Presentation of a simple cutting of vegetables from potatoes. Types of cutting vegetables

"Menu" - When and where did the first menu appear? Under Louis XIV, menus are in the form of notes - cards on thick paper with orders of dishes for the king: dishes for lunch, dishes for pleasure, etc. 1. A few more menu samples from 1899-1910. Fernand Point, There is a price tag for each item on the menu and guests can choose as they wish;

"Meat Dishes" - Beefsteak fillet langette entrecote rump steak for roasting. 4. Cutting. Types of meat. Dried meat is easier to butcher. 2. Washing. Scheme of cutting lamb and pork carcasses: Portion semi-finished products. Small-sized semi-finished products. 5. Boning. The order immediately came to the kitchen to fry and serve the meat. 1. Shoulder 2. Neck 3. Loin 4. Brisket 5. Ham.

"Entertaining cooking" - Entertaining cooking. Answer: dumplings. The author is a teacher of technology at the MAOU "Secondary School No. 31" in Veliky Novgorod Olekhova V.Ye. Answer: beef. A quiz game for students in grades 6-8. Answer: Egg. Purpose of the quiz game: Answer: Bow. The diplomat and the method of cooking herring. Answer: buds.

"Varieties of fruits" - Homeland - India, China and the Pacific tropical islands. Lemon. There are many fruits growing on the trees. Fruit that grows on trees. Lemon is a small evergreen fruit tree up to 5-8 m high, with a spreading or pyramidal crown. A rather tall tree, it belongs to the Citrus subfamily of the Rutaceae family.

"Processing vegetables" - Curly types of cutting carrots. 20 * 20 * 20 large cubes. Sort Cut off greens and roots Wash Clean. Cut off the outer part of the stump. Washing vegetables. 4 * 4 * 25 match sticks. Processing of root crops. Place the peeled vegetables in a container of cold water (not on a cutting board). A summary of the synopsis on the topic.

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This is usually how root vegetables are cut. The length of the rib is 0.5-2.5 cm. Depending on the size, cooking the vegetables will take different times. This type of slicing is used for potatoes and carrots. Such cutting helps to keep the shape for a long time during long cooking.

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Potatoes, root vegetables, onions, cabbage are cut into strips. Potatoes and root vegetables are first cut into slices, which are then cut into thin long slices 2 to 4 mm thick.

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This type of slicing is used in cases when the preparation of the soup takes a long time. In this case, vegetables should not be boiled. For a more beautiful cutting shape, vegetables can be pre-peeled and shaped into barrels. In this case, further cutting into slices will be very simple, and the slices themselves will be neat and identical.

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This type of slicing is somewhat similar to julienne slicing. There is only one very important difference - the size. When cutting into cubes, the thickness of the bar is 0.7 mm and the length is 3.5-4 cm. This is a very convenient way to cut vegetables for long cooking, because they can keep their shape for a very long time and cooking will not be quick.

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    Rings and half rings, circles

    One of the classic types of onion slicing. The rings should be very thin. For additional grinding, the rings and half rings can be additionally separated by hand after cutting. This type of slicing is convenient for further frying.

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    Cutting vegetables and fruits can be: simple (slices, circles, sticks, straws) curly (stars, rings, roses, etc.). Curly cutting is used in the manufacture of decorations for ready-made dishes. To prepare side dishes for the main dish, carbohydrate vegetables (potatoes, carrots) are used, that is, giving them a given shape (barrel, ball) or cutting grooves of various configurations on the surface of vegetables.

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    Potato slices

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    Simple forms of cutting potatoes

    1. Slices 2. Circles 3. Straws 4. Small sticks 5. Cubes 6. Slices

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    The simplest most common forms of slicing include: straws, sticks, circles, slices, wedges ♦ Slices - cut the potatoes in half lengthwise, then again in half and chop across into slices 1-2 mm thick. Used for salads and vinaigrettes. ♦ Circles - the potatoes are cut into thin slices (0.2 cm). Used for frying, stewing. ♦ Straws - potatoes are cut into thin slices and chopped across with strips (length of straws - 4-5 cm, section - 0.2-0.2 cm). Used for deep-fat frying. ♦ Cubes - potatoes are cut into slabs 0.7-1 cm thick, and then into cubes 3-4 cm long. They are used for frying, borscht, pickle, soup with pasta. ♦ Cubes - the potatoes are cut into slices, cut into sticks and then into cubes. Depending on the purpose, the cubes are cut into sections: large - 2-2.5 cm, medium - 1-1.5 cm, small - 0.3-0.5 cm. Large cubes are used for stewing and making soups; medium for the dish "potatoes in milk"; small cubes of boiled potatoes are used for salads, vinaigrettes. ♦ Slices - the potatoes are cut in half and radially into slices. Used for pickles, stews, deep-fried.

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    Figured forms of cutting vegetables: a - mushrooms; b - barrels; c - garlic; g - pears; d - spirals

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    Curly cutting

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    Carrot slicing

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    Curly cutting

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    Equipment for simple slicing

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    Tools for cleaning and cutting vegetables: a, e - root knives; 6 - grooved knife; в - a knife for cleaning; g - a knife for slicing onions; e - a knife for slicing tomatoes; g - corrugated knife; h, i - curly grooves

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    Knife for cutting thin strips of vegetables and fruits

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    Carbohydrate vegetables are cut across the grooves to form curly slices

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    Quick slicing equipment

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    Curly Slicing Tools

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    Working with a kitchen knife

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    Correct hand position when cutting vegetables

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    New directions in cutting vegetables

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    Coarse grinding and chopping (crumbling).

    It is often used to prepare mirpois, a mixture of aromatic vegetables and herbs that is not part of the finished dish, but is usually filtered from it before serving. However, the pieces should still be approximately the same size for even cooking.

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    Shredding (shiffonade).

    It is used for leafy vegetables and herbs (cabbage, lettuce, etc.). The result of slicing is a product that is used as a side dish or base for larger dishes.

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    It has several varieties depending on the size. Fine julienne (fine julienne). 1.5-2x1.5-2x25-50 mm. Gives all dishes a neat and beautiful look. Most often used for salads and appetizers. Julienne (match, julienne / allumette). 3-4х3-4х25-50 mm Ideal for salads of radish, carrot, cucumber, radish. With this cut, the vegetables should look like matches. Good for frying, garnishing, and starting point for smaller cuts such as brunoise, batonnet. 6x6x35x60 mm. This type of cutting is usually used for fried potatoes and French fries, for sautéing vegetables, for cutting vegetables when cooking borscht. It can also serve as a base for frying or for further dicing.

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    Most often, cubes are prepared by cutting perpendicularly into strips. They are used for fries, soups and salads from boiled vegetables. In addition, diced vegetables are frozen for long-term storage. Cubes can vary in size. Small brunoise (finebrunoise). 2x2x2 mm Brunoise. 3-4x3-4x3-4 mm. Slicing fine brunoise and brunoise is used for quick heat treatment of products. Also cut the garlic and chili peppers in this way so that they are more evenly distributed throughout the dish. 6-7x6-7x6-7 mm Medium dice 12x12x12 mm Large cubes (largedice). 18-20x18-20x18-20 mm.

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    Curly cutting

    Paysanne. The cutting is in the form of 12x12 mm squares with a thickness of 3 mm. Used to cut vegetables for soup or stews. Fermière These are slices in the form of sectors (eg carrots, cheese). Can be of any thickness. Suitable for salads, appetizers, stews, soups. Lozenge - rhombuses with a side length of 12 mm and a thickness of 4 mm. Similar to peizan slicing. Rondelle - circles of any thickness (in a straight line and diagonally) for carrots, cucumbers. Diagonal slicing is perfect for roasting vegetables: this increases the surface size of each piece in contact with the pan, thereby speeding up the cooking time. O'blik (oblique) - oblique cutting at an angle of 90 degrees - for oblong vegetables (carrots, green peas, green beans, parsley root Tournai. Slicing in a kind of barrels, usually with seven sides. Round-shaped vegetables decorated in this way resemble a soccer ball Length - about 50 mm Usually such a cut is used to prepare vegetable side dishes.

    “Varieties of Fruits” - Fruits that grow on trees. Fruit is a juicy edible fruit of a tree or shrub. Some berries are also a type of fruit. Apple. Lemon is a small evergreen fruit tree up to 5-8 m high, with a spreading or pyramidal crown. It is believed that the homeland of the apple tree is Central Asia.

    "Entertaining cooking" - The purpose of the quiz game: Answer: Ambassador. Answer: beef. Answer: Bow. Answer: Halva. The author is a teacher of technology at the MAOU "Secondary School No. 31" in Veliky Novgorod Olekhova V.Ye. Answer: buds.

    "Processing vegetables" - Bars. Washed Peel the skin Washed Sorted Tied into bundles. Asparagus. Remove rotten, contaminated leaves. Tuber processing. Varieties of cutting vegetables. Checkers (squares). Preparing cabbage for stuffing. Celery. Dried vegetables. Frozen vegetables. Rings. Slicing cabbage into checkers.

    "Meat Dishes" - Small-sized semi-finished products. Azu 11. 5. Boning. On cuts, the meat does not stick to the fingers. 2. Washing. Meat is one of the oldest human food products. The meat is washed with cold water, and the fatty areas with warm water. Beefsteak fillet langette entrecote rump steak for roasting. Portion semi-finished products. When feeling the surface, the hand remains dry.

    “Menu” - Menu from one of the New York restaurants 1900. There are several types of menus: Sample Menu 1910. There is a price for each item on the menu and guests can choose as they wish; Fernand Point, 1. Some more menu samples from 1899-1910. When and where did the first menu appear? Under Louis XIV, menus are in the form of notes - cards on thick paper with orders of dishes for the king: dishes for lunch, dishes for pleasure, etc.

    “Varieties of Fruits” - Fruits that grow on trees. Fruit is a juicy edible fruit of a tree or shrub. Some berries are also a type of fruit. Apple. Lemon is a small evergreen fruit tree up to 5-8 m high, with a spreading or pyramidal crown. It is believed that the homeland of the apple tree is Central Asia.

    "Entertaining cooking" - The purpose of the quiz game: Answer: Ambassador. Answer: beef. Answer: Bow. Answer: Halva. The author is a teacher of technology at the MAOU "Secondary School No. 31" in Veliky Novgorod Olekhova V.Ye. Answer: buds.

    "Processing vegetables" - Bars. Washed Peel the skin Washed Sorted Tied into bundles. Asparagus. Remove rotten, contaminated leaves. Tuber processing. Varieties of cutting vegetables. Checkers (squares). Preparing cabbage for stuffing. Celery. Dried vegetables. Frozen vegetables. Rings. Slicing cabbage into checkers.

    "Meat Dishes" - Small-sized semi-finished products. Azu 11. 5. Boning. On cuts, the meat does not stick to the fingers. 2. Washing. Meat is one of the oldest human food products. The meat is washed with cold water, and the fatty areas with warm water. Beefsteak fillet langette entrecote rump steak for roasting. Portion semi-finished products. When feeling the surface, the hand remains dry.

    “Menu” - Menu from one of the New York restaurants 1900. There are several types of menus: Sample Menu 1910. There is a price for each item on the menu and guests can choose as they wish; Fernand Point, 1. Some more menu samples from 1899-1910. When and where did the first menu appear? Under Louis XIV, menus are in the form of notes - cards on thick paper with orders of dishes for the king: dishes for lunch, dishes for pleasure, etc.