Sesame oil and sesame: benefits and harms. Recipes

17.09.2019 Buffet table

The discovery of the sesame tree "sesame" is rooted in ancient times in the East and Central Asia. Even then, the seeds were rated so highly that they were called the food of the gods and the elixir of immortality. Today, sesame oil is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, pharmacology, perfumery and folk medicine. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of sesame oil.

Many years have passed since mankind discovered the healing properties of sesame, but it is still considered a source of health and longevity. In eastern countries, it is added to almost every dish, but it is grown in order to produce sesame oil from sesame seeds, which is in great demand in various industries. The chemical composition of the oil is saturated with elements necessary for the human body.

Sesame oil is a completely natural product of plant origin.. It is saturated with fats and fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, etc.), restoring capillaries and improving hemodynamics at the cellular level. In 100 g of the product there is a daily intake of calcium, as well as a lot of iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. It contains a lot of vital substances and vitamins, including vitamin E, which is added to all expensive products for cell rejuvenation and regeneration.

Sesame oil is the strongest antioxidant that binds free radicals, which gives an excellent effect of restoring all functions in the body - both external and internal. Saturation with phytosterols and phospholipids provides protection from the harmful effects of the environment and nourishes with beneficial substances. Minerals are responsible for enhancing metabolic processes and cell repair.

Light yellow sesame oil with a pleasant nutty flavor

Application for hair

For external use, it is recommended to use a composition obtained by cold pressing, the product must be non-deodorized and unrefined. This is an ideal tool for the prevention and treatment of hair, which fights almost any problem of weakened curls.

  • with increased fat content and dandruff as an excellent cleansing, preventing oily seborrhea and removing oily sheen, regulates metabolic processes and has an antibacterial effect;
  • in case of dryness, the oil provides intensive hydration;
  • with split ends and brittleness, regular use of oil is recommended;
  • for recovery after frequent staining, perms and other various injuries;
  • for hair growth and hair loss: oil activates metabolic processes, strengthening hair follicles;
  • for protection from external harmful factors: sunlight, chlorinated water, hair dryer, irons, etc.

Black sesame oil is considered the most useful for external use.

How to apply

Important! Before the procedures, sesame oil should be heated in a water bath to room temperature.

  • To treat the roots, massage the scalp with warm oil with your fingertips for 5-10 minutes, leave for half an hour, then rinse.
  • For the treatment of curls, it is better to use a wooden comb, soak its ends in oil and comb through the entire length, this should be done several times a day, do not rinse.
  • For the treatment of the tips of a similar use, soak the ends with warm oil several times a day.

With regular use, many problems will disappear, and you will be proud of the beauty of shiny silky curls! The product goes well with other components, so many people add it to the composition of various masks.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Eyebrows and eyelashes need care just like hair. The constant use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes, frequent coloring, extension and curling of eyelashes lead to disappointing results. Sesame oil is just a godsend for restoring and growing new eyelashes to replace the "fallen in battle".

Twice a day with a cotton swab or brush, gently apply the oil to the eyelashes, try not to get into the eyes, you can leave it overnight. It is advisable to temporarily stop using eye makeup. In just two weeks, you will notice the result. The effect of thick long eyelashes will return you comfort and good mood! It is ideal to combine with other oils: almond, castor, burdock, apricot, etc. In 1:1 proportions, the oils are mixed in a separate bottle.

It should be remembered that masks are needed regularly, there will be no sense in one or two procedures.

For youthful and fresh skin

Sesame oil is a universal product, so it is recommended to use it in any available way:

  • apply in its pure form instead of a cream (for the night) or mix with your creams in any proportions (selected individually by sampling);
  • mixing with all facial products that you use (milk, lotion, tonic, etc.) is recommended;
  • with dryness and wrinkles under the eyes, soak several times a day with warm oil;
  • combine with other oils for the preparation of creams, masks, etc.

1. First of all, sesame oil is recommended for dryness, roughness and flabbiness of fading facial skin. It nourishes, perfectly moisturizes, softens coarsened layers and fights peeling. Daily rubbing with a cotton pad dipped in warm oil, under makeup and at night, will provide invaluable help to your skin.

2. Sesame oil is ideal for the eye area. These areas are the most sensitive and delicate skin, which requires special care. A similar soaking of the area around the eyes with a warm agent will help relieve swelling of the eyelids, bags under the eyes, and smooth out crow's feet. Can be used to remove makeup.

3. Sesame oil remarkably evens out the skin of the face, eliminates pigmentation and acne marks.

It is interesting! Magnesium in the composition of sesame oil is an anti-stress and tonic element that helps to relax the facial muscles. If you apply the oil at night, then in the morning you will see a fresh and rested face in the mirror.

Sesame oil is an excellent anti-aging agent

Unique properties for body skin

Sesame oil is actively used for massages in spas. It is excellent for joint pain and other chronic problems. Massage with oil relieves muscle tension, activates vitality, it is an excellent antibacterial and antifungal agent that helps fight the most common skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and others. The oil is a hypoallergenic product, it relieves irritation and inflammation, fights swelling well, but the most valuable thing for which women love it: sesame oil is considered a strong fat-burning agent.

It is often used for massages that promote weight loss and eliminate cellulite. It is believed that if you apply oil daily to the stretch marks, you can completely get rid of them. Practice shows that this is possible, unless we are dealing with an old problem that is more than a year old. In any case, the use of pure body butter or diluted with your body milk will give a good result: the skin will become firmer, smoother, and a pleasant shade will please the eye.

How to take for the beauty of teeth

Sesame oil is recommended for effective prevention of various problems of teeth and gums (caries, etc.), as well as a strengthening agent. For this, it is enough to rinse your mouth with an oily liquid. If you have a toothache, try rubbing oil on your gums - this will help reduce or completely eliminate pain.

It is interesting! Sesame oil is considered a strong antioxidant, thanks to which it can be stored for up to nine years.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

Practice has proven that the use of sesame oil for the treatment of various diseases has a beneficial effect on the human body. The treatises of the famous Avicenna mention the healing power of sesame. Many years have passed, but sesame-based recipes continue to be successfully used in traditional medicine. The effectiveness of such treatment is confirmed by practice and optimistic reviews. Let's take a look at the most common use cases.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

With increased blood clotting, internal use is contraindicated

The bioactive substances contained in sesame oil have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and lowering cholesterol. With regular consumption improves circulation and blood composition. Oil is just a lifeline for people suffering from anemia and reduced blood clotting. The miraculous liquid prevents spasms of cerebral vessels, treats hypertension, helps with heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, etc. In order to prevent, it is enough to take 1 tsp. per day, in order to treat 3 tsp. daily.

Useful properties for constipation, gastritis, stomach ulcers

Sesame oil has a mild laxative effect, it helps with constipation, cleansing and moisturizing the intestines. Excellent helps with various kinds of colitis, gastritis, treats peptic ulcers and a lot of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Saturation with phospholipids and phytosterols leads to stimulation of the processes of the biliary tract, normalizing the functioning of the liver. Also, the remedy is recommended for the treatment of dyskinesia, with hepatitis of a different nature and as an anthelmintic. It is an indispensable aid in the treatment of urinary tract.

For the nervous system

The smells of bergamot, orange, pine or lemon balm oils also help to cheer up.

Sesame oil activates the brain and eliminates neurological disorders. This is an excellent anti-stress agent, which is often used as an antidepressant that normalizes mood. Practice shows that the use of oil improves memory and promotes concentration. With regular use of sesame oil, you can not worry that you will be prone to apathy and depression, you can completely get rid of insomnia and fatigue.

For joint diseases

It can be added that it is widely used for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: with various kinds of arthritis, rheumatic problems, joint inflammation. As in previous cases, malso, rich in calcium and other minerals, is taken internally.

For women during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the female body especially needs an enhanced vitamin complex and sufficient intake of bioactive substances so that they are enough for the mother and unborn baby. Sesame oil completely compensates for this deficiency, giving mommy energy and helping the child develop. In the postpartum period, it will support the weakened mother's body, restoring the required amount of bioactive elements in a short time.

It should be remembered that a pregnant woman should consult a doctor about whether it is worth using the oil while in position, especially inside

Sesame has the ability to improve the composition of milk and increase lactation. During menstruation and menopause, it will help eliminate discomfort and pain. This elixir of health perfectly strengthens the children's immune system, providing the child's body with all the necessary trace elements.

Important! Regular use of sesame oil prevents the development of oncology, it perfectly removes toxins, radionuclides, toxins and salts of heavy metals.

Contraindications and potential harm

A contraindication for external use of oil is a possible individual intolerance to the product. It is necessary to consult a doctor in the presence of chronic diseases, hemophilia, thrombophlebitis and an allergic reaction to the product. For insurance, conduct a test, apply a few drops of the product to the back of your wrist and leave for a couple of hours. If itching, redness and other unpleasant manifestations do not appear, you can safely try all the advantages of this unique remedy.


When choosing sesame oil, be guided by the annotation. Storage does not require special conditions, it is desirable to observe a temperature of +10 to +25 degrees. Try to use the opened package within six months.

Sesame oil is obtained from raw or roasted sesame seeds. The differences between these species are significant.

  • Roasted seed oil has a dark golden brown color, attracts with a spicy aroma and frankly stimulates the appetite.
  • Its counterpart, raw seed oil, varies depending on the preparation method. The unrefined product also has a spicy smell and excellent taste. This oil is obtained by cold pressing, it is desirable to store it in the refrigerator.
  • After heat treatment (refining), the oil becomes yellow, with a slight nutty aroma. Such oil is stored longer, but loses many beneficial features for traditional medicine recipes and home cosmetics.

Composition of sesame oil

Like all vegetable oils, sesame oil is a high-calorie product: 884 kcal per 100 gr. product. It is interesting for humans primarily because of the high content of fatty acids. Here are the substances we find in the composition of sesame oil:

  • Up to 45% omega-6, predominantly linoleic acid;
  • Up to 42% omega-9, mostly oleic acid;
  • Up to 15% saturated fatty acids (primarily stearic and palmitic);
  • Up to 4% lignans and other components.

The structure of fatty acids varies somewhat - depending on the composition of the feedstock.

In addition, the oil contains vitamins (most of all vitamin E) and practically no mineral salts.

It is important to understand that unlike sesame seed, its oil is not a source of calcium and other trace elements, since the pressing technology does not allow metals to pass into oil. Look for calcium in the sesame itself or in sesame paste.

The benefits of sesame oil

Knowing the composition, let's evaluate why certain properties are attributed to this oil.

Lignans and cancer prevention in women and men

Let's start with lignans. Sesamin, sesamol and sesamolin - phenolic compounds of the plant compound - make sesame oil useful for oral use in the prevention of cancer, primarily breast in women and prostate in men.

Today, the estrogenic activity and antioxidant properties of lignans are being actively studied as part of the search for adjuvants for the treatment of many types of cancer, including melanoma.

Omega-6 fatty acids and diseases of civilization

Recall the high content of omega-6-unsaturated fatty acids (up to 45%) and immediately dispel the myth about the benefits of sesame oil instead of sunflower oil. Alas, a significant concentration of omega-6 makes this vegetable oil not the best choice in the daily diet.

Why is this happening? Because of the need to balance the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 in our food. Think! On average, we consume 20 times more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids. While the harmonious ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 should not exceed 4:1.

Therefore, we should eat such vegetable oils where the content of linoleic acid does not exceed 30%. Sesame is not one of them, but olive oil is worth a closer look.

Otherwise, we will remain hostages of a dangerous nutritional imbalance in omega-6 - with a catastrophic lack of omega-3. Vascular problems due to progressive atherosclerosis, various oncologies, Parkinson's disease, dementia juvenile, a growing number of clinical depressions and developmental delays in children - all these formidable conditions are associated with an excess of omega-6 in the diet.

The benefits of sesame oil for the skin of the face and body

The ability to protect us from harmful ultraviolet rays is one of the most sought after healing properties of sesame oil for the skin of the face and body. Photoaging is the main cause of skin aging, reduced immunity and the transformation of harmless moles into malignant neoplasms. That's why sunscreen must be included in your day care products.

Modern cosmetology actively uses sesame oil as a UV filter in the manufacture of natural-based creams. We can use the oil pure or diluted - in the summer on the beach, applying it to the skin during sunbathing.

Effective recipes for home cosmetics

Moisturizes, nourishes, actively regenerates, harmonizes the work of the sebaceous glands and stimulates skin immunity. All these actions are inherent in sesame oil when applied to the surface of the skin.

Among the simple recipes for home cosmetics, the following are most effective:

  • We soften the skin on the feet: we heat the oil in a water bath to a noticeable warmth and massage the feet with it with pushing movements. From above we put on cotton, and then woolen socks. Such warming at night will positively affect not only the condition of the skin, but also the health of the hormonal system.
  • We get rid of superficial wrinkles: apply oil to a cotton swab and gently pat the eyelids, face and neck. We leave for 15 minutes, after which we get wet with the remaining oil and go to bed.
  • We nourish normal and dry skin of the face: mix unrefined sesame oil with cocoa powder, apply on the face and hold for a quarter of an hour.
  • We clean oily skin: dilute 3 tablespoons of turmeric with sesame oil - to a thick slurry. With this mixture, you can massage not only the face, but the whole body, especially the décolleté and back areas, where pustular rashes most often occur with excessive oily skin. At the end of the massage, leave the oil for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • We fight cellulite: active massage techniques with sesame oil and even simple application of it 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening on problem areas will be effective - for 1 month.

Sesame oil in the treatment of lung diseases

Another recipe from traditional medicine suggests using sesame seed oil for rubbing the chest. The procedure is especially beneficial in chronic lung pathology, it helps to thin the sputum and soothes the hacking cough.

Rubbed with warm oil. Depending on the purpose of therapy, you can first rub the person, and then do a drainage massage, ending with laying in drainage positions - on both sides for 7-10 minutes. Or time the rubbing to sleep, wrapping the patient in warmth after the procedure.

Sesame oil during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special state of the female body, when many relatives of a newly-made mother try to feed her “for two”, or offer some especially useful products.

Judging by the composition of sesame oil, it does not have significant advantages over sunflower oil, and there are also a lot of calories. Trying to add it to the diet of a pregnant woman is an empty idea when the changes will not bring significant benefits. It is better to pay attention to the sources of omega-3 fatty acids - fresh flaxseed oil and high-quality fish oil, purified from mercury.

In addition, sesame oil can be a dangerous product for a woman's kidneys and urinary tract, especially in the third trimester.

Sesame oil on an empty stomach for gastritis and constipation

One of the folk recipes says that sesame oil helps reduce acidity in gastritis. Natural medicine doctors suggest drinking it before meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, one of which in the morning on an empty stomach.

Similar recommendations can be found for the treatment of constipation: drink 1 tablespoon of sesame oil - immediately after waking up. It is important to understand that drinking any oil on an empty stomach, and even drinking it with acidified water, we achieve a clear choleretic effect and bring the moment of bowel movement closer.

First of all, it is not the special composition of the oil that works here, but the time and conditions for taking the oily product. However, this method has strict contraindications. You can not drink oil in the morning for those who have gallstones, who suffer from functional reflux or GERD.

Sesame oil: harm and contraindications

Due to the high content of oxalates, both sesame oil and its oil should not be consumed by people prone to kidney stone formation, after operations on the organs of the urinary system, in conditions of an insufficient drinking regimen, during periods of stress with increased sweating.

It is especially dangerous to combine oil with foods that are rich in oxalic acid (green vegetables, parsley, beets, citrus fruits, oatmeal, gooseberries, instant coffee, chocolate, cocoa, etc.). In everyday cuisine, this means that you should not season cucumber salads, beets and any dishes with greens with sesame oil.

In addition, oxalate restriction may be indicated:

  • With a delay in speech development in children
  • In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy
  • In old age
  • Against the background of taking certain medications (aspirin, groprinosin, etc.).

We hope that the information we have collected has clarified the main issues, what are the benefits and harms of sesame oil and helped to figure out how beneficial it is for you and your loved ones to take it.

How to take sesame oil

The benefits and harms of sesame oil

For 7 millennia, during which people have been cultivating an oil plant, or sesame, a legend has developed that its seeds are one of the components of the elixir of immortality, the fame of which has reached our days.

After all, sesame seed oil has an extremely high antioxidant activity, due to a large supply of sesamin, which helps to increase the level of vitamin E in the blood.

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the body

How is sesame oil produced, what are the benefits and harms of each of its varieties, and how to take it with benefit?

It is produced by cold pressing, using roasted or raw seeds of the plant.

If roasted seeds are used for pressing, the oil is golden brown in color, with a subtle nutty flavor.

Toasted sesame oil has a nutty flavor

The oily liquid from raw seeds casts shades of very light gold, but has almost no taste and aroma.

Seeds that have undergone minimal filtration “give away” their strength to a greater extent, and therefore we will tell you more about the benefits and harms of unrefined sesame oil.

Its chemical composition is distinguished by the highest content of iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium; vitamins E, B, C; phytosterols and phytoestrogens, as well as fatty acids - arachidic, palmitic, linoleic, etc.

Due to this composition, sesame oil has a number of useful qualities:

  • Unrefined sesame oil frees the body from the "by-products" of metabolism, protects it from aggression from free radicals, thus preventing the occurrence of malignant neoplasms;
  • In Ayurvedic medicine, this valuable product has been associated for centuries as "strengthening the body." Its laxative, antihelminthic, diuretic action is also highly valued;
  • In the practice of traditional and folk medicine, it is used to neutralize the high acidity of the gastric secretion and alleviate intestinal colic, in the treatment of colitis and enterocolitis, in the prevention and treatment of helminthiasis;
  • Rich in oleic acid, it is also indispensable for "thought workers". In old age, sesame oil "postpones" the development of multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease;
  • The complex of substances included in it helps to establish “heart affairs”. The Omega-6 and Omega-9 present in it not only nourish the “fiery motor”, but also cleanse the vessels of “bad” cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis and its accompanying heart ailments;

    You may also be interested in the benefits of eating chia seeds, carob, avocado, and pectin to avoid cardiovascular problems.

  • Also in the "asset" of sesame oil there are compounds involved in the production of insulin. Therefore, it is often recommended to diabetics to normalize sugar levels.

For more information about the benefits of sesame oil, see the video:

The benefits of sesame oil for women are especially great.

The oil is also useful for the hematopoietic system. So three times a day, a tablespoon of it is recommended to be taken to increase reduced hemoglobin in anemia, to alleviate the manifestations of hemorrhagic diathesis in Werlhof's disease.

For medicinal purposes and beyond

The nutty aroma of refined sesame oil allows you to bring a little exoticism to traditional Russian cuisine. It is added to chilled soups and salads, meat and seafood dishes, and even cold desserts.

Unrefined oil obtained from unroasted sesame seeds is successfully used in the treatment of various ailments:

It is known that 100 ml of sesame oil fully satisfy the body's needs for calcium.

Therefore, expectant mothers, persons who have undergone various fractures, the elderly are recommended to use sesame oil on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. in the morning.

And to increase the protective forces of the child's body, a three-month treatment regimen has even been developed, suggesting, according to age, such daily dosages (taken with food):

  • from 1 to 3 years - 3-5 drops;
  • 4-6 years - 5-10 drops;
  • 7-9 years - 10-15 drops;
  • 10-14 years old - 1 tsp

Fly in the ointment in a barrel of oil

The only "minus" of this natural oily "elixir" can be called excessive - up to 900 kcal / 100 g, calorie content. Therefore, people seeking to reduce weight, the benefits and harms of sesame oil should be weighed especially carefully. They are advised to minimize the consumption of other products - sources of fat and strictly dose the intake of sesame oil.

Sesame oil is very high in calories

But bodybuilders have put this "flaw" at the service of their health and use highly nutritious seeds and sesame oil to increase muscle mass.

Sesame oil can also be harmful if it is ineptly combined with certain medicines and foods.

The combination of sesame oil with oxalic and acetylsalicylic acid provokes urolithiasis.

Therefore, it is not recommended to fill them with dishes, the ingredients for which contain oxalic acid (cucumbers, spinach, currants, tomatoes, parsley, etc.). People taking aspirin should use it very carefully.

Also, before you buy sesame oil, you should take into account such contraindications to its use as increased blood clotting, varicose veins, a tendency to thrombosis and allergies.

How to store sesame oil?

Manufacturers extend the shelf life of sesame oil by pouring it into factory bottles and sealing them tightly. Isolated in this way from external influences, the refined product retains its nutritional and medicinal properties for 60 months. Hermetically sealed unrefined oil is usable for 24 months.

Factory sesame oil is stored for two years

The shelf life of sesame oil after opening the factory bottle is six months, provided that it is stored in a dark and chilled place.

Sesame oil: benefits and harms. How to take sesame seed oil correctly?

Oriental healers consider sesame oil to be a medicine. Benefit and harm, how to take the remedy - questions that modern man should not leave unresolved. Excessive trust in alternative medicine methods can greatly undermine health, and excessive skepticism deprives a person of many natural medicines. Let's find the "golden mean" together!

To make sure that sesame or sesame oil (translated from the Assyrian "oil plant") is a really useful product, it is necessary to establish which substances are its components. Chemists have already done this hard work for us.

"Chemical content" of sesame oil:

  • sesamin;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • phytosterol;
  • phospholipids;
  • choline;
  • vitamins A, E, K, D, group B;
  • minerals - calcium and zinc, phosphorus, as well as magnesium, copper.

So, the benefits of sesame oil have been scientifically proven, because it contains many valuable components.

Let's lubricate the whole body!

What will change if sesame oil enters the body? For the use of this product, many organs and systems will tell you a silent "thank you" in the form of improved functions.

First of all, thanks to the "eastern" medicine, you will get rid of inflammation, rapid aging, problems with immunity, and the risk of oncology. Next, we will consider what healing processes take place in different parts of the body as a result of taking the remedy.

The cardiovascular system

The “main engine of the body” and the vessels are toned, their walls become more elastic, the heart muscle becomes stronger, the blood is cleared of harmful cholesterol, and cholesterol plaques cease to form. Blood pressure returns to normal.

Nervous system

Nervous activity is stimulated, and serious nerve damage is prevented. Mental work becomes more fruitful, insomnia, depressive moods and susceptibility to the harmful effects of stress recede, and you can completely forget about overwork and bad mood.

genitourinary system

Sesame oil has particular benefits and harms for women - it eases PMS, but not for long. For men, the product will give improved sperm quality and a good erection. Representatives of both sexes especially appreciate the benefits of sesame oil for the body due to the fact that the tool simplifies the treatment of nephritis, cystitis or urethritis.

Digestive system

teeth and bones

Tooth enamel, bones and cartilage gain strength, gums cease to become inflamed, ailments that destroy muscles and bone tissues recede, and the increase in muscle volume after sports training accelerates.

Skin and hair

Fungal infections, psoriasis, eczema, lesions disappear. The benefits of sesame oil for women is also to improve the appearance. After lubrication, the skin is moderately moisturized, nourished, and provided with normal blood supply. Sesame seed oil successfully replaces scrubs, ointments for peeling and irritation, and even makeup remover.

If you rub this product into the scalp once a week, and then wash it off with a neutral shampoo after 30 minutes, the curls will become strong and shiny, and the roots will be healthy. To test the benefits of sesame oil for women, use an unrefined product.

Respiratory system

The mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are moistened, the symptoms of pneumonia, bronchial asthma are weakened, shortness of breath and dry cough are eliminated.

Does sesame oil help you lose weight?

On the one hand, a positive effect on metabolic processes, the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body are important “losing weight” properties of sesame oil. But on the other hand, connoisseurs of such oil should not count on the destruction of "deposits of fat".

We use the "oil of the East" correctly

Sesame oil can be used to rinse the mouth (in the morning after brushing your teeth), make half-hour skin masks, rub the chest area with a cold, or use it as a massage cream.

But most of all, internal use causes concern: how to use the product so that the benefits of sesame oil for the body are fully manifested? For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to drink 10-20 ml of "oriental oil" in the morning. A slight overdose will not cause harm. It can also be used as a salad dressing, neat or combined with other edible oils.

It is strictly forbidden to heat cold-pressed sesame oil in a pan - the kitchen will be smoky, and the dish is saturated with carcinogens!

Only unrefined sesame oil is suitable for treatment. The benefits and harms of sesame during this processing are fully preserved. Other types of product are allowed for eating and frying, but they have lost many useful components during refining.

Sesame oil: benefits do not exclude harm

Even the most useful product is not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications to the use of sesame seed oil:

  • too fast blood clotting;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • tendency to form blood clots and stones;
  • allergy to this drug;
  • excess calcium in the body;
  • frequent diarrhea.

When including the product in the diet, remember that it is best not to eat more than 1-2 tbsp. l. oils per day, otherwise indigestion is possible.

Read also:

The customs, medicine and nutritional habits of the peoples of the East have recently penetrated into our cultural space. It is sometimes difficult to figure out where the truth and fiction are, but the benefits of sesame seed oil are a proven fact! Use the new product according to the listed rules, and you will feel great, like oriental sages!

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Sesame oil: application, benefits and harms

Sesame is one of the oldest oil crops widely used in cooking. But in addition to the direct and more familiar purpose, the seeds of this plant can be used for general healing of the body. However, in order not to eat handfuls of sesame in this case, the best option is oil. It contains all useful substances in high concentration. We will talk about how and for what purpose sesame oil can be used in this article.

The benefits of sesame oil

This oil boasts an optimal and, importantly, harmoniously balanced composition of polyunsaturated fats and amino acids for the human body. It contains a lot of vitamins A, E, B2, B1, B3, C, trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, silicon, copper, nickel, manganese, iron, as well as other essential active substances, including antioxidants. It contains a lot of Omeaga-6 and Omega-9, which has the best effect on the work of the reproductive, endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It contributes to the normalization of the amount of sugar in the blood, optimal absorption and metabolism of fats.

With its regular use, immunity is significantly strengthened, the risk of cancer is reduced, the effects of many harmful substances, such as heavy metals, carcinogens, toxins, toxins, and much more, are neutralized. The oil has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

A complex of vitamins B, A, E and C has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin, nails and curls. This product is a wonderful source of micro and macro elements that our body needs. It has an optimal set of all elements for the qualitative development of bones and cartilage. And in terms of calcium content, sesame oil can generally be ranked among the champions. Just one teaspoon per day is enough to satisfy the daily need of the body in the mentioned element.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the presence of phytoestrogens in the oil, which are very close in structure to the female sex hormone estrogen. For this reason, it will be especially useful for women with menopause to drink it in order to make up for the lack of such an important hormone.

Phytosterols and phospholipids are essential for the proper functioning of the liver, brain, nervous system, to normalize the condition of the skin, nails and hair, to maintain immunity at a high level.

The oil contains a large amount of the antioxidant squalene, which is responsible for the proper synthesis of sex hormones, lowering the level of bad cholesterol, antifungal and bactericidal properties.

In addition, sesame oil has analgesic, antihelminthic, laxative, diuretic properties. In some countries, this product is used not only as a means of prevention, but also as a full-fledged element in the treatment of a number of diseases. It is especially popular in Ayurveda.

The oil neutralizes increased acidity in the stomach, helps with bloating and colic, erosive lesions of the stomach and intestines. It is used to treat constipation, colitis, ulcers, pancreatic diseases and more. They organize the prevention of urolithiasis, hepatitis, dyskinesia.

Sesame oil will be useful for those whose activities are based on mental work. It helps to restore normal memory, cope with regular stress, increase concentration. With regular use of this product, you can protect yourself from Alzheimer's disease and sclerosis.

A positive effect on blood vessels and the heart muscle was noted. The risk of coronary disease, arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis is practically leveled, the risk of blood clots is significantly reduced, and much more.

With its use, insomnia, depression, apathy, increased fatigue and irritability can be cured. Helps relieve muscle tension.

Sesame oil should be introduced into the diet when:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. Great amount useful substances contributes to the proper development of the fetus, and then to high-quality lactation.
  • anemia. The oil stops further progression of anemia.
  • "Male" diseases. The oil contains a fairly large number of elements that have a positive effect on the formation of spermatozoa, erection and the functioning of the prostate gland.
  • visual disorders. The complex composition helps to restore vision.
  • Respiratory diseases. It relieves dryness of the mucous membrane, treats pulmonary inflammation, bronchial asthma and helps to get rid of dry cough.
  • diabetes mellitus. Helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, promotes the process of burning body fat.
  • Problems with bones and teeth. As mentioned earlier, it has a lot of calcium and other elements that help the bones recover quickly and continue to function normally. Therefore, the oil will be especially useful during the recovery period after fractures, dislocations and other injuries. Regular use acts as a prevention of many diseases that are associated with both teeth and bones.

Harm of sesame oil

In rare cases, an allergy may occur to sesame oil, so at first it should be used carefully, even if the body's reaction to sesame itself is quite adequate. The harm of sesame oil can occur only with a prolonged overdose or when taken if there is a contraindication to this. Therefore, always follow the recommended dosage and never overdo it.

Sesame oil contraindications

Sesame oil has no particular contraindications, except for the presence of individual intolerance. However, as experts say, in some cases, the oil should be consumed with extreme caution and in minimal quantities. So, for example, these are cases with urolithiasis. Due to the high calorie content (about 900 kcal per 100 g), it is not recommended to use it for weight problems.

Before taking the oil, it is imperative to talk with a specialist in case of varicose veins, the presence of a tendency to thrombosis and high blood clotting.

Application of sesame oil

Sesame oil is widely used in Asian cuisine. Salads are seasoned with it, many dishes are prepared with it. This product is especially well compatible with soy sauce and honey, however, as an important component, it can often be seen in recipes for pilaf, sweets, fish and seafood dishes, deep-frying, meat and vegetable dishes.

But even our domestic cuisine is not alien to the taste of sesame oil. It can spice up soups, fish, mashed potatoes, cereals, and more. In addition to improving the taste of the dish in this way, food can be enriched with useful vitamins and elements. But frying on an unrefined type of oil is categorically not recommended, due to its excessive saturation.

Sesame oil is used in the field of medicine to maintain immunity, treat and prevent many diseases. He was also chosen in cosmetology. A little later we will talk more specifically about the scope of its applications in this area.

Sesame oil for face

The rich chemical composition makes the oil the most valuable element in cosmetology. In addition to the aesthetic effect, the oil will help cure burns, fungal infections, psoriasis, eczema and other skin problems.

The range of effects of oil on the skin is very wide:

  • It can get into the deep layers and nourish, soften and moisturize from the inside. The oil saturates the dermis with oxygen and gives a healthy look.
  • The chemical composition of the oil pushes the body to recreate natural collagen, which is fraught with the return of the elastic and elastic state of the skin.
  • The oil maintains the water-lipid balance at an optimal level, which normalizes the “defensive” functions of the dermis.
  • Sesame oil amazingly cleanses the dermis from dead particles, removes dirt and other harmful elements, and also favors rapid regeneration.
  • The richness of the oil with antioxidants can significantly slow down the aging process.

Thanks to such remarkable properties, the oil can be used as:

  • Base oil for the manufacture of various home care cosmetics: lotions, masks, creams. Great for the care of the aging dermis of the neck and face. Can be used alone as a lip balm and moisturizer for the delicate skin of the eyelids.
  • Ingredient in cosmetic care for oily skin: it regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Basic ingredient for aromatherapy and dilution of essential oils.
  • Oil for massage sessions, especially relaxing ones.
  • Cosmetic care product for sensitive baby skin.
  • Natural makeup remover.
  • Nail care product. It helps to activate the growth of marigolds, stops the delamination of the nail plate and treats brittleness. Due to its antifungal properties, it acts as a preventive measure.
  • Component for the care of curls. Treats brittleness, nourishes and restores the structure of damaged and exhausted hair.

We offer for use several options for face masks with the use of sesame oil.

  • In equal proportions, you need to combine ginger powder and sesame oil. Mix thoroughly and leave for fifteen minutes to act, then rinse.
  • In equal parts, combine and thoroughly mix cocoa powder and sesame oil. Distribute the finished composition over the skin of the face and leave for a quarter of an hour. To heighten the effect, before applying the mask, you need to hold it a little in a water bath.
  • On a large spoonful of sesame oil, take four capsules of vitamins A and E. Mix everything well and apply with driving movements to the entire face, including the delicate skin of the eyelids. Leave the composition to act all night.
  • Nutritional composition. Mash a ripe banana with a fork and add sesame oil to it. Mix and apply the finished mask on the face for a quarter of an hour.
  • This mask should be done once a week. It does not require rinsing, after about twenty minutes the face is simply wiped with a napkin and that's it. Mix equal parts rosehip oil and sesame oil and apply on the face.
  • For oily skin, a mass prepared from a large spoonful of sesame oil and a couple of egg whites is well suited. Soak on the dermis for about half an hour and then rinse with a little warm water.

Sesame oil for hair

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the health of the hair and scalp. It heals and brings shine to damaged and dull curls, stops hair loss and makes hair shiny and supple. Ideal without exception for all types of hair, due to this it is considered universal. For the purpose of prevention and treatment, the oil can be used in its original form, in masks, and also as a means of enriching shampoos.

We bring to your attention some interesting recipes for hair masks:

  • The easiest version of the mask is to use the oil in its pure form. To do this, you need to warm it up a little in a water bath, then rub it into the hair roots with massaging movements and leave it for forty minutes under a film and a towel. If possible, the mask can be done at night and washed off in the morning. The course of prevention is a couple of weeks, and for hair treatment, the mask should be done at intervals of two to three days until satisfactory results are obtained.
  • In equal proportions combine sesame oil and honey, add the egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute over all curls. It is important that the hair is clean and dry. Wash off the mask with shampoo and lukewarm water.
  • Combine the pulp of one ripe banana with warm boiled water until pureed. Add a spoonful of sesame oil and avocado. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the hair along the entire length, leaving for an hour under the film and towel.
  • Mix half a glass of sesame oil with fifteen drops of bergamot and lavender oils, ten drops of rosemary and five pine oils. Keep on curls for at least half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.
  • In a ratio of 10 to 5, combine sesame oil and any essential oil. Mix thoroughly and distribute over all curls. Rub into the scalp especially carefully, for about five minutes. Leave it on your hair for a while, then wash it off with shampoo.

How to take sesame oil

The dosage of sesame oil directly depends on age:

  • children from one to three years old can drink three to five drops a day;
  • children aged three to six, the dose is increased from five to ten drops;
  • at the age of ten to fourteen years, the daily norm is a teaspoon per day;
  • from fourteen years and older, you need to drink a teaspoon three times a day immediately before meals.

Sesame oil: reviews

There are very good reviews about sesame oil, while in all areas of its application: from cosmetic to preventive. Its regular use really helps to significantly strengthen the immune system and improve the external condition of the skin, curl and nails. At the same time, if you want to really benefit from it, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product and its shelf life. It is highly desirable to purchase such things in a network of pharmacies, and not in the market, which significantly increases the risk of running into a fake. Before using the oil, both internally and externally, always test for allergic reactions.

Sesame seeds in Eastern countries are used as an additive to dishes that improves taste. In addition, sesame oil is made from them. By its properties, it is not much inferior to olive oil. It contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins that ensure the normal functioning of the body and prevent the development of inflammatory processes in internal organs.

Since ancient times, the sesame plant has been known to produce seeds for the preparation of sesame oil. In the countries of the East, its seeds are widely used in cooking.

They are added to absolutely any dishes. But they not only give a pleasant taste to ready-made dishes, but also bring considerable benefits. Scientists have proven that sesame seeds have incredible properties, so including them in the diet is the right decision. Although first you should learn about the benefits and harms of sesame oil.

The most valuable product that is obtained from sesame seeds is oil. It has a subtle smell of nuts and has pleasant taste. But most importantly, it is very beneficial for health. If raw seeds were used during the extraction, then the final product will have a light shade, and its taste and aroma will be quite ordinary. If the raw materials are fried before manufacturing the product, then the resulting oil will have a dark shade, the aroma will become softer, and the taste will acquire rich notes.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Experts have long considered sesame seed oil to be one of the products that have a powerful positive effect on human health. With its regular use, it is possible to successfully treat a number of diseases, a powerful healing effect is due to the presence in its composition of a substance such as retinol. They contribute to the elimination of ailments and other useful components contained in this oil:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin.

As part of this remedy, there are other vitamins belonging to group B. Therefore, there can be no dispute about its benefits.

Trace elements in this oil are calcium, iron and zinc. It also contains magnesium, copper and phosphorus. A product made from sesame seeds contains a wide variety of organic fatty acids, including omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.

Since the calorie content of this oil is quite high, and 100 g of the product contains 865 kcal, people who set a goal to get rid of extra pounds should not be used in in large numbers. Regardless of the harmony of the body, it is not recommended to take more than 3 tablespoons per day.

Beneficial features

The popularity of this oil as a medicine is due to the fact that its regular use by experts is considered as a good prevention of such a serious disease as atherosclerosis.

The saturated and unsaturated fatty acids that are present in this product, supplemented with sesamol, help restore the walls of blood vessels and prevent the accumulation of cholesterol. And the harmful accumulations already existing in the vascular system with the regular use of this healing composition gradually disappear. The product contains beta-sitosterol, the main positive effect of which is that it thins the blood and helps to accelerate the microcirculation of blood flow.

The inclusion of sesame oil in the diet allows you to tone the entire circulatory system.

Among all products, sesame oil occupies the first place in terms of calcium content. For this reason, it is very useful to take it for those people who suffer from such an unpleasant disease as osteoporosis. As a result of taking this beneficial composition, bone density increases.

Elderly people should also pay attention to this oil, as it reduces the risk of bone fracture. Drinking it is much more useful than drugs that have a lot of side effects.

For children, its benefit lies in the fact that, due to the content of an increased amount of calcium, it contributes to the process of skeletal formation. Due to its composition containing various vitamins and nutrients, it has a beneficial effect on the teeth, reduces the likelihood of caries in the oral cavity, and also helps to strengthen the enamel and eliminates bad breath.

An important element for the human body is copper, which is also present in this natural medicine. With its regular intake, it is possible to effectively treat diseases of the joints. Doctors recommend taking this product in the treatment of a disease such as arthritis. Thanks to its regular intake, this drug is able to quickly eliminate the inflammation that has arisen and reduce the painful symptoms that occur in the patient when walking.

Benefits for Women

Women who take care of their health and appearance strive to stay beautiful as long as possible. They are well aware of the beneficial properties of the drug from sesame, which contributes to the preservation of beauty. When taken regularly improves the color of the nails and the hair becomes silky and acquires a healthy shine.

For body care

This remedy, which can be refined and unrefined, can be used not only inside, but also used externally. When applied to the skin and lubricating the hair with a layer of this natural medicine, the hair follicles are strengthened, and the process of hair loss is also prevented.

In addition, its use avoids delamination of nails. With this oil, you can achieve the effect of whitening.

As a massage

During massage today, this oil is often used as the main tool. One of its advantages is a warming effect, which makes it possible to treat a disease such as osteochondrosis with its help. During massage procedures, a positive effect is also on the skin. With the help of this useful composition, you can easily eliminate stretch marks, fight pressure sores, reduce the waist on the hips, and most importantly, eliminate such a common female problem as cellulite.

For the prevention of diabetes

Sesame oil can be beneficial for the body in diabetes. To do this, people with such an ailment should often include in their diet a product made from sesame seeds. The thing is that it is a good prevention of diabetes. In the presence of this disease, people who suffer from it can lead a full life. Since this oil has a low glycemic index, due to its composition, it allows you to control insulin levels, eliminating blood sugar surges.

With the regular use of this useful composition, every woman gets the opportunity to improve her mood and avoid many health problems. This is due to the fact that unrefined sesame oil ensures the maintenance of normal hormonal levels. If you do not forget to drink natural medicine every day, then the pain, as well as muscle cramps that occur during menstruation, will decrease. In addition, the frequency of hot flashes is reduced when the menopause period begins.

This useful composition can bring the greatest benefit to pregnant women, since constipation and toxicosis are eliminated when it is taken, and future mothers get rid of edema.

After childbirth, it will also be useful to use this oil, since it eliminates stretch marks on the body, and it very rarely causes allergies when taken by a newly-made mother. The advantage of its use during breastfeeding is that it improves the quality of milk.

Admission rules

For all its usefulness, the maximum effect of this oil can be felt only if it is used correctly. For adults, experts recommend taking a sesame drug in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons during the day. It is best to drink it on an empty stomach.

Children can also improve their health by consuming this beneficial composition. However, things are a little different here. At the age of three years, no more than 5 drops are allowed per day. Babies 3-6 years old will be enough 7-10 drops. For children in the age group of 6 to 9 years, it is best to give a useful composition in a dosage of ½ teaspoon. Children aged 10 to 14 years old can consume sesame oil in the amount of 1 teaspoon per day.

Before ingestion or use for rinsing, it is not enough just to know how sesame oil is useful for women. There are other noteworthy facts. After heat treatment, this product loses most of its properties, therefore, in order for it to bring maximum benefit, it should not be heated to temperatures above 25 degrees. But don't drink it cold either. Also it is not recommended to add it to hot dishes. Foods from making such an additive will not be useful.

Harm and contraindications

Far from all people, oil prepared from sesame can benefit the body. For some, it may be contraindicated, while others should use this product carefully or refuse to include it in their diet at all. Although this oil has few contraindications, they should still be taken into account in order to exclude harm to health. The main ones are the following:

  • children under 1 year old;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diseases of the kidneys, diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • high blood clotting;
  • tendency to diarrhea.

Although the benefits of sesame oil for women are beyond doubt, this remedy is not recommended to be taken together with acetylsalicylic acid, as well as other drugs that contain this component. People who are allergic to peanuts also need to stop using the healing composition.

For those who regularly have dishes containing oxalic acid in their diet, it is not recommended to consume oil inside with them. This substance is found in tomato, spinach and cucumber. Such an unsuccessful combination of products creates certain difficulties for the withdrawal of calcium. This can increase the risk of developing urolithiasis in the body.

For the human body, this tool will bring many benefits. It is effective for skin diseases, helps to eliminate diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and also treats diseases associated with sexual dysfunction well.

Application in cosmetology

Using this beneficial composition for facial skin care is quite simple. With its regular use, you can maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin for many years. Phospholipids, polyunsaturated acids and a range of antibacterial components, along with vitamins present in sesame oil, help to smooth the epidermis and accelerate protein synthesis.

As a result of the use of oil for cosmetic purposes, cell membranes are restored, early wrinkles on the face are prevented, and irritation on the skin disappears. In order for the skin to always look well-groomed, during the application of the oil, it is necessary to adhere to the norm recommended by experts, and also not to violate the frequency of procedures. In order to avoid side effects due to care with this product, it is best to contact a beautician who, taking into account the type of skin, as well as existing problems, will give recommendations on its proper use to maintain the beauty of the face.

Sesame oil is a fairly well-known natural product that is of great benefit to the human body. It allows you to treat many diseases and generally improves health due to the large number of vitamins and nutrients that are present in its composition.

This unique product can be taken internally as well as used externally, such as for skin or hair care. Some rinse their mouths with it and achieve good results. Before use, you should figure out which oil is more useful, as well as learn about the benefits and harms of sesame oil, how to take it, about contraindications so as not to harm your health. With the correct use of this valuable product, many health problems can be avoided and a well-groomed appearance can be acquired.

Attention, only TODAY!

The tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves has been known to many since childhood. The story mentions a sesame plant, which contributed to the wealth of the main character. To this day, sesame is widely popular among Eastern peoples who idolize it. Seed-based oil is often used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. What is the sesame composition, what is its value and harm, we will consider in more detail.

  1. Sesame oil must be consumed by all women, without exception, in order to maintain normal hormonal levels. The product reduces pain and muscle spasms during menstruation, reduces the frequency of "hot flashes" during menopause.
  2. For pregnant girls, oil will help eliminate constipation, toxicosis, swelling of tissues and limbs in particular. In addition, the fetus will be formed correctly, the likelihood of possible defects at birth will be excluded.
  3. Sesame oil reduces stretch marks after childbirth, rarely causes allergies, improves the quality of milk (if taken during lactation). Frequent and dosed consumption leads to normal hair and nails.

When to Take Sesame Oil

There are certain categories of people who would like to include sesame oil in their diet. daily diet. The product is accepted in the following cases:

  1. Anemia - the composition fights anemia, increases the level of iron in the blood.
  2. Pregnancy, breastfeeding - a mother with a baby needs all the valuable elements in the oil.
  3. Prostatitis, impotence - the product should be included in the men's menu to increase blood circulation to the penis, increase the number of sperm.
  4. Diabetes mellitus - the composition is responsible for maintaining glucose at an optimal level, reduces the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders.
  5. Weak eyesight - sesame oil strengthens the eye muscles, lubricates the apple, promotes the development of natural traces, thereby improving vision.
  6. Bronchitis, pneumonia - sesame oil facilitates the course of respiratory diseases, removes mucus, removes dry cough.
  7. Weak teeth and bones - the accumulation of calcium in large volumes fills voids in the bones, eliminates crumbling of teeth and bleeding gums.

How much to take sesame oil

For an adult, the allowable daily intake varies between two or three tablespoons. The composition is consumed on an empty stomach, per 1 kg. weight accounts for about 0.5-0.7 gr. oils.

As for the reception of children, everything is a little more complicated. So, babies aged 1-3 years rely on 3 to 5 drops per day. A child of 3-6 years old needs 7-10 drops. From 6 to 9 years old, treat your child to half a teaspoon. Children 10-14 years old can be given 1 teaspoon.

Sesame oil loses most of its beneficial vitamins and minerals after heat treatment. To extract the full value of the product, you can not heat the composition to a temperature above 25 degrees. Therefore, take the oil inside cold, do not add to hot dishes.

  1. For colds. The product can be used for bronchitis, signs of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, colds. You should also rub the chest and neck areas with a warm or hot composition. After that, you need to wrap yourself up and go to bed. The procedure is best done before bedtime. As for the reception, drink 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals.
  2. With chronic constipation. If it is necessary to eliminate chronic constipation, the oil is consumed orally in 80 ml. in one dose on an empty stomach. On the second day, you need to drink 2 tablespoons, on the third - 1. During the allotted period, the intestinal tract will be cleaned, the stool will return to normal. Further, in order to prevent, drink a spoonful a day on an empty stomach.
  3. With infertility. Often, infertility appears due to low ovarian activity and anorexia. To stimulate full activity and restore ovulation with menstruation, you need to drink oil before meals, 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  4. With peptic ulcer. To heal gastric or duodenal ulcers, as well as reduce signs of gastritis, consume 25 ml after waking up in the morning. oils. Further throughout for 15 ml. product before meals. In general, 4-5 receptions are obtained.
  5. For skin ailments. To treat skin problems in the form of dermatitis, sesame oil should be rubbed into the damaged areas of the epidermis. It is better to mix the product with aloe vera juice, which has regenerating and bactericidal properties.

Harm and contraindications

  • children's age (up to 1 year);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • ailments of the kidneys (stones, sand), gallbladder and liver;
  • high blood clotting;
  • tendency to diarrhea.
Oil based on sesame seeds should not be taken together with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and other drugs that include the specified substance. If you are allergic to peanuts, the product should be excluded from the diet completely.

You should not consume oil internally if you eat foods with oxalic acid at the same time. These include tomato, spinach, cucumber, etc. Such a combination, like acetylsalicylic acid, prevents the removal of calcium. As a result, there is a risk of developing urolithiasis.

Sesame, or sesame, oil has undeniable benefits to the human body. The product is effective for dermatological problems, ailments of cardio-vascular system and sexual dysfunction. To get the full value, it is necessary to exclude contraindications in advance and study the possible harm.

Video: what is useful sesame and sesame oil

  1. Used in the food industry, for example for the manufacture of margarine.
  2. Pressed oils have found use in cooking, including in salad recipes, but they are especially suitable for home baking.
  3. Pure sesame oil will also be helpful in caring for hair, which it naturally darkens and restores.
  4. Used in soaps and cosmetics for dry skin.
  5. When heated, it is used for massage.

Culinary delights

Sesame seed oil has a slightly different taste than other vegetable oils (with nutty notes). Therefore, use it carefully until you find a dosage that suits you.

Can be added to the following dishes:

  • salads;
  • sauces;
  • marinades;
  • baking;
  • fried and stewed vegetables.

Application in home cosmetics

In terms of its effectiveness, cold-pressed sesame oil from unroasted seeds is not inferior to the most expensive creams and masks. It smoothes aging skin, and even acne marks become less noticeable.

Unlike other, heavier and "greasy" oils, it can be used on the delicate skin around the eyes.

Self-use will not cause trouble, as it is applied to the skin or hair in its pure form. It is recommended to lubricate cleansed skin with oil daily. It is quickly absorbed and during the day protects the face from UV exposure, makes the skin smooth and soft.

Another useful property of the product is due to the fact that it very well and quickly helps to cope with rough skin on the elbows and heels. To do this, daily lubricate dry areas, previously steamed, with a few drops of oil, and the skin will become noticeably softer.

For oily porous skin

The biological composition of sesame oil makes it an effective remedy for acne. It binds and removes impurities from the pores, deeply cleanses and softens the skin.

Other ingredients can be added to the oil to enhance the effect, such as ginger, turmeric or lemon juice.

For a cleansing and rejuvenating balm, take 2 tbsp. l. oil from raw sesame seeds, pour into a glass jar and add 1 tsp. grated ginger. Close the lid and leave overnight. Then strain and pour the composition into a dark glass dish with a lid. Wipe your face with this remedy daily.


100 ml cold pressed sesame oil contains daily allowance calcium. And this feature makes it an excellent tool for strengthening bone tissue. First of all, sesame seed oil is useful for children, expectant mothers, the elderly and patients after fractures.

One tablespoon on an empty stomach will be enough so that the musculoskeletal system does not experience calcium deficiency, and in the case of rehabilitation after fractures, this will accelerate bone fusion.

With weak gums and violation of the integrity of the tooth enamel, it is also useful to lubricate the oral cavity with sesame seed oil. It will strengthen the gums and teeth, and at the same time disinfect the mucous membrane, removing microbes that have accumulated during sleep.

In case of weak digestion, as well as after taking antibiotics, take a spoonful of oil in the morning before breakfast. Already after 3-4 days, the intestines will begin to work better, normal stools will improve.

Side effects and contraindications

Sesame oil does not have serious side effects if consumed in the recommended amount. But due to the limited number of scientific studies, this product should be used with caution during pregnancy, lactation and people with liver and kidney diseases.