Can linseed oil be frozen? What to do to preserve the beneficial properties of linseed oil after opening the bottle? Benefits of flaxseed oil

25.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Our wise and experienced ancestors also spread the fame of a beautiful, delicate plant with a thin green stalk and blue flowers- flax. Since ancient times, it has been considered an indispensable product in the most different areas human being. Starting from food and ending with the medical environment back in Ancient Rus linseed oil was part of festive dishes, for taste and aroma. In the days of warriors, it was indispensable for the treatment of wounds, cuts, for their quick healing, and as a pain reliever.
To this day, flaxseed oil is characterized by healing properties that protect and preserve the health of people of our century for many years.

It must be stored in a darkened place, and preferably purchased in a darkened container;
If flaxseed oil has been exposed to the sun and spent at least 30 minutes there, it is better not to use it in your diet. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, fatty acids are destroyed, and the usefulness is completely lost.

Unique components of linseed oil:
Vitamins F, A, E, B, K;
Saturated fatty acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6, which have a positive effect on cellular activity, on the rate of transmission of nerve impulses (our body cannot synthesize these fats on its own);
Polyunsaturated acids.

The production of flaxseed oil is the result of cold pressing of flaxseeds. Flaxseed oil can be brown to golden in color, depending on the degree of refining.

Correct use of flaxseed oil:
Flaxseed oil is recommended to be combined with kefir, yogurt, honey, used together with sauerkraut and boiled potatoes, fill them with porridge or salads. For subtle note flavor it is added to baked goods.

Important!!! Flaxseed oil should be consumed cold; during heat treatment it loses its medicinal properties and quickly oxidizes.

Flaxseed oil is deservedly considered one of the healthiest among vegetable fats... It is rich in vitamins and minerals, has many polyunsaturated fatty acids... Only 1 tbsp. flaxseed oil, taken in the morning on an empty stomach, will help increase immunity, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and health in general. However, it is worth remembering that useful oil will be only if stored correctly. How, where and how much linseed oil can be stored? Let's figure it out.

Home storage rules

Unlike other oils, flaxseed is highly susceptible to conditions environment and therefore quickly oxidizes. When storing it, it is important to follow many important rules.

  • Use the correct container. Flaxseed oil must be kept tight closed bottle made of dark glass with a narrow neck.
  • Observe a certain temperature regime... Since high temperatures are not used to squeeze the oil, the same principle should be followed when storing it.
  • Store oil in a dark place. Exposure to sunlight is detrimental to him.
  • Be sure to keep track of the expiration date of the product. Do not use oil after the specified date, otherwise you may damage your health.

Best before date

It is important to remember that the shelf life of linseed oil depends on the method of pressing, the packaging used and ranges from 3 months to 1 year. Refined linseed fat made by cold pressing at a temperature of no more than +45 ° C has a maximum shelf life. However, it should be stored in unopened opaque glass original packaging. It is even better if such a bottle is additionally closed in a cardboard box.

Flaxseed oil that has expired becomes dark and viscous, with a sour, rancid taste.

When buying, be sure to carefully study the instructions for use of the product. Try not to buy a lot of oil right away. Take it as much as you intend to use within a month. It is also not recommended to apply it anymore. daily allowance... This can cause side effects- deterioration of blood clotting or metabolic disorders.

To extend the shelf life of flaxseed oil after opening the bottle for another couple of weeks, use folk wisdom. Ignite table salt in a frying pan for 2-3 minutes and add 1 tsp each. for every liter of oil. It is possible to determine that flaxseed fat has expired by the following criteria: it acquires a sour and rancid taste and becomes darker and more viscous.

Selection of containers for draft oil

When purchasing flaxseed oil for bottling, keep in mind that it is better to do it often and little by little. Necessary condition for storing bulk oil - correct selection containers. Never store the product in plastic bottles... Even if you purchased it in such a package, be sure to pour it into an opaque glass bottle, porcelain or ceramic container with a tight-fitting lid. Try to keep the maximum purchase volume not exceeding 0.5 liters. Be sure to sign the date of purchase.

remember, that correct storage linseed oil means a container with a tight-fitting lid or cork. Otherwise, when interacting with oxygen vegetable fat will dry and be covered with a film. And with prolonged contact with air, changes in the composition of the oil can occur that are harmful to human health.

Features of storage in the refrigerator

It is important to remember that only unrefined flaxseed oil can be stored in the refrigerator. It is best to place it on the door. Do not be alarmed if, over time, a dark sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle. Do not put in the refrigerator under any circumstances. refined oil... Even at a temperature of +12 ° C, it will freeze and lose its beneficial properties. Store refined oil in a cool, dark place, such as a closet or kitchen cabinet.

The popularity of flaxseed oil as a carrier of components that are especially useful for the human body is growing every year.

People buy this product, unique in its composition, in different quantities and natural, in this regard, the question becomes: how and where to store flaxseed oil.

How storage affects the properties of flaxseed oil

  • as useful food additive;
  • for the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart;
  • for cosmetic purposes;
  • with dietary nutrition;
  • to improve the condition of wool in animals;
  • as a prophylactic agent.

For different purposes, a certain dosage and frequency of taking flaxseed oil is required. As a result, special attention needs to be paid to how to store flaxseed oil. It should be understood that improper storage can not only reduce the activity of beneficial properties, but also cause intestinal disorders and disorders in the work of many systems.

Particular attention should be paid to how to store flaxseed oil after opening the bottle. As high fatty acid content is the main reason for fast drying oil composition in air, when the molecules of fatty acids stick together to form polymer links. As a result of such a reaction, polymers differ in their characteristics from previous molecules, which provokes a loss of the beneficial properties of flax.

Storage requirements

People who use this product for long-term therapeutic or prophylactic procedures should adhere to certain rules how to store linseed oil after opening.

Should be considered:

  1. Once opened, a bottle of oil cannot be stored without a cap.
  2. Foods to which oil has been added - salads, cereals, should be eaten immediately.
  3. Because open oil quickly oxidizes, making it possible to form free radicals, you should close the lid immediately after taking the required amount.
  4. Where to store cold-pressed flaxseed oil or unrefined composition is a refrigerator in which the temperature does not exceed 5 degrees.
  5. When a sediment appears, you should pay attention to the fact that you can continue to use the product only on the condition that this sediment is no more than 1% of the total volume.
  6. Refined linseed oil is stored in a cool, dark place.
  7. If oil is rarely used, then it is better to purchase a small amount of it - a small bottle of 100 g.
  8. The shelf life of the purchased oil can be found on the packaging or in the instructions attached to the product. Each manufacturer has different storage requirements.
  9. Fresh flaxseed oil has little or no nutty flavor. Unrefined fresh oil may be slightly bitter. If you feel rancidity in the oil, it has already deteriorated and should not be used for food.

After opening, linseed oil has a standard shelf life - no more than two weeks, provided that it is stored in a cool place. No more than 1 month should be stored medicines that are prepared on the basis of flaxseed oil and other types of fat-containing components - vitamin E, fish oil etc. This applies to homemade cosmetics and pet formulas.

According to generally accepted standards, flax oil packaged in bottles is stored at a temperature of no more than 23 degrees in a dark place with low humidity. The shelf life, if properly stored and unopened, is 1 year from the date of manufacture.

How much linseed oil is stored depends on how it is prepared under production conditions. Flaxseed oil, which goes on sale, is:

  • refined;
  • cold pressed.

Refined oil can be stored longer than cold pressed linseed oil. In any case, you must adhere to the instructions for the packaging. By useful characteristics unrefined oil during the extraction process using low temperatures leaves more useful vitamins, and refined - fatty acids. The only difference is the shelf life.

In no case should flax oil be boiled or used after the expiration date.

How to choose flaxseed oil

How useful linseed oil will be, storage affects, of course, in the first place.

But it is also worth paying attention when buying this product to other equally important features.

There are some important factors to consider:

  1. There are several forms of flaxseed oil release. It is sold in bottles of 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 liter, as well as capsules. Preference should be given to small packs if the intended service life is no more than 2 weeks.
  2. Large bottles of flaxseed oil are more appropriate for large animals or a large number people.
  3. Very convenient for long term using flax oil as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent - capsules. They already have a dosed composition that is easy to use with a single use.
  4. When choosing linseed oil, you need to look at the date of manufacture - the oil must be fresh.
  5. The packaging in which the oil is stored must be dry, especially for capsules. High humidity can cause rapid deterioration of the product when it is opened.
  6. Do not sound the alarm if a sediment has formed in the purchased oil. This is often the case for cold pressed oils.
  7. You should pay attention to how flaxseed oil is stored in a pharmacy or store. If the requirements are violated, it is worth finding another place to buy it.
  8. If the oil is used as a supplement or as a treatment for oral administration, care should be taken to ensure that there are no additional impurities in the oil. Such options can only be welcomed in cosmetology.

It should be remembered that flax oil is beneficial only if the right choice and storage.

Of fans healthy way life becomes more and more every year. Self-care people try to eat natural products, replace medicinal and cosmetics folk recipes.

These include linseed oil - a product known for its properties since ancient times. Golden flax seed extract requires special conditions storage, if they are violated, it loses taste qualities and may be harmful to health.

Flax is a plant cultivated by the Slavs since time immemorial. Its range of applications is quite wide:

  • manufacture of fabrics;
  • the medicine;
  • cooking;
  • cosmetology.

Flax seeds are used to make oil in several ways. The most gentle - cold pressing method, no heat treatment lets keep all of it healing properties... Other methods: hot pressing and extraction (using solvents).

Linseed oil is a viscous liquid of golden color with a pleasant unobtrusive smell. Its taste is somewhat reminiscent of peanuts.

At low temperatures the product thickens, and upon contact with air it oxidizes and becomes covered with a transparent, rather dense film.

The product contains many vitamins and fatty acids valuable for humans:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamins C, E;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega3 and Omega6: linoleic, oleic, linolenic (according to this indicator, they surpass even fish oil);
  • plant hormones;
  • proteins.

When consumed only 30 ml of flax seed oil per day, it has a beneficial effect on the work of many systems.:

  • normalizes bowel function;
  • heals and prevents damage to the gastric mucosa;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • strengthens blood vessels and cleanses them of cholesterol plaques;
  • regulates metabolic processes in organism.

Flaxseed oil is extremely beneficial for women, it normalizes the menstrual cycle, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also helps to maintain normal weight.

However, in case of an overdose, it can be harmful: it makes the blood thicker, which can lead to disease. cardiovascular systems s.

Where can you buy oil that has beneficial properties

The demand for flaxseed oil is quite high, so it is important to know where to get it. Whereas earlier it was possible to buy it mainly in a pharmacy, today it is sold in stores and even on the market.

Linseed oil can be refined and unrefined, the latter is considered more useful, it has the shortest shelf life - a year from the date of pressing, and in an open package, on average, a month, subject to all conditions.

Refined oil is refined, components are added that increase its shelf life by several months, however, such a product does not carry much benefit.

Capsulated oil is sold in pharmacies, one unit contains daily dose consumption, it is convenient to buy it in medicinal purposes... Its shelf life is 12-18 months.

Linseed oil quickly loses its properties when high temperature and contact with light and air.

Purchase criteria for a quality product:

  1. Place.

Better to buy at a pharmacy or store. There is a constant temperature regime, in contrast to the market. If the room is hot and the bottle is in a bright light, it is better to refuse to buy in this place.

  1. Spill date.

After opening, the oil retains its properties for about a month, so it must be fresh

  1. Compound.

A quality little should not contain deodorant additives and preservatives.

  1. Volume.

Due to its short shelf life, it is better to buy small bottles if you do not plan to use it in large quantities.

  1. When buying oil on tap, you need to smell and taste it.

A low-quality product will taste bitter and have a rather unpleasant odor.

If the oil is planned to be used in cosmetic purposes, the presence of additives that increase the shelf life is permissible. If the product is to be used as food biologically active additive, it is better to give preference to unrefined or buy it in capsules.

How and how much to store oil after opening

So that linseed oil does not lose its valuable properties, it is important to create certain conditions for him and know how long an open bottle can be stored:

  1. Temperature conditions.

Polyunsaturated acids and vitamins are destroyed at temperatures above 23 ° C. The optimal mode is 20-23 ° C. As a last resort, you can keep it in the refrigerator door.

At this temperature, it can thicken, but when returned to the room, it will return to normal state... It is impossible to heat it in the microwave and in a water bath.

  1. Illumination.

Useful elements lose their properties when exposed to sunlight. The storage area for the product should be darkened.

  1. Humidity. Flaxseed oil should be stored in a dry place.

Particular attention should be paid to the container in which the product will be stored. It should be made of tinted glass or high quality ceramics. It is desirable that it has a narrowed and hermetically sealed neck - this will reduce the contact of oil with air. The best option- small glass bottle Brown with natural cork.

After opening the bottle unrefined oil can be stored for 2-4 weeks, preferably in the refrigerator door. In this case, a sediment may appear on the bottom. This phenomenon is quite common for raw product and does not affect its quality.

Refined oil can be stored for up to 6 weeks in a dark cabinet (away from stoves and radiators) or in a pantry. The capsules retain their properties for up to one and a half years.

Flaxseed oil is used to support the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular systems, it has a particularly beneficial effect on female body... When stored properly, it will bring great benefit fans of healthy eating.

Flaxseed oil is a very popular product. This is due to its benefits. Therefore, it has become easier to find it on store shelves, but not yet everywhere. People often buy it for future use, and this naturally raises the question, what is the shelf life of linseed oil in general, and especially after opening the bottle?

Does the benefit depend on storage conditions?

  • when carrying out cosmetic procedures;
  • for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract;
  • for adding to food;
  • with diets;
  • in order to improve the condition of the hair.

The dosage and number of doses are different in each case. And often open bottle is stored for quite a long time, so it is important to pay attention to how and where it is stored. Flaxseed extraction is a natural product, storage in improper conditions can lead to the loss of its beneficial qualities.

Flaxseed oil is an old Russian product rich in essential fatty acids

Let's take a look at what happens to the product after opening the bottle. The concentration of fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 in it is so high that when interacting with air, the oily liquid dries out and turns into a harder substance, a film forms on the surface. At the same time, useful qualities are lost.

How to store

Since many people use oil as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, it is better to know how long you can use an already opened product, what is the shelf life of linseed oil after opening, how and where to store it.

Knowing a number of rules will help you:

  • After the first use, the container must not be left open; make sure the container lid is tightly closed.
  • If the product is used as a food additive for salads, cereals and other dishes, then the dishes should be consumed immediately after preparation in order to avoid oxidation of flax in the air and loss of product quality.
  • An ideal place where natural unrefined product is considered a refrigerator. The main thing is to choose the section that allows you to maintain a certain temperature - up to + 10˚C, at too low temperatures the oil thickens.
  • If a sediment has formed in the bottle, you first need to determine its ratio. Provided that the amount of sediment is very small (no more than 1 percent of the total mass), linseed oil remains fit for its intended use.
  • Refined oil must be stored in a dark and cool place, the storage temperature should not exceed + 23˚C.
  • If the bottle is purchased not for frequent use, then it is better not to buy a lot of it and limit yourself to a small volume (for example, 100 ml).
  • It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the shelf life indicated on the product label. It may differ depending on the manufacturer from 3 months to a year. The expiration date is usually indicated for unopened packaging, which must be taken into account.
  • You can determine the freshness of an oil by its taste and smell: fresh product practically does not smell, unrefined has a slightly bitter taste. And if there is a noticeable rancidity, then it is better not to use such a product in food.
  • The standard shelf life is about 14 days after opening the bottle. If the product is stored in a dark and cool place, then the duration of use increases to 1 month. The same number are stored and medications, cosmetics that are produced using flaxseed oil, vitamin E and fish oil.

In this case, the shelf life directly depends on the method of manufacturing the product. Flaxseed oil can be either unrefined or refined. The first is stored significantly less than the second.

What is the result of improper storage of oil?

When the rules for storing the product are not followed (the cap on the bottle does not close, the sun's rays fall on the container, etc.), the product begins to deteriorate. And the longer these rules are not followed, the more useless and even hazardous to health the product becomes.

You can identify spoiled oil by some signs:

  • Perceptible bitterness;
  • The color turns from yellowish to cloudy;
  • A specific smell of drying oil appears;
  • The consistency becomes viscous, stringy.

If any of the signs are present, the oil should be stopped immediately. And it doesn't matter if it has expired or not.

On the benefits of flaxseed oil. Video

How to choose quality flaxseed oil

Of course, proper storage directly affects the benefits. natural product... However, it is recommended to be careful when purchasing. There is always the possibility that you can buy an already spoiled product, which will have to be disposed of at the very first tasting. That is why it is useful to familiarize yourself with some recommendations before buying:

  • Pay attention to the volume of the bottle. It can be from 100 ml to 1 l. For a short course, even the smallest bottle is enough.
  • For the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, it is very convenient to use oil in capsules.
  • Carefully read the information on the packaging: date of manufacture, expiration date, manufacturer.
  • Sediment at the bottom of the bottle does not always mean that the product is of poor quality. It is often found in cold pressed oils. However, the amount of impurities should not affect the color and clarity of the oil.
  • For oral administration, you need to buy pure product, without any additives.
  • Buy the product from trusted manufacturers with a high level of customer confidence and positive reviews.

Remember the main thing, flaxseed oil can be useful only if you are confident in its quality, which largely depends on compliance with storage rules. This also applies to other oils. Knowing the origin means providing yourself and your family with guaranteed useful product and the vitamins it contains.

Another product that has firmly settled in the stocks of women who care about their beauty and health is coconut oil, exotic, natural and very useful. To get all the value it contains without a trace, find out and what conditions it requires for itself in your home.