Than starch can be replaced - the secrets of the success of good housewives. What to replace in baking: baking powder, eggs, starch, soda, parchment paper, butter, flour, butter, sugar, kefir, vanillin? Handbook for a pastry chef

When the question "How to replace starch" arises, it should have a continuation - "so that ...". Starch is used for making dough and jelly, and for giving elasticity to cutlets, and for cooking thick sauces and creams. And with the help of starch, they starch men's shirts and even seal the windows.

In order to cook jelly, you need potato starch. It is quite possible to replace it with corn - the taste and consistency of the jelly will not be affected by this. And in the old days, jelly was cooked on rye or buckwheat flour. There is hardly a rye in the house, but buckwheat can be made in five minutes. Just grind the buckwheat in a coffee grinder, and then sift through a fine sieve.

You can use flour instead of starch to thicken the meat sauce. It is advisable to fry it in a dry frying pan - thanks to this, the sauce will not smell like flour, but will acquire a light nutty flavor. Fruit or milk sauce can be made thick with high-fat cream or sour cream - sauces will even become ...

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Remember your childhood and your favorite drink. We will not be surprised if you name jelly and start telling how your mother or grandmother regularly prepared it to please you.

Kissel is a traditional drink of Russian cuisine. The first mention of it dates back to the 16th century. In the old days, by the way, jelly was perceived as a full-fledged dish, and not a drink that quenches thirst. It was eaten, not drunk.

About the benefits of jelly

Kissels, due to their viscosity, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach. They can be used even with exacerbation of gastritis. Kissel coats the inflamed stomach walls and relieves pain. It also helps people with excessive acidity.

All types of jelly improve ...

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Cooking process

Kissel, a primordially Russian drink. Previously, it was cooked very thick. The jelly was based on rye, wheat, oat broths. Nowadays, starch is most often used for its preparation. Usually potato or corn. Kissel from cornstarch comes out more delicate, but a little cloudy. Therefore, cornstarch is usually used for the preparation of milk jelly. And in the preparation of fruit and berry options, they take potato starch. How much to take for making a drink, each housewife decides depending on her preferences. To obtain liquid jelly, 1-2 tbsp is enough. tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of liquid. If you put 4 tbsp. tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of liquid, then you get a jelly with a consistency similar to jelly. You can take almost any fruit and berries for jelly, it will turn out especially tasty if you use such juicy berries as: currants, cranberries, cherries.

Prepare the food you need. You will need...

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Why starch is used, and how it can be replaced

Some plants in their tubers and grains contain a complex carbohydrate, which is a white powder - starch, which is digested very quickly and then turns into glucose, the main source of energy. Starchy plants include potatoes, rice, corn, grain and cereals. In some countries, starch is made from barley, rye, peas, tropical fruits, and sweet potatoes.

Potato starch in cooking

Starch has a high nutritional value and quick digestibility, and its ability to form a viscous mass is used for making sauces and jelly.

Kissels are usually prepared from fruits, berries, vegetables and cereals, although there are recipes for nut, pea, tea and chocolate drinks. Starch is diluted in cold water, broth or juice, and only then added to jelly, while remembering that you cannot boil starch, because it immediately loses its ...

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Starch is used in a variety of dishes, but most often it is used in homemade baked goods. The main property of starch is to slowly absorb cold water, while not dissolving in it, but swelling. At high temperatures, the starch turns into a paste, which makes it possible to cook the jelly.

However, often starch is not at hand, and the recipe requires the introduction of this ingredient. So is it possible to replace starch and what, so as not to urgently run to the supermarket?

What product can replace starch?

In most cases, the starch can be easily replaced by choosing the dish to be cooked. Indeed, in different dishes, starch is replaced by different products.

Starch is often used in homemade baked goods, being added to the dough as an independent ingredient or together with flour. Starch is present in recipes for making biscuit dough, cottage cheese casseroles, pies, cakes, cookies. First of all, he ...

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The necessity of using starch has recently become more and more questioned, and therefore there are many people who are interested in the question of how to replace starch in baked goods.

Starch is not used very often in baked goods, compared to, for example, baking soda. This substance is a complex carbohydrate that is obtained from various plants (cereals, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts) or artificially.

Starch is most often used in cooking as a thickener in fruit cereals or jelly. It can also be added to wheat flour when making noodles. In confectionery products, this product is included in cookies, cakes, Turkish delight, etc. Instead of eggs, starch is used when baking pancakes.

Plant starch is produced from several plant groups such as cereals or potatoes. Therefore, the different grades of this product are interchangeable. So, wheat starch in baked goods will successfully replace potato, rice, soy, ...

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Kissel - general principles and methods of preparation

Kissel is a sweet gelatinous dish. And the resulting drink or dessert will depend on the amount of starch introduced into the liquid. This is a primordially Russian food. If earlier it was cooked on peas or oats, and it was sour, hence the name is "jelly", that is. sour, but now they prefer sweet jelly. They are cooked from fresh (frozen) fruits and berries, cocoa, milk, oatmeal, dried fruit, and jam. Starch acts as a thickener. Most often potato, but sometimes corn or wheat is added.

Kissel - food preparation

Starch is one of the main ingredients in this dish. It is thanks to him, as if by magic, that ordinary compote turns into jelly. Before adding to the pan, the starch must be diluted with cooled broth, juice or water. Usually it is diluted in a ratio of 1: 4 (one part of starch is mixed with four parts of water). V...

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Quite often, housewives wonder how necessary or useful starch is in baking. Of course, its use is not constant, but there are recipes where its addition is mandatory.

Starch is often used as a thickener, for example, for jelly or fruit soups, but it also has its own niche in baked goods. It is used for cakes, for making Turkish delight or for baking lean pancakes.

Starch is mainly obtained from potatoes or cereals, so they are interchangeable. In addition, there are rice starch, corn starch, soybean and other types.

How to replace starch

If you decide not to use starch at all or it is simply not available, you can do it like this. Flour should be used as a thickener for sweet desserts, including jelly. It is better if it is rye and buckwheat. You can take flaxseed flour (grind flax seeds), you can do the same with pumpkin seeds or coconut (natural). Often ...

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Good afternoon friends! I am glad to welcome you on the pages of my "Bachelorette Party". As you probably already understood from the name, today we will learn how to properly cook jelly from berries and starch - a favorite dish of the Russian people since ancient times. And I will offer you not only recipes, but also some useful tips for its preparation. In addition, I have prepared for you interesting recipes for unusual jelly.

Remember, in a Russian folk tale it was told about rivers of milk with jelly banks? Apparently, this is how real satiety and luxury seemed to an ordinary Russian person. And you will learn how to cook jelly correctly so that it becomes not just a drink, but also a delicious dessert that would compete with the now fashionable overseas dishes.

In Russia, "eating jelly alone" did not mean eating something tasteless and insipid. What kind of unusual jelly was not cooked! This dish can be made from anything: milk, peas, rye, wheat or oatmeal ...

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Kissel is a drink with history, but undeservedly forgotten in our modern times. And in vain! Delicious cool jelly wonderfully refreshes in the summer heat, and warm jelly in winter warms and soothes. The recipe for how to cook jelly is simple: water, starch and any fruit. And in more detail about nutritious and tasty jelly - a few tips further.

From jam

How to cook jelly from jam? Simple, because the jelly turns out to be very tasty, and does not require special preparation. For this, jam in the amount of 200 grams is diluted with 3 small glasses of water and heated on the stove to a boil, and then filtered through a strainer. The solid mass is rubbed through a sieve. Add 2 tablespoons of sweetener and a quarter of a small spoonful of citric acid to the strained liquid. The drink is then reheated and brought to a boil.

In 250 grams of cold water, you need to dissolve 2 (without a slide) tablespoons of potato starch, and then slowly and carefully pour into hot jelly. Right after...

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Gastritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the stomach, in which there is either excessive (which is most often) or extremely insufficient release of hydrochloric acid.

To protect the mucous membrane from aggressive agents, official medicine recommends taking mucus and other enveloping agents. But instead of them, you can use any recipe for jelly - for gastritis, this will be the best remedy.

Kissel is good because it has the properties of mucus, and its taste makes it possible to use this drink in large quantities.

Types of jelly for gastritis

Kissel is just a type of drink that can be prepared from various products. Depending on the selected ingredients, it will be useful in various conditions. So, for the treatment of gastritis, it is recommended to prepare jelly from the following products:

Oat-milk (made from oats, milk, starch and honey); from rose hips (rose hips, starch, honey are used); dairy (from milk, starch and honey).


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Before discussing how starch can be replaced, I would like to talk about what this white powder is in general with a characteristic squeak when squeezed, like snow.

Starch is nothing more than a type of carbohydrate that is absorbed by our body rather slowly, and as a result is converted into glucose. And it, in turn, is quite important for our body, since it participates in a huge number of processes and is the main source of energy.

Starch does not dissolve in water, has no taste or smell (although it is worth noting that some varieties do have some differences in color and grain size). But in general, it is a pure white powder that is obtained from plants containing a large amount of starch grains. These include rice, potatoes, corn, and many other plants. To be precise, in every plant, in every cell there are starch grains. It is considered a food supply for plants. Therefore, the question is ...

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Kissel is a truly national drink, thick and aromatic. Despite the simplicity of preparation, he is not a frequent guest on our tables. But it is very useful and even recommended for baby food. You can make jelly from different fruits, milk, chocolate and even oatmeal. By the way, oat drink is a traditional Russian dish. It normalizes the stomach and is especially beneficial for the elderly. The recipe for starch jelly is very simple. The main thing here is the proportions that must be observed in order to get a drink of a certain density.

Choosing starch

How to cook jelly? How much starch should be put in per liter of water? Almost every novice housewife asks herself such questions. Let's start by choosing your starch. There are several options here. Rice starch makes the jelly a little cloudy. It is used if the transparency of the finished dish is not very important. For example, for sauces or opaque desserts. Corn makes the drink more tender, but it's about transparency ...

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How to replace starch?

    If there is no starch, then this is not at all scary, there are options for how it can be replaced.

    If you bake a biscuit, and you do not have starch at all, then you can do without it. If you're making a casserole, the starch replaces some of the sifted flour.

    But jelly without starch cannot be cooked at all.

    But ready-made jelly in packs, by the way, you can replace pure starch.

    Sometimes, if you need a little starch, you can extract it from raw potatoes.

    You can use semolina instead of starch in some dishes.

    And as an option, sometimes flaxseed flour, or pumpkin flour, which is sometimes used instead of starch, is suitable.

    Flour can be used as a thickener instead of starch. it can be any flour: wheat, rye, buckwheat, corn, oat.

    If the baking recipe says that starch is needed, then in this case it can be replaced with semolina or flour.

    In cutlets, starch can be replaced with grated raw potatoes.

    If starch is needed in a recipe for making something from flour, then semolina, baking powder or additional flour can be added instead.

    If this is a recipe for a cream, then I replace the starch with yolk or the same flour. It turns out rougher, but also tasty)

    When it comes to baking, you can add a little more flour, as well as a little baking powder - this is not the same thing, but it can save the day.

    You can quickly make potato starch)) Grate the potato, put in cheesecloth and squeeze and let stand. The sediment is starch. All that remains is to drain the water and dry the sediment. Or you can not dry it, but put it in this form in the dough, if the consistency of the dough allows you to do this.

    If you don't have ready-made starch, you can make it yourself. Wash and peel the potatoes, grate on a fine grate, add water. When you pour the water into another container, then this water can be used, it contains a lot of starch. If you don't have potatoes at hand, you can replace it with flour or semolina.

    When preparing different dishes, starch can be replaced with different products. For example, when making casseroles, instead of starch, you can add sifted flour to the dish. If you are going to bake a biscuit and there was no starch in the house, then you can do without it for this type of baking. But for jelly, starch is needed, and therefore you will have to go to the store for it.

    If starch is needed as a thickener, then it can be easily replaced by flour: buckwheat, rye, wheat (a less useful option). They are taken in the same quantity as starch.

    For sauces and soups - flaxseed and pumpkin flour, for sweets - ground coconut.

    Kissel can be boiled using flax seeds - for 1 liter of water, take 1/3 cup of seeds and boil for 2 hours on low heat, you get a delicious and thick paste.

    Starch, in most cases, can be replaced - though you need to decide on the dish, in some recipes excellent a substitute for starch in baked goods will:

    • coconut flakes (if a little thick is lacking and this is appropriate)
    • semolina

    If you need to replace starch in a sauce recipe, then you can do with flour or cream with sour cream (of course, everything depends on the sauce itself).

    Starch in cutlets is an excellent substitute for grated raw potatoes.

    You can also make starch yourself at home, as it has already been written about this here. To do this, you need to chop the potatoes on a grater and squeeze through cheesecloth, or simply place the potato chips in water and wait until the starch comes out.

    When I make potato pancakes, I always get starch. I make potato pancakes without flour, I just put the grated potatoes in a colander and excess juice flows into the pan. When this juice is standing for 15 minutes - starch will settle at the bottom of the pan.

    Grate the potatoes, wrap them in cheesecloth and rinse in a saucepan, the starch will settle in the rinsing waters below.

    This is a very simple task.

    The starch can be prepared at home.

    We take potatoes, peel them, pass them through a meat grinder, chopper or grate them. Then the grated potatoes are poured with water, mixed thoroughly. Potato starch enters the water and it acquires a milky color. If you drain this water into another container, then it will be starch.

    If you need powder, evaporate the water. But usually starch is diluted with water all the same.

    * Potato tubers contain an average of 17.5% starch *

    Take the potatoes. wash and even without cleaning rub it on a fine grater and place in a saucepan. Squeezes, then let it stand for a while. Starch forms at the bottom and if carefully collected, this is starch. It is usually dried, and jelly is drunk in winter.

Baking is one of the oldest dry heat cooking methods. It soothes the mind and nourishes the soul, even with the extra calories. There are several ways in which hearty ingredients are replaced with simpler ones, such as flour, vegetable oil, or cornstarch. Even the absence of any of the main components will not make it difficult to prepare a festive dish.

Alternative egg substitutes are low in calories and fat, and in some cases, fortify baked goods with additional vitamins, minerals and fiber.

  • Pumpkin puree can be a full-fledged ersatz egg for sweet baked goods (1/4 cup of the product replaces 1 egg).
  • When combined with water, chia seeds form a thick gel that is similar in texture to raw eggs. They are odorless and rarely change the texture of the dough, which has a positive effect on delicate and light cakes (1 tablespoon of seeds in combination with 3 tablespoons of warm water is equal to 1 egg).
  • Applesauce has less stickiness and viscosity, but it also serves as a complete replacement for eggs, for example, when baking pancakes. Puree adds sweetness and fruity flavor to baked goods (1/4 cup puree = 1 egg).
  • Baking powder in combination with vegetable oil, a little water will add fluffiness and perform the function of eggs (1 egg = 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 2 tsp baking powder and 1 tablespoon water).

What can replace baking powder in baked goods?

The following combinations will replace the finished powder.

  • Cornstarch combined with potassium tartrate, baking soda and cornstarch (2: 1: 1) in the recipe replaces 4 tbsp. l. baking powder.
  • A combination of flour, baking soda and citric acid (12 tablespoons: 5 tablespoons: 3 tablespoons) corresponds to 20 g of product. Instead of lemon, you can take dried and ground cranberries or currants (5 tsp)
  • 1 tsp ammonium carbonate is equal to the same amount of baking powder. It is best used when baking cakes and cookies.1 tsp powder = 1 cup flour.

  • 1 tsp baking powder = 1⁄2 tsp soda + 1 tbsp. l. vinegar / lemon juice + 3⁄4 cup milk.
  • Composition of 1⁄4 tsp. soda + 1⁄4 cup dry lemon balm = 1 tsp powder.
  • 3⁄4 tsp soda + 1⁄2 tbsp. molasses are similar in action to baking powder.

What can replace baking soda?

Today there is no 100% analogue of the product, but some tools can still perform its basic functions.

  • Replace baking soda with baking powder (1⁄2 tsp: 2 tsp) without adding acid (lemon juice, vinegar, or buttermilk).
  • 1 tbsp. l. vodka, brandy = 2.5 g of soda.
  • Kefir or highly carbonated water is added to the dough, where fermented milk products are the basis (1: 1).

What can replace starch in baked goods?

Baking starch is usually combined with other types of flour to remove excess moisture.

  • Wheat flour is the fastest and most common starch analogue, which is taken in a 2: 1 combination.
  • Starchy flour from the roots of the tropical arrowroot plant (arrowroot) is another analogue of starch. The crushed dried roots of the plant are mixed with water to form a gel, which is introduced into the dough or thickened the liquid with it. It is taken twice the amount of starch.

  • Rice flour also acts as a thickener in recipes. It is colorless and therefore useful for thickening clear liquids. It is taken twice the amount of starch.
  • Flax seeds (1 tablespoon + 4 tablespoons water) is another absorbent that is similar to 2 tablespoons. starch.

What can replace paper when baking?

To protect the baking sheet at high temperatures from leaks and carbon deposits, a regular A4 office sheet is used. Before use, it is abundantly lubricated with oil on both sides. Today, such a base is replaced with tracing paper or parchment paper with a silicone coating.

What can replace parchment paper when baking?

Parchment paper easily withstands the highest temperatures, quickly separates and protects the product from burning. Parchment is not always on hand, so there are other substitutes available.

  • Before baking, grease the baking sheet with a brush and sprinkle it with plenty of flour.
  • Office sheets or tracing paper can function as parchment, but they are oiled liberally.
  • Quick release aluminum foil is often used for baking crispy foods.
  • Food parchment from grocery bags is the least suitable replacement.

What can replace butter in baked goods?

Replacement of the main ingredient is necessary for atherosclerosis, allergies and excess cholesterol.

  • Fruit purees (peach, apple or pumpkin) will add a delicate structure and sweetness to the dough, while the amount of sugar is reduced. For baking gingerbread, mashed prunes are suitable (its ratio to oil is 1/2 tbsp: 1 tbsp.)
  • Replacing oil with vegetable oil (olive, rapeseed, sunflower) is quite possible, only they take half as much, and add flavorings to enhance the creamy taste.

  • The exchange of butter for coconut oil is 1: 1.
  • Avocado puree is another component that (1: 1) replaces oil. The composition makes the cakes slightly greenish and enriches them with fat and aroma.
  • Banana puree is also used as an equal substitute for butter.
  • The butter is replaced with margarine or spread (1: 1), although the taste of the baked goods is slightly lost.

What can replace flour in baked goods?

Lack of flour or allergies to wheat and gluten force housewives to look for a replacement for it. There are several formulations and more than a dozen alternative product types that can be applied.

  • Pure oat flour makes the baked goods thick and slightly damp, so 1 tbsp. flour is replaced with a composition of oatmeal and whole wheat flour (1/2 cup: 1/4 cup)
  • 1 tbsp. flour = 1 tbsp. bean puree.

  • For pancakes, replacing wheat flour (2 tbsp.) With a combination of buckwheat and wheat flour (1/2 tbsp: 1/4 tbsp.) Works well.
  • When replacing wheat flour with coconut flour, you need to take into account its increased absorbency. 1 tbsp. flour = 1/4 coconut product + double or triple the number of eggs.

What can replace sugar in baked goods?

For those who dream of reducing the use of a sweet product, and for whom it is completely contraindicated, there are a number of proven analogs.

  • Vegetables and fruits can be used to add sweetness to baked goods, as well as saturate them with valuable fiber and nutrients. Carrots, parsnips, beets and even zucchini create a crumbly and sweet dough. Ripe bananas, mangoes, and pineapple are high in sugar. Dried dates, raisins, prunes, and apricots are high in fiber and nutrients, including iron and potassium. They also increase sweetness.
  • Xylitol is a direct ersatz sugar. Cooks often use it for baking in a 1: 1 ratio, with the exception of yeast dough.

  • For those who are worried about their calories, stevia is a good choice. It is 300 times sweeter than sugar, so its amount in a recipe should be kept to a minimum. Stevia is available in granular, tablet and liquid form.
  • Replacement of 1 tbsp. sugar 3/4 tbsp. maple syrup causes a decrease in the amount of other liquids by 2-3 tbsp. l. The syrup has a pronounced taste and brown color.

  • 1 tbsp. sugar = 1 tbsp. applesauce minus 3-4 tbsp. l. other liquids.
  • The most affordable substitute for sugar is honey, but baked goods acquire a specific flavor and burn at high temperatures. 1 tbsp. sugar = 3/4 tbsp. honey with a decrease in other liquids by 1/3 - 1/2 tbsp.
  • 1 tbsp. sugar = 1 tbsp. coconut sugar, however, it is rougher than beet sugar and the texture of the baked goods is less smooth.

What can replace kefir in baked goods?

A direct substitute for kefir can be yogurt:

  • By combining milk with lemon or vinegar, you can get ready-made kefir after a couple of minutes. 2 tbsp. kefir = 1 tablespoon lemon juice (1 tsp vinegar) + 2 tbsp. milk.
  • In 1/4 Art. warm milk is diluted with 3/4 tbsp. yogurt in the absence of kefir.

  • A piece of soft bread is added to warm milk and left warm. Yeast reacts with milk and ferments.
  • The milk will turn sour in the warmth during the day.
  • The base for pancakes and dumplings is made from soda, while juice is used for pizzas and muffins.

What can replace vinegar in baked goods?

The vinegar substitute should not alter the taste and texture of the dough. Usually, lemon juice is used when baking (¼ cup vinegar = ⅓ cup fresh juice, or ¼ cup apple cider vinegar).

What can replace margarine in baked goods?

The best substitute for margarine is butter (1: 1), which is added with 1/4 tsp. salt.

Other analogs of the ingredient:

  • 1 tbsp. cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
  • 1 tbsp. prunes for dark baked goods,
  • 1 tbsp. unsweetened applesauce, which contains fat and adds vitamin C.

What can replace the baking dish?

Shapes vary in height, diameter and wall pattern. Each housewife can do the replacement of such kitchen accessories herself. Cardboard, foil, parchment, cans - all these can be easily converted into a practical form.

What can replace slaked soda in baked goods?

Not all housewives want to see slaked soda in their products, so its effect is replaced with a baking powder (1: 2). When baking pies, pies and buns, dry or pressed yeast is used, as well as a composition of citric acid and soda (0.5 tsp: 0.5 tsp)

What can replace sour cream in baked goods?

The role of sour cream, which gives fluffiness and elastic consistency to the dough, can be played by cream and kefir in biscuit cakes, and unsweetened yogurt in shortbread. The curd analogue is taken one third less sour cream so that the base does not become too dense.

What can replace vanillin in baked goods?

In the absence of the popular vanilla food flavoring, the ingredient can be substituted:

  • Maple syrup (1: 1). When preparing the recipe, less sugar is used, since the analog itself is too sweet.
  • Almond extract has a rich aroma, so it is used in smaller quantities (1: 0.5). If the recipe requires 1 tbsp. l. vanilla, use 0.5 tbsp. extract.
  • Vanilla essence has a less pronounced aroma, so 1 tbsp. vanilla replaces 2 tbsp. essences.

What can replace yeast in baked goods?

Yeast analogs are slightly inferior in their action, so the products come out much lower and have a difference in taste and texture.

  • AND the ingredient is replaced by combining a specified amount of baking soda with an acid. It is quenched with lemon juice, buttermilk or milk and vinegar (1: 1). If the recipe calls for 1 tsp. yeast, you need to add 0.5 tsp. soda and 0.5 tsp. lemon juice.

For good quality baked goods, use only fresh baking soda.

  • You can use baking powder in equal proportions with yeast, and double the rate will give the best result.

What can replace milk in baked goods?

There are many dairy analogues that have proven themselves well during baking. Of course, it is best to replace the product with another dairy ingredient.

  • Condensed milk is most suitable for substitution. It is enough to open the jar and mix it in a ratio of 50: 50 with water, you just need to reduce the amount of sugar.

  • Plain yogurt or sour cream is also used as a milk substitute. For the pie, take an equal amount of yogurt or sour cream with the same amount of milk.
  • In some cases, water can be analogous to milk, but this will entail a change in the taste and texture of the dessert. Usually, 1 tablespoon is added with each glass of liquid. butter.

  • When milk is completely removed from the diet, it is replaced with an equal amount of soy milk, almond milk, or rice milk.

What can replace honey in baked goods?

When choosing an analogue of honey for baking, they stop at the following products:

  • Plain table sugar is a good substitute for honey, just add water. Standard conversion: 1 tbsp. sugar is diluted in an equal amount of water.
  • The liquid honey substitute is brown rice syrup (1: 1).

  • Maple syrup tastes like honey and can be used in recipes.
  • Agave nectar is considered a good honey substitute (1: 1). It is sweeter and denser than honey, so baked goods bake faster and have a darker appearance.

What can replace malt in baked goods?

Malt is a rather rare product, so many housewives replace it with other flavoring additives: dry kvass, liquid chicory, dark beer or rye sourdough.

What can replace cocoa in baked goods?

In order not to run to the store for a new package of cocoa, you can look for its counterparts in the kitchen.

  • Melted unsweetened chocolate is added to the recipe along with sugar and butter, but such baked goods do not have a pronounced chocolate taste.
  • Mix Fix instant cocoa mix is ​​a good substitute for cocoa.

Remember that the formula contains only a small amount of cocoa powder, as well as sugar, milk powder and other ingredients, so a 1: 1 replacement will give only a small portion of the intended cocoa to the recipe.

  • Replacing cocoa with instant coffee is quite possible, just add 2 tbsp. powder.

What can replace rum in baked goods?

  • The most accurate substitute for rum is its extract. As a rule, for 2 tbsp. dark rum in recipes use 1 tbsp. extract.
  • Spirits: liquor and cognac taste good in baked goods.
  • A substitute for rum can be vanilla extract or diluted pineapple juice.

What can replace powdered milk in baked goods?

Milk powder is usually replaced with whole milk. When the recipe indicates 2 tbsp. powdered milk for 1 tbsp. water, it is replaced by 1 tbsp. milk. When making cookies, milk can be replaced with baby formula, cottage cheese and kefir.

What can replace cognac in baked goods?

Cognac is made in the same way as wine, so it is the best analogue in the recipe. In addition, unsweetened grape juice can be substituted for cognac in the recipe. Other juices (apple, peach or apricot) are added only when they are sour. Rum and vodka are less common substitutes for cognac.

What can replace yogurt in baked goods?

Yoghurt is often used as an ingredient in baked goods. Its direct substitute can be non-acidic sour cream or kefir, as well as a mixture of coconut milk with the addition of applesauce.

What can replace ammonium in baked goods?

Direct analogs of ammonium are yeast (2: 1), soda and baking powder (1: 1).

What can replace cornstarch in baked goods?

Cornstarch is much less common than potato starch, so it is often substituted for baking.

  • Repeated sifting of flour is similar in action to starch.
  • In curd dishes, it is replaced with semolina.
  • Potato starch is taken 2 times less than the norm of corn.

What can replace lemon juice in baked goods?

A substitute for lemon juice can be apple cider vinegar 6% (1 tablespoon), lime or rhubarb juice, and ¼ tsp. citric acid diluted in warm water (50 ml.)

What can replace baking powder in baked goods?

In most cases, replace the powder with slaked soda (2 tsp: ½ tsp) or prepare a baking powder based on wheat flour or starch.

What can replace vanilla sugar in baked goods?

The usual aroma of vanilla sugar when baked is replaced by:

  • Natural vanilla pods, when 2 sticks are poured with 0.5 kg of sugar and kept in an airtight container for a week.
  • Vanilla essence (20 g sugar = 12.5 g essence).
  • Vanilla extract (10 g sugar = 1 tsp extract).

What can replace cottage cheese in baked goods?

The closest substitutes for cottage cheese are cream cheese (ricotta and mascarpone), although bean curd (tofu) is also used in the preparation of puddings and pies.

What can replace maple syrup in baked goods?

Maple syrup is a common ingredient in American and Canadian dishes. Its direct substitute is liquid honey or pear jam syrup.

What can replace bran in baked goods?

Intolerance to bran makes you look for their analogues. The product is usually replaced with cornstarch, skim milk powder, cottage cheese, or tofu.

What can replace nuts in baked goods?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% substitute for nuts, but when baking cookies, they are substituted:

  • Caramelized sugar. 2 tbsp. l. heat in a frying pan, and then add a lump of butter and a handful of oatmeal. The finished lumps are placed in the dough.
  • 0.5 tbsp. rolled oats are fried in a pan, seasoned with butter and the finished flakes are sent to the dough.

What can replace semolina in baked goods?

An alternative to semolina is oatmeal, wheat, corn or any other flour (1: 1), starch (1: 0.5), as well as banana or carrot puree (1: 4).

What can replace gluten in baked goods?

Psyllium and xanthan are direct analogues of gluten. They are used depending on the type of baking: psilium is put in a yeast base (1-2 tablespoons per liter of liquid), xanthan is mixed with flour (1 tsp per kg of flour).

What can replace an egg for greasing baked goods?

Eggs are hard to replace when lubricated, but you can use sugar water, milk, melted honey, and sweet tea leaves.

What can replace vegetable oil in baked goods?

Consider options for replacing vegetable oil:

  • Unsweetened fruit puree (1: 1): apple, plum, pumpkin, banana.
  • Other natural oils: olive or rapeseed.
  • Melted margarine or butter (1: 1).
  • Plain yogurt, no flavors.
  • Cornstarch can also serve as an alternative to vegetable oil. It is mixed with water and then added to the recipe.

    Can you replace sugar with honey in baked goods?

    Honey is a complete sugar substitute. Do not forget that the bee product is 2 times sweeter, so you must take this into account when replacing it. When replacing, a little soda is also added and the usual oven temperature is reduced by 5 ° C.

    Can you replace kefir with sour cream in baked goods?

    When baking, kefir can be replaced with sour cream, provided that it is previously diluted with milk or water.

    How to replace a baking oven?

    An alternative to the oven can be a small-sized roaster, an economical microwave, a convenient bread-maker and a practical multicooker.

    Can you substitute butter for margarine in baked goods?

    Margarine and butter are interchangeable (1: 1), but such a substitution does not have the same taste. Butter biscuits have crisp edges and the addition of margarine softens the product.

    Can I change the baking mode?

    The baking temperature must fully correspond to the level specified in the recipe. If it is recommended to first preheat the oven and then lower the temperature, follow these steps. Each recipe has its own temperature and approach.

    Can you substitute butter for margarine in baked goods?

    Butter is a direct analogue of margarine, so replacing it will not particularly affect baked goods.

    As you can see, product interchangeability is quite possible. The main thing is to adhere to proportions and technologies.

Knowing how to replace starch in a recipe, you can prepare even more varied dishes.

If you are making jelly, try flaxseed. Pour 1 to 3 water over them and simmer for 2-3 hours. At the end of cooking, add syrup, jam, honey or fruit.

If you plan on baking cakes or cream, other methods will work.

How to replace starch in baked goods

Starch is used in recipes for pies, biscuits, casseroles and cookies. It makes the dough more elastic, removes excess moisture and makes it light.

Substitution options for the test:

  • in many recipes, for example, sweet casseroles, you can not put it at all;
  • if you sift the dough on the cake twice, then the oxygen-saturated flour will rise perfectly, and the finished product will be fluffy;
  • if the task is to add airiness, put baking powder along with baking soda in the dough.

Sometimes starch is used in the fillings of sweet pies. It is necessary to create viscosity, a pleasant sweet middle is obtained that does not flow out. How to replace the starch in the filling? Try coconut flakes. Grind it in a coffee grinder or blender and mix with food.

You can use plain white flour and yolk to thicken the custard. They will give the dessert the desired consistency.

How to replace starch in cutlets, sauces and soups

Thick sauces and pureed soups are made with the addition of starch, but not everyone likes the taste and smell. You can take corn instead of the usual potato, it is more neutral and is practically not felt in the finished dish. The only negative is that you need a little more product.

If you are on a carbohydrate-free diet and want to make a thick puree soup or tender sauce for meat, then use heavy heavy cream. They will add not only density, but also the necessary calories.

In sauces, starch is easily replaced by flour fried in butter.

It is not always permissible to use flour as a substitute. If you are in doubt as to whether you can substitute starch in minced meat products, do not experiment. Add some grated potatoes. It is permissible to take semolina, bread crumbs or soaked bread. All of these products have a similar function - they absorb liquid.

Cooking is not a rigorous science. Many products are replaceable. Instead of starch, you can put flour, semolina, yolks, cream. The taste will change a little, but it will still be excellent.

Some plants in their tubers and grains contain a complex carbohydrate, which is a white powder - starch, which is digested very quickly and then turns into glucose, the main source of energy. Starchy plants include potatoes, rice, corn, grain and cereals. In some countries, starch is made from barley, rye, peas, tropical fruits, and sweet potatoes.

Potato starch in cooking

Starch has a high nutritional value and quick digestibility, and its ability to form a viscous mass is used for making sauces and jelly.

Kissels are usually prepared from fruits, berries, vegetables and cereals, although there are recipes for nut, pea, tea and chocolate drinks. Starch is diluted in cold water, broth or juice, and only then added to jelly, while remembering that you cannot boil starch, since it immediately loses its viscosity.

For sauces, starch can be diluted not only in water, but also in oil, and in some recipes it is fried with oil in a pan and then diluted with liquid.

From the Chinese cuisine, we have come to the tradition of breading meat, fish, vegetables, cutlets, cheesecakes in starch mixed with spices - it gives a pleasant taste, a thin crispy crust and preserves the juiciness of the product. Starch is added to desserts and baked goods because it perfectly absorbs moisture and gives the biscuit lightness, friability and airiness. There is one more subtlety - if starch is added to the dough, it should be kneaded only on dairy products, and since starch gives baked goods an inexpressive taste, do not forget about spices.

Why you need corn and rice starch

Corn and rice starch do not contain gluten, therefore they are actively used in dietary and medical nutrition. Sauces, syrups, puddings, jellies, mashed soups and jelly are prepared from cornstarch. Cornstarch baked goods are tender, fragrant and crumbly, distinguished by their special taste, beautiful color and golden brown crust. This flour makes great muffins, casseroles, tortillas, muffins, pancakes and pancakes without the traditional mealy flavor.

Rice starch is used as a thickener in white sauces, pies, rolls, muffins, casseroles, mousses and breading.

What can replace starch?

Since starch acts as a thickener, it can be replaced with any product that has similar properties. In cooking, such products are buckwheat, rye, flax flour, gelatin, agar-agar, semolina, coconut. In some cases, starch is replaced with eggs - 2 tbsp. l. corn or potato starch correspond to one egg. In cutlets, grated raw potatoes can be used as a thickener, and you can hardly find a substitute for starch in jelly, although some recipes use oatmeal or flaxseed for viscosity.

Starch is also used in the production of sweets, confectionery, ice cream, canned food and sausages. This unique product contains so many vitamins, minerals and trace elements that you do not have to worry about oversaturation of food with starch. Thanks to starch, dishes become healthy, satisfying and beautiful ...