Figs: benefits and harms to the human body. Useful properties of different types

26.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Fig is the first plant named in the Bible and is probably the oldest cultivated plant in the world.

Figs have several common names.

Figs have been known since ancient times

This is a fig, this is a fig tree, you can also hear the name "wine berry" and a fig tree.

Where grows

The fig tree has been known since ancient times. The mention of the fig tree began with the Bible and the Old and New Testaments. In Italy, there are legends about this unique tree and its delicious fruits.

In the Middle East and in Arabian tales, it is unthinkable not to meet any interesting fact or legend associated with this ancient plant.

Figs grow in subtropical conditions. It is often found in the Mediterranean countries, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Central Asia.
Figs grow in the subtropics

There are two varieties of figs: early (white) and blue (purple), which ripen two months after the harvest of white fruits.

Processing types

With such a wide popularity and gastronomic attractiveness of this plant, it is still better to know what figs are useful for and how to use them in different forms.

It is used fresh, like berries, as a delicacy, dessert.

Also, the fruits are dried, dried and already in dried fruits they also use the beneficial properties of figs. Dried fruits (in 100 g of product) contain about 250 - 258 kcal, while fresh ones only 50 kcal.

Jams and jams are often made from the fig tree.

Fig composition

Fig fruits contain almost all substances and microelements necessary for the health of the human body.
These are, the main ones, in mg (per 100 g of product):

  • Calcium - 162;
  • Sodium - 10;
  • Phosphorus - 67;
  • Potassium - 680;
  • Iron - 2.03;
  • Magnesium - 68;
  • Zinc - 0.55;
  • Copper - 0.287;
  • Manganese, Selenium, etc.

Dried figs retain all the beneficial properties


  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • Betaine;
  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Niacin;
  • Pantothenic acid;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Folic acid, etc.

The composition of these fruits also includes fats, carbohydrates, plant fibers (fiber), starch, proteins and sugars.
That is why the beneficial properties of fresh figs are valuable for both women and men.

Dried figs retain all their beneficial properties in full.

Because this method is nothing more than getting rid of moisture in the fruits, while preserving all vitamins and nutrients.


What are the benefits of fig fruits and whether they are harmful:

Contraindications and harm

The useful properties of figs are obvious, but what are the contraindications and are there any?
The fig tree fruit is not desirable for people with digestive and intestinal disorders.

The fig tree is one of the few fruits that contains oxalates, a special substance found in some plants.

When these compounds become too abundant in body fluids, the process can lead to problems with kidney or gallbladder stones.

The high concentration of dietary fiber in figs can lead to excessive bowel movements, which can lead to abdominal cramps and loose stools. Also, the fruits of figs can bring harm to the body of those who are obese instead of benefit.

You will learn all the details about the benefits and dangers of figs from the video:


Since freshly harvested fig fruits can be stored for a very short time, about three days, and in a hermetically sealed container for about a week, figs are often dried or dried for future use.
What is the difference between the properties of dried figs, what are its benefits and harms, in contrast to the beneficial qualities of fresh fruits?

Dried fruits contain many times more sugar than fresh ones. The shelf life is significantly increased due to the lack of moisture in the pulp.

Once dried or dried, figs become rather coarse food. Dried figs are eaten like raisins or regular dried fruits, but pre-soaking in boiling water or cool water is also possible.

The benefits and harms of dried figs

The most important property of dried figs for the body is the benefits that can be obtained throughout the year, regardless of the harvest season.
What dried figs are useful for for women is, among other things, also effective prevention of varicose veins. A few fruits in the daily diet are enough to keep the veins of the legs in good shape.

Fig tones the veins of the legs
Figs are known as Cleopatra's favorite fruit. Figs have beneficial properties for women in general for health and, in particular, for weight loss.

Dried fruits are divided into carbohydrate and lipid properties.
Dried fruits of the carbohydrate spectrum, these are figs, prunes, dates, apricots, etc. They consist of dried or candied fruits and are high in sugar and vitamins (especially A and E), but low in protein and lipids.

Dried fruits of the lipid (or oil) spectrum includes fruits, seeds, or toasted legumes, including walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, and almonds. They are low in sugar, but high in protein and lipids, although these are mostly "good" fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (Omega 9), which help fight cholesterol. They are also rich in vitamins A, E, calcium and potassium. The calorie content of oily dried fruits is about 600 kcal per 100 grams.

Dried figs are included in the top 10 aphrodisiac products, therefore, it is useful for men with special properties. It was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks regularly consumed figs during sexual rituals when they celebrated the harvest of the year.

During pregnancy, figs are undoubtedly more beneficial than they can be harmful if they are excessively infatuated with.
You will learn all the details from the video:

So, the harm of dried figs is minimal. It can only be applied if it is used by a person with an unhealthy gastrointestinal tract, or when overeating.

How to choose

It is good when the fig tree grows in its own garden or in the region where the consumer lives.

But when you come to a store in the Urals, Siberia or, for example, in Central Russia, you need to know how to choose dried figs so as not to waste money.

Dried figs are best chosen for the following visible properties:

  • color from beige to light gray;
  • the surface should be matte;
  • light whitish layer (protruding glucose);
  • no brown dents or damage.

Attention! If the surface is glossy, then the fruits are treated with sulfuric waste.
Observing these few conditions, the purchased dried figs will only benefit, and not harm the buyer's body.

Similar materials

The fig tree (or fig) can be found in biblical treatises as a healing plant. Figs have been cultivated in our open spaces since ancient times, and you can find small trees on the southern coast of Crimea, in the Transcaucasus, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. Its ripe fruits are not only tasty, but also curative. Therefore, some of them are dried in order to have a natural medicine at hand.

If the bees work on fig inflorescences, then large fruits 8 cm long and 5 cm in diameter will ripen on the tree. Inside there are black-purple or yellow nuts, which are the fruits. They are enveloped by the tissue of overgrown seedlings.

In the fig tree, all parts of the plant have medicinal properties. The fruits contain a large set of vitamins, of which the following can be distinguished:

  • C (or ascorbic acid) helps the intestines absorb iron that enters the body.
  • E (tocopherol) is an excellent antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration.
  • B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid) are vitamins most essential for the body to function. They participate in metabolic processes, help restore cells and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • PP (Nicotinic Acid) removes toxins from the body, purifies the blood and contributes to the normal functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • A (carotene) is involved in the synthesis of proteins and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

As for the mineral components, the fruits are saturated with iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium (or, more precisely, their salts). There are many organic acids and sugars, fats, proteins, tannins and phytosterol in fig (another name for the culture). Of particular note are the omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fats, as well as fiber and starch.

Dried (sun-dried) fruit loses the water entering the fig in the process of dehydrolysis. But this does not in the least affect the chemical composition of the product, and even in this form it has useful properties. A dehydrated fetus has a higher effect on the body than a fresh one.

  • Potassium salts have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular diseases. In combination with the enzyme ficin, a resorbing effect on blood clots is observed.
  • By introducing a small amount of fruits into the diet, you can avoid coronary heart disease and cure anemia.
  • Figs are useful for hypertensive patients, as it helps to establish blood pressure.
  • Colds accompanied by severe coughs, bronchitis, asthma can be treated with decoctions based on dried figs.
  • Indigestion, constipation and hemorrhoids are equally treatable with fig fruit.
  • Kidney stones, liver and spleen problems are also indications for the Asian fruit.
  • A decoction of fruits and toothache will help to cope.
  • Figs are classified as aphrodisiacs, so that the fetus is able to cure sexual weakness.
  • The powerful composition of figs not only enhances immunity - it is able to fight cancer.

The properties of figs allow you to relax their smooth muscles in the internal organs, endow the fetus not only with diuretic and laxative effects, but also with hemostatic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Calorie content

Figs are not only a healing product, but also quite nutritious, because they are high in calories. At the same time, there are more kilocalories in the dried fruit than in the fresh one - 257 kcal per 1 fruit. Carbohydrates account for a larger percentage - 237 kcal, which are supplemented by proteins (13 kcal) and fats (7 kcal).

Such biological indicators suggest that it is easy to get enough of one fruit. Although you won't have to eat more because of the high sugar content. This property of figs is often used in various weight loss diets.

No matter how useful the fruit is, it also has contraindications.

  • The high glucose content makes figs unacceptable for diabetics.
  • Despite the fact that the fruits are used to treat constipation and other gastrointestinal problems, this should not be done in acute inflammatory processes.
  • Figs have a great effect on libido, but in case of gout, it is strictly forbidden to use it, since the fetus contains oxalic acid.
  • Oxalate kidney stones are another reason to stop eating fig fruits.

The list of contraindications is small, but it must be taken into account, since if the prohibition is violated, serious health complications can arise.

Fig. Benefits and harm to the body: video

In folk medicine, the properties of the fig tree have been used for a long time. Most often, you can find diuretic, carminative and expectorant formulations.

Against cough

Cough syrup is prepared from dried figs. 8 fruits are finely chopped and poured with a glass of water, put on fire and boiled for 20 minutes. Then the figs are taken out, another glass of water is topped up and 200 g of sugar (preferably unrefined) are added. Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add ground ginger (1 tsp), lemon juice (with 1/2 citrus) and mix well. Poured into a glass container and stored in the refrigerator. Children consume 1 dessert spoon at a time, adults each use 3.

For constipation

To cope with constipation, take laxative balls prepared on the basis of dried fruits. Taking 100 g of figs and raisins, they are mixed with ground ginger or nutmeg (0.5 tsp). Having blinded thin sausages from the resulting mixture, cut them into small dragees 1 cm thick. Store the medicine in a tightly closed jar. You need to eat balls as needed, but no more than 2 pieces. in a day.


Dried figs are steamed in a thermos for 4 hours at the rate of 50 g of fruit per 1 liter of boiling water. This infusion is divided into 4 servings, which should be drunk during the day. The course of therapy should not exceed 3 days. At the same time, a fresh diuretic infusion is made for every day.

For kids

Dried figs are not contraindicated in children. On the contrary, it contributes to the good development of a growing organism, and also helps to heal various diseases. Decoctions from fig fruits are an excellent tonic, appetite-increasing remedy for babies, especially during colds. If syrups can quickly cure a cough, then gargling with infusions will help quickly relieve inflammation there.

During pregnancy

All of the above about the benefits of figs does not contradict what is prescribed for pregnant women. For them, this fruit is just good in any form, but it is easier to buy a dried product in our country. If there are no contraindications, then figs should be present in the diet of a pregnant woman every day (1-2 fruits), or drinks prepared from it. Nutrition, balance, normalization of all processes - such is the effect of the fetus on the body of a pregnant woman.

For men

It was already mentioned above about the property of figs to influence potency. This is especially important for the male body. Most men have prostate problems. To avoid its inflammation or the development of tumors there, fig fruits should be regularly eaten for preventive purposes. This will help maintain masculine strength for a long time.

For women

Women evaluate the benefits of products for themselves through their effect on their appearance. Figs in this regard are the most successful fruit that helps to keep track of your weight (the calorie content was already mentioned above). By saturating the body with a complex of vitamins and minerals collected in one fruit, a woman will be able to maintain her hair, nails and skin in perfect condition. A normally functioning reproductive system will help you stay young for a long time.

Fresh figs are eaten only where they grow, as the fruits are too tender to transport. But it is really possible to buy dried ones in our markets, so you need to learn how to choose them correctly.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the color - it should be beige or pale brown.
  • The presence of stains on the fruits is not allowed. But the white bloom suggests that there is a lot of glucose in fig.
  • Normal dried fruits have a flattened, rounded shape.
  • You need to touch the figs to understand that the fruits are not overdried - they should be a little soft.
  • It is advisable to taste fig before buying it. The fruit should be sweet and never sour.

If all the parameters correspond to those described, you can safely make a purchase.

Storage conditions

Having bribed dried fruits in reserve, they should be provided with normal storage conditions. First of all, it is necessary to protect the figs from moisture, which is very quickly absorbed into the fruit. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation is also harmful. Therefore, it is recommended to first pack the dried fruits in a canvas bag, which is then placed in a glass container and hermetically sealed. The fruits are sent for storage in a dark, cool room.

Before eating figs, they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water or soaked for half an hour to wash off accumulated dirt. Do not forget that the fruits have come a long way before they get to the table. Sometimes figs are treated with chemicals before transportation for better preservation. So unwashed fruits can cause problems for the body.

If figs are used for medicinal purposes, then you need to follow the recommendations of folk recipes. Introducing into the diet as a preventive measure (or for the purpose of losing weight), fruits should be treated like a dessert, replacing other sweets with them.

Figs will become a good addition to dietary meals. For example, you can season porridge with pieces of dried fruit or make homemade yogurt on kefir. Figs are good as a filling in muffins (instead of raisins), as an addition to fruit salads.

Figs: history, types, distribution, composition and calorie content, health benefits, medicinal properties and contraindications. Photo.

Common fig, also known as fig, fig tree, wine berry, ficus carica, fig tree, is a subtropical deciduous tree, reaching a height of 12 m. Figs usually produce two or three harvests per season, in summer and autumn. The color of the fruit varies from creamy yellow to dark red and black-blue, the taste is from sweet with sourness to sugary sweet, the shape is round and pear-shaped. The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of three, and can live for 50-300 years.

History, types and distribution

The fig tree is one of the first cultures to be domesticated by humans. In Ancient Hellas, it has been known since the 9th century BC, and in Ancient Egypt it was considered sacred. As a cultivated plant, figs began to be grown in Arabia, and from there the tree was brought to Syria, Phenicia and Egypt. In America, the Carian ficus appeared only at the end of the 16th century. By the way, this name comes from ancient Caria - a mountainous region in Asia Minor, which is considered the birthplace of the plant. Today figs are grown in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece, Krasnodar Territory, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimea, where the tree was brought by the Genoese. At the moment, about 1000 varieties of figs have been bred. They differ from each other in the method of pollination, yield, ripening period, frost resistance, shape and size of fruits.

The most popular varieties of figs: Blanche, Kadota, Chapla, Oglobsha, Azari, Khazari, Commune, Italian white, White Adriatic, Italian black, Dalmatian (Dalmatika), Yellow giant, Purple Sukhumi, Nikitsky fragrant, Sunny, Sochi-7, Fraga white , Sary-figs, Sary-lob (Smirnsky-2), Kalimirna, Muason, Honey (Crimean-41), Apsheronsky. The light yellow Samarkand fig is considered the best of dried fruits.

Vitamin cocktail: composition and calorie content of figs

Fig is a fruit with a jelly-like pulp and a rich taste, containing 14 minerals and 11 vitamins. Ripe figs have very tender and juicy flesh, and dried and dried fruits are quite hard, they need to be soaked or steamed before use.

Figs contain beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, PP and group B, from minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, sulfur, bromine. There is more iron in fresh fruits than in apples, and in terms of potassium content, figs are second only to nuts.

Figs are also a source of proteins, natural sugars, organic acids, dietary fiber, tannins, fiber, pectins and omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely important for health. The benefits of figs have also been linked to the presence of antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids. In addition, a ripe fig is an alkaline food, and there is a significant deficiency in the diet of a modern person. Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that figs are an ideal option for a snack, of course, if a person seeks to satisfy his hunger quickly and with benefits for his body.

Calorie content of fresh figs: 74 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: carbohydrates - 12 g, proteins - 0.7 g, fats - 0.2 g.

Calorie content of dried figs: 257 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: carbohydrates - 57.9 g, proteins - 3.1 g, fats - 0.8 g.

Universal benefits: the medicinal properties of figs

High cholesterol, hangover, coughing, stress, excess weight - figs can cope with these and many other problems. Official medicine today evaluates its healing properties as highly as ancient Greek healers did several millennia ago.

With a cold

The benefits of figs for colds are due to their antipyretic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. In the form of a decoction (in milk or water), fig fruits are used in folk medicine for inflammation of the gums, respiratory diseases, as a gargle for sore throat. Cough figs (pour 4-5 fresh fruits with a glass of hot milk, soak and grind) can be given to young children: you need to drink such a cocktail in 2-3 doses a day.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Figs are useful for gastrointestinal disorders, liver diseases, and for the prevention of colon cancer. Its fruits have a mild laxative effect, they help to improve bowel function without the use of medications. You need to take a couple of berries and soak in water (if it's dry figs) or milk (fresh fruits) and eat on an empty stomach. Doctors also prescribe the fruit of the wine berry for nephritis, urolithiasis and painful urination.

With cardiovascular ailments

Figs are useful for hypertension, iron deficiency anemia and venous insufficiency, as they are rich in rutin and potassium, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle. The enzymes contained in the fruit of the wine berry maintain the normal composition of the blood, preventing it from thickening, and contribute to the resorption of blood clots in the veins. The amino acids found in figs help break down excess cholesterol in the blood.

With skin lesions

Fig accelerates the opening and healing of boils, abscesses, abscesses: fruits steamed in milk are applied to sore spots. Juice and infusion of fresh leaves of Karyan ficus perfectly moisturizes dry skin, removes pigmentation in vitiligo, removes warts, treats acne and other skin diseases.

Figs are high in fiber, which improves digestion and prevents the conversion of excess sugar that enters the body with food into fat. Mexican scientists have found that carbohydrate-rich figs, paradoxically, are beneficial for type II diabetes. In addition, the fruit of the wine berry perfectly satisfies hunger and helps the body to get rid of excess fluid. In view of the above, figs can be considered an ideal dessert for those who are watching their weight.

Figs during pregnancy

The benefits of figs also extend to pregnant women. Rich in microelements and folates, fiber and ascorbic acid, the fruits of the wine berry are simply indispensable for maintaining the health of the mother and her unborn baby. Figs are especially useful for a woman in a position with excessive weight gain: you can replace harmful sweets and synthetic vitamins with healthy fruits.

For the mood

Figs are useful for people whose work is connected with creativity and mental stress. This sweet fruit, in addition to its healing effect, is also able to raise mood and strengthen memory, thanks to the potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamin B6 it contains. A breakfast of figs will help out those who "went over" the day before: the fruits of the fig tree perfectly cope with thirst, nausea and dry mouth.


Figs, especially in dried form, are contraindicated in severe obesity, gout (due to the high concentration of oxalic acid), pancreatitis, acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired salt metabolism in the body and diabetes mellitus. Figs were only beneficial if consumed in reasonable quantities: no more than 100 g of dried and no more than 400 g of fresh fruits per day.

How to choose and store figs

Fresh figs, even in the refrigerator, are stored for no more than two days, so we often see dried fruits on the shelves of domestic stores. Quality berries are quite soft to the touch. Staininess of dried fruit can be indicated by stains, plaque on the skin, unpleasant odor, excessive hardness. And one more secret: experts say that the smaller the fruits of the fig tree, the tastier they are.

The fig tree is considered a symbol of illumination in Buddhism, it is mentioned both in the Bible and in the revelations of the Koran. According to the biblical legend, it was the leaves of the Carian ficus that became the first “clothes” of Adam and Eve.

Invaluable health benefits, unusual taste, moderately sweet, somewhat reminiscent of honey, tender and fresh at the same time - all these advantages make figs a welcome guest on the tables of different nations of the world. Cleopatra herself preferred it to other fruits, and the ancient Greeks awarded the winners of the Olympic Games with the fruits of wine. Pamper yourself only with healthy sweets and be always healthy!

Fig or fig, or fig tree, or fig, or common fig tree, or wine berry (Latin Ficus carica) is a type species of the genus Ficus (Latin Ficus) of the Mulberry family (Moraceae). Common figs, fig trees or fig trees (Ficuscarica L.) are widely used as an industrial crop.

Figs are irreplaceable in cooking.

Delicious sauces, meat dishes, salads are made from it.

It is a great addition to pastries, cakes, pies and other desserts.

But many do not even know about the colossal the benefits of the product.

In addition to fruits, the bark of a tree and foliage are also used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

What is a fig - a botanical description?

As you already understood, this fruit is sweet and pleasant to the taste. The fruit is rarely larger than a large plum.

At the top, it is covered with a skin, it contains many small seeds.

Fruits grow on trees that can reach twenty meters and live for about five hundred years.

This is an oriental tree that is also found in the Mediterranean, Asia, and the Caucasus. The plant is very thermophilic, loves moderate humidity and sun.

There are more than four hundred species of this plant, which are different in size, shape and color, taste, tree height, and ripening process.

Certain varieties produce crops several times a year.

The most favorable time for fruit ripening is at the end of summer - mid-autumn.

Why figs are useful - chemical composition

Figs are loaded with an abundance of sugars and fruit acids. Most of these components are found in dried and dried figs.

The fruits are filled with iron, pectin components, ethers, macronutrients.

The fruits of the fig tree contain sugars (glucose and fructose up to 75%), pectins (up to 6%), (oxalic, lemon, malonic, amber, fumaric, apple, shikim, cinchona - up to 1%), saponins, vitamins B1, B2 , A, E, C, PP, tannins, minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium).

Figs are considered the leader among fruits in terms of the content of minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.). In the percentage of potassium, figs are second only to nuts.

Fresh fruits contain up to 1.3% amino acids, sugar - up to 11%, dried figs provide much more protein (up to 6%), sugar - 4-6 times more than fresh fruits. All the useful properties of fresh figs are preserved in dried fruits.

What are the benefits of figs for humans?

Ficin in the chemical composition of figs has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood clotting, promotes resorption of blood clots, makes it possible to treat thrombo-embolic, cardiovascular diseases.

Fiber in fig fruit contains substances that lower blood cholesterol levels. A high percentage of potassium in figs contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, successfully cures tachycardia and arrhythmias.

Japanese researchers have obtained an antitumor drug from the fruit of the fig tree due to the presence of a special substance in its composition - benzoic aldehyde.

Essential oils thin the blood well, as a result, brain cells are better supplied with oxygen.

These exotic fruits are incredibly healthy for the body:

Regular consumption of dried or fresh figs significantly improves the structure of the blood, relieves blood vessels of cholesterol deposits.

Why are figs good for women?

Separately, it is worth talking about the benefits of this plant for women's health.

With systematic use, the risks of varicose veins are significantly reduced, vascular networks disappear. Due to the useful components, it is possible to normalize the veins and blood vessels, improve blood supply, and relieve puffiness.

Figs are a real storehouse of folic acid, which doctors prescribe during pregnancy. Also, with the help of the fruit, you can overcome anemia, which is often observed in pregnant women.

During breastfeeding, figs increase lactation. With the help of ripe fruits, it is possible to improve well-being during menstruation and relieve pain.

Figs in the field of cosmetology

The product is widely used in cosmetology. With the help of it, it is possible to fully nourish and moisturize the skin.

She becomes fit and elastic. With the help of figs, it is possible to renew the lack of calcium.

With the help of fig juice, you can get an even tan. With the help of trace elements, it is possible to increase the production of melanin, preventing serious skin burns.

The juice helps with acne, abscesses, warts. Helps soften calluses and rough skin.

Figs are used to whiten teeth.

Why are fig leaves useful?

Fig leaves have photosensitizing properties.

Due to the main active ingredient psoralen, a complex of furocoumarins from fig foliage is used simultaneously with ultraviolet irradiation in order to restore depigmented skin areas.

Coumarin increases the sensitivity of the human body to solar radiation.

  • Fig leaves are widely used for diarrhea.
  • In addition, a drink from the leaves helps with flatulence, colitis, helps with dysentery and intoxication.
  • The leaves are also used in cosmetology to cleanse the skin. The broth helps from bronchitis and pulmonary pathologies.

Fig leaves are the basis of the drug Psoberan. The active ingredients of the drug are psoralen and bergapten - the main coumarins of the chemical composition of fig tree raw materials. Psoberan has photosensitizing activity: together with ultraviolet irradiation, it is used to restore skin pigmentation

Figs - medicinal recipes for use

  • Fig fruits as an antiseptic

Poultices, compresses from fig pulp, decoction of fruits or leaves help with skin problems: warts, sores, heal inflammation in skin areas.

The pulp of a fig relieves a toothache, as the inhabitants of the East have repeatedly been convinced of.

  • Fig leaves

Fresh leaves are applied to wounds, boils. Fig leaf ointments are effective in relieving itching, inflammation and flushing. The juice of mashed fresh leaves is applied to white depigmented spots on the face with vitiligo, used to remove warts, boils.

  • Fig syrup

Fig syrup helps with rheumatic pains, cystitis, liver and kidney dysfunction, and women's leucorrhoea.

Syrup is also effective for children as a tonic to improve appetite, the digestive tract, as a laxative for constipation.

  • Figwith milk

Figs boiled in milk are great for coughing. To do this, it will be enough for you to take dried fruits and boil them in one glass of milk.

Drink the drink warm four times a day. It helps well with anemia and general depletion of the body.

  • Fig jam

Fig jam is not only very tasty, but also healthy.

Fig jam recipe

  1. It is necessary to sort out the berries, separating all ugly and damaged ones.
  2. Carefully put everything in a separate container, pour boiling water over the fruits, completely covering all the berries.
  3. Cook sugar syrup separately.
  4. Fill the fruits with hot syrup and leave to cool completely.
  5. When the syrup is at room temperature, pour it back into a separate bowl and boil for five minutes. Fill in the fruits and leave overnight.
  6. In the morning, you need to cook the fruits over low heat until a thickened mass is obtained.
  7. Pour the jam into glass jars, roll up and place in a darkened place. The jam is ready to eat.
  • Figs with prunes

This mixture effectively relieves constipation. To cook it, you need not only, but also figs and dried apricots in equal quantities

So, we grind all the products in a meat grinder, making a homogeneous mixture. Add honey to it (300, 0 per 1 kg of the mixture) and mix everything well.

We eat a small spoon every day for dinner and wash it down with boiled water.

  • Figs in the pharmaceutical industry - medicines

Figs are a part of pharmaceutical drugs with laxative effects:

  1. Kafiol (Cafiolum) is a combined herbal preparation, which contains cassia (senna) leaves, plum tree pulp and fig seeds.
  2. Regulax (Regulax) is an analogue of kafiol in composition and effect on the body. The only difference is that it does not contain plum pulp.

Why figs are useful - good video

Contraindications to use - the harm of figs

There are certain contraindications to consider if you decide to take figs:

  • diabetes mellitus and impaired carbohydrate tolerance;
  • contraindicated in dried form for obese people;
  • not used for gout. Oxalic acid promotes the dissolution of kidney stones and metabolic disorders;
  • inflammation of the digestive tract can occur due to the consumption of fiber in large quantities;
  • pancreatic pathology;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some diseases, the harm of figs will exceed its potential benefits, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking it.

Eat natural and healthy foods such as figs, exercise, think positively, and your health will be strong and you will look young, fresh and beautiful on the outside.

Remember that over-caring about yourself can be harmful, so find out about the indications and contraindications, coordinate them with your doctor and enrich your diet with figs!

Press item number 2.2 - a complete set of competent combinations for a healthy menu.

And do not forget to check the rules for choosing high-quality dried fruits - item number 4.

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Composition and calorie content

The calorie content and glycemic index are about 250 kcal per 100 grams and an average GI = 47-55, comparable to fresh cranberries, persimmons and kiwi.

The chemical composition is largely similar to fresh fruits, but in different concentrations. Dried figs contain about 3 times more sugars and 4-5 times more dietary fiber than fresh figs. This makes it a beneficial participant in nutrition for at least two purposes - stable bowel function and rapid delivery of glucose to the brain and muscles.

A handy infographic will help you evaluate the nutritional value of dried figs:

Benefits for the body

Fiber being the leader in dietary fiber content among popular dried fruits ( up to 10% of dry weight!), figs are excellent for toning the intestines and are useful for hypotonic constipation. Today this is the most common variant of the problem with cleansing - due to the lack of a fractional diet and physical inactivity.

Vitamin neuroprotectors group B. Among them, the most interesting is B1, which is extremely important for most functions of the nervous system and cannot be synthesized in the body.

Potassium is one of the basic minerals for maintaining water-salt balance, rhythmic heart function and healthy bone and muscle mass.

Magnesium is the most valuable element for the body, which is involved in many enzymatic reactions, including the formation of ATP. Harmony in the work of the nervous system, in the state of the heart and blood vessels, in stable intestinal motility and outflow of bile - everywhere there is a direct merit of magnesium.

Calcium is a mineral that is needed on a daily basis to maintain skeletal bone density. Several other mineral salts, including phosphorus (up to 5%). There is also a little iron in figs, although in the non-heme form it is poorly absorbed, which is worth understanding for yourself once and for all when you are enthusiastic about the presence of iron in plant foods.

What Antioxidants Are In Dried Figs?

There is almost no vitamin C in dried figs, however, with the right technology, dry fruits contain a whole set of bioflavonoids and polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Catechins and epicatechins - to protect the body from the growth of cancer cells. Rutin - to strengthen blood vessels. Syringic and gallic acids - for the harmony of the intestinal microflora, including due to the bactericidal effect on opportunistic microorganisms.

Why Dried Figs Are Good For Women

Investigating this issue, you can not get around the topic of weight loss and pregnancy. High calorie content and an abundance of sugars are not suitable for protein diets. However, as part of a balanced diet, figs will be a good help.

If, when losing weight, you adhere to a fractional meal with calorie counting, then the best place for a sweet snack every other day (!) - second breakfast (until 12:00):

  • It is convenient to take figs with you to work and not look like a "black sheep", replacing them with sweets when having a snack in the office;
  • Sugars, B vitamins, magnesium and fiber will provide fast thinking, stability of emotions and stable intestinal motility;
  • An adequate restriction is 3 dry fruits (about 80 grams), which can be included even in a sharply reduced daily calorie content.

During pregnancy, against the background of general health and normal weight, you can use up to 4 fruits a day, 3-5 times a week.

How to eat and what to combine with

The best time for a fig meal is in the morning.

Dried figs, like all dried fruits, are not a product that you should get carried away with, eating a dozen pieces every day.

At the same time, it is quite easy to benefit from figs without harm to the body. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial combinations.

For good absorption of vitamin C and strengthening of the vascular walls

Add soaked figs to winter salads with shredded cabbage, carrots and apples, or eat 1/2 grapefruit and 2-3 dried fruits at the beginning of breakfast.

For a beneficial blend of pectins, vitamin D and calcium

Add chopped soaked figs to the curd or beat the curd mixture in a blender.

How to diversify a healthy diet with figs:

  • We master a simple nut-fig paste - for spreading on biscuit biscuits or plates of fresh apples: nuts + figs in equal proportions and a little lemon juice. This is pasta - a great base for homemade chocolates or a layer in cakes without baking.
  • After cooking over the fire, add a large cut of dried fruit to muesli and porridge. This adds piquancy to delicate cereals - oatmeal and rice.
  • In a blender smoothie, figs can easily replace sweet bananas and make friends with any ingredients.
  • From meat dishes, it is best suited to poultry and lamb - in sauces and stuffing when stuffing. However, we take into account: during heat treatment, part of the valuable substances is lost, including the destruction of coarse fibers.

Heart Dried Fruit Mix Recipe

A high concentration of sugars, potassium and vitamin C - continuous health for the heart and blood vessels, normalization of immunity and stress resistance.

How to cook: mix the soaked dried fruits in equal proportions. A choice of dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes. Add walnuts, honey, lemon juice and twist in a blender until smooth.

Additional ingredients: citrus peel, other nuts. If you are allergic to honey, we use one third more of the sweetest dried fruits - figs and dates.

How to use

We eat 2 teaspoons up to 3 times a day on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals).

Possible harm and contraindications

Absolute contraindications:

  • Type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and intestines;
  • Chronic renal failure.

Strictly limit (2-3 pieces at a time, every other day):

  • With type 2 diabetes and obesity;
  • With pathologies of pregnancy;
  • In acute diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Potential harm to dried fruits is also determined by the unsightly nuances of production. We have collected tips on how to get around these pitfalls below.

How to choose the right one

Unfortunately, dried figs are not without the "delights" of industrial processing. Sulfur dioxide, unsanitary conditions, smoking with liquid smoke, boiling water with caustic soda, gasoline burners and almost "harmless" treatment with glycerin and cheap oil on this background - for the "commercial beauty of the product." Alas, unhealthy technologies await us at any counter with dried fruits.

How to choose quality figs from a mountain of "pigs in a poke"?
  • Color and surface: light beige fig without gloss. A matte sugar bloom is acceptable.
  • Shape, size and texture : slightly flattened fruits, about the same size, giving in to finger pressure when tested for softness.
  • We smell and taste what we go to the market for. Norma - sweet, full-bodied, noticeably crunchy taste and no gasoline odor. Figs are chewed without titanic efforts. If the taste is salty, sour, damp, the product is spoiled. At the same time, we take into account that unwashed dried fruits are a risk of introducing an intestinal infection. Grab a bottle of water!
  • When shopping in a supermarket, we preliminarily study and rely on the brand.
  • With a special need for environmental friendliness, we buy in online stores: not cheap brands from small manufacturers, the owners of which are enthusiasts of healthy lifestyle or alternative food systems.

How to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits?

  • Soak thoroughly - in cold (!) Water. The first time is for 30 minutes. Then we drain the water and the second time - for another 15 minutes, after which I wash it in warm running water, sorting out the fruits with my hands one by one. This removes residues of common dirt (pieces of soil, sand, etc.) that can adhere to the figs during drying and transport.

We dry ourselves instead of buying

There are two ways to get the health benefits of figs:

  • We take a risk with a purchase, carefully studying the fruits according to the characteristics described above;
  • We dry ourselves - in an electric dryer. This is especially true for residents of the southern regions, where fresh fruits can be delivered without spoilage.

Quality, tasty, fast and cheaper are just epithets for the results of an electric dryer.

Choosing figs to dry

Any fruit can be dried with benefit. But the ideal variety is still white, or honey. Light, golden-skinned, with yellowish flesh, 4-5 cm in diameter (smaller fruits are sweeter). An important nuance of a successful variety is a large number of seeds. The fewer seeds, the worse the variety.

Having decided to purchase a device, you should pay attention to models with a wide temperature range, starting from 33-35 degrees and the most ergonomic square shape of pallets. The relative disadvantages of home drying are the time spent on the process and one-time investments in the purchase of the device. But how much time and money do our existing illnesses steal from us - because of dangerous food choices? A rhetorical question for personal reflection.

How to store at home

Dried figs require a cool (0-10 degrees) and dry (!) Place. Place it in a glass jar lined with a thin cotton cloth and close tightly.

A good storage option for good air circulation is hanging linen bags. Choose it for a batch you eat in a couple of months. The disadvantage of this method is that when the temperature rises, pests are easily started. You can also use paper bags that keep insects out.

We will be glad if the detailed story about dried figs was informative for you. The benefits of figs are great when we know how to bypass potential harm, choose the right culinary combinations and reasonably limit the amount of sweet food.

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