Domestic condensed milk. Condensed milk at home Preparation of condensed milk without sugar

29.06.2020 Beverages

Many people who lived in the times of the USSR, remember the true Soviet condensed milk, which was preparing for GOST. This sweet taste was divine and unforgettable. But currently everything has changed. The quality of the product has deteriorated, so sweet tooths have long since began to think about how to make a condensed milk.

After all, modern sweet delicacy contains many different additives, due to which the shelf life increases, and the cost of preparation of the product decreases at times. Recently, it began to replace the cow's milk harmful to the health of palm oil.

Therefore, it is not worth risking and buy a "cat in a bag", and it is better to try to cook natural homely condensed milk, in which there will be no extraneous impurities or additives. The condensed milk recipe has many options from which you can choose any taste. But all of them are similar in one: the cooking scheme is very simple, and for creating a favorite delicacy, some special ingredients are not needed.

The benefits and harm of the product

  • Studies prove that condensed milk helps strengthen bone tissue and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

  • The main thing is not to overdo it, because this yummy is very sweet and calorie, thanks to Sakharoz. Therefore, the delicacy is contraindicated to people sitting on a strict diet.
  • Allergia may also appear in excessive use, which will be poured into diathesis or rash.

Preparation of condensed milk

Let's consider step by step with photos, how to prepare a condensed milk at home in several different instructions.

Simple prescription condensed milk based on milk and sugar

Required ingredients:

  • Homemade fat milk (3.2%) - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vanillin is half a small spoon (optional for fragrance).

Stages of cooking:

  1. Milk pour into a saucepan or other dishes with a thick bottom (preferably cast-iron). It is in such a container that it will not burn, the flavor of the burner will not appear, and no lumps will appear. We have a sugar, stirred it until a complete dissolution and bring a fat to a boil on the middle of the flame;
  2. After boiling, we muffled the flame and boil the mixture until it becomes less than two-thirds from the original one. Do not forget to intermitted regularly;
  3. When Vews acquire a thick consistency and creamy color, it will mean that home condensed milk is ready. Cooking time - 1.5-2 hours.
  4. A couple of minutes before readiness you can pour vanillin for fragrance. Wait until it is finally dissolved, and boil the mixture on a small flame for a few seconds;
  5. To make the dish thick and tasty, cool it.

Only two components will help get a natural product with excellent taste.

Home condensed milk

An interesting peculiar recipe for condensed milk, in which it is not necessary to cook it, but you can cook on a water bath.


  • Homemade low-fat milk (no more than 2.5%) - 1 cup;
  • High-quality milk milk - 1.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 1-1,5 cups (adjust to taste).

We prepare our condensed milk:

  1. We prepare a water bath;
  2. We combine all components in one container and mix thoroughly. Put on a water bath;
  3. Cook the mixture for an hour, stirring regularly. Excess this time is not needed. The thick state will come after cooling. Finished warm sweetness overflow into a jar, we cool up, then we move to storage in the refrigerator.

Special recipe based on goat milk


  • Pair goat milk - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 2 cups;
  • Soda - 1 pinch.

Such condensed milk at home is prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. We stir in the tank goat milk with soda so that the mixture does not curl;
  2. We put on the fire, we deliver sugar and cook until the Golden will become golden. Do not forget to stir constantly.

Store treats better in glass containers. You can roll it into sterilized jars under the iron lids and put in the cellar.

Quick recipe in a slow cooker


  • Milk - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Soda - 5 g;
  • Dry cream - 200 g.

We start the cooking process:

  1. In the deep cup mixed sugar and cream. We sweep a little soda to eliminate coagulation;
  2. Gradually add milk, carefully whipping the mixture with a wedge to homogeneous consistency;
  3. We pour the mixture into a slow cooker and activate the "Baking" mode for 15 minutes;
  4. Periodically monitor cooking and mix the condensed milk so that it does not burn. Finished delicacy overflow in container and cool.

Home "Varenka"

This boiled condensed milk is best done with brown sugar (450 g). You can use the usual. It will also be necessary:

  • Milk - 1.5 liters;
  • Soda - 10 g;
  • Vanillin - 1 bag;

  1. Pour milk into a deep saucepan and put on fire;
  2. Even before the start of the boiling, gradually plucked sugar, then vanillin and soda;
  3. Mix the mixture before the appearance of bubbles, then brought the flame and cook on low heat at least 15 minutes;
  4. An indicator of readiness will be caramel shade. The main thing is not to digest the product, otherwise it will acquire a pronounced grown smell of sugar;
  5. Finished boiled condensed milk pours plastic container and becomes cold.

Recipe for bread maker

Another option to prepare a condensed milk at home. Need the following components:

  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Cream - 250 ml;
  • Soda - 3 g;
  • Water - 250 ml.

Preparation of condensed milk in bread maker:

These recipes will help you prepare home condensed milk and enjoy a natural taste.

  • Dairy products must be the freshest, best home, without any extraneous impurities and additives;
  • Do not reduce the time of cooking by an increase in flame. This can lead to the burning of "dishes".

Video: Cooking boiled condensed milk at home

Patients with diabetes of any type should constantly limit themselves in certain foods. The greatest number of prohibitions are on sweets. But almost everyone can find an alternative.

Many since childhood are accustomed to such a delicacy as condensed milk. With the diabetes, it is contraindicated due to the sugar content. However, there are condensed milk recipes without sugar, which is quite admissible on the dietary table. It should prepare only from low-glycemic index products (GI).

Below will be given an explanation of the concept of Gi, on this basis the products are selected in the recipes of homely condensed milk. The benefits of home condensed milk and consumption rate with diabetes are described.

Glycemic index of condensed milk

The concept of gi implies a digital rate of increase in blood glucose blood after using a product. For diabetics, food is selected with gi up to 50 units, which forms the main diet.

Occasionally allowed to include products with an indicator of up to 70 units in diabetic dishes, no more than several times a week, and then in small portions. All food that has an index over 70 units can dramatically raise sugar in the blood, and as a result, cause hyperglycemia. And with the second type of diabetes, hazardous food provokes the transition to the insulin-dependent type.

Gi purchased condensed milk will be 80 units, as it contains sugar. For patients with diabetes mellitus, there are recipes when home condensed milk is prepared with sweetener, for example, stevia. Its gi will be in acceptable limits and will not affect the blood glucose level.

Below is a list of low gi products from which condensed milk can be prepared:

  1. solid milk;
  2. skilled milk;
  3. instant gelatin;
  4. saharo substitute, only bulk (stevia, fructose).

Also, condensed milk without sugar can be purchased in the store, the main thing is to carefully study its composition.

All about shopping condense without sugar

Sugar level

The condensed milk without sugar is sold in many supermarkets, and it should only prepare for GOST. If the label is written "done according to that", then such a product contains vegetable fats and nutritional supplements.

The correct name of the condensed milk "Milk solid condensed", no other name should be. Also natural product is released exclusively in tin cans, no plastic or tube.

Recipes of original condensed milk include only milk, cream and sugar. The presence of the last ingredient is only a product with sugar. And so, you can highlight the main criteria for choosing a natural shopping condensed milk:

  • consisting of only milk and cream;
  • the product is packaged only in w / b;
  • a condensed milk according to GOST, and no other rules and standards;
  • has a smell of milk;
  • white or a little yellow color.

Often, to save on the manufacture of condensed milk, manufacturers add vegetable fats in it, for example, palm oil. And it, in turn, negatively affects human health.

Recipes of condensed milk are simple - bold milk should be taken, which was not passed through the separator, and evaporate from it a part of the water to the desired consistency.

It turns out that condensed milk is concentrated milk.

The benefits of condensed milk

If the preparations used real recipes of condensed milk, then such a product has a special value for human health. First, due to the fact that the milk is obtained concentrated, then the beneficial substances in it are greater.

Using on the day 2 tablespoons of this product, a person greatly strengthens the bones, teeth and muscles. Also, condensed milk helps the speedy restoration of physical strength after sports. This product improves vision, brain activity and increases the body's resistance to infections and bacteria of various etiology.

With condensed milk in the human body in sufficient quantities, calcium and potassium enters. In addition, the product is rich in the following substances:

  1. vitamin A;
  2. group vitamins in;
  3. vitamin C;
  4. vitamin D;
  5. vitamin RR;
  6. selenium;
  7. phosphorus;
  8. iron;
  9. zinc;
  10. fluorine.

Caloric content of 100 grams of condensed milk without sugar is 131 kcal.

Homemade cooking

Recipes of condensed milk may contain only whole milk. The main thing is that it is fat and not processed in the separator. Naturalness is the key to the success of a delicious product.

The principle of cooking is simple, it is only necessary to evaporate from milk most of the liquid. At the same time, the milk is not covered with a lid, tomatoes on slow fire, continuously stirring at least two hours. In principle, the product is ready or not, it is easy to determine, it is necessary to boil condensed milk to the desired consistency.

With such condensed milk, it is good to serve that will become a full-fledged first breakfast.

For people with overweight, and such a problem is inherent in many second-type diabetics, there is a recipe based on low-fat milk and gelatin.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • 0.5 liter of degreational milk;
  • stevia or other crumbly sugar substitute - to taste;
  • assembly gelatin - 2 teaspoons.

Milk mix with a sugar substitute and put on fire, a saucepan without covering the lid. When the milk boils, prevent it, reduce the fire and cover the lid. Tomber on slow heat for 1 - 1.5 hours, until the fluid starts thickening.

The instant gelatin to pour into a small amount of water, let him swell. After put on the stove and bring to a homogeneous consistency, while stirring continuously. Pour a thin flowing into the cooled milk. Remove the future delicate in the refrigerator at least five hours. Such a condensed milk can be added to a variety of their taste.

In the video, this article describes how to choose a shopping condensed milk.

Condensed milk at home "Dairy rivers".

Condensed milk at home recipe more than simple! Moreover, for the preparation of condensed milk at home, only 3 products and 3 television are required ...

Pose into this pouring milk, in color and consistency are no different from the store analogues.

But to taste, he will give the Tools to Factory Manufacturers!

The most cute, lies with a small number of available ingredients - there are only three of them!

We will need ordinary milk and dry.

Here on dry milk I advise you not to save, buy quality, otherwise lumps and different tastes are possible.

And it will be better if you acquire skimmed milk powder.

First we are looking for a suitable saucepan on which you can put a metal cup or a smaller saucepan.

Condensedume will be boiled in a water bath.

In the pan we pour water and bring it to a boil.

While water reaches the desired temperature, mix the milk + dry milk + sugar.

Venchik try to act extremely easy and easy, seeking a complete merger of products.

Now a cup with a milk mixture put on a saucepan with boiling water.

We reduce the fire and Tomis our future condensed milk within 1 hour.

Occasionally I look and stir.

I repeat, cook only one hour!

Do not rest and try to respect until a thick state.

Everything will be in your time, I assure you!

So after an hour, decisively remove, cool slightly.

If you are not lucky with dry milk and there are terrible grains, strain the condensed milk through the siete.

If everything is fine, spill on banks and for storage in the refrigerator.

Dream and have excellent home condensed milk.

Both color, and taste, and consistency - all at the highest dairy level!

Pleasant milk impressions!

Domestic condensed milk in 15 minutes.


200 g of milk
200 g of sugar (or powders)
20 g of butter cream

We mix all products in a saucepan (preferably with high sidelights, because the mass will be very foaming)

On slow fire, bring to a boil.

When it starts to boil the fire, we increase and cook (boil) all exactly 10 minutes. !!! It will be very foaming.

After 10 minutes the mass will be very liquid! Do not be afraid - so it should be !!
Turn off, cool

Gradually thick, when cooled.

Pour into the jar and in the refrigerator. A few hours later she thickens

From this quantity it turns out ~ 200 g

Very, very tasty it turned out! Smell and color - no worse than in the store! And do very quickly

Natural condensed milk.

Condensed milk is one of the favorite children's delicacies: it can be smeared on cookies and bread, drinking tea with him and even eat straight from the jar.

You can prepare condensed milk and at home.

One of the common ways to prepare a condensed milk at home:

Take 250 ml. Warm milk - preferably high fatty (3.2%), add 1.5 cups of dry milk and 1.5 cup sugar to it. All products thoroughly mix with the helm. You can add 1 bag of vanilla sugar, then condensed milk will have an unusual vanilla taste and smell.

The prepared mixture is transfused into a saucepan. They put a large saucepan with water on fire and bring it to a boil. Then the saucepan with the mixture is neatly immersed in a large saucepan with boiling water and reduce the fire.

A mixture is boiled in a water bath for about an hour, after occasionally stirring.

Of this amount of the mixture, a floor is a liter jar of wonderful home condensed milk, which can be consumed with tea or coffee, or used for confectionery products.

How to cook delicious home condensed milk?

So that the condensed milk has always accounted for to taste, make it yourself. Recipe preparation condensed milk is very simple. And, although you spend a lot of time to prepare a condense, but you will get a quality product, fresh and without preservatives.

To prepare a condensed milk on this recipe, by 1.5-2 liters of whole milk (even better, of course, cream) you need to take a kilogram of sugar. The sugar falls asleep in the pelvis for cooking jam, pour some water to moisten it, put on fire and cook syrup. When he leaves good five minutes, we pour milk. Fire we reduce, and so Tom, periodically stirring, so that it is not burned. Cooking condensed milk will have long if there is no time - you can 2-3 reception. When the mass in the pelvis becomes a thick and tight - condensed milk.

If you want to prepare the condensed milk of the future, it is hot in hot on a thoroughly washed and sterilized banks, sunk with covers and put it in a cold place.

Boiled condensed milk.

Mix in a saucepan with thick bottom milk, sugar, soda and vanillin. On average fire to bring milk to a boil.
When milk acquires a cream hue (this will happen in about 20 minutes), reduce fire. Constantly stirring, cook for about an hour.

Remove the saucepan from the fire and mix the condensed milk for 5 minutes. Cool to room temperature and send to the fridge for 1 hour.

Boiled condensed milk is ready!

Condensed milk at home.

Recipe ingredients:

1 liter of milk
300 g Sahara

How to cook:

Of course, this is not quite a shopping condensed milk, but the taste is chic. The taste is very similar to boiled condensed milk.

It is very simple to cook such a thickened, but it is brewing enough.

For cooking, take a liter of homemade milk, bring to a boil and reduce the fire to a minimum.

Early milk about 1 hour, interfere with it.

An hour later, add sugar and cook again constantly stirring for about another hour. Watch that the mixture does not burn.

Cool and store in the refrigerator at least a month in a glass jar under the lid.

Such a thickening can be added to the cream for a cake, or just smeared on cookies or fresh white breads.

How to cook delicious home condensed milk

So that the condensed milk always accounted for to taste, it is better to make it at home. The condensed milk recipe is completely simple, although there is a lot of time on her cooking, but the taste of home condensed milk will exceed all expectations - it turns out a fresh product of the highest quality and without preservatives.


Milk - 250 ml
Dry milk - 150 g
Sugar - 300 g


Mix fresh milk (homemade or shop 3.5% fat) with dry milk wedge into a homogeneous mass, without lumps. Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Boil the resulting mixture on a steam bath for about an hour, stirring periodically. At the end of time, the mass will still be liquid. After cooking, she needs to cool, and then remove the refrigerator overnight. During the night, home condensed milk will already be thick.

If you cook for more than an hour, it turns out boiled condensed milk.

Domestic condensed milk


Milk - 200 ml
Sugar Powder - 200 g
Creamy oil - 20 g


Mix fresh milk (homemade or shop 3.5% fat) with powdered sugar and cream oil in a saucepan. Bring the resulting mixture to boil, constantly stirring so that sugar and oil are dissolved.

Then get the minimum fire and boil the condensed milk for another 15 minutes. After cooking, she needs to make cool.

Condensed milk at home. Useful tips:

1. Do not use enameled dishes for the preparation of condensed milk.

2. Added 1-2 Cocoa spoons during the cooking process, you will get chocolate condensed milk.

3. If you want to prepare the condensed milk of the future, run it in a hot form on thoroughly washed and sterilized banks, roll out the lids and put it in a cold place. Hermetically packaged finished condensed milk can be stored for up to several weeks.

4. Milk can be successfully replaced with cream, then cooking time will be reduced by 30-40 minutes.

5. Also, the milk will turn into a condensed milk if you increase the amount of sugar.

How to prepare condensed milk at home.


Milk - 300 g,
Dry milk - 250 g
Sugar - 250 g


Step 1 All ingredients are placed in one dishes after which they mix with the help of a broom.

Step 2 Pan with water is placed on fire and water is brought to a boil.

Step 3 As soon as the water boiled, we take utensils with a mixture (better let it be a small saucepan or a metal cup) and put in a saucepan with water. Thus, our condensed milk is brewed for about an hour. Sometimes it is necessary to stir.

How to make boiled condensed milk at home?

Cooking condensed milk at home can be used using ready-made condensed milk or self preparations of all ingredients. If you take a purchase condensed milk, buy a condensed milk on which GOST is specified, make sure it does not contain vegetable fats,

The first, simple way to cook straight into the bank.

We pour water into a saucepan and put into it the jar so that the water covers the bank. To begin with, we cook on a strong fire, after the water boils, we reduce the fire to a minimum and cook about 2 hours. If the water begins to pour, heat the separate quantity and add to the pan. When cooking do not deliver and do not open the can until the water is fully cooling,

The second way: Varka "for the lazy"

Microwave helps modern owners in the most difficult situations, including in the cooking condensed milk. To do this, the condensed milk must be poured out of the bank into a deep vessel for microwave, put on average power for 15 minutes. Periodically open the door of the microwave and stir condensed milk.

Condensed milk

You can also cook condensed milk - by the method that resembles cooking in a water bath. You need a deep glass form in which we lay out the condensed milk and a deep baggage in which we pour water (up to the middle of condensed milk). Cover the foil and bake about one and a half or two hours.

The condensed milk, obtained by one of the listed ways, you can use as a filling for pancakes or pancakes, add to porridge and puddings, decorate festive cakes and pastries!

How to cook condensed milk at home

Condensed milk love and adults and children. You can cook porridge and dairy kisins, with condensed milk eating pancakes, it is a binding basis for the preparation of a "fast" cake from dry cookies. Condensed milk is a good way to harvest milk at home. Of course, the cherished jar in a blue-blue label can be bought in the store. But you can try to cook condensed milk.

The recipe is quite simple.

True, it will be necessary to spend a lot of time for this, but it turns out a quality product, fresh and without any additives and preservatives.

How to cook home condensed milk?

For her preparation, we take 1.5-2 liters of solid milk, and better, cream, and 1 kilogram of sugar. The sugar falls asleep in the pelvis, which is used for cooking jam, pour some water to moisten it, put on fire and cook syrup. When syrup leaves five minutes, we pour milk. Fire is reduced to a minimum and so Tom Vews, periodically stirring so that it does not fit.

How much time do you need to cook condensed milk?

We answer, cook condensed milk at home will have long. Only when the mass in the pelvis will become thick and tight - condensed milk. If there is no time, you can cook home condensed milk in 2-3 receptions.

If you wish to prepare condensed milk, run it with hot on sterilized cans, roll over the lids and put it in a cold place.

Condensed milk at home

A condensed milk for this recipe is just wonderful! It tastes not to distinguish from the shop, only home for 1000% better!

We need:

1 liter of milk (worse than 3.2%)
1 cup of sugar

How to cook:

Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Immediately fall asleep a glass of sugar.

And then we boil the mass on moderate heat until the milk is digested by about two thirds from the initial volume. I did not constantly stirred, just from time to time came to the saucepan and stirred a little mass. When you see that the mass has become a little thick and has acquired a pleasant cream color, you can shoot a saucepan from the plate and overflow the resulting condensed milk.

As soon as the milk boils, we immediately reflect the fire.

From 1 liter of milk I got about 400 grams of condensed.

The condensed milk is also still very thick. At first, until it cools, it will seem liquid, but after cooling in the refrigerator, thickens. Homemade condensed milk is ideal for cooking, if for example you need to beat the oil with condensed milk.

This is how condensed milk is preparing at home. Try, you will definitely like it. Enjoy your meal!

The condensed milk at home is preparing at all difficult. Pamper yourself and your loved ones with fresh quality delicacy.

1. Ingredients:

- 1 cup of sugar
- floor of a teaspoon of vanilla sugar

Pour milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour a glass of sugar, dissolve it, and bring milk to a boil on medium heat. Reduce the fire and boil, periodically stirring until the milk decreases two-thirds from the initial volume. Mass should be a pleasant cream color and a little dense. This speaks about readiness. In the last minutes, add vanilla sugar, dissolve it and give a couple of seconds to bother the mass. From one liter of milk, about 400 g of all the favorite product is obtained. The condensed milk at home is very thick and pulling, but first need to cool it (in a hot form it is liquid).

2. Ingredients:
- 250 ml of milk 3.2% fat
- A half cup of milk powder
- A half cup of sugar
- 1 Vanilla Sugar Package

Mix the wedge in the dishes warm milk, dry milk and sugar, add vanilla. Put a mixture in a small saucepan on a water bath (place this dishes in a large saucepan with boiling water). Reduce the fire and boil the mixture for about an hour, after occasionally stirring until thickening. It turns out the floor of a wonderful home condensed milk.

3. Ingredients:
- 1 liter of milk 3.2% fat
- 500 g of sugar
- Floor glass of water

Put sugar in a pot with a thick bottom, pour water and weld the syrup (let's get bored for a couple of minutes). Follow the milk, bring the mixture to a boil. Boil on low heat, often stirring around two hours. When milk thickens and become a pleasant cream color, remove from the fire and cool.

4. Ingredients:
- 500 g finished sugar powder
- 375 g of fresh milk
- 40 g of butter

Pour milk into a high saucepan, add creamy oil and sugar powder. Put on a weak fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Concute 10 minutes on medium heat. Pour into the jar, cool and leave overnight in the fridge for thickening.

5. Ingredients:
- 1 liter of milk 3.2% fat
- 500 g of sugar
- quarter of a glass of water
- 1 tbsp Cocoa

The recipe for delicious delicacy - boiled condensed milk - simple, but will require some time and your attention. For cooking, use very fresh and fatty milk, then the mass will have a very pleasant creamy taste. In the dishes with a thick bottom, pour sugar and pour water. Constantly stirring, dissolve sugar and bring syrup to boil. Hold on fire 2-3 minutes. Fine jet make milk, bring to a boil and boil on a small fire to thickening, interfere with it periodically. Pour the cocoa powder through the cocoa's sieve and carefully slow down to a homogeneous mass, let it even beat one minute and leave cool.
Bon Appetit!

It is difficult to find a person who does not know and does not like the taste of condensed milk. But unfortunately, some people suffer from a disease like diabetes and cannot afford to enjoy sweet desserts. It is for them that we will tell about such a treat as a condensed milk without sugar.

What it is?

The delicacy is pasteurized, practically dehydrated, but at the same time sterilized whole milk. The fatty product may vary depending on the percentage of fat in raw materials.

Useful advice: to distinguish natural condensed milk from dilute vegetable fats, by remembering several rules:

  • as part, only milk and cream must be mainly due;
  • the product should be only in the Iron Bank;
  • on the label there is an inscription GOST;
  • dessert has a pronounced dairy smell;
  • its color should be white or with a small yellow tint.


Every one is clear that from the "sweet" word of all people suffering from diabetes, throws into a shiver. On the one hand, the state to worsen from fear, and on the other - from the desire to enjoy it. Especially in order to facilitate the lives of these people, humanity has invented the sacrarosis.

They are:

  • The most common is fructose.From the title it becomes clear that they get it out of fruit. It can also be found in Honey. It is considered the safest and beneficial matter.
  • Stevia is increasing increasingly popular. There is a plant of the same name from which this sweet substance is distinguished. Interestingly, Stevia leaves are at times sweeter than sugar and more useful. Sometimes this plant is called storeroom useful health elements. It is somewhat less common than fructose, but it can be found in the diabetic departments of the stores.
  • ERITRIT / ERITRITOL - this is a natural sugar substituteIt consists of a small amount of sugar and alcohol. But you should not be afraid - as alcohol this substance does not work. The calorie content of the substance is about 6% of the total calorie content of sugar cane products. The perfect sugar substitute in desserts for losing weight.

Nutritional value and properties of dessert

Return to the main "heroine" of the article. The absence of sugar almost does not affect the calorie content of condensed milk: in 100 grams of condensed milk of medium fat content 131 kilocaloria. So, to lose weight by going yummy, it will not be possible, especially if we take into account the nutritional composition of the delicacy: 6.6 grams of proteins, 7.5 - carbohydrates and 9.4 - fat.

Natural condensed milk is good for health, like the raw material from which it is made.Potassium and calcium - this is what is made in abundance in this product. The dessert contains vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), C, D, E, H and PP. The use of condensed milk without sugar affects the immune, bone system, speeds up the restoration of the body after various loads. Blood, eyesight and brain will also say "Thank you" if you eat a spoon of this product.

How to cook?

People suffering from diabetes, perfectly know that ordinary sweets are not available to them. Therefore, looking for workarounds in order to please yourself. They do not first familiar with the phrase "glycemic index", which denotes the rate of glucose in the blood, is measured in units. Doctors recommend patients with diabetes limit the diet to 50 units of the glycemic index. Excess this level with type 2 diabetes is fraught with insulin addiction.

Diabetics can enjoy condensed milk, but only if there is no sugar in its composition. Dessert can be prepared independently at home or buy in the Diabetic Food Store. In the second case, recommendations should be remembered above.

In the first - do not forget that it is necessary to prepare a delicacy only from products with low glycemic index:

  • whole and skimmed milk;
  • gelatin, quickly dissolving in liquid;
  • powdered sugar substitute - fructose or stevia.

With erythritort

In order to prepare a defatted diabetic delicacy, you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons of dry milk without fat content;
  • 200 milliliters of milk semi-profile fat or the same amount of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of corn starch;
  • 2 tablespoons of eritrite (erythritol).

Cooking process.

  • At the very beginning you need to decide what condensed milk you want: the usual or boiled. In the second case, it is necessary to pass dry milk to light brown on medium heat. Do not move away from the stove to avoid burning. In the first case, such manipulations do not need.
  • Fall asleep milk in a spacious bowl, add starch, erytrite and pour half of the total amount of milk. Mix well.
  • Take a heat-resistant container, pour a small amount of water (to avoid burning) and fill it with a mixture. Add milk, which remains, and put a capacity of 25 minutes in a multicooker or a double boiler by selecting the appropriate mode and setting the maximum temperature.
  • After 7 minutes, open the lid and mix well. To do the same operation after another 7 minutes and at the very end of cooking.
  • If you are not satisfied with the conservation of condensed milk, then cook it for another 5 minutes.

With Stevia

There is a different recipe, characterized by the method of preparation and composition.


  • half-liter low fat milk;
  • to taste Stevia, fructose or other powdered sugar substitute;
  • 2 teaspoons gelatin (necessarily instant).

Cooking process.

  • Dissolve in milk sugar substitute, pour the mixture into a saucepan and turn on the middle fire, the container is not covered with a lid.
  • Let the milk boil, mix well, switch the burner to a smaller temperature and close the saucepan.
  • At the set temperature, cook for an hour or one and a half hours before thickening.
  • Give the gelatin to swell, the bay of its water in small quantities.
  • To achieve a homogeneous liquid consistency, putting gelatin on the burner. It is important to constantly interfere in avoiding the formation of lumps.
  • Add gelatin to milk, stir well. After that, remove the resulting mixture into the fridge and hold it there from 5 hours.

Now you know that you can not refuse to yourself in desserts because of the peculiarities of health. Enjoy your appetite and sweet life without harm to health!

For condensed milk without sugar, see the following video.