Hangover tips. Effective hangover recipes

12.04.2019 Buffet table

Alcohol poisoning is an alarming condition that requires adequate treatment. You can do it quickly at home, without any additional funds.

Light, without complications, cases are quite successfully amenable to therapy. Help here whole complex measures and actions aimed at eliminating the consequences of the time spent the day before.

What happens to the body during a hangover

To combat the disease, it is necessary to understand what happens in the body with excessive alcohol intake. Spirits contain dangerous toxins and substances. Acetyl alcohol, harmful to internal organs... There is a failure in their work, poisoning and intoxication of the whole organism occurs.

Alcoholic drinks take out a large number of liquids. And the so-called dry forest appears. Tachycardia, VSD develops. Alcohol intoxication provokes malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels.

Due to the lack of oxygen, nerve cells suffer. Heartburn, abdominal pain appears. The level of acidity in the stomach rises. The liver is impaired and needs to be treated. In the pancreas and intestines, a malfunction occurs against the background of intoxication of the body.

Nausea, vomiting, bloating, bad stools are the result of alcohol poisoning.

Ways to deal with a hangover at home

The body is poisoned - an urgent need to remove toxins and decay products. The most effective approach is medication. For a hangover, enterosorbents should be drunk - activated or white charcoal, enterosgel, tincture of eleutherococcus.

If necessary, pain relievers - one tablet (aspirin, citramon, spazmalgon) and vitamins. These drugs are readily available at the pharmacy. At the same time, it is necessary to replenish the fluid deficit.

Walking can help you return to your normal state of health. Moderate physical activity will be beneficial and the body will quickly utilize toxins. You can accept cold and hot shower (if health permits).

Folk remedies for a hangover

There is an opinion that it is best to treat a hangover with alcohol, that is, to get drunk. Drinking more vodka is a common folk method. A person adds bad substances to an already affected organism.

Although there is a short-term improvement in the condition, the body begins to want to drink more and more alcohol. A simple binge turns into a binge. The struggle flares up with renewed vigor. Below are the popular folk methods to help overcome the disease.

Pickle or pickle of cabbage, tomatoes or cucumbers. In a vivid picture of the Russian hangover, these products remove the dire consequences - oppression, heartbeat. But, the effectiveness of this method can be challenged.

Cope with creepy hangover not easy. But, a properly prepared pop will help you with this - on the floor liter jar pour a glass of water, add 30 grams of sugar plus two tablespoons of vinegar, and add a little baking soda, stir and drink the resulting cocktail.

The fast-acting way is to squeeze out lemon juice of two or three fruits, dilute in the same amount of boiled water. This drink will reduce the effect of harmful substances, bring relief from nausea.

To cleanse the intestines, you need to eat half a cup of honey in small portions throughout the day. It acts as a laxative.

Various herbs will also help.

St. John's wort - a sedative that improves sleep and helps to recover from unpleasant symptoms. Decoction of flax seeds will remove heartburn and relieve stomach pains. Peppermint tea will reduce blood pressure, reduce hand shake. Mint tincture will help remove dizziness and headache.

Tomato juice with salt will help you get sick quickly. In half a glass portions, drink 1 liter within an hour and a half.

A cold compress made from pieces of ice wrapped in a towel will ease the suffering. The blood vessels in the brain are narrowed, which helps relieve headaches.

Home cranberry juice will actively replenish the lost vitamin C. A few drops of valerian will remove beer fumes and will not be able to harm the body.

Strength will return a glass of kefir mixed in equal proportions with mineral water.

To relieve pain, symptom and nausea decoction of St. John's wort and rose hips.

How to get rid of a hangover quickly

The fastest way is to properly flush the stomach and remove toxins. To do this, drink 1-1.5 liters. water and induce vomiting. Good way - therapeutic enemas, which prevent further absorption of alcohol residues into the bloodstream. You can also take lignin-based sorbents.

Succinic acid is taken to accelerate the cleansing of the body. It enhances metabolism and cleansing becomes effective. The brine has a strong effect, normalizes the water-salt balance.

For an early exit from a stressful state, it is necessary to replenish the lost proteins and minerals.

Sour milk, kefir, ayran, yogurt will cope best with this task. They restore strength, help "get sick" and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Use food additive with prebiotics will help to recover from a hangover. The acidophilus contained in them replenishes vitamins A, C, B.

Help nervous system will have glycine, nootropic drugs Picamilon, Pantogam, Mexidol. These medications should only be taken with a doctor's prescription and prescription. Self-medication can be bad for your body.

Milk, hop tincture and beer (preferably non-alcoholic) are considered natural sedatives. Surviving a hangover will help ammonia. The drug is dissolved in water (4-5 drops per glass) and drunk. This method is popularly considered easy and effective, however, you should not abuse it, it has a detrimental effect on health.

Recovery of the body after alcohol

With a single excess of alcohol consumed, these drugs can help:

  • Diuretics, laxatives, absorbents;
  • foods containing lactic acid;
  • rehydron dropper with added glucose.

The measures taken will help to cope with the consequences of excess alcohol.

From the regular and long-term intake of alcoholic beverages, the functions of vital organs suffer. To recover, you need to resort to more complex measures. You may even need to be treated in a hospital. A drunken person is more difficult to treat.

Correct diet food has a good effect on the functioning of the body.

For rehabilitation after intoxication, it is recommended to exclude fatty, spicy, low-quality foods. You can not eat semi-finished products. Food should be light and healthy. You need to eat cereals, eat vegetables and fruits. Helps with spoon recovery olive oil with a few drops of lemon, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Exactly digestive system responsible for the disposal of waste products after excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. A balanced diet is very important. IN daily diet should include soups, cereals, vegetables, fruits. The use of dairy products has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Normalization of kidney function is a long process. Harmful substances settle in them, which negatively affects the urinary organs. Renal failure develops, pain symptoms appear. You should completely abandon alcohol.

It is necessary to follow the diet, move more, go out into the fresh air. Walking will help oxygenate your body. It is necessary to be treated with vascular, spasmodic and nootropic drugs.

But you should not take the medicine yourself. A doctor should monitor this. Each person is individual, and only a qualified specialist can choose the necessary tool.


In order not to have to think about what actions to take with a hangover, than to recover, it is easier to prevent it:

  • before taking alcohol, you need to eat well;
  • avoid fatty foods, combined with alcohol, it puts additional stress on the liver and pancreas;
  • take activated charcoal or other absorbent;
  • try not to mix alcoholic drinks;
  • drink a raw egg to keep you from getting drunk.

In order not to get sick with a hangover, you need to observe the measure. Even if you drink wine or beer. A glass of the drink will not do much harm, but the main condition is not to abuse it.

Anyone who was too fond of rest with intoxicating is familiar with the hangover syndrome. A hangover is an inevitable echo of violent parties, cheerful gatherings and protracted feasts. And this is a consequence of the intoxication of the body with toxic residues of ethanol, with the withdrawal of which the liver cannot cope due to its excessive amount.

And of course, you want to get rid of symptoms such as migraine, nausea, weakness, tremors in the body, tachycardia, dizziness, soreness of muscles and joints. Pharmacists have created many drugs to help relieve hangover syndrome, but many prefer folk knowledge and use various recipes from a hangover at home.

The effectiveness of folk recipes for a hangover is not inferior to medicines

Unlike a variety of drugs offered in pharmacies, home treatment does not devastate the family budget. After all necessary ingredients can be found in the kitchen and used immediately without running around in poor condition at pharmacy points.

Folk recipes designed to relieve hangover symptoms are in no way inferior to medication in their effectiveness.

They are safer because they are natural, available and easy to prepare. In addition, all the proposed products have passed many years of strength testing and have successfully proven their effectiveness. All the best folk hangover recipes work instantly and quickly put the sufferer in order.

Effective hangover drinks

These funds have an important advantage over other methods. After all, it is the drink from the hangover that helps to reanimate the disturbed water balance and improve the processes of detoxification of the body from the remains of alcohol metabolites. Alternative medicine offers a number of the following most effective hangover drinks:

Egg-orange... Mix egg yolks (2 pcs.) With sugar (75 g) until a cool foam is obtained. Add freshly squeezed orange juice from one citrus fruit to it. Mix well and pour heavy cream (150 ml).

Citrus drink... Pass any citrus fruits through a juicer, add water to them (you can use carbonated water) and a couple of egg yolks.

How to get rid of a hangover in different countries

Berry juice... To improve the condition, it is better to use sour berries. Viburnum with its own the richest composition vitamins. The berries must be chopped and squeezed. Leave the juice for now, and boil the rest of the cake over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then mix both products and add sugar to taste.

Pickle with tomato juice... The brine has already become real legendary drink with a hangover. You can improve its strength by using tomato juice... For this you need to mix cabbage pickle (100 ml) with natural juice tomato (250 ml). To improve the taste, you can stir in apple or carrot juices, salt or sugar.

Fermented milk drink... For the manufacture of effective remedy it is better to use whey or medium fat kefir. Add greens to it and salt a little.

Herbal decoctions... Lingonberry leaves and rose hips are ideal for relieving hangover symptoms. They should be brewed (at the rate of 20 g of raw materials per glass of boiling water) and insisted for 10-15 minutes.

If you don't like any of the proposed recipes, you can also use drinks such as:

  • kvass;
  • tomato juice;
  • green tea with honey;
  • ordinary drinking water;
  • fermented milk drinks (Kumys, Ayran, Tan).

Old recipes, proven over the years

A person faced a hangover syndrome centuries ago, during a dark past. In the distant past, alcohol, as such, was not yet known to mankind. But cunning people consumed fermented berries for their own intoxication. It was then that the first antidotes began to be created, which removed the consequences of a serious condition.

IN modern world most suitable recipecoming from antiquity becomes natural honey... It copes well with the syndrome and relieves negative impact ethanol. Honey drink effectively restores metabolic processes and replenishes lost reserves of minerals and vitamins.

Honey is an old hangover cure

To prepare the drug, 100 g of honey is dissolved in a glass of heated water. You can take honey in pure form in the same amount, after dividing it into two portions. Drinks sweet product large volume pure water.

Soda for a hangover

Sodium bicarbonate is in a great way restore the acid-base balance (with a hangover syndrome, this level becomes acidic). After all, alcohol decays to form a large amount of acetic and lactic acid. Using a hangover baking soda recipe, you can quickly remove acidosis.

Acidosis is a combing of a shift in the acid-base balance towards an increase in acidity.

By the way, soda also helps to reduce a person's desire to drink alcohol, so it is often used in folk recipes for the treatment of alcoholism. For cooking soda drink soda (18-24 g) should be diluted in warm water (1.5 L) and stir well. This amount of drink should be consumed gradually over 1.5-2 hours.

To relieve hangover symptoms, it is good to combine soda with brine. It is best to take soda before meals. Also, baking soda helps to effectively cleanse the stomach. To this end, you should take 2-3 glasses of soda drink and provoke artificial vomiting.

Anti-hangover soups

And what to cook with a hangover more satisfying and restorative? A separate niche in the best anti-hangover folk recipes is occupied by soups. How about a rich chicken broth? It will perfectly saturate a person, enrich a weakened body with useful compounds and replenish energy. But not always meat broth will benefit.

It is not recommended to recuperate with a hangover with the help of chicken broth if a person has ailments associated with the work of the pancreas. This will put too much stress on the liver, which is already weakened.

It is better to opt for a light, but no less satisfying vegetable broth... The hot drink will saturate the body weakened by a hangover with important minerals and trace elements. And if you include rice or oatmeal in the soup recipe, such a dish will help remove the remnants of poisonous alcoholic toxins.

Some hangover cocktail recipes

As far as spices are concerned, the aromatic and hot seasonings are best left for more convenient occasions. To get rid of hangover syndrome, it is better to use cumin or lavrushka. For hot spices, you can use a little red or black pepper. Hangover soups should be eaten in small portions, but often.

Tomato Soup Recipe

We need:

  • onion head;
  • any vegetables (150 g);
  • egg noodles (200 g);
  • any greens (to taste);
  • chicken bouillon (200 ml);
  • chicken breast (1/2 fillet);
  • oil (sunflower or olive);
  • canned tomatoes (2 large fruits).

Finely chop the onion and fry with butter until transparent color... Bring the chicken broth to a boil, add the onion and chicken meat. 15-20 minutes before full readiness add vegetables and noodles to the soup. Finally, add the tomatoes (peeled).

One serving of this soup contains a complex of trace elements necessary to restore health.... Tomato anti-hangover broth:

  1. Relieves nausea.
  2. Will remove fatigue.
  3. Relieves headache.
  4. Get rid of lethargy and weakness.

Carrot broth recipe

We need:

  • ham (50 g);
  • greens (1 bunch);
  • medium carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tomato paste (50 g);
  • sauerkraut (100 g);
  • vegetable broth (200 ml);
  • salt and lavrushka (to taste);
  • medium-sized onion.

Cut all vegetables into cubes. Fry the carrots in oil and, after softening, combine with the rest of the vegetables. Fry until the onion is transparent. The ham is also cut into small cubes and added to vegetables. After 3-4 minutes, increase the heat and pour in the vegetable broth.

After boiling, add spices and tomato paste and simmer for another 6-7 minutes over low heat. Cabbage is added last and left to cook for 10-15 minutes (until it is soft). You can add sour cream and brine to the finished anti-hangover soup.

To stop the hangover syndrome, there are a number of simple, but extremely useful recommendations. They should be studied and remembered, especially if such a condition is a frequent companion of a person..

Tips for avoiding hangovers

  1. Plain willow bark will help remove discomfort and replenish the body with lost minerals. To do this, buy willow bark at the pharmacy and chew it.
  2. Succinic acid is also worth buying at the pharmacy. It should be taken in the amount of 6-7 tablets with an hour break between each dose.
  3. If there is no brine at home, it can be replaced with kvass. But remember that this drink also contains a small amount of ethanol. Kvass perfectly restores the water-salt balance.
  4. Chamomile, rosemary, dandelion and mint teas have a calming and healing effect.
  5. It cleans the liver well. warm milk and natural honey.
  6. And liquid fermented milk products become indispensable helpers in the fight against thirst and dehydration.
  7. Chicken broth (only low-fat) effectively restores the functioning of the digestive tract and stimulates blood circulation.
  8. Fresh vegetables will also help in a hangover. But if you make salads from them for a hangover, it is better to give up salt and mayonnaise (these products retain water and inhibit detoxification).
  9. Stock up on Matsoni (a fermented national Caucasian product made from sour milk). This drink is extremely rich in microorganisms and amino acids that are good for the intestines. Matsoni effectively restores the LCD and helps cleanse the body of ethanol decay products.

How to prevent hangover

Of course, it is easier to prevent a painful condition than to search for recipes for stopping the syndrome. After all, alcohol not only "gives" a terrible hangover, but also extremely detrimental to the state of all internal organs and systems. If you are planning a fun alcoholic party, then you should know how to prepare for it.

To do this, use the following guidelines:

  1. Drink milk (250-300 ml) before the party starts. Milk drinkOnce in the stomach, it will become a barrier between the mucous membrane and alcohol, which will slow down the absorption of ethanol into the body.
  2. It is noticed that the darker the color of the alcoholic drink, the more the subsequent hangover manifests itself. But from vodka and good white wine the hangover syndrome is usually weak and mild.
  3. You do not need to drink alcohol with carbonated drinks - this will provoke rapid intoxication and a heavy hangover.
  4. After the end of the feast, you should take 2-3 glasses of clean drinking water... This will speed up the body's detoxification processes.
  5. Better to opt for any one type of alcohol. And it is desirable that it does not contain dyes and preservatives.
  6. Be sure to eat a hearty meal before celebrating.
  7. Eat heavily throughout the meal and take breaks between drinks. Leave the table for fresh air more often, move more.
  8. Also, during the feast, you should take some kind of sorbent (you can use activated carbon).

And remember to follow your own norm. It should be known and monitored by the level of alcohol consumption. After all, at any party, you can find something to do that is great fun, without the participation of excessive amounts of alcohol.

There is no universal homemade hangover recipe. The medicine is chosen based on individual characteristics and the amount of alcohol consumed. Of the existing folk remedies, able to save in the morning, a person himself selects a recipe that will help cope with a hangover. One thing is for sure: drinking alcohol is the worst case scenario. This method leads to even greater damage to the liver, intoxication and dehydration of the body, and also provokes a situation when a hangover turns into another day of alcohol abuse.

Do you have an acquaintance or close alcoholic? You need to act decisively! If you do not help through force, then no one will help him.

Recovery drinks

Alcohol causes severe intoxication and dehydration in the human body, which you have to fight in the morning. To restore water balance, a lot of fluid is required, the temperature of which should ideally correspond to body temperature. Universal home recipe from a hangover does not exist, everything is quite individual here.

Plain water does little to get rid of hangover syndrome, since it does not fully restore the water-salt balance. It is better to drink other drinks in the morning:

  1. Kefir with a hangover will help restore the liver, remove accumulated toxic substances, and also replenish the reserves of protein and essential minerals in a depleted body. If desired, add honey to it. If a person does not like kefir, then another fermented milk drink is suitable, half a liter of which is drunk in the morning after a stormy feast.
  2. Pickle - both cucumber and cabbage are suitable, as long as there is no vinegar in it. Enough 1 or 2 glasses. This drink helps to restore the acid-base balance in the body, replenishes lost fluid.
  3. Medicinal-table mineral water, for example, "Jermuk" or "Borjomi". It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of such water, which will help the body recover, replenish lost fluid, salts and minerals. Such water helps to quickly cope with the numerous edema that occurs after heavy drinking, and also improves bowel function, which allows the body to quickly say goodbye to the harmful decomposition products of alcohol. It is useful to add honey to mineral water: even a small amount will enhance the positive effect of water.
  4. Tomato juice for a hangover is another indispensable product in the fight against a hangover. The drink will help to quickly process harmful toxic substances formed as a result of excessive alcohol intake, will make up for the lack of salts and vitamin C, which is lost while drinking.
  5. Black tea or coffee also helps on the way to improving well-being, because they have vasoconstrictor action, and therefore relieve headaches - a common sign of hangover. However, if a person has a tendency to increase blood pressure, it is better not to use this method.
  6. Rosehip decoction - healing drink, which helps to remove harmful and toxic substances from the body, replenishes the loss of vitamin C.
  7. Warm water and honey for a hangover improve your well-being. The beekeeping product is eaten with plenty of warm water.
  8. Oatmeal jelly or a decoction will help the stomach and body to remove alcohol decomposition products as soon as possible, fill the lack of vitamin B and relieve swelling. To prepare the broth, a glass oatmeal pour 5 glasses of pure water and boil for 20 minutes, adding honey to taste shortly before cooked.

Other drinks to help fight hangover

Why is hungover so hungry? The answer is simple: the body during a feast with abundant libations, excessive alcohol feels dehydrated, hungry, since the level of insulin in the blood sharply decreases, which leads to the desire to eat more. I especially want carbohydrate food, because the body, which weakened alcohol, needs glucose.

When you want to eat from a hangover, rich mushroom, chicken or quail broth will satisfy your hunger. These dishes replenish the body with proteins and other essential substances. Add to the broth raw eggs - the best at a hangover remedy that will make the dish even healthier.

You can eat in the morning, as Dr. Komarovsky advises, vegetable or milk soup, which will give strength and energy, will help to additionally vitaminize the body and replenish it with fiber, which is necessary for digestion and elimination of toxins. If you add cereals to the soup, then such a dish will cope even better with the negative consequences after alcohol abuse.

Fatty jellied meat, boiled jelly or aspic from fish are irreplaceable helpers in the fight against hangover syndrome. These dishes are rich in protein needed to eliminate negative consequences and restoration of the body. For the preparation of these dishes, gelatin is used, which contains glycine. This substance will help a person psychologically, calm the nerves. Fatty rich broths and jellies relieve abdominal pain, relieve abdominal pain and hand tremors.

The best hangover food for breakfast, even if nausea is present, is sauerkraut and onion juice, as well as spicy korean salad... These foods are rich in vitamin C, contain minerals and salts that the body loses when consumed alcoholic beverages... Such a drug helps to bring down attacks of nausea, relieves headaches, a person can calmly fall asleep and become normal.

Armenian soup based on chicken broth helps with a hangover. The dish includes sauerkraut, noodles, potatoes, carrots, onion and fresh herbs... A multicooker is used to prepare the soup. Put peeled and chopped chicken broth into ready-made raw potatoes, carrots, onions, bell pepper, tomatoes and cook for 15 minutes. Then add sauerkraut to the soup and boil for another 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, season with salt to taste, put bay leaf, boil for another 2 minutes and remove from heat.

Pour a lot of fresh greens into a plate, rich in vitamins and useful substances, pour the soup, chop a hard-boiled egg into it. This will make the dish healthier, tastier and more flavorful. Armenian soup cook in advance in the evening, and then the question of what kind of food is suitable in the morning will not arise.

A favorite among the products that help eliminate hangover syndrome is honey. The beekeeping product contains trace elements and organic acids, the lack of which is felt after drinking alcohol. In addition, honey contains natural sugar - fructosewhich helps to remove alcohol and harmful products decay of ethanol. This beekeeping product has an extremely positive effect on the mental state of a person, being a natural sedative - even with insomnia, it is recommended to use honey before bedtime.

Other hangover remedies

- the best cure for suffering after excessive use alcohol. Moreover, it is recommended to sleep in a ventilated room for at least five hours, with dim lights and in complete silence. In such conditions, the body will restore strength, and the hangover syndrome will go away.

Walk on fresh air will improve the blood circulation of the body and, accordingly, will help accelerate the elimination of harmful substances.

In the morning, after a stormy feast, you should have a bite to eat with soup, bite into Korean carrots, which they like to use in the state of Korea, or drink mineral water, whatever its name, and then go to the nearest park for a walk, breathing in clean air. You can’t just immediately sit behind the wheel and, like a Georgian horseman, climb headlong into the city stream. When all else fails, only a pill or a Ringer's dropper will save you.

Exercise helps to cope with poor health, since alcohol breakdown products are removed with sweat, respectively, the poison will quickly leave a person. The only thing that should be taken into account is if the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages lasted more than one day, if the person was in a binge, then physical exercise are categorically contraindicated. A weakened and poisoned body may not be able to withstand the stress. Even when you urgently need to go to work and there is a checkpoint in front of the enterprise, it is better not to take risks.

Hangover recipes are very diverse. They include low-fat foods so as not to overload the pancreas, which is already suffering after alcohol. Each person decides for himself what is best for him in the morning: honey with warm water, sauerkraut or pickle, simple broth or vegetable soup... The main thing is not to drink alcohol, but to take care of yourself and the body, give rest to the liver and stomach. Only in this case the hangover will pass quickly, efficiency and joy of life will return.

Especially for those who cannot stop at a fun feast, and then suffer from terrible consequences, we have collected best recipes from a hangover. Waking up with intense thirst, headache and nausea, you swear that you will not drink so much more. You are willing to go to extreme lengths to get the hangover out of you. Victims are useless, it is enough just to know a few simple tricks in the fight against morning sickness.

During a hangover, it is extremely difficult to force yourself to have breakfast. Most often, a person starts the day with mineral water or kefir.

In alternative medicine, there are several proven drinks that will help relieve the primary symptoms:

As a last resort, if your body does not want to consume the above recipes, give preference to simple carbonated or still water... Your body is dehydrated due to the high amount of alcohol in your blood.

Do you think that only in the modern world are people struggling with hangovers? No, because it all started in the deep past, when people ate slightly fermented berries for easy intoxication. Then they began to develop a certain antidote, from the consequences of the abuse of pseudo-alcohol.

Since ancient times, the most effective is simple bee Honey, it will help to cope with poor health. It is enough just to eat 50 gr. honey and drink it with several glasses of water. In the morning and in the evening, for a better effect.

Someone will say that he was helped by a soup cooked in fat, rich broth... No one will argue, such a soup will return to a person the strength lost during drinking, enrich every cell of the body with useful substances, and, most importantly, saturate you with energy. In this situation, there is one "but". You should not resort to such treatment if you have even the slightest problems with the pancreas. You poisoned your body with ethanol, added work to it, and now you decide to load it with the digestion of complex carbohydrates.

It is best to give preference to simple vegetable broth... It will saturate your body with all the necessary trace elements and minerals. And if you add oatmeal or rice there, they will remove all toxins at a faster rate.

You should not add a lot of aromatic spices, they will only irritate the stomach lining, which has already suffered. Give preference to simple lavrushka or caraway seeds, a little red or black pepper will also do the trick. Another tip, do not eat a lot, in small portions, but more often.

As we said, the best option will be simple low-fat soup... Surely you can eat ordinary borscht or ear, they will also help, but not in the same way as unique anti-hangover soups.

Popular recipes:

Recipe number 1

For the soup we need:

  • 1 glass of chicken broth;
  • Half a chicken breast;
  • 2 small canned tomatoes (perfectly cooked in their own juice);
  • A glass of noodles, it is better to use an egg;
  • 150 gr. favorite vegetables;
  • 1 onion;
  • Greens, any, to taste;
  • Oil, olive or sunflower.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a little oil until transparent. Bring the chicken stock to a boil and toss the onion into it. As soon as it starts to boil, add small pieces chicken fillet... Add noodles and vegetables a quarter of an hour before cooking. Once the soup is ready, season it and add the tomatoes (no skin).

One bowl of this soup contains a full complex useful to the body microelements. It not only relieves fatigue from a person, but also relieves headaches, malaise and nausea. If you know for sure that the next morning after drinking you will feel bad, prepare it in advance, put it in the refrigerator, and eat it in the morning.

Recipe number 2

Simple but hearty soup, for which you will need:

  • 3 tbsp sour cabbage;
  • 1 onion, medium size;
  • A small carrot;
  • Tomato paste;
  • 50 gr. ham;
  • A glass of any broth (most importantly, not very fatty);
  • Oil, you can use both olive and sunflower;
  • Seasonings (lavrushka, salt);
  • A bunch of fresh herbs.

If you want at all lean soupthen use plain water instead of broth, it will even be better for your stomach. It will take no more than an hour to prepare the intoxicating soup.

Cut all vegetables into small cubes. Fry the carrots in a saucepan or cauldron in oil. After softening it, we send the rest of the chopped vegetables to the cauldron. Fry until the onion becomes transparent.

At this time, carefully cut the ham into cubes and add to the cauldron, stirring, fry for 2-3 minutes. We increase the heat a little and pour in the broth.

As soon as the soup starts to boil, add the pasta and spices (lavrushka or caraway seeds). So we keep on fire for another 5 minutes. Then, add the cabbage and leave to cook for another quarter of an hour (check the readiness for the cabbage, it should become soft).

For greater effect, you can pour brine into the soup and serve with sour cream.

These tips will help ease the condition:

Probably, every doctor will tell you that instead of suffering from a hangover, it is better not to drink at all, because alcohol harms not only your well-being, but also causes irreversible damage to all your organs. If you decide that you will be drinking tonight, then take care of your well-being in advance.

Some simple rules hangover warnings:

In a situation where none of the methods have helped you, you should meet the hangover already prepared. And remember, in this process it is important to observe your individual norm, and best of all, to drink only that amount of alcohol that will only benefit you (a glass of vodka, a glass of red wine).

There are many ways to save yourself from a hangover syndrome, which are effective and not very effective, but we tried to put together the best recipes for a hangover.

Historically, our people drink a lot, and not always water. For the same reason, it happens that they mix all kinds of alcohol. And then, as a bonus, they get a whole bunch of symptoms: lethargy, headache, dryness, hangover, hangover, a desire to disappear and the familiar question "Why did I drink so much yesterday?" And what is surprising - all this does not stop a person and next time everything will be about the same.

However, this situation is not hopeless, since there are a lot of medical and folk remedies that will help to eliminate side effects booze. Therefore, we tried to collect proven hangover recipes that will help you avoid a hangover. But we warn you right away, the recipes are given from different people, and alcohol acts on each person individually and the body recovers in different ways. As a result, one recipe can help very quickly, while another can go unnoticed.

You should not remove the hangover syndrome with the same alcohol that you took the day before. Although this method is effective and known for a long time, it harms the weakened body, as it has to fight with a new dose of poison. In addition, there is a danger of continuing to drink, which will lead to binge drinking!

Moreover, in case of severe poisoning with a surrogate or low-quality alcohol "Drunk" will only aggravate the condition.

If in the morning after a libation you have a hangover, then you need to start restoring your body. To do this, use common sense and our hangover recipes.


  1. Activated carbon. First you need to cleanse the body from the inside. At home, you need to have activated carbon (or "Karbolen", or "Polyphepan" - the same coal, but more effective). Stir 25 grams of coal in half a glass of water and drink. You can start eating only after an hour and a half. Activated charcoal will help cleanse the intestinal and stomach walls of lactic acid, acetic acid, from acetaldehyde, decay products of isopropyl and propyl, as well as other impurities. Adsorbents can also be included in the treatment regimen: Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Diosmektit, Sorbogel, Karbolong.
  2. Polysorb. This is also an enterosorbent, but it is based on silicon dioxide. It has a good ability to bind the remains of toxins and alcohol in the body. The manufacturer claims that its drug is 60 times more effective activated carbon... The drug is capable: for this, half a tablespoon of water must be stirred with two tablespoons of Polysorb. Drink the mixture before the start of the feast. Then drink the same amount after a feast, also before going to bed. It is recommended to repeat the procedure in the morning. It is worth noting that after taking sorbents, it is advisable to empty the intestines after two hours, otherwise the opposite effect will be observed.
  3. Smecta. It is designed primarily to combat diarrhea. In addition, Smecta is an adsorbent, that is, it can absorb and remove toxins, helping with a hangover. The method of application is indicated in the instructions for the preparation.
  4. Filtrum. It is an enterosorbent, that is, it can remove toxins naturally... Filtrum for a hangover helps to quickly remove alcohol by-products from the body. For you need to drink 5 - 6 tablets with plenty of water. Also, after 2 hours, you need to empty the intestines.
  5. Panangin, asparkam. Alcohol has a diuretic effect, flushing magnesium and potassium from the body. Their deficiency can be replenished by preparations "Asparkam" and "Panangin", which contain magnesium and potassium salts. Grind 4 - 5 tablets and dissolve in half a glass of water. Do not take them if there are problems with cardiovascular system... In this case, Panangin is used to treat alcohol poisoning only in the complex.

If you prefer not to mess with pills, then you can eat a handful of any nuts or a sesame seed bun, which are high in magnesium. Sunflower seeds are a treasure trove of trace elements.

The next morning with a hangover will be useful seaweed: it contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, and it is also a strong adaptogen. Salted tomatoes and cucumbers, sauerkraut will be appropriate.

Restoration of acid-base balance

If your hangover is accompanied in the body by an excess of unpleasant symptoms - sweating, pallor, salivation, nausea and vomiting, headache, weakness, shortness of breath, then you can dissolve baking soda (4-10 g) in 1.5 liters of water. You can also get by mineral waters "Essentuki" and "Borjomi", it is desirable that they were "medical dining". You need to drink them at least 1.5 liters.

After a hangover, thirsty, however plain water will not help much, first you need to restore the loss of salts. For these purposes, it is recommended to drink a glass of pickle: cucumber or cabbage. At the same time, make sure that in front of you is not a marinade, but a brine. The dose is no more than a glass. Then you can drink water according to the scheme a glass every 20 minutes for an hour.

1. Dense food with a hangover is not recommended. There is an opinion that fatty foods can trigger the release of hormones that will help alleviate the condition, but dense foods will only worsen the situation. It contains proteins and fats in large quantities, which, when consumed, will create a load on the liver. At this time, the liver is already overloaded with the processing of ketones and aldehydes, neutralizing decay products. This causes the liver to fail and can cause vomiting or diarrhea.

Therefore, you should limit yourself to only light food in the morning.

2. Old Russian recipes. Russian folk way, which has been proven for centuries and is able to calm down a dreary state, is sauerkraut with pickle and cranberries! Cucumber pickle is also used, but not too concentrated. It is desirable to dilute it cold water half.

Efficient old Russian recipe: salted and fresh cucumbers chop finely, add finely chopped to them boiled beef or veal. You can add olives or olives there. Then everything is poured diluted cucumber pickle... The result is something like a cold hodgepodge. As a result, the body will recover quickly and will be able to replenish the fluid deficit that causes the headache. In addition, the resulting dish will contain so necessary for the body sodium, magnesium and potassium.

3. Oat broth... This broth, like oatmeal with jelly, will help get rid of hangover suffering. The diuretic effect of the decoction will relieve swelling, including headaches, by returning the normal distribution of fluid in the body. The B vitamins will help provide the liver with the enzymes it needs to neutralize toxic foods and undigested alcohol. In addition, the broth will restore brain function and normalize blood pressure.

4. Kvass. We are talking here about uncanned kvass, but about natural. In stores, they usually sell non-natural kvass, it contains flavors, dyes, sweeteners, which, in case of a hangover, will increase the load on the kidneys and liver. Natural kvass has a high content of thiamine, beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, organic acids, contributing to the intensive processing of alcohol decomposition products. However, kvass is not recommended for those who suffer from acute peptic ulcer disease.

5. Lemon juice. Juice from 2 - 3 lemons must be squeezed out and dissolved in boiled water... This will smooth out. Citric acid is also used in many anti-hangover products, for example, in the drug "Limontar".
6. Infusion of hops and mint. Mix the hop and mint cones in equal proportions and pour boiling water over them. Hops and mint are natural tranquilizers, reducing mental hangover symptoms. You need to take it a couple of hours after drinking alcohol.

7. Infusion of wormwood. It helps from excess intoxication - a tablespoon infused for an hour is poured with boiling water, used before a feast.

8. Fermented milk drinks. Fermented milk products can ease the hangover: kumis, kefir, tan, yogurt. Dairy products supply proteins, minerals and vitamins to the body, participating in metabolic processes, have beneficial influence on gastrointestinal tract... These foods are highly digestible, and the beneficial bacteria help improve appetite. Lactic acid bacteria remove toxins from the body, protect the liver and provide energy. Lactic acid helps with a hangover to accelerate the processing of toxic products formed during the breakdown of alcohol. Sour milk products with a hangover should preferably be taken on an empty stomach, depending on the condition in small sips. With a hangover, you need to consume fermented milk drinks up to 600 ml, no more.