What is black Thursday salt for? Different ways to make Thursday salt

16.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

In recent years, it is not uncommon, especially in the pre-Easter period, to hear and read about the so-called "Thursday salt". On the Internet, you can easily find existing recipes for its preparation. At the same time, it is said that this salt must be prepared once a year - on Maundy Thursday (popularly called Maundy Thursday).

It should be noted that most of the materials devoted to the "Thursday salt" are on occult Internet sites and forums, where it is reported, for example, that this salt cleanses the body, heals diseases, has "magical powers", protects against the evil eye and "helps" in the fight against enemies. The reader is offered various ways the use of "Thursday salt" in magic rituals... Sometimes it is recommended to consecrate “Thursday salt” in church together with Easter cakes and eggs before such use.

It's no secret, of course, that “Sorcerers” and “psychics” use church relics in their practice: icons, holy water... And since the preparation of “Thursday salt” is often mentioned along with Easter cakes, colored eggs and Easter, the question may arise: is “Thursday salt” one of the truly church traditions, only forgotten during the years of Soviet power?

We are forced to answer this question in the negative. The fact is that belief in the miraculous power of "Thursday salt" - one of the many pagan superstitions that arose in antiquity.

In the popular beliefs of the Slavs, salt is a symbol used mainly as a talisman. Salt, according to popular beliefs, is able to protect against hostile forces and influences. The "Thursday salt" prepared on Maundy Thursday was also empowered. This is no coincidence: the performance of a variety of rituals designed to ensure well-being in the family and household for the entire coming year was tied to Maundy Thursday in the people's life. Among the Eastern Slavs, Holy Thursday was almost universally called Clean. The cleansing rituals of Maundy Thursday concerned not only the person himself, but also his immediate environment, primarily the house and utensils. At dawn on this day or on the eve of its mistresses washed and scrubbed floors, walls, ceilings, tables and benches, cleaned icon lamps near icons, steamed milk dishes, shook straw from beds, etc.

In addition, a superstitious veneration of the "passionate" or "Thursday" candle, bread, salt was widespread among the people, and they attributed healing power to them.

"Thursday" salt was stored throughout the year. It was used against the "evil eye" and as a universal remedy in the treatment of various diseases (both in humans and in domestic animals). The peasants took it inside, rubbed it with a solution, and the sick cattle were given bread salted with it or bred a pinch in a drinking bowl. As a talisman, "Thursday" salt was sewn into an amulet and worn on the chest.

Needless to say, the above folk customs from the point of view of the Christian doctrine are superstition, often blasphemous? The remaining pagan beliefs in many cases did not change their essence, although in the minds of the people they were associated with church holidays, events and persons of Sacred history. And so the preparation of "Thursday salt" has nothing to do with the real traditions of Orthodoxy.

Let us now talk about the actual church practice. In the Trebnik there is a prayer for the consecration of salt - "Prayer over salt." Prayer over Soliah is one of the most ancient ... In the spiritual sense, salt means the saving teaching of Christ and the holy life of His preachers (Matt. 5:13). The New Testament Church uses salt for bread, sacrificed bloodless and blessed at all-night vigils. The Church blesses salt as an essential food product. But in the liturgical books there is no indication of the need for the consecration of salt on a particular day of the year. In SV Bulgakov's "Handbook for priests", we also will not find a prescription for the consecration of salt either on Great Thursday or Easter.

So, the popular belief in the healing power of “Thursday salt” goes back to pre-Christian mythological ideas and is in no way connected with the church “prayer over salt”. But the remnants of paganism existed among the people. The clergy, too, could not but experience the influence of the people (all the more so in terms of the level of theological education, it often did not differ from it). In the history of the Church, there are cases when the clergy accepted the pagan beliefs of the parishioners. So, at the beginning of the 4th century, the Elvira Cathedral (in Spain), with its 34th rule, forbade lighting candles in the cemetery during the day - “so as not to disturb the souls of the saints. In the Greek Church, at one time there was a rite of cursing a criminal with psalms (Psalmokatar) ... Sometimes even the clergy are able to follow the beliefs of their parishioners, violating the gospel and patristic commandments. Let us make a reservation, however, that such cases are very rare, since The Church has always strongly resisted attempts to "sanctify" superstition with her authority..

With regard to the "Thursday salt", such attempts have already happened. In the 16th century, everywhere, not only among the common people, but also in the upper classes and in the princely family, numerous superstitions prevailed. This is evidenced by the Stoglavy Sobor (1551) that took place during the reign of Ivan the Terrible: “ On Great Foursome they wounded the straw, they scorch and call for the dead; some neveglasy [ignorant] priests on Great Thursday put salt under the throne and until the week of Thursday after Velitsa days [Easter] they keep there and give that salt for healing by people and cattle».

In those days, traditional medicine consisted of conspiracies and magic means. Popular and private calamities, setbacks, family discord, and so on were constantly attributed to witchcraft, and witchcraft was the means to eliminate them. The spirit of witchcraft penetrated the very Christianity of the people. The conspiracies received a Christian form, replacing in their proclamations the names of mythical forces with the names of saints; on the other hand, some Christian prayers turned into conspiracies through the message of miraculous power in the popular consciousness, their lists were worn around the neck, kept in houses as talismans, and used in witchcraft. Witchcraft even used sacred objects for their own purposes, for example, they chanted pastries over prosphora ... priests ... put a child's afterbirth on the throne for 6 weeks in the church. Various fortune-telling notebooks went from hand to hand - Rafli, Aristotle's Gate, Sixwing. Since the 16th century, astrological superstitions and fortune-telling, which were placed in Ostronumey, Zodey, Almanacs, passed to us from the West ...

But still Stoglavy Cathedral (1551) Under these conditions, he showed enough Christian wisdom to reject a number of attempts to penetrate superstitions into the church environment, and among them - the specified peculiar way of obtaining church "sanction" for "Thursday salt". The resolution of the Council on this matter read: “The commandments on Great Thursday would not burn the straw and call the dead, and the priests would not put salt under the throne on Great Thursday, and they would not keep days until the week of Thursday on Velica, since this is the beauty of the Hellenic and blasphemy. heretical. And whoever the priest will create such, and that being according to the sacred rule in excommunication and in the final eruption. "

Oddly enough, "Thursday salt" is becoming popular again these days. At the same time, people convinced of its miraculous power again seek to win over the Church to their side. This causes understandable bewilderment among the parishioners: “There is a nunnery at the church in our city. And on Thursday, the last week of Great Lent, during the service, a nun brought salt in a plastic bag, a priest came up and read prayers. The parishioners standing nearby also took a handful of this salt from the bag, for which the nun was scolded by the abbess. And when the next year my sister and I came on the same day (Thursday of the last week of Lent) with the hope of consecrating salt too, nothing of the kind happened. I asked one of the nuns about this, she replied that this was the first time she had heard about the consecration of salt, that she had never seen anything like this and had never heard anything like it.

So what is Thursday salt, why is it done? ”- asks a participant in one of the Orthodox Internet forums.

The clergyman, in response, rightly notes: “I don’t know who raised this salt to the rank of a special shrine (there is a prayer over salt in the missal, but this is not the consecration of the salt of Chestnut, but just a prayer like a prayer for the blessing of cattle, sowing and vegetables). Now this custom is becoming popular in some parishes and monasteries, but it is nothing more than an unauthorized innovation. You can treat this in different ways - you can read a prayer over salt, bring it on a certain day for consecration - too. However, it is strange to ascribe to her any special healing power or grace. The use of this salt is limited to cooking only, so it is nothing more than the blessed salt from the temple. The healing properties attributed to it remain on the conscience of the distributors of these stories. By faith, of course, there can be healing from salt, only here we have holy water, other shrines ... And, finally, Holy Communion! "

Thus, "Thursday salt" is a pagan prejudice. Its preparation and use are magical manipulations, contrary to church teaching. Orthodox Christians should remember the words of the Apostle Paul, who warned against following empty deception, according to human tradition, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ (see: Col. 2: 8).

Despite the fact that the 21st century is in the yard, people still believe in miracles, adhere to signs and superstitions! So, for a long time it has been customary to make "Thursday salt" and use the substance for personal purposes throughout the year.

Thursday salt, what is it

For those who are not familiar with the superstitions of our ancestors, Thursday salt is considered to be a substance obtained at home from ordinary salt as a result of magic spells and the addition of certain ingredients. This salt is distinguished by its "great" power, capable of working miracles!

You can prepare a magic substance only once a year, on Maundy Thursday, before the great Orthodox holiday "Easter". After preparation, the salt is stored at home until Easter, then it is taken to the church, where it is consecrated, then, placing it in a fabric bag for storage, the hostess removes it from prying eyes.

A sacred product is used to cleanse dwellings and cattle corrals from evil spirits; possesses miraculous properties that can raise seriously ill people to their feet; serves to protect the household and the inhabitants of the house! It is believed that using the power of such salt, it is quite possible to bewitch a person, remove the curse imposed and attract well-being!

What does a magic product consist of?

Amazing but miraculous thursday salt obtained from common food that can be found in any home! Moreover, there are quite a lot of cooking methods and everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves.

Most often, ordinary salt, black bread, leaven for kvass, flour, cabbage leaves are used in the preparation. You can also use herbs that have medicinal properties.

Cooking process

Early in the morning or on Thursday night (starting at 3 am), the hostess of the house, without "spectators", starts cooking, using one of the recipes:

  1. A pack of coarse salt is poured into a cast-iron frying pan with high sides, put on the stove to heat up, meanwhile add wheat flour (12 tbsp) and stir with a wooden spatula. In the process of warming up, the salt mixture begins to change from white to dark and even black. Stirring is continued throughout the cooking process. During this time, until the product has completely darkened, you need to have time to read the prayer "Our Father" over it three times. The dark salt mass is removed from the heat, but allowed to cool in a frying pan, only completely cold is poured into a fabric bag.
  2. 5 loaves of black bread are soaked to a mushy state in warm water, half a pack of salt is added to the mass and stirred. Spread the resulting bread mass on a baking sheet, level and "bake" in the oven or Russian stove until dark. While the mixture is brought to readiness, the prayers used to prepare the Thursday salt or "Our Father" are recited. Leave to cool and, crushing, pour into a bag.
  3. Take a handful of dried medicinal herbs: lemon balm, mint, thyme, nettle, St. John's wort and everything that grows in your area, and you managed to prepare. Instead of herbs, fresh crushed cabbage leaves are often used. Add to them half a pack of salt and crumb from 4 soaked loaves of black bread. Stir, dump on a baking sheet, bake in the oven. As soon as the mass begins to darken, it is taken out and, having whispered three times "Maundy Thursday, save and have mercy from worms and from every reptile," leave to cool. Now the mass needs to be crushed and poured into a bag for storage.

The easiest way to prepare Thursday salt is to take it with you to church for the morning liturgy. In the process, the product is charged with positive magical energy, after which, upon coming home, a prayer is read over it and used if necessary!

Hello dear readers. Recently, more and more interest is shown in all kinds of miraculous means. One of them is black quaternary salt. This is not some magical novelty or an invention of modern pseudo-psychics and false sorcerers, but a tool used by our ancestors since ancient times. According to old beliefs, salt prepared in a special way and on a specific day has powerful cleansing properties. It was used as food and as a healing potion, as well as to eliminate troubles and as a protective amulet. So, Thursday salt - what is it and how to use it .

What is quaternary salt

Thursday salt got its name due to the fact that it can be prepared only once a year - on Maundy Thursday, before the Easter celebration. To obtain it, it was necessary to fry ordinary salt in the oven, as a result of which it will take on a black color. Hence came the second name - black salt.

It turns black because the additional organic ingredients in its composition are charred under the influence of high temperature. But in some cases, it is not possible to achieve black color - the salt has a gray tint.

There is evidence that in some cases, to give the salt crystals miraculous power, it was enough to take them out of the hut under the open sky on Thursday night during Holy Week.

Salt, left on the table at the same time next to a loaf of bread, allegedly acquired similar properties. Or it became special due to storage near the home iconostasis throughout the entire Bright Week.

However, most recipes involve the cleansing power of fire. According to some reports, the Annunciation salt was distinguished by the same characteristics - a product obtained by the same calcination, but on the night before the celebration of the Annunciation.

Finished salt has a special flavor. And if aromatic additives were used, then a pleasant subtle aroma. Also, the peculiarities of Thursday salt include its less salty taste and the fact that it does not actually dampen.

And black salt retains its mystical characteristics for a whole year.

For use as food, it must be crushed. At the same time, the use of electrical appliances is not recommended - the taste of the product deteriorates significantly. So you have to act the old fashioned way, using a mortar and pestle. Alternatively, use a manual coffee grinder.

During the preparation process, the salt goes through several stages of cleaning and recharging

  1. For a long time, people believed that the power of fire has cleansing properties. Therefore, calcining the salt not only cleanses it, but also enhances the ability to absorb negative clots of energy.
  1. The prayers that should be read while preparing black salt purify the product even more and recharge it with special energy.
  1. It is not in vain that the process of making the product falls on Maundy Thursday. On this day, everything goes through a special cleaning. The vibrations of the day themselves and the collective radiation sent by the entire Orthodox world on Maundy Thursday are also important here.
  1. Consecration of a remedy during a festive service in a church is a very powerful cleansing rite and recharging from a pure source.

Thursday salt - how to cook, how to make at home

There are several known ways of preparing this healing and magical remedy. Each of them involves heat treatment of the salt crystals. In some cases, various additives are added to the composition.

Once our ancestors used a stove to get Thursday salt. But this does not mean that in modern conditions there is no way to get this useful product. The stove may well replace the stove or oven.

For cooking, you need coarse-grained table salt. Do not use sea salt, iodized salt, or fine refined and bleached extra salt. If you plan to actively use the resulting product, then prepare a kilogram stock.

You will also need a good pan with a thick bottom, without a non-stick coating, a large baking sheet or a thick-walled cauldron.

You can use the salt itself, as well as various additives.

It could be

- Rye flour;

- bread pre-soaked in water;

- swollen bran or oatmeal;

- aromatic herbs and spices (bay leaves, mint, basil, cumin, oregano, coriander, dill, etc.);

- the thick remaining after the preparation of malt kvass;

- cabbage leaves.

Salt was once wrapped in a linen rag, poured into an unusable wicker bast shoe or an earthen pot with a lid. After that, it was left in the oven for several hours.

Sometimes they built a rag roll or wrapped the salt in cabbage leaves and put it on hot coals or dipped them into their thickness.

There is a mention of the use of special logs for making black salt. They were harvested throughout Great Lent. Each Sunday, one log was set aside for this purpose.

Sometimes they were even put into the oven in a special way and started to fry. We did it all on Thursday night or Maundy Thursday morning. The main thing was to have time to complete the entire process before the onset of Good Friday, otherwise the salt would lose its magical qualities.

Thursday salt - how to cook in modern conditions

To prepare black salt, it was necessary to tune in to a special mood. All bad thoughts had to be driven away, everything should be done with faith in the soul and pure intentions. In addition, it is advisable to read prayers throughout the procedure.

But, as some believe, it is enough to read first the prayer “Before the beginning of every business”, and then, when the remedy is ready, Our Father or a special prayer for salt, which can be found in the Orthodox prayer book.

Thursday salt recipes used today

  1. The salt is fried in a cast iron skillet, stirring with a wooden spatula. Heating is continued until the composition turns black.

  1. Salt crystals are poured into a cauldron and placed in the oven for several hours to ignite. The salt is expected to darken.
  1. The salt base is mixed with a loaf of black bread soaked in water. The recommended ratio of components is 1: 4. The composition is mixed and placed in a thick-walled vessel (cauldron, duck, etc.). You can add here a mixture of herbs or one of them. Place the cauldron in a preheated oven. The mixture will turn black and caked in a solid lump. It will need to be crushed after cooling.
  1. In a frying pan, combine a kilogram of salt with ten large tablespoons of flour obtained from rye grains. The pan for cooking is thick, clean and dry. After mixing the ingredients, you need to read Our Father or another prayer three times and cross yourself.
  1. Oatmeal is soaked in cool water to swell. After about half an hour, the excess water is drained. After the flakes are mixed with coarse kitchen salt in a 2: 1 ratio. Now it remains to send the mixture into a hot oven and wait for it to turn black. The finished product will need to be crushed.
  1. Cabbage leaves are cut into small pieces (up to a centimeter) and mixed with salt. For 0.5 kg of cabbage, you will need about 150 g of the main ingredient. Here you can add a little of all sorts of herbs. Further actions are similar to the previous ones. If the mixture is placed in a thin layer on a baking sheet, then the procedure will take about an hour.

Better to close the kitchen door and open the window. To eliminate odors and smoke, you need to turn on the hood.

By the way, there is such a sign that if dry salt crackles loudly when calcined in a frying pan, it means that there is spoilage on the person preparing Thursday salt.

The finished product must be poured into a dense rag bag sewn from natural fabric. They keep it hidden from prying eyes. If during the cooking process it has melted into a solid conglomerate or large lumps, it must be crushed.

Let the salt cool and grind, preferably by hand. Then sift using a sieve or colander. Use fine salt for food, and large salt for making amulets and for medicinal purposes.

To enhance the properties, salt is taken with them to church on the bright holiday of Easter. The consecrated remedy, having passed the next stage of purification in the temple, acquires additional strength.

Thursday salt - benefits and harms

As already mentioned, quaternary salt has special properties, which is why it is used in various cases.

  1. To cleanse the body, as a sorbent.
  1. To saturate the body with mineral compounds. The composition contains magnesium, calcium, chromium, potassium, selenium, sodium, phosphorus, etc.
  1. For the purpose of curing various bodily diseases. It helps to normalize stools, improve appetite, reduce excess gas formation, and eliminate slagging. This makes the specified product useful in the presence of excess weight, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, renal failure, heart disease.
  1. For baths. The addition of black salt helps to relieve even chronic fatigue in just a few treatments.
  1. As part of home care products. For example, a scrub (combine sour cream with black salt 3: 1) or a tightening mask (yolk, a large spoonful of honey, 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 teaspoon of chopped Thursday salt).
  1. With mental ailments and spiritual torment, soothes.
  1. As a body amulet, protecting from evil eyes, damage, malicious individuals.
  1. For home protection and family well-being. It is also used when cleaning the apartment from the accumulated negative.
  1. To increase yields. For this, black salt was mixed with ash and added to the soil.
  1. When targeting damage to livestock or diseases of domestic animals. The agent was mixed with food or dissolved in water ..
  1. To lure good luck, wealth and prosperity into the home.

The effect of black salt can be enhanced by various conspiracies that are read over it. In this case, the range of application of the product becomes literally unlimited.

There are also a number of caveats regarding black salt. The product should not be ingested uncontrollably.

Particular care should be taken in the presence of heart disease, hypertension, gout, acute gastrointestinal tract lesions, renal failure, articular diseases. The same applies to people who are overweight, as well as people who are prone to the formation of edema.

Given the magical properties of this remedy, one should be wary of using it by unkind people for their own selfish purposes. So if under the threshold you notice a scattering of black salt, gently sweep it away, read Our Father or another prayer and sprinkle the place with sugar. Take the collected salt out of the house immediately. It is advisable to bury it in a vacant lot.

Thursday salt from the evil eye and damage, to attract money

Black salt is very often used to protect yourself, your family, home and household. It will help get rid of the evil eye and damage. To do this, you need to make a body amulet. Everything is simple here.

A little Thursday salt is sewn into an amulet, a cloth bag, or simply tied in a small knot. In this case, you can read any prayer or special security conspiracy. You can hang the amulet on one string (chain) with a cross.

In order to attract prosperity to the house, you need to store salt on the table in a salt shaker. She will pull all the negative onto herself, allowing the positive to open up better and faster.

You cannot eat such salt. It is also recommended to remove it further when guests or outsiders appear in the house.

Another way to lure money is as follows. When you are going to prepare your Thursday salt, ask for salt in three different homes, where the indicators of happiness and contentment that you would like to see in your life are present.

But just do it without envy and bad thoughts, otherwise you can inadvertently lure luck from someone else's home into your own.

And this will already be a bad deed, for which you will have to pay. And the price may turn out to be disproportionately high. Salt obtained from prosperous homes is mixed with the purchased salt until the required amount is obtained. Then everything goes according to the above scheme.

Thursday salt from illness, alcoholism, family quarrels

Knowing what it is, and how to use it, you can achieve various desired effects. So, for healing from any ailments, it is recommended to mix salt in the patient's drink or food twice a day in a small amount. At the same time, a prayer is usually recited.

You can use our Father, resort to the help of special prayers for the sick, or apply a self-composed prayer set forth in a free form and containing a specific request.

In the same way, you can help a person with various addictions - alcoholic, nicotine, narcotic, medication.

Conspiracies are especially powerful. You can talk about both the salt itself and the dishes seasoned with it. To enhance the effect, you can read the same conspiracy over a photograph or personal item of a patient (drunkard, etc.), which he regularly uses.

You need to repeat the procedure many times, sometimes daily. You can wait until the drinker falls asleep and sprinkle black salt on his feet and head, repeating the necessary words.

For marital happiness and harmony in the family, it is recommended to put a bundle of Thursday salt under the pillow of each family member. For the same purpose, you can use this move.

Before preparing Thursday salt, let the whole family get together and each throw a handful of the original salt into the cauldron. Next, you need to adhere to the chosen option for preparing black salt.

Thursday salt - everyone has heard of it, but now very few people know how to make it and what it is needed for. Prepared in the right way and applied in the right situation, it helps to cope with the disease, cleanse the house, attract prosperity to it, ward off enemies, even make the disappeared person return! It's easy to make, and there are a lot of possibilities, so it's time to learn more about Thursday's salt.

How to make quaternary salt?

It is such a product, under this name, Thursday salt - the invention of the supposedly Christian tradition. But if you look deeper, into the history, as well as the traditions of other peoples, it becomes clear that, how to cook quaternary salt are known by representatives of many other religions and magic schools, including much more ancient than Christianity.

Salt, as an instrument of protection, healing, purification, is present in various variations in many traditions. Something in common is present in all rituals: salt acquires its magical power on a significant day, especially revered in this tradition, often an authoritative representative of the cult (shaman, priest, priest, druid, and so on) participates in this. Thursday salt in Orthodoxy preparing on Maundy Thursday, one of the sacred days of Holy Week. In pagan rituals, the "consecration" of salt, that is, the process of giving it magical power, took place on the eve of the days of the spring and autumn equinox, as well as the summer solstice.

Now there are many proposals and people advertising the possibility of buying Thursday salt, ready-made. This is not recommended, especially with strangers. The fact is that they can bring diseases, curses, damage to salt and, having sold, transfer them along with salt

In addition, salt made with one's own hand "remembers" the owner and faithfully serves him, his home, and his family. Therefore, the correct answer to the question of where to get Thursday salt is only one: to do it yourself.

Black Thursday Salt or Kostroma and other recipes: how to cook?

On Maundy Thursday, on the eve of Easter, the most favorable time for the manufacture of black salt comes: large (not small Extra!) Stone (it is not pure white, but a grayish tint) must be calcined in an oven or oven with cabbage leaves, with thick kvass or rye bread crumbs , with "strong" herbs.

Cabbage Thursday Salt

Take green cabbage leaves, separated from the roach, chop them, mix with salt in the desired proportions, leave in the oven, over low heat. If possible, use a stove or hearth.

Spicy herbal salt

You can use dried herbs - Bogorodskaya (thyme), thyme, oregano, coriander, peppermint, mix with salt. You can also add rye bread or drunk kvass to this - as a result, after burning in the oven, black salt will turn out, which is traditionally prepared in Kostroma, and is often called black Kostroma salt.

The burning process is important because it allows the beneficial minerals to be retained in the salt. It is clear that this is, therefore, it is recommended to add such salt to food.

Even the ash that remains after the salt is burned off can be used with benefit - in fact, it is activated carbon, it can be used to detoxify the body. The ash left over from burning cabbage and beneficial herbs is traditionally used by healers for the treatment of dermatological diseases.

Before the onset of Maundy Thursday (or the Spring Equinox, everyone should choose according to their religion) what kind of salt to cook: grind large pieces almost on the full moon and leave in the house, in the immediate vicinity of the hearth (or kitchen, in modern conditions). On the Feast, salt was previously taken to a priest, an elder, a representative of a cult for consecration, then returned to the house so that it would protect him from any negative impact.

The use of Thursday salt

Sick people were given water with Thursday salt to help them withstand the illness and recover. Salt, as soon as it has been made, must be applied as soon as possible: its power is at its maximum in the first days after its creation. The next morning, at dawn, they stand behind the threshold with a linen or linen bag filled with salt, and go around all the houses counterclockwise, crossing the threshold with their right foot. You can go around with prayer, you can with a conspiracy, of which there are a large number. It is worth choosing the right option based on your goals and intuitive trust in a conspiracy or prayer.

The benefits of Thursday salt can hardly be overestimated. It is used in conspiracies for the evil eye, for the treatment of various diseases, for attracting health, money, for happiness in the family.

Thursday salt from spoilage

To remove spoilage with Thursday salt, she is spoken of with prayers and slander dedicated to Nicholas the Wonderworker. She becomes a talisman, protects the house and everyone living in it from quarrels.

Thursday salt from the evil eye

To prevent children from being jinxed, you need to add a pinch to the bathing water. So that envious people do not jinx the family, it is necessary to sprinkle it on every corner of the apartment or house.

How else to use quaternary salt?

So as not to take my husband away, and also so that you need to pour salt into a small bag made of natural fabric and put it under the pillow.

In order for a disappeared person to return, a handful of salt must be thrown into the fire in his home.

In order to have money in the house, the Thursday salt should be in the center of the table in a wooden salt cellar.

If an unkind person comes to the house, it is imperative to salt his treat. If the enemy comes, when he leaves, all traces of him are covered with Thursday salt.

Such salt - magical protective amulet, which is a must-have just in case.

Dear friends, recently, you literally bombarded us with questions related to such a substance as "Thursday salt":

    • What is "Thursday" salt?
    • Where can I get this very "Thursday" salt?
    • Is it possible to prepare "Thursday" salt on your own, or does it still need to be bought somewhere?
    • Where can you find the old (secret) recipe for making genuine Thursday salt?

What is Quaternary Salt?

Thursday salt is usually called salt prepared in a special way on Maundy Thursday preceding Easter. For centuries it has been believed that it is the "Thursday" salt that has cleansing properties, but ordinary salt seems to be just salt and nothing more.

But is it? To believe that only quaternary salt has cleansing properties is a complete delusion. Salt, whatever it is, has the ability to cleanse. It doesn't matter when you bought it and where, it doesn't matter what color it is, it doesn't matter on which day you “prepared” it (performed the ritual).

It is no secret that many Christian traditions that have survived to this day were borrowed from the Vedic culture, however, our contemporaries fully and completely believe that the same church rituals have absolutely nothing to do with paganism. We will not argue and prove the obvious things. It's up to you to decide what to believe and what not.

Where can I get quaternary salt?

You can easily and easily prepare the Thursday salt yourself. From the name itself it follows that the salt is "prepared" on Thursday. Will it be Thursday, which is Holy Week, or ordinary Thursday, of which there are many, it does not really matter. Moreover, you need to understand one very simple thing: if you live in the Christian tradition, if you firmly believe in all the canons on which Christianity itself is based, of course, you should “say” Thursday salt on Thursday, which precedes Easter. After all, a true and orthodox Christian, whether he wants it or not, is very strongly tied to the Christian egregor. Every time, a person gives up his energy to the egregor, for example, when he prays. Egregor (energy substance), in turn, can also fulfill the request of the prayer. There is a kind of energy exchange. This is if we speak in a simple, understandable language for everyone, without going into all the serious.

Thus, if you decide to “cook” salt exactly on Holy Week, believing that this week is special in every respect, and the salt itself will absorb a variety of useful properties and energies, of course, it is worth doing it on the eve of Easter.

But there are other cultures, there are other worldviews. There are Buddhists, there are pagans, there are people who have not fully decided. In a word, there are all kinds of people. What then should they do? After all, salt - believe it or not - still has cleansing properties.

Our thoughts on Thursday salt

Since it is customary in most sources to call the cleansing salt the word "Thursday", we will not destroy the established traditions. Our ancestors, who lived in the Vedic tradition, knew that salt has properties to cleanse, remove negativity, draw out all the bad. The cleansing salt could be prepared on any of the days, the main thing is that the moon wanes. It was believed that salt acquires additional beneficial properties if it is calcined in a furnace, on coals.

It is very difficult to do calcination in this way these days. Russian stoves remained only in the villages, and even then, they can rather be called a great rarity than commonplace. Today we solve the problem in a completely different way: we calcine salt over a fire, for example, pouring salt into a cast-iron pan, put it on the fire, and it is calcined with it. For calcination, take coarse salt, without the addition of iodine and other nonsense.

In many sources, it is written that you can cleanse something only with the help of Thursday salt prepared during Holy Week. If you are an orthodox, if you are a true Christian, if you believe in it, then follow a similar idea. If you are far from Christian traditions, if you believe yourself and your own intuition, follow it and know that any salt, absolutely ANYONE can clean both the person himself and the room where he lives. And "Thursday" has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Recipes for "baking" salt, which are now replete with the Internet space, are ridiculous, well, honestly! Let's finally turn on the head, after all, it was given to a person in order to think, and not in order to perceive everything indiscriminately and filters as the ultimate truth.

In connection with all this, a plot from a film about vampires comes to mind, where a person, trying to protect himself from the attack of a vampire, pulls out a holy crucifix. The vampire grabs this holy crucifix, not at all afraid of it, and says the sacramental phrase: "In order for this to help, you need to BELIEVE in it!" We tell you the same, repeating it once again: believe that salt can only be Thursday, and the point is, cook it on Thursday, which is Holy Week, do not believe in all this, but believe yourself, and salt is natural component - cook then, when it is convenient for you. It will work, in spite of all the nonsense with which the "web" is full.

How to make quaternary salt yourself?

Usually our ancestors not only calcined the cleansing ("Thursday") salt (in fact, they strengthened it with the help of Fire - the most powerful Primary Element), but also spoke. They could also carry out certain rituals over her. It all depended on what kind of demand (for what purpose) the salt was prepared.

Best of all, if you begin to "cook" salt for yourself over an open fire. For these purposes, a gas or a fire is suitable, even the fire that you have prepared for frying a kebab is suitable, but not an electric oven (it is important that there is a Living Fire - this is critical!). The vessel in which you will calcine the salt must be made of cast iron. This is the ideal. If there is no cast iron pan, do not despair, take what is at hand.

When you start cooking salt, you mentally need to concentrate on what kind of salt you want to get. What will you do with it? What is it for you? This will be salt, which you will then walk around your house, i.e. will she protect you? Or will it be salt that needs to clean something? Or will there be salt that is intended to become your talisman? Or maybe you want to use it to treat animals? Or driving out evil spirits? Or maybe YOU just want to charge salt with positive energies so that you can use it later in food?

In short, you need to clearly understand WHY do you need salt?

It is worth knowing an important point, the essence of which is:

  1. If you are preparing salt, in order for it to help you remove the negative, remove the destructive effect, it must be cooked on the waning moon and stirred counterclockwise.
  2. If you want to make a talisman out of salt, or somehow use it for yourself (for food, for cosmetic purposes), then the salt must be cooked on the growing moon and stirred clockwise.

These points are very important, you need to know about them.

Thursday salt recipe

Finding a recipe for real cleansing Thursday salt is not easy. In addition to the obvious components, there are a number of hidden nuances of this ritual. Save some patience! Even desire, Fire, salt itself and the power of intention, we will gladly tell you the rest.

You can cook the salt itself at any time, but not at night. The time of dawn is best suited - after all, during this very period there are creative energies, the sun rises, everything awakens, there is a lot of power, forgiving which any evil spirits are powerless.

It is important to be clean, that is, before you "cook" salt, you need to wash. Such rituals are not performed on a dirty body. It is best to do your case without witnesses. Still, the process is intimate. You, salt, Fire and your thoughts, which nothing and no one interferes with.

If you are preparing salt in order to remove the destructive with it, you can take a knife and not just stir the salt counterclockwise with it, but also how to cut the salt cross on a cross, imagining how the knife destroys all the negativity or all your enemies ... All these actions can be accompanied by a prayer or a conspiracy. If you do not know any special conspiracy, it's okay, you can say the words that come from your heart, they will be much better than any prayer or conspiracy.