How to remove coffee stains from clothes. How to remove coffee stains - a list of effective means and methods

03.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Your favorite clothes or fine furniture can be seriously damaged by an accidentally planted stain. Such contaminants are of a wide variety of origins. But if the stain remains from coffee, then the fight against it becomes several times more difficult. After all, such pollution is quite insidious. They are always rich and bright, like the drink itself. And the most unpleasant thing is that most often they belong to the category of old ones. Indeed, in the morning, when an incident usually happens, there is practically no time left to deal with the problem. Still, it is quite possible to remove an unpleasant stain if you know how to wash your coffee. Let's figure it out.

What to choose?

What if branded clothing or new furniture is damaged? How to remove a coffee stain? Most importantly, do not despair.

Every housewife knows very well about effective potent remedies. However, one should not forget about folk methods that have been tested over the years. In addition, chemicals are not always on hand, and the opportunity to immediately go to the store is not at all a tempting prospect.

If we talk about home remedies, then most of them are always at hand. In addition, they are no less effective than aggressive store drugs. Therefore, let's figure out how to wash coffee using available means.

Removing fresh stains

How to wash coffee if a drop of the drink has just spilled on your clothes?

Fresh stains are superbly removed with a mixture of glycerin and table salt. Mix these components. Then apply the resulting composition to a fresh stain. Leave the composition on the fabric for about 30 minutes. You will see how glycerin salts will perfectly discolor yellow stains.

As soon as the stains start to fade, wet the item and wash it as usual.

Old stains

Now you know how to remove a recent coffee stain. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to declare a merciless war on pollution immediately. What if you urgently need to run to work, and a completely unaesthetic divorce flaunts on a beautiful blouse?

Let's figure out how to wash coffee in this situation. Fill a basin with warm water. Pour some baking soda into the liquid. Stir the water thoroughly. Soak your blouse in the basin. And after returning from work, carry out a full wash using special products.

If the stain has completely dried out, then the procedure becomes much more complicated.

  1. Initially, the item must be soaked in water and salt. The solution is prepared, taking into account the proportions: 100 g of salt per 10 liters of water. Soak the stain for several hours. Then wash is carried out.
  2. Mix glycerin and ammonia (5 g each). A little water is added to the mixture. A cotton swab is moistened in the resulting product. Then the coffee stain is carefully rubbed. After a few minutes, the contamination will disappear.

Removing stains from white items

Unfortunately, very often it is light-colored fabrics that get dirty. The question arises - how to wash coffee from white clothes?

There is a great traditional method for getting rid of this kind of pollution. You will need lemon juice. It is best to use a freshly squeezed drink. Citric acid can be a good substitute for juice. These ingredients have excellent whitening properties.

Use the following great method on how to remove coffee stains on white:

  1. Combine citric acid (2 tsp) and oxalic acid (1 tsp).
  2. Add water (200 ml) to the mixture.
  3. Treat all coffee stains carefully.
  4. Now stretch the thing.

Removing dirt from colored items

Dyed fabrics require a special approach. When thinking about how to wash your coffee, remember that your procedure should not lead to a loss of color brightness.

To protect colored items from fading, it is recommended to use a borax solution (10%). It perfectly removes unpleasant coffee stains. In addition, this tool is quite effective in combating impurities left after tea.

So, let's take a look at how to get coffee off your clothes:

  1. Work the stain thoroughly with borax solution.
  2. The resulting stains will be perfectly eliminated under the influence of lemon juice (5%) or acid, with the addition of a pinch of salt.
  3. It remains only to rinse the item in cold and warm water.

When thinking about how to wash coffee from white or colored clothes, be sure to consider the structure of the fabric. Pollution control methods depend a lot on what kind of material has been damaged.

  1. If stains remain on linen or cotton fabrics, what should I do? How to remove coffee stains on white? Cleansing is done by boiling. Flax or cotton must be soaked in a bowl of water, after adding soda ash to it. To separate the dirt, put a saucepan on the fire after 40 minutes. Liquid bleach is added to the water, observing the ratio: 60 ml per 1 liter of water. The liquid should boil. Now things need to be carefully transferred to the pan. Boiling continues for 30 minutes.
  2. To remove coffee stains from silk fabrics, you can use a lovely old-fashioned way. Combine ammonia (1 part), water (20 parts), alcohol (20 parts). Wipe the dirt thoroughly with a cotton swab. Now use a dry cloth to dry the wet spot. Finally, wash the thing lightly.
  3. If a coffee stain flaunts on a woolen product, then this method will help you. Carefully rub the dirt with dry soap. After that, work it through thoroughly with an ordinary brush, having previously moistened it in a solution of ammonia (2%). Stretch the thing. Wipe the stain with a swab soaked in gasoline. After this procedure, work out the contamination with a solution containing water and ammonia. These components must be mixed in equal amounts.

It is extremely unpleasant if coffee stains are found on your favorite things. To get rid of them, you have to spend a lot of time and effort so that the clothes shine with their original shine. However, measures taken in a timely manner can greatly facilitate the task. After all, the fight against fresh stains is always more effective and happens much faster!

The pleasure of drinking your morning coffee can be replaced by great annoyance if coffee splashes fall on your favorite dress. How to be in this case? Of course, removing the stain immediately is quite possible without much effort before it dries up.

Consider all the problems that arise when coffee stains appear on clothes, carpets and furniture, as well as ways to eliminate unpleasant yellow teeth.

Emergency measures

  • cover a damp spot with a napkin or towel to remove excess moisture;
  • a fresh stain should at least be treated with baking soda, if there is no time, and in the evening you can do a complete cleaning of the product. To do this, sprinkle baking soda on the stain or soak the whole thing in a warm baking soda solution;
  • sprinkle ordinary table salt thickly on the dirt, rinse and wash the residues after a few minutes (this is how spilled coffee with milk is also removed);
  • mix glycerin with salt, rub the paste into the stain, wash after half an hour with washing powder;
  • soap the place of contamination with laundry soap, wash after a few minutes;
  • you can use a suitable stain remover (for example, Antipyatin, Ushasty nanny), which removes organic stains, following the instructions (also suitable for cappuccino with milk).

If time is lost

How to remove an old coffee stain that has penetrated deep into the fibers of the fabric and stained the product. Several popular recipes for removing coffee stains:

  • if the product is soaked in a soda solution immediately upon the formation of a stain, then later it can be washed with a suitable washing detergent;
  • the dried spot should be soaked in salt water (100 grams per 10 liters of water), washed after a few hours;
  • Combine glycerin with ammonia in equal parts and add a little water. Wipe off the dirt with this composition, wash in warm soapy water after a couple of hours;
  • you can soak a dried stain for 2-3 hours in warm water with powder, and then wash with detergent powder containing stain remover capsules, rinse three times;
  • A dried coffee stain on jeans should be soaked in warm soapy water, rubbed with a brush, washed with the addition of soda ash (1 tsp for 2 liters of water), rinsed in warm and then in cool water with vinegar.

What will save the white clothes

The best ways to remove coffee stains on white:

  • lemon juice (or at least citric acid) whitens well. Dissolve citric acid (2 tsp) and oxalic acid (1 tsp) in 200 ml of water, treat the contamination with this composition and wash;
  • rub hydrogen peroxide with a sponge or swab into the stain until it disappears and wash with regular powder;
  • wipe the contaminated area with glycerin for half an hour, it will soften and eliminate contamination, then rinse with warm water;
  • apply white lime on a stained cotton or linen cloth, hold for a little and remove completely (you can drip a little ammonia). Not suitable for synthetics, silk and woolen fabrics.

Important. Salt ammonia and hydrogen peroxide should be used carefully, they aggressively clean the fabric, it can be damaged.

How to keep the color

Cleaning of colored items from coffee splashes and stains should be done so that the product does not fade, the brightness of the colors does not decrease. There are effective home cleaning methods:

  • Dissolve borax in water (1:10) and rub into the dirt;
  • combine lemon juice or citric acid with salt (5: 1), such a composition will eliminate stains, then rinse in warm and cool water;
  • rub the composition of ammonia, glycerin and water in equal proportions into the stain, wash after a few hours, preferably by hand;
  • Mix glycerin with table salt, cleanse as well.

All methods for cotton and linen fabrics

You can remove coffee particles from weaves of linen and cotton fibers as follows:

  • thick linen items can be soaked in hot water, rubbed with laundry soap, pulled over a container and then spilled with boiling water from a kettle. You can repeat the procedure several times until the spot disappears completely;
  • treat old dried spots with a mixture of sodium hydrogen sulfate (sold in pharmacies) and baking soda, 1 tbsp each. Dissolve a spoonful of both substances in 3 liters of water. With this composition, soak the dirt, rub with a brush, wash after an hour;
  • mix ammonia and turpentine oil (analogue of turpentine) in equal proportions, soak a napkin or tampon in the solution, wipe off the dirt. When completely absorbed, wash and rinse well;
  • white linen and cotton clothes can be boiled (at least half an hour) with laundry soap or even whiteness (60 ml per liter of water). You can soak the product for 30-40 minutes in warm water with bleach or soda ash, and then wash.

Secrets of cleaning a nylon blouse

Synthetic fabrics such as polyester, polyamide, rayon, acetate, nylon must be cleaned very carefully. The easiest way is to lather with laundry soap, wait a little and rinse thoroughly. If this does not help, then there are the following ways:

  • combine ethyl alcohol (1 tbsp. l.) and half a liter of water, soak the product in it for a few minutes and wash in it. Then rinse thoroughly in cool water;
  • prepare a paste from table vinegar (1 tablespoon) and washing powder (one tablespoon), apply to the contaminated area, rub, remove and wash after 5 - 10 minutes;
  • with a composition of hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp. l.) and half a glass of water (100 ml) wipe the place of contamination, wash after 20 minutes with washing powder;
  • Foam dish detergent and cover the entire stain with it, wait a little and wash in the machine or by hand. An efficient way for colored synthetic clothing.

A delicate question

Delicate fabrics such as wool and silk require special treatment. Wool fibers quickly absorb moisture and color.

There are several ways to remove coffee stains from such fabrics:

  • make a mixture of glycerin (1 tsp), ammonia (1 tsp) and water (1 tbsp), soak it and wipe the stained area, let it dry for a day. Then wash and rinse thoroughly. It is used for greasy coffee with milk stains;
  • with a solution of ammonia, ethyl alcohol and cool water in a ratio of 1:20:20, soak and wipe off the dirt, rinse well after a while;
  • wet the place of contamination with a solution of table vinegar and water in equal parts, hold for about half an hour, wash with a suitable washing powder;
  • moisten the stain with glycerin, after a few minutes remove it with soapy water, then wash in the usual way. You can apply a slurry of heated glycerin and salt to the dirt, wait until it dries, wash and rinse. In this way, you can remove the stain from spilled coffee with milk;
  • a solution of boric acid (10%) rub in and rinse well, then rinse thoroughly;
  • Lather the contaminated area with laundry soap and apply ammonia with a swab, rub in, rinse with warm water after half an hour. Wash with powder detergent for delicate fabrics.

Important. Milk coffee stains must not be soaked in hot water. The milk protein will curl up and the stain will become more resistant.

Wrestling on the carpet

If the coffee stain is on the carpet, then the rules for cleaning are the same as for cleaning clothes. It is advisable to remove the stain as soon as it is on the carpet, for this you need to blot excess moisture with a napkin or a thin towel, but do not rub. The method of removing the stain also depends on the material of the carpet. For a synthetic carpet, the methods specified for synthetics can be used, the woolen carpet is cleaned by the methods for woolen clothes, and so on. The universal method is to clean with a solution of shampoo or a suitable detergent, it is applied to the carpet, after an hour it is washed with warm water and dried with a hairdryer.

Problems for coffee lovers

Coffee and tea can form an unpleasant yellow plaque on the teeth. At home, you can use some folk remedies for teeth whitening:

  • an aqueous solution of edible salt brightens and strengthens the enamel;
  • powdered activated carbon cleans teeth and removes germs;
  • rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide (3%) after brushing your teeth with a regular paste (25 drops per glass of water). But it must be used carefully, otherwise it can damage the enamel;
  • tea tree essential oil gently cleans teeth, reduces bleeding gums, apply 2 times a week;
  • turmeric paste (1 tsp) with coconut oil (1 tsp) and mint oil (2-3 drops) brightens, refreshes and protects the enamel;
  • Olive oil removes coffee stains on your teeth, you can rub your teeth with it daily.

If folk methods do not help, then you can turn to specialists for professional whitening. They can offer ultrasonic teeth cleaning, air abrasive, photo whitening, zoom whitening (zoom-lightening) and other methods.

Coffee is an invigorating drink, without which it is difficult to imagine the morning of a modern person. Unfortunately, coffee stains on clothes are just as common as the drink itself. Many people faced with this scourge have a natural question about how and how to remove coffee stains in order to restore their original appearance to their clothes. If regular washing does nothing to remove pungent coffee stains, you will need to apply more effective folk tips on how to get coffee stains out of your clothes. This guide will help you understand which tools to use and how to do it right.

What you definitely can't do

In order to avoid fatal mistakes when removing coffee stains, before removing a coffee stain from clothes, it is necessary to clearly understand several very important points. About them below:

  • Do not put off the task of removing the coffee stain from clothes until later. The longer the stain stays on the surface of the fabric, the more difficult it will be to remove it later. Start treating clothing and surfaces as soon as possible.
  • When removing a stain, do not use napkins, and also do not rub the stain - this will only rub the coffee deep into the fibers of the fabric, and it will become almost impossible to remove it from there later. Use other methods that work gently on the stain.

You have learned what not to do if you want to remove coffee stains. Now it remains to understand how to remove coffee stains from clothes and how to deal with old stains.

Fight fresh coffee stains

Removing fresh coffee stains is much easier than removing coffee stains that were installed relatively long ago. The following popularly proven recipes will help you understand how and with what means you can get rid of brown marks:

  • Turpentine and alcohol. Before removing a coffee stain with a mixture of turpentine and alcohol, make sure that your clothes are not made of delicate and soft fabrics - they will simply deteriorate under the influence of an aggressive solution. If the fabric is strong, mix equal amounts of rubbing alcohol and turpentine in a small container. In this solution, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab and gently (without rubbing inside) wipe the coffee stains, then leave the solution to soak for 30-60 minutes. After that, you should wash the treated item in the washing machine using the usual mode.
  • Glycerin and salt. Before cleaning a coffee stain in the washing machine, treat it with a gruel made from salt and glycerin diluted with water. It must be carefully applied to the stains, allowed to soak for 30 minutes, and only then washed.
  • Laundry soap. If you do not know how to remove a coffee stain, and you simply cannot find the above funds in your home, you can use ordinary boiling water and soap, preferably household soap. The soap must be crumbled into water, boil the solution and pour over the coffee stains, leave it for a short time and send it to a regular wash.
  • Ammonia. In order not to spoil the thing with alcohol, before removing the coffee stain, look at what the clothes are made of. Strong and resistant fabrics can simply be moistened with alcohol in the area of ​​dirt, and after a short soak, load into the drum of the washing machine. For delicate items, the alcohol can be diluted.
  • Glycerol. Heat some glycerin on the stove, then dip a cotton pad in it and wipe the brown coffee marks on your clothes with it. Stains are guaranteed to disappear!
  • Vinegar and powder. How to remove coffee stains from clothes if there is only vinegar and washing powder at home? Mix them until they are mushy and just apply to the spots!

The previous guidelines on how and how to remove coffee stains apply to all things, but for whites, it is recommended to use special methods, which you will learn about below. It is worth noting that the fight against stains may not work the first time. In this case, you just need to repeat the procedure - as many times as necessary for the result.

Fight stubborn coffee stains

How to remove a coffee stain if it has been on your clothes for a long time, and over the past time has managed to be firmly absorbed into the tissue fibers? If you are faced with such a nuisance, do not panic too soon - the following tips will do the trick even from the first application:

  • Glycerol. Treating stubborn coffee stains with hot glycerin is one of the best ways to get a coffee stain out of your clothes. Just apply a little of the substance, let it soak, and then send the clothes to the washing machine.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. If you don't know how to remove coffee stains on white, glycerin will help you to deal with brown marks. Treat any impurities and allow the hydrogen peroxide to absorb well inside the fabric fibers. After that, wash.
  • Salmon, glycerin and water. Before you get rid of a coffee stain in this way, you need to take a container and mix equal parts of ammonia, water and glycerin in it. For a more pronounced effect, the mixture can be heated. After the solution is ready, they need to treat all the spots they see. When the processing is completed, the item should be set aside for a day for soaking, and then washed.

If these methods on how to get rid of coffee stains still do not help you remove old coffee stains, you can make a gruel from toothpaste, washing powder and salt. These substances should be mixed with water so that a thick mass is obtained. Then it is carefully rubbed into the old stain and left in this form for several hours. When the mixture is absorbed into the fabric, you can machine wash your clothes using the standard setting. Now it remains to understand how to remove coffee stains from white clothes - what should be done for this?

Removing stains from white

There are very few really effective ways on how to wash coffee off white. Here they are:

  • Bleach. Soak clothes in bleach solution, or add bleach when washing dirty clothes in the washing machine. The fresh stain is guaranteed to recede.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It was mentioned earlier that this is an effective way on how to remove coffee stain from white. Treat stains with hydrogen peroxide and wash clothes.

You can use other standard means than to remove coffee stains from clothes, but be careful not to suddenly ruin the thing you love during this process.

Removing coffee from the carpet

The question of how to get the coffee stain off the carpet is as common as the question of cleaning clothes. To remove brown coffee marks from your carpet, try these methods:

  • Apply a good stain remover to the carpet, following the directions given. Such a remedy will help even in the case of fighting old coffee stains.
  • Dish or glass cleaner is also a good way to remove coffee stains from carpet. Simply apply a generous amount to the carpet, rub thoroughly, then rinse with hot water. Repeat if necessary.

Many people who wake up early in the morning for work start their day with a cup of aromatic strong coffee. This drink gives a burst of energy, strength and, of course, helps to wake up. But sometimes, for some reason, we forget to set the alarm or we simply do not hear how it “screams” to us with all his might in the morning. What happens next is well known to all of us. We abruptly jump up with eyes of 5 kopecks and quickly begin to pack ourselves up. Due to haste and carelessness, a person can easily spill a cup of coffee on clothes and thereby leave several stubborn marks.

How to remove coffee stains from clothes? In this publication, you will find many simple and effective methods that will definitely help solve the problem in question. So let's get started.

Effective methods to remove coffee stains

Before using the methods below, the coffee stain must be thoroughly blotted with a dry towel, handkerchief or napkins. This must be done in order to absorb some of the spilled beverage. After all, the less coffee is absorbed into the fabric, the easier it will be for us to remove the traces that have appeared.

Attention: very fresh stains should be carefully “picked up” with a dry towel, and not rubbed. Otherwise, they will become even larger. After that, all contaminated areas must be rinsed from the seamy side with cold running water. The traces that have been placed will noticeably fade and decrease in size. Now it will be much easier to withdraw them! To solve the problem, you can use the following methods:

  • Ammonium and turpentine. Take a suitable container and mix the turpentine and ammonia (1: 1) in it. Soak a cotton ball or a clean piece of cloth in this solution, treat the stain, and leave it on for a while to absorb the mixture into the soiled area. Then wash the item with soap. If coffee has been spilled on cotton clothes, hang them in the sun after rinsing.
  • Table salt and glycerin. Mix these ingredients, apply the gruel to the problem area and leave for a few minutes. Once the coffee traces have dissolved, wash your clothes.
  • Soap and boiling water. Lather the stain and wash your clothes. After that, boil the kettle and pour boiling water from it into the problem area with a thin stream until nothing remains of the stain. We hasten to note that this method can be used if the fabric is linen.
  • Ammonia. Dilute 1 tbsp in water (one glass). l ammonia, abundantly moisten the contaminated area with the resulting solution, wipe the stain thoroughly with a piece of cloth or a cotton pad and wash the product in the prepared soapy solution.
  • Glycerol. If you need to remove coffee stains from light colored clothes, use this method. Warm up the glycerin, apply it with a cotton pad on the stain and wait for half an hour. At the end of the specified time, rinse the product with warm water.
  • Soap solution and ammonia. This method removes stains on silk or woolen fabrics. Take a suitable container, make a soapy solution and add alcohol (5 teaspoons per liter of liquid). Dip a cotton swab into the mixture, treat the stain and wash with powder.
  • Ammonia and glycerin. If the stain is old, mix together water (1 teaspoon), glycerin (1 teaspoon) and ammonia (a few drops). Moisten a napkin with the resulting composition and start treating the stain until it disappears. Then rinse the product with hot water.
  • Vinegar and powder paste. To restore cleanliness to your clothes, use a bowl of laundry detergent, white vinegar, and cold distilled water to create a thick paste. After that, treat the resulting product on the trail of coffee on both sides and wait for five minutes. To completely saturate the fabric, the paste must be rubbed into the contaminated area in a circular motion. Finally, rinse the fabric thoroughly and wash it. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Note that if the stain needs to be removed from a colored item, you need to use a powder without bleaching granules to prepare the paste.
  • Effective solutions. First, the traces must be cleaned with a brush soaked in warm water, and then rinse the stained product in two special solutions. Add a small amount of soda ash (only 0.5 teaspoon per liter of water) to one bowl of warm water, and a little vinegar to the other bowl of cold water. Just wash your clothes first in a warm solution and then twice in a cold one.
  • Alcohol. To save synthetic fabric, you need to wash it in a solution (1 tbsp. L of alcohol for half a liter of water) and rinse in cool water.


Now to the question "How to remove a coffee stain from clothes?" you can give a decent answer. Do not forget to use the knowledge gained in practice, but it is better, of course, that they are not useful to you.

May your every morning be kind and wonderful, and let your mood be great!

Coffee is one of the most invigorating drinks, effective for waking up in the morning. However, he is also very cunning. Coffee accidentally spilled on a white shirt or a new carpet can ruin the mood in an instant. How to remove coffee stains from textiles? Let's figure it out.

Fresh stain

Fresh coffee stains are much easier to remove than old ones. Therefore, it is preferable not to leave cleaning the product for later, but immediately get down to business. So, if coffee was spilled on clothes, the thing is needed wash off immediately... Use a strong pressure of hot water to substitute the stain on the wrong side, as if rinsing coffee from the fabric. In just a minute, a wardrobe item can be washed by hand with ordinary laundry soap. When the item is dry, simply machine wash it in the usual way.

To remove coffee stains from carpet, use dishwashing gel... First, blot the stain with a napkin to remove excess liquid. Then it is necessary to foam one tablespoon of the gel in a glass of warm water and treat the contaminated area with the resulting foam. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times for the best effect. The remaining foam should be removed with napkins.

If the stain from the pile is still not washed, try using a more aggressive product - vinegar solution... Dilute 1: 1 table vinegar in water and dampen the coffee stain with the solution. Wait 10 minutes, rinse off the vinegar with warm water and dry the carpet.

Coffee stains can be removed very well from the textile upholstery of a sofa or armchair. baking soda... You just need to carefully rub the gruel of soda and water into the stain, wait until it dries completely and remove the remaining soda with a clothes brush.

You can save woolen items from coffee stains by using ammonia... First, rub the stain with laundry soap. Then the thing must be laid out on a flat horizontal surface, placing several paper napkins under the stain. A soft brush should be moistened with ammonia and gently walk over the stain several times. Then rinse the product, wait for it to dry and wash in the washing machine.

Old stain

Old and dried coffee stains are much more difficult to remove than fresh ones, but with the proper skill, this is possible.

Stains from light fabrics (cotton and linen) are removed hydrogen peroxide... Simply dab the peroxide on the stain and then wash the item.

It will help to remove coffee stains from sofas, armchairs and other furniture with textile upholstery. special mixture... Mix equal proportions of water, glycerin and ammonia and apply the resulting mixture to the stain. After half an hour, rinse off the remaining mixture with water and dry the treated area well.

Thick fabrics can be treated with a thick paste of washing powder, table vinegar and water. It is enough to apply this mixture on the stain, leave for 7-10 minutes and rinse the product thoroughly to get rid of brown stains.

Suitable for woolen clothes and carpets glycerol heated in a water bath. Apply glycerin to the stain, wait 10 minutes and remove residue with warm water.

Coffee stains often become a real headache for housewives. However, using our advice, you can easily remove even an old and seemingly completely absorbed stain.