Gingerbread cake with sour cream: recipes for making an exquisite delicacy without baking. How to quickly and deliciously make a gingerbread cake

16.09.2019 Seafood dishes

Sweet delicious tea cake for home gatherings. Mm, yummy. Who would make this cake? As often happens, sometimes there is not enough time, sometimes energy, sometimes the products are not all at hand. And so we want something sweet, and we run to buy goodies at the nearest store.

Today we are going to show you how to make a delicious gingerbread cake without baking. To prepare it, you do not need products that cannot be found in a regular store. All you need is sour cream, gingerbread and a banana, well, what could be easier.

You can make this cake as you go along with your main meals. Also, be sure to involve children in cooking. Those who are older will be able to prepare such a delicacy under your careful guidance themselves, and the little ones will be happy to help you. They will love to dip the gingerbread in the cream. But be prepared that with such helpers, the cake will become smaller, even before you start cooking it.

Taste Info Cakes and pastries / Desserts without pastries


  • Gingerbread - 500 g;
  • Sour cream - 400 g;
  • Bananas - 2–3 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • Confectionery powder.

How to make a delicious gingerbread cake with sour cream

To make a gingerbread and banana cake with sour cream, take a round gingerbread. You can take oblong ones, put the cake not in a circle, but on a square or rectangular dish - the result will depend on your fantasies and skills.

If you find filled gingerbread cookies, then you get an interesting addition to the overall flavor picture. In addition, any gingerbread cookies will work for this recipe: honey, chocolate, kefir. Take those that are or a little of all.

Mix sour cream with powdered sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. Instead of powdered sugar, you can use granulated sugar. Then you will need to beat the sour cream with sugar for 5-6 minutes with a mixer. Or leave it, adding sugar, for 20 minutes, and then stir. Our cream should be homogeneous (the gingerbread will be soaked better this way).

Now we clean and chop the bananas. Not very thin, but not very thick either.

Cut the gingerbread cookies lengthwise into three parts. Why three? So that the gingerbread cookies are better saturated with sour cream. If the gingerbread cookies are low, divide them into two parts. The thicker your plates are, the longer it will take to saturate the cake.

Now we have an important moment - we will fold the cake. We take one piece of gingerbread, dip it on both sides in sour cream. Put the first layer of gingerbread on a dish.

The next layer is bananas.

Pour all the remaining cream (and it must remain) on top of the cake. And leave the cake to soak for a couple of hours. Top of the cake can be decorated with confectionery powder or chocolate icing. Or you can melt a piece of chocolate bar, cool the chocolate a little and pour over the cake. We leave the decoration to your taste.

After 2 hours, our no-bake gingerbread cake is easy to cut. So you can put the kettle on and enjoy a delicious cake.

Gingerbread and Marshmallow Cake

If you like marshmallows, you can prepare this dessert a little differently. In this case, the cake will turn out to be more tender, airy, but at the same time it will still cook just as quickly.

To make a gingerbread and marshmallow cake delicious, you need the same bananas as in the main recipe.


Cooking method:

This cake can be made from different types of fruits, different varieties of marshmallows and several types of gingerbread.

But as experience shows, most often they use one type of fruit, one type of gingerbread and marshmallow. Make sure they match for taste.

  1. Peel the bananas and cut them into cubes and set aside for now. Pieces of soft pear or melon also look good in this recipe.
  2. Let's make cubes of marshmallows and gingerbread a little smaller. For this recipe, you can take several varieties of marshmallows and several types of gingerbread (but it is better not to take gingerbread with a filling). It's just that all the cubes need to be mixed well.
  3. When using several types of fruits or varieties of gingerbread and marshmallows, make sure that the total number matches the recipe. Otherwise, you will not have enough cream for smearing and your cake will turn out to be dry, it will crumble.
  4. Let's make a cream from sour cream, cream, sugar, cocoa, vanillin and softened butter (but not hot). We will put all the food together in a blender and beat them into a homogeneous fluffy mass. If there is no blender, then after folding the products, mix a little with a broom, let them stand for 20 minutes and whisk again. Separate about half of the cream, maybe a little less.
  5. Now put the prepared gingerbread cookies, bananas and marshmallows in a large bowl, fill them with some of the prepared cream on top and mix gently. We should have a thick mass.
  6. From the resulting mass, we will form a cake of the desired shape on our beautiful dish. Pour the left cream on top and decorate it at our discretion. These can be nuts, melted chocolate, or icing.
  7. If you decide to make a round or square cake, then use a split form, greased with cold water. The left cream will need to be poured on top of the cake.
  8. Now put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  9. The detachable form is removed when the cream hardens, and it still needs to be sprinkled with nuts, cookie crumbs or powdered sugar

When the gingerbread cake hardens, you can drink tea.

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Gingerbread cake with condensed milk

For those with a sweet tooth, it is better to make a gingerbread cake with condensed milk. This recipe will take a little more time to prepare, which will be rewarded with an amazing taste and presentable appearance of the finished cake.

And yet, when preparing a cake from gingerbread with condensed milk, take chocolate gingerbread so it will turn out much tastier.


Cooking method:

  1. We will cook the cake without baking, but we will divide the whole process into three parts: we will make the cream, prepare the icing and then put everything together.
  2. For the cream, take condensed milk and 2/3 of the oil and beat into a lush foam.
  3. Now let's do the icing. Add cocoa powder and the remaining butter to the sugar and milk, put on low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly, over very low heat. It is very important not to let the glaze boil!
  4. Now let's cool down the icing and start assembling the cake.
  5. Let's cut the gingerbread cookies into plates. We fold them in a circle or an oval (as you like it) in one row - this is the basis of our cake. Now spread the cream on top and put the next ball of gingerbread on the cream.
    We repeat these actions until the gingerbread ends. Ball of gingerbread, ball of cream. If you like nuts, you can sprinkle the cream with nuts through the bowl. But you need to do this in moderation and in this case more nuts will go. Poppy, raisins, dried apricots can also be fillers for the cream. They need to be steamed first. And don't put in too much.
  6. We should have gingerbread on top. Now you need to fill the entire structure with glaze. By this time, it should cool down and begin to freeze a little. Water the slide very carefully, the trickle must be small and pour it very slowly. When finished, decorate with chopped nuts on top. I love walnuts, but any will go.
  7. All our cake is ready. You need to insist on it, as in the first recipe, for at least 2 hours. To make the cake tastier, use fruit-filled gingerbread.

Cooking tips:

  • Gingerbread cakes will taste better if left standing longer. Optimally, this is 4–5 hours. During this time, everything will be saturated with cream, and the cake will receive a uniform consistency. The sooner you start cutting it, the more difficult it will be to do it.
  • The harder the gingerbread, the longer it takes to soak the cake.
  • In addition to bananas, you can add other fruits to the main version: kiwi, oranges, tangerines, etc. Put all the fruits in one layer, and then lay out a layer of gingerbread or lay them out alternating with layers of gingerbread (gingerbread-banana-gingerbread-kiwi-gingerbread ), but do not smear each layer of fruit separately with cream (gingerbread, bananas, kiwi, gingerbread).
  • Do not fill the cake with very warm and even more hot cream. This will darken your bananas. The cream should be at room temperature.

Even a novice cook can make a gingerbread cake. To do this, you do not need to measure the exact amount of food and stand in front of a hot oven. In addition to the main ingredient, the recipe for this dessert includes ingredients for a delicate cream and juicy fruits.

Simple gingerbread and sour cream cake

This recipe will always help out the hostess, who wants to surprise guests who suddenly come.


  • 0.6 kg of large gingerbread;
  • 0.7 l sour cream with a fat content of 25%;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 70 g dark chocolate.

Cooking progress:

  1. All gingerbread cookies are cut into 3 longitudinal parts.
  2. Beat cold sour cream with a mixer with sugar until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. The cut confectionery is dipped into the resulting mass, then placed on a plate. Fold up a slide, smearing each layer with sweet sour cream.
  4. The cake is completely doused with cream, the top is decorated with melted chocolate.
  5. Dessert can be served immediately, but it will turn out to be more saturated if you first hold it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Tip: to make a cake with less calories, you need to use low fat sour cream and half a serving of sugar.

Cooking with condensed milk without baking

Thanks to the cream, whipped from condensed milk and sour cream, the gingerbread delicacy turns out to be very soft and just melts in your mouth.

You will need:

  • 8 medium gingerbread;
  • 100 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 60 g thick sour cream;
  • 20 g icing sugar.


  1. First, the gingerbread is broken into small pieces.
  2. Then combine sour cream with condensed milk.
  3. The gingerbread mass is poured with sweet cream. Stir.
  4. The dish or form for serving dessert is covered with cling film.
  5. Spread on it gingerbread, filled with sweet mass, tamping them so that there are no voids.
  6. The dessert is hidden in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  7. The frozen cake is turned over onto a flat dish and garnished with powder.

Chocolate gingerbread

This dessert will captivate housewives with its simplicity and delicate chocolate taste.


  • gingerbread with cocoa - 0.5 kg;
  • medium-fat sour cream - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • vanilla extract - 2 drops;
  • walnuts - 50 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. With a knife with a sharp blade, all chocolate gingerbreads are divided into three parts, cutting them lengthwise.
  2. To obtain a cream, sour cream is whipped with vanilla and sweet sand into an airy mass. If the sour cream is too liquid, you can add 10 g of gelatin pre-soaked in water.
  3. The gingerbread mugs are placed on a platter in one row.
  4. Next comes a thick layer of sour cream.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you run out of ingredients.
  6. The formed dessert is kept cool for 3 hours.
  7. Sprinkle the finished delicacy with chopped nuts.

Dessert with bananas

Gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream is an extraordinarily tasty and tender delicacy. It is impossible to guess that this dessert is made in just an hour without baking.

Required products:

  • 0.4 kg of gingerbread;
  • 3 ripe bananas;
  • 0.5 kg sour cream;
  • 90 g granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter.

Step by step recipe.

  1. First, mix the sour cream with sugar with a spoon. The mass is placed on the refrigerator shelf for 30 minutes so that the sand is completely "dispersed".
  2. The gingerbread cookies are cut into thin slices.
  3. The resulting pieces are dipped in cream and spread on a dish in one layer. A little sour cream is left to decorate the dessert.
  4. Put randomly chopped bananas on top.
  5. Layers of gingerbread and fruit alternate. The top row should be gingerbread.
  6. The slide cake is put in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. The next day, the dessert is coated with the remains of the cream.
  8. The top of the cake is covered with melted chocolate and butter icing.

With marshmallows

Using this recipe, you will be able to make an original airy cake.

To prevent it from getting cloyingly sweet, it is better to take oatmeal or mint gingerbread.

Ingredient List:

  • 500 g of oatmeal gingerbread;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 30 g cocoa powder;
  • 4 things. marshmallow;
  • 0.25 g sour cream;
  • 40 ml whipping cream;
  • 0.3 kg of butter;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 20 g coconut flakes.


  1. Gingerbread and marshmallows are cut lengthwise into several pieces.
  2. In a blender, a cream is prepared from cream, cocoa, vanillin, sour cream, sugar and melted butter.
  3. Prepared confectionery, alternating, is stacked on a platter. Each layer of components is poured with cream.
  4. Before serving, the cake is allowed to harden in a cool place, then decorated with coconut flakes.

Gingerbread cake with pineapple

Gingerbread and pineapple dessert turns out to be fragrant and very nutritious, so it can be used as a snack.

Would need:

  • 0.3 kg pineapple in syrup;
  • 0.5 g sour cream 15% fat;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 500 g of honey cakes;
  • half a bar of chocolate.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Sour cream is mixed with granulated sugar.
  2. The gingerbread is cut into several plates, then each is dipped in a sour cream mass and laid out on a serving plate.
  3. The syrup is drained from the pineapple jar. Place the fruit cubes on top of the gingerbread layer.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you run out of prepared foods.
  5. After the slide cake has solidified in the refrigerator, sprinkle it with chocolate chips.

With custard

It will take a little more time to prepare this dessert, but the result will conquer with its taste, which is familiar to many from childhood.

List of components:

  • 800 g of any gingerbread;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 0.7 liters of milk;
  • 60 g wheat flour;
  • 3 medium bananas.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Beat half of the prepared milk with the yolks with a mixer at low speed.
  2. Flour is sifted into the remaining milk. The mixture is put on low heat and heated, stirring constantly, to prevent the formation of lumps.
  3. Sugar is poured into a container with milk and flour and the yolk mass is poured. Continue heating and stirring.
  4. When the cream thickens, it is cooled and softened butter is added to it.
  5. The composition is whipped with an immersion blender until a smooth airy mass is obtained.
  6. Gingerbread and bananas are cut into thin slices.
  7. The pastry tray is covered with foil.
  8. The gingerbread cookies are dipped in custard and spread in a thin layer in a mold.
  9. Then bananas are placed. The remaining ingredients are also laid out in layers.
  10. The treat is poured with the remains of the cream, wrapped in cling film and pressed down with a load.
  11. The workpiece is removed to a cool place for 2 hours, after which it is turned over onto a dessert plate.

Gingerbread Turtle treat

A tortoise-shaped gingerbread cake without baking can be prepared by any mother for a children's party.


  • 500 g dark gingerbread;
  • 500 g of homemade sour cream;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 80 g sugar.

Cooking progress:

  1. Each gingerbread is divided into 3 longitudinal parts.
  2. Cut the peeled bananas into circles.
  3. From sour cream, vanillin and sugar, knead the cream with a whisk.
  4. The gingerbread is dipped in a sweet mass and laid out on a plate together with the fruit, forming a "turtle".
  5. The rest of the cream is poured over the dessert.
  6. In order for the sour cream to saturate the gingerbreads well, the "turtle" is placed in the refrigerator for 3 - 4 hours.

The composition of the gingerbread cake can be supplemented with candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits. A pleasant sourness will give dried or dried berries: cherries, lingonberries, cranberries.

How sometimes you want to pamper yourself with something sweet. But sometimes there is not enough time for a long stay in the kitchen. How to be?

There is an exit! You can make a wonderful gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream, a photo and a recipe will help you do this. Such a dessert does not require baking, and it turns out to be very soft, tasty and not sugary at all. Gingerbread, soaked in sour cream, become unusually tender, just melting in your mouth.

To make a gingerbread cake with sour cream, the recipe for which we offer you, you do not need any special culinary talents, and step-by-step instructions will help even an inexperienced hostess to cope. In addition to bananas, you can add any seasonal fruit to such a cake. I added strawberries.

Gingerbread cake without baking: a recipe with a photo

Ingredients for making the cake:

  • sour cream 21% fat - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • chocolate gingerbread - 500-600 g;
  • bananas - to taste;
  • seasonal fruits to taste.

Stages of cooking:

To make a banana-free gingerbread cake, it's best to use chocolate gingerbread. Then the dessert will turn out with a rich chocolate taste.

Cut the gingerbread in half lengthwise. We try that both parts were approximately the same.

Peel and cut bananas into rings. We wash the strawberries under running cool water and also cut into slices. Depending on the season, you can use any other favorite fruits or berries: kiwi, orange, raspberry, cherry. You can take any one product or in combination. This recipe uses strawberry and banana. The cake turned out to have a delicate banana flavor, and the strawberry added a slight sourness. Dessert tastes not sugary sweet.

Cover the bottom of a suitable shape with cling film. As a form, you can also use a special detachable or ordinary medium-sized bowl. In the second version, the future gingerbread and sour cream cake will have rounded edges and look like a slide.

We start to shape the cake. Put the halves of the gingerbread on the bottom of the prepared dishes, dipping them into pre-whipped sour cream with sugar. You can not regret the cream, then the gingerbread cake without baking will be softer and more tender.

Put the sliced ​​banana circles on the resulting first layer.

After the fruit layer, there is a gingerbread layer again, carefully flavored with sour cream. And a layer of berries. In this recipe, it is strawberry.

Thus, alternating layers of gingerbread and fruit and berry, fill all the dishes to the very top. Season well with sour cream.

The resulting sweet preparation must be covered with cling film on top and sent to the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After the time has elapsed, take the bowl out of the refrigerator and turn it over onto a plate. Carefully lift the empty dishes up and remove.

Recipes for making cakes at home with a photo

gingerbread cake


30 minutes

240 kcal

5 /5 (3 )

Hello everyone! Recently I sat and thought about how beautiful the baked goods looked and smells delicious, but I didn't have the strength to cook at all. I had to look for recipes. As the saying goes, if you suffer for a long time, you will always find a recipe for help, which does not take much time, and most importantly, does not require baking. The gingerbread cake is exactly what I needed. I will not tell you how it melts in your mouth, but rather I will share the simplest preparation of a delicious dessert.

  • Cooking time: 4 hours for the dessert to steep and soak.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl for cream, bowl 1.5 l, cling film, knife, tablespoon and one large spoon, grater, large plate for gingerbread cake.

Necessary products

Features of the choice of products

We choose the gingerbread in the store to our taste. You can take chocolate or honey. It is preferable to choose these sweets without filling. Only fat sour cream is suitable - from 20% and above, 30% would be an ideal choice. How our cream thickens depends on this.

For banana baking, we take ripe fruits, which are easier to turn into gruel. In our case, for a gingerbread cake without baking, it is better to take fresh, you can even greenish fruits. Take your favorite chocolate. I like bitter black, but milky and even white will do. Coconut chips are useful for decoration. It can be replaced with any nuts.

Instead of bananas, you can use any fruit, but not those that give a lot of liquid. Ideal, for example, raspberries and strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, grapes.

How to make a gingerbread cake at home

The process of making a gingerbread cake without baking, the simplest recipe of which I will now reveal to you, does not take much time, and for this you do not need to have culinary super-abilities: all you need is the desire to make something tasty.

Let's divide the process into two stages. In the first, we will prepare all the necessary dry products and cream, and in the second, we will collect beauty.

The gingerbread cookies were called "honey bread" - they were baked in Russia, starting from the 9th century.

First, peel the bananas. Cut them into round slices, preferably large, so that you can clearly feel the taste of a banana in a piece of dessert.

If you bought large gingerbread cookies, then they need to be cut into two halves, not lengthwise, but across. The smaller ones do not need to be touched, we leave them as they are.

You need to make sure that all the ingredients for a gingerbread and banana cake or other fruits with sour cream are about the same size.

We are preparing a cream, the recipe for which is written below. Now we have everything we need for the assembly, which means we proceed to the second stage.

We take a bowl about one and a half liters. We cover it completely with cling film.

At the same time, we leave the edges of the film hanging down. They will be useful to us in order to then close the bottom of the dessert. The more carefully you do this, the prettier and smoother your gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream will be. After all, the bottom of the bowl is the top of the dessert.

Put 1-2 tablespoons of cream on the bottom of the bowl and coat a little.

Now we take each gingerbread and dip it with sour cream on all sides. Do it the way you like. You can take a large spoon, scoop up a little sour cream, put our building element on top and coat it with sour cream with another spoon.

Do not feel sorry for the cream: the more of it, the better the gingerbread will be saturated, which means that the dessert will be tender and juicy. You can wield with forks, or string each brick on them and soak in cream.

One by one, we begin to lay them out in a bowl in one beautiful layer.

If you create gaps in a layer where a whole gingerbread will not fit, you can cut it.

When such a layer is ready, put bananas or whatever fruits you have on top. This will be our first layer. A cake without baking from gingerbread and sour cream will consist of two such tiers, between which you can sprinkle coconut or chopped nuts and coat with a little cream.

When the second layer is finished and covered with sour cream, we take the gingerbread, dip its rounded side in sour cream, and do not touch the flat bottom. Put the round side in the cake so that its bottom, without sour cream, looks at us. This will be our cake stand.

We close the bottom with the hanging remnants of cling film and leave the dessert on the table for 1.5-2 hours at room temperature, after which we put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

We take out our creation. We unfold the film, put the bottom of a large plate on top, and turn the cake over. Now we free it completely from the film and start decorating. As you can see, the gingerbread cake recipe is quite simple, all products are affordable and inexpensive.

Cream recipe

Here everything is even simpler: we take sour cream of high fat content, it is desirable that it be cold. Add powdered sugar to it and mix everything thoroughly. If you add sugar, it will begin to release moisture when it dissolves, which will make the cream runny. This does not suit us, because we want to achieve a dense consistency that does not flow and will keep the shape of our gingerbread dessert. .

At this stage, you can add nuts or raisins to the sour cream, if desired. Classic cream - sour cream and powder without additives.

How to decorate and serve a gingerbread cake beautifully

Of course, due to the film, the appearance may be uneven. You can fix this by sprinkling the cake with coconut, nuts, and thin slices of kiwi or pineapple on top of it. And you can also add chocolate, as I did. We rub it on a grater and sprinkle our cake with such a crumb.

Ideas for making a beautiful gingerbread cake can be found on Internet resources with photos and detailed descriptions. Some people like large caps made from fresh fruit. Fresh strawberries will be especially tasty with banana and chocolate. There are also those who make jelly and pour the top of the cake, packed with fruits: kiwi, grapes, oranges and peaches.

For the shape of the cake, you can take not only a bowl. If you have a split baking dish, this is perfect. By the way, it will be possible to make a layer of jelly with fruit on this cake with it, after it is soaked and you turn it over.

You probably already guessed how to make sure that the gingerbread cake does not fall, does not drip after the coup, and keeps its shape. Yes, it's all about fat sour cream. By the way, you don't need to mix it with powder for a long time, use a regular spoon for this.

Powdered sugar can be purchased or made from regular granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or you can use a rolling pin to forcefully roll the sugar several times.

If it seems to you that the sour cream in the bag is thin, you can fix it. Take cheesecloth in 4 layers and pour all the product there, place over a bowl for one night. During this time, all excess moisture will seep through the cheesecloth, and the sour cream will become thicker.

For a fuller creamy consistency, you can use a mixer. Before whipping sour cream, it must be cooled in the refrigerator. We take chilled sour cream and beat it with a mixer for a couple of minutes. You will notice that it has gotten a little thicker and has clearly increased in volume. Now pour the icing sugar in a thin stream and do not turn off the mixer at the same time.

The main thing is not to interrupt it in butter. Therefore, you cannot beat for too long, especially if the product is homemade. But an important point: such a cream does not soak gingerbread very well. If you like thick cakes, not wet ones, then this method is for you.

Gingerbread cake video recipe

I know from my own experience that it is better to see it once than to read it. Therefore, I propose to watch the video, where they tell in more detail how to make the simplest gingerbread cake with bananas and tender sour cream and decorate it beautifully.

No-Bake Gingerbread Cake - Simple Recipe | Spice Cake without Baking, English Subtitles

2016-05-28T09: 35: 50.000Z

Let me remind you that such a cream will perfectly saturate the gingerbread cookies, and your cake will be very soft.

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

By the way, if you have interesting ideas for interpreting this recipe or its presentation, I look forward to your comments.

Today, cakes and other desserts are quite common and do not take much time and effort. Especially interesting are those that do not require an oven to cook. Today I want to offer an interesting recipe for a gingerbread cake with sour cream. Quick and easy creation of an original dessert without baking! For its preparation, you will need gingerbread cookies of any shape. Use high-fat sour cream as a cream. An additional layer in the cake will be tangerines, which will add a special flavor to the dessert.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Impregnation time: 3-4 hours.


gingerbread 500 g
sour cream 20% 500 ml
sugar 3 tbsp. l.
tangerine 1-2 pcs.

Photo recipe for making gingerbread cake

Prepare items for dessert.
When choosing gingerbread for a cake, start from your taste. You can take chocolate or honey. The shape of the gingerbread can be different - this will not affect the final result.
It is necessary to cut the gingerbread into thin pieces. Set aside several things at once, they will come in handy later for decorating the cake.
In a bowl, use a hand whisk to whisk the heavy sour cream and sugar into the fluffy cream. Too much sugar should not be added as the gingerbread is already sweet.
Place a plastic wrap in a semicircular bowl, and begin to lay out the gingerbread layers.
Coat each layer of the cake with sour cream. This process resembles.
Spread out a layer of chopped tangerines from time to time.
After laying out all the gingerbread cookies, pour the remaining cream and cover with plastic wrap on top. Place the gingerbread and sour cream cake directly in the bowl in the cold, about 3-4 hours.
Before serving, gently turn the bowl onto a plate and remove the plastic wrap from the cake. The dessert is infused and soaked, now it will be easy to cut.
Sprinkle the grated crumbs on top of the gingerbread cake and add the tangerine wedges.