Wild quince jam. Quince jam - recipes for an amazing autumn delicacy

25.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Quince is enough famous fruit which is rich in various organic acids, essential oils, fructose. But, unfortunately, the fruits are not very edible raw, so they need to be processed. Now we will consider how to make quince jam with lemon. You can also add other fruits, nuts, additives. All this will only improve the taste. The only condition is to use ripe fruits... If you get an unripe fruit, let it rest for a couple of days.

One quince jam - the easiest recipe

Before mastering more complex recipes with the addition of other ingredients, we will consider the simplest one, for which we only need: a kilogram of quince fruit and a kilogram of sugar. We sort out the fruits, wash them and wipe them with napkins. Cut in half, remove seeds and core. Then we cut it as we like, for example, into 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm pieces.

We put it in a basin, fall asleep with half a kilogram of granulated sugar, and let it infuse for a day. During this time, you need to thoroughly mix the mixture several times. For a day, the quince will let the juice out and become suitable for further processing... We fall asleep with the remaining sugar and let it infuse again for a day. Over time, take a bowl of fruit and bring it to a boil over medium heat, then cook for 60 minutes. When the jam is ready, put it in jars and roll it up. As you can see, nothing complicated. But among housewives, recipes with additives of other fruits are more common, so next we will have quince jam with lemon.

Add lemon to our recipe

Required ingredients: one kilogram of quince fruit, 0.8 kg of sugar sand, a glass of water, lemon - one piece, vanilla sugar- one pack, walnut - 100 grams. We prepare the fruits, as in the previous recipe. We take a saucepan, mix water with granulated sugar in it, bring to a boil and pour quince into the resulting syrup.

Boil for five minutes and set to stand for 12 hours. Then we bring to a boil, cook a little and let it settle again for the same 12 hours. We wash my lemon, remove the seeds from it and grind it with a blender, you can, by the way, rub it on coarse grater... Crushing in large pieces nuts. We put on the fire for the third time and after boiling the jam, add lemon, nuts and vanilla sugar to it. After that, bring to a boil and immediately place in the jars. We roll up the lids, turn them upside down, wrap them up and leave them in this position for three days. Quince jam with lemon and nuts is ready.

Quince jam with lemon and walnut is our next recipe

Having tried such a jam with an indescribable aroma, you will not even guess at once what it is made of. Juicy quince having delicate taste with a subtle smack of lemon, and pieces of nuts saturated with the aroma of vanilla will never be forgotten by you, and you will want to eat this again wonderful dish... To make it yourself, use this recipe.

Ready-made jam is perfect for tea drinking when served with a simple homemade yoghurt pie. Ingredients: a kilogram of ripe quince, 0.8 kg of granulated sugar, one lemon, 100 grams of walnuts and five grams vanilla sugar... And now we will cook quince jam with lemon and walnuts.

Cooking process

We offer a step-by-step recipe:

Quince with lemon and orange: jam

The recipe for making such a jam is very simple and does not require strict adherence to the proportions of products. Do you know why citrus fruits are added to quince? Thanks to them, the delicacy gets especially refined taste and the taste of our fruit is neutralized. Citrus must be added at the end of cooking to preserve it delicate aroma... So, we are preparing quince jam with lemon and orange. Cut the zest from the lemon and orange into thin strips. At the same time, we try not to touch white pulp... Then chop them finely, squeeze the juice from the lemon.

Carefully wash the quince, cut it into four parts, remove the seeds, cut into small pieces and put them in a large pot or a pelvis. Fill with water, wait until it boils, and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. During this time, the quince should acquire softness. Pour in sugar and zest, add and cook for about 1.5 hours, stirring constantly. That's it, quince jam with lemon and orange is ready. We pour it into a sterilized container and roll it up.

Cooking jam in a slow cooker

In many recipes, it is recommended to cut the peel off the quince before cooking. We will not do this, since the aroma of our fruit is provided by the aromatic substances contained in it. And we will cook a little unusual. Quince jam with lemon in a slow cooker is our trend at the moment. Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of peeled and chopped quince, the same amount - sugar sand, one lemon and two limes.

Thoroughly wash our fruits, remove the core and cut into thin and small slices. Load into the multicooker bowl and add sugar. Squeeze the juice out of the citrus fruits and pour it into a bowl. We select the “extinguishing” mode and set the time - one hour. Then we leave for 12 hours in keeping warm. After this time, we lay out useful, aromatic and delicious jam on the banks and - in the refrigerator. This recipe is without sterilization, you just need to wash the jars well.

Quince with cinnamon - a reminder of the hot summer

Required ingredients: one kilogram of fruit, 700 grams of sugar, two glasses of water, 40 ml of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of cinnamon. We wash the quince well, cut and remove the core. Cut the fruits into thin slices and immediately sprinkle them with lemon juice, 20 grams, put them in a container and fill them with water. We put on the stove, boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir.

Add sugar lemon juice that remained, and cinnamon. Cook over low heat for 25 minutes, stirring all the time. When ready, pour into jars and close with lids. Ready. If you add apples to the recipe, you get a quince jam with lemon and apples, and cinnamon. Such jam is not suitable for the winter, its shelf life is up to two months.

Cooking jam for the winter

In the jam, which is prepared for this, it will not boil over, its pieces will turn out to be whole and soft, it can be stored for up to two years. Ingredients: one kilogram of pitted fruits, sugar - 600-800 grams, a glass of water, lemon, one-gram bag of vanillin, hazelnuts - 100 grams. We will cook quince jam with lemon for the winter. We cut our fruits into slices. V enamel pot preparing in a standard way syrup and pour quince into it while boiling. Cook for five minutes and, as usual, remove from heat for 12 hours.

Then we repeat the same. Coarsely crush the hazelnuts using a wooden mallet. Let's add some variety with lemon. We will not grate it and squeeze the juice, but cut it into thin slices. After boiling the jam for the third time, add lemon, crushed nuts and vanillin to it. After boiling for just a couple of minutes, we lay out the boiling jam on pre-sterilized jars and roll them up with the same lids. This dish will delight you with its aroma and taste. long time.

and products from it

Why are dishes made from our fruit, including quince jam with lemon, so popular among people? Quince is rich in various vitamins, contains many macro- and microelements. It contains sodium, potassium, citric, malic, tartanic acid and pectin, necessary for the body human, substance. Its fruits contain a lot of fructose, tannins, essential oil, catechins and amino acids.

Our jam is not subjected to special and prolonged heat treatment, so that all the benefits of quince are preserved as much as possible. Lemon and other fruits only reinforce it. We will not talk about purely medical benefits our jam, let's just say that it will improve your mood, invigorate, have a general strengthening effect. So make and eat quince jam. Bon Appetit!

What do I like quince jam with slices? Fragrant, tasty, transparent, has a beautiful amber color, and the pieces of the fruit perfectly retain their shape in the syrup. They turn out to be a little harsh, but this does not spoil them at all, on the contrary, it makes them look like candied fruits. There are several ways to make quince jam in slices. All of them are quite long, but not complicated. The result will invariably please - pieces of quince from jam can be eaten with hot tea instead of sweets, and syrup can be poured over ice cream or any other dessert. For example,


  • 1 kg of quince;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 300 ml of water.


Prepare first the right ingredients... Only ripe fresh fruits are suitable for making jam in slices good quality, without dents, rot and wormholes. Try to choose the most best fruit for processing, so that the jam is beautiful and tasty.

Rinse the quince thoroughly with cold running water and cut into 4-5 pieces, remove the seed pods, cut off the skin as well - it will no longer be useful. Now cut the slices into even thinner ones, up to 1 cm thick.Pour the chopped quince the right amount water, so that it completely covers the fruit. Put the saucepan on fire and bring the contents to a boil, then reduce heat. Boil the quince over low heat for no more than half an hour - the pieces of the fruit should be half cooked and in no case overcooked.

Now pour the water in which the quince was boiled into another container. Pour the specified amount of sugar there and continue to cook the syrup, only until without fruit. After the syrup boils, reduce the heat and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then pour the quince pieces with this syrup and bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes, then boil for another 45 minutes over low heat, stirring every 7-10 minutes. At this stage, it is especially important to protect the quince slices from boiling. It is done like this: reduce heat to minimum, stir only with a wooden spoon or spatula, if the boil becomes too strong, stop cooking for 20-30 minutes. Once the jam has cooled slightly, continue.

Check the syrup is done traditional method- put a few drops on a saucer. If the syrup does not lose its shape and begins to solidify, you can turn off the heat. Lay out neatly quince jam into banks and close clean lids... You do not need to sterilize the jars before filling, just wash them and scald them with boiling water. Also process the lids. It is convenient to close quince jam with wedges in small jars with screw caps.

Quince is not the most common food, but everyone should try it. It is not always tasty raw, so it is worth cooking various jams from quince.

It has an extraordinary aroma, retains all vitamins, useful material, of which there are a lot in fresh fruits.

If you don't have time to mess around with cooking for a long time, but the fruits have already been harvested, you need to pick up a recipe without long heat treatment. Exactly this recipe will help you prepare a tasty, aromatic treat for enough a short time, it takes 30 minutes to cook, leave it overnight, and in the morning we boil it again.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ripe quince - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - about 1000-1200 gr.;
  • Water - 1 glass.

  1. Wash the quince thoroughly;
  2. Cut the fruits into pieces, remove the inner partitions and seeds;
  3. Transfer the fruits to a saucepan, pour water and turn on the fire;
  4. It takes about 20 minutes to cook the quince, but it is worth watching the fruits, only when the fruits become soft, we can assume that the mixture is ready;
  5. Now you need to add sugar, but you need to add it gradually, if you add all the sugar at once, it will dissolve for a long time and may not completely dissolve, so add sugar in small portions, wait for a boil and cook for about 5 minutes;
  6. The mixture must be removed from the stove and left, this will take 6-7 hours, it is quite possible to leave it overnight, and cook in the morning;
  7. After 6-7 hours, send the jam to the fire, boil it well again;

When the mixture is ready, it is poured into jars. Banks are sterilized in advance, prepared, it remains only to roll up the cans with lids.

Quince jam with candied fruits

If the dish is pure with one quince, you are not quite to your taste, then you can try to complement the taste of this fruit, for example, apples or pumpkin. For this recipe, you need to use unripe fruits with dense structure, such fruits are not always suitable for making jam in traditional ways.

Required Ingredients:

  • Quince - 600 gr.;
  • Apples - 200 gr.;
  • Pumpkin - 200 gr.;
  • Red currant - 500 gr. or red currant juice - 3 glasses;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse the quince, cut into slices or cubes, remove the seeds, but it is not recommended to remove the peel, with the peel the fruits and syrup will be tastier and richer;
  2. Now you need to prepare the apples, wash them, cut the same way as you cut the quince (the shape should be the same), remove the seeds and the hard middle. It is important to take hard, not yet fully ripe fruits, otherwise the pulp will boil down and candied fruits simply simply will not work;
  3. Wash the pumpkin, peel the seeds, but the peel from the pumpkin needs to be cut off, it is too hard, cut in the same way as the quince;
  4. If you do not have red currant juice, but there are berries, you can squeeze juice from them. This is done very simply, you need to take a piece of gauze, fold it in several layers, put in the center of the berries and twist the ends so that the berries are in a kind of bag, the ends of the gauze are strongly twisted and the juice is squeezed out. You can act differently and grind the berries through a sieve, in general, you need to squeeze juice from the berries in any way;
  5. Now mix the resulting juice with sugar, put on the stove, wait for the sugar to dissolve and bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat and cook for a while. The syrup is ready at the moment when it brightens noticeably;
  6. Pour prepared fruits into the prepared syrup. You do not need to cook them for a long time, just stir and then remove from heat;
  7. Leave the fruits in the syrup to infuse for 6 hours;
  8. Then put the mixture on the stove, cook for about 5-7 minutes;
  9. Boil a little, leave the mixture for infusion, now for 12 hours;
  10. After 12 hours, put on fire again, again bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave to brew for another 12 hours;
  11. The mass should be brought to a boil and infused for 12 hours four times;
  12. After that, hot jam is poured into jars and covered with lids.

If after preparing the blank you still have apples, then you can also use them for cooking, the taste of which is familiar to each of us from childhood, or of your own production.

Amber quince jam

Amber jam has a very beautiful color, but the quince pulp itself in syrup is tender and soft. Such consistency of fruits is achieved not only by prolonged heat treatment, but also by using more ripe and softer fruits. Such a twist is perfect for decorating desserts, as a filling and simply as an addition to tea.

Required Ingredients:

  • Quince fruits - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - about 1 kg;
  • Water - 3 glasses;
  • The juice of one lemon;
  • A little vanilla.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Peel the fruits, cut in half, remove seeds, cut into slices;
  2. Mix water with granulated sugar and boil the syrup, for this it is enough to bring the mixture to a boil and make sure that the sugar has dissolved;
  3. Put the pulp in the syrup, bring to a boil again, remove from heat, leave to cool for several hours;
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil three times and leave to infuse and extract juice for several hours;
  5. After that, the pulp must be cooked until tender, that is, until the pulp of the fruit is completely softened;
  6. About 5-10 minutes before the jam is ready, add a little vanillin and juice squeezed from one lemon to it;
  7. It remains only to arrange the treats in jars and close the lids.

Quince puree jam recipe

In some cases, the jam should look like mashed potatoes, for example, for a layer of desserts, for adding to cakes, it is this recipe that will help to prepare soft mashed potatoes, and the degree of grinding of the fruit can be chosen independently, you can leave the pulp in small pieces, or you can completely chop it. Puree is prepared very quickly, but it turns out original, tasty and appetizing.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ripe quince - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. For a puree-like state, the fruits must be thoroughly cleaned of seeds, rough core and peel, now it is necessary to cut the fruits, the shape does not matter much;
  2. Now our ripe fruit you need to grind, here you can choose different variants, you can skip the mixture through a meat grinder, grate, or you can use a blender and punch the pulp with it, choose yourself;
  3. Now the chopped pulp must be transferred to a saucepan, add granulated sugar and put on fire;
  4. Cook the jam for about 10 minutes. It is important that the syrup and pulp do not burn, they must be constantly stirred and do not turn on a strong fire;
  5. When the jam is cooked, it remains only to put it in jars and seal it with lids.

Quince jam with nuts

Quince jam has exotic taste, and if you emphasize this exotic with nuts, then you get just an amazing treat. Making such a jam will not be difficult, and will not take much time, but you can add any nuts and feel free to experiment, for example, you can use walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, hazelnuts and even pumpkin seeds.

Required Ingredients:

  • Quince - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1000 gr.;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Any walnuts - 1 glass.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Wash the prepared fruit, cut into quarters and remove the core. Quince needs to be chopped, this can be done in several different ways: mince, grind, grind in a blender;
  2. Now you need to prepare the syrup, for this we mix sugar and water, you can also add purification from quince there, the syrup is boiled down a little. Or you can do it differently: cover the pulp with sugar and leave for a while to extract juice. In this case, sugar will help the juice stand out from the pulp itself, and water is no longer added;
  3. Now the pulp needs to be mixed with syrup, put on fire and cook until the fruit is soft, this will take about 10 minutes;
  4. It's time to prepare the nuts: they can be fried in a dry frying pan or dried in the oven, then cooled and chopped. You can grind it in different ways, you can grind it into flour, or you can leave small pieces, this is a matter of taste;
  5. After the mixture of pulp and syrup is mixed together, it's time to add the cooked nuts, they must be boiled in the jam for about 10 minutes;
  6. Sterilize the jars, prepare the lids, and pour the hot mixture over it. You can seal such jam with any lids.

Quince jam with honey and cinnamon

The quince mixture has a beautiful color, but adding cinnamon to it, you can get an amazing color. And honey will add sweetness and a unique aroma.

Required Ingredients:

  • Quince - 960 gr.;
  • Water - 390 ml.;
  • Cinnamon - 2 gr.;
  • Honey - 1.45 kg.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. First you need to properly prepare the fruits. They need to be peeled from the skin and rough core. You need to cut the fruits into slices, but so that the thickness of the slices does not exceed 1.5 centimeters, otherwise the jam will be with tough fruits;
  2. Now the pieces need to be boiled in boiling water, this will take about 10 minutes;
  3. Do not pour out the water in which the pulp was cooked, it is useful for syrup. It is in this water that honey and cinnamon should be added. Put on the stove and, while stirring, wait until the honey is completely dissolved, it is necessary to stir constantly;
  4. When the honey has dissolved, put boiled slices into the syrup and boil a little more, you need the syrup to thicken;
  5. When the syrup has thickened it is poured into jars and closed with lids. It is important to store such jam in the refrigerator.

There are many recipes for quince jam, you can cook each one, but from such a fruit as quince, in any case, it will turn out amazing jam... A quince treat is delicious in itself, but if you add other ingredients to it, then the taste of this amazing fruit emphasized and complemented by unusual notes.

We have also prepared others for you. interesting recipes tasty blanks for the winter, such as, for example, or fruit juices.

Quince is considered the Asian cousin of pear and apple, but the fruit is not particularly healthy when consumed raw. For this reason, many housewives prefer to make jam or jam based on peeled fruits. To prepare a treat, you only need sugar syrup, water and the fruit itself. As a result heat treatment the pieces become soft and pliable. The finished product is often used as an independent snack and added to desserts. Of the positive characteristics of quince, an increase immune system, fight against anemia of the extremities, antipyretic properties.

Features of cooking quince jam

  1. For the preparation of delicacies, only ripe fruits are used. It is important to remember that the fruit should not be overripe. A suitable quince has a rich yellow and pronounced aroma. If you have collected lightly green fruit, leave them in the sun for 1-2 days to ripen.
  2. In the process of heat treatment, the quince retains its shape well. For this reason, it is necessary to cut the fruit into beautiful "orange" slices or cubes. Remove the core and stalks before sending the fruit to the pot. The peel is removed at will, but it is she who makes the delicacy fragrant.
  3. Like any other jam, the quince composition is prepared in several stages. To begin with, the fruits are boiled in plain water, then a syrup is prepared on the basis of this liquid. Further, the fruits are again sent to the sweet filler and come to readiness. Classic version is considered the longest, but it is he who is the base one.
  4. Before you start cooking quince, pick up a thick-bottomed pan (a cauldron will do). This will prevent the fruits and sugar from sticking. If the sand burns, it will spoil the taste and aroma of the finished dish.
  5. To prevent the jam from becoming sugared in the process long-term storage, at the end of cooking, add the treats citric acid... Do not overdo it with the amount, since the delicacy is quite sour even without this component.

Quince jam: a classic of the genre

  • drinking water - 720-740 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 760 gr.
  • ripe quince - 1.4 kg.
  1. Rinse the fruits with water, rub them with a foam sponge. Chop into equal sections, core cut, peel if desired. Chop the quince into slices or strips of equal size. After preparation, you will get about 850 grams. fruit.
  2. Send the fruits to a saucepan, cover with filtered water and place on the stove. Cook for a third of an hour on medium power, the fruit should soften partially. Remove the quince, leave it on a sieve or colander to drain off excess liquid.
  3. Leave the cooking water for the syrup. Add sugar, set the burner to the minimum mark, wait until the grains dissolve. Typically, the sugar boiling process takes 8-10 minutes. Remember to stir the syrup.
  4. After the allotted time, pour the cooled quince slices into the pan, increase the power of the stove to the middle, wait for the first bubbles to appear. As soon as this happens, time it, you need to simmer the fruit for 7 minutes.
  5. Then turn off the heat, cover the dishes with a lid, leave warm for 5 hours. For the specified period of time, the quince will be saturated with sugar, become moderately sweet. Now simmer the jam again for 7 minutes, add another 100 grams if desired. sugar, turn off the stove, wait 4-5 hours again.
  6. At the end of cooking, send the pan with the treat to slow fire, simmer for half an hour, stirring constantly. Sterilize containers and lids, pour into jars finished product, seal. After cooling, transfer to cold.

  • purified water - 25-30 ml.
  • quince - 2 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • citric acid - 3 gr.
  1. Pick up a microwave cooking container. Fit glass container for baking dishes in the oven. Wash the quince, peel it, cut into cubes or "orange" slices.
  2. Place the fruits in a bowl so that 1/3 of the total volume remains free. In case you cannot find a large container, cut the ingredients in half and use a smaller container.
  3. Set the microwave to maximum power, turn on the timer for a quarter of an hour. Send the fruit pan inside, bake the allotted time.
  4. After the expiration of the term, remove the dishes, sprinkle the contents with granulated sugar, again send to languish. Leave the same power and time. While the mixture is cooking, dilute citric acid with water, leave for 5 minutes until the grains dissolve, pour in to the total mass.
  5. Take care of sterilizing lids and cans for twisting, dry the container. Pour ready-made delicacy, seal. Flip the twist, let cool, store in cold storage.

Quince jam with ginger

  • lemon juice - 7-8 ml.
  • quince - 550 gr.
  • lemon peel - 10 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 520 gr.
  • ginger root (fresh) - 7 gr.
  • clean water (drinking) - 230 ml.
  1. Rub lemon zest... Wash the ginger root, chop it very finely. Rinse the quince, remove the peel (you can skip this if the surface is not damaged). Remove the stem and core from the fruit.
  2. Cut the quince into slices or cubes, send to a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls. Pour water into a container, cook on low power for a quarter of an hour. Then add granulated sugar, grated lemon peel and ginger root.
  3. Stir the product until smooth, cook for 25-30 minutes, do not allow the mixture to stick to the walls of the dishes. During this time, boil and dry the curling container (sterilization process).
  4. At the end of cooking the jam, pour in the lemon juice, wait 3-5 minutes, turn off the burner. Pour the treat into warm jars, seal, turn upside down. Wrap with a thick blanket or sweatshirt, let cool for 12 hours.

  • water - 1.2 liters.
  • orange - 2 pcs.
  • quince - 2.4 kg.
  • sugar - 1.8 kg.
  1. Wash the fruits under the tap, rub with a foam sponge, peel the quince from seeds, stalks, peels. Chop the fruits into cubes, straws or slices, send to the cauldron.
  2. Pour in filtered water, add sugar, send to medium fire, wait for bubbles to appear. Then simmer the contents for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Next, turn off the burner, cover the dishes with a lid, leave to infuse for 7 hours. Start preparing the orange: rinse it, chop it into cubes without removing the zest.
  4. Grind the citrus in a blender, meat grinder or food processor, add to the quince. Place the jar on the stove and cook for 45 minutes. Deal with sterilization of containers and lids.
  5. When the treat is ready, pour it into clean containers, roll it up. Turn down the neck, wash with a winter blanket. Leave overnight, transfer the jam to the cellar in the morning.

Quince jam with walnuts

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 825 gr.
  • filtered water - 530 ml.
  • quince - 1.1 kg.
  • vanilla sugar - 2 gr.
  • walnut - 215 gr.
  1. Rinse the quince and prepare it (cleaning, drying, cutting). Pour chopped fruit with 250 ml. water, blanch for a quarter of an hour. Don't throw away the peel, you will need it.
  2. In a separate saucepan, mix together 200 ml. water and 500 gr. granulated sugar. Send the container to the stove for making syrup, wait for the crystals to dissolve.
  3. Pour the hot syrup over the quince, stir and leave for 5 hours. To prevent insects from getting inside, cover the treat with a lid or gauze cloth.
  4. After the allotted time, add the remaining granulated sugar, put the saucepan with the contents on the stove. Simmer at an average mark for 15-20 minutes.
  5. The peel, which remains from peeling the fruit, is poured into 150 ml. water and boiled for half an hour. Next, the solution is filtered and poured into the main composition. At the same time, vanilla sugar is poured in.
  6. Chop the lemon into slices without removing the zest. Remove the seeds, and add the pulp with the peel to the jam. Grind the walnuts in a coffee grinder (fry them in a skillet to prevent moldy treats).
  7. Now put the jam on the fire again, cook for 7 minutes. Disinfect in advance the containers into which the mixture will be twisted. Pour hot jam over them, seal, turn over.

  • apple - 550 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • quince - 1.3 kg.
  • citric acid - ¼ teaspoon
  1. Rinse the fruit, remove the core, peel, remove the stalks. Chop into pieces, send to a saucepan, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Cover with a lid or cheesecloth, wait 9 hours.
  2. Next, send the dishes to the stove, boil for 5-7 minutes, do not forget to stir the contents. Turn off the hotplate, cool the mixture and repeat the boiling procedure again. After the second cooling, add citric acid, again bring the mass until the first bubbles appear and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash and disinfect the jars and dry them. Pour the jam into containers, cork, wrap with a blanket. Cool the mixture upside down for 11-12 hours.

Quince jam with almonds

  • sugar - 850 gr.
  • quince - 0.9-1 kg.
  • filtered water - 1 l.
  • almonds - 130 gr.
  1. Prepare the almonds in advance. Fry the nuts in a dry hot skillet, crush them into pieces, or leave them intact. Rinse, peel the quince, chop into slices.
  2. Pour running water into a thick-bottomed saucepan, bring the liquid to a boil, send the quince slices inside. Boil the mixture for 7 minutes, then leave the fruits in a colander or sieve to drain.
  3. Start making syrup with filtered water and sugar. After cooking, cool it, pour the quince mixture with the mixture. Soak the fruits in sugar for 4-5 hours, during this period they will be saturated and become sweet and sour.
  4. When the jam is infused, repeat the manipulations. Send it back to the stove, simmer for 7 minutes, cool to room temperature. Then the procedure is repeated again, at this stage of cooking, lemon is added. It must first be washed and chopped into cubes, removing the seeds.
  5. Sterilize containers and lids, dry the container, pour it over it ready-made composition... Roll up, turn upside down, cool at natural (room) temperature. Take in the cold, start tasting in 5 days.

Consider recipes for making quince jam with added walnuts or toasted almonds. Cook a treat with apple, orange, lemon, ginger. Try to make quince jam in the microwave, don't break step by step instructions... Add granulated sugar according to personal taste.

Video: vitamin quince jam

It is much more pleasant to spread on bread not bought in a store, but home-made quince jam. Quince is a close relative of pear and apple, only in its raw form its fruits are practically not eaten. Doctors recommend eating them boiled or baked.

Aromatic jam made from quince, delicious and extremely healthy. Medicine recommends its use for stomach diseases.

Recipe for the winter


  • quince - 1.5 kg.
  • water - 750 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 800 g

How to cook:

  1. I wash the fruit thoroughly, cut it into 4 parts. I remove the skin, remove the seed chamber, cut into small slices. After processing, approximately 900 grams of pulp is obtained.
  2. I pour the slices clean water, bring to a boil, boil for 20 minutes, until softened.
  3. I put it back in a colander and let it cool.
  4. I use the broth to make syrup. For 3 cups of liquid I take 800 grams of sugar. If the broth is less, I add water.
  5. Cook over low heat until sugar dissolves. This takes approximately 10 minutes.
  6. I add quince to the boiling syrup, let it boil, boil it for 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, I remove the pan from the stove.
  7. Leave the fruit in the syrup for about 4 hours. During this time, they will be thoroughly saturated. Then I cook for about 5 more minutes and again insist for 4 hours.
  8. When I boil it for the second time, I add about 400 grams of sugar. I bring it to readiness over low heat. This takes about half an hour.

What to do with ready-made jam? If I'm going to use it in the near future, I let it cool, pour it into a jar, seal it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. If I do it for the winter, pour it hot into a jar, close it with a seaming machine, put it upside down, cover it with a blanket and leave it for three days.

Video recipe

Cooking gourmet jam

There are many ways to make jam. Delicacy recipe my grandmother told me. Now I will reveal the secret to you.


  • fresh quince - 1 kg.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • water - 2 glasses.
  • walnuts - 1 glass.
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly, remove the skin, remove the core.
  2. Cut into small slices, blanch for a quarter of an hour.
  3. From water and half of the sugar provided in the recipe, I prepare syrup and pour in the fruits. I leave it for 4 hours to soak in the syrup.
  4. I put it on fire, add the remaining sugar. I cook in several doses for about 15 minutes.
  5. Pour the peel with water and boil. I filter the finished broth and add it to the jam before the last cooking.
  6. I put lemon circles and kernels at the end of cooking.

The taste of the jam is simply amazing, and the aroma is impossible to describe. Believe me, it will not leave you indifferent, besides, it is great for pies, cakes and biscuits.

A simple cinnamon recipe

Cooked by simple recipe cinnamon jam is the perfect sweet dish. The aroma is delicate, and a small spoonful of a viscous mixture will give divine pleasure.


  • large quince - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 15 ml.
  • sugar - 100 g.
  • ground cinnamon - 0.25 tsp
  • pure water.


  1. I wash the large fruit cold water, I'm drying paper towel, I cut it into 4 parts with a knife. I remove the core, cut into small slices.
  2. I move the slicing into a small saucepan and fill it with water. It should cover the pieces and be a few centimeters taller.
  3. I put it on the stove, turn on medium heat. As soon as the liquid boils, I lower the temperature a little.
  4. Cook until softened for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  5. Then I add sugar, lemon juice and ground cinnamon, I reduce the fire to a minimum, cook for 25 minutes.
  6. At the end, the quince becomes soft, remove the pan from the heat.

Serve chilled. A quarter of an hour before serving, I take it out of the refrigerator and move it from the jar to dessert vases. The treat goes well with fresh tea or puer.

The classic way with an orange

Quince in fresh sour, and in some cases even throats. However, if baked or boiled, it becomes an exquisite delicacy.


  • quince - 3 kg.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.
  • water - 7 glasses.


  1. Peel the quince, remove the core, cut into cubes. I don’t throw away the peel and core, they will come in handy.
  2. I fill the skin and cores with water, bring to a boil, boil for about a third of an hour. I filter the finished syrup and add it to a saucepan with chopped fruits.
  3. I mix everything well and boil for 10 minutes. After that I drain the syrup.
  4. I add sugar to the syrup and bring to a boil. I pour in the fruit and leave it to infuse for 12 hours.
  5. I cut the unpeeled orange into cubes and add to the quince. I cook, stirring occasionally, until the syrup melts amber color... The approximate time is 40 minutes.

I roll the finished jam into jars, turn it upside down, cover it with a blanket and leave it until morning. Store in a cool place.

Video recipe of Grandma Emma

Make jam and make your family happy cold winter or guests during the New Years celebration.

The benefits of quince

The fruits contain many pectins, they help to strengthen the liver and stomach, lower cholesterol levels, and improve digestion.

Japanese scientists are confident that quince can be used to fight stomach ulcers. Moreover, they recommend eating the fruit for people who want to lose weight.

Quince contains many antioxidants that help maintain beauty and youth, effectively fight stress. The fruit has excellent antiviral properties, making it an excellent aid in the prevention of influenza.

The fruits contain potassium, which helps hypertensive patients. Baked or boiled quince pulp is used for toxicosis, as it acts as an effective antiemetic.