Pie with frozen blueberries - favorite delicacy. A selection of recipes of pies with frozen blueberries from various types of test

31.07.2019 Restaurant Notes.

The Russian table has always been famous for its abundance, delicious pie. One of the most popular pastries for baking is berry, for example, blueberry. Blueberry - seasonal berry, so pies with her bake at the end of summer. But if you now wanted such a baking, there is a way out! Buy in the store ice cream berries and prepare pie from them.


  1. Frozen blueberries - 400 g
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Milk - 1 tbsp.
  4. Creamy oil - 50 g
  5. Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  6. Vanilla sugar - ½ tsp
  7. Sugar powder - ½st.
  8. Powder for baking - 1 tsp.
  9. Salt - 1 pinch


  • Beat the butter in the mixer, pour the sugar powder and continue to beat to the formation of a homogeneous mass. After scattering the egg to the mixture and add vanilla sugar. Beat again. Divide the prepared mass into 2 parts and leave for 30 minutes.
  • While the mixture is insisted, seek flour through a sieve into a deep bowl. Add salt and baking powder to it. Gently pour milk with small portions and one of the parts of the egg mass. All mix so that there are no lumps. At the very end, add the 2nd part of the egg mass and mix again.
  • Lubricate the baking tray with sunflower oil or butter and sprinkle with flour. Pour the cooked dough on the baking sheet, on top evenly lay out frozen blueberries berries and put an oven for 30 minutes in a preheated to 220 degrees. When the pie will be ready, sprinkle with sugar powder.


For dough:

  1. Flour - 3 tbsp.
  2. Creamy oil - 300 g
  3. Sugar sand - 100 g
  4. Salt - 1 pinch
  5. Milk - 1 tbsp.

For filling:

  1. Frozen blueberries - 1 kg
  2. Potato starch - 2 tbsp.
  3. Sugar sand - 2 tbsp.
  4. Flour - 3 tbsp.
  5. Creamy oil - 50 g
  6. Whipped cream - for decoration


  • Soften the creamy oil, add milk, sugar and salt. Pull the flour and knead the steep dough. Divide it into 2 parts: one big, etc. - small.
  • Most of the test roll in the middle of the thickness of the rectangle. Stop baking sheet parchment and put a rolled dough on it.
  • Now prepare the filling for the cake. In a separate bowl, mix potato starch, sugar and flour. Mix the mass to a homogeneous state, add blueberries. Put the filling with a uniform layer on the dough, sprinkle with grated creamy oil top. After roll out the 2nd part of the dough into a larger rectangle and cover them the cake. Take the edge and make several holes all over the perimeter. This will help hot air go out and the cake will not sweep.
  • Put it in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes. Ready pie cool and decorate whipped cream.


  1. Frozen Blueberry - 700 g
  2. Creamy oil - 150 g
  3. Flour - 300 g
  4. Sugar sand - 150 g
  5. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  6. Degreased cottage cheese - 0.5 kg
  7. Vanilla sugar - 10 g
  8. Powdered sugar


  • Before the cooking of cottage cheese cake, defrost blueberries. Berries rinse in colander, give excess water drain, lay out on a paper towel and dry.
  • Cut the butter into pieces and lay out in a bowl. Squash in a bowl of flour, break 1 egg and knead the dough. Finished dough wrap in the food film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Distribute cottage cheese with sugar, mix it with the other eggs, add vanilla sugar. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Roll the dough and put into the shape, lubricated with oil. Make high sides, evenly post the curd mass and berries. Put the baking sheet for 30 minutes. Finished ink tart. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and decorate mint leaves.


  1. Peaches - 7 pcs.
  2. Frozen blueberries - 0.5 kg
  3. Flour - 200 g
  4. Sugar sand - 150 g
  5. Creamy oil - 150 g
  6. Brown sugar - 200 g
  7. Salt - 1 pinch
  8. Cinnamon and nutmeg - to taste
  9. Oatmeal - 1 tbsp.


  • Screw the peaches with boiling water, remove the skin and laugh with them. Mix in a big bowl with blueberries, 3 tbsp. Flour and sugar. Pour the fruit mass into the shape, lubricated with butter.
  • Perebit brown sugar with butter, salt, cinnamon, ground nutmeg and Hercules to a homogeneous crumbly mass. Sprinkle fruit with a cooked crumb and put a baking sheet in the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 45 minutes. Ready pie is served with tea.

When the blueberry season begins, many mistresses are in a hurry to make billets for the winter from these berries. However, there are many recipes where fresh fruits are required. With blueberries make not only dumplings and yogurt, but also very tasty pies. For their preparation, it takes a little time and, of course, the minimum of products. So how to make pies with blueberries? Recipes Consider in this article.

Dough for pyrors

The dough plays a special role in the preparation of baking. The taste depends on its quality. For cooking you will need:

  • Sunflower oil is 1 cup.
  • Sugar - 200 grams.
  • Cold water - 0.5 liters.
  • Salt is a pinch.
  • Yeast - 50 grams.
  • Wheat flour - how much will take the dough.

How to knead the dough?

From this test, very tasty patties are obtained from which very simple. In a separate container you need to mix sunflower oil, sugar, salt and water. The resulting mass should be placed on fire and bring to a boil. The composition must be slaughter for five minutes. After that, the mass should stand and cool to room temperature. After that, in the future, the dough must be tied up with yeast and flour. If you do not like too sweet pies with blueberries, you can only pour half of the specified sugar.

Now you can knead the dough. For a start, the composition should be like on pancakes: a little liquid. Gradually, flour should be added to the dough. As a result, it should be not very cool. The dough after the kneading should be left for some time so that it approached. After that, you can proceed to the preparation of pies.

We form pies

For the filling you should prepare food in advance. To do this, you will need:

  • Blueberries are fresh - 400 grams.
  • Sugar sand - 100 grams.
  • Starch potato - 100 grams.

To begin with, it should be divided by the prepared dough into small pieces and roll out of them neat pellets. It should be noted that when baking a fresh blueberry highlights a lot of juice. Therefore, in this case, it will take starch to keep the liquid inside the pate. So, how to form beautiful pies with blueberries? To begin with each pellet you need to lay starch. 0.5 teaspoon will be enough. Powder should be carefully distributed throughout the cake.

On the starch layer it is worth putting berries. On each pate required from 2 to 3 teaspoons of blueberries. After that, the berries should be sprinkled with sugar. Its quantity depends on what pies do you like: Sweet or not very.

Patty can do any form. The originally baking in the form of triangles. Laying the blanks worth upwards. This will prevent the leakage to the baking sheet. After pies with blueberries are laid out, it is worth leaving them for 40 minutes so that they have grown a little.

When baking will increase in size, it is necessary to lubricate it with a whipped egg. Pies with blueberries, whose recipes are causing even inexperienced hostesses, about half an hour at a temperature of 200 ° C. Finished products should be lubricated with butter.

Pies with blueberries from yeast dough

This recipe for making a sign to many since the school. For the kneading test you will need:

  • The milk is warm - 0.5 liters.
  • Salt - 0.5 tablespoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Butter or sabotz - tablespoon.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Flour - how much will take the dough.
  • Dry yeast - dessert spoonless spoon.

For filling:

  • Blueberry frozen.
  • Sugar.
  • Starch.

Cooking process

The listed components must be mixed. For a start in a separate container you need to pour warm milk and add yeast. When they dissolve, the remaining ingredients can be added. The flour to enter with the composition is better at the very end. The dough should be very good to knead all the components to be mixed. Now the composition is worth leave for a couple of hours. Capacity with a dough should be placed in a warm place and cover with a wet towel. It will prevent the drying of the top.

After that, the dough should add more flour to achieve the necessary consistency. The finished composition is to be placed in a plastic bag, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil from the inside. The dough should be put in a cold clock at 12. It can be done overnight, and in the morning you can cook yeast pie with blueberries. It is worth noting that such a dough is stored about two days in the refrigerator.

How to bake pies?

If a frozen blueberry is used for the preparation of pies, then it should be pre-defrosting. This will make it possible to drain the excess liquid. Berries should be mixed with sugar so that the filling was sweet.

The dough must be divided into small pieces, about 70 grams each. This will make pies with a blueberry equal in size. Each cake must be rolled and put it in the center of the filling. To begin with, it is worth putting a little starch on the workpiece, and then lay out berries.

After that, you should form a cake and put it on the baking sheet, pre-lubricated with oil. When the form is filled, you need to leave baking for a while. When the dough increases in size, it is necessary to lubricate every pate whipped egg. A delicacy is baked for half an hour at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Preparation instructions

45 minutes Print

    1. First, turn on the oven, let it warm up to 200 degrees until we make a pie. Cooking will take about 15 minutes. Tool Thermometer for the oven As the oven actually heats, even if you install a specific temperature, you can understand only with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer at hand, which is put in the oven or just hanging on the grille. And it is better that he showed degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit at the same time and exactly as the Swiss watch. The thermometer is important when it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime: let's say, in case of baking.

    2. Frozen butter rubbing on a grater. Pour half cup sugar. Stir (I mixed with fork).

    3. Separate yolks from proteins. Yolks add to oil with sugar, mix well. Proteins postpone for filling.
    Crib How to separate squirrels from yolks

    4. Add to oil mixture, approximately a glass of flour. Continue to stir for a fork - a crumb should be formed.

    5. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream in the crumb. Knead the dough. Remove the dough into the fridge and proceed to cooking the filling.

    6. Beat 2 proteins that remain from the dough to a strong foam stand. Pick up the remaining half of the Sahara, continue to beat the sugar before dissolving. We add approximately 100 grams of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 teaspoon of starch. Beat
    Crib How to beat proteins

Frozen Blueberry Cake Recipe

Kitchenware:glass Baking Glass, Bakery Baking Pack, Several Misens of Different Diameter and Depth, Wooden Spoon or Rubber Shovel, Marley or Tassel, Flat Big Plate for Finished Baking.


Step-by-step cooking

  1. Dough divide into two parts, one of which should weigh approximately 300 g. The smaller part is set aside. A larger piece of dough is evenly distributed by manually in shape and make sides.
  2. On top of the test, lay off the bakery paper for baking and pour on it 220-300 g of beans or pea and spread these products on the surface of the workpiece. It must be done in order to do not swell the dough during baking.

  3. We turn on the oven and warm it up to 180 degrees. Then we send a blank and baked approximately 10-12 minutes.
  4. Pre-frosthed blueberry berries in the amount of 200-230 g pour into deep dishes.

  5. On top of the berries, nuck 45-50 g of starch and stir the resulting mixture with the help of a rubber blade.

  6. We take out the dough out of the oven, remove the paper with the beans and let the workpiece cool a little.

  7. We lay on the basis of the cake of blueberry berries and evenly distribute them using a blade.

  8. On top of the filling scatter 100-120 g of sugar so that each berry is covered with this ingredient.

  9. The remaining dough is separated by 12-15 parts and roll them into flavors.

  10. We lay out the shaped harnesses on top of the filling, creating a kind of mesh.

  11. In a separate dish, we take a little bit of the yolk and lubricate the surface of the product. We send a fully formed cake in the oven approximately for 15-20 minutes.

  12. I remove the finished baking from the oven, let me cool a little, and then shift onto a flat plate. From the top, if desired, generously sprinkle with sugar powder cake.

Cake video from frozen blueberries

Detailed description of the process of cooking cake with frozen blueberries according to the simple recipe described above, you can trace the video below.

  • In order to make it easier to distribute the sand dough in shape, from time to time sprinkles with sunflower oil or wheat flour.
  • If you prefer the sour-sweet baking, reduce the amount of sugar sand.

Did you know? Regular use of blueberry dishes makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of blood sugar, improve the operation of the digestive tract, as well as, according to scientists, these berries increase visual sharpness. It is known that this fruit is rich in antioxidants, which contribute to a decrease in the risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Recipe of the filling cake with blueberries

Total cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes - 2 hours. Your participation: 15-25 minutes.
The number of portion pieces: from 7 to 16.
Calorie (100 g): 354-360 kcal.
Kitchenware:food processor, fine sieve, kitchen sharp knife, baking form with a diameter of 28 cm, rolling pin, bowl of large diameter and depth, paper towel, iron plug, rubber blade.


Step-by-step cooking

Prepare dough

  1. Sift 300-320 g flour directly to the combine bowl. We add 5-8 g of the baking powder and 60-70 g of sugar.

  2. Cut 150-170 g of butter into small pieces and send them to the dishes to the rest of the components.

  3. Cover the combine with a lid and grind all the ingredients before getting small crumbs.

  4. In the resulting mixture, add 1 large chicken egg and 15-20 ml of oily sour cream.

  5. We stir the resulting dough for 3-5 minutes. It is not worth doing a long ear, otherwise the oil melts and it will be difficult to achieve proper consistency of the test.

  6. We sprinkle a smooth surface of flour and lay the finished dough over it on top of it.

  7. We form a cake from the dough, and then roll it into a thin round layer, with a diameter of about 25 cm. Put the sand blank in the form, gently stretch the dough in shape and make sides.

  8. We send a form with a blank in the refrigerator for approximately 15-20 minutes.

Cooking filling

Prepare Pie

Cake video card with blueberry filling

The video footage suggested below will teach you how to quickly prepare a filling for a cake from frozen blueberries so that the pastries hit the aroma and admire the appearance.

  • If you use frozen berries of blueberries, do not defrost them, only rinse with cold water and lay out in filling.
  • Creamy oil can be safely replaced with high-quality margarine.
  • I advise chilled butter to grind on a large grater, so the baking will turn out more lush.
  • If the dough is obtained too sticky, add 15-30 g of flour into it. If, on the contrary, crumbs are collected in a solid lump, pour a little sour cream.
  • Starch will pre-miss through fine sieve, so you get rid of unnecessary lumps, and the filling will turn out to be more gentle.

Other reptile recipes from blueberries

Shortbread dough is best suited for cooking pies with berries. You already have one recipe, however, you simply must pamper your loved ones incredibly fragrant and incredibly appetizing, preparing differently.

I can not resist not to offer you a recipe very useful, especially for children and future mothers ,. A strikingly gentle and delicate delicacy will surprise with their taste of even the most pressing sweets. The kids will be delighted with this cake and will be happy to light the product from cottage cheese, who usually refuse to eat.

Step-by-step recipes pies with blueberries

Want to bake something new? Please your loved ones - an unusual pie with a frozen blueberry for a family recipe, with detailed photos and video descriptions.

45 min.

300 kcal

3.5/5 (2)

I do not know how you, but I consider the blueberry one of the most wonderful berries, which is just rich in our country. In contrast to the nearest relatives, her delightful taste did not confuse with anything, it comes across quite often and even possesses his own, unique aroma. And about baking with this berry, what to say - any product with blueberries is always a nail of the program.

Did you know? Pie with blueberries - old, almost ancient treat, which was a very popular festive dish of the Slavs. He was preparing for both weddings and a commemoration, and the berry herself symbolized the wealth and wealth of the gifts of nature. In addition, in our days, scientists found out that the blueberries helps to restore the bowel balance, and also strengthens the vessels.

Kitchen appliances

Pick up in advance all devices, devices and dishes for baking perfect pie with frozen blacknick:

  • cake shape (silicone or teflon) or for cakes (round, with a hole in the middle),
  • deep bowls (several pieces) with a capacity of 200 to 800 ml,
  • cutlery and teaspoons,
  • measuring cup or kitchen scales,
  • shovel
  • linen and cotton towels,
  • colander,
  • sieve average and metallic whine,
  • it would be more desirable to prepare your blender or a mixer that will help you quickly and without having to mix smooth, homogeneous dough.

You need


Important! The amount of flour is given approximately, since different varieties differ in the grinding method, and no one can say for sure how much flour you really need, so follow the recipe carefully and in the process perform the necessary actions. In addition, at a request, you can add a tablespoon of cottage cheese in the dough, it wonderfully harmonizes with blueberries.


  • 150 - 200 g of blueberries (frozen or fresh);
  • 2 table. l. Wheat flour;
  • 1 tsp. corn or potato starch.

A filling for a frozen or fresh cake can contain other berries, such as a lingonberry or even a cloudberry. However, one should not add strawberries, as it is too water and can make our pie too soft and fragile.


  • 10 g of cream margarine.

Sequence of cooking



Did you know? It may seem that it is much easier and easier to knead such a dough, without removing the blender, however, unfortunately, it is not. The only thing that must be whipped is eggs with sugar, since it is they who will give air to your pie, and whipping eggs with flour will make baking "wooden" with a solid crust.



Bakery products

Made! As you can see, you did not need to turn the mountains to prepare a pie with one of the best stuffing in the world, so boldly advise him to beginners. As for the decoration, there are options: you can simply sprinkle baking with sugar powder (which is preached with walnut dust), and you can make a full-fledged glaze.

The simplest preparing quickly - the egg squirrel is falling asleep with three tablespoons of sugar and merged well, only it will have to do again manually, for the protein will turn into a foam in a blender. In general, you decide for you, I am for any option!

Video Cooking Cake with Frozen Blueberries

Below is the correct process of kneading test, the preparation of the filling and baking of the wonderful blueberry cake.

It seems to be all, just left to advise you a couple of options for pies with blueberries, which are preparing a little differently, but also stunningly delicious, and they must be baked.

For example, try the crumbly sandy pie with a blueberry - such a product baked faster, the bottom never burns in the oven, and it disappears from the plate in a matter of minutes. But if you are not too satisfied with the sand dough, you can take on the famous cake with cottage cheese and blueberries, ideal for those who follow the figure and appreciates a small calorie, but very tasty and delicate baking. All these recipes are verified personally (and more than once), so you can safely start baking!

I wish you good luck in culinary experiments and good mood - an indispensable attribute of perfect baking. Very waiting for reviews, reports, comments, as well as your ideas and advice on improving the cake presented above the recipe with frozen blueberries. Enjoy your meal!

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