E 316 food additive is harmful or not. Sodium erythorbate E316

27.11.2019 Egg dishes

The sodium salt of erythorbic acid is the food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate, which is also known as sodium isoascorbate, Sodium isoascorbate and Sodium erythorbate. Outwardly, this food additive is a white granulate or crystalline powder, which is absolutely odorless, but has a slightly salty taste.

Food antioxidant E316 Sodium erythorbate dissolves perfectly in water and alcohol solutions. This property of the food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate is moderately manifested in glycols, while in the presence of fats and oils, these processes are completely absent.

In addition, the antioxidant properties of the food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate are characteristic of ascorbic acid salts - it easily interacts with atmospheric oxygen and water, therefore it is recommended to store this substance in a light and moisture proof container.

E316 is obtained synthetically by the interaction of sodium hydroxide with. In addition, it is often produced from sugar-containing plants, in particular sugar beets and cane, as well as corn.

Food additive E316 is widely used in the food industry, where it plays the role of an antioxidant, that is, a substance that can slow down oxidation processes in food products. Also in this industry food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate can be used as an acidifier, acidity regulator and color stabilizer.

As a rule, E316 is added in the production of semi-finished meat products, sausages and canned fish. This additive is able to extend the shelf life of vegetables and fruits, while preventing the darkening of the fruit, which occurs under the influence of atmospheric oxygen.

By the way, the use of all food additives-antioxidants, erythorbic acid and its salts in particular, leads to a reduction in the used nitrites by a third. This is the undoubted benefit of the food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate.

In addition to the above food products, sodium erythorbate can be included in confectionery and bread, fats of various origins, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. The chemical industry uses this additive to stabilize and prevent oxidation during galvanic and enzymatic processes.

Benefits of food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate

The established permissible daily intake of the food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate is no more than five mg / kg of human weight. It is approved for use in the countries of the European Union and on the territory of our state, as it belongs to the group of safe food additives when used in food.

The benefits of the food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate are obvious even though this substance has a low vitamin activity (approximately 5 percent) compared to sodium ascorbate. In addition, such properties of E316 as light oxidation in the human body and subsequent rapid elimination are noted.

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Sodium isoascorbate belongs to the category of one of the most well-known nutritional supplements that have been used for a long time. According to its physical characteristics, a specific antioxidant is a crystalline powder that disintegrates well. No characteristic odor is a distinctive feature of the additive, as is the white color.

Chemically speaking, this supplement is a common sodium salt of erythrobic acid. For its production under industrial conditions, the procedure for the synthesis of acid with sodium hydroxide is used.

In nature, the substance is obtained from sugar, sugarcane or. To get the desired result, you just need to follow the instructions for working out of them.

Scope of use

The resulting product is positioned as a brake for the oxidation process for various organic compounds.

But even without this, the substance would be widely used in the food industry, since it is able to stabilize the color of the final product. For some edible products, the agent is used to regulate the internal acidity, or to stabilize the acidic environment.

Together, this allows you to extend the shelf life of the product several times. Thus, the consumer will not be able to determine by the smell that the product was released a long time ago, since a pleasant aroma will still be preserved.

Most often, buyers encounter isoascorbate while eating sausages. But it does not mean that the technologists from the fish processing shops or fruit departments also did not adopt such a functional addition. To prevent browning of vegetables or dishes based on them, suppliers often add white powder.

Many have heard that such additives have an extremely negative effect on the body. But in fact, this tool is approved for use in many countries.

It is used when it is required to form a uniform color in the sausage at the stage of technological processing.

In addition, meat processing plants need E316 in order to speed up the salting of raw materials, as well as to give it a pronounced taste.

In total, this supplement alone can reduce the dosage of other nitrates by about a third. This ensures that the harm from a ready-made store sausage will decrease significantly.

Its additional advantage is increased stability and productivity like.

Effects on the body

Since E316 can be found in almost all categories of the confectionery, meat, bakery and fat-and-oil industries, many no longer pay any attention to the mention of this additive in the label.

Accurate data on the mutagenic effect on the human body has not been officially obtained, so each consumer can independently decide whether to eat products with this additive.

Some experts are inclined to believe that it does not pose a serious danger, if you do not abuse the permissible daily rate. The maximum dosage is 5 mg per kg of body weight per day. The advantage of the substance is considered to be a quick excretion from the body in a natural way immediately after oxidation, where the agent takes little part.

Today in supermarkets you can find a huge variety of products, in which it is quite easy to get confused. Bright packaging, seductive pictures, shiny labels, plus all this is complemented by promotional price tags, and we make a purchase. Stop, first you need to carefully study the packaging, namely, the composition of this product. The fewer different incomprehensible words in it, the better. For example, GOST condensed milk contains only natural milk and sugar, but the same product, but produced according to TU, has a completely different composition. It contains stabilizers and emulsifiers, as well as various substances labeled E. Today we will talk about them: a table of harmful food additives should be at hand for everyone to avoid eating them.

What are various food additives used for?

First of all, you should be alerted to the "E" markings - they denote food additives that are used all over the world as preservatives and stabilizers, flavor and aroma enhancers, thickeners and leavening agents. All this is needed to improve the nutritional properties of the product, as well as increase its shelf life.

Why do you need a table of harmful food additives, and are all substances labeled "E" harmful? No, there are neutral, harmful and even dangerous ones, and therefore it is important for each of us to know them and be able to distinguish them. After all, the quality and duration of our life is highly dependent on what we eat. The more vitamins and minerals in the diet and less "chemistry", the better.

Natural or artificial

Despite the assurances of manufacturers, almost all additives are artificial, and therefore potentially dangerous. These are chemicals of synthetic origin. Considering that even the safest of them sometimes cause a reaction in especially sensitive people, it is clear that the table of harmful food additives should be known to everyone. However, there is another subtlety here: not all manufacturers warn you that their product contains additives with the "E" index. Common phrases such as “does not contain artificial colors or flavors” are often avoided. Others note the presence of stabilizers and thickeners, but do not indicate which additives were used. In this case, there is only one way out: refuse to buy and choose a more honest manufacturer. This is especially important if the product is imported, because no one will give a guarantee that there are no prohibited products in its composition. Perhaps this will allow you to look differently at products in supermarkets, because, despite their attractive appearance, almost all of them contain preservatives.

What does the numeric code next to the letter "E" mean?

Below we will consider what the table of harmful food additives includes, but for now, let's look at what these mysterious numbers mean. If the code starts with one, then you have a dye. All preservatives start with 2, the number 3 stands for antioxidants - they are used to slow down or prevent spoilage of the product. All 4 are stabilizers, substances that help to maintain the consistency of the product in the required form. The number 5 denotes emulsifiers, they work in tandem with stabilizers and preserve the structure of the product. The enhancers of taste and aroma that create the notes and shades we love so much start at 6. Some products are added with special anti-foaming agents, they are marked with the number 9. If you have a four-digit index in front of you, then this indicates the presence of sweeteners. The realities of life show that you need to know harmful food additives ("E"). The table will help you identify foods that should not be consumed in time.

Such different food additives "E"

Behind this marking can be hidden completely harmless and even useful substances, for example, plant extracts. This is the well-known acetic acid (E260). Relatively safe E additives include baking soda (E500), or regular chalk (E170) and many others.

However, there are much more harmful substances than useful ones. You are mistaken if you think that these include only artificial additives, natural ones also sin with a negative effect on the body. Moreover, the more often they are used, the stronger and more pronounced their effect will be.

Healthy Supplements

You should not immediately return the product to the shelf just because it contains E. It is necessary to look and analyze what substance is hidden behind it. The following table of harmful and beneficial food additives will help you make the right choice. For example, the most common apple contains pectin, ascorbic acid and riboflavin, that is, E300, E440, E101, but it cannot be called harmful.

The most common healthful supplements are curcumin, or E100 - these substances help control weight and are actively used in the manufacture of fitness products. E101 is a common one which is famous for synthesizing hemoglobin and participating in metabolism. E160d - It helps to strengthen the immune system. E270 is a powerful antioxidant that is widely used in pharmacology. For the enrichment of products with iodine, the additive E916 is used, that is, calcium iodate. We must not forget about E322 lecithin - this supplement supports immunity and improves blood formation.

Relatively harmless additives

Today the topic of our conversation is "Table of food additives" E. Useful and harmful, they are ubiquitous in the most common food. In this group it is necessary to mention the dyes that are used by the most famous confectionery companies to give an attractive appearance to creams and cakes. This is chlorophyrol. or E140, a green dye Also known is betanin, that is a dye of red color.It is extracted from the most common beets, the juice of which is perfect for coloring creams at home.

This group includes calcium carbonate (E170) and regular baking soda. Despite the fact that these substances do not pose a threat to life, in large quantities they can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. E290 is regular carbon dioxide, and all carbonated drinks are made with it. Every kitchen should have a table of food additives E. Useful and harmful, they are today presented in such a large number that it is very difficult to remember what this or that substance means.

Additives to avoid

Today the table contains 11 groups of additives, among which there are dangerous, prohibited, harmful to the skin and violating blood pressure substances. Since everyone needs to avoid foods that contain dangerous "E-shots", we will look at each group separately. You should not be negligent about your health and rely on the manufacturer. Many of them are guided only by momentary benefits and do not think about their reputation. Moreover, it is much easier to periodically close production and reopen it under a different name, releasing products with new labels. This is why you need to know the "E" harmful food additives. The table will help you navigate and not forget what this or that code means. So let's get started.

Dangerous additives

This group includes many dyes, so if you see confectionery products painted in, think about whether you should take them to your children. Be sure to study harmful food additives "E": the table is periodically adjusted, so you need to update the printout, which is best kept near the kitchen table.

This includes E102, namely tartrazine. It causes asthma attacks and is banned in several countries. E110 is a yellow dye, banned in many countries as it causes allergic reactions and nausea. E120 - Carminic Acid (Until research has proven harm, but doctors strongly recommend avoiding it). Red dyes E124, E127 and E129 are banned in a number of countries because they are carcinogenic. This also includes E155 (brown dye) and E180 (ruby rhytol).

E220 - sulfur dioskide - should be used with caution in people with renal failure. Feel free to put aside foods containing E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242. Recognized as dangerous

Very dangerous

If the previous group of additives is dangerous or potentially dangerous, then representatives of this category should be treated more than carefully. The fact is that the supplement table gives you only the code designations, behind which are substances that stimulate the growth of cancer cells. To completely avoid contact with them, you will have to give up most confectionery products and seriously reconsider your view of the diet. The simpler the better, so bran biscuits, cereals and fruits are the safest choices.

However, back to our conversation. The table of the most dangerous additives "E" includes dyes such as E123 (amaranth). It is banned all over the world, as it causes developmental pathologies in the fetus. In addition, this group includes E510, E513E, E527.

Prohibited substances: table of the most harmful food additives "E"

It should be noted that Russia has very soft rules for manufacturing companies. Only 5 supplements are officially banned, although the number is much higher worldwide. This is E952 - cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts. This is the one that was taken out of production, as it was found out that it is a strong carcinogen. E-216 - propyl para-hydroxybenzoic acid - is prohibited in Russia as well. But this is not all the harmful food additives ("E"). The table refers to a number of dyes to this group - these are E152, E130, E125, E126, E121, E111.

Substances causing skin rashes

Everyone imagines the influence of carcinogens on the body, so you need to do everything necessary in order to exclude from the menu products containing the most harmful food additives. A table at hand will help you stop in time and not make an unnecessary purchase. Especially women should think about, because many conditionally safe supplements cause deterioration of the skin. This is E151 (black, shiny BN) - in some countries it is generally prohibited. Second on the list is E231 (orthophenylphenol) and E232 (calcium orthophenylphenol). Aspartame, or E951, a favorite sugar substitute by many, also has a number of side effects and is not recommended for use without any particular reason.

Let's sum up

You can use this table every day. A food additive, the harmful effect of which is not fully understood, should be excluded from the diet. This group includes quite a lot of different "E" - these are E124, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E247, E471. To optimize your diet and eat as little synthetic additives as possible, study the packaging of the product before buying. The less in the composition of various components and incomprehensible terms, the better. Do not buy unfamiliar products, as well as those with no composition on the packaging, and give preference to well-known manufacturers.

Avoid foods with bright, unnatural colors. They may contain too many dyes and preservatives. Give preference to natural products, grains, fermented milk, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is such a diet that is guaranteed not to contain harmful and hazardous substances. To stay healthy for as long as possible, try to avoid foods that use harmful food additives ("E"). A table that includes the main ones will become your reliable assistant.

Are dangerous.

An example of this is dietary antioxidants.

Their action is aimed at protecting against the adverse effects of free radicals and preventing oxidative processes of the product cells.

They can even slow down the aging process, so it is imperative to include such components in the daily diet.

In the manufacture of food, they are actively used, as they improve the color of the product, extend the shelf life and prevent oxidation.

In such production, the use of natural and synthetic antioxidants is allowed. The latter, due to their availability, are preferable in production.

The most common substances obtained by artificial means are E301, E307, E304, E316, E319.

E 301: harm or benefit?

E301 - what is it?

This ingredient is often referred to as sodium ascorbate, and is the sodium salt of ascorbic acid.

It is synthesized quite simply: they dissolve ascorbic acid in water, adding ordinary soda in the process.

As a result, after the foam subsides, the desired component is precipitated by the addition of isopropyl alcohol.

E 301 is a powerful zero hazard antioxidant. Therefore, the additive is widely used in the production of bakery products, margarine, mayonnaise, sausages, fish and meat semi-finished products.

The benefits of sodium ascorbate for humans are undeniable:

  • reduces the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevents the formation of atherosclerosis;
  • helps the whole body fight viral and infectious diseases;
  • activates the body's defenses;
  • helps to better absorb food;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The permissible daily intake should not exceed 15 mg / kg, since with an excess of sodium ascorbate is converted into oxalic acid, which can provoke the formation of kidney stones.

Is the use of E307 dangerous?

E307 is also known as alpha-tocopherol, or vitamin E, which is the main antioxidant in the human body.

Naturally, vitamin E is found in fish, meat, milk, herbs, oils, and cereals.

Vitamin E significantly slows down the process of fat oxidation and prevents the creation of harmful free radicals.

In its synthetic form, the vitamin is added to food products containing a large amount of fats and oils, since the substance E307 can significantly extend the shelf life.

The additive is also used in the pharmaceutical industry in the production of vitamins and in cosmetology in the production of creams, shampoos, masks.

The benefits of E307 are undeniable, because it has a positive effect on human health:

  • promotes the assimilation of oxygen at the cellular level;
  • has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, prevents the formation of age spots;
  • ensures the absorption of vitamin A;
  • helps in the treatment of herpes, ulcers, eczema.

Is it safe to use E304?

E 304 - ascorbyl palmitate is another component that is safe for human health and is used in the production of food products.

Also obtained synthetically by combining ascorbic and palmitic acids... This is the fatty component of ascorbic acid. It is a white powder with a slight lemon scent.

It is used to eliminate rancidity in fats and refined vegetable oils, in the production of mayonnaise, sausages and semi-finished meat products, can be added to instant potato dishes, as well as in the production of flavorings.

Approved in the manufacture of baby food, formula and milk powder.

The synthetic additive also has stabilizing properties.

It does not harm the body, but the maximum permissible daily intake should not be higher than 1.35 mg / kg of weight.

More benefit or harm from E 316?

E316 - sodium erythorbate - a white powder, odorless, but with a slightly salty taste.

This is another antioxidant that is safe for humans to consume.

It dissolves well in aqueous and alcoholic solution, but this property is absent in a fatty and oily medium.

E316 is synthesized by combining ascorbic acid with sodium hydroxide, and is also obtained from natural sugar cane, corn and sugar beet.

Besides being used as an antioxidant, erythorbate can be used as an acidity regulator and color stabilizer.

You can meet E316 on the packaging of meat, sausages and semi-finished products, in canned fish. The additive is able to prevent the browning of the fruit skin when exposed to oxygen. In addition, E316 is added to the composition of confectionery, bakery products, various fats, beverages containing and not containing alcohol.

It is easily excreted from our body, it is completely safe and approved for use. The daily allowance should not be higher than 5 mg / kg of body weight.

What effect does E319 have?

E319 - tert-butylhydrochenone is also quite approved for use.

But unlike the previous ones, E319 belongs to the category of "conditionally safe".

The rate of its consumption should not exceed 0.2 mg / kg of human body weight.

What harm can you expect from E 319?

She can cause:

  • asthma attacks or choking;
  • vomiting;
  • allergies;
  • hallucinations and delusions.

This reaction is due to the chemical origin of the component. The benefit lies in its peculiarity to leave the taste and color of finished products unchanged.

A component is added in the manufacture of mayonnaise and various ready-made sauces based on it, instant soups and purees, confectionery semi-finished products, and cereals.


The effect of antioxidants on our body is certainly beneficial.

Not all synthetic components are harmful.

But the choice of products containing synthenic ingredients must be approached wisely, having carefully studied the label beforehand.

Antioxidants are capable of:

  1. Extend the shelf life.
  2. Prevent the occurrence of oxidative processes.

All of the above additives are officially approved for use on the territory of our state and most of the EU countries, but you should not exceed the daily consumption rate.

Technological functions - acidity regulator, stabilizer, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, antioxidant synergist, color fixer.
Synonyms - trisodium citrate, trisodium citrate; English trisodim citrate; German. Trinatriumcitrat, tertiares Natriumcitrat; fr. citrate de trisodium. CAS No. 68-04-2 (anhydrous trisodium citrate); 6132-04-3 (trisodium citrate dihydrate); 36833-40-6 (trisodium citrate 5.5-aqueous).
Chemical namee - trisodium salt of 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propane tricarboxylic acid.
Empirical formula - SbN507Noz (anhydrous trisodium citrate); C6H507No3 2H20 (trisodium citrate dihydrate); C6H507Na3 5.5H20 (trisodium citrate 5.5-aqueous).
Like. m - 258.14 (anhydrous trisodium citrate); 294.16 (trisodium citrate dihydrate); 357.22 (trisodium citrate 5.5-aqueous).
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties - odorless white crystals with slightly salty-bitter aftertaste.
Physicochemical properties - pH 1% solution 7.0-9.0. Chorus. sol. in water; Wed sol. in alcohols; immoral. in other organic solvents.
Receiving - from citric acid by interaction with an equivalent amount of sodium hydroxide. Impurities: other citrates.
Hygiene standards - Particleboard is not limited. Hazards according to GN-98: MPC in the air of the working area 5 mg / m3, hazard class 3.
Codex: Approved in 22 food standards as a synergist for GMP antioxidants; in 14 food standards as a stabilizer from 2 to 40 g / kg or GMP; for canned green peas up to 150 mg / kg.

In the Russian Federation allowedinto jams, jellies, marmalades and other similar products, including low-calorie products, into powdered milk, fruit compotes, unprocessed fish, crustaceans and molluscs, including frozen ones, into non-emulsified vegetable and animal oils and fats (except for oils obtained by pressing and olive oil), including those specially designed for culinary purposes,
in canned fruits and vegetables, in semi-finished meat products and minced meat, natural packaged in quantities according to TI (clauses 3.1.6, 3.1.7,3.1.10,3.1.11,3.1.13,3.1.14,3.1.18 , 3.1.19 SanPiN; as a salt, a stabilizer of consistency, an emulsifier, a texturizer, a carrier-filler in food products according to TI in an amount according to TI individually or in combination with other citrates (clause 3.2.11. 3.6.59, 3.16.55 SanPiN -03).
Application - as a salt melter in an amount of up to 30 g / kg of processed cheese. Citrates give processed cheese a pleasant, slightly sour taste and a moderately dense, rather elastic consistency.
Lowering the pH value creates unfavorable conditions for the life of gas-forming microorganisms, as a result of which processed cheese with the use of citrates is more stable during storage. As a stabilizer: minced meat products up to 3 g / kg of meat or fat; blood of slaughter animals up to 16 g / l.
To restore the salt (ionic) equilibrium necessary for the thermal stability of milk subjected to heating, stabilizing salts are added to it, which can be all citrates. They bind calcium ions. Salts are used in the form of 10-25% aqueous solutions.
Sodium citrate 3-substituted most effectively restores salt balance. The dose of the stabilizing salt depends on the thermal stability of a particular batch of milk, therefore it fluctuates within 0.05-0.4% of the mass of the normalized mixture.
Sodium citrate is also used as an acidity regulator and retardator in marmalade, jams, preserves, pectin jellies, desserts, bakery, confectionery, etc. up to 10 g / kg; synergist of antioxidants in juices, margarines, vegetable oils, lard, pork fat up to 100 mg / kg.

Acceleration of the dissolution of dry mixtures (for example, for ice cream) is achieved by adding phosphates or sodium citrates. Trisodium citrate in accordance with GOST 22280-76 “Sodium citrate 5.5-water. Specifications "is included in the list of raw materials in GOST 240" Margarine. General technical conditions ", GOST 718" Dairy canned food. Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar. Specifications ", GOST 1923" Canned milk. Condensed milk sterilized in banks. Specifications ", GOST 2903" Condensed whole milk with sugar. Technical conditions ".

Trisodium citrate is included in the list of raw materials in GOST 718-84 “Canned dairy products. Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar. Specifications ", GOST 1923-78" Canned milk. Condensed milk sterilized in banks. Specifications ", GOST 2903-78" Condensed whole milk with sugar. Specifications ", GOST 240-85" Margarine. General technical conditions ".
Other areas of application: pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.
Commodity forms A pure substance or mixture that stabilizes certain pH values.