Hot bath good or bad

12.03.2019 Healthy eating

We all love to bask in warm water, but what is a hot bath for a person - good or bad? From childhood, we are taught to hygiene, to the fact that we should often shower, wash our hair, watch our nails. But it is much more pleasant to do all this while lying in a hot bubble bath, turning on your favorite music. But is it so harmless? Let's talk about this in this on ours.

Taking a bath is a guarantee of cleanliness, every child knows about this. Such procedures give not only a clean body, but also great mood, great health, relaxation and comfort. But this daily procedure is not recommended for everyone, and not everyone is useful. Exist certain rulesthat should be observed in order to preserve your health, because hot water can adversely affect human health.

But first, let's talk about the pleasant, because you probably know that the benefits and harms of a hot bath are versatile, and both sides should be evaluated. And we will start, of course, with the pleasant benefits of such water procedures.

The benefits of a hot bath seem simple and trivial, but it is the essence of this procedure. It's not for nothing that we like her so much? Let's see why it is so useful:

  1. Naturally, it was possible not to talk about it, but a hot bath helps in hygiene. High temperature water steams the skin well, opens pores, and washes away all subcutaneous dirt. If all this is also connected with nourishing masks for the face, you will get a double cleansing and result. Therefore, it is worth taking such procedures at least in order to cleanse the pores and skin.
  2. These baths relax the nerves and relieve stress. After a hard day at work, or difficult everyday worries, you want to forget and relax. A hot bath will certainly help with this, its benefits will be immeasurably great. You probably know that warm water relaxes the body, we feel protected on an intuitive level, since the same water is in the womb. Therefore, this procedure calms the nerves.
  3. In the cold season, in this way, you can warm up perfectly and quickly, getting additional pleasure. From the cold, the blood vessels narrow, this can cause pressure to rise, headaches begin, and thanks to such procedures, all these troubles can be forgotten. Alternatively, you can add additional components, for example, which everyone has known for a long time. A small spoonful of honey in the bath will help not only warm the body, but also enrich it with useful minerals to strengthen the immune system.
  4. If you did difficult, jogged, or just physically worked, then such a procedure will relieve muscle tension. That is why, after a hard workout, athletes are advised to take hot baths so that fatigue quickly passes. Of course, you should be careful with this method of relaxation, but this is another topic, we will talk about it further.

As you can see, the benefits of a hot bath are great, but it is worth taking it correctly, since at most, it is still harmful. Yes, oddly enough, but such a procedure does more harm than help.

Hot bath - harm

The harm of a hot bath is very extensive, there are many myths that we will destroy, but first let's talk about how it can harm a person:

  1. Strongly hot water increases the load on the heart and blood vessels, so if you have problems with these organs, you should contact your doctor and ask if you can take such baths. Most likely, he will not allow you to do this.
  2. It can be dangerous for pregnant women, as it can negatively affect the fetus, and the woman's body too. She can even provoke a miscarriage, so such procedures should be avoided.
  3. When taking such water procedures, you should know that your skin lends itself to great heat treatment, and will begin to age quickly. If you are so impatient to warm up well, it is better to use the bath, the benefits and harms of which we discussed earlier, and even then, do not do it often. Cosmetologists do not recommend women to take a bath with hot water, since the skin will not only age quickly, but will also begin to sag. This does not mean that it is absolutely impossible to use this method of relaxation, just try to use it no more than once every 3 weeks (It is a bath with very hot water).
  4. When diabetes mellitus a bathroom with boiling water is categorically contraindicated.

Such procedures cause a lot of harm, but there are also general concepts and opinions that should be analyzed, since not all of them are true. Let's talk about the hot tub myths.

Hot tub myths

Hot bath myths are spread by those people who like to have fun in boiling water, and even with foam. But, unfortunately, not all of them are true, let's look at some.

  • You can lie in the bath as long as you like. Not! In fact, if you do decide to take a hot bath to relax after hard day, then this should be done no more than 20 minutes.
  • Due to the stress on the heart, you should not take this type of bath at all. In fact, if you know how to prepare it correctly, then it is useful to take such a procedure. We will tell you how to do this below.
  • Under reduced pressure, a hot bath will help raise it. Not! In fact, the vessels dilate, and the pressure can, on the contrary, drop sharply. It may even happen that a person loses consciousness.
  • This procedure is contraindicated in diabetes. Yes, this is true, because sugar levels can drop significantly and lead to irreversible consequences.

As you can see, most of the myths about this wonderful procedure are not true, and now you know what it actually gives.

How to properly take a bath

If you want the bath to bring you only benefit and joy, then you should prepare it correctly.

  1. Temperature for optimal and maximum useful reception baths should be no more than 40 degrees. This is warm and pleasant water, and most importantly, you will not lie in it for a long time.
  2. But lying in such a bath should not be more than 20 minutes, so as not to put stress on the heart and blood vessels.
  3. You can add herbal teas to make your bath even healthier. For example, you can add aloe decoction, or mint. You can also make decoctions of chamomile, thyme and other herbs.
  4. Immerse yourself in the bath up to the heart area. A person tries to immerse himself in water as much as possible, at least up to his neck, but this is not worth doing.
  5. Take a bath while sitting, and then you will not have a breakdown.

Now you know about the benefits and dangers of a hot bath, as well as how to do it correctly. Watch out and be careful. Have a nice day!

You should never drink hot tap water or use it for cooking. Hot water leaches lead from pipes, and more intensely than cold water, especially in areas where the water is soft and with high acidity.
Whenever you have not used the tap for 6 hours or more, flush the pipes cold water, pouring out until it is as cold as possible. This takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. This will drain the stagnant water that could accumulate lead in the pipes overnight.
Hot water should be identical to cold water. That is, it enters the water supply system from one source. Although there is one "but": now they add agents to the heated water that prevent the formation of scale in boilers. These funds should be harmless to use, but nevertheless ...

Therefore, to dispel any doubts, use cold water for drinking. For a greater guarantee - boil it first.

Concerning tap water the city of Moscow, then according to official sources the quality drinking water meets the requirements of the standards "Drinking water".

But is it really so? - More than half of Muscovites are not satisfied with its smell and taste. The water that has passed the city purification systems really meets the requirements of regulatory documents. But after passing long way through pipes, its quality is noticeably reduced. Such water must be cleaned using household water filters. They will help remove from the water heavy metals - iron, zinc, lead, as well as nitrates and great amount other harmful impurities.

Some experts point out that the quality of tap water in Moscow is much better than in Russia as a whole. This is due to the fact that Mosvodokanal uses modern water purifiers and new technologies for water purification, in particular, not chlorination, but ozonation. But nobody canceled household filters. And each of us should purify the water that we use every day. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) is noted for the content of iron in water, acidity and microbiology in certain quarters where pipelines are outdated. The quality of water in reservoirs and water treatment are at a high level. The state of surface waters in Moscow is catastrophic. Everyone knows the color of the water in the Moskva River and Yauza. This is due not only to wastewater from industrial enterprises, which are more or less treated. Significant damage to water is caused by storm sewers, which do not have any treatment and carry oil products, deicing agents, everything that gets on the asphalt.

Why hot and cold water come from the same "barrel" but flow through different pipes? Is there really bleach in hot water? Finally, can you brew tea with hot tap water?

Where does hot water come from?

What is added to hot water?

The most commonly used anti-scale and anti-corrosion agents are Siliphos reagents (balls very similar to glass balls, which contain silicates and polyphosphates and make the water clear, not brown) and sodium silicate, which has a second name - "Liquid glass" (in the domestic food Industryby the way, sodium silicate, known as E550, is used in the manufacture of milk powder and bakery productsalthough in some countries the additive is banned as harmful to health; and sodium silicate is in the composition household chemicals, paints and varnishes and is used in metallurgy). To combat corrosion, the so-called complexonates are also used - that is, complexes of polybasic organic phosphonic acids with metal ions. Although this information, most likely, will tell only chemists something.

A little more should be mentioned separately. chemical processesconcerning the disinfection of hot water systems. For example, it is allowed to use chlorine-containing reagents, which are added to water when flushing pipes (for at least 6 hours with a concentration of 75-100 mg / l and a temperature of at least 80 ° C at the discharge point). After that, as indicated in SanPiN, two consecutive samples are taken at one point to determine the residual parts of the reagent in hot water, which necessarily remain there after rinsing. If their concentration does not exceed the maximum permissible, then the pipes are reopened to supply hot water to citizens.

Is hot water potable?

SanPin says that "water supplied directly to heat sources and heat points", as well as "hot water supplied to the consumer" must comply with the requirements of GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water". In other words, the requirements for drinking water include indicators for both hot and cold, that is, all water must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards and contain certain values \u200b\u200bof chemical elements, which are spelled out in detail.

Can i drink hot water?

Purely theoretically - yes, but we will not advise this, since in many cities the quality of pipes through which "water complying with standards" flows leaves much to be desired. And there is no guarantee that the water that left the water treatment plant and the water flowing from the faucets of the townspeople is one and the same water.

If you want to know if your water meets the standards, then it would be best to take the samples for analysis to an independent expert laboratory, which is in every major city. In the meantime, doubts about its quality gnaw at you, look for a list of springs approved by the regional Rospotrebnadzor, buy bottled water (the main thing is that the bottle does not say "from centralized drinking systems", that is, refined, but still from the tap) or just boil cold water.

Andrey Shenin

The average city dweller spends up to several hundred liters of water per day for personal needs. To meet the needs of a multi-million dollar metropolis, a tremendous amount of work must be done. Let's see where Moscow gets its water from.

Sources of water supply in Moscow

Moscow receives more than 99% of its water from surface sources, which are the water resources of rivers. The water supply system of the capital is usually divided into three parts:

  • Moskvoretsky water source - the Moskva river basin above the village of Rublevo. It includes: Ruzskoe, Verkhne-Ruzskoe, Ozerninskoe, Mozhaisk and Istra reservoirs. The system is capable of delivering at least 29 cubic meters per second.
  • Volzhsky water source - Vyshnevolotsk reservoir system with a guaranteed water yield of 80 cubic meters per second. The largest Ivankovskoye reservoir contains about half of the system's reserves. The Volzhsky water source also includes: the Moscow Canal, Klyazminskoe, Pyalovskoe, Ikshinskoe, Uchinskoe, Khimkinskoe and Pestovskoe reservoirs. 90% of the volume is pumped by the capacities of the Moscow Canal.
  • Vazuz hydraulic system - was put into operation at the end of the seventies of the last century, it is intended to create a reserve and additional feeding of the Moskvoretskaya and Volzhskaya systems. Guaranteed water loss of at least 17 cubic meters per second. The main capacity is the Vazuz reservoir. Natural runoff through the Vazuzu River is directed to the Volga and further to the Ivankovskoe reservoir. It is possible to pump it to the Moskvoretskaya system through the Ruzskoye reservoir - thus, the water supply sources of the city of Moscow are replenished.

Water treatment plants

Water for Moscow is prepared by four stations with a total capacity of 6.7 million cubic meters per day.

The share of drinking water from the Moskva River is 60%, it is produced by stations:

  • Rublevskaya - provides the west and north-west of the city, as well as some cities near Moscow, for example Odintsovo.
  • Western - provides southwest, southeast, and south of the city

The water from the Volga is 40%, it is purified by the stations:

  • Eastern - provides the east and south-east of the capital, some cities of the Moscow region, such as Reutov and Balashikha.
  • North - provides the northern part of the capital and the cities of the nearest Moscow region, such as Mytishchi, Dolgoprudny, Khimki, Zelenograd.

So, we figured out a little with the question - where does the water come from, now I need to say a few words about how river water turns into drinking water.

Drinking water treatment technology

Water treatment plants in Moscow produce water in accordance with the requirements of safety standards. To meet the existing requirements, the classical cleaning technology is used. Natural water is treated with reagents, defended and filtered.

Besides, classic technology purification is supplemented by methods of ozonation and sorption on activated carbons... Ozonosorption treatment allows much better elimination of organic pollution, reduces the concentration of organochlorine substances, metals, and reduces odors.

Since 2007, for the first time in the history of water supply in Russia, the use of membrane filtration has been started at the south-western station. This technology allows you to maintain high quality water that meets the highest international standards, even with severe pollution of water supply sources.

In 2012, the use of liquid chlorine was discontinued at all water treatment plants; at the moment, only a new reagent is used - sodium hypochlorite.

Is it safe to drink hot tap water

With regard to hot water, one can say unequivocally - hot water is not recommended to be consumed. There are several reasons for this, hot water washes lead from pipes more intensively and it contains formally harmless substances that prevent the formation of scale in boilers.

After drinking a whole kettle of antiscale, you, of course, will not die, you may not even feel anything, but regular use can negatively affect the state of the body.

Do I need to drain the water

You can drink cold tap water in Moscow, but there is a dependence of the quality of water on the condition of the pipes. Therefore, it is recommended to drain some water before pouring water for food use, especially in the morning.

Is it necessary to boil water

In Moscow, water has a sufficient degree of purification for drinking in its raw state - this is guaranteed by Mosvodokanal. The organization regularly checks the quality of its products at all stages, including control from the consumer's crane.

Boiling does not guarantee getting rid of all pathogens, nor does it provide for improvement. chemical composition - the taste of the water is definitely getting worse.

Do I need to filter water for eating

Everyone must answer this question for himself. The offer of portable and stationary home filters using different cleaning principles is huge now. In addition to the financial issue and usability, the following factors can influence the decision to buy a filter:

  • Water quality control results
  • Condition of pipes in your home or area
  • Bad smell of water
  • Your passion healthy way life or a tendency to certain diseases

If you decide to use a filter, you must remember that the filters require replacement or maintenance - otherwise, you can get the opposite result, and the filter will pollute the water instead of cleaning.