What is the best quality vodka? The best vodka in the world - the top 10 brands rating of the best vodka.

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11/26/2016 at 01:49 AM · Pavlofox · 29 970

The best vodka in Russia: top 10 brands

Vodka is one of the most famous types of alcohol in the world. In popularity, it leaves far behind cognac, brandy, whiskey and rum. Both in Russia and in other countries, a friendly feast is rarely complete without alcohol. So that the holiday is not spoiled, the quality of the strong drink must be at the proper level. Today, there is a huge variety on the alcoholic beverages market, and choosing a truly high-quality vodka is no easy task.

Let's find out what it is, the best vodka in Russia for 2019 - the rating of the highest quality products of Russian producers of alcoholic beverages. To compile a list of the best vodka, information was used from large Internet portals dedicated to national product ratings, and the results of the Best vodka professional tasting competition held in Russia since 2008.


The rating of the best vodkas of domestic production in 2019 is opened by a brand produced by the Kuznetsk Distillery. This strong alcoholic drink is made from selected quality grain alcohol with the addition of sugar syrup, natural honey and aromatic alcohol of caraway.

The cost of a 0.5 liter bottle is 230 rubles.


On the 9th place in our rating of the best Russian vodka is one of the most famous and popular brands -. It appeared on the market in 1941, and the first batch of the famous Russian vodka was produced in besieged Leningrad. According to experts, Stolichnaya vodka has a mild taste and pronounced vodka aroma. It is easy to drink and contains minimal additives. Stolichnaya is the standard of Russian vodka and the classic of spirits.

The price of a 0.5 liter bottle is 360-500 rubles.


Our rating of the best vodkas in Russia is continued by the products of the Kristall plant -. It is a first-class product that contains quality alcohols and specially prepared drinking water. According to experts, "Winter Road" has a classic taste with an almost imperceptible smell of alcohol.

The price of a 0.5 liter bottle is 230-300 rubles.


The seventh place in the rating of the best vodkas in Russia is taken by the products of the Sordis company -. Vodka belongs to the premium class. Its amazing transparency and softness is achieved by additional filtration using a gold thread. The alcoholic beverage contains only natural products of high quality: softened water, ethyl alcohol, honey and aromatic alcohol of dried apples.

The cost of a bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters is about 300 rubles.


On the 6th place in the rating of the best vodkas in Russia is a strong alcoholic drink of CJSC "Wine and Cognac Factory Rus" -. This is a classic, strong premium alcoholic beverage without a pronounced alcoholic odor and with a mild taste.


"Gradus premium" (GRADUS PREMIUM) from the producer OJSC "Permalko" - on the 5th place in the rating of the best vodkas in Russia in 2019. It has a mild harmonious taste and impeccable purity. Vodka is made from high-quality alcohol, purified water and natural ingredients (infusion of oatmeal and plant extract).

The cost of a 0.5 liter bottle is 300-400 rubles.


On the 4th place in the rating of the best vodkas in Russia in 2019 is the organic vodka of the company "Saransk Distillery". "Pure dew" refers to premium alcoholic beverages. It has a mild classic taste and a bright vodka aroma. The color is crystal clear.

Chistye Rosy is a unique product. This is the first organic vodka in Russia produced in a limited edition. This is due to the preparation of the soil for sowing wheat for 11 years. The harvested crop is sent to the company's plant for further processing and production of organic alcohol. Every step of the production of a premium product is certified.

The exclusive alcoholic drink "Chistye Rosy" is perfect as a magnificent and memorable gift.

The average price of a 0.7 liter bottle is 1000-1700 rubles.


On the 3rd place in the rating of the best vodkas in Russia - produced by LLC "Standard". This premium drink received gold in the super-premium segment in the Best vodka competition. Vodka has excellent quality and mild taste with a slight bitterness. Leaves a sweetish light aftertaste.

The highlight of the design of the "Russian Squadron" is a figurine of an underwater mine, made of silver, floating in each bottle. In addition, the "Russian Squadron" is decorated with a tin label depicting the legendary naval battles of the Russian fleet.

Premium vodka from the Standard company is an excellent gift for connoisseurs of high-quality domestic vodka.

The cost for a bottle with a volume of 0.7 liters is 1500-1600 rubles.


The production facilities of the Krasnoyarsk Vodka Plant are on the 2nd place in the rating of the best vodkas in Russia in 2019. Possesses flawless transparency without foreign suspended matter and particles. The aroma is rich and balanced, with a characteristic vodka scent. The taste is harmonious, clean, enveloping.

"Yarich" is produced from high quality alcohol, drinking water and alcoholized infusion of Borodino bread.

The cost of a 0.75 liter bottle is 400-500 rubles.


The SIBALCO company has won numerous competitions for the best vodka more than once. In 2019, the brand again deservedly received gold. Premium vodka has crystal transparency, mild taste and rich flavors. SIBALCO is produced from high-quality alcohol with the addition of acacia honey and infusion of barley malt.

The price of a 0.75 liter bottle is 1500-1900 rubles.

What else to see:

The quality of alcohol depends on three “Cs”:

  1. Raw materials
  2. Processing method
  3. Cleaning degrees

It is the alcohol used that determines whether the vodka will be good or bad.

What is quality vodka? This is the one in which methyl is contained the least - in this case, it will bring less harm to the body.

The GOST specifies the types of ethanol according to the degree of purification:

  • First grade alcohol. Alcohol is not prepared with it.
  • Highest purity alcohol. Despite the name, this type of ethanol is the worst. It is used in the production of the cheapest vodka. It is almost not filtered from a variety of impurities and fusel masses. Prepared from molasses, potatoes, cereals, sugar beets.
  • "Basis". Raw materials are potatoes and grain crops. It should contain less than 60% starch.
  • "Extra". Made from potatoes and wheat grains. Differs in a fairly high degree of filtration. Therefore, it contains less methanol and harmful impurities. Alcohol made with such ethanol belongs to the mid-price segment. The best choice for those who want a good quality product, but not too expensive.
  • "Lux". Raw materials are grain and potatoes. Starch should not be more than 35%. Premium vodka is made from just such an alcohol. In similar alcohol, both alcohol and water are purified several times. Methanol in such a product is not more than 0.02%.
  • "Alpha". Highest quality grade. The raw materials are exclusively natural - wheat and rye. Filtered as much as possible from fusel oils and impurities. According to GOST, the methanol content cannot exceed 0.003% - no other alcohol can boast of such.

The latter type is used to produce the most expensive vodka - the super-premium segment. It is either a product of well-known expensive brands, or a drink with a different production method - for example, by filtration through precious stones or using water from spring sources.

Watch a video in which an alcohol connoisseur talks about the types of ethanol used to make vodka and their features:

Top categories

Vodka made from alcohol of "Lux" or "Alpha" class is elite.

This class also includes products such as:

  1. gin,
  2. whiskey,
  3. good cognac.

Such alcohol is quite expensive, but it is distinguished by its quality and the least harm to the body - the amount of methanol and harmful impurities in it is minimal.

Vodka of this class is difficult to counterfeit, manufacturers do not skimp on good packaging - the shape of the bottle, the embossed image on it, the label with the hologram, and a special cap stand out.

Important! Methanol is an extremely dangerous poison. A single ingestion of more than 10 ml of methanol can lead to severe poisoning, one of the consequences is blindness

The toxic effect develops within a few hours. The lethal dose of methanol is 80-150 ml (1-2 ml per kilogram of body weight).

Today very few people produce vodka with alcohol "Alpha", however, it is predicted that in the future its production will significantly increase and the amount of such a product will even surpass the alcohol of a lower class.

According to GOST, vodka should not have a strong taste or smell, but they are still distinguishable. This is especially true for a high quality product - each brand has its own special characteristics.

The taste of Alpha and Lux \u200b\u200bvodka is clean and pleasant, without strange odors.

The taste depends on the raw materials used in the production, which is of great importance in well-purified vodka. Most manufacturers use mixtures of different types of alcohol. The percentage of this or that raw material is prescribed in the contract, which especially concerns the product for export.

According to Russian GOST, vodka can have a strength:

  • 40-45%

Important! Determining what quality vodka is is easy - you just need to shake the bottle. Alcohol extinguishes foam and bubbles should disappear immediately, there can be no foam in good vodka.

In addition, there should be no sediment, vodka should flow down the walls quickly and evenly. A viscous drink indicates a high glycerin content.

What is the best quality vodka

  • Compliance with GOST alcohol.
  • The softness and quality of the water, the presence and absence of certain trace elements.
  • Organoleptic properties: aroma, vkyc, after-effect.
  • Strength and filling.
  • The veracity of advertising and marketing moves.

Seven brands with a sign of quality

  • Moposha (OOO "Russian North"). Alfa alcohol, natural honey and flaxseed tincture.
  • Home wheat first (OOO "Russian North"). Alcohol Lux on wheat dryers, linden flavor and sweet cheese.
  • Permskaya Lux (Permalko JSC). Alcohol on rye dryers.
  • Russian North is traditional. Alcohol "Lux" with oatmeal, honey and glucose.
  • Solnechnaya Derevenka (LLC "Distillery Capanskiy"). With rye malt, apples and sugar cottage cheese.
  • Hoptica is absolute (OOO "Podnik and K"). Alcohol Absolut, with sugar syrup and wheat flakes.
  • Tsapskaya original (OOO "Group" LADOGA "). Alcohol Lux, linden blossom and linden honey.

Not so long ago, the USA has compiled a rating of the best vodkas in the world. It is quite expected that there were many Russian brands in this rating, however, the first place was taken by vodka from France. We invite you to get acquainted with the fifteen best representatives of this drink.

First place: (France)

I think you know this brand. It is produced in the province of Cognac, which is famous for its brandy (cognac) made from selected grains and water from the famous Gente spring. From the curious moments of production technology: Gray Goose vodka is purified with limestone and distilled in small batches five times. This is a very pure and high quality vodka, for which experts predict the largest sales in the world in the coming years.

Second place: Vodka Crystal (Crystall) - Russia

By the way, perhaps this brand is not so popular in Russia. Still: in our variety of vodka it is easy to get lost and confused. The taste of this vodka is very delicate. Of the peculiarities of production: a specially developed carbohydrate module "Alcosoft" is used. Actually, this is why vodka turns out to be so delicate that it is the reason for such a high popularity abroad.

Third place: Krolewska (Poland)

Oh, well, the Poles do not agree that vodka is the Russian national drink, they are constantly trying to pull this blanket of vodka over themselves. Alas, the world community does not agree with them: for them Russia and vodka are synonyms. But at least here the Poles will be glad: their vodka is in third place. True, there is nothing especially to tell about it: the best grains, the purest water - who will be surprised by this now. But the bottle design impressed the experts.

Fourth place: Youri Dolgoruki (Yuri Dolgoruky) - Russia

And one more brand, not so well-known in Russia itself. Yes, vodka is exported more. The recipe is classic, and special additives improve and soften the taste. So if you come across this vodka, try it for fun.

Fifth place: Finlandia (Finland)

But this Finnish brand is very popular in Russia. In America, by the way, too. Classic Finland has a soft, pleasant taste, and the presence of a huge number of different flavors makes this brand one of the best-selling in the world.

Sixth place: Jewel of Russia (Russia)

Do you know this brand? Suppose not very much. This vodka is made from wheat rusks and microscopic pieces of gold foil are added, as well as fructose and lactose. The production technology is unconventional - this is what the experts estimated.

Seventh place: Vincent (Holland)

Not much is known about Dutch vodka in Russia. In addition, this particular vodka is produced in extremely small batches from wheat and barley. The drink is double distilled to soften its taste.

Eighth place: Rain (USA)

No, well, the rating is American, so there simply must be at least one American vodka brand (let's run ahead and let us know that it is not alone here). This vodka is made from corn, and diamond dust and coal are used for filtration. Yes, this is such a strange neighborhood. By the way, this vodka actually has no taste.

Ninth place: Ketel One (Holland)

And here's another traditional Dutch vodka.

Tenth place: 3 Olives (England)

It is surprising, of course, to see an English brand here as well, but this vodka has shown good results.

Eleventh place: Russian Standard (Russia)

Well, you all know this vodka - a very widespread brand in Russia itself. Selected grain and water from lakes are the key ingredients of this vodka. A premium brand, quite popular. The place, of course, is not the highest, but still a pleasant rating for Russian Standard vodka.

Twelfth place: Vox (Holland)

Thirteenth place: Stolichnaya (Russia)

A vodka that needs no special introduction. The Stolichnaya brand is a synonym for Russian vodka abroad, as well as a popular brand in Russia itself. Well, and the appearance, unchanged since Soviet times.

Fourteenth place: Vermont Spirits White (USA)

Here is the “another American vodka brand” we talked about. But the experts put him only in 14th place. The vodka did not reach the top ten.

Fifteenth place: Absolut (Sweden)

And this most popular vodka takes the last place, which is somewhat strange, but let's say thank you for being on this list at all. It seems that there is no need to tell too much about Absolut vodka - everyone already knows this brand.

Let's say right away that the rating is conditional. It was compiled in the USA. There are many such ratings in the world. For example, in Russia such brands as Stolichnaya vodka, Finland and Graf Ledoff are in the first place. So it's relative in the vodka world.

Except for Stolichnaya. She is everywhere.


As part of the rolling study of strong alcoholic beverages, an examination of 49 brands of vodka from 34 manufacturers was carried out. The items sent for research are made with deluxe and alpha alcohols. The products have been tested for 22 quality and safety parameters. Most of the goods are Russian-made, but there are also foreign ones - from Finland, Sweden, Belarus and France. The cost of production ranged from 205 to 1554 rubles per bottle. The good news is that there is no “fake” vodka among the samples studied. The drinks of 18 brands turned out to be of high quality, and 31 were of higher quality. They meet not only the requirements of the current quality and safety standards, but also the requirements of the leading Roskachestvo standard. Basically, the goods of higher quality were drinks produced in Russia, one - in Finland, one - in Belarus. 29 Russian-made goods can apply for the Russian Quality Mark.

Russian quality system standard

The standard of the Russian quality system combined the current GOST standards for vodkas and special vodkas, and also established increased requirements for the content of methyl alcohol, the concentration of fusel oils, aldehydes and esters for potential recipients of the Russian Quality Mark. Also, an alkalinity indicator has been introduced into the leading Roskachestvo standard. The required level of localization of production for the assignment of the Russian Quality Mark is at least 98% of the cost of goods.

STO “Russian quality system. Conformity assessment of vodkas "

  • Alkalinity - no more than 2 cm3.
  • Mass concentration of acetaldehyde in 1 dm3 of anhydrous alcohol - no more than 3 mg.
  • Mass concentration of fusel oil - no more than 5 mg.
  • Mass concentration of esters (methyl acetate, ethyl acetate) in 1 dm3 of anhydrous alcohol - no more than 5 mg.
  • The volume fraction of methyl alcohol in terms of anhydrous alcohol is not more than 0.003%.
  • The mass concentration of crotonic aldehyde (denaturing additive) in 1 dm3 of anhydrous alcohol is not allowed.
  • Organoleptic assessment - not less than 9.4 points.

Alcohol quality is at the forefront

Vodka - at first glance, the product is simple: alcohol and water. But the quality of vodka is very different. Often a product is falsified - when there is a complete or partial replacement of edible alcohol with a cheaper, technical one. Much depends on how well the alcohol is purified from extraneous, sometimes toxic impurities (for example, fusel oils, aldehydes). Of course, the abuse of strong drinks is harmful to health in any case. But if the vodka contains components that are unacceptable by GOST or technical regulations or permitted by GOST, but contained in quantities exceeding the maximum permissible, it can become deadly even in small doses. Most of these components are removed from the drink during the purification of alcohol - rectification.

For reference

Rectified ethyl alcohol is produced from food and non-food raw materials. For the production of vodka, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12712 “Special vodkas and vodkas. General technical conditions ", rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials of the highest purity," extra "," alpha "and" luxury "can be used.

To find out the nature of alcohol (food or technical), as well as to check how well it is purified, the experts looked in the vodka samples sent for examination:

  • methanol - methyl alcohol, the use of which is deadly to humans;
  • acetaldehyde, which is contained, for example, in alcohol-containing non-food products, the so-called "hawthorn";
  • toxic chemical elements such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic: they can get into vodka from raw materials (wheat, potatoes);
  • fusel oils and esters;
  • furfural is a by-product of fermentation; it is also removed during rectification; if the purification is poor, furfural is present.

The drinks were also tested for the content of crotonaldehyde. Its presence would indicate that denatured alcohol is present in the composition. Crotonaldehyde was not found in the vodka sent for research.

Denatured alcohol (denatured alcohol) is alcohol that is not intended for food use. A mixture of ethyl alcohol with a small amount of methanol, gasoline, kerosene or other denatured alcohol is used as a solvent for varnishes and polishes.

The nature of the alcohol was additionally determined by the spectral-luminescent method of alcohol identification. It turned out that only edible alcohol was used in the manufacture of the studied vodka.

Comments Marina Medrish, head of the VNIIPBT laboratory, branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology":

Currently, most often vodka is produced on the basis of rectified ethyl alcohol "luxury" and "alpha". Alcohol "luxury" is produced from various types of grains and their mixtures in different proportions. It can be wheat, rye, triticale, corn. Alcohol "alpha" is produced from wheat, rye or their mixture in various proportions. There is a risk of buying alcohol-based vodka from non-food raw materials. To identify fake vodka, it is necessary to determine the nature of the origin of alcohol. In order to make sure that the product is made on the basis of alcohol from food raw materials, a spectral-luminescent analysis is carried out: the spectral characteristics of the test sample of vodka are compared with the spectral characteristics of control reference samples prepared on the basis of alcohol from non-food raw materials.

And how likely is it to find "fake" vodka (a cheap low-quality substitute) in retail? According to Vadim Drobiza, Head of the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, the problem of vodka quality and safety concerns mostly illegal retail, where there is no control.

- In 2017, about a billion liters of vodka will be sold in licensed retail, which is under strict control. I am absolutely sure that there will be no claims either for safety or quality of vodka products in legal retail. But, unfortunately, there is also an illegal retail sector (for example, unlicensed stores, pavilions, kiosks, hand-held sales, etc.), where about 250 million liters of illegal vodka are sold annually. Such products are produced in semi-artisanal conditions using stolen illegal alcohol and often do not meet the mandatory requirements of technical regulations, - notes Vadim Drobiz.

How to check at home if vodka contains fusel oils? Just drip vodka on your hands, rub and smell. A strong unpleasant odor signals the presence of fusel oils.

Honestly about cleaning

We mentioned that rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials of the highest purity, "extra", "luxury" or "alpha" is used for the preparation of vodka.

Among the vodkas sent for examination, the products of eight brands, according to the labeling, are made of alcohol "alpha": Graf Ledoff, "Honest", "Morosha", "Khortytsya", "Russian currency Platinum", "Solnechnaya Derevenka", "Ozero Great "," Belebeevskaya ").
One is from the highest purity alcohol (Absolut).
The rest are made of luxury alcohol.

As part of the study, experts correlated the types of alcohol declared on the label and the actual characteristics of the product - in particular, the content of methyl alcohol in it.

In food alcohol of purification "alpha", the content of methyl alcohol is not more than 0.003%. In alcohol of cleaning "extra" - no more than 0.02%. In the highest purity alcohol - 0.03%.

The study showed that all manufacturers are honest with consumers in this matter. The actual overstatement of the category of alcohol, when instead of the declared "luxury" used, for example, alcohol of the highest purity, was not found.

However, it turned out that the "modest" Absolut vodka has the characteristics not of the highest purity alcohol, as indicated on the label, but of the "alpha" alcohol. This may be due to the fact that Absolut vodka is produced in Sweden. In European countries, food alcohol is not divided into grades, as in Russia. There, in relation to the purification of alcohol, there is no concept of "luxury" or "alpha".

The question may arise, is it advisable to evaluate, in this case, the grade of alcohol from a foreign product? Nevertheless, since this vodka is sold in Russian retail, experts evaluated foreign goods according to the criteria adopted in the Russian Federation in order to characterize the quality of foreign vodka in categories that are understandable to the Russian consumer.

And Absolut showed its best side here.

Tough requirements for hard water

The quality of vodka depends not only on alcohol, but also on water. Such water should contain the necessary set of micro- and macroelements, various salts (sodium + potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphates, nitrates, sulfates, chlorides). How many should there be - this range is determined by the technical regulations.

In production, water for an alcoholic beverage is specially softened, cations of "unsuitable" calcium and magnesium are replaced by cations of potassium and sodium. Then the water can undergo reverse osmosis. Sulfates are removed, which add bitterness to vodka.

For some vodkas, the production of which involves cleaning with milk, hard water is used in order to ensure the precipitation of casein contained in the milk.

According to the results of the study, there are no comments for most of the products.

  • Sodium and potassium are slightly more than the optimal amount - in Tomsk Standard vodka - 80.7 mg / dm3 (GOST recommends up to 60 mg / dm3). This can be explained by the use of an ion exchange unit for water preparation.
  • Excess content of calcium, magnesium, chlorides and sulfates was recorded in the Parliament vodka. This may be due to the purification of vodka with milk.

Comments Marina Medrish:

- Prepared water is used for the production of vodka. Special preparation of water provides vodka with a mild taste, clean aroma and optimal salt composition. Therefore, the technical regulations for the production of vodkas stipulate the requirements for treated water. Hardness is one of the most important indicators affecting the stability of vodka during storage. Excessive content of calcium and magnesium ions leads to turbidity and sediment formation in the finished product, and, consequently, its rejection. In the production and technological regulations for the production of vodka, not only the maximum permissible, but also the optimal indicators are determined, which make it possible to obtain a finished product with high organoleptic properties. What kind of salt composition vodka will have is up to the manufacturer, but it must be in strict accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation.

With the right concentration of alcohol and a certain water purification, the product must have an appropriate alkalinity. According to the increased requirements of Roskachestvo, the alkalinity of vodka should not exceed 2 cm3. There are no comments on this parameter for the studied products: the alkalinity of the samples is from 0.5 to 1 cm3.

The taste of a bygone era

Organoleptic tests have confirmed the theory of the importance of water treatment. Vodkas, for which the water was apparently prepared in accordance with the technological instructions and the manufacturer's recipe, scored the minimum number of points during the tasting.

  • The taste of "Tomsk standard" was noted as sharp, burning. The average tasting score is 9 points.
  • The taste and aroma of "Parliament" is sharp, there is bitterness in the taste. The average tasting score is 9 points.

Also, goods of the Every Day, Graf Ledoff, Honest, Nemiroff, Kalina Krasnaya, Maikopskaya, Medoff, Platinum Currency, and Zhavoronki brands did not reach 9.4 points set by the leading Roskachestvo standard. , Veda, "Old Kazan", Absolut, "Milovka", "Morozovskaya Gorka", "Russian Steel", "Lyuli-Lyuli".

Well, who scored the highest score (9.6) during the tasting?

These are vodkas of such brands as Green Mark, Winter Road, Gosudarev Zakaz, Five Lakes, Russian Standard, Beluga, Belebeevskaya.

However, it is worth considering that taste is a subjective concept. If the consumer prefers a harder drink, this is his own business.

- In Soviet times, no one in our country drank soft vodka,- notices Vadim Drobiz. – Soft vodka made from more refined alcohols was drunk only in the West. In Russia vodka fashion was different - we loved tough, real male vodka. In the post-Soviet era, consumer habits began to form in favor of soft vodka. This is a female type of vodka. In my opinion, this does not mean that vodka is better or worse made from high-purity alcohol, "luxury" or from alcohol "alpha" - it is vodka with different tastes. Today the market is saturated and consumers can choose a variety based on their personal preference.

Degrees and volume

In addition to the above, the strength of the drink and the completeness of filling were checked for vodkas sent for research.

  • The strength of ordinary vodka can be from 37.5 to 56%.
  • The strength of the vodka is special - from 37.5 to 45%.

Counterfeit vodka often has a low strength. Therefore, during the study, the compliance with the labeling of the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol was also checked. It turned out that the strength of drinks varies within 39.9-40%. Only vodka "Parliament" is slightly stronger than the others, literally by a tenth of a degree - 40.1%.

The completeness of filling the bottle was also evaluated. It turned out that the bottles of vodka are no less than stated on the label, and sometimes a little more.

So, in vodkas "Honest", "Morosha", "Five Lakes" - 510 cm3 instead of 500 cm3; in vodka "Lake Velikoe" - 257 cm3 instead of 250 cm3.

Marketing moves or the truth?

Manufacturers often write on the labels that the vodka is purified with milk or with a 13 meter long carbon filter. Or that the manufacturer uses special triple silver filtration. Consumers sometimes see this as a marketer's fantasy. Is it true or not?

- All of the above - existing cleaning technologies, -says our expert Marina Medrish. - The traditional classical method is filtration of a water-alcohol solution on carbon columns. During filtration on carbon columns, both adsorption and oxidation processes take place, which forms a special aroma and taste of vodkas. This technology of purification of a water-alcohol mixture is typical only for Russian vodka production. Nowadays, silver and platinum filtration is often used in the industry. When cleaning with milk, powdered milk is added to the sorting system to precipitate foreign impurities with milk protein; this method of cleaning has been known in Russia for a long time (for example, this applies to the Parliament vodka - ed.).

Sometimes manufacturers write that they use water from Lake Baikal or glaciers or melt water to make vodka. Vadim Drobizdoubts that in this case the information is sufficiently reliable:

- I think it's advertising and marketing. A consumer who is worried about such nuances can be advised to require confirmation from the manufacturer. If you don’t get one, notify the FAS... (If the label contains inaccurate information, this is the reason for the consumer's complaint to the supervisory authorities - ed.)

Alcohol with water is not vodka yet!

Many vodkas contain many ingredients on their labels besides alcohol and water. For example, alcoholic infusions of mountain ash, raisins, oatmeal, pine nuts ... Sugar, soda, honey, etc.

Marina Medrish explains what it is for:

- Currently, a huge number of recipes have been developed for special vodkas and vodkas, which have a unique aroma and taste. The included recipe ingredients determine the quality, toxic safety and stability of vodka during storage, as well as its organoleptic characteristics.

Choosing the best vodka from 1000 world brands produced in more than 50 countries of the world is not an easy task.

The quality of alcohol depends on many factors: selection of ingredients, adherence to technology, honesty of the manufacturer.

Good vodka should be clean of impurities and not weaker than 40% vol., It is easy to drink and, if used wisely, does not cause a hangover syndrome.

These criteria are sufficient for consumers, but many other indicators are taken into account when compiling ratings.

All vodkas in the world are made from softened water. The quality of alcohol directly depends from raw materials, depth of purification and filtration... Alcohol is necessarily and repeatedly filtered (not always), water is purified from salts and other impurities.

After that, both components are mixed in certain proportions. Recipes of special brands are supplemented with herbal tinctures, fruit or berry concentrates, nuts, honey, milk, etc.

Despite the abundance of names and brands, all vodka can be divided into two types:

  • Classic - clear alcohol with a strength of 40% or more, consisting only of alcohol and water. Classic brands should not have color and taste other than alcohol. Examples: Stolichnaya, Arbatskaya, Gzhelka.
  • Special - has the taste and smell of additional ingredients. Fortress - from 38% vol. Examples: Zubrovka, Lemon.

There is also a classification by the type of alcohol:

  • Alpha - from wheat and rye.
  • Lux is made from grain and low-starchy potatoes (the norm is up to 35% starch).
  • Extra - from grains and potatoes with high starch content.
  • Basis - the content of potato starch in a mixture of grain and potatoes is about 60%, not more.
  • High purity (low quality alcohol) - potatoes, beets, molasses, etc.

The price of a product directly depends on the category of alcohol. The most expensive premium and super-premium varieties are produced from alcohols Alpha and Lux (Finlandia, Gray Goose, Russian Standard, Smirnoff, Absolut, Mamont, Nemiroff, etc.). The famous Khortytsa vodka is produced from Alpha alcohol (until 2017, Lux alcohol was used).

Standard class is made from alcohol Extra (Green mark, Zavalinka, Wheat, Russian size, Crystal Dzidrais). The basis of cheap brands is highly refined alcohol (Bogorodskaya, Olympus, Salut, Zlatoglavaya).

Vices that reduce the quality of the drink:

  • Methanol - a deadly substance.
  • UKcyclic Aldehyde - in the digestive system, it is converted into acetic acid, which burns the mucous membranes of internal organs. Concentrated vapors of acetaldehyde cause blindness and respiratory damage. This substance is present in technical alcohols.
  • Wild oils - ester compounds that remain in alcohol with insufficient purification. Because of them, a severe hangover and cirrhosis of the liver occurs.
  • Toxins (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury) - come into alcohol from low-quality grain and other raw materials.
  • Fypfypol - a substance that irritates mucous membranes and skin. The fermentation by-product is removed by correct rectification.
  • Little Aldehyde - component of denatured alcohol, the content of which is excluded.

The presence of one or more of the listed substances excludes the presence of the brand in the rating.

The best vodka in Russia

  1. Green stamp (JSC "AVZ" Topaz "). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 270 rubles. In production, the human factor is minimized. A traditional drink made from selected grain, after thorough cleaning it is filtered with silver. The tasters noted the clean aroma and aftertaste of the Green Mark.
  2. Winter road (Distillery Kristall-Lefortovo). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 300 rubles. The alcohol is made according to the traditional recipe and technology; it has excellent taste thanks to the addition of malt. The drink is soft, without a pronounced aftertaste.
  3. Tsar's order (LLC "Georgievsky"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 255 rubles. At an average price, the product is not inferior in quality to expensive alcohol. Raw materials undergo complex purification, alcohol is filtered with silver and frozen. After all technological processes, strong alcohol is obtained with an almost imperceptible smell of alcohol. The soft "Tsar's order" is easy to drink and is a little surprising with a slightly outlined sweetness.
  4. Five lakes (LLC "Ruzsky blending plant"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 290 rubles. A classic product based on water from Siberian lakes and high quality alcohol. Water saturated with silver is filtered, but it retains its unique properties. The surface of the bottle with a wavy relief symbolizes the surface of the water, and the pure classic taste resembles a breath of air in the forests of Siberia.
  5. Russian standard (LLC "Russian Standard Vodka"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 370 rubles. The recipe compiled by the father of Russian vodka D.I. Mendeleev, has not changed since 1894. Thanks to modern technologies, production has been simplified, but "Russian Standard" still remains the standard of vodka and is successfully sold in Russia and in 50 foreign countries. Glacier water and selected wheat are used in the production. After multi-stage filtration with birch charcoal, the alcohol has crystal purity and a taste of warm bread.
  6. Beluga (JSC "Mariinsky Distillery"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 775 rubles. One of the most famous Russian brands in Europe. Exclusive alcohol is produced in Siberia from natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. A special technology with repeated filtration and relaxation, combined with the proprietary secrets of the manufacturers, provided Beluga with a fresh scent reminiscent of a breeze.
  7. Belebeevskaya classical (JSC "Bashspirt"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 230 rubles. It is produced on the basis of Alfa class alcohol and mineral water from springs. Alcohol has a fresh and mild taste, clean aroma and light aftertaste.
  8. Belenkaya Lux (LLC "Georgievsky"). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 250 rubles. Before spilling, "Belenkaya Lux" is passed through 13 meters of a charcoal filter and quartz sand. Inexpensive and crystal clear alcohol from environmentally friendly raw materials has a sweetish taste.
  9. Putinka (JSC "Moscow plant Kristall"). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 240 rubles. The drink has been produced since 2003 and has already won the love of Russians. An inexpensive product with a noble taste and a clean aftertaste - an excellent alcohol option for friendly gatherings.
  10. Homemade wheat pervak (LLC "Russian North"). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 310 rubles. Traditional Russian recipes and modern production technology made it possible to create an original alcohol. A slight turbidity does not spoil "", and the sharp aroma attracts lovers of tart taste.

The best vodka in the world

  1. Gray goose (France). Produced in the province of Cognac. Alcohol from selected grains and spring water from Gente is renowned for its ideal qualities. French "Gray Goose" is purified with limestone, after five distillations the purity of alcohol becomes unattainable for competitors.
  2. Crystall (Russia). "Kristall" is better known abroad than at home. Manufacturing technology includes a carbohydrate module "Alcosoft", created specifically for this brand. Impeccable cleaning allows "Kristall" to take prizes in contests and enter the TOP ratings.
  3. Krolewska (Poland). The Poles are sure that it was they who invented vodka and are doing their best to win the palm. It will not be easy for them - in the minds of the world community, vodka and Russia are synonyms. "Royal" is just a very good alcohol from excellent raw materials.
  4. Youri dolgoruki (Yuri Dolgoruky) (Russia). This brand is also not very well known in Russia, it is produced for export. The classic recipe, additives for softness and pure taste - all without surprises, but very high quality.
  5. Finlandia (Finland). The signs "Finland", a favorite in Russia, are well known in the United States. Finnish vodka has already earned an ideal reputation and does not need advertising. Its taste in all variants is beyond praise.
  6. Jewel of Russia (Russia). Another Russian woman, almost unknown at home. Jewel of Russia is made from dry wheat bread, lactose and fructose are added. The chip is microscopic pieces of gold leaf.
  7. Vincent (Holland). Dutch vodka is almost unknown in our country, and it is produced in small batches. Raw materials are wheat and barley. Double distillation provides a smooth and clean taste.
  8. Rain (USA). It would be strange to see an American rating without American vodka. Corn alcohol is almost tasteless, which is good news. Alcohol is cleaned with diamond dust and coal.
  9. Ketel one (Holland). Nice Dutch vodka, clean and light. Made according to traditional recipes and the best raw materials.
  10. Three olives vodka(England). "Three Olives" is produced in the United Kingdom and imported into the United States. Produce Three olivesfrom English winter wheat. Craft vodka is produced in traditional form and with fruit flavors.

What is the best quality vodka

  • Compliance with GOST alcohol.
  • The softness and quality of the water, the presence and absence of certain trace elements.
  • Organoleptic properties: aroma, vkyc, after-effect.
  • Strength and filling.
  • The veracity of advertising and marketing moves.

Seven brands with a sign of quality

  1. Moss (OOO "Russian Cever"). Alfa alcohol, natural honey and flaxseed tincture.
  2. Home wheat first (OOO "Russian North"). Alcohol Lux on wheat dryers, linden flavor and sweet cheese.
  3. Permskaya suite (JSC "Permalko"). Alcohol on rye dryers.
  4. Russian North is traditional.Alcohol "Lux" with oatmeal, honey and glucose.
  5. Sunny tree (OOO "Distillery Capanskiy"). With rye malt, apples and sugar cottage cheese.
  6. Hoptica abcolute(OOO "Podnik and K"). Alcohol Absolut, with sugar syrup and wheat flakes.
  7. The royal original (OOO "Group" LADOGA "). Alcohol Lux, linden blossom and linden honey.

List of vodka of the highest quality

This alcohol exceeds the GOCT requirements. Expert ratings on a scale with a maximum score of 9.6:

  • Belebeevskaya classic (OAO Bashspirt) - 9.6.
  • White suite (OOO Geopgievsky) - 9.5.
  • Bulbash osobaia.
  • State order in order (OO "Geopgievsky").
  • Good Medved (OOO Geopgievsky).
  • Green mark (JSC "Distillery" Topaz ") - 9.6.
  • Winter road (OOO "Distillery" Crystal-Lefoptovo ") - 9.6.
  • Myagkov SILVER (OOO Geopgievsky) - 9.5.
  • Lake Velikoe (OAO VladAlko).
  • Celebration "(OOO" Distillery "Crystal-Lefoptovo").
  • Pytinka (JSC "Moscow plant" Crystal ") -9.5.
  • Five lake (OOO "Pyzskiy kypazhny zavod") - 9.6.
  • Russian Standard - 9.6.
  • Smirnov No. 21 (LLC "Distillery" Capanskiy ".
  • Old Moscow (OOO "PK" Crystal-Lefoptovo ").
  • Ice service (JSC "Moscow Plant" Crystal ").
  • Talka (JSC "Siberian Distillery").
  • Hacky (OOO Omskvinprom) - 9.5.
  • BELUGA (JSC "Mariinsky Distillery") - 9.6.
  • FINLANDIA (OOO "BIG") - 9.5.
  • Gray Goose (French "Bacardi Pyc") - 9.5.
  • Sormovskaya LUX (COPDIC LLC).
  • Stolichnaya (JSC "Moscow Plant" Crystal ") - 9.5.

Quality vodka

Experts attribute alcohol to high-quality vodkas at a price of 200 to 800 rubles per bottle. At a reasonable price, consumer properties are quite often quite competitive. For example, it is believed that "Pervak" for 310 rubles. the taste is almost equal to the French Gray Goose for 1,554 rubles.

Inexpensive Russian alcohol overwhelmingly complies with GOST and, if consumed in moderation, cannot harm health. Russian vodka is famous all over the world, and innovative technologies and modern equipment allow mass production of a high-quality product.