.
  • During the diet, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and carbonated drinks, eat bread and fried foods.
  • As soon as there is a feeling of hunger, you can eat soup, there are no strict rules in the amount of food intake during the day.
  • The classic option, which allows you to achieve the maximum weight loss effect, should be cooked without salt.
  • It is better to cook the dish in vegetable broth. But, if such a recipe seems too bland, you can use a low-fat vegetable oil broth.
  • To add flavor, you can use dry garlic, coriander.
  • You can eat Bonn soup at night, but it is important to do this at least a few hours before bedtime.
Delicious and Calorie FreeDetails about What is more effective: exercise or the transition to proper nutrition? Massage, jogging or fasting?

Bonn soup without celery

The classic recipe requires a certain set of fresh vegetables and adherence to heat treatment rules.

Required Ingredients:

  1. A small head of white cabbage
  2. Five onions
  3. Five fresh tomatoes (canned can also be used)
  4. Two bell peppers
  5. Any available greens (chives, parsley, dill)
  6. Two carrots

Cut the vegetables and put them in a saucepan with water. Cook over low heat until all vegetables are tender. It is important to control the fire and make sure that the broth does not boil.

Celery recipe

  1. One bunch of celery
  2. Five tomatoes
  3. Two bell peppers
  4. 500 grams of white cabbage
  5. Six onions

Wash and chop vegetables, put in a saucepan. Then pour water (it should completely cover the vegetables) and put on fire. Bring to a boil first, then immediately reduce heat to minimum. Cook until vegetables are tender.

Broccoli recipe

  1. Six heads of onions
  2. Small white cabbage
  3. 10-12 small broccoli florets
  4. Two bell peppers
  5. Two stalks of celery
  6. Six fresh tomatoes
  7. Bunch of greenery
  8. Herbs to taste

Chop vegetables and wash. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and pour two liters of water. Cook over high heat for ten minutes, and then turn the heat to low and cook the soup until the vegetables are fully cooked. Add finely chopped greens just before serving.

Ginger Recipe (Enhanced Fat Burning Effect)

  1. 25 grams of ginger
  2. Three large tomatoes
  3. 300 grams of white cabbage
  4. Two carrots
  5. Two stalks of celery and 30 grams of celery root
  6. Two bell peppers
  7. Three heads of onions
  8. Greens

Wash all vegetables and cut into small wedges. Chop the greens, and grate the celery and ginger root on a medium grater. Put cabbage and onions, peppers, parsley, whole celery and carrots in a saucepan. Pour in two liters of water and bring to a boil. After that, make the heat to a minimum and add tomatoes, ginger, dry herbs and spices (except salt) to taste.


Any low-calorie diet can be hazardous to health. Be careful with the Bonn diet when:

  • pregnancy → low calorie meals
  • lactation → strong diuretic effect
  • gastrointestinal diseases

Before embarking on this weight loss system, it is advisable to consult a doctor, and with any hint of feeling unwell, immediately stop the diet.

A popular recipe for celery soup, which half of the female population cooks and eats avidly, is called Bonn. Consisting exclusively of vegetables, herbs and spices, it has a positive effect on the body all year round. And in winter, Bonn soup is a storehouse of missing vitamins and an excellent recipe for losing weight in the spring.

Cooking soup for weight loss

Despite the large number of ingredients, making Bonn soup is easy and fast. The combination of bright vegetables in a plate will cheer you up while losing weight by increasing your appetite. This palette of colors in a regular bowl of soup delights many children, so this recipe can help you teach your toddler to eat first. The soup recipe does not imply the presence of salt, because it is dietary, and salt during weight loss only retains excess fluid, preventing excess weight from leaving.

Cooking time: 40 min.

Servings Per Container: 6.


  • onions - 6 pcs.;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 2-3 pcs. (in general, you can vary their number to taste);
  • cabbage - 1 small head of cabbage;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • a bunch of celery stalks;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of green onion feathers;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • curry - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ground caraway seeds - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • coriander seeds (ground) - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • red hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • ginger root;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons l.


  1. We clean all the vegetables: onions, carrots, garlic and tomato (optional) - from the skin, pepper - from the stalk and seeds, cabbage - from the upper leaves. We wash them under running water and dry them with a towel.
  2. Cut the onion and Bulgarian pepper into rings or half rings, carrots - into half circles; We thinly chop the cabbage, the tomato can be cut in half and each half is chopped along thin plates.
  3. Finely chop the garlic with a knife or three on a grater with small holes together with the peeled ginger root.
  4. Cut hot peppers into thin circles.
  5. Wash all the greens and, shaking them, dry them. Grind cilantro, parsley and green onions with a sharp knife. Cut the celery root into thin beautiful slices.
  6. For a richer taste, simmer onions and green onions in a pan. To do this, pour a spoonful of olive oil into a preheated pan, pour onions. We sauté for 3 minutes on medium heat. Now add the garlic, red pepper slices, curry, cumin and simmer for another 5 minutes, but already on the minimum burner power.
  7. Put carrots, cabbage and celery into a medium saucepan and fill with 2-2.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil and, reducing heat, boil for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Add bell peppers, tomatoes and stewed onions with spices. After boiling, wait another 5 minutes.
  9. The last additions will be the remaining seasonings and herbs, which should boil with the whole dish for 2-3 minutes, after which the fire under the saucepan with the soup can be turned off.
  10. When serving, sprinkle the soup with a fresh portion of chopped herbs.

    Why Bonn soup is good for you

    Not every Slavic man will agree to eat the first course without meat and potatoes, so the Bonn recipe is preferred mainly by women. They experience its wonderful properties for weight loss and never cease to be amazed at the effect!

    And all the magic is in the soup:

    • vegetables containing a lot of fiber are digested for a long time without creating a feeling of hunger, cleanse the body of toxins and saturate them with vitamins instead;
    • spices and spices accelerate metabolic processes, preventing excess fat from being deposited and burning off already accumulated reserves;
    • the ingredients of the soup have practically no calories, but they have a good diuretic effect, due to which excess water and other fluids are excreted from the body, and this is an integral part of losing weight.

      The whole point of the diet is soup, which is the basis of the weekly diet. The recipe for the soup is already known, now check out more information about it:

      • soup is included in the diet menu every day. So that he does not get too bored, you can puree the same soup recipe every other day;
      • the obligatory green component of the soup is celery. The rest of the leaves can be changed to your liking, for example, replace cilantro with dill;
      • the soup can be cooked for 3 days in advance, observing the indicated proportions;
      • you can eat the main course of the diet all day without limit - it contains less than 40 kcal per serving. Even if you really liked the soup, and the idea of \u200b\u200blosing weight haunts you, do not forget about the rest of the diet and allocate at least one meal every day for additional foods for that day.
      • If the soup is cooked not for weight loss, but for a change (it is perfect for children for lunch), then its multi-colored composition can be supplemented with boiled meatballs or sausages. Also, the recipe goes well with soy sauce, sour cream or mayonnaise. This is the classic Bonn soup recipe, but there are a few more variations that are also used for weight loss, which may suit your taste too.

When planning to start fighting extra pounds, everyone is longing to think about a monotonous and not always tasty menu, on which you have to sit until the scales show the cherished numbers. However, nutritionists are breaking this stereotype by offering low-calorie yet nutritious and delicious meals. These include Bonn soup, which has recently been listed in almost all ratings of the best fat burners and is included in a variety of weight loss programs. It is worth trying at least then, to make sure from your own experience that the diet can be delicious!

What is this dish

Bonn Soup is a low-calorie and nutritious first course with vegetables. The classic recipe includes onions, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, celery and parsley. There are different variations with the replacement of some products with others, but the essence of this does not change.

Given its fat burning properties and low calorie content, Bonn soup is actively included in the diet for weight loss and even created a separate diet in which it is the main dish. As a result, it gives such amazing results that a whole nutritional system for weight loss began to be called after him.

How long Bonn soup has been used for weight loss, no one will say. He does not have an author, a patent, and even in historical sources there is not a single mention of him. In this regard, there are not so few hypotheses about its origin:

  • The city of Bonn, located in Germany, could become his homeland, but the Germans stubbornly reject their connection: there is no such soup in any national menu.
  • Bon, a Tibetan religious tradition, which includes spiritual practices and rules for the use of certain products, could offer the world a recipe for Bonn soup, if not for one "but": monks from Tibet prefer to eat fresh vegetables, rather than boil them.
  • Bon is one of the Japanese holidays, the menu of which could previously include such a dish, but now it is not in the national cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun.
  • Bon is a fairly common surname all over the world: who knows, maybe one of its carriers became the author of the dish, but his full name has sunk into oblivion.

So the question of the origin and birthplace of the soup remains open to this day.

Slimming mechanism

It's no surprise that Bonn soup is considered one of the best weight loss foods out there. In it, literally everything works for weight loss:

  • low calorie content: in a soup prepared according to the classic recipe, only 27 kcal per 100 g;
  • the nutritional value of the vegetables that make up it provides long-term saturation;
  • onions, celery, peppers (main ingredients) - well-known fat burners;
  • the acceleration of metabolism and a slight diuretic effect also play a role in weight loss;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, thanks to.

If you follow the rules of the Bonn soup diet, the results of losing weight are impressive: from 3 to 8 kg per week. They depend on the recipe chosen, the daily calorie intake and the degree of physical activity.

Potential harm


Small amounts of Bonn soup can be eaten by absolutely everyone. But if you decide to lose weight with it, you will have to eat this dish several times a day for a whole week, while excluding a number of products from the diet. Fasting like this can lead to side effects and health complications. Therefore, there are contraindications for following such a diet:

  • dysbiosis (intestinal microflora suffers from the lack of lactic acid products in the diet);
  • kidney disease (the diuretic effect can worsen their condition due to heavy loads);
  • stomach problems (peppers and onions irritate the mucous membrane);
  • eating disorders (unbalanced diet leads to relapses);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • allergies or individual intolerance to ingredients;
  • pregnancy (the lack of protein in the diet will have a bad effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus);
  • increased physical activity.

If you have chronic diseases, before losing weight, you should consult with your doctor, whether he will provoke their exacerbation. During lactation, the dish is not prohibited, however, regular use against the background of limiting the daily calorie content of the rest of the diet will not give a young mother the energy she needs in such a difficult period.

Side effects

If at some point the state of health began to deteriorate, it is necessary to stop the diet. This will be indicated by alarming calls from the body:

  • amenorrhea (due to a lean diet);
  • discomfort, pain attacks in the abdomen, heartburn;
  • flatulence, diarrhea;
  • swelling;
  • feeling of hunger (usually manifests itself 5-6 days after the start of the diet, when the body fully adapts to the new diet);
  • loss of strength, decreased performance.

You cannot stop these symptoms with one-time actions (drink pain relievers or energy drinks), you need to competently approach the issue of drawing up a diet and try to avoid these troubles. If they do overtake you, the only way out is to stop losing weight.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • the diet involves a budget set of products that will not punch a hole in the wallet;
  • does not break the usual daily routine, since you can take soup with you to work;
  • there is no intolerable feeling of hunger;
  • there are no rigid frameworks, rules, conditions;
  • no age restrictions;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • there is a choice of recipes;
  • high efficiency in terms of weight loss.


  • unbalanced diet;
  • limiting the period of weight loss - no more than 1 week;
  • monotony - quickly gets bored;
  • the presence of contraindications and side effects;
  • not everyone likes it, someone does not tolerate its smell (rather sharp due to celery);
  • not everyone likes daily cooking, despite the simplicity of the recipes;
  • too low daily calorie intake, which does not provide energy for the whole day;
  • the desired effect is not always achieved (this is due to the individual characteristics of the organism);
  • the results of losing weight are not persistent: the lost weight quickly returns;
  • intense physical activity is not recommended due to the lack of protein products.

Diet features

Brief characteristics of the diet. Type: low-calorie, fat-free, protein-free. Duration: 1 week. Results: from 3 to 8 kg. Difficulty: medium.

To lose weight, you need to properly organize the Bonn diet. Its basic principles:

  • daily calorie content - no more than 1,000 kcal;
  • you can eat only Bonn soup 5 times a day, or 3 times, but include additional foods from the allowed list in the diet;
  • the main dish has a diuretic effect, therefore, to maintain the water-salt balance, the daily intake of drinking water rises to 2.5 liters;
  • it is better to limit salt to a minimum;
  • you can't fry anything.

Allowed Products:

  • tea, coffee (without milk, cream, sugar);
  • dark chocolate (no more than 2 pieces for lunch a couple of times a week);
  • vegetables: beans (preferably red), peas (only not canned), cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes;
  • fruits (which can be eaten when losing weight, and which are prohibited, read on);
  • greens;
  • 1.5% milk (only 1 glass and only on the 4th day of weight loss);
  • chicken breast, boiled without salt and skin (250 g twice a week);
  • brown rice (only on the last day of the diet).


  • fatty meat, sausages, meat offal;
  • fried food;
  • dairy products;
  • confectionery, bakery products, pastries, ice cream, cakes, pastries, sweets, sugar;
  • white rice, pasta, porridge;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • canned food, fast food, snacks;
  • fish, seafood;
  • vegetables: potatoes, beans, pumpkin, corn, zucchini;
  • bananas, grapes;
  • energy drinks, juices, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Sample menu for a week

This diet option is quite gentle, as it involves eating protein twice a week (chicken breast) and a little carbohydrates (dark chocolate and rice).

If you are sure that you will adhere to a more strict weight loss scheme, eat Bonn soup for lunch and afternoon tea, excluding all additional permitted foods from the menu.

To diversify your diet and not break out ahead of time, use different recipes every day. In any case, it is recommended to eat only freshly brewed soup daily.

If the diet is too difficult for you, and you are sure that you will not be able to eat mainly soup throughout the week, use it in a different way:

  • for breakfast, drink a smoothie made from those vegetables that are included in the soup recipe, for dinner - a salad of them, for lunch - the soup itself;
  • include it in other diets;
  • arrange fasting days on it ().

Intensive and strength training is contraindicated, only light exercise complexes, exercises or short runs are left. To make up for the lack of protein, you can add 1 tbsp to the soup for lunch. l. 10% sour cream, a couple of times a week, eat 1 hard-boiled egg for breakfast.

entrance and exit

The Bonn diet does not guarantee permanent weight loss with long-term results. However, you can take care of this yourself by organizing the correct exit from it:

  • 1 day after the diet - include a dairy product (milk, yogurt) for breakfast;
  • Day 2 - lean meat for lunch;
  • Day 3 - a side dish for dinner;
  • Day 4 - low-fat fish, seafood;
  • Day 5 - a glass of wine;
  • 6 day - oils;
  • Day 7 - full transition to proper nutrition.

About making soup

Ingredients are interchangeable with minor caveats. Firstly, celery cannot be excluded from the recipe - it is he who provides the dish with fat burning, metabolic and diuretic properties (we will talk about its role in losing weight). Secondly, it should not contain high-calorie and starchy vegetables:

  • potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • squash;
  • zucchini;
  • corn;
  • pumpkins.

A controversial point is the inclusion of carrots: nutritionists warn that they have too high a glycemic index when cooked. However, it is a frequent ingredient in most recipes.

What else cannot be added:

  • flour for thickening;
  • cream;
  • starch;
  • bouillon cubes;
  • any broth.

Another controversial point is overcooking. On the one hand, the diet is fat-free and vegetable oil is on the list of prohibited. On the other hand, there are two reasons to still fry onions and carrots (if present in the recipe) in olive oil. First, it will add flavor to the dish and help it hold out until the end of the diet. Secondly, a little fat will not hurt: it will save nerve cells from death and prevent the development of amenorrhea. But this must be done wisely: no more than 3 times a week, the oil should be in a minimum quantity and of excellent quality.

What can be replaced with:

  • tomatoes - tomato paste or juice;
  • bow - asafoetida;
  • white cabbage - Peking cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower;
  • pepper - artichokes;
  • celery - daikon, parsley root, parsnip;
  • parsley - dill, cilantro, basil.

What can be added additionally:

  • bay leaf;
  • salt (in limited quantities);
  • black pepper (peas or ground);
  • favorite spices: a mixture of peppers, ginger, cumin, curry, coriander;
  • garlic;
  • tabasco sauce;
  • (do not get carried away with it).

Before use, you can pour chopped fresh leaves of dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, onion feathers into a plate.

To diversify your diet and enjoy the unusual taste of Bonn soup, grind it in a blender. Puréed liquid meals normalize digestion, promote weight loss and are the basis of various diets.

How to cook

Despite the abundance of recipes, there is a universal cooking scheme that is suitable for everyone.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Rinse all vegetables and peel if necessary.
  2. You can cut them arbitrarily, but with one condition: the pieces should not be large. The smaller, the less stress on digestion
  3. Whichever variety you choose, add salt to the cabbage after shredding and mash it with your hands so that it gives juice.
  4. It is not necessary to blanch the tomatoes. Better to crush them with a spoon or puree in a blender.
  5. Peppers must be thoroughly cleaned of seeds and core, otherwise they will add an unpleasant bitterness to the dish.
  6. For celery, take either the stem or the root. Parsley has only greens.
  7. All vegetables are thoroughly mixed in one large saucepan and covered with cold water.
  8. After boiling, the soup is cooked over low heat until vegetables are fully cooked - it takes about half an hour.
  9. In 10 minutes. before the end of cooking, it is allowed to add spices and salt.

Master this cooking recipe - consider that you can easily provide yourself with a tasty and nutritious weight loss.


  • Classical

Chop 6 onions, chop any sort of cabbage (300 g), mashed 6 tomatoes, put 2 bell peppers on straws, chop 150 g of celery stalk at random, at least 100 g of fresh leaves. Pour all this into 3 liters of cold water. Boil. Cook until tender (about half an hour).

Note. You can make Bonn soup without tomatoes: they are either excluded from this recipe altogether, or replaced with tomato juice.

  • With carrots (no celery)

Chop 6 onions, grate 4 carrots, mashed 3 tomatoes, put 3 green peppers on straws, chop 200 g of white cabbage. Fry onions and carrots in good olive oil. Pour 2.5 liters of cold water. After boiling, cook for 15 to 30 minutes. Cover with chopped fresh parsley and onions.

Note. Often in this recipe, it is recommended to throw 100 g of brown rice into the water at the very beginning of cooking, along with vegetables. A good help for a diet in the form of carbohydrates, but do not get carried away. Use it for a change no more than 2 times a week.

  • Multicomponent

Chop 250 g of onions (choose not very bitter), 100 g of celery root; puree 100 g of tomatoes; chop 70 g of cauliflower and white cabbage; grate 100 g of carrots; put 50 g of bell pepper on a straw. Light overcooking of carrots and onions in good olive oil is allowed. Pour 3 liters of cold water. After boiling, reduce the heat, after 10 minutes add 2 crushed garlic cloves, peas, 5 black allspice (you can use ordinary) pepper, a pinch of ground red pepper and 2 lavrushka. Turn off after 5 minutes. Garnish in portions with chopped fresh dill, parsley, green onions.

  • In a multicooker

Grind 150 g celery stalks, 1 onion. Chop 300 g of cabbage. Grate 100 g of carrots. Purée 3 tomatoes. Chop 1 red pepper at random. Pour vegetables into the multicooker bowl, stir. Add 2 lavrushkas, a few peas of black allspice, salt, chopped parsley (50 g). Pour 2.5 liters of hot water. Set the cooking time to 1 hour. Do not rush to open the lid: let the soup infuse for another half hour after turning off.

  • With broccoli

Cut 5 onions into half rings, chop 150 g of white cabbage, cut 10 broccoli inflorescences into halves, put 100 g of bell pepper, 100 g of celery stalks on straws. Add a liter of tomato juice, the necessary spices and pour 2 liters of cold water, stir. After boiling, cook without a lid, without reducing the heat, for 10 minutes, then simmer for the same amount under a lid on minimal heat. Sprinkle with any chopped herbs before use.

  • With ginger

Bonn soup with enhanced fat burning effect.

Grate 50 g root, 100 g celery root and 100 g carrots. Chop 300 g white cabbage and 2 green peppers into thin strips. Grind 100 g of parsley and 100 g of onions. Mix. Add 100 g of tomato paste, sprinkle with your favorite spices. Pour 2.5 liters of water. After boiling, cook for 30-40 minutes (watch when the celery root is ready).

  • With egg

A recipe for those who cannot live without sports and who require a daily intake of protein foods.

Chop 5 onions, 5 tomatoes, 3 stalks of celery, 100 g of any cabbage, 50 g of carrots at random. Mix, pour 2 liters of cold water. After boiling, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Add a pinch of black and white pepper, curry. Beat 1 raw egg, mix thoroughly, turn off, keep covered for 5-7 minutes. Serve with tabasco sauce.

Whichever recipe you choose, it will have the properties you need to lose weight quickly and effectively. The main thing is to add some zest to the dish so that the monotonous diet does not become boring and does not provoke a breakdown. And then the enjoyment of taste, and at the end of the path - the achieved results are guaranteed.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with other slimming soups (the best recipes, cooking rules):

Bonn slimming soup recipe

Bonn slimming soup recipe cooking fat-burning soup is suitable for all those who want to lose weight in the shortest possible time. The Bonn Soup diet is based on the fact that you burn a lot - a lot more calories than you consume.

Bonn soup: diet principles and Bonn soup recipe

It is important to observe one condition: for the period of this diet, you should refuse to take alcohol. Not a drop of alcohol, otherwise the fat burning effect will be neutralized. And, if you don’t wake up during the diet, you can lose at least 5 kg of weight in a week (ideally 8 kg).

Water regime during the weekly Bonn diet

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • You can drink clean mineralized water without gas, if there is none, then ordinary boiled water (at least 2 liters per day).
  • From drinks you can drink coffee and tea, fruit juices, but all without sugar. All flour and sweets are also excluded.
  • The main thing in the diet, as you already understood, is the Bonn soup. You eat it daily and at least 3 times a day.

What is permissible to eat in the Bonn diet on days from day 1 to day 6

  1. fruits other than bananas. Drink: tea, coffee, water, cranberry juice, all without added sugar;
  2. green vegetables, you cannot eat legumes, one potato baked with vegetable or butter is allowed for dinner, you can boil it, you only need water to drink on this day;
  3. fruits and vegetables, except for bananas, legumes and potatoes, drink only water;
  4. bananas from 4 to 6 pieces of medium size + 2-4 glasses of low-fat milk are allowed.
  5. 500gr. boiled beef or skinless chicken breast or lean fish + 3-4 tomatoes;
  6. beef or chicken + green vegetables add some brown rice with vegetables + unsweetened fruit juice to quietly get out of the diet.

This diet is not suitable for children, the elderly and people with gastrointestinal diseases. If you lost 8 kg in less than a week, then the Bonn diet must be stopped, this is fraught with negative consequences. Perhaps you are in doubt whether this diet is right for you or not, then you should consult your doctor.

Bonn slimming soup recipe - lose weight with taste and pleasure

Soup ingredients:

  • a bunch of celery;
  • 1 bunch of parsley and dill;
  • green bell pepper 1 piece;
  • large tomatoes 4 pieces;
  • onions 5 pieces;
  • carrots 2 pieces;
  • white cabbage (small head of cabbage) or Peking cabbage;
  • curry 1 tsp;
  • cumin 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • chopped garlic 20 gr.;
  • 2 bay leaves.

How to make Bonn slimming soup

  1. Prepare vegetables and herbs, wash and cut.
  2. Onion in a skillet with vegetable oil + curry + cumin + garlic, simmer a little.
  3. Put a pot of water in the amount of 2 liters on the fire, when the water boils, put chopped vegetables, seasoned onions and bay leaves in it. When the vegetables are soft, the soup is ready.
  4. Put prepared parsley and dill in the prepared soup.
  5. You can make another version of Bonn Soup. All the same, but instead of curry, cumin and garlic, put a small finger of finely chopped or grated ginger.

Bonn soup has not only a fat-burning effect, but also a diuretic, due to the parsley, celery included in its composition, and this soup also causes flatulence, which is normal when cleansing the body. However, these actions should be taken into account and not to plan important and responsible events for the period of this diet.