The benefits and harms of cinnamon. The benefits and harms of ground cinnamon, the variety of its uses

18.10.2019 Dishes for children

Cinnamon (there are contraindications) is such a spice in Chinese traditional medicine, which is classified as one of the 50 main most medicinal plants. And here, unfortunately, few people know about cinnamon treatment.

What is cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a tropical tree from the popular laurel family that reaches 15-20 m in height if it grows in nature, but only 3 m in culture.There are 2 types of cinnamon: Chinese cinnamon and Ceylon. Ceylon has a specific and delicate aroma, in contrast to the Chinese.

The spices sold in stores are simply the bark of a Ceylon or Chinese cinnamon tree, ground into powder.

Cinnamon contains a lot of vitamin A, calcium, iron and manganese. Cinnamon is used for the production of liqueurs, perfumery, in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine.

The healing properties of cinnamon

Research has shown that cinnamon (with minimal contraindications) and its medicinal properties can prevent diabetes and improve the body's ability to respond to insulin and normalize blood sugar levels. It also improves the blood circulation process. The aroma of cinnamon is believed to be great for stimulating brain activity.

Cinnamon helps to improve digestion, strengthens the stomach, and induces appetite. It is used as a tonic, stimulant and antiseptic for ischemic disorders. It is an excellent expectorant and diaphoretic remedy for influenza and ARVI. It relieves muscle and toothache. Cinnamon stalks reduce fever, relieve renal and hepatic colic. They have antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Cinnamon treatment is used for influenza, rheumatism, delayed painful periods.

Cinnamon tea

Significantly eases the condition of patients with colds, severe viral infections. Preparation: Cut a thin strip of orange zest in a spiral shape. Cover 1 stick of cinnamon, pour boiling water over and leave under the lid for about 10 minutes. Add zest and tea to this water, bring to the first boil. Insist for 3 minutes.

Strengthening immunity

If you take honey and cinnamon every day, then the protective functions of the whole organism will be strengthened and protection against viruses and bacteria will occur.

Inflammation of the bladder

You should eat 1 tsp. honey and 2 tablespoons. l. cinnamon, stirred in a glass of some warm water. It effectively kills germs on the lining of the bladder.

With hair loss

You can lubricate the following paste at the hair roots: heated olive oil, 0.5 tbsp. lies. honey, and another 1 tsp. lodges. cinnamon before shampooing for 10 minutes. Then rinse your hair with not very hot water. And 5 minutes. will be enough for a noticeable effect.

For skin infections

An equal amount of honey and cinnamon applied to the affected skin particles will heal fungus, eczema, and other skin infections.

Stomach upset

Cinnamon and honey relieve pain in the stomach and heal ulcers.


2 tbsp. lies. honey, sprinkled with powdered cinnamon, are taken before meals. So acidity decreases and even the heaviest food is digested.


Cinnamon - 1 tsp + honey - 5 tsp superimposed on the aching tooth. Do it until the pain subsides.

Loss of hearing

If you take equal proportions of honey and cinnamon every day in the morning and evening, your hearing will improve.

With cancer

For cancer of bones and stomach, take 1 tbsp daily. lies. honey + 1 tsp. lodge. cinnamon 3 rubles / day for a month.

Heart diseases

Every day you need to eat a piece of bread spread with a paste of cinnamon and honey for breakfast. This lowers the level of cholesterol in the arteries and partially saves a person from heart attacks. And sometimes it completely blocks the possibility of their occurrence.

Cinnamon: contraindications

Individual intolerance;


Nervous increased excitability;


Very high fever;

In large doses for the elderly and during pregnancy.

Here is such a wonderful spice - cinnamon. It has contraindications, but its useful, medicinal properties can help many from various diseases.

Cinnamon is the most "winter" spice. Frosty morning. The window offers a beautiful view of the snow-covered city. Trees in silvery hoarfrost. And you enjoy drinking aromatic herbal tea with honey and a pinch of cinnamon. A great start to the day! However, besides the fact that this spice attracts us with its tart taste and sweet smell, it is also extremely useful! No wonder she was called "the eastern queen of spices" and valued her weight in gold. The origin of cinnamon was kept secret by Arab merchants until the 16th century, when one of the Portuguese navigators accidentally discovered it on the island of Ceylon. Ceylon cinnamon is an evergreen tree. The brown tubes we are accustomed to are rolled up pieces of bark cut in a certain way. Sometimes the bark is crushed and sold as a powder. In this form, it is more convenient to use it when cooking, for example, sprinkle buns when baking, add pie to the dough, kefir or tea.

How useful cinnamon is for every woman can be understood by taking a closer look at the substances that make up its composition:

  1. Essential cinnamon oil, which gives it that famous aroma and taste, as well as has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect.
  2. Microelements important for the body are iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and many others.
  3. Tannins that enhance the action of trace elements and vitamins.
  4. Coumarin, a natural anticoagulant that prevents blood clots.
  5. Phenolic acids are useful for heart function.
  6. Gums - help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, normalize the digestive tract.
  7. How many vitamins does the Queen of Spices contain? Here and B2, and B6, as well as B1, C, A, E, folic acid and much more.

Why cinnamon?

The beneficial properties of cinnamon are directly dependent on the constituent substances. And you should know that the composition of trace elements varies significantly depending on the type of this spice. Nowadays, a distinction is made between the Ceylon variety, Chinese or Indian, Malabar and Tsinamon. The true queen of spices, real cinnamon, or as they say, "noble" is Ceylon. It is she who contains the maximum amount of useful substances, is used in medicine and has a pleasant tart taste and aroma. We talk about this type in our article.

The anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect of the spice is given by the essential oil included in its composition, which is widely used both in medicine and in cosmetology. A few drops of essential oil when inhaled is an excellent remedy for sore throats and runny nose. Also, oil is added to warming ointments. They should be used for colds by rubbing the chest and back to help relieve coughing. Another way to use cinnamon oil ointments is to warm the joints for rheumatic pain. Women need to keep in mind that the warming effect can be used in the fight against cellulite. Externally, the oil can still be used to treat papillomas and against acne. A few drops added to the shampoo will enhance hair growth, strengthen the roots and have a beneficial effect on the scalp. When added to food, cinnamon, due to its antibacterial effect, copes well with the growth of bacteria, as a result of which it contributes to the disinfection and safety of products.

Coumarin paired with tannins fights harmful cholesterol, reduces the possibility of cholesterol plaque formation. One cup of herbal tea with a pinch of cinnamon in the morning before work significantly reduces the risk of heart attack. And for those who have already suffered a heart attack, cinnamon tea will help strengthen the heart muscle.

There have been medical studies that have shown that eating cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels. This property makes the spice indispensable for diabetics. In addition, type 2 diabetes usually requires weight loss. The benefit of cinnamon is that it helps reduce hunger. The spice helps to improve metabolism, allowing the body to quickly assimilate sucrose, therefore, prevents the formation of fatty deposits.


A wonderful recipe for using cinnamon in a weight loss package is a tea drink. Add 0.5 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to a glass of herbal tea, as well as a little ginger and a drop (on the tip of a knife) of ground red pepper. Thanks to tea, the spices will not irritate the gastric mucosa, but will provoke an acceleration of metabolism and stimulate digestion. You can use this drink for a minimum of 2 weeks every day and you will see its benefits. The calcium in cinnamon also helps weight loss and strengthens bones.

It is believed that the use of the Queen of Spices promotes mental activity, strengthens memory, improves concentration, which is especially important on exam days. If you need to memorize a lot of information, add 3 drops of cinnamon oil to the aroma lamp and enjoy a pleasant scent while exercising.

Cinnamon contains a lot of vitamin A, which helps to improve vision. Taking this vitamin is important when preparing for an exam or test, when we are especially straining our eyes.

The beneficial properties of B vitamins are so broad that a separate article will be required to fully describe them. We will only mention that B6 is called the vitamin of good mood for a reason, because it is responsible for the production of seratonin, the hormone of joy. Thanks to its high B6 content, cinnamon helps to cope with stress and depression. Only the scent of cinnamon emanating from a cup of herbal tea makes you smile and cheer up, no matter how cold it is outside the window.

Use with caution

No matter how many useful properties the product has, you should always be aware that uncontrolled use will not bring benefits. There are few contraindications to cinnamon, but there are a few important limitations to keep in mind.

  1. In large doses, this spice can irritate the stomach lining.
  2. You can also use cinnamon with caution in people who have liver problems, since an overdose of coumarin can affect the functioning of this organ.
  3. An overdose of phenolic acid, which in micro doses helps to strengthen the heart muscle, can cause an increased heart rate.
  4. Cinnamon should be eaten with caution during pregnancy. Doctors have compiled a list of essential oils, the use of which is undesirable during pregnancy - and "cinnamon oil" is in it. It should be understood that such a useful property of cinnamon as a decrease in blood clotting saves with thrombosis, however, in the presence of obstetric problems (abusing cinnamon), bleeding can be provoked. Therefore, for women expecting a baby, you should definitely consult a doctor regarding the use of your favorite spice.

So how many grams of cinnamon would be the norm? - The maximum dose per day is half a teaspoon. What should you avoid while consuming cinnamon? - In fact, there is only one answer: overdose. If you do not overuse the use of spices, cinnamon is an excellent antidepressant and immunostimulant. Use it with pleasure and health benefits.

An oriental spice called cinnamon has a long history - it is mentioned in Chinese manuscript sources dated 2800 AD. It was dearly appreciated by both doctors and privileged persons - for a kilogram of powder from the bark of a cinnamon tree, rich people paid kilograms of gold coins.

Cinnamon native to Sri Lanka, it is a green short tree and belongs to the class of laurel. However, the leaves are not used at all - the bark is healing in cinnamon. It is cut in small layers and used as a seasoning in the form of sticks and ground powder.

Now this spice can be found in any store, and you no longer have to pay such an exorbitant price for it. However, this spice is often counterfeited by adding powdered sugar to the powder, or replacing cinnamon with cinnamon extract. Therefore, it is best to buy this spice in sticks and grind it into powder yourself.

So ? What are its unique properties? And why is cinnamon so good for those who lose excess weight? How to use it? What are some popular, yet simple, weight-loss cinnamon recipes?

Spice composition.

The unique properties of cinnamon undoubtedly lie in its unique composition. It includes cinnamic alcohol, cinnamaldehyde and cinnamyl acetate. Cinnamaldehyde is beneficial in preventing blood clots, and essential cinnamon oil is antiseptic. In addition, cinnamon contains essential oils, tannins, tar, starch and mucus.

Why is cinnamon good for you?

Using cinnamon powder in food helps to lower blood glucose, which is known to promote fat storage in the body. In addition, its aromatic scent gives a person temporary saturation, dulling the feeling of hunger. The effect of weight loss lies in the property of cinnamon to speed up the metabolism up to 20 times (find out how else you can speed up the metabolism).

Cinnamon is able to neutralize the harmful effects of the pathogenic flora of the intestine, removing toxins and toxins from it. Helps improve bowel function.

Cinnamon will be useful in combination with honey, as well as an aromatic additive to tea. However, it is not recommended to mix cinnamon with sugar - from this it loses its beneficial qualities. Regular consumption of this spice will help to reduce weight, as well as reduce volumes, lower cholesterol levels and contribute to the fact that people can more easily tolerate age-related changes in the body.

Cinnamon is known for its medicinal properties for colds. Tea with honey and cinnamon will help you recover faster.

How to use cinnamon.

As mentioned earlier, in order to be sure of the beneficial properties of this spice0, you need to purchase cinnamon sticks and grind them yourself.

Most often, cinnamon is added to desserts. Pudding, mousse, jelly, compote, jelly, curd paste will delight you with new flavors and useful properties when added to the dish with cinnamon.

In modern Western European cuisine, cinnamon is added to vegetable and fruit dishes. This spice goes especially well with apples, pears, quince.

In oriental cuisine, cinnamon is used in the preparation of dishes from meat, poultry, as well as for mushroom and meat marinades.

Baked apple with cinnamon.

The simplest and most popular cinnamon recipe - baked apple... This is an ideal dessert for those who lose weight, and also will not leave indifferent those who just love to enjoy a sweet treat.

To prepare this dessert, you need to take an apple, wash it, cut off the top and remove the core. A variety of products are suitable for the filling: cottage cheese, honey, nuts, raisins, figs, berries, cinnamon. Choose those healthy foods that you like. For example, you can mix cottage cheese and honey, add cinnamon. Put the resulting filling inside the apple, cover with a cut top and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Slimming cinnamon and ginger tea.

An equally popular recipe using this aromatic spice is tea with cinnamon, ginger and honey.

Put peeled and chopped ginger root, a cinnamon stick, add loose leaf tea and pour 1 liter of boiling water into a saucepan for making tea. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Then turn it off and let it brew under the lid for about 30 minutes. Then strain the broth, let it cool slightly and add honey to taste.

This tea will warm in bad weather, help with colds, and also contribute to weight loss.


The use of cinnamon has some contraindications: various internal bleeding and individual intolerance, as well as early pregnancy.

Do you often use cinnamon? What dishes?

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Here you can find detailed information about what cinnamon is, what health benefits it has, what are the contraindications to use, how to use it in cooking, and much more. Few scents are as seductive and warming as hers. Cinnamon is one of the highly prized spices that has been used since biblical times for its beneficial and culinary properties.

What is cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a sweet-tasting spice obtained from the inner bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree, which is dried and rolled tightly into thin tubular sticks (rolls) and used as a condiment in sweet and savory dishes around the world.

This spice is common in Asian and Middle Eastern cooking for flavoring meats, vegetables, rice dishes, curries, and more. Cinnamon is part of the garam masala spice mixture widely used in Indian cuisine.

What does cinnamon look like - photo

general description

The cinnamon tree is a small evergreen shrub plant belonging to the Lauraceae or Laurel family of the Cinnamomum genus. This new spice is native to the island of Sri Lanka, but also grows in many other countries such as Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, China.

There are many different types of cinnamon, but the "real" one is Ceylon (Cinnamonum verum).

Chinese cinnamon, also known as Cassia, also belongs to the Laurel family and is named Cinnamomum cassia. It is rougher, spicy and pungent, but less aromatic than Ceylon.

How the cinnamon seasoning is obtained

Each bush of a cinnamon year grows 8-10 side branches, and after three years they are harvested in the rainy season. Leaves are removed from the branches. The outer bark is then stripped off with a copper rod to make it easier to clean. The inner bark is removed - it is this part that becomes a spice after drying.

In processing devices, this layer is cut into long strips, which are then manually rolled into tubes and dried in the sun. This is how cinnamon sticks are made. They can be ground to make a powder.

The aromatic essential oil of cinnamon is also extracted from the same tree. In factories, this inner bark layer is knocked out, soaked in seawater, and then quickly distilled into oil. It is widely used in the food industry, in perfumes, aromatherapy, medicines (especially Asian preparations), and disinfectants.

Smell and taste

The aroma of cinnamon is complex, often described as sweet, woody, and warm and spicy. She has an absolutely unique delicate and sweet taste.

How to choose and where to buy cinnamon

Real cinnamon is labeled as Cinnamomum zeylanicum or Ceylon Cinnamom. If the seasoning is simply labeled "Cinnamon", it is usually cassia.

You can find real cinnamon in large cities in the spice section of supermarkets and grocery stores. Good cinnamon smells sweet even from a distance. Sold either in the form of sticks or in powder.

Buy whole sticks instead of ground cinnamon, as it can often contain counterfeit spice powders or low-quality cassia. The sticks should be compact, light brown in color.

You can buy real Ceylon cinnamon at online health food stores, and IHerb has a good selection.

How to tell cinnamon from cassia

Cassia is also cinnamon, but from other parts of the world and a different type of tree.

Real cinnamon (Cinnamonum verum) is the inner layer of the bark of Ceylon cinnamon. She has a uniform light brown color. Manufactured in Sri Lanka.

Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) - the outer layer of the bark of the Chinese cinnamon. Also called fake cinnamon, it is much cheaper than real cinnamon and is produced in countries such as Vietnam, China and Indonesia.

What does cassia look like:

In the case of ground cinnamon, it is very difficult to distinguish between the two at home unless you are an expert.

However, if these spices are in sticks, the differences between them are easier to spot. The following table highlights some of the differences to help you select the correct type.

Ceylon cinnamonCassia
Soft texture, easy to breakRigid texture
Mild sweet aromaSharp and very spicy smell
Coumarin content 0.0004%Coumarin content 5%
Generally safeToxic if taken for a long time
Darling, you can't find everywhereMuch cheaper, sold in supermarkets under the guise of real cinnamon
Produced in Sri LankaManufactured in China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia
Light brownDark brown or reddish color
Soft, crumbly and easily broken into small piecesHard
Several dense layers, the stick is twisted like a cigarCurl inward on both sides, like a scroll. Empty inside

The differences between cassia and cinnamon are clearly shown in the photo:

Cassia harm

The real problem with fake cinnamon is that it has a high amount of coumarin (almost 1200 times higher than real cinnamon), so long-term consumption of cassia in food can cause serious harm to health, in particular to the kidneys and liver.

How to store cinnamon

Whole cinnamon sticks are stored in a cool, dry, dark place in sealed glass containers for many months (over a year). They can be grinded as needed with a hand mill or coffee grinder.

It is better to store ground cinnamon in the refrigerator in airtight containers and use it as soon as possible (up to 6 months), it has a short shelf life, as it loses its taste and aroma faster as a powder.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value of cinnamon (Cinnamonum verum) per 100 g.

NameQuantityPercentage of the daily value,%
Energy value (calorie content)247 Kcal 12
Carbohydrates50.59 g 39
Protein3.99 g 7
Fats1.24 g 4,5
Dietary fiber53.1 g 133
Folates6 μg 1,5
Niacin1,332 mg 8
Pantothenic acid0.358 mg 7
Pyridoxine0.158 mg 12
Riboflavin0.041 mg 3
Thiamine0.022 mg 2
Vitamin A295 IU 10
Vitamin C3.8 mg 6
Vitamin E10.44 mg 70
Vitamin K31.2 mcg 26
Sodium10 mg
Potassium431 mg 9
Calcium1002 mg 100
Copper0.339 mg 38
Iron8.32 mg 104
Magnesium60 mg 15
Manganese17.466 mg 759
Phosphorus64 mg 9
Zinc1.83 mg 17
Carotene-ß112 μg -
Cryptoxanthin-ß129 μg -
Lutein Zeaxanthin222 mcg -
Lycopene15 mcg -

Physiological role

The active components in the composition of cinnamon have such an effect on the body as:

  • antioxidant;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming;
  • antimicrobial;
  • stimulating;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic.

Useful properties of cinnamon

Cinnamon has the highest antioxidant properties of any other natural food source, even surpassing superfoods like garlic and oregano.

The spice contains healthy essential oils such as eugenol, which gives it a pleasant, sweet aroma. Eugenol has local anesthetic and antiseptic properties and is used in dental and gum treatments.

Other important essential oils in cinnamon are ethyl cinnamate, linalool, cinnamaldehyde (cinnamaldehyde), beta-caryophyllene, and methyl chavicol.

Cinnamaldehyde (the main constituent of cinnamon essential oils) acts as an anticoagulant (thinning the blood) and thus helps prevent stroke and coronary artery disease.

The active substances in cinnamon increase intestinal motility and aid in digestion by increasing the secretion of gastric juice.

This spicy stick is an excellent source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc and magnesium. Iron is essential for cellular metabolism as a cofactor. Potassium is an essential component of cells and body fluids that help control heart rate and blood pressure. The human body uses manganese and copper as co-factors for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Cinnamon is also high in vitamin A, niacin, pantothenic acid, and pyridoxine.

It is a very good source of flavonoid phenolic antioxidants such as carotenes, zeaxanthin, lutein, and cryptoxanthin.

Slimming cinnamon

One of the most sought-after benefits of cinnamon is weight loss. It reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism. However, this spice alone will not lead to weight loss, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet and physical shape. Cinnamon just generally improves your weight loss program.

It is a great spice for boosting immunity, but it also contains all the essential minerals, vitamins and fiber. Plays a large role in detoxification. Popular as a "cleansing" drink when added to a glass of water.

One teaspoon of cinnamon contains 1.6 grams of fiber, which can help you feel fuller.

Cinnamon for diabetes

Cinnamon controls blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics, new research has shown. It also reduces the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increases the level of "good" HDL cholesterol.

Add to that the fact that cinnamon and sugar-free has a naturally sweet taste, making it a great addition to foods like plain yogurt or kefir. It can be included in the diet of patients with type 2 diabetes.

The benefits of cinnamon for women

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a problem with many symptoms that need to be controlled, and cinnamon can help with this due to its properties.

Research has shown that cinnamon reduces insulin resistance in women with PCOS.

This spice also soothes heavy menstrual bleeding associated with common women's health conditions such as endometriosis, menorrhagia, and uterine fibroids.

Other Health Benefits

Here are some more scientifically proven medicinal properties of cinnamon:

  • Ceylon cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. This means that it boosts immunity. Research has shown that cinnamon enhances the activity of antioxidant enzymes and therefore may prevent or treat certain types of cancer.
  • Cinnamon helps manage blood pressure. All its varieties contain cinnamic acid, the anti-inflammatory properties of which help blood flow and reduce stress on the heart, help prevent cardiovascular diseases ...
  • This spice can stop the onset of Alzheimer's disease. It improves the brain's response to insulin. The metabolic effect also makes it useful in neurological problems.
  • Cinnamon helps fight bacterial and fungal infections. The essential oil effectively treats respiratory tract infections. The antimicrobial properties of this spice also help prevent tooth decay and reduce bad breath.

In addition to the ground form, cinnamon can be purchased in capsules for oral administration. Some boil cinnamon sticks in water, add honey or lemon, and drink like tea. It is also good for making healthy cinnamon water.

How much cinnamon can be consumed per day

After six weeks, it is best to take a week's rest before taking it again. Turmeric can be consumed during these seven days as it has similar health benefits.

Contraindications (harm) of cinnamon

Pregnant and lactating women, patients with diabetes, and those taking anticoagulants and needing surgery should avoid excessive amounts of cinnamon.

Contraindicated in case of food allergy to this spice.

Raw cinnamon can cause choking and respiratory distress (respiratory distress). Eating a lot of cinnamon sticks can cause inflammation of the taste buds of the tongue, swelling of the gums, and mouth ulcers.

Excessive doses of cinnamon can lead to difficulty breathing, dilated blood vessels, and drowsiness, depression, or even seizures.

To experience any of the dangerous side effects of cinnamon, you will have to eat very large amounts of this spice, and in usual culinary doses it is safe and healthy.

The use of cinnamon in cooking

Here are some interesting ways you can use cinnamon in cooking and where to add it:

  • As an ingredient in homemade baked goods and biscuits.
  • Sprinkle baked apples with ground cinnamon for a mouth-watering flavor.
  • Use in a mulled wine recipe.
  • Add to yogurt or ice cream.
  • Sprinkle with milk porridge or hot chocolate.
  • Boil a cinnamon stick with warm milk for medicinal purposes.
  • Add to sliced ​​fruits and rice dishes.
  • Cinnamon honey tea is a popular drink for treating various ailments.
  • Use in grilled meats or Indian rice dishes.
  • It is a great addition to fruit desserts that include apples, prunes, pears, and apricots.
  • French toast with cinnamon is a popular breakfast dish around the world. Sprinkle this spice on bread dipped in beaten eggs and fry.
  • Fried donuts and baked buns taste interesting when seasoned with cinnamon sugar.
  • This is a popular marinade for beef or lamb.
  • Cinnamon sticks (whole or broken) are used in drinks, sauces, stews.
  • In Arab countries, coffee is brewed with pieces of cinnamon or a pinch of powder.

Cinnamon is usually placed 7-10 minutes before cooking or sprinkled on the finished dish.

Cinnamon cookies - recipe

These delicious biscuits, combined with a cup of tea, will warm you up in cold season and brighten up your afternoon tea.

Ingredients (for 30 pieces):

  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 85 g crushed almond flakes;
  • 125g wheat flour;
  • 110 g butter, plus extra for lubrication;
  • 75g honey;
  • 150 g brown sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 C and grease a baking sheet with oil.
  2. Combine the cinnamon, salt and almonds in a bowl and sift the flour there.
  3. Melt butter, honey and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil, then remove from heat and chill for a couple of minutes before combining with flour and lemon juice.
  4. Stir and then use a teaspoon to spread the dough on a baking sheet about 5 cm apart.
  5. Bake until cookies are light brown around the edges. Allow to cool slightly on a tray and transfer to a plate.

Cinnamon Sinabon Bun Recipe - video

How to replace cinnamon

If you run out of cinnamon or someone in the household is allergic to this seasoning, and you are looking for something to replace it, consider alternatives:

  • Allspice. Its aroma bears a resemblance to cinnamon, as well as notes of nutmeg and clove. It is hotter, so when using allspice as a substitute for cinnamon, use 1/3 of the amount suggested in the recipe.
  • Cardamom is an aromatic spice that is used in many dishes along with cinnamon. For example, both spices can be found in curry powder. Substitute 1: 1 cardamom for cinnamon.

So, cinnamon is one of the tastiest and healthiest spices on the planet. It can help lower blood sugar levels, reduce risk factors for heart disease, and has many other health benefits. Just be sure to get real Ceylon cinnamon, consider the contraindications, stick to small doses, and enjoy its intoxicating scent.

Instructions for use:

The cinnamon tree belongs to the laurel family, and the spice cinnamon is the bark of this tree, ground into powder or rolled into a tube. Distinguish between Malabar, Ceylon, Chinese cinnamon and cinnamon, which grows in the Moluccas. Ceylon cinnamon is the most prized.

Cinnamon is endowed with useful properties thanks to its essential oil, as well as magnesium, iron, calcium and other substances. The spice has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, warming, antipyretic, diuretic, antitumor effect, stimulates the gallbladder, kidneys, liver, digestion, significantly increases efficiency, stimulates the nervous system and helps to cure depression, improving mood.

Application of cinnamon

The healing properties of cinnamon are recognized not only by non-traditional, but also by official medicine: on the basis of essential oil, medicines are prepared for colds and gastrointestinal diseases, and warming ointments are produced. Cinnamon essential oil can also be used as a standalone formulation. It tones, relieves spasms, relieves pain, has a cardiotonic, anti-putrefactive effect. Cinnamon oil treats dyspepsia, flatulence, colitis, atony, colds, flu, relieves rheumatic pains, and restores the menstrual cycle. It is also used in cosmetology - fungus, warts, acne, papillomas are removed from the skin.

It has been found that regular consumption of spices improves the absorption of sugar, lowers the level of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, therefore, it is effective in diabetes mellitus. The approximate dosage is 0.5 teaspoon of the seasoning per day.

Cinnamon is also used to stimulate brain activity, increase concentration, improve visual memory - in the presence of problems, this spice is recommended to be consumed in small quantities on a regular basis. Colon tumors are another indication for the use of spices.

Separate mention should be made of such a useful property of cinnamon as the ability to lower blood pressure. Hypertensive patients are recommended to eat up to a teaspoon of cinnamon every day. It is recommended to divide this daily allowance into four doses. If pure cinnamon is poorly tolerated, you can add it to various dishes to reduce pressure: kefir, meat, cereals, yogurt, etc. The spice should be consumed in this way until the pressure stabilizes. At the same time, you can take other drugs to lower blood pressure.

Cinnamon is recommended for elderly and weak people, as it has a tonic and warming effect.

Such properties of cinnamon as stimulating metabolism, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, improving digestion and increasing intestinal motility are used for weight loss. A cinnamon cocktail helps well: 0.5 tablespoons of cinnamon and ginger are added to a glass of kefir, a little chopped red pepper - on the tip of a knife. Drinking the drink is recommended every evening instead of dinner. If it seems too hot, remove the red pepper and increase the amount of cinnamon - up to 1 teaspoon. Contraindications to the use of a slimming cocktail with cinnamon are inflammation, ulcers, erosion of the gastrointestinal tract. Those who took this remedy, in addition to losing weight and improving bowel function, noted a decrease in appetite in the evening and the disappearance of a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is also known that you can speed up the metabolism, stimulating the process of losing weight, by seasoning any food allowed by the diet with cinnamon every day.

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon

Spice can not be eaten and externally with individual intolerance, as well as pregnant women, because it can cause the uterus to contract. A contraindication to cinnamon is also the presence of any bleeding, low blood pressure and high fever.