Blueberry five minutes is a simple preparation for the winter. Various options for making blueberry five-minute jam

16.10.2019 Grill menu

What about blueberries? Only that in the summer you need to eat plenty of it and be sure to make blueberry jam for the winter.

What is blueberry jam in winter bad weather and autumn slush? This is the best medicine not only for colds, but also for boredom and blues. This is both a relaxing tea party and an addition for homemade cakes and desserts.

But these are only superficial epithets for jam from a healthy and tasty berry. It is possible to realize and appreciate all its charms only through personal experience, having in stock a jar - another elixir of health and youth.

Let's ensure a painless winter for ourselves - fill the wonder bins with jam, prepared in a variety of ways.

You can also make equally tasty and healthy jams:

Fabulous jam. These are the thoughts that come up when you try a whole berry with a forest scent. And the pies with them are simply delicious!

What do we need to do in order to get just such a jam, as they say, a berry from a berry.

  1. Select the right material. The berries should be selected, slightly unripe.
  2. Choose the right cookware. Better to use a pan with a wide bottom and low sides. On a larger area, the berries will feel freer, not crush each other. Be sure to consider this nuance.
  3. Do not cover large quantities of berries at one time. A kilogram of blueberries, well, two at most - just right. In a large mass, there is also a considerable risk of crushing the berries.
  4. Be sure to sort out the collected material, get rid of spoiled berries.
  5. Wash forest debris from blueberries thoroughly. To do this, fill it with a large amount of water, drain the debris that has floated to the surface. Repeat the procedure several times.
  6. Dry the washed berries. Send in small batches to a colander so that the water is glass, and then gently pour onto a clean and dry towel. It quickly absorbs moisture, and the fresh air dries out from above.
  7. Prepare cans in advance. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. It is advisable to pour blueberry jam hot.

Cooking ingredients

  • Blueberries - 1 kg
  • Powdered sugar - 750 gr
  • Water - 150 ml (use purified)
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Making jam

When the jars are completely cool, they can be transferred to a storage location.

In the first case, we provided ourselves with vitamins. Now you can make various preparations for the winter using other recipes.

The traditional recipe for making blueberry jam for the winter

The peculiarity and appeal of this recipe is that whole berries are basking in a jelly-like blueberry mass. And you can enjoy a whole berry, and spread yummy on a soft bun. What else do you need for a pleasant tea drinking?

Cooking ingredients

  • Two kilograms of fresh blueberries
  • Seven hundred grams of sugar
  • Half a glass of water (200 ml)
  • Half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking process

Blueberry masterpiece is ready! This is truly a heavenly pleasure!

How to make blueberry jam for the winter without heat treatment

We need

  • Kilogram of blueberries
  • Two kilograms of granulated sugar.

Cooking process

  1. We sort out the berries.
  2. Fill with water and get rid of debris.
  3. Dry the blueberries thoroughly. First with a colander, then with a clean, dry towel.
  4. Twist the berries with a meat grinder or interrupt with a blender.
  5. Mix with sugar. Mix the mass well to obtain an even distribution of sugar.
  6. Put the jam in prepared sterile jars, close with a nylon lid. It is better to store it in the refrigerator.

With each spoonful of this jam you will feel a surge of strength, vivacity and energy.

The easiest blueberry jam recipe for the winter

Many housewives do not reinvent the wheel and make jam in a simple, proven way. Also a good option. Blueberries are difficult to spoil. And the jam turns out to be great - tasty and aromatic!

This will require

  • Kilogram of blueberries
  • Half a kilo of sugar.

How to make jam

  1. Sort out the berries.
  2. Fill with water, remove floating specks. Repeat the process several times.
  3. Dry the fruits well.
  4. Place the berries in a convenient saucepan, cover with sugar, set aside until the blueberries let out juice. To speed up the process, the mass can be gently mixed several times.
  5. Put the pan on low heat, let it boil. While doing this, stir and skim off.
  6. Boil for 20 to 30 minutes.
  7. Pour hot jam into sterile jars, cover with lids.
  8. Now they will need to be sterilized a little. This procedure is necessary so that the jam is guaranteed to stand until the moment we want to try it. Do not neglect this moment.
  9. Place the jars in a large pot of hot water and let the water boil. From now on, count down 10 minutes. Exactly this amount of jam should be sterilized. Don't forget to put a towel on the bottom of the pot. Otherwise, glass jars may burst.
  10. After the required time has passed, carefully remove the jars and roll them up.
  11. Let cool at room temperature and store in the pantry.

Trying this jam in winter, we will once again make sure that all ingenious is so simple.

How to make blueberry jam for the winter in 5 minutes

Ideal for women who are always in a hurry somewhere. Simple and quick, and the result is great - jars of excellent jam flaunt on the shelves, and delight the eye.

We need

  • Blueberries - one kilogram
  • Sugar - one kilogram and two hundred grams.

How to make blueberry jam in five minutes

  1. Prepare the berries - sort, wash, dry. It is recommended to wash in plenty of water, so it is easier to get rid of forest debris and spoiled berries. And you can dry the berries with a colander.
  2. Fold in a saucepan, cover with sugar, stir.
  3. Place the pot on very low heat. Stir constantly until a syrup is formed.
  4. When all the sugar has dissolved, turn the fire a little stronger and let the jam boil.
  5. It should boil for those same 5 minutes.
  6. Distribute the jam into prepared sterile jars, roll up.
  7. Cover the jars with warm clothes until they cool completely.
  8. Store in a cool place.

This is how in a short time you can prepare a fortified supply and not be afraid of bad weather.

By the way, a multicooker will help to reduce the preparation time of blueberry jam to a record time. What do I need to do:

  1. Put the same proportions in the bowl - 1 kg. berries and 1.2 kg of sugar.
  2. Switch on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  3. Then hold the jam in the "Steam cooking" mode for 2 - 3 minutes.

All! It remains only to distribute the jam into jars and roll up. So if there is such a wonderful assistant in the kitchen, use her and save your precious time.

Do not deprive your body of the care of a wonderful doctor - blueberry jam. Cook, enjoy and be healthy!

The blueberry berry got its name due to its property of dyeing everything it comes into contact with in a dark color. Nevertheless, it contains a lot of nutrients that are vital for the human body. If you can, be sure to make blueberry jam for the winter.

How to make blueberry jam

It is known that five-minute blueberry jam can be prepared in various ways, if desired, adding other berries, spices, honey, citrus juice or fruits to the main ingredient. In addition, you can make a blank in the form of jelly or so that the integrity of the blueberries is preserved. The advantage of the berry as a raw material for making jam is the absence of seeds in it and ease of cleaning (there is no need to remove twigs and stems).

What you need for cooking

You don't need many ingredients to make 5 minute blueberry jam. Recipes with blueberries provide for the use, in addition to the main component, only sugar. In some cooking options, a little water, lemon juice or acid is added to the berries. First, a syrup is prepared by mixing water with sugar, then berries are poured in with this liquid. In this case, it is better to take enameled dishes than metal ones, since the latter can oxidize.

How to choose blueberries

The main medicinal property of the berry is aimed at restoring eye health: with regular use of blueberries, visual acuity increases. This is achieved due to the content of vitamins E, A, C, PP and B in the fruit. The benefits of blueberries, in addition, are the saturation of the human body with pectins, potassium, selenium, manganese, calcium, sodium, magnesium, organic acids and natural sugars.

Jam from this berry is especially useful for people who are engaged in mental work, since blueberries improve memory, activate blood supply to all organs, including the brain, have a beneficial effect on memory and metabolic processes, and improve intestinal peristalsis. Blueberry jam, with frequent use, can serve as a preventive measure against thrombosis and anemia. The product strengthens the immune system, reduces cholesterol levels, helps with liver diseases, rheumatism, gout.

When choosing berries for five-minute blueberry jam, you should prefer dry, smooth, even fruits, covered with a light gray bloom. Crumpled or too wet berries are not suitable, since these raw materials are not fresh and cannot guarantee the pleasant taste of the workpiece. It is worth purchasing blueberries for jam on the market, but be sure to ask where they were collected. It is important that this is an environmentally friendly area. Frozen berries can be bought at any supermarket where they are sold all year round.

Sterilizing jam jars

It is necessary to carefully process jam jars to protect the product from oxidation. This is done in several ways:

  1. On steam. A large bowl of water is covered with a wire rack, mesh or sieve, on which the jars are placed with the neck down. The structure is placed on fire and waited for boiling - then the containers will begin to fill with steam. After 15-20 minutes of such sterilization, five-minute jam can be rolled into jars.
  2. Using the microwave. Pre-wash the cans with water and detergent. Then they are filled на with water and sent to the oven for 3-5 minutes at maximum power. The liquid will boil quickly and sterilize the inside of the cans.
  3. In the oven. You should set the temperature to at least 220 degrees and put the container prepared for rolling blueberry jam, bottom to top, in the oven. After 15 minutes, the vessels will be sterilized.

Five-minute jam recipe

More useful properties are found in fresh blueberries, however, since the berry does not grow in winter, you have to make jam from it. It is worth shortening the cooking time of fruits, thereby preserving the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. Five-minute blueberry jam for the winter is considered the most useful, since it contains almost as many nutrients as there is in a fresh berry. Another advantage of this recipe is that the preparation is cooked quickly, but it turns out to be very tasty.

Frozen blueberry jam

Since blueberries themselves are very sweet, you should not add a lot of sugar to the jam. You can also substitute honey for granulated sugar to keep the calories as low as possible. It is allowed to add it to ready-made, not very hot blueberry jam (when cooking honey loses its useful properties), while thoroughly stirring it with a spoon or using a shaker. If you use frozen raw materials for making jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • frozen berries - 0.5 kg.

How to cook five-minute blueberry jam:

  1. If you want to achieve a uniform preparation, defrosted blueberries should be grated by hand or, using a meat grinder, a blender.
  2. The next step is placing the berries in a saucepan or multicooker bowl. Add half a kilogram of sugar to the mass and turn on the "Stew" option.
  3. Remember to stir the blueberry jam every 15-20 minutes. In addition, if foam forms at the top of the mass, it should be removed with a slotted spoon.
  4. An hour and a half after placing on the stove, the five-minute jam will be ready. After that, you can pour the workpiece into jars and seal with lids.

Fresh blueberry five-minute jam

This is one of the simplest recipes for making winter preparations. The classic blueberry jam recipe calls for the following ingredients:

  • fresh blueberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5-0.6 kg.

Step-by-step recipe for how to make five-minute jam:

  1. First you need to sort out the berries, throwing out the sluggish and crushed ones.
  2. After ¼ part of the pure blueberries, mash with a crush, turning into a puree.
  3. Add the rest of the berries and granulated sugar to the blueberry mass.
  4. Place the container on low heat and simmer for five minutes. At the same time, often remove the foam that will appear on the workpiece.
  5. Let the prepared jam cool and roll over the jars.

Video: five-minute blueberry for the winter

Without hesitation, answer this question: "What berry will you miss the most this winter?" I am more than sure that most of you will say that these are blueberries. And it's not in vain, by the way, I will miss her the most. It is extremely banal to write about how useful it is, I will not even touch on this topic, you yourself already know everything. But, as for our today's recipe, I just have to clarify that despite the fact that the recipe for the winter is extremely simple, it is he who is designed to ensure that all the benefits remain inside the jar, so take a note. Such "Pyatiminutka" blueberry jam will be stored all winter, you also don't have to worry about it.
It's time to end this preface and get down to business directly. Needless to say, it's so simple that you won't even notice how you can do it in no time ?! See also how to prepare and such

- blueberries (fresh or frozen) - 3 glasses,
- sugar - 4 cups,
- water - half a glass.

Note! The berries must be carefully selected and washed. There should be no rubbish.

After the cleaning stage, they should be dried a little.
Once we have done that, we can begin. First, pour the blueberries into a saucepan.

Then we add water.

We put on fire, bring to a boil, mix gently and wait for the berries to let juice.

After that we continue to mix for another two to three minutes and add sugar.

We stir, wait until the mixture boils. Then we reduce the heat to the lowest. Cook for another 5 minutes (if you are afraid that the cooking will escape, you can grease the pan with vegetable oil). And that's it! The jam is ready!

It remains only to pour it into sterilized jars and roll up the lid, although the usual plastic is also suitable.

The main condition for long-term storage is to keep the finished product in a cool place. On the balcony, in the closet, in the cellar.

- 1 kg of blueberries;
- 1.2 kg of sugar.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We sort out blueberries, removing twigs, leaves and spoiled berries. We place the berries in a colander and rinse them under a thin stream of cold running water. We leave the berries in a colander for 10-15 minutes, so that excess moisture is drained from them.

A thick-bottomed stainless steel saucepan is best for making blueberry jam. It is better if you rinse the pan with water before this and do not wipe it dry.
Put the blueberries in a saucepan, add sugar, stir and place on the stove.

Over low heat, stirring continuously, bring until the juice is released and the sugar crystals are completely dissolved (almost to a boil).

Then we increase the heat to medium, bring to a boil and cook the jam for 5 minutes, periodically removing the resulting foam.

We prepare cans and lids for canning in advance. We wash them with hot water with the addition of baking soda, rinse thoroughly. We sterilize jars in any way convenient for you: by steam, in the oven or microwave. Boil the lids for 4-5 minutes. We carefully wipe the prepared jars and lids dry; We cover the jars with lids so that dust does not get into them while the jam is being prepared. We pack the jam into prepared jars, filling them to the very top.

Then we immediately seal the cans tightly.
We put the cans with conservation to the side, wrap them tightly with a blanket and soak for 1-2 days, until they cool completely.
Store the finished jam in a cool dark place (closet, basement or cellar).

Blueberry five-minute jam is used not only directly as tea jam. This jam is suitable for interlayers of cakes or pastries, for filling pies or rolls, or as an addition to ice cream, desserts. If you cannot cook blueberry jam for some reason, then freeze

The ideal option to quickly process berries is to cook a five-minute blueberry jam, make this multivitamin preparation for the winter according to the simplest recipe. Of course, you still have to work hard, the bulkhead of berries is somewhat laborious. But at least you can be sure that you will make a really healthy blueberry jam, with a natural taste and aroma of wild berries, thick enough in consistency and beautiful in color. It is brewed in one go - as soon as it boils for five minutes, pour it into jars, cool it and send it to the pantry for storage.

Blueberry jam five-minute recipe for the winter


  • Blueberries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 250 g

How to make blueberry five-minute jam

Even dry berries collected in the forest with your own hands must be sorted out, freed from leaves and twigs that got into the basket during collection. Cover with water, leave for a few minutes. All impurities will either settle to the bottom or float up.

Gently collect the blueberries, place in a colander and rinse with a gentle stream of cold water. After 5-10 minutes, the water will drain, you can cook the jam.

Pour blueberries into a saucepan or bowl, add sugar. If you cook a large portion of jam at once, sprinkle with layers, so the juice will appear faster and the sugar will melt.

To speed up the dissolution of the sugar, shake the pan lightly. Sugar will mix with berries and juice and begin to melt. But in any case, the workpiece will need to be left for 5-6 hours or until the morning.

This is what blueberries look like before boiling for a five-minute period: there is a lot of syrup in the pan, there is not a trace of sugar left. Just in case, gently stir with a spoon - perhaps some of the crystals have not dissolved.

Put on low heat, gradually heat and bring to a boil. As a rule, when cooking a five-minute jam from blueberries, there is almost no foam, but even a small amount of it needs to be collected with a spoon, trying not to pry the berries. Timed five minutes from the beginning of the boil. Stir the blueberries in the syrup two times, skim off the foam. Cook for exactly five minutes, no longer.

Prepare the jars before boiling the jam, then it will not be up to them. Scald with boiling water, rinse with baking soda, heat over steam or prepare in another way convenient for you. Wash the lids in a soda solution and boil. Fill clean containers with boiling jam, tighten the lids.

So that the five-minute blueberry jam can be stored in the pantry, and not in the cellar, wrap the jars with a woolen blanket or scarf, hide in a blanket or pillows and let them cool slowly. In a day, when they reach room temperature, move to the pantry.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and quick to do. The most time-consuming work can be done with the whole family - a kilo of blueberries can be picked up in just ten minutes. The reward for hard work will be a delicious five-minute blueberry jam, a healthy and completely natural product made from selected berries. Successful preparations for the winter!