Orange lentil recipes. Red lentils: cooking rules

02.05.2020 Restaurant notes

Hundreds of years ago, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece used lentils in cooking, in Russia even bread was baked from it. Today, they do not show due interest in such a culture, and in vain, because lentils have unique healing properties and amazing taste. You can cook many dishes from it: soups, cereals, side dishes, casseroles and much more. Introducing delicious and easy lentil recipes.

Lentils for garnish - a simple and tasty recipe

Lentils are a unique product that eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time, saturates the body with vitamins and nutrients. For the preparation of side dishes, brown, red and green varieties are mainly used. They go well with meat and fish dishes, as well as with vegetables - with pumpkin, potatoes and cabbage.

Brown lentil garnish

Brown lentils are distinguished by their delicate nutty flavor, they are not capricious in terms of processing.


220 g brown lentils;
2 tomatoes;
2 onions;
4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
lemon wedge, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Fill the beans with boiling water and leave for an hour. As soon as they swell, throw the lentils into a colander.
2. Peel the tomatoes, chop the pulp, finely chop the onion.
3. We heat the pan with olive oil, first fry the onion, then add the tomatoes, simmer the vegetables for about 3 minutes.
4. After a few minutes, add the beans to the vegetables, pour in a glass of warm water, season with spices, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
5. Season the finished lentils with a sauce of olive oil and lemon juice, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Red lentils for garnish

Red lentils are pretty hard to mess up. From it you can cook an original side dish with a spicy-sweet aftertaste.


220 g lentils (red);
3 chili peppers;
3-4 cloves of garlic;
curry, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly wash the bean grains, fill with water (0.5 l), put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook the lentils on low heat for 20 minutes, the grains should become soft.
2. Grind the onion, garlic and pepper, fry for several minutes in vegetable oil, adding a little curry.
3. Add boiled beans, salt, pepper to vegetables and simmer under a closed lid for 10 minutes.

Green lentil garnish

Green bean garnish can be served as an independent diet dish if olive or vegetable oil is used instead of butter in its preparation.


220 g lentils (green);
clove of garlic;
thyme, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Fill the lentils with water, cook over low heat until soft.
2. Fry chopped onions, garlic, carrots in oil.
3. We combine the finished lentils with vegetables, season with salt, pepper and thyme. Simmer for a few minutes, serve.

Hearty porridge with vegetables

For cooking, it is better to use red lentils. It cooks quickly and looks great when finished. You can add different products to porridge, but do not get carried away, because lentils have a pleasant taste.


200 g lentils;
celery root;
2-3 cloves of garlic;
2-3 tomatoes;
medium sized turnip (optional)
vegetable (corn) oil.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the lentil grains and boil until tender.
2. Remove the peel from the tomatoes, finely chop the flesh. Chop onion, garlic and carrots. Turnip cut into cubes or three on a large grater.
3. Stew all vegetables with a little water in a saucepan, adding vegetable oil.
4. As soon as the vegetables are ready, add the lentils and simmer for another 10 minutes. Lentil porridge is ready, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

Cream soup with croutons

Lentil soup puree is a hearty, tasty, healthy dish. For its preparation, culinary specialists use red culture, which is well boiled and gives the desired texture.


200 g lentils;
400 ml chicken broth;
red onion;
Art. a spoonful of tomato paste;
clove of garlic;
slice of lemon;
pepper, salt, cumin.

Cooking method:

1. Put the lentil grains, chopped onion, garlic, tomato paste, pepper, a pinch of cumin into the pan, pour everything with chicken broth. We put on fire and cook until the beans and vegetables are completely boiled.
2. As soon as the ingredients become soft, remove the pan from the heat, add salt, lemon juice and beat with a blender to a puree consistency.
3. Serve lentil soup with croutons and mint leaves.

Lentil cutlets

The best alternative to meat dishes can be lentil cutlets. Due to their unique properties, they are satisfying and nutritious. Since lentils are quite soft in structure, it is not necessary to add eggs to products. It is better to use vegetables, such as zucchini, carrots, pumpkins or potatoes.


200 g lentils;
3 cloves of garlic;
teaspoons of cumin and coriander;
salt, parsley, olive oil.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the lentils for 20 minutes, drain the water, cool completely.
2. Put the boiled beans, chopped onions, garlic, parsley, grated carrots and spices into the blender bowl. You can add some breadcrumbs. We mix everything.
3. We form cutlets from minced meat, lightly roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in olive oil until crispy.
4. Ready cutlets can be garnished with lettuce, red onion rings, pour over sour cream.

Diet salad with lentils

The peculiarity of lentils is that it contains a lot of nutrients and trace elements, and the fat content is reduced to zero. Therefore, with the help of a light salad with lentils, you can quickly lose weight.


220 g lentils;
Red onion:
green onions;
clove of garlic;
2 tbsp. spoons of wine bite and the same amount of lemon juice;
bunch of parsley;
olive oil, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Fill the beans with water, cook for 40 minutes. Pour the finished beans into a colander, rinse under running water.
2. Prepare the sauce. Take a spoonful of olive oil, mix with chopped garlic, wine vinegar and lemon juice.
3. Chop red, green onions and parsley. Carrot cut into small cubes.
4. Put lentils in a salad bowl, add prepared vegetables, pour sauce, mix and put the salad in the refrigerator for 45 minutes.

Tomato soup with beans

Lentil tomato soup will take its rightful place on the menu. A bright, mouth-watering, truly spring dish that harmoniously combines the nutty taste of beans, the slight sourness of tomatoes and the pleasant sweetness of bell peppers.


220 g lentils;
500 ml of tomato juice;
2 cloves of garlic;
Bell pepper;
200 ml of meat broth;
2-3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;

Cooking method:

1. Pre-soak bean grains in cold water, boil until half cooked.
2. Fry chopped onions and carrots in olive oil.
3. Add small cubes of bell pepper to the vegetables, and simmer them for several minutes.
4. Pour the broth into the vegetables, simmer until cooked.
5. Put the prepared vegetables, lentils into the pan, add spices, chopped garlic. Pour tomato juice, mix and put on the stove. As soon as the soup boils, remove from heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 20 minutes.
6. Serve tomato cream soup with sour cream and parsley.

Cooking option with mushrooms

Lentils with mushrooms is a tasty and not difficult dish to prepare. Thanks to its velvety and mild taste, even those who do not like bean dishes will definitely appreciate the recipe.


200 g of beans;
150 g dried mushrooms;
sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the grains, boil for 30 minutes.
2. Pre-soak dried mushrooms to remove bitterness from them.
3. Chop carrots and onions.
4. In a pan with sunflower oil, first fry the mushrooms. Then add the onions, carrots, spices and simmer until the vegetables are soft.
5. As soon as the vegetables with mushrooms are ready, pour in boiling water (half a glass) and simmer for a few more minutes.
6. Add the finished lentils to vegetables with mushrooms, cover with a lid, simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Lentils with chicken and bell pepper

For those who are looking for a recipe for an original and tasty dish for the festive table, then cooked lentils with vegetables and chicken will definitely decorate the table.


200 g lentils;
2 chicken breasts (fillet);
3 cloves of garlic;
2 heads of onions;
2 sweet peppers;
2 small apples (Antonovka, Granny);
tsp chili pepper;
olive oil.

Cooking method:

1. In order to not take so much time to cook, it is better to pre-soak the lentils, you can leave them overnight. Then rinse with water and cook over low heat for half an hour.
2. While the beans are cooking, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients. Take a bell pepper, cut it into cubes. Peel the apples and cut into slices. Sprinkle peppers and apples with oil and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
3. We take a frying pan and fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, add the chicken fillet pieces and fry.
4. Add roasted peppers and apples to the fried chicken with onions, as well as chopped garlic and chili peppers for piquancy.
5. It remains to add the lentils, mix everything and stew a little so that all the ingredients can absorb each other's juices.

Indian dal - step by step recipe

Dal is a traditional Indian dish. Even in the poorest families in India, this soup is a must on the table. For its preparation, different types of legumes are used, as well as spices and spices, which give the dish a unique taste and aroma.


220 g lentils;
3 tomatoes;
white onion;
3 cloves of garlic;
tsp sesame;
teaspoon of mustard seeds;
teaspoon of cumin;
teaspoon of turmeric;
bay leaf;
2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
sunflower oil, salt, parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Pour lentils with 3 glasses of cold water and cook for 20 minutes.
2. Peel the tomatoes and cut the pulp into small cubes.
3. In a frying pan with heated oil, pass the chopped onion and garlic.
4. As soon as the vegetables are slightly fried, add mustard seeds, turmeric, caraway seeds to them, mix and continue to cook the frying for a few more minutes. At the end, add sesame seeds. We spread vegetables, tomatoes in almost ready lentils. Add bay leaf, lemon juice and salt to taste. Cook soup for 10 minutes.
5. Decorate Indian lentil dal with parsley leaves and serve with tortillas.

Appetizer with chicken liver

Lentils have a peculiarity, they do not absorb harmful substances and toxins, so the dishes are not only tasty, but also healthy.


250 g lentils;
400 g chicken liver;
teaspoons of coriander and black pepper;
salt, vegetable oil, dill.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the lentils until tender.
2. Heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan, fry the chopped onion until golden brown.
3. Then add chicken liver to it and fry until tender.
4. Add lentils, spices to the chicken liver with onions, mix and simmer for a few more minutes. We decorate the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Lentil pate with nuts

Lentils can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. For example, bean pate with walnuts. This is a great option as a sandwich with black bread. Despite the fact that the pate is not the most appetizing dish in appearance, but its taste and aroma compensate for this lack.


250 g lentils;
80 g walnuts;
salt, pepper, sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Boil lentils for 20 minutes.
2. Grind onions and carrots, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
3. Walnuts can be ground in a coffee grinder.
4. Put the prepared lentils, vegetables, nuts into a deep container, add spices and mix the ingredients with a blender until a homogeneous texture is obtained, that is, a pate. The finished appetizer can be transferred to bowls and garnished with quarters of nuts.

Lentil casserole with cheese

Lentil casserole is an excellent choice for a light dinner. A healthy and incredibly tasty dish will be especially appreciated by those who choose a healthy lifestyle.


220 g of beans;
100 g of Adyghe cheese;
teaspoon curry;

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the lentils and cook until all the liquid is gone.
2. We beat the egg, salt, curry into the cooled overcooked lentils and add the Adyghe cheese, which you can simply crumble with your hands.
3. We take a baking dish, cover it with parchment paper and spread the dough. We bake the dish in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for an hour.

Ragout with tomatoes and corn

Lentil stew with vegetables is a fragrant, satisfying and appetizing dish. Lentils go well with all vegetables, and if you add a little spice and garlic, then an amazing taste is born.


220 g lentils;
5-6 tomatoes (700 g of tomatoes in their own juice);
2 carrots;
2-3 cloves of garlic;
2 onions;
80 g of corn;
200 ml vegetable broth;
Art. a spoonful of red wine vinegar;
2 teaspoons of curry, cumin, salt;
black pepper, olive oil.

Cooking method:

1. In a preheated pan in olive oil, fry the chopped onions and carrots. As soon as the vegetables are browned, add chopped garlic to them and fry for another minute.
2. Put the tomatoes in a deep container, chop them with a blender.
3. Put the washed beans, fried vegetables, tomatoes, corn and all spices into the pan. Stir, pour the broth and put on the stove. As soon as the stew boils, reduce the fire and simmer under the lid for 40 minutes.
4. Give the finished dish time to brew, season with wine vinegar before serving.

Black lentil and chickpea curry

Lentil curry is the most popular dish in Sri Lanka. Black bean curry is hearty, healthy and amazingly delicious. The taste of beans, which are boiled in coconut milk along with seasonings, is especially impressive.

You can make your own coconut milk or buy a ready-made product. But the taste of homemade and purchased are two huge differences. Making coconut milk is pretty easy. All you need is one coconut and water. Peel the coconut from the shell, grate the pulp on a fine grater, pour it with water and squeeze it with your hands for several minutes. As soon as the water turns white, strain the milk through a sieve.


200 g lentils (black);
200 g chickpeas;
50 g ginger;
2 cloves of garlic;
2 tomatoes;
300 ml coconut milk;
2 teaspoons of cumin, coriander;
tsp turmeric;
1 teaspoon curry.

Cooking method:

1. Soak lentils and chickpeas for 2 hours. Boil the swollen beans for an hour.
2. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, if there is, then coconut oil. Fry the chopped onion in it.
3. As soon as the onion is browned, add chopped garlic and ginger. Cook for a few more minutes, put the coriander and cumin seeds. We wait a couple of minutes for all the seasonings to reveal their aroma. Now you can add finely chopped tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes.
4. We combine ready-made beans with vegetables, add turmeric and curry powder, pour a glass of water and cook for 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, add coconut milk, bring to a boil and turn off the heat.
5. The dish can be served with herbs and rice.

Features of cooking dishes from lentils

1. There are about ten varieties of lentils that differ in color, shape and cooking method. Therefore, it is important to know which variety is suitable for preparing a particular dish.
 black, green and brown are suitable for making porridges;
 orange, yellow and red are good options for soups and stews.
2. The processing time also depends on the variety. French lentils cook quickly, red and brown lentils take a little longer, green lentils take the longest to cook.
3. Sort and wash the grain before cooking. It is not necessary to soak them, just as you should not add salt to the water, which will only prevent them from being boiled quickly.
4. Proportions: for salads 1:1, for cereals and stews, the amount of water can be doubled.
5. The use of spices such as coriander, black pepper, turmeric, dried and fresh ginger will help the body absorb the legume easily.

Red lentils are an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals. If cooked correctly, it will become a full-fledged dish that will fill you up perfectly during the days of Lent, and an excellent side dish, for example, with meat. Red lentils are considered a dietary product, so they are often used in weight loss programs. Cooking lentils according to this recipe is quite simple, and as a result you will get a hearty and healthy dish that you will surely enjoy!


In order to properly cook red lentils, you will need:

red lentils - 1 cup;

water - 2 glasses;

salt - to taste.

Cooking steps

Prepare the ingredients for the recipe.

Rinse the lentils thoroughly, changing the water several times. Then transfer the washed lentils to a saucepan, pour clean cold filtered water.

The ratio of cereals and liquid should be 1:2 (that is, 1 glass of lentils is poured with 2 glasses of water).

Cook red lentils over low heat, stirring occasionally. It is prepared quite quickly - 10-15 minutes and the grains become soft. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and let the dish rest for a while before serving.

Red lentils belong to the legume family. It makes simple and delicious dishes. Due to the absence of fat and high protein content, red lentils can be included in the diet of even a losing weight person. But how do you cook red lentils? You will find out the answer to this question by reading this article.


red lentils 1 stack Carrot 1 piece(s) Onion 1 piece(s) Salt 1 tsp Vegetable oil 1 tbsp Ground black pepper 2 pinches

  • Servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

Red lentil porridge with carrots

The recipe for this porridge will appeal to those who save their time and watch their figure.


Red lentils - 1.5 cups;

Carrots - 1 pc.;

Onion - 1 pc.;

Salt - 1 tsp;

Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;

Ground black pepper (to taste).

Before using lentils, rinse well under running water. Next, fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 2 (1 part red lentils to 2 parts water). Add salt, pepper and bring to a boil. After that, you need to reduce the fire of the stove to a minimum level.

How much to cook red lentils so that the porridge does not burn? About 20-30 minutes. While it is cooking, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and finely chop the onion. Put the vegetables in a heated and oiled frying pan and fry until golden brown. After that, add them to the finished porridge and mix. The dish is ready.

This porridge can also be used as a side dish.

Brazilian lentils with tomatoes

How to cook red lentils for a side dish without using a stove? You can use the microwave for this. This method of cooking lentils is borrowed from Brazilian cuisine.


Red lentils - 0.5 tbsp.;

Tomato - 2 pcs.;

Onions - 0.5 pcs.;

Salt - 0.25 tsp;

Olive oil - 1 tbsp;

Ground black pepper -0.25 tsp

Lemon juice - 1 tsp

We wash the lentils and fill them with water for half an hour. After this time, we send the workpiece to the microwave, set to maximum power, for 10 minutes. Before this, you need to make sure that the water covers the lentils by 2-3 cm at least. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the peel from them. Next, we cut them together with onions into small pieces, mix with olive oil and send them to the microwave for 5-6 minutes. Tomatoes should become soft. After that, salt and pepper them, to give a piquant taste, pour over lemon juice and add to the lentils. After mixing, send the dish again to the microwave for 2-3 minutes. The Brazilian side dish is ready.

Red lentils can be used as the basis for a wide variety of hearty meals. Delicious soups, side dishes, full-fledged hot meat dishes and even cutlets without minced meat are prepared from it. Such treats are also very economical.

Prepare in advance:

  • red lentils - 1 full glass;
  • onion and carrot - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 small tubers;
  • tomato paste - 2 dessert spoons;
  • lime juice - 1 dessert spoon;
  • dried mint - 0.5 tsp;
  • dried chopped basil - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • hot water - 6 tbsp.;
  • fatter oil, salt.

We will prepare like this:

  1. Fry randomly chopped onions and carrots in a heavy-bottomed pot. Vegetables should soften well.
  2. Rinse the lentils, then send it to the pan.
  3. Fry the ingredients together for 1 - 2 minutes, stirring frequently.
  4. Put a paste of fresh tomatoes and small cubes of peeled potatoes.
  5. Pour everything with warm water and salt.
  6. After the start of the boil, cook the treat for a little more than half an hour. Be sure to stir the mass regularly and make sure that it does not burn.
  7. Puree cooked vegetables. Enter all other ingredients stated in the recipe. To mix everything.
  8. Boil the food for another quarter of an hour after boiling again.

Serve red lentil soup with butter.

How to cook beans for a side dish


  • lentils - 400 - 430 g;
  • thick tomato paste - 60 g;
  • onion - 100 - 130 g;
  • water - 3 l;
  • salt, oil, parsley in any form.


  1. Soak the beans in cold water overnight (this amount of liquid is not taken into account in the recipe).
  2. Drain the water from the lentils, replace with a new one (half the amount stated in the recipe). After boiling, rinse the beans. Fill them with the remaining clean liquid.
  3. Add about 1 dessert spoon of any vegetable oil to the water. It will help soften the beans.
  4. Cook lentils until soft. This process usually takes about an hour. Do not cover the dishes with a lid so that the beans do not darken.
  5. About 5 - 7 minutes before the readiness to salt the lentils.
  6. Finely chop the onion. Fry in oil until golden brown. Mix it with tomato paste and cook in a skillet for a couple more minutes.
  7. Place the beans in a bowl with the fry. Add chopped fresh or dried parsley.

Simmer the ingredients together over low heat for another 7 to 8 minutes. It is delicious to serve the resulting side dish with any meat.

Turkish first course


  • red lentils - 2 full glasses (pre-soaked for 3 - 4 hours in water);
  • olive oil - ¼ st.;
  • carrots, garlic (slices), onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 4 pcs.;
  • green salad pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 1 dessert spoon;
  • chicken broth - 8 tbsp.;
  • minced chicken - 430 g;
  • cracker crumbs - 3 dessert spoons;
  • salt, herbs, pepper.


  1. Rinse prepared beans.
  2. Heat olive oil in a heavy bottomed pan.
  3. Immediately send all vegetables into it, except for tomatoes, cut into pieces. Garlic can be chopped into thin slices.
  4. Cook all 6 - 7 minutes in boiling oil, stirring often.
  5. Add tomato slices and pasta, as well as salt and pepper.
  6. After another 5-6 minutes, transfer the beans to a container. Pour everything with chicken broth.
  7. After boiling the mass, remove the foam from the surface of the liquid. Simmer the future soup over low heat for about 2 hours.
  8. Add salt. You can add a pinch of granulated sugar if you wish. It will make the taste of treats brighter and more interesting.
  9. Salt minced meat. Make miniature balls out of it and roll in breadcrumbs. Send them to soup.
  10. After boiling, cook the treat for about 20 minutes over low heat.

Serve the finished red lentil dish to the table hot, after sprinkling with chopped fresh / dried herbs.

Lenten cutlets


  • red lentils - 1 tbsp.;
  • onions - 6 heads;
  • breadcrumbs - 1/3 tbsp.;
  • red and black pepper - a large pinch each;
  • salt and oil.


  1. Soak the beans in cold water for about 4 to 5 hours. It is necessary that they increase in size by approximately 3 times.
  2. Send the lentils to a colander to drain excess liquid.
  3. Chop the whole onion into small cubes. Send them to a cast-iron skillet with plenty of sunflower oil. Fry the vegetable until golden brown.
  4. Mix the roast with the swollen beans. Blend them in a blender until smooth. It is best to do this in small portions.
  5. Add pepper and salt.
  6. Pour in all the crumb crumbs stated in the recipe.
  7. Spoon cutlets into the pan and fry until browned on both sides.

Serve with your favorite hot sauce.

Cooking with chicken in a slow cooker


  • red beans - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • chicken fillet - 670 - 700 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 pod;
  • ripe tomato - 1 pc.;
  • clean water - 3 full glasses;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices, oil, herbs.


  1. Grate the carrots and send them to the bowl of the kitchen "helper". Fry in a suitable mode until soft with the addition of a small amount of oil.
  2. Pour the meat pieces over the carrots. Simmer the ingredients together until the color of the chicken changes.
  3. Add pieces of tomato and pepper.
  4. When all vegetables are soft, turn off the mode.
  5. Pour water into the container. Pour the washed legumes, spices and salt.
  6. Cook in the program for pilaf for 80 - 90 minutes.

Sprinkle the resulting dish generously with herbs.

Lentil sauce for spaghetti


  • red lentils - 300 - 320 g;
  • celery - 100 - 120 g;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - 2/3 tbsp.;
  • pure water - 430 ml;
  • salt, spices, oil.


  1. Cook beans until soft. To make this happen faster, you should soak them in cold water in advance.
  2. Coarsely grate peeled carrots and celery.
  3. Fry the ingredients from the second step in oil and spices until golden brown.
  4. Send cooked lentils to fry along with pasta and salt.
  5. To mix everything. To fill with water.
  6. Cook the mass over low heat with frequent stirring for 12 - 14 minutes.

In the process, the gravy will thicken from further boiling of the lentils. Season with salt if needed and serve with pasta.

Salad with red lentils


  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • red lentils - 130 g;
  • Feta - 80 g;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 dess. a spoon;
  • red onion - 2 heads;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar and honey - 1 dess. spoon
  • red pepper, curry, salt - a pinch each.


  1. Wash the beets and chop each into 4 parts directly with the skin. Sprinkle with all spices, salt and sugar. Drizzle with honey, oil and vinegar.
  2. Ingredients per cup of legumes:

  • sweet carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 270 - 300 g;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Salt the beans and cook until fully cooked.
  2. Coarsely rub the carrots and stew in a small portion of butter with spices. Turmeric and curry work well here.
  3. Mix products. Break with a blender. Salt to taste.
  4. Combine with remaining softened butter. Puree again.

Serve chilled with crispy toast.

These dishes are not only budgetary and tasty, but also have a positive effect on human health. The benefits of red lentils in any form are confirmed by all modern nutritionists. For example, it stabilizes cholesterol levels and generally has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of cancer and improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Lentils are soft beans that are sold dried. It can be consumed in the form of cereals, soups, side dishes, stews, meatballs. But to achieve the unforgettable taste of these beans, you need to know how to cook lentils. Modern recipes will allow you to achieve a delicious culinary masterpiece using a slow cooker or in the traditional way on the stove.

How long to cook lentils until tender

Before cooking lentils, it must be sorted out, separating garbage, pieces of earth, and husks. For convenience, lay the beans on a white paper towel or plate. Place the prepared lentils in a sieve and rinse under cold running water for a minute. Having decided to cook porridge from these beans for the first time, many housewives have a question: is it necessary to soak lentils before cooking? In order for the grains to retain their shape and not become very soft during cooking, they do not need to be soaked first.

Depending on the dish you are going to cook, the cooking time for lentils can be from 10 to 45 minutes. If you purchased split beans, then after 10-20 minutes you will have a mushy mass. Such lentils boil quickly, so they are ideal for mashed soups. You can increase the boil for whole beans to 45 minutes by leaving the lentils to simmer, covered, until completely softened.

Features of cooking red, black, green and yellow lentils

There are about 11 varieties of lentils that differ in their color, grain shape, taste, and even cooking method. The popularity of this product is growing every year, so it is important to know how lentils are useful and how to cook them. The usefulness lies in, iron, B vitamins, folic acid, potassium, carbohydrates, as a result of which lentils have become an integral part of the diet of all people. Regular consumption of dishes from these beans is beneficial for:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of the urinary system.

First you need to decide for which dish you are buying these beans and what you are going to cook. If you plan to cook porridge, then you need to purchase French green or brown, black lentils. Beans of this color tend to retain the shape of the grains without turning into a puree mass. For soups and stews, red, yellow, orange lentils should be used, as in the process of cooking they quickly and strongly soften, turning into porridge.

How to cook lentils in a slow cooker

So that cooking dinner does not take a lot of personal time, we recommend using a slow cooker. This unique multifunctional device will allow you to get the finished dish without additional difficulties. You need to prepare the right ingredients and place them in the multicooker bowl. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • washed green lentils - 1 multi-cup;
  • water - 1 multi-glass;
  • grain mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • freshly ground chili pepper - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • finely chopped one celery root;
  • canned corn - 200 g;
  • tomato sauce - 4 tbsp. l.

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. Carefully place the indicated ingredients in the multicooker bowl and mix with a plastic spatula.
  2. Modern multicookers are equipped with many functions, among which is the "Multipovar" mode. Select this function, close the top cover of the device and you have one hour of free time while the technician prepares a gorgeous lentil dish for you.

What dishes are prepared from lentils

There are a large number of options for preparing lentil dishes. These beans can be used on their own as hearty cereals or in complex culinary creations. To diversify breakfasts or surprise the family for dinner, prepare dishes based on lentils. You can, cutlets, a side dish for meat, and there are also recipes that detail how to combine lentils with other types of cereals, vegetables.

Suggestion: To enhance the flavor of a cooked lentil dish, add a couple of bay leaves or a pinch of dried sage. You can also use celery root or leaves, parsley or rosemary. Lentil dishes are recommended to be salted and peppered at the very end of cooking.

How to make puree soup

Puree soup is a thick soup that needs to be cooked with a large amount of vegetables or cereals. To get the most healthy, tasty and satisfying dish, we recommend preparing lentil puree soup. The correct preparation depends on the accuracy of observing all the proportions of the necessary ingredients. For this soup you will need:

  • red lentil beans - 200 gr;
  • chicken broth - 2 cups;
  • finely chopped red onion (medium) - 1 pc.;
  • a spoonful of tomato paste;
  • grated carrots - 1 pc.;
  • a pinch of cumin and pepper;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • clove of garlic;
  • a slice of lemon and mint leaves;
  • submersible blender;
  • pan.

Puree soup is prepared according to the following technology:

  1. Combine the lentils, broth, onion, carrot, garlic, tomato paste, cumin, and pepper in a large saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat.
  2. Reduce the heat and simmer until the vegetables and beans are completely tender. This will take approximately 25 minutes.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat and quickly soften the soup ingredients with an immersion blender. You should get a puree-like mass. When blending, be careful not to splatter hot soup, use low speed.
  4. Then you need to add salt and squeeze a slice of lemon. You can garnish with mint leaves on top if you like.

Lentils with chicken meat

For a family dinner for two you will need:

  • 300 grams of chicken breast;
  • a glass of brown lentils;
  • three glasses of water;
  • a tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • salt, pepper, cumin, curry;
  • big bulb.
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How to cook lentils delicious