How to cold salt tomatoes in a jar. Special cases: can you eat salted tomatoes?

15.08.2019 Bakery products

In addition to their bright taste, tomatoes for the winter without vinegar retain a number of vitamins.

They will be a good snack for any occasion and will complement modest family dinners.

That is why responsible housewives try to close them every year.

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar - general cooking principles

There are many ways to cook tomatoes for the winter without vinegar, adding some spices and seasonings can change the taste and even extend the shelf life.

It is easy to make a blank without vinegar, because it is prepared without a complicated sterilization process and other sophistication. It is enough to boil the marinade, put the ripe tomatoes in the jars, pour and roll up the jars with a special key. That's all the tricks, and how delicious it is in winter!

Of course, a lot depends on the recipe. With the addition of such products as cherry plum, apples, mustard and others, the taste of the tomato changes dramatically. You can cover the tomatoes whole or in slices - as you like. The longer they are infused, the juicier and tastier it will be. Cook during the ripening season when the vegetables are inexpensive and ripe.

An important rule for all recipes: after the cans are rolled up, they must be turned upside down, they must cool in this position.

The classic recipe for tomatoes for the winter without vinegar

This recipe does not belong to the category of competitive ones, but this is its advantage: it is simple and understandable even for those housewives who canned tomatoes for the winter without vinegar for the first time. The ease lies in the fact that you do not need to repeatedly drain the water. They taste like tomato juice with salt. And the set of ingredients is small, but that means everything will work out!


The list of ingredients is the shortest of all the recipes presented, since we only need salt, water and tomatoes.

It is important to adhere to the proportions: put a teaspoon of salt on a liter jar, boil for half an hour. For a two-liter jar, you need a tablespoon of salt without a top, boil for 40 minutes, and accordingly, for a three-liter jar, a tablespoon of salt with a top and cook for 50 minutes.

Cooking method

We wash the tomatoes under running water, dry them.

We put in washed and dry jars, pour salt on top, determine the amount according to the above proportion.

We place the jars in a saucepan so that they do not burst during boiling, cover the bottom of the pan with a rag. Pour water to two-thirds of the height of the cans.

Fill the tomatoes with unboiled cold water and cover with lids. After boiling, simmer over medium heat for half an hour.

After another 30 minutes we take out and roll up the cans, turn the top upside down, cool. Stored well, before use should be infused for a month.

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar with fruit tree leaves and garlic


The quantity is calculated for a three-liter can or 3 liter.

Medium-sized red tomatoes (cream is preferred) - 3 kg.

6 pieces of currant and cherry leaves.

Peppercorns - 9 pieces.

Sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.

Salt - 1.5 tbsp l.

Dill - half a teaspoon of seeds and a few twigs.

Water - how much will go into the banks.

For a brighter flavor, you can add one garlic clove to one liter jar.

Cooking method

The tomatoes need to be washed and dried. Meanwhile, you can peel the garlic, wash the currant and cherry leaves, prepare the spices. Banks also require preparation: they need to be washed in a soda solution and sterilized in boiling water. Many housewives use a microwave for these purposes, keeping the jars for ten minutes at a temperature of one hundred degrees. Meanwhile, boil about two liters of water.

In jars (in our case there are three of them) we put garlic, washed greens and tomatoes up to the neck. Pour boiling water to the very top. Leave the jars covered with lids for about twenty minutes - this time is needed to heat the vegetables. After the water in the jars has cooled, drain it into a saucepan and bring to a boil again. Banks at this time should be covered with lids. Add the required amount of sugar / salt / tomato to hot water and leave for another twenty minutes. Then again pour the water into the pan and cook the brine on its basis. For this recipe, you need to boil it several times, pour tomatoes over it, roll it up with a key. After the jars are completely cool, send them to the cellar for storage.

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar with citric acid

You will spend only half an hour of your time, and spicy tomatoes will delight household members all winter months! You will love the sweet taste of the tomatoes, and the brine is endless to drink.


To close one three-liter jar of tomatoes you will need:

About two kilograms of tomato;

2 teaspoon citric acid

3 teaspoons of salt without top;

4 rounded tablespoons of sugar;

Several peas of black pepper, bay leaves, garlic, parsley sprigs.

Cooking method

We prepare tomatoes and jars (as in the previous recipes). Put spices on the bottom of a three-liter jar. Tamp the tomatoes, pour boiling water. We wait 15 minutes, then pour the water into the pan, add some more water (about 90 ml per three-liter jar) and add citric acid, as well as sugar and salt - bring the brine to a boil. We pour the freshly boiled brine so that it overflows the edges of the can - this will sterilize the neck again. Turn the rolled up banks over, cover with a blanket until they cool completely.

Recipe for tomatoes for the winter without vinegar with apples

The aroma of such tomatoes for the winter without vinegar is excellent, as is the taste. To implement the recipe, choose sour apples, the ideal option is Antonovka.


2 apples per 1 three-liter jar;

Spices: dill sprigs, allspice, a piece of hot pepper, cherry leaves;

Brine: for one and a half liters of water, take three tablespoons of sugar and salt.

Cooking method

Put spices at the bottom of a carefully prepared jar (as in the above recipes). The apples must be cut into four pieces, cored and placed in jars. We boil the brine from water, salt and sugar. Pour tomatoes in jars with boiling brine, and then roll up.

Tomatoes with apple slices are incredibly tasty, and juice from a can does not harm your health, because it is without vinegar!

Salting tomatoes for the winter without vinegar with mustard

Mustard is present in many recipes for pickling vegetables, and not only tomatoes. But not every housewife uses it correctly. If the proportions are observed, the preservation will turn out fragrant, tasty with a characteristic "peppercorn".


8 kg of ripe tomatoes;

Currant leaves;

5 l. water;

1 tsp mixture of peppers: black and red;

12 tsp dry mustard powder without top;

0.5 cups of salt;

6 pieces of bay leaves.

Cooking method

We choose not overripe tomatoes for pickling. They need to be washed, dried, put in a container for salting (a small barrel is good for this purpose). Each "tomato" layer is "covered" with currant leaves.

Cooking fragrant brine: boil water, salt, let cool. When the brine has cooled down, add mustard powder, stir and wait until it is infused. Fill the tomatoes only after it becomes completely transparent, while it may have a characteristic mustard hue. So, fill in the tomatoes, put the oppression on and send them to pickle in a cool place - you see how simple everything is, it remains to try how delicious it is!

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar with cherry plum

Cherry plum in this case replaces vinegar, so you cannot taste tomatoes covered with vinegar. We offer a recipe for three liter jars.


Cherry tomatoes (or other small varieties) - 1.5 kg;

Sour cherry plum (wild) - 300 g;

Sugar (4 tbsp. L) and salt (2 tbsp. L);

Dill - several umbrellas with seeds;

Larger horseradish leaf;

Cherry leaves - 2 pieces per can;

Three rings of hot and sweet peppers;

Black peppercorns - 15 pieces;

Optional: 3 cloves and a few bay leaves.

Cooking method

Put herbs and spices in prepared jars, in general, everything except cherry plum, tomatoes, sweet peppers, sugar and salt. We put cherry plum and tomatoes, pour boiling water, cover with lids and leave for a while, as in the previous recipes. We do this manipulation two times. Then add salt, sugar, bay leaf to the pan. Bring the marinade to a boil, let it boil for half a minute. Pour the hot marinade into jars, cover with lids, roll up, turn over, wrap up, let cool completely.

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar with aspirin

You might be surprised, but aspirin will help not only bring down the temperature, but also ferment the tomatoes. It is also popular because many consider it less harmful to the body than vinegar.


The proposed list of ingredients is designed for 5 three-liter cans:

7 liters of unboiled water.

2 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tbsp. l. salt.

2 medium onions, cut into half rings.

40 peppercorns.

10 bay leaves and the same amount of dill umbrellas.

15 cloves of peeled garlic

15 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, 0.5 g each.

Cooking method

After preparing the jars and tomato, cook the pickle with pepper, salt, sugar, bay leaves. Let it simmer for a few minutes and shoot. The main rule is not to fill it with warm marinade, only completely cooled down.

Now you can put the tomatoes in the jars, send aspirin tablets to each one, at the rate of one tablet per one-liter container. So, a three-liter can of conservation will require three tablets. Do not forget to also send onions, garlic to the jar, pour chilled brine. The peculiarity of this recipe is that tomatoes can be closed with nylon lids. You can try it after seven days, but it is better to wait two weeks so that they become even tastier.

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar - tricks and tips

First of all, pay attention to quality of purchased vegetables... They should be moderately ripe, firm, free of mold and other defects. It is better to make a salad from soft ripe fruits, cutting off the parts that you do not like.

If you want to prepare tomatoes for the winter without vinegar and other preservatives, you need to do well sterilize jars, in the process of work, do not take them by the neck and, as our grandmothers say, do not preserve them during critical days. This is most likely due to the hormonal background changing these days. If you pour tomatoes with cold marinade, they will retain their firmness and fresh taste.

You can add onions, slices of sweet pepper, grapes, lemon to tomatoes. Tomatoes canned with paperoni pepper and gherkins acquire originality.

Tomatoes cooked for the winter according to recipes without vinegar are no worse than those prepared with it. Other products will simply become a preservative. If you have a good reason to harvest vegetables without using a proven traditional preservative, add other equally reliable ones - mustard, citric acid, sour fruits and berries. This will save the jars from the "explosion" and save the tomatoes for the entire cold season.

Replacing vinegar with other products will not affect the taste, the tomatoes will turn out sweet, you will lick your fingers.

Tomatoes without vinegar in jars with mustard

Mustard is a reliable preservative. It will give a slight sourness, the taste of the preparation will come out, like pickled tomatoes. You can preserve whole tomatoes, divide large ones in half.

You will need:

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Sour apple - ½ part.
  • Mustard (grain) powder - large spoon.
  • Garlic cloves - 4 pcs.
  • The onion is half.
  • Allspice - 5 peas.
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 large spoons.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Black pepper - 10 peas.
  • Dill umbrellas.

How to pickle tomatoes:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, select about the same size so that they are evenly salted. Divide the onion into four parts. Core the apple and cut in half.
  2. At the bottom of the jar, put 2 quarters of onion, a slice of apple, add garlic, pepper, dill. Fill the rest of the place with tomatoes.
  3. Boil water, pour into a jar. Cover with a lid and let it warm up for 10-15 minutes, no more.
  4. Return the water to the pan, add the salt and sugar. If you see the first signs of boiling, add mustard powder.
  5. Pour the brine straight into a jar and twist. The workpiece is cooled upside down; it is not advisable to cover.

How to prepare tomatoes with citric acid

This recipe belongs to the series "You will lick your fingers", since the marinade turns out to be amazingly tasty. Moderately salty, not sugary sweet. And the tomatoes are similar. I know the recipe almost from childhood, my mother made such canning in large batches. But in liter cans, it is very convenient, it is eaten at a time. Do not be surprised by the lack of spices. In recent years, I sometimes put a sprig of basil, the taste of tomatoes is transformed. Try both ways.

Take per liter of boiling water:

  • Salt is a big spoon.
  • Sugar - 2 large spoons.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Since we will do it in small banks, select small specimens. Wash, prick with a toothpick at the base of the stalk. If the tomatoes are quite large, make some punctures.
  2. Fill the jar, pour boiling water to the top. Leave for a quarter of an hour to heat the vegetables.
  3. Drain the water into a saucepan, boil again, adding sugar and salt.
  4. Return the brine to the jars. Add citric acid under the lid on the tip of a knife. Cork quickly, turn over, cool. Transfer to storage in the pantry, cellar.

Sweet tomatoes without vinegar and sterilization

Sour apples will become a preservative. By the way, they also turn out to be very tasty. To ensure that fermentation is avoided, make a double hot pour.

Attention! The recipe is suitable for rolling tomatoes with any sour berry. Add cherry plum, red currants, a handful of unripe grapes, gooseberries. If you want to - put several types of berries, you get a wonderful assortment.

Do you like to diversify the workpieces? In addition to traditional dill with parsley, put basil and mint in the jar.

For a three-liter can:

  • Ripe tomatoes - how many will come in.
  • Sour apples - 3-4 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - a couple of pieces.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Sprigs of dill, parsley.
  • Salt - 50 gr. for 1 liter of brine.
  • Sugar - the same amount.
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.

We canning tomatoes for the winter:

  1. Be the first to send lavrushka, peppers and apples, cut into large wedges, to the jar.
  2. Next, lay the tomatoes, shifting the bell peppers in large pieces (remove the seed part).
  3. Now you need to find out how much liquid you need per jar. Pour vegetables in a jar with cold water, drain into a saucepan.
  4. Boil, return back to the jar. Leave for a quarter of an hour to heat the tomatoes.
  5. Pour the cooled liquid into a saucepan, add sugar and salt, and boil again.
  6. Pour into the jars again. Swirl, flip and refrigerate.

Cold salted tomatoes

An old recipe borrowed from our grandmothers. Previously, pickles were traditionally made without vinegar, tomatoes were harvested not only in jars under a nylon lid, but also in barrels and buckets.

It will be required for a bucket of water:

  • Tomatoes.
  • Sugar - 2 cups.
  • Salt is a glass.
  • Bitter and allspice - a teaspoon each.
  • Dry mustard - 100 gr.
  • Peas of black pepper.
  • Bay leaf - 10-15 pcs.


  1. For harvesting, I advise you to take slightly unripe tomatoes, dense.
  2. Put all spices in boiling water except mustard. Boil for a couple of minutes. Cool it down.
  3. Pour mustard powder into a cool brine.
  4. Place the tomatoes in a large container, lining the bottom with bay leaves.
  5. Fill with brine. Put a plate and oppression on top.

Tomatoes for the winter - a recipe with lemon and honey without vinegar

Tomatoes made according to this recipe can be safely called exquisite, due to interestingly selected additives. For salting, select small specimens, for example, cherry, cream.

For a 3 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 100 gr.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Cilantro, basil - a few twigs.
  • Hot chili peppers - pod.
  • Salt - 1.5 large spoons.
  • Vegetable oil.

How to prepare tomatoes:

  1. It is advisable to remove the skin from the tomatoes. Scald, doused with cold water, cut and peel off the skin.
  2. Put garlic cloves cut in half lengthwise into a jar, cut into chili pieces (you can not put all of them, be guided by your taste). Add basil and cilantro.
  3. Cook the marinade by adding honey, salt, granulated sugar and lemon juice to boiling water.
  4. Pour into a jar, roll up. Refrigerate and place in winter storage.

Video with a recipe for harvesting tomatoes for the winter without the use of vinegar. Successful blanks to you!

Many housewives are faced with the need to preserve tomatoes until winter. Cold salting recipes will help with this. This method does not require any special culinary skills. The taste of tomatoes is rich and spicy, like salting inside a wooden barrel.

How to pickle tomatoes for the winter in jars

When a large supply of fruits appears in the garden, there is a need to preserve them until winter. An excellent option for harvesting tomatoes is salting. The cold canning method is able to keep a maximum of useful substances inside. At the same time, the preservation in the jar resembles the taste of the barrel one. If you follow the rules of this process, you will get salting, as in ancient times.

Preparing canning jars

Cold pickling of tomatoes for the winter involves careful preparation of the vessels where the vegetables will be placed. This process uses glass containers. In most cases, banks of large volumes are chosen. To prepare them, they must be thoroughly washed using a soda solution, rinse it off. Then, you should pour boiling water over the containers and hold it over steam for a while to destroy bacteria. Another sterilization method is heating in the oven. Immediately place the fruits in the prepared vessels, roll them under metal lids or close them with nylon ones.

How to salt tomatoes

Harvesting salted tomatoes is a snack recipe that our ancestors used. In ancient times, they were placed in large wooden tubs or barrels that could reach the height of a child's chest. Poured vegetables with cold brine with a high content of salt and spices. The ingredients helped preserve the plant's beneficial properties for the winter. Barrel tomatoes were very tasty and spicy.

However, today it is difficult to cold saline them inside the barrel. Therefore, many housewives try to achieve the desired taste using glass jars. To get high-quality salted vegetables, you need to strictly follow the recipe and technology. It is important to make the right pickle and choose the right type of fruit. Salting technology requires compliance with the following stages:

  • processing of vegetables and containers;
  • brine preparation;
  • laying tomatoes and spices;
  • pouring with cold brine;
  • closing with a lid.

Which tomatoes are best for pickling

Requires the correct selection of fruit varieties. Among them, you can choose the following:

  • Oak - the variety is characterized by a round shape and small size, it is conveniently placed inside vessels for salting. Gives an amicable and early harvest.
  • Lyana - gives large fruits, which are approximately equal in size. Tomatoes of this variety are dense and very tasty, they ripen early.
  • Fighter - has an elongated shape with a pointed tip, fits well inside the can.
  • The truffle is red - shaped like a pear, with a ribbed surface. It tolerates salting well, does not fall apart. The fruit tastes sweet.

Cold pickle for tomatoes

Cold pickling tomatoes requires making a pickle. It is made from sugar and salt. You can add spices: bay leaves, currant and cherry vegetation, pepper or mustard. The ingredients depend on the recipe you choose. The easiest way to get a fill involves dissolving a tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water. The solution must be boiled, and then cooled. Tomatoes, laid in containers, are filled with cold brine.

Recipe for pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars

Popular recipes for cold canning can answer the question of how to salt tomatoes correctly. Any gourmet will pick up a snack suitable for its taste and aroma. It is important to strictly follow the recipe and maintain the workpiece for a certain amount of time. Self-made pickles will help diversify the winter menu and preserve the beneficial properties of the fruit.

How to pickle tomatoes quickly in a cold way

Salting tomatoes for the winter quickly in a cold way according to an old recipe involves the use of the following components:

  • ground red pepper - 1/2 tsp;
  • dill (seeds);
  • vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • table salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • tomatoes - 2000 g;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • black currant leaves - 1 handful;
  • horseradish leaves.

Instructions on how to cold salt tomatoes:

  1. Start by preparing the brine. Add sugar, salt, currant herbs to the water, add red pepper. Place on flame, wait for signs of boiling, leave to simmer for a few minutes. Then, remove and let cool. Pour vinegar into the cooled liquid.
  2. Place the spices on the bottom of clean jars, then fill the vessels with tomatoes. Pour the brine over the vegetables in the jars, roll them up with metal lids and leave to cool.

Canned tomatoes for the winter with mustard

Cold pickling of tomatoes with mustard will require the use of components:

  • tomatoes - 2000 g;
  • laurel leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • dill in seeds - 60 g;
  • black currant leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • dry mustard - 30 g;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 2 l;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.

Cold pickling of tomatoes for the winter with mustard - how to do:

  1. Select tomatoes that have small brown stripes (slightly unripe) of the same size. The fruits should not be dented and cracked, rotten. Wash them, dry them with paper towels, and place them in clean jars.
  2. While dipping tomatoes into vessels, transfer them with spicy plants.
  3. Prepare the brine. To do this, boil water by adding salt, pepper and sugar to it. When the liquid gets hot, dissolve the mustard powder there. Leave the brine to cool.
  4. Pour the contents of the cans with cold liquid, close with nylon caps. Send salted vegetables inside the refrigerator or cellar for several days.

Quick dry salting of tomatoes

Tomatoes salted in this way may crack, but they will turn out to be tasty and healthy. For manufacturing you need components:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • cherry greens;
  • currant leaves;
  • salt - 2 packs.

Method for preparing tomatoes in a dry cold way:

  1. You will need a large, clean container. For example, a bucket will do. Place the plants at the bottom.
  2. Lay vegetables on the spices, which should be chopped near the stalk.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit with salt when laying. Cover the tomatoes with horseradish and press down with a hard wood circle. Place the pickles in a warm place, leave for a day. Then, move to a cold place.

Canning tomatoes for the winter with vinegar

To make cold pickling of tomatoes for the winter, take the ingredients in a three-liter jar:

  • head of garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • coarse salt - 6 tbsp. l .;
  • tomatoes - 3000 g;
  • black currant leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • dill umbrella - 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar (9%) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cherry leaf - 5 pcs.

How to quickly salt tomatoes:

  1. Select vegetables, wash and prick in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stalk. Clean glass containers well with water and detergent, wipe.
  2. Place the washed spices at the bottom of the container. From above, start pushing the fruits, placing currant and cherry greens, garlic cloves between them.
  3. Pour salt and sugar into a jar, pour in water and vinegar. Cover the preservation with a polyethylene lid, place in the refrigerator.

How to cold salt green tomatoes for the winter

Green tomatoes can be canned for the winter. To do this, you need the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • dill seeds - 50 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • black peppercorns - 14 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cherry leaves - 4 pcs.

Instructions on how to cook:

  1. Put water in a saucepan on fire, add salt and sugar, add peppercorns, leaves and dill. Boil it for a few minutes, leave to cool.
  2. While cooling the liquid, soak the green fruits in cooled boiled water.
  3. Cut the prepared tomatoes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stalk, place them in clean, boiled water jars.
  4. Pour vegetables with cold brine.
  5. Cover the finished conservation with plastic lids, leave for 5 days at room conditions. Then, store in a refrigerator or basement.

Video: cold pickling tomatoes for the winter

Canned tomatoes for the winter without vinegar are a priority harvest for those who care about a healthy diet or do not respect the vinegar flavor in snacks. In a similar performance, tomatoes will delight you with excellent characteristics and will become one of the best additions to any table.

In addition to their bright taste, tomatoes for the winter without vinegar retain a number of vitamins.

They will be a good snack for any occasion and will complement modest family dinners.

That is why responsible housewives try to close them every year.

There are many ways to cook tomatoes for the winter without vinegar, adding some spices and seasonings can change the taste and even extend the shelf life.

It is easy to make a blank without vinegar, because it is prepared without a complicated sterilization process and other sophistication. It is enough to boil the marinade, put the ripe tomatoes in the jars, pour and roll up the jars with a special key. That's all the tricks, and how delicious it is in winter!

Of course, a lot depends on the recipe. With the addition of such products as cherry plum, apples, mustard and others, the taste of the tomato changes dramatically. You can cover the tomatoes whole or in slices - as you like. The longer they are infused, the juicier and tastier it will be. Cook during the ripening season when the vegetables are inexpensive and ripe.

An important rule for all recipes: after the cans are rolled up, they must be turned upside down, they must cool in this position.

If there is a desire to prepare tomatoes without vinegar for the winter, recipes for delicious snacks and available recommendations will help to implement the venture efficiently and without unnecessary hassle, ensuring the ideal preservation of the workpiece in the best possible way.

  1. For canning, choose tomatoes of the correct shape, without damage and dents, with dense pulp.
  2. Before hot salting, the washed fruits are pricked with a toothpick, skewer or fork, which will help preserve the integrity of the tomatoes and protect them from cracking.
  3. Umbrellas of dill, parsley, celery, black and allspice peas, cloves, cinnamon, garlic, chili, cherry leaves, horseradish, currants are often used as flavoring and spicy additives. Laurel leaves will not be superfluous.
  4. Banks are sterilized before canning in any convenient way, the lids are boiled for 5 minutes.
  5. Canning water is used filtered, bottled or spring water.
  6. After sealing, the hot cans are turned upside down and wrapped in heat until they cool completely, which will ensure the ideal preservation of the workpiece for a long time.

The classic recipe for tomatoes for the winter without vinegar

This recipe does not belong to the category of competitive ones, but this is its advantage: it is simple and understandable even for those housewives who canned tomatoes for the winter without vinegar for the first time. The ease lies in the fact that you do not need to repeatedly drain the water. They taste like tomato juice with salt. And the set of ingredients is small, but that means everything will work out!


The list of ingredients is the shortest of all the recipes presented, since we only need salt, water and tomatoes.

It is important to adhere to the proportions: put a teaspoon of salt on a liter jar, boil for half an hour. For a two-liter jar, you will need a tablespoon of salt without a top, boil for 40 minutes, and accordingly, for a three-liter jar, a tablespoon of salt with a top and cook for 50 minutes.

Cooking method

We wash the tomatoes under running water, dry them.

We put in washed and dry jars, pour salt on top, determine the amount according to the above proportion.

We place the jars in a saucepan so that they do not burst during boiling, cover the bottom of the pan with a rag. Pour water to two-thirds of the height of the cans.

Fill the tomatoes with unboiled cold water and cover with lids. After boiling, simmer over medium heat for half an hour.

After another 30 minutes we take out and roll up the cans, turn the top upside down, cool. Stored well, before use should be infused for a month.

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar and sterilization

Tomatoes marinated without vinegar and sterilized according to the following recipe are balanced in taste, the degree of pungency and spiciness of which can be adjusted by changing the composition of the additional ingredients. With the correct execution of the process and compliance with the conditions of sterility, the workpiece is perfectly preserved even without acid-containing preservatives.


  • tomatoes - 2-2.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5-2 liters;
  • salt and sugar - 2 tbsp each spoons;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • greens, spices.


  1. Washed tomatoes are placed in sterile jars, putting herbs and spices on the bottom.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, leave for 20 minutes under the lid.
  3. The liquid is drained, boiled, again poured into jars for 20 minutes.
  4. The infusion is boiled again, adding salt and sugar.
  5. Pour brine into jars.
  6. Tomatoes are sealed for the winter without vinegar with sterile lids, the containers are turned upside down, and they are insulated until they cool completely.

Tomatoes in their own juice without vinegar

If you have a rich harvest, you should not miss the opportunity to feast on an ideal snack in all respects, having prepared tomatoes in their own juice without vinegar. When cooked in this way, tomatoes retain their fresh natural taste, acquiring a slight piquancy and the lack of a balance of salt and sugar. Garlic cloves or spices can be added to the jars if desired.


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • freshly prepared tomato juice - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Prepare the required amount of juice in any convenient way.
  2. Boil the tomato for 5 minutes, adding salt and sugar.
  3. Tomatoes are laid out in jars, poured with juice, covered with lids.
  4. Sterilize liter containers for 20 minutes, three-liter containers for 30 minutes, seal, wrap.

Tomatoes with aspirin without vinegar for the winter

You can cook salted tomatoes for the winter without vinegar with the addition of acetylsalicylic acid, which will play the role of a preservative, creating the desired acidic environment, and protect the harvest from the influence of harmful bacteria. When storing containers in the cold, you can use a single fill with brine.


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • aspirin - 2 tablets;
  • salt - 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • herbs, spices, garlic.


  1. Put herbs, garlic, spices and washed tomatoes in sterilized jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes.
  3. After 20 minutes, the water is drained and boiled with salt.
  4. Aspirin is added to the jars, boiling brine is poured in.
  5. Seal salted tomatoes with aspirin without vinegar, wrap upside down until cool.

Pickled tomatoes without vinegar with citric acid

Pleasant to the taste, with a harmonious sourness, prepared tomatoes without vinegar for the winter with citric acid are obtained. The additive will ensure the perfect preservation of the snack under room conditions without additional sterilization. Sweet bell peppers, cloves and parsley will add special piquancy to tomatoes.


  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 l;
  • bell pepper - 0.5-1 pcs.;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • greens, spices.


  1. Greens, spices, cut peppers and washed tomatoes are placed in sterile containers.
  2. Pour boiling water over everything for 20 minutes.
  3. The water is drained, boiled with salt, sugar and citric acid, poured into jars.
  4. Cork tomatoes for the winter without vinegar, wrap them until they cool.

Sweet tomatoes for the winter without vinegar

Canned tomatoes without vinegar according to the following recipe will delight fans of sweet preparations. The amount of sugar can be reduced or increased by adjusting the proportions according to individual preferences. If you put a few chili rings in each jar, the appetizer will acquire a spicy point.


  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 4-5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 l;
  • greens, spices.


  1. Greens, spices, washed tomatoes are placed in jars.
  2. Brine is boiled from water, salt and sugar, poured into containers.
  3. Cover the vessels with lids, sterilize for 20 minutes.
  4. Cork sweet tomatoes for the winter without vinegar, wrap until they cool.

Tomatoes with grapes for the winter without vinegar

Cooked pickled tomatoes without vinegar for the winter with grapes acquire an unusual taste. It is preferable to use berries of white or pink sweet and sour varieties. The natural acid contained in them will ensure the proper taste and preservation of the appetizer, and the preparation itself will be supplemented with another delicious edible component.


  • tomatoes - 1.2-1.3 kg;
  • grapes - 300 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 l;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • greens, garlic.


  1. Peppers, herbs and garlic are placed at the bottom of sterile containers.
  2. Fill the jars with washed tomatoes and grapes.
  3. Pour boiling water over the contents for 20 minutes.
  4. Drain the water, boil with salt and sugar, pour it back into jars.
  5. Cork tomatoes with grapes for the winter without vinegar, wrap them up.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter without vinegar

Apples of corresponding sour and aromatic varieties can become a source of additional acidity of the workpiece. The ideal option would be the fruits of Antonovka. For one three-liter container, you will need to put two medium-sized fruits. They can be pre-cut into large slices, while removing the seed boxes.


  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • greens, peppers, spices, garlic.


  1. Greens, spices, tomatoes and apples are placed in sterile jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over the components for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain water, boil with salt and sugar, pour into containers.
  4. Cork tomatoes with apples without vinegar, wrap them up.

Tomatoes in jelly without vinegar for the winter

You will be able to surprise your relatives and friends with an original and delicious appetizer prepared according to the following recipe. In this case, tomatoes without vinegar are preserved in a jelly filling, which will effectively complement the fruit when served. Onion rings and slices of garlic added to the jar will give the jelly and tomatoes a special taste.


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • onions - 500 g;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • dill, parsley, garlic, laurel, allspice.


  1. Tomatoes are laid out on the banks, alternating with half rings of onions and chopped garlic.
  2. Pour the gelatin with a glass of water, and the brine is boiled from the rest of the liquid, adding salt and sugar.
  3. Stir the granules into the brine, pour into jars.

Green tomatoes for the winter without vinegar

The fruits that did not have time to ripen can be preserved in. The taste of the resulting workpiece will surprise even experienced chefs, delighting with special piquancy, sophistication and freshness. With the correct execution of a simple and unpretentious technology, the snack is well preserved even under room conditions.


  • green tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • tomato juice - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • aspirin - 2 tablets;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Put green tomatoes on the banks.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes twice, keeping the fruits covered for 15 minutes each time.
  3. Tomato juice is boiled with salt, sugar and cinnamon.
  4. Aspirin is thrown into jars and filled with tomato filling.
  5. Seal green tomatoes without vinegar, wrap until cool.

Tomatoes in slices for the winter without vinegar

Without vinegar, the following recipe will allow you to find use for large fruits that will not fit into the jar entirely. Tomatoes harvested in a similar manner retain their fresh taste, acquiring a slight piquancy. Celery or basil leaves placed on the bottom of the containers will give a special aroma.


  • tomatoes;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • garlic, celery leaves, or basil.


  1. Chopped garlic and herbs are placed at the bottom of the jars.
  2. The vessels are filled with chopped large slices of tomatoes.
  3. Boil water with salt, pour into jars.
  4. The containers are sterilized for 10 minutes, sealed, wrapped.

Cold tomatoes for the winter without vinegar

Salting tomatoes without vinegar, taking into account the following recommendations, will allow you to get a delicious savory snack without heat treatment. This method is suitable if you have a cellar, a cold basement or free space in the refrigerator, since after registration, the cans must be stored exclusively in the cold.


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • herbs, spices, garlic.


  1. Greens, spices, washed tomatoes are placed in jars.
  2. Dissolve salt in clean cold water, pour the brine into containers.
  3. Cover the vessels with nylon caps and put them in the cold.
  4. cold method without vinegar will be ready for use in 1.5 months.

  • You will need 10 kg of tomatoes: wash 5 of them, leaving whole, and grind the remaining 5 kg through a meat grinder to get juice.
  • At the bottom of each sterilized jar, place a few currant leaves, garlic cloves, dill twigs and horseradish root.
  • Fill the jar halfway with the tomatoes and place the spices and herbs on top again.
  • Put tomato juice on the fire, add a glass of salt to it. Let everything boil, and then fill the jars with the resulting brine.

  • Take 16 kg of cherry tomatoes, wash them and place them in sterilized jars.
  • Put currant leaves on top of the tomatoes (there can be any number of them), a few peas of allspice and bay leaves.
  • Cook a brine based on 5 liters of water, 1 tbsp. salt and 2 tbsp. Sahara. When it boils, add 12 tsp. mustard seeds.
  • Pour the brine over the tomato jars. After 1 day, lower them to the basement.

Tomatoes for the winter without vinegar - tricks and tips

First of all, pay attention to quality of purchased vegetables... They should be moderately ripe, firm, free of mold and other defects. It is better to make a salad from soft ripe fruits, cutting off the parts that you do not like.

If you want to prepare tomatoes for the winter without vinegar and other preservatives, you need to do well sterilize jars, in the process of work, do not take them by the neck and, as our grandmothers say, do not preserve them during critical days. This is most likely due to the hormonal background changing these days. If you pour tomatoes with cold marinade, they will retain their firmness and fresh taste.

You can add onions, slices of sweet pepper, grapes, lemon to tomatoes. Tomatoes canned with paperoni pepper and gherkins acquire originality.

Tomatoes can be salted green or red. In any case, the thing turns out to be delicious.

And although the effect of cabbage brine is somewhat higher, tomato tastes good and has a more immediate effect. One drawback - during biting off, they are able to splash abundantly on clothes and then not wash off. Salted tomatoes have come into our everyday life not so long ago. There are no old traditional recipes for salting them yet. Housewives to this day tirelessly conduct various experiments, trying to surpass themselves.

It turns out a delicious product that goes very well with boiled potatoes.

Ingredients (based on two to three three-liter cans):

  • tomatoes (varieties "cream", "chumachok") - three kilograms;
  • garlic - one head;
  • pickling broom of horseradish foliage, cherries, currants, dill (with seeds) - one per can;
  • lavrushka - two leaves, black pepper - ten peas, cloves - two buds, allspice - three peas (for each jar);
  • salt - 50 - 60 grams per can.

How to salt tomatoes in jars for the winter:

  1. We wash the tomatoes in cold water, without fail, we cut off all the tails. We do not use spoiled vegetables.
  2. We wash the pickling "broom", cut it into pieces no longer than a match, mix, achieving uniformity of the composition. We lay out on the banks to cover the bottom. This should take about half of the composition.
  3. We lay bay leaves, pepper, cloves in the specified quantities.
  4. We dilute one hundred to one hundred twenty grams of salt in half a liter of boiling water, pour the hot solution into jars with spices.
  5. We lay the tomatoes. Do not forcefully do it. Add chives to the jars, the remaining "broom". Some in the middle arrange the next layer - it is allowed.
  6. Top up the jars with cold water, close them with nylon caps. It is necessary to gently shake the jar and turn it over several times so that the saline solution spreads evenly.

After that, we leave the cans in a place that is not exposed to the direct rays of the sun. After sustaining three days, we move them to a cool place for two weeks. It is allowed to be stored in the refrigerator, on the balcony (if cool enough), in the cellar. Recipe for pickling a tomato, lick your fingers, try it!

For those who like to diversify their winter diet with the help of blanks, we would like to offer other options for spinning: pickling and salting. All these and many other recipes you can easily find in our recipe book on the site.

Pickled tomato delicious recipe

Salted tomatoes are considered a delicious snack that cannot be bought in the store. The main advantage is that vinegar is not used. Small varieties of tomatoes in glass containers look very nice. It is recommended to use it in the first half of winter, until the vegetables have lost the bulk of their vitamin composition.


  • pickling broom (one per can) - foliage of horseradish, cherries, currants, dill, parsley, celery, garlic, pepper, mustard seeds, lavrushka and cloves;
  • vegetable oil - one spoonful per jar;
  • salt - 100 - 140 grams per one and a half liters of water;
  • tomatoes - 3 kg for two cans;
  • sugar - 20 grams per can (added if desired).

How to salt tomatoes for the winter:

  1. We select strong and red tomatoes with dense pulp. Unripe fruits are allowed to be used, but they should be salted in a separate container.
  2. My tomatoes. So that they are better fed with salt - we pierce each with a toothpick.
  3. Banks are recommended to be sterilized.
  4. We lay out the tomatoes in a container, add a "broom". Make sure the horseradish leaves are on top to prevent mold from forming. For the same purpose, vegetable oil is added, its stain does not allow air to pass through to vegetables.
  5. Pour in not too hot (for green) or cooled (for red tomatoes) brine.

Be careful not to pour under the throat - it may leak out during fermentation. We cover the jars with lids and leave them in the room for several days. Then the jars are moved to a cool place and kept for another three weeks.

A simple recipe for pickling a tomato with garlic

One of the most common recipes. Tomatoes keep well throughout the winter.


  • tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • fresh dill - 150 gr (about a bunch);
  • garlic - 220 gr (5 - 6 heads);
  • horseradish - 50 gr (one medium-sized root);
  • tarragon - 25 gr (2 - 3 stems);
  • hot pepper - 10 gr (one pod);
  • salt - 400 gr;
  • water - 8 liters.

How to salt tomatoes with a simple salting:

  1. The tomatoes are sorted, washed in cold water, the tails are removed.
  2. It is recommended to sterilize clean cans.
  3. Tomatoes are placed in a prepared container along with spicy ingredients. Note that you can use a pan, tub, bucket as a container. Vegetables should be placed as tightly as possible, shake the container periodically. The pickling "broom" is laid out in three steps - bottom, middle, top.
  4. Fill in the brine.

If salted in a large container, then the top is covered with a napkin, on which a circle with a load is superimposed. Periodically, it is necessary to rinse the circle, remove the formed mold. After a month and a half, the tomatoes are completely ready for consumption. But keep in mind that in a large container, red tomatoes are not salted under the load, as they are subject to deformation.

Salting tomato for the winter

This is the only way to preserve the grown tomato crop earlier. Much has changed over time, but this recipe has remained unchanged. salt tomatoes for the winter is within the power of every housewife.


  • pickling "broom" - 1 per can;
  • garlic - 3-4 prongs per jar;
  • water, preferably spring water;
  • coarse salt - 3 - 4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water;
  • tomatoes of small and medium varieties.

How to pickle tomatoes for the winter:

  1. Tomatoes are selected to be the same size and ripeness. The correct solution is to use slightly unripe vegetables grown in the open field, which have a thin but strong enough skin. Remove the tails, rinse the tomatoes thoroughly with cold water.
  2. Salted "broom" is cut into pieces of eight centimeters. We put about half on a three-liter glass container, leave the second for now.
  3. We lay the tomatoes, trying to do it as tightly as possible. Garlic is added to the jar at the same time. The remaining spice is laid out on top of each container.
  4. It is not scary if, when preparing the brine, add more salt than necessary. The secret is that tomatoes will take in as much as is required for pickling. We prepare brine at the rate of one liter per three-liter jar. Dissolve salt in boiling water, wait seven minutes, start pouring into jars.

We lightly cover the jars filled with brine with nylon lids and leave them in room conditions for several days to activate the fermentation process. When the brine becomes cloudy, the formed gas bubbles will be visible to the naked eye, the jars are tightly covered with lids and sent to a cold place. After a couple of weeks, the tomatoes are ready, you can eat.

How to salt tomatoes in liter jars

It is believed that salting can be done in any container, but for convenience they use glass jars.


  • tomatoes - three kilograms;
  • salt - three tablespoons;
  • sugar - two tablespoons
  • pure water.

Cook together:

  1. We choose small tomatoes, pierce the skin, put them tightly in jars up to their shoulders.
  2. We send large tomatoes to a saucepan and heat them without boiling. We rub the mass through a sieve, add salt and sugar.
  3. Jars with small tomatoes are poured with the prepared composition. Make sure that a couple of centimeters remain free to the top of the neck.
  4. A liter jar with tomatoes is sterilized in boiling water for ten minutes.

This recipe makes delicious tomatoes in their own juice.

How to salt tomatoes for the winter

The recipe is convenient for those who live in urban settings without a cellar. Moreover, it is quite expensive to purchase such a product in winter, but you always want something unusual, spicy-sour, salty ...


  • "Bouquet" for pickling - 1 per can;
  • garlic - 3 - four cloves;
  • salt - 5 - 6 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 2.5 liters;
  • tomatoes.

Cooking method:

The entire recipe is based on the preparation of a tomato in a three-liter glass container.

  1. A pickling "bouquet" washed in water is placed on the bottom of a clean jar.
  2. Tomatoes are washed with cold water, pierced in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stalk with a toothpick several times, and sent to the jar.
  3. Place the garlic by cutting it coarsely.
  4. Boil water for brine, add salt and sugar, wait a little. Pour jars of tomatoes with a not very hot brine. At the same time, we place a metal spoon in the jar so that it is in contact with the glass wall. This measure is necessary so that the glass does not burst from the hot brine.
  5. Lightly cover the jar with a lid, leaving access for air. In this position, everything remains in a warm place for a couple of days.

As soon as the brine becomes cloudy and bubbles appear, the lids are put on tighter, the jars are sent to a cool place. Tomatoes can be eaten after a week. The recipe is super!

A simple recipe for pickling tomatoes in jars

This recipe for green tomatoes has its own peculiarity. To prevent the tomatoes from becoming harsh, they are pre-soaked in boiling brine (water and salt) for two minutes


  • tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • dill - 200 gr (a pair of bundles);
  • currant (black-fruited variety) - 100 gr (80 - 100 leaves);
  • granulated sugar - 200 gr;
  • coarse salt - 250 gr;
  • water - 5 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. We sort out the tomatoes, discard the spoiled ones, rinse them in cold water, removing the tails.
  2. We cut the spicy set into small pieces, put in containers (can be distributed over several layers).
  3. We boil water, dissolve salt.
  4. We send the tomatoes into the boiling brine for a couple of minutes, then put them in jars.
  5. Add sugar to the brine, continuing to boil until completely dissolved.
  6. After waiting a little, fill the jars with tomatoes.

It is necessary to store the tomatoes for several days in the room, then rearrange them to a colder place. The appetizer is the first grade!

Salted tomatoes have always been considered one of the special delicacies in Russia. There are many ways to salt them for the winter. In winter, these vegetables will remind you of the summer season.