How to dry dogwood in the oven. The use of dogwood in traditional medicine

19.04.2019 Soups


  • Dogwood

How to dry dogwood in a dryer step by step instructions with a photo:

We will need:

  • Colander
  • Baking tray


  • Dogwood

How to dry dogwood at home

Since ancient times, people have known that dogwood is very useful medicinal plant... Dogwood berries are a source of vitamin C. This vitamin is higher in dogwood berries than in rose hips and lemons. It is not for nothing that dogwood berries have been used for a very long time as an antiscorbutic agent. Dogwood berries have a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar, therefore they are used in treatment diabetes mellitus... In addition, scientists have proven the anti-inflammatory, tonic, tonic, choleretic properties of dogwood.

Cornel is not only healthy, but also tasty, so housewives make jam from it, prepare jams, sauces, compotes, jellies. Great way harvesting dogwood for the winter - drying. This method of procurement does not require much time and physical costs. There are several ways to dry dogwood at home - in the air, in well-ventilated rooms, in the oven and in an electric dryer.

For drying, choose bright red, large, ripe, but not overripe berries without defects, spots and damage. Dry dogwood berries along with the seeds, as they contain a lot nutrients... Store dried dogwood in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark place. Dried dogwood can be stored without losing its properties for 1 year.

Dogwood (dogwood, or blood-red svidina) is a shrub or tree, reaching seven meters in height, with red fruits. Lives for about 200 years. On the territory of Russia, it originally grew in the Crimea, later it began to be grown by amateur gardeners and experts in many other fields.

The discovery of the first dogwood seed dates back to 3000 BC. e., it happened in Switzerland. Now the dogwood is very popular in European countries: Poland, France, Italy, Moldova, Czechoslovakia. And also in America, China, Japan and the Caucasus.

If wild dogwood grows in the mountains of the Caucasus and the Carpathians, then in Bulgaria it is considered garden plant and is grown everywhere. No wonder - the dogwood jam is very bright and tasty, with a pleasant sourness.

Dogwood is considered to be the very first berry to give color in the new year. The bright yellow flowers open in mid-March, even before the leaves bloom. And the fruits ripen by mid-autumn.

Dogwood fruits are usually medium in size. The shape can be round, but more often it is elongated. Inside the fetus is inedible bone(it takes no more than 10% of the total mass for fresh berries), which is surrounded by sweet and sour, rather juicy pulp. It is covered with a red skin in a range of tones: from light red or dark red to dark purple and even black. Dogwood leaves are green, with strongly pronounced longitudinal veins.

Dogwood is prized for its healing properties. Berries are rich in vitamins C, E and P. Moreover, the content of ascorbic acid in the product is higher than in lemons and black currants. The pulp of berries contains: glucose and fructose about 15%; organic acids, such as malic, almost 4%; tannins; salts of iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and potassium, essential oil and provitamin A. Mass fraction fatty oils in the bone exceeds 30%. Calorie content of dogwood: 40-44 kcal per 100 g.

Berries are eaten fresh, dried, pickled, brewed with coffee, added as original seasoning to fish and meat dishes.

In skillful hands, dogwood turns into a very delicious jam and, compotes and jelly, syrups and marinades, wines, liqueurs, liqueurs and liqueurs, and even candied fruits. From the fruits of the dogwood, paste, jelly is made for astronauts and sailors for long voyages. These products have powerful anti-scab properties.

Cornel juice is a separate topic of conversation, which will definitely become the main one for one of the following articles. For now, I will only say that such juice tones up just as well as coffee.

Due to the saturation with trace elements and vitamins, both fresh and dried dogwood is used:

  1. For colds, scarlet fever and sore throat, because berries contain a lot of vitamin C, therefore, their consumption leads to a decrease in temperature.
  2. With diseases gastrointestinal tract due to its high pectin content.
  3. To normalize blood pressure.
  4. To reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis.
  5. With diabetes mellitus, to lower blood sugar.
  6. To minimize the risk of contracting scurvy.
  7. In case of lead or mercury poisoning, due to the ability of the dogwood to remove toxins from the body.

In addition to the listed useful properties of dogwood jelly and compotes:

  • eliminate inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improve appetite;
  • tone up;
  • fight vitamin deficiency;
  • strengthen the immune system.

V folk medicine also use infusions and decoctions of leaves and seeds of turf. A decoction from the leaves is a choleretic and diuretic, and from seeds - a stabilizer of the mental state and reliable protection against stress. Infusion of flowers helps with fever.

From decoctions and tinctures of seeds and leaves of dogwood, compresses and wipes are made to treat the skin, rinses. These help medicinal drinks with internal bleeding and infectious diseases.

Pregnant women and children

Dogwood is useful during pregnancy due to its high potassium content, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes the function of the cardiovascular system. The presence of iron improves metabolism, reduces the likelihood of recruitment excess weight... Even cornel fruits strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase hemoglobin, and reduce the risk of premature birth.

For a child, it is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, carotene and pectins. Cornel in the composition baby food help to avoid cancer and cardiovascular disease, relieve constipation, strengthen the immune system and intestinal microflora, enhance the secretion of gastric juice.

Dried dogwood

Any vegetable product best at fresh, and at long-term storage loses some of the nutrients. This is the case with dogwood. It is possible to preserve its beneficial properties as much as possible in several ways, but the simplest and most obvious is to dry the fruits.

Dried dogwood retains quite a lot of minerals and vitamins. This is due to the fact that the fruits are not subjected to high-temperature processing. Dried berries are sweeter, the acidity in them is hardly noticeable. Therefore, even the most capricious children willingly eat it.

In dried fruits from cornel, the content of trace elements is more concentrated, and this helps to compensate for the lack fresh fruit and vitamins in the autumn-winter period.

How to dry at home

Take ripe specimens as a basis. Can be used both wild and garden. The dogwood is dried whole, together with the bone. The fruits are harvested, unsuitable ones are removed (compote can be made from them), laid out on paper in one layer and left in the air, protected from direct sunlight. Turn over periodically. If the process takes place in the garden, the fruits are taken indoors at night.

V modern world there are many devices designed to make life easier for the hostess, such as a fruit dryer. In it, the dogwood dries wonderfully at 50-70 degrees. Finished product stored in linen bags (you can sew yourself from cotton, linen and other "breathing" fabrics) in a dark, dry place.

When buying dried fruit in the market, take it from grandmothers, not dealers. Otherwise, you run the risk of purchasing industrial-dried dogwood, which has been treated with sulfurous acid. Is it worth explaining how much this affects the useful properties of the turf.

The dried product can be used to make stewed fruit and jelly, or you can eat it instead of sweets with tea.

The benefits of jam

Cornel jam is a universal treat for the whole family. It is important not to overcook it, otherwise the jam will be dry and the berries will lose their pleasant juiciness.

Most often, this sweetness is used for acute respiratory viral infections and flu.

To be honest, it was the dogwood jam that saved me this spring, when I was ill for a whole month in total. The infection went around the body in circles, week after week, even honey did not give relief. Everything changed when I bought the coveted jar in the nearest supermarket for 300 rubles and ate this "tasty treat" until my teeth ached.

Also dogwood jam can cope with diarrhea, headache, some skin diseases(eczema, etc.). Well suited for the prevention of gastritis, kidney and liver diseases, arthritis and other joint diseases.

For those on a diet, dogwood jam is the most best dessert... First, it speeds up metabolic processes and removes harmful substances, thereby contributing to weight loss, and secondly, it is simply very tasty and can easily replace high-calorie chocolates and cookies for chronic sweet tooths.

Harm and contraindications

Like any other product vegetable origin, eating dogwood is in some cases harmful:

  • with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • with chronic constipation;
  • with individual intolerance.

People with an unstable nervous system are forbidden to consume dogwood and products containing it at night. In other cases, it can only harm if the fruits were grown in an environmentally unfavorable environment.

Winter is a period of colds and infections. In addition to cold weather, during this period, the danger is fraught with a relatively meager diet of people, because in winter there are few available natural vitamins. Dried fruits will come in handy in the cold season, because they retain all the richness of fresh fruits. One of the most famous and most healthy dried fruits Dried dogwood is rightfully considered.

This fruit with a pronounced taste and aroma will support immune system and will help to defeat colds, and its sunny amber color will cheer you up on gray winter days. And the best thing is that you can independently dry the dogwood fruits at home for the winter, and this does not require much effort.


The amber red dogwood fruit, the last bounty of autumn, is incredibly beneficial for improving general condition the human body as a whole, and this is due to its rich composition. The lion's share of nutrients in the composition of these berries is vitamin C. According to some reports, there is even more of this vitamin in dogwood than in black currant. In addition, it is famous for its high content of flavonoids, anthocyanins and fruit acids, which have a qualitative effect on the body. The composition of the berries includes two types of natural sugars - glucose and fructose, however, the calorie content is extremely low, 45 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Low calorie content makes it useful for people looking to lose weight, but that's not all. Fruit acids: malic, citric and succinic, of which there are also quite a lot in the cornel, help to increase metabolism, which also has a beneficial effect on a losing weight. This is not the end of the useful properties of dogwood.

Scientists have discovered and recorded that dogwood berries act on the body like antibiotics: they kill bacteria, viruses, stop and heal inflammatory processes, help in the treatment of cancer, and significantly reduce the risk of metastases.

It is noticed that for regular use With this product, people with diabetes significantly lower their blood sugar levels, and improve the condition of the kidneys and liver.

The researchers noticed that with regular use dried berries dogwood significantly improves blood composition: the number of red blood cells and leukocytes increases, the level of cholesterol decreases and the risk of blood clots is significantly reduced. The level of antioxidants at least doubles - this helps to significantly improve the state of the human cardiovascular system.

Since ancient times, it is customary in China to treat diseases genitourinary system decoction from dried fruit dogwood. Chinese girls rub dry berries and use them as a facial scrub - in their opinion, this reduces skin pigmentation, makes it fresh and tones it. Drinking a decoction of dogwood berries with honey in China is recognized as the most effective means with increased sweating, reduced immunity and chronic stages of diseases of the respiratory system.

Dogwood has quite low glycemic index, therefore, it is admissible in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Potential harm to the body

Despite all its beneficial properties, dogwood can be dangerous. So, its abuse can lead to the beginning of the fermentation process in the body, and this will inevitably lead to diarrhea, colic and flatulence. A fairly high acid content can exacerbate chronic inflammatory conditions of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, such as gastritis and ulcers, pancreatitis and frequent heartburn.

Excessive use dried dogwood can lead to vitamin C hypovitaminosis. The rest of the vitamins are easily excreted by the body through urea, and vitamin C is deposited and accumulated. This condition manifests itself in the form of dizziness, nausea, the appearance of bitterness in the mouth, rashes are possible.

Do not include dogwood in the diet of children under 6 years old, as it greatly affects nervous system makes children too active and excited. The same applies to people with insomnia and anxiety syndrome.

Contraindications for eating dried dogwood and others possible types- intestinal ulcer, allergies, stomach acid imbalance.

Drying methods

When someone was lucky enough to grow or purchase a fresh dogwood, and the question arose about preserving it until winter, drying would be the surest solution. There are many types of harvesting these berries, however, only drying will preserve all its useful properties, because high-temperature modes are not used during drying, which destroy most of the nutrients.

The easiest and most correct way to dry dogwood berries in an electric dryer. Only whole fresh berries are suitable for drying in the dryer. The fruits must be sorted out, the leaves must be removed if they come across. Then the dogwood must be rinsed, spread on a waffle towel and allowed to dry. The prepared fruits must be folded into the containers of the dryer in one layer, so that there is a small distance between them.

At the first stage, the dryer must be set at 60 degrees and the berries must be dried for 5-6 hours, then continue drying at 50 degrees until tender. It is important to stir the berries throughout the drying process, at least once every 2-3 hours.

You can store such dried fruits in a dry container or bottle, it is important that the container has access to fresh air so that the berries are not damp.

If the house does not yet have such a miracle of technology as a dryer, you can dry the dogwood in the oven. The drying process in the oven is almost the same as drying in an electric dryer.

The berries must also be washed and dried well. Spread out in a thin layer on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 60 degrees and put the baking sheet inside. You need to dry it for 5-7 hours, periodically turn the baking sheet over, and stir the berries. Keep the oven door open all the time so that the berries do not bake. Further, the temperature must be increased to 70-75 degrees and continue drying until tender. Turn the baking sheet the same way, stir the berries, and leave the door open.

One more traditional way drying is the production of marshmallows. This method is often called "lavash" for its similarity to thin Armenian bread. To dry the dogwood in this way, bones must be removed from the berries. The easiest way to do this is with a sieve: you need to rub the berries through a fine sieve. It is enough to spread the resulting puree on a wooden board in a layer of 3 millimeters and dry in a dry, ventilated place. Such pita bread can be made more spicy by sprinkling it with paprika, hot pepper and other spices to taste, serve it as a seasoning for hot and main dishes. Pastilla can be made sweeter by dipping clean berries in a warm sugar syrup for 10 minutes and only then wipe and spread out to dry.

The most natural process is sun drying. This method was also used by our grandfathers and grandmothers. Clean berries should be laid out on wooden boards or cardboard and taken out to a sunny, well-ventilated place. To prevent flies from landing on the berries, you can cover them with one layer of gauze. It is worth drying only in solar time days, at night it is better to bring the berries into the house so that they do not become damp. It is important to monitor the weather conditions and prevent the berries from getting caught in the rain. Such drying lasts more than one day, the process can take up to a week.

Today on the market you can easily buy dried dogwood and not torment yourself with the production of homemade preparations. However, quite often you come across unscrupulous sellers who, under the guise of dogwood, sell sugar-soaked and dried tomatoes. To distinguish a real dogwood from a fake, it is enough to open one berry: in natural product there will be an oblong seed, in a fake tomato seeds. Real dogwood is pear-shaped, so it looks like a drop when dried.

It costs no more than one year to store dried dogwood in any way. During this period, the berries will not lose their beneficial properties. Further, vitamins and other useful substances are rapidly destroyed and make dogwood berries a useless food supplement.

For information on the composition and properties of dried dogwood, see the next video.

this shrub or low tree, migrated to us from the Caucasus and took root in the lands of Ukraine, Moldova and Russia. Kizil translated from Turkic means "red". Its scarlet berries contain great amount anthocyanins, vitamin C and pectin substances.

The benefits of dried dogwood

Cornel is a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. It contains about 10% fructose and glucose, vitamins A, C, R. Cornel is rich in ascorbic acid. Richer than even black currant. In the cold season, when our body needs vitamins, dogwood is a faithful helper.

Important! Dried dogwood contains more concentrated nutrients than fresh.

The antifebrile antipyretic effect of dried dogwood can save during the period of weakening of the body. It is recommended to use it for dizziness, gout, measles, sore throat, rheumatism, as well as for digestive problems - it improves metabolic processes in the body. The healing properties of dogwood also include the prevention of sclerosis. Therefore, a couple of dogwood berries a day - and you are healthy, protected and full of energy. After all, dogwood is a tonic that will always help you to be in shape.

Did you know?These red berries are a good prophylaxis during flu epidemics.

How to dry dogwood at home

Drying dogwood is the easiest way to preserve all of its medicinal properties. In addition, the procedure is not time consuming and does not take much time. You just need to select whole, undamaged berries, rinse thoroughly under running water.

Important!It is necessary to douse the berries with water diluted with vinegar for disinfection.

So, the easiest way to dry berries is to dry them on fresh air but not in direct sunlight. Find a dry place and place the pitted berries on heavy paper. Leave the dogwood for 3-5 days, then collect for storage. More quick way Is drying in the oven. You need to put the berries on a baking sheet, keep at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, then increase to 75 degrees. Do not forget that all good things are good only in moderation. Excessive consumption of berries can lead to undesirable consequences.

Why is dried dogwood useful?

Dried dogwood also has medicinal properties... It contains a lot pectin substance which helps to eliminate toxins from the body. The diaphoretic property of dogwood also helps cleanse the body of excess water.

How to cook dried dogwood

The recipe is quite simple, but long-term. First you need to select whole berries, rinse them and separate them from the seeds. Then cover with sugar and leave for a day. Drain the resulting sugar syrup and place the dogwood on a baking sheet. Put in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. Take out and cool the berries. Repeat the procedure two times.

We will look at the easiest way to freeze dogwood. After freezing, the dogwood does not lose its taste and medicinal qualities. And some say that they even improve their own performance. For freezing, we select ripe berries, wash them, let them dry and place them in the freezer tray. Then we pack it in packages and send it back to the freezer. A fairly simple procedure provides us with a year-round source of vitamins.

How to dry dogwood in a dryer step by step instructions with a photo:

Arrange the dogwood in one layer on the racks of the vegetable dryer. Dry at 60 ° С for 5 hours, and then dry at 50 ° С until tender.

We will need:

  • Colander
  • Baking tray


  • Dogwood

Dogwood must be dried correctly!

Since ancient times, people have known that dogwood is a very useful medicinal plant. Dogwood berries are a source of vitamin C. This vitamin is higher in dogwood berries than in rose hips and lemons. It is not for nothing that dogwood berries have been used for a very long time as an antiscorbutic agent. Dogwood berries have a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar, therefore they are used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. In addition, scientists have proven anti-inflammatory, tonic, cholagogue properties of dogwood.

Cornel is not only healthy, but also tasty, so housewives make jam from it, prepare jams, sauces, compotes, jellies. A great way to harvest dogwood for the winter is drying. This procurement method does not require much time and physical costs. There are several ways to dry dogwood at home - in the air in well-ventilated rooms, in the oven and in an electric dryer.

For drying, choose bright red, large, ripe, but not overripe berries without defects, spots and damage. Dry dogwood berries along with the seeds, as they contain many useful substances. Store dried dogwood in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark place. Dried dogwood can be stored without losing its properties for 1 year.

Cornel is not only a very useful, but also a tasty berry, so there are many ways to prepare it. These are compotes, preserves, jellies and jams. There is one more way of cooking, which does not require much time or material costs. This is the drying of the dogwood fruit.

Dogwood berries are dried not only for culinary needs, berries are used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Ripe (but not overripe) berries are harvested, you can pick them even unripe - in the process of ripening, the dogwood gains flavor and does not lose its healing properties.

The berries are dried together with the seeds, which also contain a lot of useful substances. You can spread the dogwoods on heavy paper or cloth and leave in a dry place. After ripening, the berries will gradually begin to wither. Dried dogwood outdoors on the street or even on the balcony in the room. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight on the berries and avoid dampness. If the berries are dried in the garden or on the balcony, the pallets must be brought indoors and covered overnight. Stir the berries periodically to dry evenly, and then, if all conditions are met, after three to five days they can be removed for storage. Store dried dogwood in linen bags, cardboard boxes or wooden boxes in a dark, dry room.

Enjoy your meal!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

And although dogwood is not as popular as, for example, or raspberries, if you managed to "get" a kilogram or two of berries, do not miss your chance to prepare it for the winter. Among other preparations - jam and compote - dried dogwood is especially useful. It practically does not lose its beneficial properties, which are abundant in this small berry. The process of drying dogwood is simple, but rather long, although a minimum of active participation in the process is required. Today we will tell you how to cook dried dogwood.

- granulated sugar - 250 g;
- purified water (filtered) - 250 ml.

1. Sort fresh dogwood berries carefully. Remove rotten and deformed berries. Also throw away too green ones. Rinse well and discard in a colander so that all the water is glass. If you have large quantity berries, increase the amount of sugar and water in direct proportion.

2. Cut each berry and carefully remove the seeds. It is almost impossible to do this with unripe berries. So don't ignore the first step of the recipe.

3. Fill in the dogwood granulated sugar... Leave at room temperature for 24-36 hours. Remember to cover the dogwood bowl with gauze or kitchen towel from insects.

4. After about a day, juice is formed in a bowl of dogwood. It needs to be drained. Cornel juice can be brought to a boil and consumed immediately. Or you can boil it for 5-7 minutes and prepare it for the winter by pouring it into sterilized jars and sealing it. But this option is only suitable if you are dull. a large number of dogwood.

5. Prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, mix sugar and refined cold water... Put on medium fire... While stirring, bring to a boil. Then wait until the syrup is boiled down by about a third. Pour the syrup over the berries. Leave the dogwood in this state for 5-10 minutes.

6. Then strain the berries from the syrup. Place in a single layer over a baking dish or baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees. Dry the dogwood in the oven for 20 minutes. Then remove and cool. And put it in the oven again for the same time at the same temperature. If your oven does not work on these low temperatures, then you can dry the dogwood at 80-90 degrees. But in this case, reduce the cooking time to 15 minutes. And you will also need to do 2 approaches.

Store the dogwood in an airtight container in the refrigerator. You can use berries for filling baked goods and making desserts, cereals and other categories of dishes.
Happy blanks!

Learn also how to cook

Red dogwood berries attract not only people, but also birds and animals. The healing properties of the fruits persist for a very long time, so everyone regales themselves with berries as soon as they ripen.

In general, fruit picking is a long process. On the bush, the fruits ripen unevenly, both fully ripe and green are preserved, so you have to pick one berry at a time or do, as is customary in places where there is a lot of dogwood: lay a tarp under the bush, shake the twigs well and the ripe berries will crumble themselves.

How to properly dry dogwood

First, you need to find out why you need to dry the fruit at all. Dried dogwood has useful properties and contraindications.

1. Berries are rich in vitamin C, therefore, are indicated for use in the season of colds.

2. Compote or a decoction of berries starts the metabolic processes of the body, helps to restore immunity after severe diseases, surgical interventions.

3. Berries are very good as a means for appetite, as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

4. With astringent properties, the fruits are indicated for diarrhea.

5. Dried dogwood has a choleretic effect, the fruits are good for diseases of the genitourinary system.

6. Possessing hematopoietic properties, dogwood is prescribed for anemia, for the regulation of blood pressure.

But not only this is good dried dogwood, useful properties are numerous, berries literally "save" the cardiovascular system, preventing vascular sclerosis.


1. Cannot be used for chronic constipation.

2. Caution will not hurt if the stomach is acidic.

And now about how to dry dogwood:

1. Berries must be sorted out, removing spoiled fruits.

2. The berries are washed under running water, then dried.

3. Bones have mass useful properties so they are not removed.

4. Drying is carried out in a slow mode, it is not recommended to overdry the fruits.

If there are unripe berries in the total mass, then you can leave them to ripen in a cool dry place - they will quickly gain full ripeness.

Drying dogwood in an electric dryer

Of course, the berries are dried not only by means of a smart unit, ordinary drying on a canvas in a ventilated room is permissible.

But it will take a lot of time, it is much easier to put ready-made (washed and dried) fruits on electric drying trays, then like this:

1. Switch on the device at a temperature of 60 C, no more;

2. Put baking trays with berries scattered in one row into the dryer;

3. Heat for 5 hours, then reduce the heat to 50 C, dry until the skin wrinkles and the berries darken.

Advice! It is not difficult to determine the degree of readiness: the dogwood begins to "ring", that is, when the berries are poured onto a plate, they emit a pleasant clicking. The product is completely dried, it remains only to pour the fruits into linen bags and store in a dry and dark place. Knowing how to dry dogwood in an electric dryer, it will not be difficult to prepare berries in the oven - there is only one principle, but it is important that the cabinet is with convection.