Ate nutmeg no effect. How to use nutmeg to avoid poisoning? Nutmeg for respiratory and colds

06.05.2019 Desserts and cakes

This overseas nutmeg spice has spread throughout the world. It is used as a seasoning in cooking, added to cosmetics, and used for treatment. How the kernels of the fruits of this tree are used, what are the benefits and harms of them - interesting questions that it is advisable to deal with.

What is nutmeg

India, Brazil, the Malaysian island of Rune and African countries are the places where the evergreen dioecious tree with leathery leaves prefers to grow. It belongs to the Muscat family. The plant has female flowers in the axils of the leaves, which become fruits of a bright color with a burning-spicy taste. On the fragrant nutmeg - the nutmeg - more than two thousand of them grow per year. Fruiting is ongoing. What the fruit looks like can be seen in the photo.

Nutmegare found inside the fleshy pericarp in a large seed. The kernels have a pleasant spicy aroma that becomes more intense over time. The aroma depends on the size of nutmeg - the larger, the thinner, more pronounced. After harvest:

  • the seed is dried;
  • smash;
  • get the kernels;
  • to increase the shelf life, they are soaked in seawater with coral lime.


The pleasant smell is determined by the substances included in the structure of the nucleus - elemicin, myristicin. With a calorie content of 527 kcal,contains nutmeg:

  • vitamins A, PP, E;
  • thiamine;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • fiber;
  • proteins;
  • pectin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • essential oils;
  • starch.

Why is nutmeg useful?

The most common use of nutmeg is in cooking. Residents of different countries add seasoning to national dishes. Knownbenefits of nutmegfor other areas. When used:

  • digestion, food digestion improves;
  • the muscles of the body are toned;
  • calms down the mind and nerves;
  • skin rejuvenation occurs;
  • hair growth is stimulated;
  • the smell in the mouth is eliminated;
  • immune strength increases;
  • fatigue is removed.

This unique product contains the hormone of joy, which improves mood and cope with depression. Nutmeg contributes to:

  • exacerbation of sexual desire, being an aphrodisiac;
  • restful sleep;
  • fight bacteria;
  • improving memory;
  • stimulating the memorization process;
  • treatment of diseases;
  • stopping blood;
  • weight loss.

For women

Regularly using nutmeg for cosmetic masks, in aromatherapy sessions, massage, a woman will notice significant changes, comparing with her photo from two years ago. Fresh skin, bright eyes, great mood - this is the result of the action of a moderate amount of spice. There are othersbeneficial properties for women:

  • disclosure of sexuality;
  • increased sex drive;
  • removal of painful symptoms during menstruation;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • reduction of unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • help in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

Since ancient times, walnut has been attributed to magical properties. The spice was used in their medicinal infusions by oriental healers to improve men's health. Sorcerers and shamans performed rituals with her.Nutmeg for menis an aphrodisiac, but has a less pronounced aphrodisiac effect on them than on women. However, moderate use of the walnut helps to solve the problems of sexual dysfunctions:

  • eliminate premature ejaculation;
  • cope with impotence.


The use of this seasoning should not be overused, especially as whole kernels.Nutmeg is harmfulif you eat more than 2 pieces per day. The substances safflower and myristicin, which are in the composition, irritate the nervous system. In this case, there is:

  • intoxicating effect;
  • mental problems;
  • mental disorder;
  • clouding of the mind;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

This nutmeg composition is harmful as a seasoning for the work of internal organs, when it is used often and in large quantities. Essential oils:

  • act irritatingly on the tissues of the kidneys, liver, provoking diseases - cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis;
  • increase the secretion of juice in the stomach, pancreas, causing gastritis, dysbiosis, ulcers.

Healing properties

Due to its constituent components, nutmeg seed has application in the treatment of numerous diseases. Recipes with it are recommended by doctors in clinics and traditional healers. There are suchmedicinal properties:

  • calm the nervous system;
  • reduce pressure - it dilates blood vessels;
  • improve brain function;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • relieve painful symptoms;
  • boost the immune system;
  • prevent bleeding;
  • stop diarrhea due to astringent action.

The nuclei contain potassium, which helps for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the bones and joints. The use of moderate doses promotes:

  • restful sleep - stops insomnia;
  • strengthening teeth and gums;
  • normalization of bowel function;
  • removal of nervous excitement;
  • relief of breathing;
  • destruction of bacteria in the mouth;
  • decrease in urine acidity - improves kidney function;
  • stopping the division of cancer cells;
  • stimulating the work of the heart and blood vessels.

How does nutmeg work

The effect of the application depends directly on the dosage. Reception of a large amount can cause hallucinations, drug intoxication - up to death. At low doses, something else is observed.action of nutmeg:

  • acceleration of digestion processes;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • warming up during massage with essential oil;
  • sedation, relaxation with aromatherapy;
  • removal of depressive conditions;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • improving brain function;
  • getting rid of extra pounds.

Human brain activity

The nuclei of the fruit of the plant have a beneficial effect on the activity of the human brain. Due to the presence of elemicin, myristicin in the composition, they are used:

  • in the treatment of depressive conditions, as a tonic;
  • in order to increase concentration of attention;
  • improving the processes of memorization;
  • reducing the degradation of the nervous system in patients with Alzheimer's disease, increasing the functions of attention, language, spatial-visual perception.

Psychoactive effects

In narcology, it is believed that substances in the composition of nutmeg havepsychoenergetic effectlike a drug. Requires medical attention in case of overdose. Eating them in large quantities, fresh or dried, can cause severe poisoning, which will be accompanied by:

  • euphoric state;
  • loss of spatial orientation;
  • heart palpitations;
  • drug intoxication;
  • lack of coherent speech;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • coma.


It seems that a product with such a high calorie content cannot be used for weight loss. If you remember that it must be consumed in small doses, it becomes clear that this will not have a negative effect. Activeslimming nutmeg So:

  • increases the speed of metabolic processes;
  • accelerates fat burning;
  • increases the quality and speed of the digestion process;
  • reduces appetite;
  • assimilation of the eaten food improves.

Application of nutmeg

In the form of essential oils, it is very popular to include nutmeg in perfumery compositions. The plant is included in recipes for cosmetics.Where is nutmeg used?Besides? Its use is very popular among home cooks. Fragrant seasoning:

  • added to dishes, drinks;
  • put in baked goods;
  • marinade is added with cloves when canning;
  • treat various diseases;
  • used by traditional healers.

In cooking

This seasoning enjoys the greatest love among culinary experts around the world. A special aroma is obtained if you grind the nutmeg yourself, and do not use ready-made ground powder. Where is this spice added?The use of nutmeg in cooking manifold:

  • dishes with fish, meat;
  • vegetable side dishes;
  • sauces;
  • all kinds of desserts;
  • bakery;
  • additive to drinks - coffee, wine, liqueurs, kefir;
  • seasoned teas with the addition of cinnamon, cardamom.

The spice is also used in the food industry. Nutmeg is included in recipes:

  • marinades for cooking sausages;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup;
  • sauces;
  • tomato pastes and juices;
  • sweets;
  • baking;
  • canned fish;
  • preparations from vegetables;
  • curry mixtures;
  • alcoholic beverages - mulled wine, punch, beer;
  • marinating fish;
  • making jam, preserves;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa.

In folk medicine

Many useful recipes with this plant are used by traditional healers. They use the spice in powder or essential oil form. It is recommended to drink with milk or make a tincture with vodka. It is important not to overuse the quantity.The use of nutmeg in traditional medicine helps:

  • cope with a cold by adding half a spoonful of seasoning, ginger and cardamom to tea;
  • fall asleep when you drink milk with nuts at night;
  • discharge of urine, if you brew half a teaspoon of seasoning in a glass of boiling water;
  • when taken orally fresh, rubbed with thrombophlebitis.
  • grind nutmeg kernels and ginger - take a glass;
  • add anise seeds - 150 grams;
  • pour a liter of vodka;
  • withstand the solution for 7 days, shaking systematically;
  • filter out;
  • use according to the instructions.

In medicine

As a supplement to basic purposes, it is often usednutmeg in medicine... This is done using essential oils that help:

  • relief of breathing with bronchitis, pneumonia with cold and hot inhalation;
  • calming the nerves and disinfecting the air during aromatherapy;
  • creating a warming effect during massage;
  • reducing pain during the application of compresses on sore joints;
  • relief of depression with the use of therapeutic baths;
  • in gynecology - the removal of menopausal symptoms;
  • improving the condition with varicose veins.

In cosmetology

Essential oils obtained by steam stripping from nutmeg are often used in cosmetic formulations. Due to their useful property to activate metabolic processes, increase blood circulation, they have a beneficial effect on the skin. Finds thisthe use of nutmeg in cosmetology:

  • compositions for hair that improve their growth, appearance;
  • face masks that regenerate the skin.

You can look like the Hollywood beauties in the photo if you use homemade recipes with nutmeg kernels. A homemade scrub will not be harmful when grind them very finely, mix with kefir and oatmeal. This will help resolve issues:

  • removing excess fat from the skin;
  • acne problems;
  • renewal of the epithelium;
  • correcting acne scars;
  • improving blood circulation to refresh complexion.


Using this substance, even as a seasoning, it should be remembered that an overdose causes serious problems - hallucinations, death. The recommended serving is no more than 0.1 grams per kilogram of weight. Should be consideredcontraindications of nutmeg:

  • pregnancy;
  • sensitivity to components;
  • the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • joint use with alcohol - convulsions are likely;
  • excitability;
  • old age and childhood;
  • individual intolerance;

Nutmeg is a well-known spice widely used in cooking and traditional medicine for its many beneficial and medicinal properties. It can relieve pain, stress, improve sleep, calm the stomach, and enhance cognitive function. It is recommended for cleansing the body, for toothache, to strengthen the immune system. It prevents leukemia and improves blood circulation. Once upon a time, these nuts with a spicy aroma were worth their weight in gold for their delicate refined taste and healing properties, they could make a spice seller a very rich person.

What does nutmeg look like and where does it grow?

Nutmeg is not actually a nut, but the fruit of the tropical nutmeg tree. Outwardly, it looks like a small apricot peach.

Muscatnik is a tall evergreen tree belonging to the family of the same name "Muscatnikovye". The homeland of Muscat is tropical forests. There are about 400 species of these plants, but only 80 of them give this aromatic spicy spice. The rest also have similar fruits, but they do not have a lesser aroma and value.

The Maluku Islands, which were once called the "Spice Islands", are considered the birthplace of nutmeg. A mature tree can reach a height of 20 meters. When grown from seed, the first harvest can be obtained only after 7-9 years. Muscat lives for about 70-75 years and about 2000 nuts can be obtained from one tree per year.

Nutmeg gives two spices at once - the nut itself and matsis, the outer red membrane that covers it. Both of these spices have a subtle spicy sweet aroma, but it is more pronounced in the nut.

Originally, nutmeg was grown on the island of Banda, which is part of the Moluccas. For thousands of years, the inhabitants of the island have harvested the fruit of the nutmeg tree and used it for cooking and healing. They also traded nutmeg with the surrounding islands. From there, he first came to Europe.

When Europeans first became acquainted with this spice, it captivated them not only with its exquisite aroma, but also as a means that could stop the spread of the plague. No wonder in those days 1 pound of nuts was worth like a cow.

In general, the history of nutmeg is shrouded in constant wars and battles. The first "spice islands" were discovered by the Portuguese, who were soon ousted by the Dutch and held control over the supply and prices of spices for decades.

The excitement around this spice died down when the French, and after them the British, secretly took the nuts to their conquered tropical islands.

Today, nutmeg is grown commercially in many tropical countries, including the Caribbean and India.

Muscat blooms with small pale yellowish flowers in the shape of a bell.

The fruit is light yellow in color, enclosed in a fleshy membrane, which cracks in half when the nut ripens.

The extracted walnut is covered with a red membrane and resembles apricot or plum pits in shape.

Ripe fruits are harvested (up to 3 times a year) and dried within 2 months. Modern technology has greatly accelerated this process, reducing it to a few days.

After drying, the membrane is removed from the nut, which is used as an independent seasoning. In addition to a spicy spice, a valuable nutmeg oil is obtained from the nut.

Why nutmeg is good for you and what it contains

In nutmeg, the main value is represented by oils, which account for almost 40 percent. Most of it is a substance called elemicin. It is he who, in case of an overdose, causes hallucinations. Therefore, more than 3-6 pieces of fruits per day should not be consumed. It all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person.

The rest of the essential oil components are:



and other connections.

In addition, it contains:

Vitamins: C, thiamin, riboflavin and others;

Minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, zinc, chromium, cobalt and others;



Unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic, myristic, caprylic, formic and others.

All these compounds give the nut a number of useful and healing properties, contribute to the normal functioning of the body, and have a beneficial effect on the internal organs and skin.

Like all nuts, it is high in calories. In 100 grams, it reaches 520-550 kcal. Why such difference? As a condiment, nutmeg is often blended from several varieties that differ from each other in smell and nutritional value. This only applies to the powder form.

Nutmeg health benefits

By adding nutmeg to your meals during cooking, you can improve metabolic processes, reduce hunger, stabilize the digestive tract and solve a number of digestive problems. Nutmeg is often recommended for dietary supplementation in weight loss programs. The spectrum of its beneficial properties and effects on the human body is very extensive. Among the main ones it should be noted:

Preventing the development of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity and helping to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Help in relieving headaches and toothaches (essential oil contains a number of compounds that have analgesic properties).

Relieves fatigue, tension, improves concentration and attention.

Helps improve blood circulation.

Eliminates flatulence, including after eating foods that increase gas formation.

Normalizes digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Helps with diarrhea, vomiting, the first symptoms of poisoning.

It has diuretic and choleretic properties.

Normalizes metabolic processes.

Promotes cleansing of the body and the elimination of harmful carcinogenic substances.

Effective as a diuretic and choleretic natural remedy.

Relieves pain in the musculoskeletal system in diseases and injuries.

Has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive sphere.

Increases libido and improves erectile function.

Promotes the restoration of the menstrual cycle.

Relieves unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Nutmeg oil is widely used in cosmetics for skin and body care, and in the perfume industry.

Nutmeg medicinal properties

Nutmeg has been used as a medicine by local people for centuries. It can be used when:

Disturbances and malfunctions of the nervous system;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

With a decrease in potency in men;

Sexual disorders and decreased libido in women;

Skin diseases;

Weakening of immunity;

Poisoning the body.

Nutmeg has the following properties:








Nutmeg helps with:

High temperature;

Colds and viral diseases;





Heart problems;


Varicose veins;


Weakening of potency;

Nervous strain.

It is chewed to get rid of the unpleasant smell of fumes and cigarettes.

However, it must be remembered that an overdose can lead to a hallucinogenic effect.

Nutmeg for gastrointestinal problems

Its main use for such problems is the elimination of bloating and increased gas production. These properties are provided by camphor, eugenol, safrole, present in the essential oil.

Pectin, Sabonol, and Zinc are powerful antiulcer drugs. In total, it contains about 20 compounds that have a calming and relaxing effect on the abdominal muscles.

It is often used for:

Bloating (take 1 gram of powder after meals three times a day);


Impaired digestion of food;

Loss of appetite (sprinkle food with spice before eating);


Insufficient salivation.

Nutmeg stimulates the production of gastric juice, which improves digestion and digestion of food. It is taken either before meals or after meals, depending on the problem. It can be used in conjunction with other herbs and spices in the form of a tea, adding ginger, cinnamon to relieve digestive and stomach discomfort.

In addition, the dietary fiber that is present in it enhances intestinal motility.

Nutmeg for respiratory and colds

It is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. To relieve cough, bronchitis, warm compresses soaked in nutmeg essential oil are made. For this, the napkin is heated and applied to the chest. These compresses help at the first sign of respiratory illness.

You can add a pinch of ground nut to any warm drink.

Nutmeg for insomnia

It is considered by many to be the best remedy for sleep disturbances. All you need to do is add a pinch of ground nutmeg to the warm milk. Its effect occurs in 2-6 hours. Therefore, you need to take it a few hours before bedtime. Its sedative effect lasts up to 8 hours. This should be taken into account when taking a late appointment. For example, if you drink milk with nuts at 10 pm, then the next morning you can feel sleepy.

Keeping in mind the undesirable effects of the nut, take no more than 1-10 grams. You need to start taking nutmeg with small doses.

Using nutmeg for insomnia can help restore sleep. However, there may be other reasons that cannot be solved with a single meal of milk with nuts.

Nutmeg for hypertension

Due to the presence of potassium, it has antihypertensive properties and can reduce blood pressure. Potassium is a vasodilator that relaxes the blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure and lowering stress on the cardiovascular system. Although it is used very rarely for this purpose, you need to know about these properties.

Nutmeg to improve circulation

The main action is provided by the compounds that make up the essential oil. These compounds can reduce the degradation of nerve endings and improve cognitive function, reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

By affecting blood circulation, it helps relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms associated with this problem.

These and anti-inflammatory properties provide the use of the nut for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. A lozenge or ointment made from powder (5 grams of nutmeg powder and any vegetable oil) reduces swelling and pain. The ointment is applied directly to the affected area.

Nutmeg as an aphrodisiac

Nutmeg is an aphrodisiac. It is often added in small amounts to other herbal ingredients with similar properties.

They are used to season dishes for a romantic date. It allows you to relax and calm down, relieve constraint and tension.

There is no need to wait for some stormy passions. However, if someone is very anxious, stressed, insomniac, nutmeg can be a good helper and remove any barriers to sex. He can help make you a more pleasant and cheerful partner.

Make small tablets with equal proportions of nutmeg and cinnamon, adding a little ground cloves and water. You can add a little flour for tying. Eat them to calm down and relieve any bitterness and unpleasantness.

Nutmeg can also support male sexual health and is used locally for benign prostatic hyperplasia, premature ejaculation and impotence.

Nutmeg use in traditional medicine

The Europeans, having become acquainted with nutmeg, found use for it not only in cooking, but also began to use it for treatment. Perhaps they borrowed some information from peoples where this spice is not at all exotic. Check out several recipes for different diseases.

Nutmeg for varicose veins

The action of nutmeg in this disease is based on its ability to improve blood circulation, relieve pain and inflammation.

At the first symptoms of the disease, it can be taken daily as a powder on an empty stomach for three weeks.

The infusion is prepared as follows:

Boil 20 grams of nutmeg powder with a glass of boiling water. Insist and filter, add 100 grams of honey.

Drink the infusion three times a day, 15 grams (1 tablespoon). Keep refrigerated.

A weaker infusion is prepared from half a teaspoon of ground nuts in a glass of boiling water. After insisting for 15 minutes, add one tablespoon of honey to it. Drink half a glass in the morning one hour before breakfast and before bedtime two hours after the last meal.

Alcohol tincture of nutmeg for varicose veins

For cooking, take:

100 grams nutmeg (ground)

500 ml of vodka

Remove to a dark place for 10 days. Take it 3 times a day, 20 drops diluted in a little water. Duration of admission is 3 months.

Nutmeg to increase potency

There are several ways to use nutmeg to improve and increase potency.

The first is the reception of ground powder. To do this, buy a ready-made nut in powder form or grind it yourself. Take 1/3 teaspoon, dividing it into three equal parts. Can be taken with water or added to food. In order not to exceed the dosage, use the following calculation formula: 1 gram of powder for every 10 kg of body weight. The total amount should still not exceed the daily rate. The maximum is one or two teaspoons.

Nutmeg can be added to a drink, cocktail (except alcoholic), salad, or seasoned meat.

The second way is to make a tincture. Take 150 grams each of nutmeg and ginger root. Add 5 grams of anise and pour in one liter of vodka or alcohol. Insist for a week. Drink 1 tablespoon of tincture every day.

This tea recipe is suitable for both men and women. For its preparation, take in equal proportions nutmeg, lavender flowers, ginger root and cloves. Add five rose petals to this collection and brew 500 ml of boiling water. You can add honey or sugar to the finished tea.

Nutmeg to improve memory

Prepare a tincture by taking a tablespoon of ground nutmeg, caraway seeds and anise. Pour 1 liter of red wine. Insist for 2 weeks and filter. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

You can make a tincture by taking cognac instead of wine. This tincture is drunk 25 ml three times a day.

Nutmeg for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

For pain in muscles and joints caused by rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rub in an ointment made from ground walnut and vegetable oil. To prepare it, slightly heat the vegetable and add the nut powder. Mix thoroughly to get a paste similar in consistency to thick sour cream.

After applying the drug, wrap the sore spot well and leave until the heat acts. It is possible for the night.

Instead of powder, you can use essential oil, which is rubbed in with light massage movements and wrapped. Be sure to dilute with any vegetable oil.

As a preventive measure to relieve inflammation, you can take a tincture made from 100 grams of nutmeg and 500 grams of vodka. Drink 1 teaspoon of tincture before meals three times a day, after diluting with water. Duration of admission is 14 days.

You can also take this mixture. Take 12 parts celery root, 4 parts rue leaves, 3 parts nutmeg, and 2 parts cloves. Everything is grinded in a blender and mixed well. Take 1 teaspoon before meals.

For neuralgia, muscle pain, you can add a few drops of essential oil to an ointment or cream prescribed by your doctor or do it yourself using vegetable oil, beeswax, powder or nut oil.

Nutmeg overdose contraindications

High doses of nutmeg can cause:

Impaired concentration of attention;



Stomach upset;

Dry mouth;

Redness of the eyes;

Increased sweating;

Temperature increase;

Pain and aches in the body;


Treatment with nutmeg is prohibited in the presence of epilepsy or mental illness.

In small doses, it is safe during pregnancy and lactation, provided that a doctor is consulted. This does not apply to nutmeg used in recipes. Typically, in cooking, it is literally used at the tip of a knife.

It should not be consumed in large quantities with alcohol. In addition, it can interact with certain medications. Therefore, be sure to consult with your doctor about the compatibility of the treatment.

Nutmeg is primarily a seasoning that imparts a subtle, sophisticated aroma and flavor to many dishes. And only then - the medicine. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that this is an exotic seasoning that came to us from overseas countries and is not so native to our body.

Nutmeg as medicine

Why is nutmeg dangerous?

Nutmeg is a widely used spice in cooking. Spices are also inherent in narcological properties, if the nut is consumed in large doses. This is due to the presence of methylene dioxide-substituted substances in the composition of nutmeg, which are used for the manufacture of prohibited psychotropic drugs. Two or three fruits are enough for a person to have hallucinations, euphoria and other signs of drug intoxication.

What the fruit is made of and how does it work

Nutmeg is the fruit of an evergreen tree (nutmeg) that grows in countries of the equatorial belt. In India, nutmeg has received the name "intoxicating fruit" for its properties. In the United States, it is used in place of marijuana. As a drug, nutmeg has gained popularity due to its widespread availability: the spice can be easily purchased at any grocery store. In small quantities, it is safe for health, when two or three fruits are consumed, a narcotic effect is manifested.

Psychoactive components are found in the kernel of the nut and in its skin. These include:

  • Myristicin is the main toxic component, a precursor of 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine (mdma), a psychedelic from the category of phenylethylamines.
  • Elemicin and safrole are precursors of 3,4-methylenedioxy-amphetamine (MDA), a substance of the amphetamine group. Their content is 2 times lower compared to myristicin.

In the process of metabolism, the toxic substances of nutmeg are modified into the active components of ecstasy, LSD and amphetamine. They have a detrimental effect on the liver, quickly destroying it, and alter consciousness when taken in large doses. To prepare the hallucinogenic extract, ground nutmeg is used, which is poured over with alcohol. Many drug addicts get high by eating just grated fruits.

The narcotic effect of the spice begins to manifest itself two to three hours after use: visual hallucinations, impaired coordination, euphoria, a feeling of slowing down of time, and blurred vision appear. The state of narcotic intoxication is accompanied by dry mouth, intense thirst, tachycardia, and problems with urination may appear. A person is characterized by talkativeness, unreasonable laughter, eyes redden. After a few hours, drowsiness and lethargy develop. In case of an overdose, serious health disorders appear, which can lead to death - in narcology, deaths have been reported after the consumption of 80-100 grams of fruits.

How and how much to consume safely

In order for the narcotic properties of nutmeg to manifest, you need to eat at least two fruits. A safe dosage is 3–6 grams of powder. The nutmeg fruit has healing properties, when used correctly it contributes to:

  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Destruction of staphylococcal infection.
  • Elimination of sexual disorders.
  • Improving memory.
  • Sleep normalization.

Nutmeg drinks speed up recovery from colds.

Nutmeg is recommended for tuberculosis, mastopathy, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, thrombophlebitis. Drinks from Muscat fruit accelerate recovery from colds, liver pathologies, improve the condition in case of depression, disorders of the nervous system. By chewing the fruit, you can get rid of bad breath.

Nutmeg is effective in the treatment of varicose veins. Try to make a remedy according to this recipe: pour 50 g of fruits (pre-grated) with a glass of high-quality vodka. Insist 10-12 days, take 1 tbsp. spoon once a day. A little honey can be added to the tincture to improve the taste.

Eating nutmeg with kefir helps to lose those extra pounds. This drink contains a lot of useful microelements. Take a glass of kefir, add grated nutmeg (half of the fruit), a pinch of black pepper, paprika, basil, salt, 2-3 sprigs of fresh parsley. Mix everything thoroughly in a blender. Drink the drink immediately after preparation.

Addicts use nutmeg in higher doses: to achieve drug intoxication, you need at least 2-3 fruits. With prolonged use, tolerance increases, that is, an increase in dose is required to obtain the desired effect.

To achieve drug intoxication, you need at least 2-3 fruits.

Plants containing components related to myristicin are used to increase the bioavailability of natural psychedelics. Among them are fennel, cumin, star anise, dill, cloves, bay leaves, walnuts. They are used in the preparation of nutmeg-based mixtures.


Nutmeg is popular with addicts who have not used hard drugs, with which its psychedelic properties cannot be matched. It is a cheap and legal means of getting intoxicated. If, after using it, the police detain the person, the drug test will show a negative result.

The use of excessive doses of the spice is fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • Nausea, constipation, weakness of the bladder sphincter.
  • Arrhythmia, dizziness.
  • Severe liver pathologies.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Memory losses.

With an overdose of nutmeg, hallucinations are aggravated - both visual and auditory. A drug addict, after taking several fruits, is able to commit inappropriate acts, he has suicidal thoughts. Experiments with increasing doses can lead to loss of consciousness, and in the worst case, end in death.

In small doses, nutmeg is an exquisite seasoning and a healing remedy for many diseases. The nut is not a drug, but with its help it is possible to achieve a state of an altered reality. It is important to remember: the use of excessive doses of the spice undermines the health of the liver, kills the nervous system. And if you eat 10 fruits or more at the same time, it can be fatal.

Wed, 12 Dec 2018 16:11:37 +0300
Love nutmeg
Namaste, walnut and those looking for a nut. Eat whole, chew until fine gruel, or grate or in a blender. Take a walk, draw, make love, learn! And take care of the liver :) Tue, 16 Oct 2018 23:29:27 +0300
Love nutmeg
Nutmeg is terribly similar to regular cannabis, and it's really true! Muscat gives me an impetus to self-development, helps me to understand myself, to find myself, for this I love him. I use it mainly in dosages: 15, 30, 40 g for oral administration. The higher the dosage, the stronger the immersion in oneself, but the state of "non-standing" is also stronger, so be careful with this. I advise you to smoke the seasoning at a dosage of one joint at a time. Almost complete absence of harm to the gastrointestinal tract and liver, a more intense effect is guaranteed. But the effect lasts no longer a day or two, now only 3-6 hours, like ordinary marijuana. Good luck! P.S. If you just want to forget, relax, break away, then the nut is not for you. This substance is for people looking for development and self-knowledge. Fri, 31 Aug 2018 16:07:46 +0300
Love nutmeg
I felt oneness with myself, an incredible fusion. Everything is like in a dream, time slows down. Music plays in me, I feel it, it is great, the effect is somewhat similar to 8D music, but even better. I feel myself from the inside, I feel my every movement, every muscle, arms, legs, internal organs, I feel how they work, how my heart beats. The deeper I plunged into myself, the more the world became the way the subconscious wants to see it. At first, it's unusual to be alone with yourself, to live in your own world, to delve into yourself, to feel fears, but over time you adapt to everything new and move on. And now I understand that the former I, the I familiar to me, is not quite the true I, but only a distorted version of me, interpreted into a 3-dimensional world. It is impossible to convey all your feelings in words, just try to grasp their very essence. The nut is the key to yourself. But do you need a key to yourself?)) Sun, 24 Jun 2018 19:26:14 +0300
I hate nutmeg
Noble rubbish. But, for me. Many people love him, but my stomach simply cannot stand it, both in powder and whole, with kefir, yogurt, and whatever. Oh, these nutmeg problems, pure masochism, you will not wish on the enemy. The effect is, well, spilled cannabis, sativa. The same wild appetite (yes, yes, it makes you sick, but you will still eat everything, especially sweet), the same "characteristic" thinking as after a couple of good meals. I sincerely envy the white envy of those who endure it, but for me, unfortunately, nutmeg is unbearable. Still, any experience is invaluable, it was the nut that threw a couple of philosophical ideas that are unlikely to come to a sober head, and if they do, you will not take them seriously, you will say "well, it seemed." In general, dxm is much less harmful (Olney's lesions = nonsense, 6 years of experience, a programmer cooks his head), it is easier to tolerate, and his potential for expanding consciousness will be more powerful. Wed, 18 Apr 2018 18:41:48 +0300
Love nutmeg
Hello everybody. Traveled half of the city yesterday, finally found in the market, bought 4 pieces. There was no limit to my joy, as I had already read the green column. Shaval 2. I smashed it into powder, poured it into kefir and drank it. it was at 15-30. (Last night I was drinking, in the morning I had a flash, I was drinking when I started to dry, I was smoking throughout the trip), after 2 hours everything around is bright, I really want to live (no) in 4 hours the arrival is full , thoughts of how they run one by one, the heart beats strong but tolerantly, like when smoking ganja, 8 hours after drinking torkalo strongly, stuck in the film, decided to go sharpen, the boutique took a bite, once again and everything seemed to be lacking in air , I can’t drink water, it’s okay, my heart is going crazy there. I got terrified, let go out the window, breathed, went to lay down again as if my heart would stop again, I went out into the yard 1 night fucking, fresh air does not help, I had to call an ambulance, my pulse was 97, the pressure was 130. I was given a pill, I fell asleep. Conclusion, do not interfere with energ and alc Sun, 28 Jan 2018 15:45:59 +0300
Love nutmeg
This is an amazing feeling! Words cannot convey the unity of the whole world and myself ... my eyes turn red, naphthyzine dripped, a drop fell from my eye and I called it "Seraphim's Tear" like that! "Yes" or "No" is up to you, I plus for nutritious food! (But not often) Sun, 28 Jan 2018 15:42:58 +0300
I hate nutmeg
nutmeg minus bubaleh "Buerak" / buerak_vsegda_anshlag Tue, 13 Dec 2016 23:39:24 +0300
I hate nutmeg
I hate I created a musical project gully Fri, 21 Aug 2015 20:42:41 +0300
Love nutmeg
And now I add it to pilaf - only 1 nut for 5 servings is obtained. But the effect after 3 hours and so on feels very good. And the main thing is not stressful. Don't try to get drunk on nuts. This is not watery and greed for effects is useless. Moderation is in this case the best virtue. Sun, 16 Aug 2015 17:52:11 +0300
Love nutmeg
In short, read my article on the comments above) Ground nut (powder) did not trample me, Only my head ached! Our city is small and I didn't find a whole nutmeg! Here I ordered fresh nuts by mail) I ate 3.5 pieces for the first time, and I will say it goes well with yogurt much better than ground bee! I ate at 19:15 I'm waiting) I will unsubscribe if that Mon, 03 Aug 2015 18:08:54 +0300
Love nutmeg
Well, I’ve read your comments, I decided to try it, I bought ground nutmeg because I didn’t find it whole, I really didn’t look at which juice (grape) I poured 1.5 teaspoons of nutmeg on a regular cup, let's see what happens, I drank it at 17.40 waiting time)) Later I'll write it off Mon, 27 Jul 2015 17:35:26 +0300
Love nutmeg
I love the nut. I use it once a year, when he calls himself) Great for meditation and rethinking life. Ground - does not take, whole one usually take 3-4 pieces in a mug of kefir. After 4 hours, something similar to 50% cigarette + 40% mdma starts, there is a strong increase in sexual sensations! The first experience was unsuccessful ... after the nuts I ate from the belly and went to drink beer, put it in well, but at night it twisted - I called an ambulance. Then he read a little, came to his senses. Compliance with a diet is mandatory, as well as compliance with the rules of the nutmeg trip. It works very well, but it does no less harm. Eat wisely and in moderation and may happiness be with you) Mon, 04 May 2015 21:53:27 +0300
Love nutmeg
The arrival is not bad, it pokes well, you can get stuck, the music sounds differently, and it holds for a very long time. Gram 20-30 with milk is the norm, I always use ground. Has anyone tried smoking it? I hammered the joint with ground and smoked, even 2-3 in a row. There is a parish too, but it is more like coming from a grass with an individual manifestation. This is a more economical option. I also tried to smell it, the arrival is not particularly felt, the savings are huge, although I do not think that there is any special sense from this. But all the same, some changes are felt. The arrival will probably be tough if you sniff about 10 grams, that is, a standard pack of ground. And I smelled a maximum of about a gram, not more. Unsubscribe who tried not only to drink, but also to smoke or sniff it, and what effects it gave you. Sun, 15 Mar 2015 09:46:02 +0300
Love nutmeg
A great way to kill yourself) I usually eat at 3 o'clock. I buy a pack of ground 20 grams for 80 rubles and yogurt fruttis, the less yogurt the better. While I go home, I turn to where there are no people and quickly pour the contents of the bag into the yogurt. While I go, I shake it thoroughly. Because yogurt 0.300 ml seems to be drunk quickly, to interfere with half a liter in general nonsense, because the taste will remain, but drink longer. After drinking I wait an hour or an hour and a half and pour myself hot tea, for me, the effect comes faster this way. By the way, I eat on an empty stomach. After three hours, a slight effect of nutmeg is already felt, the eyes begin to redden a little. After 4 hours, the eyes are killed, with the eyes closed, the feeling of flight. At this time, it is best to drip eyes with visin. After 6 hours, it rushes very much, it becomes a little funny. After 8 hours, it is better to go to bed so as not to sleep. In the morning in the eyes of the star, the eyes are still red. If he ate on Friday, then on Sunday he only lets go. Fri, 13 Mar 2015 09:54:23 +0300
Love nutmeg
Guys, I will give advice. - Before use (in the evening on the eve), do not eat anything, - in the morning, on an empty stomach, throw 3-5 whole nuts by chewing, saliva is abundantly released in the process (this is good, saliva contains enzymes that contribute to faster digestion), - drink with dairy products (I drank a biobalance of 1%), you don't need much, just to kill the disgusting aftertaste - chew the gum to salivate and start the digestion process. The effect comes in an hour, an hour and a half ... Have a nice trip!) Sat, 21 Feb 2015 17:39:29 +0300
Love nutmeg
I tried nuts for the first time today, ate 3 pieces. washed down with yogurt) Two hours passed, but I felt the effect immediately (it may seem, xs)). Let's see what happens next, I'll unsubscribe later. Peace for everyone:) Mon, 19 Jan 2015 12:46:58 +0300
Love nutmeg
5 pieces of nutmeg grabbed a normal buzz. As from a cigarette, you just need to eat it correctly. You should not eat it in the morning, take 5 nuts (I just weighed 20 grams when I bought it), rub them on a fine grater, pour it all into yourself 5 times and it is advisable not to hawah all day I was covered by the current at 8 in the morning I started to eat it after 8 hours. Well, for a long time, bro and the FSUs in the morning, I forgot the box after dinner, stuck in and joy for half a day, you only do not interfere with alcohol with alcohol. 5 hours first once I’ll have a meal, I’ll think. In short, where the dried fruits should be sold there, kuraga, any such topic, raisins were there Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:57:30 +0300
Love nutmeg
Something bored gray winter weekdays, I decided to find a way out in the form of some kind of joke .. I do not smoke cigarettes for 5 years, I didn’t feel thirsty, I was infuriated by the otdnyak, and I was tired of it .. I didn’t want drugs. Wheele on this site is about a nut and decided to buy. I bought three nuts, threw myself on the street for a shop, washed down with fresh fermented baked milk and went for a walk home. 3-4 broads later and the trip came. Everything became so mysterious, the music in the headphones generally blossomed, and the simple words of her friend were funny. So detached and cheerfully kept the day, in the morning it was released. Actually, I liked this miracle bob .. I'm for! The weekend will be a great success again soon. Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:54:34 +0300
Love nutmeg
Those who doubt the existence of psychedelic properties of nutmeg know: nutmeg rushing. Effects: exacerbation of taste (it is nice to eat something); deep tranquility; the disappearance of the border between the world of dreams and reality (the film can be perceived as happening outside the window), there is a firm belief in the existence of fantastic devices, strange ideas and creatures (about a bottle of liquid when drinking, you might think that this is a creature with a hydro-tentacle); tolerance for the unpleasant (you can read complex literature for hours); "freezing" (1 minute of reflection can last 30 minutes); change in thinking (new schemes of comprehension open up, thinking faster and deeper). Those who are going to take nutmeg should remember: 1. about the intensification of feelings: depression under the nut will be 100 times more painful than usual; 2. walks under a nut can lead anywhere (it becomes all the same where you are); 3. Take milk thistle meal with the nut (to protect the liver). Collectible sensations for you!
Love nutmeg
I really liked the Muscat! For the first time, he stuck (although this word is hardly applicable to a nut) with them a week ago. I erased 4 nuts on a grater and with kefir, it was great), the music especially delivered. Today I repeated the reception, this time I was drinking coffee, it had already been 2 hours, so far nothing, I ate tightly - after all, the New Year) there is a lot of food) why not eat) who knows, the food didn’t interrupt? Happy New Year everyone!!!

Muscat: pros and cons of nutmeg trips
Pros of a nutmeg trip:
- low cost and legality of nutmeg remain unrivaled;
- long trip time (up to two days at high dosages);
- in small doses, nutmeg acts as a light cannabis cigarette for the whole day;
- easy and pleasant retreat (if you do not break the rules of the nutmeg trip);
- with the appropriate dosage of nutmeg, the required trip depth can be achieved.

Cons of nutmeg trips:
- long action, many begin to strain;
- due to the long time of the nutmeg trip, it is necessary to carefully plan the next day;
- with large doses of nuts, bad trips and betrayals are possible;
- nutmeg is disgusting to use;
- possible abdominal pain, red eyes;
- if you neglect the advice on the trip - then there is a chance to get a hard breakdown and a strong blow to the liver.

Muscat trip rules
1. Conditions for taking nutmeg. It is better to take nutmeg on an empty stomach. When nutmeg is consumed on a full stomach, a bad breakdown is guaranteed, the effect will be weaker, pain in the stomach is possible in 3 ... 4 hours. After taking it, do not eat for two to three hours, it is allowed to drink (not alcohol). After a few hours, you can eat, preferably liquids, like soups and cocoa, but a little and if necessary. It is possible to use some kind of digestive pills, this will minimize the negative effect of the nutmeg alkaloids, nothing will hurt. It is better not to eat hard and dry food at all during the trip. In a word, carefully monitor your food intake, do not overdo it.

2. The shape of the nutmeg for consumption. Take nutmeg nuts only in chopped form, mixed with fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria. Ordinary kefir is also suitable, milk is absolutely useless and even harmful, the best option is Bifidok and Snezhok. It is possible to use nutmeg with honey: honey is mixed with nutmeg to a very thick consistency. It is said that eating Nutmeg with honey is even better. It is better not to gnaw the nuts, it is harmful to the teeth and is very poorly absorbed: it is better to crush them with a hammer and throw them into a coffee grinder, or grind them through a grater. It is undesirable to buy ground nutmeg.

3. Dosage of nutmeg. The amount of nutmeg for a trip is calculated as follows: for 1 kg of human weight, 0.33 grams of nut is needed, that is, 15 ... 20 grams per 60 kg of human weight. If you consume more than 20 grams of nutmeg, you must carefully prepare for the trip. With frequent use, the body develops a tolerance to nutmeg; to overcome it, it is enough to take a break in trips or mix nutmeg with morning glory seeds, or gradually increase the dosage of nutmeg. When buying nuts, it is enough to take 4 ... 5 nuts, depending on their freshness - this is enough with a margin.

4. Start time of the nutmeg trip. It is better to take nuts in the morning or at lunchtime. The action of nutmeg begins differently for everyone, on average after 3.5 ... 4 hours, the peak of action begins approximately 8 hours after consumption. It makes no sense to start a nutmeg trip in the evening, especially if you expect to go to bed.

First example: ate nutmeg at 6 pm. The effect starts from 22.00 to 23.00, the peak of the trip will be at 02.00. You need it ?! Weak action guaranteed for the next day after the trip; it is even possible that you sleep all day.

Example number two: took nutmeg at 13.00. Effects start at 17.00, maximum nutmeg effect will come at 20.00 ... 21.00. In the morning, a flutter may have a very weak residual effect or a slight breakdown.

5. Mixes of nutmeg with other substances. Many psychonauts believe morning glory is ideal. Someone has tried mixing nutmeg with dextromethorphan (DXM), but it is very life-threatening. Possibly smoking marijuana during a nutmeg trip. Alcohol is categorically contraindicated. Nutmeg does not mix well with other substances and poisoning is possible. Be careful when experimenting with potent substances. Caffeine will speed up the action of the nutmeg alkaloids, but heart problems are possible: a very heavy load.

6. Action of nutmeg. With a nutmeg trip, tactile hallucinations from nutmeg are possible, that is, hallucinations with the behavior of the extremities of the viscera (something cracks, crunches, opens). There is a feeling of euphoria, more physical. Possibly impaired coordination of movements when eating a large amount of nuts. Memory and concentration deteriorate, time stretching occurs, increased color saturation, and the effect of presence. It is recommended to spend the time of the trip under the nutmeg in a warm place. It is possible on the street, provided that it is summer. It is desirable to watch films without violence: comedies, science fiction, cartoons. It is possible and even necessary to listen to music during a trip, but not heavy. Some advise to have sex under nutmeg - in fact, just for this you can already try. It is very good when both are tripping partners.

A warning before the nutmeg trip
Don't underestimate nutmeg. You have no idea how many people were stunned by its action, and this is due to the fact that the nutmeg begins to act after a very long time (up to four hours), and not noticeably, not in waves, but constantly increasing without indulgence. In any case, do not try to "catch up" during this time (that is, take an additional dose of nutmeg to enhance the trip)!

Nutmeg is not a drug and is not addictive. It is not prohibited by law, it is sold legally as a spice. Muscat is a psychedelic of medium strength, it contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins, but even more harmful substances. When taken in large quantities, it leads to a state of euphoria. Nutmeg poisoning is not caused by the nutmeg itself, but by a violation of the digestive function of the stomach. That is why it is recommended to follow a diet after a nutmeg trip, eat only soups and drink juices, teas, cocoa.