Calorie content of couscous on water. Couscous: its benefits and harms for different groups of people, as well as features of preparation and use in different areas

29.10.2019 Healthy eating

The homeland of this cereal is Morocco (North Africa), where the dish of the same name is national. However, it is also popular in countries such as Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Tripolitania.

The name kus comes from the Berber "seksu", which translates as "well-rolled", from Algerian this word means "food", hinting at its everyday life. This can be explained by the fact that it is considered one of the main foodstuffs in the Maghreb (specifically in Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco). Couscous became widespread in Israel, Italy, France and a number of Middle Eastern regions. He came to Russia relatively recently, therefore, he has not yet become so famous and has not yet appeared on the tables of most citizens.

Traditionally, couscous is made from crushed durum wheat semolina. Millet, rice and barley are often used for its production. The technique of its production is similar to the production of pasta (however, rather small - one and a half to two millimeters). With the greatest activity in cooking, grains with a radius of 0.6 mm are used.

As mentioned above, couscous is obtained from various cereals, but most often you can find just the same wheat couscous. In this regard, we will try to tell you about the useful properties of this product. Most of the composition of wheat couscous is devoted to protein and complex carbohydrates. It is especially enriched with pantothenic acid, which is very useful for decreased vitality, sleep problems, general fatigue, and depression. Quite high content of copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus and dietary fiber, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of water-salt metabolism and brain function.

The calorie content of couscous is quite high and amounts to 376 kcal, the composition also includes proteins - 12.8 g, carbohydrates - 72.4 g, fats - 0.6 g.

In addition to useful properties, couscous has a wonderful taste, which is radically different from the original product (semolina). It is characterized by a delicate, crumbly texture and golden color.

It is cooked mainly by steam (the best option is in a double boiler). Meat products or vegetables are cooked in the lower container, and the couscous itself is cooked in the upper one with fragrant steam. Served both hot and chilled.

Couscous is a high-calorie cereal that goes well with meat, nuts, fish, spices, seafood and vegetables.

Calorie porridge from couscous

Couscous is a Moroccan alternative to pasta (no more than two millimeters in size). It is made from durum small wheat. Relatively recently, couscous was an exotic cereal, which today has become quite available and known in Russia. She will wonderfully be able to diversify your daily diet.

You will definitely like its uniformity, tenderness and friability of the structure, golden hue and, unlike anything else, taste different from semolina (initial product). It can also surprise with its ability to absorb seasonings and sauces.

The preparation of this Arabic dish takes place using a double boiler, which must have at least 2 containers. In the lower part of it, vegetables with meat are cooked (for example, veal, chicken or rabbit and onions, carrots, pumpkin), and in the upper part there is steaming of vegetable and meat smells of the couscous itself.

This dish is served like this: ready-made couscous is laid out on a clay bowl. Meat is placed in the center of the cereal, and vegetables are distributed around it. The resulting slide is sprinkled with walnut shavings. Unusual taste, incredible aroma and, most importantly, dietary properties (without excess fat) - all this is inherent in this dish, with which it is a pleasure to lose weight!

The calorie content of couscous porridge is very low - only 112 kcal. The composition includes proteins - 3.8 g, carbohydrates - 21.8 g, fats - 0.2 g.

There is also a sweet version of couscous. The cooking process is similar, however, instead of meat and vegetables, dried fruits, grapes, and nuts are added. The finished delicacy can be seasoned with milk, butter, and sugar to taste.

It is very useful to eat this cereal: strength is restored, insomnia disappears, depression and irritability disappear.

It also has an excellent effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract (eliminating constipation, colic and diarrhea). Lowers cholesterol levels. Participates in the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Great for people who want to lose weight and lose weight (complex carbohydrates contained in couscous provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness).

Couscous is a delicious dish that came to our country from the East. Under this name, the world knows cereals, from which many eastern peoples prepare amazing pilaf with fruits, vegetables, and also spices. The benefits of couscous are hidden in the fact that groats are made from durum wheat using a special technology.

Chefs from all over the world have invented a lot of recipes for preparing a delicious dish. You can prepare salty and spicy, spicy and sweet dishes, as well as numerous cereal-based snacks. Interestingly, in ancient times in the East, only women were allowed to make couscous, who sprayed grains of semolina with water. After that, they were sprinkled with dry groats and miniature balls were rolled by hand.

Chemical composition

Couscous is useful for its vitamin and mineral composition. It is an inexhaustible natural source of B vitamins (B1 and B2, B6 and B5, and B9). Also, cereals are generous with minerals: potassium and phosphorus, zinc and copper, iron and manganese. Just 100 grams of boiled porridge contains a quarter of the daily value of copper, which prevents the appearance of gray hair.

Calorie content of couscous

100 grams of the product contains proteins (12.8 g), carbohydrates (72.4 g) and very little vegetable fat (0.6 g). This is a hearty and healthy product, while the calorie content of couscous is quite high - 376 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful properties of couscous

Couscous is a nourishing and healthy product that increases the level of hemoglobin, but the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, on the contrary, lowers it. Due to the rather high content of copper in porridge, it prevents the development and occurrence of joint diseases, and also promotes the production of female sex hormones.

Couscous is also useful because it contains vitamins of group B. Thus, vitamin B5 helps to survive stressful situations, as well as get rid of depression, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome and irritability.

In order to improve the regeneration of skin cells as well as hair, increase immunity, the body's resistance to various diseases, increase vitality, and simply improve mood, you need to include delicious porridge in your diet.

Also vitamins, which are rich in couscous, will be an excellent prevention of premature aging, as well as the early appearance of gray hair.

This is a fairly high-calorie, nutritious and satisfying porridge. It is recommended to be consumed by people engaged in hard work; this food is also useful for the elderly, athletes, and a growing body.

This porridge has an average glycemic index. This means that it is absorbed by the body gradually, the glucose level also gradually rises. It is for this reason that it is recommended that couscous be included in the menu for diabetics and people suffering from metabolic disorders. If you constantly eat porridge, experts say that the risk of developing diabetes is significantly reduced.

But nowadays, an abundance of new, unfamiliar cereals has appeared on store shelves, and even some exotic names. For example, couscous

What is this cereal? What is couscous made of? How to cook it correctly to get a really tasty dish?

Let's look at Wikipedia and find out that since the beginning of the XIII century, this cereal has been the main type of food in the countries of North Africa, Libya and Morocco. Couscous can hardly be called a cereal. This is a cereal semi-finished product, mixed from certain types of flour, such as semolina or wheat. According to the cooking technology, this is the little sister of our favorite "pasta", only with a size of no more than 0.5-2.0 mm.

For the first time, couscous is mentioned in written sources dated 230 BC. NS. What is couscous made of? This is a cereal made industrially from wheat, millet, rice, when most of the flour is ground by coarse or varietal grinding. Most often in our stores there are several types of couscous, which are made from wheat or rice.

Long ago, women in North Africa cooked cereals by hand, rubbing semolina sprinkled with salted water and flour between their palms for a long time. The homeland of couscous is Morocco. For the inhabitants of this country, this is a national dish.

In Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine, the product is considered a pasta, which is served as a side dish for many dishes. It is used for preparing first courses, added to salads. The African dish is becoming more and more popular in Russia every year. People who are not allergic to wheat protein can eat porridge without restriction. The calorie content of couscous in a cooked dish is about 112 kcal.

Couscous - a treasure B vitamins... It contains especially a lot of vitamin B5 - 0.371 mg. it pantothenic acid, which is necessary in the body for fat metabolism, carbohydrates, amino acids and for the synthesis of essential fatty acids. The presence of this vitamin in the human body strengthens the immune system, fights against chronic fatigue, insomnia... Consuming this product activates brain activity, strengthens the heart muscle... The cereal contains a huge amount of trace elements, such as phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper.

Couscous is useful for those people who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their weight. He has an average glycemic index. A boiled product consists of 70% of long-term digestible carbohydrates, that is, it is broken down in the stomach at an average rate, which is very good for people who are losing weight, since the feeling of satiety persists for a long time.

The use of the product contributes to increased hemoglobin, while the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood is markedly reduced. 100 grams of cereals contain a quarter of the daily value of copper, and this is an important indicator of the quality of "good" blood. The presence of copper in the body prevents the development of joint diseases, and also promotes the production of female sex hormones.

For pregnant women, boiled couscous is good for contains folic acid... And this leads to the formation of nucleic acid, which carries information about heredity. Folic acid affects the production of red blood cells and blood composition, as well as the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy.

For diabetics, it is recommended to include couscous in the diet in small portions with regularity 2-3 times a week. Doctors say that by constantly eating porridge, the risk of developing diabetes is markedly reduced.

This is definitely a healthy food for toddlers. If the child has well absorbed cereals from cereals, such as rye, oats, wheat, containing protein, then you can cook porridge from bite. It is better to try giving such a product to babies over the age of 6 months. You can start complementary foods with a couple of teaspoons, observing the reaction of the child's body. Usually this food is well absorbed by a small organism, saturating it with irrepressible energy for a long time.

Who is the product contraindicated for?

In case of gastrointestinal diseases (pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis) - the product can be included in the menu several times a week. The cereal product is well digested without causing problems for the stomach and intestines, as it contains fiber and a small amount of fat. Couscous contains gluten, a protein that can cause allergies in people with digestive disorders (celiac disease). Allergy sufferers can take rice flour-based couscous or oatmeal. Couscous is not recommended for overweight people due to the high calorie content of the dish.

Harm from eating cereals

Delight and positive reviews praising couscous can never be ideal when evaluating a product. There are always benefits and harms to the body.

  • Content... Porridge contains large quantities of unwanted gluten. Therefore, this food should be limited for young children and for people with gluten intolerance. Many people do not even suspect that they have such a disease. Therefore, if after eating this product, you notice drowsiness, bloating, gas formation in the intestines, the best solution is not to use it. Can be substituted for gluten-free rice flour couscous.
  • High calorie content of 376 kcal per 100 grams... There are 72.4 grams of carbohydrates in such a serving. But this does not mean that one should refuse to eat cooked dishes from the bite, just the portions should be minimal.

There is a large group of diabetics and people suffering from individual intolerance to wheat and other cereals. For such people, due to the increased calorie content of the bite, the side dish should be consumed with vegetables, chicken or fish, so as not to increase the energy value of the portion eaten.

What medicine says

And medicine gives the podium to couscous for the content of a large amount of selenium. Selenium promotes hair growth and is also a powerful antioxidant that helps fight cancer.

In addition, the biochemical composition contains:

Is it easy to prepare the dish

The appeal of this porridge is that it cooks in a matter of minutes. Its proportions when cooking are like ordinary porridge, 2 glasses of water are taken for a glass of cereal. You need to pour boiling water over the cereal and after 15 minutes you can serve it on the table. But the cooked porridge will be bland and tasteless. Salt and spices are indispensable. What to serve with? Yes with anything! Anything you usually add to any side dish. Kus goes well with lamb, chicken, sea fish. You still have questions: what kind of couscous is this cereal?

Couscous is far from the most popular dish in our country, and this oriental cereal appeared on the shelves of domestic stores not so long ago. As housewives learn about its beneficial properties and taste, couscous dishes begin to appear more and more often on the tables, delighting with their unusual appearance, appetizing and original taste.

Let's take a closer look at this, still exotic, product, which will soon become deservedly in demand.

a story about couscous

This cereal is a common product that is actively used by the population of Morocco, Algeria, Spain and even France. In these countries, couscous is used to create everyday, restaurant and even holiday dishes, and all because it goes well with almost any additional ingredients, is easy to prepare and remains delicious for a long time.

Today, there is couscous on sale, the basis for which is rice, millet, barley, wheat, or all at once.

In the original version, the grains were made exclusively from semolina, and only by hand. Just imagine: a small part of flour and semolina was poured onto a flat large plate, then the mixture was sprinkled with water, and the whole thing was rolled by hand until it turned into a million scanty pellets of the same size. The latter were sieved and left to dry completely.

Based on the tediousness and length of the process, it becomes clear that only women were involved in the manual production of couscous.

benefits of couscous

It is worth starting to describe the beneficial properties of couscous with the fact that it is very quickly and easily absorbed by the human body, while its energy value is sufficient to saturate the body of an athlete, child or person involved in hard work.

The rest of the positive aspects of the regular use of such cereals are as follows:

  • Couscous is a kind of vitamin bomb, almost completely consisting of all vitamins belonging to group B. They stabilize the nervous system, relieve fatigue, eliminate insomnia and depression, strengthen the skin and hair;
  • Couscous dishes are indispensable for people with impaired material metabolism, gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes mellitus. In the latter case, they saturate the body with slowly absorbing carbohydrates, which gradually increase the concentration of glucose in the blood. Continuous consumption of couscous is believed to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • Copper, which is more than enough in cereals, helps to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood. Imagine only that 100 g of cooked porridge contains ¼ ​​of the daily dose of copper that our body needs. Thanks to the regular intake of this microelement, the body establishes the exchange of water and salts, begins to produce a sufficient amount of female hormones, it strengthens the joints and slows down the aging process;
  • Potassium is another indispensable component of couscous, without which it is difficult for a person to restore brain activity, to improve the work of blood vessels and the heart.

The probable harm of couscous

There are only a couple of negative aspects to using couscous, namely:

  • If you are allergic to all types of cereals and products from them;
  • The calorie content of cereals and dishes made from them is very, very high, which is especially important for those who are losing weight. Please note that the calorie content of couscous, even if boiled in holy water, is as much as 380 Kcal per 100 g of the finished product. And if the porridge is seasoned with butter, meat and other products, then there can be no question of a diet, but of extra pounds - very much even.

making couscous

If you still want to try couscous, and you are not afraid of its exoticism or calorie content, steam it. Thus, it will be possible to preserve the maximum of its useful qualities, since active heat treatment "kills" almost all vitamins, trace elements and other substances praised above.

In supermarkets, you can buy two types of cereals - regular, and in the form of semi-finished briquettes. It is enough just to pour the latter with boiling water or boiling broth, and after a couple of minutes enjoy the side dish.

A variety of healthy recipes are created from cereals, implying the presence of fish, fruits, vegetables, seafood, nuts and all kinds of spices.

We draw your attention to the versatility of couscous, which is freely combined with any other ingredients, which makes it an active participant in side dishes, desserts, salads, first courses, appetizers, etc. New flavors of familiar food come from the use of soy sauce, curry, onions, lemon juice, fresh herbs, raisins, cinnamon or high-fat butter.

An African dish - couscous (couscous) - wins the hearts of the people of Russia every year. Groats are used as a side dish for meat, fish and vegetable dishes, as well as in sweet desserts. However, the product has not only gastronomic value, but is also famous for the benefits brought to the human body. Using it correctly, you can help yourself with some diseases without harming your health.

Useful properties of couscous (couscous)

Modern couscous is made from durum semolina (small wheat groats) by grinding with water and flour. The semi-finished product is sieved through a sieve with a diameter of 1–2 mm and dried. The dish is prepared very quickly: it is enough to steam it with boiling water or boil it for 1-2 minutes.

Couscous can be made not only from semolina, but also from barley or rice.

Cooked couscous is a high-calorie and nutritious dish. Having an average glycemic index, the product slowly releases carbohydrates into the body. Therefore, it is indicated for men engaged in physical labor, athletes, growing children and adolescents, and especially people with metabolic disorders.

The high content of useful components has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, helps to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome, soothes the shattered nervous system and improves the quality of sleep. Responsible for the condition of hair, skin and mucous membranes in the body, vitamins help prevent the appearance of early wrinkles and hair loss, and also support the adrenal cortex.

"Overseas guest" is able to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood and lower cholesterol. The presence of a large amount of macro- and microelements makes the product indispensable for demineralization of bones and teeth, disorders in the reproductive system, connective tissue dysplasia, as well as hypertension and problems in the work of the heart muscle. And because of the high (up to 70%) carbohydrate content, couscous is actively used in recipes for proper nutrition.

Couscous goes well with meat and vegetables - ideal for those with high energy costs

Comparison table: Chemical composition and calorie content of semolina and semolina couscous (per 100 g of product)

Vitamins, mg
Vitamin B5 1,243
Vitamin E 2,55
Vitamin PP (NE) 3,49 3,0
Vitamin B1 0, 163 0,14
Vitamin B6 0,11 0,17
Vitamin B9 0,02 0,023
Vitamin B2 0,078 0,04
Trace elements, mg
Manganese 0,78 0,44
Copper 0,247 0,07
Zinc 0,83 0,59
Iron 1,08 1,0
Macronutrients, mg
Phosphorus 170 85,0
Magnesium 44 18,0
Potassium 166 130,0
Calcium 24 20,0
Sulfur 75,0
Calorie content 376 kcal 333 kcal
proteins 56 kcal 41 kcal
fats 7 kcal 9 kcal
carbohydrates 313 kcal 283 kcal

Contraindications and possible harm

Simple in composition, the product contains gluten (gluten) - a protein that can cause an allergic reaction in celiac patients. It is also worth limiting the use of couscous to people who are overweight, due to the high calorie content of the dish.

If you are allergic to gluten, you can substitute wheat couscous for rice flour grits.

Features of the use of the product

The norm for an adult

People who are not allergic to wheat protein can cook couscous as often as they like.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis)

The product can be included in the menu several times a week. Cereal semi-finished product is easily digested without straining the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to the fiber and the minimum amount of fat.

With diabetes

A tasty and healthy dish will diversify the table of diabetics and will serve as a good prevention of this disease. The product should be consumed 2-3 times a week, alternating with other types of cereals.

During the period of weight loss (on a diet)

Dishes made from wheat groats, as already mentioned, are far from low in calories. Considering the fact that the side dish is often prepared with meat, butter, milk and sugar, it would be completely wrong to call it dietary. You can reduce the calorie content of couscous by using it with grilled vegetables.... Porridge from the product is allowed to be added to the weekly menu, taking into account the observance of the ratio of calories received and spent.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

For women "in position" and for nursing mothers, couscous is recommended for use, since the cereal contains the components necessary for the baby's body.

It is advisable for pregnant and lactating mothers to include various types of cereals in their diet.

The benefits of couscous for children

Undoubtedly, couscous is a healthy food for babies. If the child has mastered cereals from cereals, including those containing wheat protein (rye, oats, barley, wheat), then you can safely offer him a couscous dish. The first feeding with porridge is supposed to start at the age of 5-6 months with a small amount of the product (1-2 teaspoons). After the introduction of couscous, it is necessary to observe the baby's reaction to the new dish for 12-24 hours.

Couscous is easily absorbed by the child's body, saturating with energy for a long time

Dishes with cereals for health

Couscous with prunes for constipation

Would need:

  • 100 grams of couscous;
  • 5-10 pieces of washed prunes;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • sugar and butter to taste;
  • hot water.

Prepare an infusion of prunes in water (infusion time - 10-15 minutes). Drain the resulting "compote", add salt and sugar to it and boil for 1 minute. Pour the cereal with hot syrup and stand for 5-7 minutes under the lid. Season the finished dish with a slice of butter and garnish with prunes. Eat for breakfast for 2-3 days.

Blueberry porridge against diarrhea

You will need:

  • 100 grams of couscous;
  • 100 grams of blueberries;
  • salt, sugar and butter to taste;
  • water.

Pour the groats with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2 and let stand for 5-7 minutes. Season the porridge with a little butter, salt, sugar and fresh berries. Such a dish will help defeat mild diarrhea.

Diet dish with vegetables for people with gastrointestinal diseases

You need to take:

  • a couple of pieces of bell pepper;
  • 50 grams of cheese (best of all goat);
  • 550 grams of couscous;
  • salt, pepper, tomato paste to taste;
  • water.

Steam the groats in the same way as in the previous recipe. Add grated cheese, salt, pepper and a little tomato paste to it and mix everything thoroughly. Fill the pepper halves with the prepared filling, sprinkle with oil and place in the oven for 20 minutes, leaving at 180-200 degrees.

Proper nutrition recipes

Healthy breakfast of cereals, pistachios and fruits

If desired, you can replace pine nuts with pistachios.


  • yogurt - 250 ml;
  • couscous - 100 gr;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • ½ part lemon;
  • grains of half a pomegranate;
  • pistachios, raisins and sugar - 25 grams each;
  • cinnamon to taste.

Rub the couscous by hand with softened butter. Make a syrup with lemon, sugar, cinnamon and water. Bring it to a temperature of 80–90 degrees and pour it over the dry cereal, leaving it covered for 7–10 minutes. Add yogurt, nuts, raisins and pomegranate seeds to the steamed porridge.

The energy value of the dish is 165 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • proteins - 4.4 g;
  • fat - 5.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 23 g.
  • Couscous and turkey lunch


    • turkey fillet -300 grams;
    • couscous - 1/2 cup;
    • low-fat cream or sour cream - 1/2 cup;
    • olive oil -1 tablespoon;
    • zira - 2 teaspoons.

    Cut the poultry fillet into small pieces, mix with salt and spice and simmer for 15 minutes in olive oil. Combine couscous with olive oil, pour boiling water (can be replaced with chicken or mushroom broth) and let it brew for 7-10 minutes. Add cream or sour cream to the meat and remove from heat. Serve garnish with turkey in a creamy sauce.

    The energy value of the dish is 189 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

    The energy value of the dish is 259 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

    • proteins - 4.1 g;
    • fat - 16.7 g;
    • carbohydrates - 22.8 g.

    Video: Couscous Royal Meat Pilaf

    Modern couscous made from semolina (less often - barley and rice) is a dish with a rich nutritional value. A quick-to-prepare product can be included in the diet by people of almost any age group, including children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. The versatile combination of couscous with berries, fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood enhances its nutritional and gastronomic value.