How to brew ground coffee in a cup? important features. How to brew ground coffee in a Turk: recipes and tips

02.09.2019 Bakery products

Every morning true coffee lovers start with a cup of this invigorating drink. Someone prefers to use instant coffee, someone likes to buy grain coffee and make it according to their favorite recipe. However, if we talk about the benefits of the drink for the body and obtaining the desired effect of vigor, then naturally it is better to use natural freshly roasted coffee. Let's talk about him, or rather, why can't you boil ground coffee, which is used to make a drink in a Turk?

Myths and real-life information about making coffee

Finding a reasonable answer to the above question is a rather difficult task. This is largely due to the fact that professional baristas are very reluctant to reveal the secrets of the preparation of the drink. In addition, not everyone knows exactly what processes occur during boiling of the mass and how the boiling process affects the quality and taste of the finished drink.

  • - So, some argue that after boiling, the drink acquires a pronounced taste of bitterness... However, this is debatable, since many coffees already taste bitter from the start.
  • - There is also an opinion that during the boiling process the mass releases acids, which then greatly affect the taste of the drink, regardless of whether the price of coffee was high or the cheapest raw materials were bought.

These statements are rather vague, but there is a more reasoned reason why you should not boil ground coffee:

  • - The fact is that some essential substances that determine the rich aroma of the brewed drink, volatilize during boiling... Moreover, most of them simply decompose at temperatures above +100 degrees.
  • - Also at high temperatures tannins and caffeine pass into solution much more actively... As a result, we get a "semblance" of brewed coffee, which, in addition to losing its taste, puts a very heavy load on the heart. Wherein the drink acquires a pronounced bitter aftertaste, which is due to the "work" of tannins. Essential oils give coffee an enriched, pleasant aroma, so less of them leads to the fact that the coffee loses its characteristic aroma.
  • - You cannot boil coffee even if you want to prepare a drink with foam. The foam breaks down during boiling., but it is the foam that "closes" the neck of the Turks, preserving the wonderful aroma of the drink.

For many, the morning begins with a cup of aromatic black coffee. The drink is able to charge you with good mood for the whole day ahead. The preparation of an invigorating drink becomes a kind of ritual or tradition in the family of its admirers.

Anyone can brew coffee, but this requires certain rules and a little attention and respect for this drink. To master the rather simple science of brewing coffee beans, you must first of all learn how to choose the right beans.

The most delicious ground coffee is obtained from Arabica beans. The drink from such fruits is tender and soft. The fruits are large and oily with a pronounced aroma. From the Robusta variety, a very strong drink is obtained, one might say, coarse with a very pronounced bitter-spicy taste.

The best option is obtained by mixing these two varieties in certain proportions.

To keep the coffee as fresh and fragrant and continued to delight with its taste, you must adhere to a few simple rules for storing coffee beans:

Drinks every day around the world up to three billion cups of delicious coffee drink.

Advantages of a vacuum briquette

As the grain goes through the roasting stage, gas is generated in the center of the grain. The aromatic substances of these berries are concentrated in the gas. In the process of grinding the fruits, the structure is destroyed, and the most valuable smell of the grains quickly disappears.

For this reason, you should not purchase coffee fruits that have already been ground and packed in paper bags. Better to ask to grind them when purchasing.

If you buy factory ground coffee in briquettes, then be sure to pay attention to the density of the package, it should not be damaged. Soft packaging indicates a violation of the tightness of the briquette, which means that the quality of the content itself has suffered.

Unlike vacuum briquettes, soft packaging loses a little. In such packaging, the content loses its taste a little. But there are also pluses. Some packages are equipped with a special membrane that prevents air from entering. But at the same time, air can easily leave this package.

This is a very important point. from the technological side, since gases can accumulate in soft packages and unauthorized explosion of packages can occur. Their advantage is that it is convenient for the buyer. Taking the packaging in your hands and pressing a little on it, you can feel the aroma of a coffee drink.

When opening any soft bag, the first thing to do is inhale the scent of the coffee. The smell, like a litmus test, will determine the quality of the purchase.

Interesting fact: The vacuum briquette was invented in the first year of the twentieth century.

Making a drink in a Turk

Despite the variety of special machines for brewing a coffee drink, the Turk (or cezve) still remains the most popular and demanded among coffee gourmets. Historically, grain is brewed in a Turk in the best oriental traditions.

A coffee drink prepared in a Turk has a denser texture, rich and aromatic taste. The secret of preparation lies in the fact that when brewing, the drink is not filtered and all the useful qualities remain in it.

Turk is a specific vessel with a rather wide bottom and a narrow neck, attached to an elongated handle. The size of a Turk can be absolutely any, but in shape it remains unchanged. The material from which the vessel can be made is metal. The best and most correct will be the one that is made of copper with a silver inner coating.

How to make good coffee

There are quite a few methods for creating an aromatic coffee drink. And every coffee lover has his own special recipe, which he is in no hurry to part with. Any recipe is based on personal preferences and gourmet habits.

But whichever coffee you prefer, there are principles that should be followed in order to always be satisfied with a cup of your favorite drink. Any equipment for preparing a delicious drink must be in perfect condition. No remnants of past use should be left. Otherwise, the freshly prepared coffee product will have off-flavors that negate the excellent aroma and taste of the drink.

Rules for preparing a quality drink:

How to preserve flavor after cooking

A freshly made coffee drink begins to lose its taste very quickly, and in order to slow down this process, it is imperative to warm up the cup from which this drink is drunk. The optimum temperature that should be maintained if the coffee is not immediately consumed is within 83 degrees and then within a few minutes.

If you need to take coffee with you in a thermos, the flask should be doused with boiling water so that it is initially warm. In a thermos, all the taste delights of a coffee drink are preserved for only 45 minutes.

Classic Turkish coffee recipe

This recipe is considered to be the oldest. To prepare a Turkish drink, very finely ground grains are required. Water with good taste, preferably without minerals and salts. And, of course, the correct cezva is a Turk.

The volume of the cezve should correspond to the number of cups to be prepared. We take ground grains at the rate of two full teaspoons per 150 ml of cold water. The classic recipe does not include sugar.

Pour the powder from coffee beans into the Turk and put it on the fire to warm it up a little. Literally within one minute. Then carefully pour very cold water into the Turk. Boil the drink over very low heat.

At the moment when the foam begins to form and rise, the Turk should be removed from the fire, and as soon as the foam settles, return the Turk to the fire again. This is done three times, but more is possible. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Before pouring the coffee, it is better to collect the froth and carefully place it in the already filled cups.

Ready coffee is poured into warmed cups and served with a glass of cold water. You should drink in small sips alternately - coffee and water.

Rating of the best cooking recipes

To satisfy the tastes of even the most fastidious coffee lover, there are many recipes for preparing a drink. Below is a ranking of the most popular and common cooking methods.

Spanish passion, coffee Cortado

This is for lovers of a strong coffee drink with the addition of milk. Usually served with fresh, still warm bread and dry-cured pork.

You will need:

  • Transparent glass with a capacity of 200 ml.
  • Freshly brewed arabica coffee.
  • 50 g of low-fat milk.
  • One teaspoon of brown sugar.

Put sugar in a warmed transparent glass and pour out the milk, whisk a little until thick and very carefully add the already prepared drink.

Burning Moroccan coffee

The most delicious coffee made with aromatic absinthe and spices. It is great to cook on days of complete relaxation.

You will need:

  • Two teaspoons of finely ground Mocha coffee.
  • One teaspoon of sugar.
  • 50 g of cinnamon.
  • Several pieces of cloves.

Put sugar in a very hot turk and heat over the fire until golden brown. Add cinnamon and cloves, stir. When the sugar has melted, put ground powder into the mixture and pour everything over with hot boiled water. Bring on low heat until the first bubbles appear. Remove from heat. Mix everything and put on fire again. And as soon as bubbles begin to appear, turn off. Very quickly set fire to absinthe in a spoon and pour into coffee. This drink is drunk only hot.

With chocolate syrup

You will need:

In a Turk, boil ground robusta seeds in the usual way. You will get a very rich taste and aroma. Whip cream with powdered sugar. Place ice cream and whipped cream in a transparent glass, pour over beautifully chocolate syrup on top. In a small stream and very slowly pour the coffee along the side of the glass. The coffee will be at the bottom, and the integrity of the layers will not be compromised.

There are a lot of recipes for making coffee. It all depends on the courage to experiment with the ingredients. Coffee beans can be combined with spices and alcoholic beverages. The main thing is proportions. Good luck!

For many people, coffee is essential for starting a new day. But for most of them, the whole process of preparing this aromatic drink is to pour instant coffee and sugar into a cup and pour boiling water over it all. But, unfortunately, many do not even know how to brew natural coffee correctly. And not at all because this is a complex science that requires special skills and abilities - a person simply may not have time in the morning to make himself a cup of coffee.

But there are also weekends when there is no need to rush anywhere and you can relax. Then our tips on how to brew coffee at home will come in handy.

What do we need? To brew coffee at home, you will need to have a boiling pot, a long-handled spoon, coffee, sugar, and any other ingredients that you plan to add to your coffee. Now let's say a few words about coffee. For beginners, it is better to buy already ground coffee, so it will be easier for you to navigate in what the correct grinding of beans should be if next time you do it yourself. If you have not found such coffee, or basically want to buy coffee beans, then you will have to grind them before brewing. Use a coffee grinder, or a hand blender with a container. This completes the preparatory stage.

How to brew ground coffee in a Turk properly? Step-by-step instruction. Method one

  1. Boil some water in a kettle. Then, pour a little warm boiled water into the Turk, in which we will brew coffee.
  2. Pour ground coffee into a Turk with water. For a standard coffee cup, you need to pour 1.5-2 teaspoons of ground coffee without a slide, but take into account your taste preferences, because someone loves coffee stronger, and someone is weaker.
  3. Now pour boiled water from a teapot into the Turk. The total amount of water in the turk should be approximately equal to the volume of your cup. But at the same time, the maximum water level in a Turk is the level of its narrowest point (isthmus). We draw your attention to the fact that you need to pour not boiling water, but only warm water, otherwise you will ruin the drink before you start directly cooking.
  4. We put the Turk with water on the fire and wait. You need to watch out for the moment when your coffee is almost boiling. That is, it has not yet boiled, but just about. It is at this point that you need to remove the coffee from the heat. You also need to monitor the level of foam. As soon as it starts to rise, the coffee is ready.
  5. Do not rush to immediately pour the finished drink into a cup, let it brew for a couple of minutes. Then pour coffee into a cup, add sugar to taste.

How to brew coffee correctly? Second recipe

Quality coffee

Arabica and Robusta are the most popular coffee varieties. It is the varieties, since these coffee trees are also divided into subspecies, so two different packages with an attractive inscription "100% Arabica" will have different tastes.

Arabica has a noble taste with a slight sourness, robusta is coarser, astringent and strong. In its pure form, robusta is never used, only as an admixture to Arabica. It gives an excellent dense foam in espresso, which is why baristas love it.

The taste of coffee depends on many factors: the place of growth, the degree of roast, the combination of varieties (if it is a mixture), storage conditions.

The right coffee is sold in an opaque package with a degassing valve that removes carbon dioxide outside and prevents oxygen from entering. After roasting, coffee emits several liters of carbon dioxide during the day. If you see a package in a store without such a valve, it means that the coffee was not packed immediately after roasting, it had been degassed for some time and had significantly lost its taste. Essential oils partially volatilize during degassing.

Look at the roast date. The closer it is to today's date, the better. Ideally, no later than two weeks, but this is difficult to achieve even for shops specializing in coffee and tea only.

Take coffee beans. There are several reasons for this.

  1. Self-ground coffee eliminates the presence of impurities in the cup. It is easier for unscrupulous producers to mix cheaper robusta varieties and even chicory, malt, barley, rye into ground coffee. It is better to grind yourself, even in the simplest coffee grinder.
  2. Essential oils are the basis of coffee taste. As we now know, oxygen is the main enemy of the right taste. Grinding before direct brewing will maximize the aroma of the beans.
  3. You have more opportunities to experiment. Coffee for espresso machines requires a medium grind, for a French press - coarse, and for a Turkish coffee should resemble flour.
  4. You will be able to evaluate the shape of the grain itself, make sure that the grains are the same size, matte and whole. The uniformity of the grains excludes the addition of cheaper robusta. The shine indicates that the grain is stale and has already begun to release essential oils. The shards will give bitterness as they roast more than whole grains. Of course, you can understand all this only when you open the package and draw conclusions about the manufacturer for the future.


Ideally - spring, but you can do with filtered. The main thing is not to take water directly from the tap and do not use already boiled water.


Some coffee lovers add a little salt during preparation, which helps to better reveal the taste and aroma of coffee and reduce bitterness. If you decide on salt, then take the most common cooked coarse grind. With the extra variety, there is a risk of oversalting, and iodized salt will give an unpleasant aftertaste.

We pass from theory to practice - brewing coffee.

Making coffee in a Turk

Choosing a Turk

The Turk has been known since the times of the Ottoman Empire, and, in fact, the name of this tableware speaks of its origin. In its historical homeland, it is called a cezve, and both names have taken root in the Russian language.

Today the Turks are made from a variety of materials: copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass and even ceramics. There are both small Turks for a 100 ml cup, and large ones for a solid mug.

Among coffee lovers, preference is given to the copper little Turks.

The copper heats up evenly, and the small volume allows you to maximize the taste of the grain.

Aluminum cookware heats up quickly, but in principle it is undesirable to use it for cooking any food, since this material reacts with food when heated. The stainless steel warms up unevenly, which is why a hotbed of the highest temperature appears in the center of the dish, the coffee begins to boil, although the temperature has not yet reached the desired level at the edges.

Ceramics and clay also warm up, but these materials continue to give off heat, even when you have already removed the dishes from the stove: the foam will continue to rise, and there is a risk that you will flood the table or stove. Due to its porous structure, earthenware absorbs odors well, so over time the taste of coffee will only get better, but you can only use it for making one variety.

If you have an induction cooker, then it makes no sense to take a ceramic Turk: it simply will not heat up. In the case of buying a copper one, pay attention to the fact that in its bottom there should be special inserts on which induction will be induced.

The most regular shape of the Turks is the traditional conical one with a funnel-shaped socket. The cone will not allow the thick to get up, and the bell will prevent the foam from rising too quickly, which is especially important for those who have not had experience using this dish before. The handle can be of any length, but the longer it is, the more convenient it will be for you to remove the Turk from the fire.

Cooking in turk

We rinse the Turk, add 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee and add 75 ml of cold water. Add sugar or a few grains of salt before we put the Turk on low heat. These components slow down the boiling process somewhat and make the foam denser.

We put on fire, heat, but do not bring to a boil. Your main task now is not to be distracted and wait for the moment when the foam rises. Remember the funnel-shaped bell? It will increase your chances of catching this moment and preventing coffee from pouring over the stove.

We remove the Turk from the fire, let the foam settle and put it on the fire again. The foam should rise three times and you should lower it three times. The process is clearly shown in this video.

Using a Turk is not easy, it requires attention and certain skills. But it is this method of brewing coffee that has many followers, since a minimum of equipment is required: only the right dishes and a stove.

Making coffee in a geyser coffee maker

Choosing a coffee maker

The first geyser coffee makers appeared in the 1930s. By the way, the company that designed them still exists today - the Italian Bialetti. Today coffee makers of this type are produced by different companies.

When buying, you should focus on the material from which the coffee maker is made. You should definitely not take aluminum specimens. But stainless steel or ceramics is a matter of taste.

Pay attention to the number of cups the coffee maker prepares at a time.

In the case of a geyser coffee maker, you will not be able to pour less water and put a spoonful of coffee in order to make one for yourself instead of six cups. You should always prepare the full volume. Moreover, different manufacturers may interpret the volume of one cup differently. For someone it is 40 ml, for someone - 100. Find out this point before buying.

Cooking in a geyser coffee maker

We choose medium-ground coffee, put it into the filter. If later it turns out that coffee particles are floating in your cup, it means that the grinding was not coarse enough. Pour water into the bottom of the coffee maker.

As soon as the water boils, remove from the heat. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of boiling, since the coffee itself will not heat up to 100 ° C. The water under the pressure of the steam generated during the boiling will pass through the filter with the coffee and settle on the top of the coffee maker. With an electrical device, it's even easier: as soon as the coffee is ready, it turns itself off.

The whole process is shown in detail in the video instruction below.

If water leaks from the sides during use, it means that you have loosely tightened the parts or have exceeded the maximum mark for water.

Making coffee in an aeropress

Choosing an airport

Aeropress is one of the newest ways to brew coffee. The device was invented in 2005 by Aerobie and has become so popular that since 2008, annual championships have been held on brewing coffee in the airport.

There are no difficulties with choosing an airport: the device is quite simple, the complete set of goods may change slightly from year to year, the manufacturer adds additional stirring spoons, replaceable filters, funnels. The reason why it has become possible to hold coffee brewing competitions is in the intricacies of using this simple device.

Cooking in the air press

Grind 1.5 tablespoons of coffee, pour into a flask. The grind should be slightly coarser than for the Turk. You need to prepare 200 ml of hot water - not boiling water, the temperature should be around 90 ° C. If you have one, then you can find the exact temperature. If not, wait three minutes after the kettle boils.

Fill the coffee with water. And from this moment the magic begins. The taste and strength of the drink depends on how long you keep the coffee in the flask and when you start stirring. It is no coincidence that a special application was released for iOS that tells how long coffee should be kept in an air press.

Owners of Android smartphones are a little less fortunate: they can only use a universal application that covers different ways of making coffee. There are also tips for the owners of air presses.

After the coffee has matured from one minute to three minutes, put the filter on the flask, turn the aeropress over and slowly push the coffee through the filter into the cup. If the piston is running hard, use a slightly coarser grind next time. The cooking process is shown in detail in this video.

Aeropress is very convenient to use, compact, easy to clean, coffee is brewed very quickly, and fine-tuning opens a truly limitless field for experimenting with the taste of your favorite drink. The only drawback is that there will be no coffee crema with this brewing method, since the water is heated separately from the beans.

Preparing coffee in a French press

Choosing a French press

Traditionally, a French press is made of glass. The material, albeit fragile, but neutral, which does not react in any way with the contents. More expensive models have more reliable springs and a strainer that is resistant to frequent use. But in general, it doesn't really matter which model you choose. The main thing is to decide on the volume of coffee that you plan to brew in it.

Cooking in a French press

On the intricacies of using a French press for brewing coffee Lifehacker. Let's add only video instructions.

For those who like to experiment with the taste of the drink, we also recommend taking a look at the articles on making coffee and which are worth trying.


Most people drink coffee at least occasionally. A fragrant freshly brewed drink is much tastier than an expressionless instant drink.

Good quality coffee can be ordered at a cafe or bar. But making it yourself is also very simple. This requires only grain, water and a ladle - a Turk. For espresso and cappuccino lovers, there is an automatic coffee machine.

Coffee is loved all over the world. It is drunk at home at breakfast, at work at lunchtime and in the evening at a friendly party.

A special, incomparable aroma invigorates and improves mood. Black scalding liquid drives sleep and stimulates the brain, increases stress resistance.

This diet drink contains virtually no calories. Moreover, it can be infinitely diversified by adding milk, sugar and spices.

How to brew coffee properly at home

There are many varieties and methods of preparation. You will have to experiment well to find that very unique taste. But there are general rules that will help to make any drink of high quality.

Choosing a variety

The taste of coffee depends not so much on the brand as on which country it was grown in and how the beans were processed. The best lots come from Central and South America.

There are two main varieties produced in the world. Arabica is distinguished by its rich taste and pronounced aroma, as well as a relatively low content of caffeine. For lovers of strong bitter coffee, Robusta is mixed with it, whose own taste is not so interesting. Robusta is much cheaper than Arabica. This is due to the peculiarities of growing coffee trees.

Grain or ground?

The drink itself is made from ground grains, which can be purchased ready-made. But with long-term storage, ground coffee loses its extraordinary aroma, its taste becomes flat and expressionless.

It is best to carry out the entire process yourself by roasting the green beans and finely grinding them. If you do all this just before preparing the drink, you can count on a stunning result.

Roasting the beans

During roasting, not only the color of the beans changes, but also their taste. Under-roasted coffee tastes sour and not intense enough. From the refried grains, we get a dark-colored bitter drink.

For proper frying at home, a heavy frying pan is heated and greased with butter at the rate of a tablespoon per pound of raw materials. While stirring, the coffee beans are roasted until they turn dark brown.

Only empirically can we establish the moment of the end of the process. The same variety, roasted differently, will taste differently.

Do you need special dishes?

A time-tested Turk or a larger coffee pot is designed specifically for brewing coffee. They are specially shaped and made from suitable materials.

In principle, you can brew a couple of cups of the drink in any clean dish, preferably small..

The absence of a Turk is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure. You can prepare coffee in a saucepan, cup, or even a thermos.

Can I take tap water?

  • have no smell;
  • be transparent and colorless;
  • do not contain chlorine.

It is not recommended to pour tap water into a coffee pot; it is better to buy bottled water. Water purified at home using a filter is also suitable.

How to brew coffee in a Turk (cezve)

Turka has an ancient history. But, despite the intrusion of household appliances into our lives, this original vessel does not give up its positions. Only in a real copper turk the coffee turns out rich, with a thick foam on the surface.

The traditional way on the stove

The Turk is unlike any other kitchen utensil. It has a long handle, it expands downward, has a narrow waist in the middle, and a comfortable nose on top. The best Turks are made of copper.

Although the cooking process itself takes about five minutes, you need to arm yourself with some patience. You cannot turn away for a minute, the foam rises very quickly and the drink will instantly run out over the edge.

How much coffee do you need

A common rule of thumb is to put one to two teaspoons of coffee powder per cup. Do not increase concentration too much. This will be unhealthy and ruin the delicate taste and aroma, making the drink unnecessarily bitter.

However, in practice, the sizes of coffee cups are very different, and everyone has different tastes. Therefore, understanding how much powder to pour usually comes with experience.

Algorithm of actions

Real gourmets follow thousands of different rules and traditions in the cooking process, but for a start it is enough to follow the general instructions:

  • Finely ground coffee is poured into an already warm turk and heated again to reveal its aroma.
  • Pour in water, the colder the better.
  • Heat the turk on low heat, carefully monitoring the formation of a creamy foam on the surface.
  • When the foam starts to rise and reaches the upper edge, the Turk must be quickly removed.
  • Then bring it to a boil again, remove it, and repeat the procedure a third time.

In order for the thick to settle to the bottom faster, lightly tap the table with a Turk or add a spoonful of cold water to it.

Duration of cooking

It is not so much the cooking time that is important as the correct sequence of actions. The traditional oriental method involves slow cooking over low heat, raising the foam three times. The addition of sugar slows down the heating even more, while improving the quality of the froth.

But if there is no time at all in the morning before work, you can pour the ground grains with boiling water. Let the taste be different from the ideal, it is still much better than instant. One rule must always be observed - in no case should you boil coffee.

What are the Turks

Traditionally, the Turks are made from copper or cheaper ones - from aluminum. Ceramics with or without coating are less common. Electrical variations are also available. Each variety has its own characteristics.


The main feature of such Turks is their thick ceramic walls, which:

  • do not absorb odors and do not stain;
  • provide uniform heating;
  • keep warm well.

It is necessary to remove the ceramic turk from the fire as soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface. It will give off heat for a long time, and the coffee will rise to the top by itself. If you habitually allow the foam to rise to the edge, it will surely run away.


In essence, an electric turka is a small electric kettle designed for several cups of ready-made drink. It is compact and easy to use. You just need to pour water and add ground coffee, and an invigorating drink will be ready even faster than on the stove.

Foodies lack the ability to add personality to an automated cooking process. And yet, this handy gadget may well come in handy on a trip or in the workplace.

Popular recipes for Turks

If the algorithm of actions when brewing coffee differs slightly, then there are a great many recipes for coffee drinks.

With foam

Thick dense foam is an indicator of quality. It is formed when essential oils are released from the coffee mass mixed with air bubbles. It is in fresh, properly processed grains that are high in oils. The foam preserves the aroma, forming a kind of partition in the narrow neck of the Turks. It is laid out in cups with a spoon, and then the coffee is carefully poured.

With milk

The easiest recipe is to add some milk to your favorite drink. You can also cook it entirely in milk instead of water. There are also more sophisticated options. Viennese coffee is decorated with a cap of whipped cream on top, and ice cream is placed in a cold glaze.


Dominican coffee is distinguished by its high quality. It is added to the blend to improve the taste. Dominican coffee is usually made very strong and bitter, like espresso. As a rule, geyser coffee makers are used for this. They drink it from small cups, adding a large amount of sugar.


Of all the spices, cinnamon best decorates coffee. She not only makes a unique aroma, but also gives vigor and good mood.

Different ways of brewing coffee

In order to brew coffee, both ordinary kitchen utensils and modern technical devices are used. The taste of the drink is, of course, different.

In a saucepan

If nothing better is at hand, you can brew coffee in a saucepan too. You just need to pour water into it and boil it. Then remove the pan from the heat, pour the product itself into it and heat again. When the grounds float up, the drink is ready. Now you need to wait a little until the thick drops to the bottom, and you can drink coffee.

In a geyser coffee maker

The coffee in the geyser coffee maker turns out to be thick and rich. Cold water is poured into its lower part, and the strainer is filled with coffee powder. The coffee maker is placed on the stove, and steam from the boiling water under pressure passes through the ground coffee. At the same time, a bubbling liquid occurs on the surface, resembling a geyser. The finished drink is collected at the top, from where it can be poured into cups.

In an ordinary drip coffee maker

Drip coffee makers are the most affordable, thanks to the simple principle of operation, everyone understands how to use them. Water is poured into the tank, and ground grains are poured into a permanent or disposable filter.

It remains to press the power button, and water, passing through the coffee, will drip into the glass jug. The larger the amount of coffee powder, the stronger the drink.

In the coffee machine

The creators of coffee machines managed to completely automate the process. Water and grain are all that the unit requires. The machine itself will grind the beans and prepare an espresso according to the specified parameters.

There are also coffee machines designed for ground coffee. The powder is tightly packed into a special horn through which hot water passes. The latest technology is capsule machines, where prepared coffee is sealed in standard capsules.

In the microwave

An irreplaceable assistant in the kitchen, the microwave oven can also brew coffee. You need to take a larger mug so that the drink does not run away. Put coffee, sugar to taste in it, pour 2/3 of the volume with water and put it in the microwave for two minutes at maximum power.

In quartz sand

Residents of southern countries prepare coffee in hot sand. To reproduce this process at home, you need to take a thick frying pan with high walls and pour quartz sand into it.

When the sand warms up well, a Turk is placed on top of it and buried in it deeper. Then it is heated until the foam rises. The coffee turns out to be richer and better reveals the aroma than on the stove.

In the coffee pot

Due to its volume, the coffee pot is well suited for a large company. Coffee is not brewed in it, but brewed. Pour boiling water over half of the portion and close the vessel with a lid. You can plug the nose with something. After 2-3 minutes, add the remaining coffee and water.

The drink will be ready in 5-7 minutes. To improve the result, the coffee pot can be placed in hot water or on a warm surface at this time.

Different types of coffee

A wide variety of species makes it possible to choose the taste and cooking method as you wish.


Natural coffee has an undoubted advantage over instant coffee. It has a full flavor and rich aroma.


Bean coffee retains all the beneficial properties better than ground coffee. The degree of roasting is of great importance, which greatly affects the taste.


The beans are ground with a coffee grinder. Some recipes require a coarse grind, others a finer grind.


Making coffee is very easy. Rinse the mug with hot water, add two teaspoons of coffee, pour boiling water over it and cover with a saucer. After five minutes, the drink is ready.


In the east, strong coffee is made from very finely ground beans, with a dense foam. Sugar and spices are added to it, sometimes in such quantities that the drink seems thick.


It was from Turkey that a special vessel for cooking came to us - a Turk and a popular recipe for cooking. Turkish coffee is brewed very slowly in hot sand, adding cloves or cinnamon to it.

How to properly brew Turkish coffee is shown in the video.


The grains of this variety, before being used for their intended purpose, pass through the intestines of an animal called musang. There they are processed with enzymes and enzymes, which gives the final product a completely unique taste.

Even perfectly brewed coffee can be improved by a variety of means. It must be remembered that freshly brewed coffee quickly loses its wonderful properties.

What spices can be added

Provides a warm rich aroma. It has a healing effect: it cleanses the blood, improves tone and creates a good mood.

  • Carnation.

Spicy and bright, it enriches the drink, neutralizing the negative effects of caffeine. Normalizes blood pressure and helps fight colds.

  • Ginger.

Adds a specific fresh aroma, improves metabolism, raises spirits.

  • Black pepper.

The sharp, invigorating scent stimulates consciousness. Pepper is antiseptic, cleanses and warms.

  • Vanilla.

Gives a soft and sweet scent that is soothing and exciting at the same time.

How long can coffee be stored

You need to drink natural coffee immediately after preparation, while it is still hot and aromatic. Within half an hour, the smell will disappear, and the taste will not change for the better. The exception is cold coffee drinks, as well as a travel option in a thermos.

Why is coffee bitter

For some varieties of coffee, a slight bitterness is a must. Its presence depends on the following factors:

  • degree of roasting;
  • the content of robusta in the mixture;
  • brew strength;
  • recipe.

If the coffee is too bitter, you can save it by adding a pinch of salt.

The correct selection of coffee varieties, processing of beans and preparation of dishes are the main criteria for obtaining a high-quality tasty drink. The variety of recipes makes it possible to create options for every taste. The beautiful and creative brewing process is easy to master. All that remains is to set the table beautifully, rinse the cups with boiling water, and you can pour the aromatic black liquid. Enjoy your coffee!