How to cut pineapple properly. Is it possible to quickly cut pineapple without special tools

04.09.2019 Healthy eating

For a person who monitors their weight and health, the selection of the right food is of great importance. It is rare to find delicious and low-calorie desserts at the same time; pineapple belongs to such delicacies. How to cut the fruit of paradise, you can find out by reading this article.

Pineapple works great as an independent dish and in many salads from meat or seafood.

The beneficial properties of a tropical fruit

Before showing how to properly cut pineapple, let's dwell on its beneficial properties. And there are a lot of them. This fruit is just a storehouse of useful elements. These are calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, carotene. The product also contains B vitamins, ascorbic and organic acids, a mixture of enzymes.

Thanks to the presence of bromelain, this fruit is excellent for helping to burn fat, therefore it is a frequent component of many diets aimed at stabilizing weight.

Eating tropical fruit helps in solving many health problems, for example, in the treatment of kidney and heart disease. Pineapple protects blood vessels from thrombosis, increases potency, is excellent in the fight against anemia. The use of this fruit is shown for people suffering from obesity, puffiness, irregular stools.

The negative effect of an exotic fruit

It should be remembered that pineapple is contraindicated for a certain category of people. Thus, the product is not recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract. For pregnant women, excessive use of it is threatened with premature birth. The fact is that pineapple has a positive effect on the work of muscles, thereby it can provoke contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

With frequent use of this exotic, there may be irritation of the lips and skin around the mouth, provoked by the juice of the fruit. Therefore, you should try to eat pineapple so that this liquid does not get on these areas of the skin.

Ways to peel pineapple

Many people are stopped from buying fresh pineapple by the length of the cutting process. But if you try to do this procedure several times, then cleaning the fetus will not take much time.

Depending on how you plan to serve this fruit, there are several ways to cut it. If it will be served in the form of cubes as part of a salad or cut into pieces for skewers, then the fruit must first be peeled. There are several ways to remove it: you can cut it into rings, and then release each of them from the outer shell, it is possible to remove the "fur coat" from the whole fruit. How to cut a pineapple depends on the desire and imagination of the person performing this process.

But it is still more convenient to remove the skin from the fetus right away, so this process will take less time, and there will be more juice in the pulp.

We clean properly

Before slicing the pineapple onto the table to surprise guests, let's start by properly cutting the fruit.

First you need to cut off the top with greens and the bottom opposite from it. This is done for the convenience of the culinary specialist, because this way the fruit will acquire stability, and the process of cutting the fruit will be much easier.

So, first of all, we cut off the top and bottom of the fruit, thereby turning it into a stable barrel in the skin.

Next, you need to peel the pineapple, a narrow and well-sharpened knife is suitable for this, because it is better to remove the outer layer in thin strips. After doing this procedure, the pineapple will remain in the spines arranged in a spiral. To remove them, deep cuts should be made on each side. The result is a shape that resembles the tip of a honey stick.

Cut pineapple into rings

This method of processing the pulp of the fruit is the most popular; it is carried out in several ways. How to cut pineapple into rings for maximum preservation of its juice and the amount of pulp?

The best option would be to slice peeled pineapple into washers. This procedure is carried out on a cutting board using a sharp thin knife. The fruit is best placed on its side and cut with washers as thick as a finger. Next, remove the middle from each cut off part.

You can also cut uncleaned washers. To do this, take the top of the fruit and place it on the board, remove the bottom, and then start cutting the pineapple as in the previous example. Next, peel each washer from the peel and islets of thorns.

Such rings look aesthetically pleasing, and it is convenient to take them, but the option of cutting without removing the core is possible.

The puck may not be cut in the middle, it is in it that the most useful components of the fetus are located (for example, bromelain, which helps burn fat).

There are special devices for removing the middle from a pineapple, with their help this procedure will not take much time and effort.

Pineapple serving option "Basket"

How to cut pineapple for the holiday table? The most beautiful way to serve this fruit is "Basket". This option will be an adornment of any feast, but certain efforts will have to be made to implement it.

The fruit must be washed well, dried and cut lengthwise into two equal parts along with the top. In order to cut pineapple like in the photo, you should not rush. It is important to choose the right and comfortable knife.

This method of cutting the product is also possible when the pulp is going to be added to a salad or served on skewers. The baskets can be used as dishes for various salads, and berries and fruits just look great in this design.

Melon sliced ​​pineapple

We cut pineapple beautifully with another option - the classic one. It is the "boat" feed that is very common in southeastern countries.

The bottom of the fruit is cut off, while the top part with greens remains. Further, the fruit is divided into four oblong, boat-like parts. We must try to have a fragment of the top on each of them.

We cut off the place of the rod from each part, and cut the remaining pulp across (cut the pineapple as in the photo). You will get triangles. Next, we move them in opposite directions one by one.

There are craftsmen who do not cut out the place of the rod. In the future, it serves as a kind of clamp for pieces of fruit. For this way of serving pineapple, you need to start removing the place of the fruit shaft from the bottom. Before reaching the top couple of centimeters, you should stop and bend the strip. Next, cut the pineapple pulp in the same way as in the previous method. You should get a beautiful and unusual cut, as in the photo.

How to cut pineapple correctly is a controversial issue. The main thing here is to remove unnecessary thorns, and then it is a matter of taste and preferences of the culinary specialist.

A whole pineapple looks impressive, but must be prepared before serving. To do this, you need to cut off the tough peel that hides the juicy pulp, and also remove the inner dense core.

Use a sharp knife to cut pineapple at home.

Instructions for cutting pineapple:

  1. First you need to cut off the lower part, which will give the fruit stability and facilitate subsequent work.
  2. Using a sharp knife, carefully peel off the skin, cutting off no more than 4-5 mm. This will leave dark spots on the surface that can be removed later.
  3. After peeling the pineapple, you should get rid of the remaining eyes, which are located in a certain order. Using a knife, you need to carefully cut off the dark points, making small indentations. As a result, the flesh of the fruit will be decorated with parallel grooves.
  4. In conclusion, you need to cut off the top part with herbs, cut the fruit into two halves lengthwise and remove the dense core.

The pineapple is now ready for further slicing.

How to cut pineapple for serving?

To serve peeled pineapple, you need to cut it into convenient pieces:

  • rings;
  • half rings;
  • small cubes.

Rings are most commonly used for cooking. This form of slicing involves cutting the peeled fruit into wedges and then removing the core.

For serving, it is best to cut the pineapple into small cubes and place with other fruits. At the same time, do not forget to provide guests with skewers with which you can pierce the pieces of pulp. Leftover treats can be frozen for later use in desserts.

Video instruction: how to quickly cut pineapple

If you have never carved this fruit for serving and want to see how it works, watch the instructional video. The video shows the order of operations. With a little practice, you can peel and chop a tropical fruit in just a couple of minutes. Care should be taken when peeling a pineapple, as the knife can slip off the dense skin of the fruit. When carrying out a cleaning operation for the first time, take your time. All actions must be clear and thoughtful.

Pineapple is the best dessert for people looking after their figure, so the presence of this exotic fruit in the New Year's menu is not even discussed. You can make several salads on its basis, serve with meat, or simply - in the form of slicing in the "company" of other useful gifts of nature. Meanwhile, do not forget that everything on the festive table should be flawless, and exotic fruit, as you know, is difficult to “curb”, especially if you are not used to it. But now it will no longer be a problem for you. So how beautiful is pineapple slicing and serving?

How to carve exotic fruits

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The miraculous properties of pineapple

Why does this exotic fruit help you lose weight? What is unusual about it? What is pineapple capable of? Firstly, the fruit has a delicious taste and is good, both as a separate dish and as part of salads. Secondly, this product is a whole storehouse of useful substances, which include:

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What diseases does exotic fruit treat?

Due to its composition, pineapple can be called a natural fortifying vitamin complex, but it is capable of more, for example:

Why do you lose weight from pineapple? It's all about bromelain, which is present in the fruit. It can be called a natural fat burner. Have you noticed any pineapple-based capsules that can help you lose weight? Of course, the concentration of the substance there is higher than in the fruit itself, but, as it is rightly noted, a drop wears away the stone, so eat the pulp for your pleasure and lose weight. This is exactly what some stars do, for example, Nikolai Baskov.

This is important to know! Alas, not everyone can consume the miracle fruit. For those who have high acidity, stomach ulcers or other problems with the digestive system, doctors recommend giving preference to other gifts of nature. It's all about the magical power of pineapple juice, which is saturated with natural acids that are useful for a healthy person, but dangerous for people with gastrointestinal diseases. You also need to be careful in the consumption of exotic fruit by pregnant women, as there is information that the product stimulates the muscles, and this is fraught with premature birth.

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Fruit cleaning methods

There are several ways to cut pineapple. How to find "your" from the kaleidoscope of the proposed options?

First, consider what you need this product for, the method of cleansing the fetus also depends on it. If you plan to make a salad from a miracle fruit, serve it in rings or make slices for skewers as part of an assorted fruit, then the peel is preliminarily cut off from the pineapple, and in the way that is convenient for you, because it is important to get intact pulp, and the "fur coat" will go in the trash.

Secondly, just trust your taste, because the process should give you pleasure, right? If, for example, you want to cut the fruit into rings, then you can do it directly with the peel, and then peel each of the rings separately. But let's talk about everything in order.

It is worth paying attention! If you eat pineapple often, make sure that the juice does not get on your lips and the skin around them, otherwise irritation may occur.

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Video tutorial from a professional

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How to peel pineapple

Cutting the peel is preceded by cutting off the top with herbs (by the way, do not discard this part, because it can be planted) and the bottom part opposite from the top so that the fruit can be put on a plate or board.

  • Step # 1 - cut off the top

Now in front of you is a kind of barrel in the skin. To remove the brown "coat" you need a narrow, well-sharpened knife. Peel off in thin strips, moving from top to bottom.

  • Step # 2 - peel off the "prickly skin"

Have you removed the skin, but the fruit does not seem peeled to you, because it contains many thorns? No problem. Now you will learn how to deal with them. To begin with, trace the lines on which the thorns are placed, then begin to spiral out the growths, making deep cuts on the sides of each of them. Remove these spiked triangles one at a time in a spiral pattern. As a result, you will have a very cute pulp shape, resembling the shape of the tip of a honey stick.

  • Step number 3 - remove the "thorns"

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How to slice pineapple for salad

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One of the most widespread methods of “cutting” pineapple in our country. The reason probably lies in the following: canned fruit in cans is often sold in this "interpretation". That is, we are used to seeing pineapple just like that.

So how beautiful is to cut pineapple into rings? There are two ways to accomplish this operation:

  1. Peel the fruit completely and then cut into washers.
  2. Cut the pineapple straight into rings and peel them individually.

You are free to choose any option, meanwhile, consider the following nuances:

If you decide to "cut" the fruit according to option number 1, then first you need to clean the fruit of the "prickly skin". You already know how to do this. The rest is simple. Place the fruit on its side on the board and start chopping the pulp into washers. Try not to make the plates too thin, otherwise they will break and the pineapple will not be served on the table. Aim for a thickness of about a finger. Next, cut out the middle from each washer - a fragment of the rod. You have got rings that can be beautifully laid out and served on the New Year's table, both separately and in the form of an "ensemble" with other fruits.

Choosing unclean washers? Wonderful. Take the pineapple by the top, put it across on the board, remove the bottom, and then start cutting the washers using the same method as in the first case. Next, you clean each washer using the technology of cleansing the whole fruit - along the perimeter in small strips. Don't forget to cut out the eyes as well, as they don't taste very good.

It is worth paying attention! Some people cut out the core because the hole puck looks more aesthetically pleasing and easier to eat. If you also do this, then in no case throw away the cut out rod, because it is in it that bromelain is located, which helps to lose weight. Make yourself a separate salad with such a "magic waste", then you will meet 2015 in impeccable shape.

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How to cut pineapple into rings

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A basket with pineapple slices can be a decoration for any festive table. True, you have to tinker with its manufacture.

So, you wash, wipe and cut the pineapple lengthwise - right with the top, which will amazingly decorate natural "dishes". Now from each half it is necessary to cut out the pulp, so much so that it separates in a whole piece. Then cut the pulp into cubes or whatever you like, and fold the pieces into the resulting halves of the fruit. That's it - the basket is ready!

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Southeast slicing option

Such cutting is classic for the countries of the southeast, its second name is melon.

In the fruit, it is necessary to cut off the lower part, then cut the pulp together with the peel across into 4 longitudinal parts, similar to boats. Try to have a piece of the apex present on each of them. Now carefully cut off a portion of the rod. However, some skilled chefs do not completely cut it off, but leave it as a kind of clamp for the pulp triangles. If you decide to do the same, then start cutting off the rod from the bottom and, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the top, stop, bend the strip, and cut the flesh across into triangles, which then move in opposite directions (as in the photo).

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How to slice pineapple using the melon method

As you can see, slicing pineapple beautifully is not so difficult, right ?!

Tropical fruits on the table are not only healthy, but also very beautiful. True, only if you know how to handle this exotic: how to peel, cut, and serve beautifully. It will be about the symbol of the tropics and the invariably welcome guest on our winter table - pineapple. Many will sigh in sorrow: they say, while you clean it, you will not want to eat. But only not when you know how to quickly peel and know how to cut and serve fruit effectively. Well, it's time to master this simple science.

Tropical fruits on the table are not only healthy, but also very beautiful

Rules for dealing with a foreigner

Pineapples are sold in large supermarkets all year round. But we still prefer to buy canned circles or slices in sugar syrup. And mainly due to the bias that there will be more waste from peeling fruit than "income." Indeed, pineapple has a thick skin and a tough core, these parts are unsuitable for eating.

Some scientists attribute pineapples to cereals, proving this by the similarity of growth.

It is interesting. Pineapple weighs on average about 1.5 kg, although there are cases when the fruits reached 15 kg.

Due to the appearance of the peel with scales and coarse hairs, it is unlikely that anyone would think to taste it, but with the core, everything is different: many "lazy people", not wanting to fight with the correct serving of pineapple, eat it. And then for a long time they remember such consequences as:

  • astringent taste in the mouth;
  • tongue swollen with itching;
  • unpleasant bitterness.

Therefore, when buying pineapple, remember that it will need to be peeled and cored.

Scientists from France have found that in the core of the fruit and in the pulp adjacent to it, there is a lot of bromelain - a substance that actively breaks down fats and removes them from the body. This reaction occurs 24 hours after eating the fibrous portion of the exotic fruit.

Step-by-step instructions with a photo

There are some pretty simple ways to slice a pineapple - the choice is yours.

There are several quick and easy options for peeling the "Indian cone" - that's what Christopher Columbus called the pineapple when he first saw it.

Special knife for cutting - and you don't have to peel pineapple

If you often eat pineapple, then it makes sense to purchase a special slicer, which is a kind of corkscrew with cutting plates, which are designed for peeling and cutting the fruit, as well as extracting the core.


A simple and correct way to clean - a keg

For this option for cutting a tropical plant, you will need a regular knife, but perfectly sharpened.


Video: if you just need to quickly peel and cut pineapple

An economical way - to cut without cutting

It can also be called "economical". It is convenient when you do not plan to eat all of the fruit in one go.

Chopping unpeeled pineapple is worth it if you don't plan on eating all of the fruit in one go.


  1. After we washed the pineapple and cut off the top, we cut off the required number of rings 1.5–2 cm thick.
  2. Cut off the peel from each circle with a knife.
  3. Cut out the middle. Ready.

Diced box

In this case, we immediately cut and arrange the serving of the tropical fruit.


Thai boats at home

This is also a very beautiful way of serving pineapple, echoing the previous one.


Video: making pineapple boats for the festive table

Beautiful spiral pattern

Actually, this is a beautiful way to remove "eyes". It is very simple: after you have thinly removed the skin and you have got a pineapple barrel, cut off the eyes not pointwise, but in a spiral.

The fruit, peeled in this way, looks very appetizing


Pineapple contains 60 aromatic oils that provide the unique flavor of this fruit, as well as a unique set of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health, increase hemoglobin and strengthen immunity. So the inability to peel this tropical fruit is a reason to master this skill, and not deny yourself the pleasure of eating tender, sweet and juicy pulp.

Pineapple in the fruit line is one of the most delicious. Among its advantages is the same: an unusual exotic look. But one of its main disadvantages is a thick peel. It makes the fruit difficult to peel. But there are several options for cutting pineapple: effortlessly, with maximum pleasure! Let's talk about them.

Pineapple in uniform

To begin with, housewives need to prepare the necessary accessories for cutting pineapple: this is a sharp knife, a cutting board, a flat plate. Now go ahead!

If the fruit is intended for a festive table, the ideal option is to serve it in a "uniform". It's beautiful, and ... economical. The thick skin of the pineapple protects the pulp from spoilage.

The process is similar to slicing a melon. Cut the pineapple in half, keeping the leaves for beauty. Then, with a knife, make proportional slices inside each part. In this case, do not touch the peel.

The next step is to separate the pulp from the peel, working with a knife. Now we rid the fruit of the unnecessary core. We take out the pulp, divide into pieces. We give them shapes to our liking: triangular, square. It is desirable that they are the same size. Pineapple boats with delicious juicy pulp are ready. You can divide the fruit not into two, but into four parts. And the addition of other fruits will add delight to the pineapple dish. For example, if you mix orange or pomelo with pineapple pulp. Here, be guided by your queen - fantasy! For this option for serving pineapple, you need skewers.


A convenient and practical way is to cut pineapple into rings. To translate it into reality, you need to separate the fruit from the "palm" crown. Then get rid of the base. Before starting work, you should rinse the pineapple well. Then, without getting rid of the peel, carefully divide the fruit into rings. The approximate width of each is about 2 cm. The resulting rings can be folded in the shape of a pineapple. And on top, like a real fruit, attach the leaves. Or you can simply cut the rings into two parts: vertically and horizontally.

Some housewives peel the resulting rings. From experience: eating small pineapple slices with peel is much more convenient. And they look more interesting on a platter!


The most popular method to handle pineapple beautifully is to cut it from top to bottom into slices. Neatness is important here, otherwise you can cut yourself with a knife. By the way, when working with this fruit, it should be well sharpened.

So, you should cut off the top of the pineapple and the base. So that the fruit can stand on the plate. Holding the fruit with one hand, you need to start peeling it from the peel. This process should be performed with confident movements. Remember to peel the skin as thin as possible. After all, it is under the peel that the sweetest part of the pineapple is.

Cut off unnecessary

The next step is to get rid of the peephole. They have their own order of arrangement: from top to bottom in a spiral. Therefore, they can be deleted several at a time. It's easy to do: follow the line with a knife
the location of the peephole, trim the fruit on both sides. It will look like a long triangle of pineapple pulp, which is notched on both the left and right. This strip just needs to be removed. And do this until the pineapple is completely clean.

You can also use a sharp knife to clean the eyes separately. The only downside is that the loss of pulp will be greater.

The pineapple cut should be completed by cutting the core. But you need to take into account that it is the tough middle that is a storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, it is better to keep it.

Now you can cut the fruit as your heart desires. Many housewives prefer to divide the pineapple into plates. There should be approximately four of them, each 1.5 or 2 centimeters thick. Then they can be shaped as desired.

Fruit as decoration

If you want to surprise the guests at the table, then you need to
create a masterpiece from pineapple. First you need to cut off the top from it. Then, we proceed to peeling the peel. The highlight is that it needs to be given a spiral shape. It is more convenient to do this if the pineapple is kept on a barrel. The resulting tape from the peel must be arranged on a plate in the form of a whole pineapple. In order to make it look like a real one, do not forget to add a top to it. The pulp can be cut in the traditional way - into rings. In this version, it is better to remove the middle. Place rings around the edges of the dish.

Pineapple - from the peel

There is an unusual method to peel the fruit. To do this, you need to cut off the crown and the bottom. Then, using a long knife, separate the skin from the pulp from the inside. This is best done if you follow the movements: up - down. The knife should go over the entire area of ​​the fruit.
The next step is to cut the core. Make pieces. Now the most pleasant moment - you need to remove the pieces from the peel. To do this, you just need to shake the pineapple over the plate. A delicious fruit treat is ready!

Slicing for salad

If you need to prepare pineapple for salad, there is a quick way to cut it. Trim the top and bottom of the fruit. Then we put it vertically on a flat surface. And we peel like a potato, moving from top to bottom. As a result, you should get a "flower" from the peel around the pineapple pulp. Cut off the peel with one movement of the knife. And we start working with the pulp. It should be cut like a watermelon. Then, we clean each slice from the core. And we cut the fruit, as required by the salad recipe.

We've covered several popular pineapple slices. Surely, every lover of this fruit will find a suitable one among them. But to get real pleasure from each piece of pineapple, you need to choose the right fruit. A selection of the most common tips to help you bet on the juiciest and tastiest pineapple:

- a good pineapple smells nice;
- the scales of a quality fruit should have a color from gray to orange, often with a yellow tint. If the scales are green, then the fruit is not ripe;
- a distinctive "sign" of a ripe pineapple - elastic and dense scales;
- the top will tell about the ripeness of the fruit - it should scroll a little.

Pineapple slicing video

Follow the tips and enjoy the beauty and taste of this exotic fruit!