What happens if you suck on nutmeg. Nutmeg: narcological properties of a common seasoning

Nutmeg- the spice belongs to the category of the most expensive spicy seasonings. Walnut has been known to mankind for more than 5 thousand years and the most incredible stories are associated with it.

The taste of nutmeg is very recognizable: sharp, with fragrant woody notes. Cooked dishes with such a nut leave a pleasant fresh aftertaste. The aroma of nutmeg is pungent and spicy, with hints of cardamom and cinnamon. Due to its strong aroma, it is known all over the world. It is believed that the smell of nutmeg conveys its strength and aromatic personality. The "breath" of the walnut gives strength to space and man.

Nutmeg leaves are dark green above and white below. They are entire and alternate, devoid of stipules. It is in the axils of such unusual leaves that inflorescences with small white flowers are located, forming walnut fruits. Each fruit contains one seed.

The birthplace of this culture is the Moluccas, now part of Zanzibar. The islands are famous for their valuable trees: nutmeg and clove. Today, nutmeg trees are grown in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Grenada, Sri Lanka and several other countries. The walnut tree is extremely prolific and can produce up to 2,000 fruits.

Nutritional value of nutmeg

  • calorie content of 100 g of nuts - 556.3 kcal;
  • proteins - 20 grams;
  • fats - 50 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 7 grams.

Action of nutmeg

  1. Nutmeg is habitually called a nut, although from a scientific point of view, the fruit of the 12-meter nutmeg tree of the "nutmeg" family is a drupe with a hard skin Brown. Walnut is not suitable as a snack.
  2. The recommended 43 grams would be a hyper lethal dose for humans, as the recognized norm is no more than 0.1 grams of nutmeg per serving. Exceeding the recommended amount will lead to a strong heartbeat, euphoria, hallucinations, nausea, hangover syndrome, and a significant excess - even death.
  3. Many consider nutmeg to be only a strong psychedelic, even having a narcotic effect. Walnut is strong not only externally, it is strong and unique medicinal properties. It will not be an exaggeration to admit that most of us consider nutmeg to be a strong, fragrant seasoning, unaware of the colossal possibilities of nuts that look like peach pits.

The effect of nutmeg is amazing: tonic, stimulating, warming and uplifting. Serotonin, the “hormone of joy,” gives this property to the nut.

Useful properties of nutmeg

  1. Good for stimulating digestion
  2. Treats stomach and duodenal ulcers
  3. It has a psychotropic, tranquilizing and antimicrobial effect
  4. Heals chronic rhinitis
  5. V folk medicine used for nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, high temperature
  6. Strengthens the immune and nervous systems
  7. Develops memory
  8. Helps in the treatment of benign tumors (mastopathy), staphylococcal infections
  9. With tuberculosis, it helps to strengthen the whole body
  10. Has pain relieving properties
  11. Nutmeg preparations are used in the treatment of migraine and insomnia.
  12. Stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the heart muscle
  13. Cleanses the liver, blood
  14. Improves mood
  15. Heals the whole body
  16. Increases appetite
  17. Nourishes hair and strengthens hair roots
  18. Improves metabolism.

Wise Tibetan monks have always believed that any plant has its own energy. The Tibetan Medical Code says: everything that grows on the ground should be used as medicine. We are also convinced of the correctness of this conclusion by nutmeg, the properties of which are displayed in a unique old recipe elixir of youth. They say that by taking this drug, a person will live a long happy life, forget about his illnesses, feel an influx of strength, receive additional vitality.

Recipe for the elixir of youth with nutmeg

Elixir composition: 100 ml lemon juice, a glass of honey, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 0.5 teaspoon of grated nutmeg.

How to take: at sunrise, one teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Nutmeg Contraindications

  • Presence of mental illness
  • Disorders of the nervous system
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation

Application of nutmeg

In the Middle Ages, the nut was an amulet that could protect against the devil and any contagious ailment. Nutmegs were constantly carried with them in a special box made of silver and ivory. Interestingly, one side of such a miniature "chest" was a small grater and, if necessary, was used by the owner to rub the nut.

The medicinal properties of the nut are used in medicine, but the main purpose in cooking is as a spice.

The use of nutmeg in cooking

Nutmeg goes well with ginger, cinnamon, pepper, cloves. Used in combination, these spices can replace each other, including spicy walnut.

Universal spice mix - cloves with nutmeg. As you remember, the Moluccas are famous for their nutmeg and clove trees. But not only the common homeland and the bright aromas of two spices combined the tastes and smells of different plants into one wonderful duet. It turns out that the combination of dissimilar odors is due to the presence of very similar molecules: cloves have eugenol as the main component, while nutmeg has isoeugenol. That is why two fragrances are perceived by each other as relatives, and in culinary products are fully revealed.

If you decide to cook gingerbread, add cloves with nutmeg to the dough. Delicious pastries Your family and friends will love it too. The same "bouquet" of aromas will acquire a warming winter drink- mulled wine, and many other home-cooked dishes.

How is nutmeg used?

Of course not in large quantities(0.1 gram per serving), but with a wide range of applications: in the preparation of any desserts, puddings, jams, pastries, compotes. Nutmeg flavored vegetable salads, soups, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew, meat and mushroom dishes, sauces, fish dishes, uh.

In Europe, the essential oil of the nutmeg flower is popular. Macis, like a spice, goes well with any grated nuts. In cooking, ground nutmeg is used. The rather strong skin of the nut is not so easy to crush. Therefore, we offer some tips.

How to grind nutmeg

  1. The nut needs to be split into small pieces, put in a coffee grinder or mill, and grind. On sale there are special mills for nuts, spices and nutmeg.
  2. The nut can be grated on a fine grater with strong and sharp teeth. Peeling knives are good for this purpose.
  3. Do not be afraid to postpone the remaining nut until the next time, because. the shelf life of the product is quite large - up to 9 years.

Kefir with nutmeg

Ground nutmeg will be needed if you cook very healthy drink. Subject to the rules for the use of nutmeg, it will only benefit:

  • low protein content does not allow the formation of body fat, the drink can be included in the diet for those who want to lose weight;
  • nutmeg with kefir is recommended for people who have a diet with a lack of fats, proteins and vitamins;
  • kefir sticks in tandem with nutmeg contribute to the normalization of digestion;
  • nutmeg enhances the work of the stomach and helps to cleanse the body;
  • kefir is full of fat-soluble vitamins, trace elements and protein

A very tasty, fragrant and light sauce is obtained, prepared on the basis of yogurt and nutmeg. Ingredients: full fat yogurt, ground nutmeg, salt, pepper mixture, dry paprika, parsley, basil and some pickles.

How to cook: beat the yogurt with a mixer, add all the indicated ingredients. Do not forget the parsley, basil and cucumbers finely chopped. The sauce can be used with meat and fish.

Macis - the color of nutmeg

From the flowers of the nutmeg tree, large orange-yellow or gray-yellow fruits develop. Each fruit has one large seed covered with a brown shell. This seed, in turn, is surrounded by a juicy seed. Dried seedlings are the nutmeg or mace.

Seeds that have been freed from seedlings and have undergone special processing are known to us as nutmeg. Macis after drying in the sun on bamboo or coconut mats, flattening with wooden rollers, is a fragile plate 4 cm long and 1 mm thick.

They try to remove the mace whole and intact, carefully squeezing the nutmeg out of it. If the procedure was successful, a hole is formed in the center of the future spice, and an intact mace is recognized through it.

The color of nutmeg is rare and expensive on the market. Nutmeg and mace are spices with a strong aroma and pungent, burning taste. But nutmeg has a spicier and stronger flavor. The taste of nutmeg is more delicate and soft. Both spices are used in cooking both independently and in tandem.

Interesting historical fact about nutmeg: on the noble coat of arms of the former pilot of the Magellan expedition, received as a reward from the king, is depicted Earth, 12 buds spicy cloves and 3 nutmegs.

Nutmeg oil

Nutmeg oil has exceptional qualities: it stimulates blood circulation, warms the joints and muscles. The oil is useful for osteochondrosis and arthritis. The aroma of Muscat essential oil disinfects the air in the room, stimulates the protective functions of the body.

The smell of oil helps emotional liberation. In combination with the aroma of citrus fruits, it creates a festive atmosphere and pleasant excitement. Walnut essential oil is a powerful aphrodisiac.

S. Zweig: "It's amazing, it's only worth adding a single grain to the most unpretentious dish Indian spices- a tiny pinch of pepper, dry nutmeg, just a little ginger or cinnamon, and a kind of pleasant irritation inevitably arises in the mouth.

Sources of used literature:

  1. Oriental methods of preserving youth. Aromacology
  2. O. Dovbnya. Nutmeg for nervous and digestive systems. well. Biology, December 2015
  3. Scientists have stated that nutmeg is medicinal. Science news. well. Eye of the Planet, August 2016
  4. P. Lecuter, D. Berreson. Napoleon buttons. 17 molecules that changed the world. Ch.I: Fragrant molecules of clove and nutmeg.
  5. I. Sokolsky, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences. Spices and world history. well. Science and technology, №3, 2008
  6. V. Prozorovsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Food and medicine. Links of a chain. well. Science and Life, No. 8, 1999
  7. Nutmeg. Spices in cooking, EKSMO publishing house, 2010
  8. E. Alkaev. Spices, spices and seasonings, 2013
  9. Market overview of nuts and dried fruits, November 2016
  10. Plant magic. Team of authors, M, 2005
  11. plant code. Science news, w. Aromacology and aromatherapy

In cooking, such a spice as nutmeg is very often used. It is endowed with a mass of useful properties, thanks to which it is possible not only to enjoy it unusual taste but also to cure some diseases.

Nutmeg: benefit or harm ^

Nutmegs are the fruits of the Muscat tree, which belongs to the Muskatnikov family. Initially, such trees began to be bred in the Moluccas, but later they spread throughout the tropics.

Nutmeg contains substances such as safrole, elemicin, myristicin, methyleugenol and methylisoeugenol. It also contains vitamins, minerals and alimentary fiber which makes it especially valuable for health.

Nutmeg is widely used in medicine - it is added to various tinctures, ointments, lotions, pastes, compresses and other solutions. At moderate consumption ground nuts can not only provide the missing energy in chronic fatigue, but also get rid of some diseases: for example, varicose veins or arthritis.

Beneficial features

Nutmeg is especially valued for its unique properties:

  • Stimulates the activity of the nervous system, helps to relieve feelings of fatigue;
  • Improves memory and mental activity;
  • Destroys microbes and bacteria that cause inflammation and the development of tumors;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Strengthens cartilage and bones;
  • Improves the condition of the hair;
  • Positively affects the reproductive system;
  • Relieves pain;
  • Normalizes bowel function;
  • Relieves insomnia when combined with milk.

In spite of a large number of useful properties, in the presence of some contraindications, nutmeg is still not worth adding to food, because. this can cause deterioration of health in case of already existing diseases.

When is nutmeg contraindicated?

Note that when consumed in large quantities, these nuts cause hallucinogenic phenomena and severe intoxication of the body, which often leads to the death of a person, so you need to be very careful with them.

There are several diseases and conditions of the body in which the use of nutmeg can be detrimental to health:

  • Children's age, pregnancy;
  • Mental illness, CNS disorders;
  • Alcoholism;
  • The course of treatment with certain drugs (a doctor's consultation is necessary);
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Allergy to nuts and their components.

How to Consume Nutmeg: Safe Dosage and Recipes ^

How to grind nutmeg

  • The nut needs to be chopped into small pieces, put in a coffee grinder or mill, and grind. On sale there are special mills for nuts, spices and nutmeg.
  • Can be grated on a fine grater with strong and sharp teeth. Peeling knives are also suitable for this purpose.
  • The remaining nut can be postponed until the next time, because. the shelf life of the product is quite large - up to 9 years.

Rules for use and precautions

It should be remembered that the main principle of treatment folk remedies is moderation. It is allowed to use no more than 1 pinch ground nuts, or 0.5 g per 1 kg of food. What side effects can occur with an overdose:

  • Headaches, nausea, heartburn;
  • dry mouth;
  • Tachycardia, arrhythmia, inappropriate behavior.

Nutmeg for men

This spice is especially beneficial for the male reproductive system: it is an aphrodisiac, so it is customary to add it to love drinks. The effect of such drinks lasts about 6 hours, then gradually fades away. One of the most effective recipes looks like that:

  • We take a pinch of ground nuts, cloves, ginger, rose petals and lavender;
  • Brew in a glass of boiling water, drink like tea.

Nutmeg for varicose veins

Nutmeg from varicose veins on the legs is effective only fresh - it has a maximum useful substances! There are several healing recipes, which have long been used to eliminate the disease.

Sulya, according to doctors, nutmeg is not a panacea for the treatment of varicose veins. But if it is used for prevention or simply because you love this spice, then they do not see any restrictions in this.


At varicose veins veins actual use of tincture based on such a nut:

  • Pour 50 g of spices with 250 ml of vodka, close the container and insist in a warm place for 10 days;
  • Shake once a day during infusion;
  • We take 20 drops three times a day with water.


  • Rub the nut on fine grater into powder.
  • Pour 0.5 teaspoon of dry ingredient with a glass of boiling water.
  • Let the solution brew for 15-20 minutes.
  • Before use, add a spoonful of honey to the medicinal mixture.
  • Take the remedy twice a day for half a glass - in the morning and in the evening.
  • The course of admission lasts up to a month. After a 2-week break, you can resume the therapy procedure.


You can also prepare a solution for rubbing:

  • Take 10 ml of olive or linseed oil, mix with 5 drops of nutmeg oil;
  • Mix, rub daily before going to bed problem areas.

Nutmeg with kefir for weight loss

Girls who want to lose weight, use kefir with nutmeg. For some, this combination may seem exotic. In fact, this drink contains a lot of useful elements.

If you prepare the drink correctly, observing the proportions and following the recipe, you can get vitamin and useful product. For cooking you will need:

  • A glass of kefir.
  • A little black ground pepper.
  • Half of nutmeg.
  • Paprika, salt, basil to taste.
  • A couple of sprigs of parsley.

Cooking method:

  • Grind all components, mix in a blender and consume immediately after preparation.
  • For weight loss, it is important to observe proportions - ½ part of a nut per 200 gram glass kefir will be enough.
  • Can be used to make a drink fresh walnut, and ready ground, purchased in a supermarket.

Application in cooking

Traditionally ground nutmeg is used in cooking:

  • It is added to baking: muffins, rolls, biscuits;
  • Used in the production of sweets, chocolate and cocoa;
  • Compotes, some sauces, mulled wines, wines, canned food, seasonings are prepared with it. winter preparations, minced meat.

Muscat sauce recipe

This recipe is used to prepare sauces that can be added to pasta, fish or poultry dishes:

  • We mix mayonnaise and fatty kefir (40 g each), add paprika, ground nutmeg, basil, onion and salt;
  • We whip everything.

Regular and correct use of preparations and dishes with the addition of nutmeg is very beneficial for health. An important feature Such a product is that it is able to quickly relieve fatigue, but at the same time, in combination with eliminates insomnia - just add a pinch of spice to a glass of drink.

Feedback from our readers

Ekaterina, 39 years old:

“When there were problems with the intestines, a friend advised me to add some ground nuts to the main dishes. It was enough for a week to forget about frequent disorders, because it has a fixing effect "

Oksana, 37 years old:

“The tincture of nutmeg helped me a lot with varicose veins, the veins got out very much. I took it for a month, additionally used a Chinese ointment. Now I forgot about the problem"

Daria, 27 years old:

“I have a very stressful job, I sleep little, so in the morning it is difficult for me to move away from sleep. Recently I found a way out: I add a little nutmeg to black tea. The drink really invigorates and energizes for several hours.”

Eastern horoscope for April 2019

Nutmeg is an evergreen tree, reaching 20 meters, native to the Moluccas.

Muskatnik has been widely used in cooking, in ground form it is added to confectionery, it is also included in the composition of spices for sausages. Also, nutmeg is used in the form of salad dressings, fish is also seasoned, etc. etc.

Nutmeg in medicine

The use of a little nutmeg powder inside helps to accelerate the absorption of food, especially in the small intestine. Also, nutmeg can be used as an aphrodisiac, as the same Kratom has an exciting and calming effect. It also acts as a tonic for the muscles. It is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, as well as sexual impotence and sleep disturbances. Sometimes nutmeg is given to children to soothe the pain of cutting teeth.

Nutmeg as an entheogen

Nutmeg, due to its availability, has become popular among a wide range of psychonauts. It is easy to find and easy to prepare, and the effect is very long. The main psychoactive substances are: myristicin, elemicin, and safrole. The liver partially processes myristicin MMDA, which answers the question, “why does it take so long to accelerate?”

Nutmeg as an aphrodisiac

The plant of Aphrodite, as some call it, Since ancient times, Muscat was considered a love seasoning, it has a stronger effect on the female reproductive system, and enhances sexual desire, it also affects men, only less intensely.

Preparation and use of nutmeg

For the best effect, we need the most fresh whole nuts, you can use ground seasoning only if it is fresh, but whole nuts are better, because all the power is in essential oils, which volatilize when stored in a powdered state.

Well, we bought fresh nuts, now we need to decide on the dose. Due to the load on the liver, it is better to drink a spoonful of milk thistle 5 hours before taking nutmeg. I strongly advise against taking Muscat for people with pathologies of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. And so we will begin to get acquainted with 2-3 nuts, grind them in a mortar or coffee grinder, if in a coffee grinder, then you first need to break them into smaller pieces. You can cut them or grind them on a grater. It is better to take the powder with kefir or yogurt, mixing the powder well in it. By itself, Muscat in such quantities does not produce a very strong change in consciousness, but in mixes with other plants it changes very well.

Dosage of nutmeg: 3-10 grams. no longer recommended, hard on the liver. The optimal dose is 6 grams.

Combination of ingredients

Cloves and ground nutmeg

Nutmeg goes well with different plants. For example: you can take 2-3 nuts 2 hours before taking Olilukov, MJ changes the arrival, but not much, they are somewhat similar. Also good paired with Garmaloy, 1-2 hours before taking Muscat, eat 0.5-2 grams of Harmala (harmala is an MAOI, so it’s better not to).

Triple mix, a very interesting combination

  1. Take a couple of Muscat nuts inside.
  2. After 3 hours, eat two branches of wormwood about 10 centimeters in size.
  3. Then immediately smoke the turkeys.

Here are some more components of the nutmeg mixture to correct the condition: parsley, zira, fennel, dill, cloves, calamus, Bay leaf, star anise. In these plants there are similar substances that mutually reinforce or change the general state.

  • Parsley - adds physical strength
  • Bay leaf - enhances understanding.
  • Carnation - contributes to the enlightenment of consciousness.
  • - reduces toxicity, and also change the trip itself.

Just like with Oliluk, you can combine Muscat with Datura. I recommend 2-3 Muscat nuts, smoke 50 seeds after 3 hours. MJ will not hurt in such matters ...

You can use nuts together with sleep-grass (tea from dried leaves), which gives a high concentration of attention.

the effect

The action of Muskatnik manifests itself after an hour or two, it starts to get a little sleepy, I want to lie down, think about something, after 3-4 hours the state is slowly but surely changing. Full saturation of the arrival occurs 6-8 hours after ingestion. The arrival of a wave, some thoughts are replaced by euphoria, empathy increases (a sense of the environment, including people, without a logical conclusion). All this, of course, is similar to the action of hemp, but still it is not, it is not so strong in this direction, and if you increase the dose, then a feeling of heaviness in the head is added, here a little dried cloves can save the situation.

Side effects on the body

With their cheapness and legality, miracle nuts in large quantities are very not beneficial affect our body, especially the liver. It starts showing up after a few uses. Dryness can also be noted, and redness of the eyes (like from hemp), the feeling is as if sand was poured into the eyes, vizin does not always help. Waste products can reach 2 days, this is manifested by nebula in the head ...


To use it, you need:

  • Find your optimal dose, i.e. start small.
  • Do not part with the reception, eat them no more than once every 2 weeks.
  • It is best to use nuts in mixes, to enhance or change one or another entheogen (combinations are described above). And of course, always weigh the pros and cons. Nutmeg is not for everyone

You can buy nutmeg from our partners http://www.yage.ru/muskat.html

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Nutmeg is a spice that is widely used in cooking. Spices are inherent and drug properties if you use a nut in large doses Oh. This is due to the presence of methylene dioxide-substituted substances in the composition of nutmeg, which are used for the manufacture of prohibited psychotropic drugs. Two or three fruits are enough for a person to have hallucinations, euphoria and other signs of drug intoxication.

What is the fruit and how does it work

Nutmeg is the fruit of an evergreen tree (nutmeg) that grows in the countries of the equatorial belt. In India, nutmeg for its properties has received the name "stupefying fruit." In the US, it is used instead of marijuana. As a narcotic, nutmeg has gained popularity due to its wide availability: the spice can be easily bought in any grocery store. In small quantities, it is safe for health, with the use of two or three fruits, a narcotic effect is manifested.

Psycho active ingredients contained in the kernel of the nut and in its peel. These include:

  • Myristicin is the main toxic component, a precursor of 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine (mdma), a psychedelic from the category of phenylethylamines.
  • Elemicin and safrole are precursors of 3,4-methylenedioxy-amphetamine (MDA) - substances of the amphetamine group. Their content is 2 times lower compared to myristicin.

In the process of metabolism, the toxic substances of nutmeg are modified into the active components of ecstasy, LSD and amphetamine. They adversely affect the liver, quickly destroying it, and change consciousness when taken in large doses. To prepare a hallucinogenic extract, ground nutmeg is used, which is poured with alcohol. Many drug addicts get high by eating simply grated fruits.

The narcotic effect of the spice begins to appear two to three hours after consumption: visual hallucinations, coordination disorders, euphoria, a feeling of time dilation, blurred vision appear. The state of drug intoxication is accompanied by dry mouth, severe thirst, tachycardia, and problems with urination may appear. A person is characterized by talkativeness, causeless laughter, eyes redden. After a few hours, drowsiness and lethargy develop. In case of an overdose, severe health disorders appear that can lead to death - in narcology, deaths have been noted after consuming 80-100 grams of fruit.

How and how much is safe to consume

In order for the narcotic properties of nutmeg to manifest, you need to eat at least two fruits. Safe dosage- 3-6 grams of powder. The nutmeg fruit has healing properties, when used correctly, contributes to:

  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Destruction of staphylococcal infection.
  • Elimination of sexual disorders.
  • Improving memory.
  • Sleep normalization.

Drinks from the fruits of nutmeg accelerate recovery from colds.

Nutmeg is recommended for tuberculosis, mastopathy, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, thrombophlebitis. Drinks from the fruits of nutmeg accelerate recovery from colds, liver pathologies, improve the condition of depression, disorders of the nervous system. By chewing the fruit, you can get rid of bad smell from mouth.

Nutmeg is effective in the treatment of varicose veins. Try to make a remedy according to this recipe: pour 50 g of fruits (previously grated) into a glass quality vodka. Insist 10-12 days, take 1 tbsp. spoon once a day. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the tincture.

The use of nutmeg with kefir helps to lose extra pounds. This drink contains beneficial trace elements. Take a glass of yogurt, add grated nutmeg (half of the fruit), a pinch of black pepper, paprika, basil, salt, 2-3 sprigs of fresh parsley. Mix everything thoroughly in a blender. Drink the drink immediately after preparation.

Drug addicts use nutmeg in higher doses: at least 2-3 fruits are needed to achieve drug intoxication. With prolonged use, tolerance increases, that is, to obtain the desired effect, an increase in dose is required.

To achieve drug intoxication, you need at least 2-3 fruits.

To increase the bioavailability of a natural psychedelic, plants are used, which include components related to myristicin. Among them are fennel, zira, star anise, dill, cloves, bay leaf, Walnut. They are used in the preparation of mixtures based on nutmeg.


Nutmeg is popular with drug addicts who have not used hard drugs, to which its psychedelic properties cannot be compared. This is a cheap and legal means to achieve drug intoxication. If a person is detained by the police after using it, a drug test will show a negative result.

The use of excessive doses of spices is fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • Nausea, constipation, weakness of the bladder sphincter.
  • Arrhythmia, dizziness.
  • Severe liver pathology.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Memory losses.

With an overdose of nutmeg, hallucinations are aggravated - both visual and auditory. After taking several fruits, a drug addict is able to commit inappropriate acts, he has thoughts of a suicidal nature. Experiments with increasing the dose can lead to loss of consciousness, and in the most severe case, end in death.

Nutmeg in small doses is an exquisite seasoning and healing agent from many diseases. The nut is not a drug, but it can be used to achieve a state of altered reality. It is important to remember: the use of excessive doses of spice undermines the health of the liver, kills nervous system. And if you eat 10 fruits or more at the same time, this can cause death.

Nutmeg is not a nut at all. This is a seed. It's just so big.

The spice has many health benefits. But there are also strict contraindications. And all because the spice is not easy. It has the strongest taste and aroma. Therefore, it is necessary to skillfully put it in food.

But the main difficulty with the use of nutmeg is that even with a small overdose, it can lead to extremely serious consequences.


One teaspoon of spice contains 41% daily dose manganese. In addition to this microelement, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc are present in a fair amount.

However, the main benefit of nutmeg, like its possible harm, are not associated with microelements at all, because this spice it is simply impossible to consume in such quantities that it would make it possible to introduce microelements into the body in the amount required by it.

Main useful qualities Nutmeg is determined by other compounds that have high biological activity and can change the functioning of the body, even in negligible amounts.

Such substances include trimyristin, myristicin and elemicin, eugenol, safrole, pinene, camphene, cineol, linalool and others.

Beneficial features

Stimulation of the brain

Also in Ancient Greece and Rome, nutmeg was used as a means to stimulate the brain.

The spice helps to cope with chronic fatigue and overcome the effects of stress.

It is also shown to those who note the presence of signs of depression in themselves and / or experience causeless anxiety, not strong, but constant anxiety.

In addition, nutmeg allows you to increase concentration. For this reason, it is very good to eat dishes with him for breakfast before going to work or school. And also during periods of intense mental work, for example, in a session.

Eliminate abdominal discomfort

Nutmeg helps reduce gas and bloating. Relieves both the symptoms of diarrhea and constipation. Eliminates pain in the abdominal region caused by the accumulation of excessive amounts of gases.

If you mix 5 grams of spice and one banana, you can eliminate diarrhea caused by indigestion and increased gas formation. This disorder often occurs in people who are not accustomed to eating a lot. vegetable fiber, and then sharply saturating the diet with it.

Nutmeg is good to add to dishes, content.

Pain relief

In the traditional Chinese medicine Nutmeg is often used as a pain reliever. This spice is especially effective in relation to pain localized in the joints and muscles.

If you heat the nutmeg powder in a pan until it turns brown, you get a wonderful natural remedy for joint pain, neuralgia, sciatica, etc. Oil with nutmeg is cooled and lubricated with it on the affected area. Use only as a means of external use.

Elimination of bad breath

Nutmeg has antimicrobial activity. And therefore eliminates bad smell from the mouth, caused by an imbalance in the microflora of the oral cavity.

Nutmeg is often included in toothpastes and chewing gums to prevent caries.

Cleansing the liver and kidneys

Nutmeg is one of the spices that help rid the liver and kidneys of accumulated toxins.

Despite the fact that not all scientists in principle recognize the need for some kind of special detoxification for a person who has not been obviously poisoned, the fact that nutmeg improves liver and kidney function, and also prevents the formation of kidney stones, is beyond doubt. calls.

Improved skin condition

Nutmeg has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, both when used as a spice and as one of the ingredients of external use.

If you add nutmeg powder to the powder orange lentils and slightly dilute the mixture with water, you get a scrub against acne. And if you mix spice powder with honey, a paste will appear to eliminate acne marks.

Fighting insomnia

Nutmeg powder, added in very small amounts to a glass of milk, helps to sleep those who cannot do it. It also improves the structure of sleep throughout the night.

Side effects

Nutmeg has a strong flavor and aroma. Therefore, it is always added to dishes in a very small amount, which cannot cause any side effects.

However, if you try to eat more spices than is allowed, you may experience unpleasant symptoms, and with an extremely strong overdose, death.

Nutmeg contains the substance myristicin. And this makes it quite dangerous when consumed in large quantities, since myristicin has significant psychotropic activity.

You can not use more than 10 grams of nutmeg at a time.

Overdose symptoms include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • unquenchable thirst;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of constriction in the stomach and chest;
  • pain in the stomach.

When nutmeg is introduced into the body in an amount of about 30 grams, a life-threatening condition may develop.


  • hallucinations and confusion;
  • heart rhythm failures;
  • split vision;
  • disorientation.

It is 30 grams of spice that is usually included in the recipe for nutmeg with kefir, the effect of which promises to please everyone who wants to temporarily fly into another reality thanks to visual and auditory hallucinations.

30 nutmegs are life-threatening in and of themselves. An additional danger of spices with kefir is that the drug does not act immediately, but after a few hours. During this time, the novice "flyer" manages to decide what did not work on him. And you have to accept more.

And accepts. After 60 grams of nutmeg, such a “flyer”, and this, as a rule, is a teenager, is no longer pumped out.


  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Taking medications metabolized in the liver different forms cytochrome P450 - 1A1 (CYP1A1), 1A2 (CYP1A2), 2B1 (CYP2B1), 2B2 (CYP2B2). There are many such medicines.
    Therefore, if you are constantly taking some drugs, then before you start including nutmeg in your diet on an ongoing basis, be sure to read the instructions for your medication and find out if it is metabolized by one of the indicated forms of cytochrome P450. If so, then it is better to remove the spice from your menu, since it can significantly change the activity of the drug, both increasing and decreasing its effect on the body.

How to use?

To date, no strict scientific guidelines have been developed on how to consume nutmeg in medical purposes.

Therefore, the recommendation is simple - use this seed as a spice, according to the recipe.
For example, interesting recipe coffee with this spice.

And in no case should you try to treat yourself with nutmeg in a special way. Only as an external remedy or drug for diarrhea (no more than 5 grams).

Nutmeg: useful properties and contraindications. conclusions

Nutmeg is a spice with a pronounced taste and aroma.

The spice has numerous useful properties and can improve health if it is regularly included in your diet in small quantities.