Approximate weight of a chicken egg. How much does a chicken egg weigh? Marked weight

05.08.2019 Egg dishes

Eggs are often used as an independent product (boiled, in the form of scrambled eggs), but they are also often components of many culinary dishes. Few imagine how much a chicken egg weighs.

Knowing the answer to this question is important, because it often becomes necessary to observe the amount of certain ingredients in cooking so as not to spoil them, and also to more accurately calculate the number of calories in dietary nutrition. The weight of different types of eggs can be found below. But first, a little about the egg itself.

Egg: nutritional value

Any egg consists of two parts that are in the shell: protein and yolk. The yolk itself contains proteins, fats and cholesterol. Protein contains 90% water, the remaining 10% is protein. The ratio of the masses of the three components of the egg (shell, white and yolk) is approximately 12:56:32, respectively. It turns out that the mass of protein is the largest. How much does 1 chicken egg weigh in general, we will find out later.

The egg is one of the most widely used human foods. It should be noted that any bird eggs can be eaten by humans. They are edible even in certain reptiles, such as turtles.

Chemical properties of eggs

The composition of bird eggs differs depending on the breed, species, age, feeding and maintenance conditions.

One egg (chicken) contains the following percentage of certain elements: proteins - approximately 12.57; fat -12.02; carbohydrates - 0.67; minerals - 1.07 and water - 73.67. At the same time, the calorie content of 100 grams of egg mass is approximately 158 kilocalories.

The largest egg in the world was recorded in the Republic of Cuba. Its mass was 148 grams. And the smallest egg laid by a hen in Papua New Guinea was only 9.7 grams.

The weight of eggs, according to Russian legislation, is divided into groups. Because this issue is also important in the production of sales of this product in the markets and in stores.

The weight depends on the established categories of eggs:

3rd category is assigned to eggs weighing from 35 to 44.9 grams;
Eggs of category 2 have a mass of 45-54.9 gr.;
Category 1st - 55-64.9 gr.;
Selected eggs (marked "O") have a mass of 65 to 74.9 gr.;
Highest category (marking "B") - 75 and more gr.;

The average indicators of eggs collected on their own farm are approximately 40-65 gr.

What is the upshot? How much does a chicken egg weigh? Most often, the average weight of an egg is taken as 60 grams. This weight is the mass of a standard chicken egg.

How many eggs are in one kilogram?

A very curious question. Knowing how much one chicken egg weighs, you can determine the number of testicles in 1 kilogram. It turns out that in one kilogram there can be from 15 to 25 medium-sized eggs, depending on the categories. Accordingly, 10 chicken eggs weigh approximately 400-650 grams.

The above data refer to shelled eggs. You can consider the data without taking into account the weight of the shell.

How much does a chicken egg weigh without the shell?

Without a shell, a selected egg weighs 59-68 grams (36-41 grams of protein, 23-26 grams of yolk).

All these data are needed when it becomes necessary to determine how much a boiled chicken egg (peeled) weighs. This may be necessary in cases where complex recipes are compiled in grams, and not in pieces. You just need to look at the above data for the weight without the shell.

To easily determine the mass of eggs, you should buy the product according to the factory marking of the categories. Usually in cooking, the third category is used, the weight of which is on average 40 grams.

Chicken eggs are a universal natural product with an extremely wide "range" of application. Indeed, the egg is an indispensable component for the preparation of many delicious dishes. And what a delicious breakfast you get from a fried egg - quick and easy! However, the creation of more complex culinary masterpieces requires precise adherence to the mass of the ingredients included in the recipe. So, how much does a chicken egg weigh? Today we will learn some interesting facts about this amazing and useful product.

The mass of one raw chicken egg ranges from 40 to 80 grams, depending on the category.

How to determine the category of an egg? If the product is purchased in a store, then it will have a special marking stamp with complete information for buyers. For example, the smallest eggs weighing 40 grams belong to the third category. The weight range of the product of the second category is 45 - 55 grams. The first category includes eggs weighing 55 - 65 grams, and if the weight is slightly more (65 - 75 grams), this is already a selected product. The largest eggs - "giants" have a mass of 75 - 80 grams and belong to the highest category.

European chicken eggs are somewhat different in weight from eggs grown, for example, in Australia. If in the UK an egg weighing 53-63 grams is considered average, then to Australians such sizes may seem very large - in the homeland of a kangaroo, testicles of the middle category reach only 43 grams.

What determines the size and weight of chicken eggs? One of the main factors affecting egg parameters is the age of the hen. As a rule, the older the hen, the larger the "obtained" eggs. The weight of the bird and the size of the "final" product are interconnected - most likely, a large hen will lay eggs of a larger size than a "slender" laying hen. Breed, food quality, climate, time of year and day also have a significant impact on testicular size.

How much does a boiled egg weigh?

The mass of one boiled chicken egg is 50-60 grams.

The mass of raw and boiled eggs is approximately the same - for this it is enough to determine the category of the product. But how much does a boiled egg weigh without a shell? It's easy enough to calculate.

It is known that the percentage of protein, yolk and shell in one egg is: 56%, 32% and 12%, respectively. Based on these indicators, it is possible to approximately calculate the weight of an egg without a shell, taking into account only the mass of protein and yolk.

Compared to a raw egg, the mass of a fried egg is slightly less. True, after frying, the calorie content of the egg approximately doubles.

The mass of a quail egg is 10-12 grams.

Quail egg is a natural delicacy with excellent digestibility and high nutritional value. Today, these brownish “small” testicles are increasingly used in the diet along with “classic” chicken eggs.

The weight of one quail egg is no more than 10-12 grams, which is almost five times less than the mass of an average chicken egg. Despite its tiny weight, the product contains 27 trace elements in its composition. A real find for diet food! There are especially many vitamins of groups A and B in a quail egg, as well as potassium, phosphorus and iron - two to four times more than in a chicken product. Eggshell is also the richest source of calcium and is used to prevent bone fragility, rickets and hypocalcemia.

It is noteworthy that a spoiled quail egg is very light - it simply dries in the shell. But the missing chicken egg has almost the same mass as the fresh one.

How much does an ostrich egg weigh?

The mass of an ostrich egg is 1.5 to 2 kg.

Ostriches are the largest flightless birds in the world. Due to their high adaptive capacity, these giant birds are very popular with our domestic farmers. True, the size of ostrich eggs compared to its body weight is quite small - the largest specimens reach 15 - 21 cm in length.

How much does an ostrich egg weigh? The weight of one such "testicle" is from 1.5 to 2 kg. If an ostrich egg is placed on one scale, then about 36 chicken eggs will have to be laid out on the other for balance. The density of an ostrich egg is very high - it can withstand the weight of a person of average build (about 80 kg). The shell thickness is up to 0.6 cm.

The largest ostrich egg was recorded in China - its weight was 2.35 kg and its diameter was 18.67 cm.

Ostrich eggs are low in calories and are an excellent dietary product. Although the energy value is 1.35 times lower than chicken eggs - 100 grams of an ostrich egg contains 118 kcal.

The taste of an ostrich egg is quite specific. But scrambled eggs from one such “testicle” will turn out to be the same size as from 25 chicken eggs.

According to the law in Russia, eggs are supposed to be sold not by weight, but by the piece. Right at the poultry farm, after laying, the eggs are sorted, dividing them into several weight categories, then they are labeled and packaged. Therefore, you can find out the approximate weight of an egg by marking, which is either applied to the surface of the shell, or written on the packaging and price tag. The full list of possible categories is shown in the table below.

Weight table of chicken eggs of various categories
MarkingWeight, gCategoryWeight tolerance, g
40 Third 35 45
50 Second 45 55
60 First 55 65
70 selected 65 75
80 Higher 75 -

What do the numbers and letters mean

Numbers 1 , 2 , 3 and letters O(choice), AT(highest) indicate the weight category of the eggs.

Letter With(table) means an egg with a long shelf life suitable for human consumption.

Letter D(dietary) means a high quality fresh egg, which after 7 days of storage (from the moment of laying) will lose its advantages and move to the rank of a regular table egg.

What kind of eggs to buy for recipes?

In domestic culinary recipes, it is customary to use the smallest chicken eggs of the third category weighing 40 grams.

Why are eggs sold by the piece and not by weight?

In Russia, this is prescribed by law. And there are plenty of that.

I weighed the purchased eggs, it turned out that they weigh less. Are we being deceived?

Without a doubt, poultry farms can deceive customers by labeling dishonestly. But, only a special check from Rospotrebnadzor can prove this. However, usually the weight does not match because during storage, the eggs lose weight very quickly due to the evaporation of moisture through the shell.

Do not eat cracked eggs. When buying, feel free to look for packages without cracked eggs.

If you do not trust the store or poultry farm, then check the weight of the eggs right in the store on the control scales.

Wash them with soap before cooking.

Weight of yolk, protein and shell

Most of the eggs are protein. During long-term storage, some of the water from the protein evaporates, as a result of which the total weight of the egg decreases. Often lost weight can be replenished by adding pure water to the protein, but this is only the case when the recipe requires the protein or the whole egg to be shaken.

Weight table for yolk, protein and shell of chicken eggs
The codeCategoryGeneral
Weight, g
Weight of components, g
Third 40 12 23 5
Second 50 16 29 6
First 60 19 34 7
selected 70 22 40 8
Higher 80 25 46 10

Weight of imported eggs by marking

Size Chart of Imported Hen Eggs from Europe
MarkingCategoryWeight, g Russian analogue
smallless than 53 Second
Medium 53 63 First
large 63 73 selected
Very Largeover 73Higher

Why eggs are not sold by weight, but by the piece

1. It is convenient to sell in ready-made packages of several pieces, but inconvenient by weight.

2. The weight of eggs during storage is significantly reduced due to the evaporation of moisture through the shell. In practice, selling by weight will lead to the fact that the trading network will buy from the poultry farm, for example, 1000 kg of eggs, and sell only 950 kg. The weight loss of eggs due to evaporation will have to be included in the sales margin, which will increase the price.

3. Eggs are a fragile product, the more operations are performed with them, the more eggs will break and crack. When weighing during the sale, the amount of broken goods will increase, which will also negatively affect both the price and quality.

4. Eggs cannot be sold together with other products due to the possibility of contamination of neighboring products with salmanella, therefore, to weigh the eggs, the store will have to open a special department for the sale of eggs and an additional workplace for the seller. Under such conditions, the price of eggs will soar to indecent values, and small shops will not be able to afford to sell this product at all.

Each breeder of laying hens is interested in the question of how productive his work is and what is the quality of the products. The most important question is how much a chicken egg weighs. After all, the category directly depends on this, which means the cost of products ready for sale. Even with high egg production, it is possible to earn lower profits if the size of the resulting eggs is small. Let's try to understand together the weight characteristics of the egg and its components.

Average weight of 1 egg

To determine the average weight of one egg laid by a chicken, you need to understand what they are. By weight, the grade of this product is determined, which can be seen on the labeling of each unit in the package. So, most often you can find the marking "C" and "D". And that means the following:

  • C - canteen, the period of which is more than 7 days;
  • D - fresh, dietary, it should not be more than 7 days from the date of demolition. If such an egg is not sold, the marking on it changes to C.

A number must be added to the first letter, which determines the category and shows what average weight 1 piece has. (C1, D2, C0, etc.) You can clearly see the layout by grades in the table below.

CategoryMinimum weight, g Maximum weight, g Average weight, g
3 35 45 40
2 45 55 50
1 55 65 60
0 (selective)65 75 70
Higher75 - 80
Two-yolk80 - -

From the above figures, it can be seen that the average weight of one product is 60 g. In culinary recipes, grade 3 with a mass of 1 pc is taken as the basis. 40 g. A dozen will weigh on average 400-650 g, and in a kilogram there will be from 15 to 25 pieces, depending on the variety.

without shell

If the total weight is of interest to manufacturers, then the volume without the shell is more important to buyers. On average, the weight of the calcareous shell of one egg is up to 10% of the total. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the following data:

CategoryShell, gWithout shell, g
3 5 35
2 6 44
1 7 53
0 8 62
Higher10 70

But do not write off the shells. On the farm, it is fed to chickens as a good source of calcium. In addition, fertilizers can be prepared from it.

Weight of white and yolk

Depending on the variety, the masses of protein and yolk in 1 pc differ. As a rule, the protein is assigned 55% of the mass, but the yolk accounts for 35%. This information may be of interest to those who monitor their weight. It is known that the egg is a serious source of cholesterol. In 100 g of hard boiled - 70% cholesterol, most of which is concentrated in the yolk. To accurately calculate the allowed amounts of cholesterol in the diet, you can estimate the ratio of protein and yolk by category.

CategoryYolk, gSquirrel, g
3 12 23
2 16 29
1 19 34
0 22 40
Higher25 46

Raw and cooked

Those who follow diets are often interested in the question: how much does a boiled chicken egg weigh and does this figure differ from raw? Since no significant processes of digestion, evaporation of moisture, or, conversely, impregnation of the substance, take place during the cooking process, the mass of one raw and boiled practically does not differ. The only thing is that we always peel the shell before use. It is by this value that a raw egg can differ from a boiled one.

People have learned to domesticate a chicken and get highly nutritious eggs from it since ancient times. Since then, many fairy tales, beliefs and rituals have been associated with its products. Here are some of the most interesting facts from the history of breeding this poultry.

  • The mass of one egg brought by a meat breed varies from 50 to 65 g.
  • Decorative breeds can make their masonry both medium-sized and very small. The Malaysian Serama has the smallest clutches, their weight barely exceeds 10 g, and the size is 1:5 to the usual one obtained from domestic outbred chicken.
  • Gigantic achievements in this area have also been noted. Almost reaching the size of an ostrich, a Cuban laying hen laid an egg. It weighed about 1.5 kg.
  • The harvest of English breeders distinguished itself in size. With a mass of one copy of 450 g, it reached 23 cm in diameter and 32 cm in length.
  • Most of the yolks (as many as 5) in one shell were also recorded in England.
  • The taste and mineral composition of the contents does not depend on the color of the shell. The color depends only on the breed and color of the chicken's earrings, and not at all on its nutrition or maintenance. The most prolific are laying hens, whose masonry shell is white, so these are the ones that can be found on sale most often.
  • In America, a breed with a blue, green and yellow shell color was bred, but the mineral composition of the protein and yolk is no different from ordinary whites.

Video "Unusual chicken brings matryoshka eggs"

Watch a video of an unusual chicken that carries food of different sizes: from small to giant.

The raw weight of a chicken egg is important in determining the value of the product. It depends on the breed of the bird, the conditions of its keeping and feeding, the season, etc.

The mass of cooked chicken eggs (boiled, fried, etc.) depends on the type of processing.

Average weight of one chicken egg

According to statistics, the average chicken egg weighs 50–55 g.

Its size is influenced by a number of factors:

  • age;
  • breed;
  • conditions of detention;
  • quality and frequency of feeding, etc.

Testicular mass is important in the poultry industry. This indicator is fundamental in determining the variety.

Why retailers don't sell eggs by weight:

  1. The egg loses weight over time as the liquid evaporates through the shell.
  2. The fragility of the product implies the presence of a separate worker weighing the goods.
  3. The current sanitary standards require the allocation of a separate room for the scales for the product.

All this increases the cost of the finished product.

According to the degree of freshness, the eggs are divided into:

  • dietary- no more than 7 days have passed from the date of demolition, they are marked with the letter "D";
  • canteens- more than 8 days have passed since the demolition, they are marked with the letter "C".

Important! The table variety is stored at room temperature for 25 days from the date of demolition, in the refrigerator - 90 days.

Eggs are usually sold in packs of 12, but may be smaller (6 or 10).

without shell

The weight of the shell is 10% of the mass of the whole egg, therefore, by looking at the label in the store, you can determine the weight of the product without the shell by simple arithmetic calculations.

Weight of white and yolk

It is impossible to name the exact weight of protein and yolk. A lot depends on the product category.