Nutmeg drug properties how much to eat. Nutmeg

26.08.2019 Grill menu

Nutmeg is a seasoning with one of the highest price tags. In the Old World, its healing, tonic and aromatic qualities have been valued since ancient times. Ground nutmeg is a versatile spice that is successfully combined with meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, pastries, desserts and drinks.

From this article you will learn:

Nutmeg: botanical characteristics

Nutmeg (Myristica) is a genus of dioecious evergreens belonging to the Muskatnikovye family. Often found under the names Muscat tree or Muskatnik. The genus includes ten plant species distributed in the tropical regions of Eurasia, Asia and Africa.

Muskatnik is a small tree with a spreading crown, reaching 9-12 meters in height. The leaves have an elliptical shape, a leathery structure, stretch up to 13 cm in length. The upper side of the leaves is dark green and shiny, while the underside is dull and dull. Leaves are arranged alternately.

Nutmeg flowers have a strong smell and turn light yellow. Females are collected 2-3 in leaf axils, and males are collected in umbellate or racemose inflorescences, up to 20 pieces in each. The fruit is a drupe, grows up to 9 cm in length, also yellow. A large seed with a fleshy red seed is enclosed in a fleshy pericarp. In appearance, the nutmeg tree is often compared to an apricot.

History of nutmeg

The common name "nutmeg" comes from the Latin language, where "nux muscata" means nutmeg. According to legend, during ripening, such an aroma emanates from the nut that the birds of paradise lose consciousness. True, the point here is rather not in the smell, but in the psychotropic properties of the nut.

The homeland of the nutmeg is the Moluccas, which are part of modern Indonesia. No wonder this archipelago is sometimes called the Spice Islands. Banda Island is believed to be the site of the tree's original distribution. Since ancient times, Indonesians have used nutmeg as a medicine and aphrodisiac, and around the 7th century, the Arabs began to trade this spice in Europe.

After the Portuguese learned at the end of the 15th century how well the nutmeg grows and bears fruit on the island of Banda, a struggle broke out between different empires. First, the Portuguese lost the island to the Dutch, and those to the British military. The goal of the wars, which lasted for several centuries, was the possession of a territory with a practically unlimited supply of an expensive resource.

Smugglers gradually introduced the cultivation of nutmeg throughout Indonesia, as well as in Granada, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Caribbean and Papua New Guinea.

Interestingly, the informal name for the state of Connecticut in the United States is "Nutmeg State". It was obtained by the region due to the activities of fraudulent traders who gave out ground wood for sale instead of fragrant seasoning.

In the middle of the last century, nutmeg was distributed among adherents of hippie culture and beatniks. They used the product as a soft drug. Today, nutmeg is not among the "classic" psychotropic foods and is very rarely used for this purpose. One of the reasons is the difficulty of "coming" - you need to follow many rules when eating in order to enjoy, not harm.

Nutmeg is depicted on the flag of the state of Grenada. So the island country pays tribute to a product that significantly affects the economy of the country.

Varieties of nutmeg

There are two varieties of nutmegs of the species Nutmeg Fragrant: West Indian and East Indian. The latter are sorted by size. Most of the world production of the East Indian variety comes from agriculture in Indonesia. The main supplier of West Indian walnut is Grenada. Moreover, none of these two states is the world leader in the production of nutmeg.

Nutmeg fakes

Macassar nutmeg and Bombay nutmeg, growing in New Guinea and South India, belong to the genus Myristica, but are considered fakes. Their fruits quickly give off aroma, have a bitter-burning taste. They are distinguished from fragrant nutmeg nuts by the shape of the seeds - the original is always elliptical or ovoid in shape, while the fakes are elongated, which makes them look like acorns.

Producing countries

According to the statistics of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for 2013, the following countries achieved the largest harvests:

  1. Guatemala: 37.8 thousand tons;
  2. Indonesia: 28.1 thousand tons;
  3. India: 16.5 thousand tons;
  4. Nepal: 7 thousand tons;
  5. Laos: 3 thousand tons;
  6. Tanzania: 720 tons;
  7. Sri Lanka: 620 tons;
  8. Honduras: 475 tons;
  9. Grenada: 456 tons;
  10. Trinidad and Tobago: 314 tons.

Processing and used parts

In its native tropical regions, nutmeg can produce up to three crops per year. Harvesting and processing fruits are difficult:

  1. The pericarp is removed.
  2. The pre-seed husk is removed. It is not thrown away, but dried and ground into powder.
  3. Naked nuts are dried in special devices or directly in the sun from several days to several weeks.
  4. From nuts that rattle when shaken, the outer shell is removed.
  5. The cleaned kernels are immersed in a solution that prevents germination and destroys insects and their larvae.

The product obtained in this way goes to further processing, including grinding and grinding. Vegetable and essential oils are also produced from the fruits of the nutmeg. The husk, preseed and husk are used in dried form, whole or crushed into powder.

What does the spice smell like?

Nutmeg has a woody spicy smell, which, after meeting, is already difficult to confuse with something else. Moreover, the aroma is revealed gradually - at first it is difficult to feel it, but then it occupies the entire aromatic space and reveals itself in different shades. The ground and grated product quickly loses its smell, so it is recommended to grind the nuts immediately before use.

Nutmeg benefits and harm to the body

Chemical composition

The composition of ground nutmeg kernels contains:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • choline;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folates;
  • alpha-tocopherol; biotin;
  • niacin.

Compounds and salts of the following elements are also present:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.

About 25% of the composition is occupied by fatty acids. Their composition is approximately the following:

  • saturated: lauric (0.37%), myristic (22.83%), palmitic (2.26%) and stearic (0.17%);
  • monounsaturated: palmitoleic (1.4%) and oleic (1.6%);
  • polyunsaturated: linoleic (0.35%).

Nutritional value per 100 g

  • proteins: 5.8 g;
  • carbohydrates: 49.4 g;
  • fat: 36.3 g;
  • dietary fiber: 20.8 g;
  • water: 6.23 g;
  • calories: 525 kcal.

Nutmeg: benefits and harms for women, men, children

  1. Nutmeg tincture is very useful for the fair sex. She treats mastopathy and restores the menstrual cycle. It is also advised to use fruit oil for the reproductive system so that during critical days there are no severe pains, and menopause goes unnoticed. Women will also appreciate the slimming properties of the walnut. As part of a diet or fasting days, it is allowed to eat small pieces of nucleoli throughout the day, drinking tea without sugar, or add to ready-made unsweetened dishes: vegetable side dishes and salads. You need to limit yourself to two fruits a day so as not to overload the liver. The advantage of nutmeg is also the fact that its fruits contribute to the rapid absorption of heavy and fatty foods, speed up metabolism and the burning of carbohydrates, and reduce appetite.
  2. Powder from mature fruits is advised to men after 40 years to maintain youth and sexual health. In ancient cultures, the nut was considered an excellent aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire. For such purposes, the product is added to food in ground form or in pieces. The effect lasts 3-5 hours. For the same thrill, essential oil is used, which is dripped onto candles. To enhance ejaculation and increase potency, doctors advise taking one gram of powder for every 10 kg of body weight. You can also use a couple of tablespoons of spice a few hours before sex, making a milkshake. For 400 ml of milk, take 100 g of ice cream, a large spoonful of granulated sugar, two bananas and 1-2 dessert spoons of nutmeg. An alternative option is to mix equal proportions of lavender, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and add rose petals, and then brew with boiling water in a clay teapot.
  3. It is very useful for children to give milk with nutmeg powder 1-2 times a day, so that the kids have a healthy appetite, a good nervous system and their teeth do not hurt. True, up to seven years, the consumption of the product is prohibited. However, if you add nutmeg to the dishes of a nursing mother, the frequency of intestinal colic will decrease in the baby, and the quality of the milk itself will noticeably increase. For the last purpose, by the way, you can drink a kefir cocktail with a pinch of nuts and dill seeds. At school age, 1-2 pinches of nutmeg spice will be very useful during the flu and cold epidemic. In addition, the product improves the mental activity of children. Just do not give the spice all the time, but do preventive courses. Ideally, once a month for one week, add nutmeg to the children's diet, and then take a big break.

Medicinal properties of nutmeg

The first time after its discovery, nutmeg was actively used as a means to stimulate the digestive tract. Later it became clear that the effect of the whole fruit is not so positive in the treatment of gastric diseases, and therefore it is better to use only the essential oil.

In China and India, since ancient times, nutmeg tincture has been used to stabilize the nervous system, and powder medicine has been prescribed for those who have a stomach ache or have problems with blood vessels. Oriental doctors still consider these fruits to be the best natural painkillers. The Roman civilization loved nutmeg for increasing focus and increasing the production of endorphins. Also, the fruits were included in herbal preparations that support the body's defenses.

With the development of healing, nutmeg began to be used to terminate pregnancy. Also, medical experiments have shown that the nut is effective for nausea and toothache, it also stimulates brain activity, which is useful, for example, in the case of Alzheimer's disease. It has been proven that the fruits of nutmeg strengthen the immune system, fight fungi, stabilize blood pressure, prevent beriberi and cancer, and reduce depression. The kernels also recuperate with allergies, after serious infections.

Currently, for medical purposes, the following dosage forms based on nutmeg are produced:

  • Butter. Essential pomace from the kernels is also used today to improve overall tone, and vegetable fatty oil is added to medicinal creams and ointments as a good adhesive base. Walnut ether can be rubbed with pain in muscles and joints, during colds and attacks of neuralgia. The ether also has a positive effect on the circulatory system and bronchi, relieves a variety of inflammations and stops bleeding, incl. uterine and nasal.
  • Balm. You can even prepare this remedy at home. It is enough to mix 90 ml of nutmeg fatty oil, 60 ml of almond pomace and 30 g of yellow wax. At the end, 24 drops of nutmeg ether are added to the mixture. The drug is used externally to relieve stomach cramps, rash with scrofula, paralysis, colic in the intestines, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Tincture. It is made on a 40% alcohol basis. You need to take a liter of vodka and 200 g of nuts, which are ground with a grater. After two weeks of infusion of the drink, you can filter the remedy and take it daily three times a day. Single dose - 25 drops. On average, one course takes 500 ml of tincture, but the body should also be given a break from nutmeg for a week. With the help of the remedy, you can heal from endarteritis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
  • Tea. The most popular among healers is the tea of ​​Kalmyk healers, which is made to heal all organs. In 500 ml of boiling water, add a large spoonful of green tea. After five minutes of boiling, the liquid is filtered and a coffee spoon of nutmeg powder, 100 g of butter and 3 liters of milk are added. The drink is salted to taste, brought to a boil and after 5 minutes removed from the stove. In the morning, Tibetan tea with spring water, milk, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger and cloves is also recommended. In such a mixture, green or black tea leaves can be diluted, but the drink must be prepared in the evening, and then filtered and consumed on an empty stomach.
  • Infusion. About 3 g of nutmeg powder must be poured with a glass of boiling water in a thermos and infused for about 60 minutes. This remedy is taken 3-4 times a day, 50 ml at a time. The drug helps to relieve migraines, nervous ailments, diarrhea.
  • Cream paste. The crushed nutmeg powder is combined with vegetable oil, whipping the mixture to the consistency of sour cream. Used for external use in the form of heat in case of colds, arthritis, myositis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, etc.
  • Decoction. It is made from 2-3 grated kernels and a liter of water. The drink is brewed in a glass container for 30 minutes, and it is used to combat various inflammatory processes, hemorrhoids.

How to use nutmeg fruits?

There are different ways to treat with nutmeg. Basically, these courses are based on advice from traditional medicine, so you should definitely consult a doctor before taking any remedy:

  • If the gastrointestinal tract hurts, you need to grind nutmeg into powder and consume 0.5-1.5 g of the dry mixture three times a day. With diarrhea, a drink from a glass of fermented milk product, a third of a dessert spoon with ginger and the same volume of nutmeg is suitable.
  • Healing from sclerosis is possible with wine tincture. Combine a liter of wine with a coffee spoon of ground nutmeg and the same volume of cumin and anise seeds. Infuse the remedy for 14 days, then use it three times a day. A single dose is 50 ml (or half as much if the wine was replaced with cognac).
  • Against irritation on the scalp and for healing eczema, it is advised to insist on 500 ml of alcohol half a dessert spoon of nutmeg, ginger and twice as much cinquefoil root. They keep the tincture in a warm corner, and after two days it is already possible to rub the problem areas of the body.
  • If your hands are trembling, it is better to rub them with herbal tincture. You need to take equal amounts of sage leaves, ginger, cloves, rosemary and nutmeg. Pour 50 g of this mixture with 500 ml of vodka. After 40 days of insisting on the sun, you can begin treatment.
  • To cleanse the body of various kinds of infections and at the same time improve metabolism, make an herbal mixture. For 2 parts of cloves, take three parts of nutmeg and 4 parts of rue leaves. Also add 12 parts of celery root vegetables. Take this powder in a coffee spoon before eating.
  • A milk drink with honey and nut powder works great against insomnia. Drink a warm cocktail just before bedtime. In case of a small cold, you can sprinkle nutmeg in tea with lemon or raspberry jam.
  • If you do not want to use alcohol products with varicose veins, take part of a dessert spoon with a nut, pour a cup of boiling water over it and pour in a large spoonful of honey. The drink is infused for only 15 minutes, after which they begin to consume half a glass for a whole month an hour before the first meal and 120 minutes after dinner.
  • The fight against muscle pain can be carried out by compresses, applications and rubbing. It is best to mix grated fruits with ordinary vegetable oil, heat the mixture and apply it with gauze on sore spots. It is also allowed to pour 5 drops of nutmeg ether into 10 g of base oil, apply overnight to the problem area, and after gradual absorption, wrap the skin with something warm. Similarly, neuralgic pains are treated with a mixture of nutmeg powder and beeswax.
  • To remove excess urine from the body, cleanse the kidneys and reduce the level of acidity in the fluid from the excretory system, you need to dilute half a dessert spoon of nutmeg in a cup of warm water. Drink one sip of the drink throughout the day.
  • If you need to cure the thyroid gland, you should mix 5 g of birch buds and valerian root with a glass of walnut shell partitions. Then add 3 nutmeg fruits and pour 500 ml of vodka. After three weeks, the tincture will be ready: you need to strain it and drink it in a large spoon before going to bed.

Nutmeg in cosmetology

The beauty sector uses the most frayed fruits of nutmeg as part of home and professional masks and scrubs. This type of nut stops the development of inflammation, helps to quickly eliminate acne and pimples, smoothes out irregularities on the face and evens out the overall shade.

  • An effective gentle cleansing scrub is obtained from red lentils and nutmegs in equal proportions. The ground mixture is diluted with chamomile decoction or calendula infusion (can be changed to citrus juice), and then applied to moisturized skin. Massage your face to unclog pores and remove dead scales, then rinse your skin.
  • For a whitening mask against blackheads, you should take honey and grated nutmeg. Immediately apply a thick mass to problem areas of a cleansed face. After 15 minutes, the product can be washed off. The mask acts in a gentle way, so it is allowed for daily use.
  • A mixture of grated fruits and milk is an excellent remedy for eliminating inflammatory areas of acne overnight or at least after two hours. It is necessary to combine the ingredients in equal proportions, apply the paste locally and make sure that the bedding does not stain. After that, it is recommended to wash off the mixture with warm water, and then rinse the skin with a cold stream to close the pores.
  • You can also make a scrubbing agent from kefir, oatmeal flakes and ground nutmeg kernels. This skin cleansing option will be useful for those who have active sebaceous glands, acne often appears and the skin seems dull.

The properties of nutmeg for hair come down to stimulation and growth and giving extra shine. The easiest option for the volume of hair and reduce the fragility of curls is to pour 200 g of dry mixture with boiling water and apply to the hair after 15 minutes. This monomask is washed off after 30 minutes. An alternative option is a mixture of a large spoonful of nuts and the same volume of ground oatmeal, a dessert spoon of cinnamon and warm mineral water. It turns out a mask like thick sour cream. It is distributed over all hair and additionally covered with a hat for warmth for half an hour. Also, on the basis of the fruits of the nutmeg, an excellent remedy for protecting the hair of chemical procedures is obtained. It is necessary to pour 125 g of grated kernels with a cup of boiling water, put on the stove, and after 15 minutes drain the water and cool. The mass is applied to wet strands and left for half an hour under polyethylene.

Separately, it is worth noting the use of nutmeg ether for cosmetic purposes. This oil enhances blood circulation and therefore regenerates the skin of the face, and also strengthens the hair. It is best to add a few drops to your usual shampoos and cleansers. In addition, nutmeg essential oil is used in massage sessions, including massage for pregnant women, to maintain skin elasticity. You can add this product to the bathroom to relax and heal wounds on the skin. Separate baths for feet or palms are no less effective.

Nutmeg in cooking

Cooks often wonder what is best to combine nutmeg with. As practice shows, the use of nutmeg powder along with cloves, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom gives the dish an ideal flavor frame. All these spices can be used to create sauces, marinades, vegetable juices, canned vegetables, alcoholic warming drinks, jams, chocolate and, of course, curries. As for individual ingredients, chefs note the perfect combination of nutmeg spice with cabbage, carrots, spinach, asparagus, leeks and tomatoes.

If you are using baking powder, sprinkle the spice directly into the dough at the time of kneading. In other cases, you need to sprinkle the dish with nutmeg just before the end of cooking. Nutmeg is a great addition to a cheese plate or cottage cheese. But with pasta, fish or mushrooms, it is better not to combine it.

Since two spices are obtained from different parts of the nutmeg at once, it is important to note that the so-called nutmeg or mace, obtained from the pericarp, is also used in cooking. On its basis, butter is made for creamy sauces and mustard. Mace powder is very hot, so it is common in Asian, Indian cuisine, and is also found in many dishes of France and England. Muscat color can be added to cookies, rice side dishes, seafood, cheese, sausages, creams and soups.

Where is nutmeg added?

Most housewives tend to view nutmeg as an excellent spice. Traditionally, this seasoning is added for piquant flavor notes to potato and meat dishes, salads and soups. However, nutmeg also goes well with pastries and some drinks, such as coffee, tea or kefir.

In Italy, vegetable stew is made on the basis of nutmeg, and in England oranges are sprinkled with a similar spice for dessert. Russian craftsmen add a pinch of spice even to moonshine. The advantage of adding ground nuts to any recipe is the additional stimulation of bile production, which means faster digestion of food.

What to substitute for nutmeg

Nutmeg has a spicy aroma with sweet notes that cannot be fully replaced by anything. For better disclosure, it is recommended to rub it immediately before adding it to dishes. It well complements and enhances the taste of meat, mushroom dishes, soups, vegetable salads, gravies, sauces. It opens up well in baked goods. In some recipes, seasoning is added to cocktails.

It is not uncommon to hear suggestions to replace the Indonesian walnut with allspice, marjoram, garlic, or curry. It should be borne in mind that all these spices are not at all similar to the fruits of nutmeg. In this situation, it makes sense to think whether, for example, garlic is suitable for a particular dish, whether it could organically complement it outside the case when it was necessary to use nutmeg.

Nutmeg with kefir

Among the huge number of recipes, a fermented milk drink with spice is equally a culinary simple dish and an effective medicine. First, 40 g of kefir is whipped with mayonnaise in olive oil, then a pinch of nutmeg, pepper, paprika, salt, basil, onion, parsley is added. The result is a low-calorie, low-protein vitamin blend that will help cleanse the intestines, stabilize diabetes, and improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas. This mixture can be used as a sauce for fish or meat.

Nutmeg with kefir, the effect of which is always positive, is best consumed in the morning so that the digestive system immediately tunes in to work. If you do not have a choice in spices, simply dilute a quarter of a dessert spoon of ground nutmeg with 200 ml of kefir. Drink 60 minutes before breakfast to boost your immune system and improve overall tone.

There is an opinion that a kefir drink with such a spice causes a narcotic effect. For such a result, about 30 g of spice is needed per cup of fermented milk product, and then after 3-4 hours hallucinations will begin. Those who seek to get high in this way should keep in mind that an overdose of nutmeg can occur very quickly, and then serious poisoning will occur, and in some cases, coma and death.

Essential oil of nutmeg

The first facts of the use of essential oil from the kernels of nutmeg were seen in India, where they were treated for indigestion, as well as in ancient Egypt, using the product for embalming the dead. In the old days, nutmeg ester was added to smoking mixtures to protect against dangerous diseases.

This pomace is obtained after the removal of fatty oils from the fruits, which are up to 40% in the kernels. The fatty oil has a bright orange-scarlet color and a pleasant aroma due to glyceryl trimyristate. Such a product is used in cosmetology to replace cocoa butter and combine with cotton or palm oils. Due to the formation of myristic acid after the breakdown of this component, nutmeg fatty oil has a good effect on hair and skin.

After the fatty component is removed, the distillation of the husks and peeled fruits with water vapor masses begins. The result is a homogeneous essential oil, ideal for perfumery, pharmaceuticals, cooking and even cosmetology.

The specificity of nutmeg ester is associated with a high content of natural alcohols and hydrocarbons, which give the product a sharp and pungent odor. It is the unusual aroma of the oil that allows it to be used in aromatherapy to relax and increase concentration.

The rich composition of nutmeg essential oil makes this remedy an indispensable tool in the fight against various inflammatory processes and pain syndromes. The product not only destroys microbes, but also slows down aging, accelerates the healing of skin wounds and reduces nausea. It is known that the ether of nutmeg fruits helps with ailments of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases such as seborrhea, and difficulties with the nasopharynx. Also, taking the product improves the functioning of the digestive and endocrine systems.

The external use of ether is necessary to destroy swelling, stop bleeding, treat arthritis and neuralgia. Also, the oil is effective for ailments of the respiratory system, neuritis, gout. Interestingly, the tonic effect of nutmeg ether is akin to the work of natural estrogens in the body, so the remedy is used by men and women to normalize sexual relations.

Outwardly, it is most convenient to stir 3-5 drops of ether with 10-15 ml of base vegetable oil, and then rub problem areas. Inside, for medicinal purposes, take no more than 2 drops to improve appetite, reduce migraines, normalize bowel activity, and restore hormonal balance.

Essential oil is very effective for massages and compresses, but it is always mixed with the base pomace. You can also do steam inhalation for 5 minutes, using no more than a drop. It is recommended to add ether to mouth and throat rinses to relieve pain, remove infection, get rid of gum disease, etc.

Muscat oil is allowed to be used in cooking. Astringent flavor to meat dishes, salads, dressings and marinades will give 1-2 drops already. You can add ether to baking dough, a couple of drops per kilogram, as well as to jams, preserves and honey for dessert dishes. For preventive medicinal purposes, you can spread the oil as part of various sauces (for example, with olive oil, mayonnaise or vinegar) on bread, and then drink it with yogurt, juice, tea, coffee. By the way, nutmeg ether perfectly flavors strong drinks, incl. different wines. Very often, ether is dissolved in herbal teas, combining it with willow-herb and raspberry leaves.

In cosmetology, nutmeg ether cannot be considered the most popular, because it irritates the skin. But in small doses, use oil to stimulate hair growth and improve blood circulation under the skin, to rejuvenate the face. For one serving of any home or professional cosmetic product, 4 drops are enough. Such an improvement in cosmetic mixtures allows you to quickly smooth out wrinkles, remove scars, age-related pigmentation and post-acne, and also tighten the skin, because the lifting effect from the use of nutmeg ether is noticeable almost immediately. As for shampoos and balms enriched with essential oil, they strengthen the follicles and make the strands more shiny. The simplest mask for activating the growth of curls is made with 3 drops of the product and base oil. This remedy is applied to the head half an hour before a shower. The same mixture can be distributed for 15 minutes on the skin of the neck and décolleté.

Another area of ​​​​use of essential oil from the fruits of nutmeg is the restoration of the psychological and emotional state by relaxing surrounded by aroma lamps. The warm smell of this product restores peace of mind in a situation of stress or severe frustration. Just three to five drops are enough to clear the blockages of your own thoughts in your head, wake up your intuition, focus and remember some important things. A mixture of nutmeg and citrus oils has a warming effect. This nut product also goes well with spicy, woody, floral esters: sandalwood, geranium, sage, anise, eucalyptus, ginger, lemon balm, patchouli, mint, rose, ylang-ylang, etc. Complementary esters are cinnamon and lavender. Only here the procedure of inhalation of vapors in any case should not last longer than an hour.

Continuing the description of the aromatic properties of nutmeg, one cannot fail to say that its oil can also be dripped into a relaxing bath. About 3 drops are mixed with milk, and then poured into warm water. During an epidemic, you can simply aromatize your home or office with ether to relieve tension and eliminate viruses, activate the immune forces of all family members or a team. But at the same time, it should be remembered that the product is very toxic and an overdose of it is highly undesirable. Inhalation of ether vapors for more than 4 hours a day leads to drug intoxication, and direct contact with the skin for 5 minutes causes burns.

Few people know that as a result of the processing of some parts of the nutmeg, another oil is obtained - nutmeg-colored ether. This product is obtained as a result of work not on the kernels themselves, but on their pericarp. Such a mace ether differs little in properties from the classic nutmeg oil, but it pleases with a more refined aroma. Macis oil can be used for general strengthening of the body and restoration of the stomach, but more often the product is used externally, making rubbing and compresses against colds and joint diseases. The main purpose of muscat ether is to reveal aromas in perfume compositions and soften the skin in cosmetic preparations.

Contraindications and side effects

An overdose of drugs based on nutmeg or excessive consumption of it in food leads to a mild narcotic state. The person feels intoxicated or drowsy, suffers from palpitations and from hallucinogenic images in the subconscious. This situation occurs when using more than 2 fruits per day due to the presence of myristicin and safflower in the composition. The nervous system is overexcited and as a result the mind becomes cloudy, the psyche is upset, coordination is disturbed. The most extreme forms of overdose are fainting and very high blood pressure, especially if nutmeg treatment is combined with the intake of specific drugs and alcohol. A fatal outcome is also possible.

It is equally dangerous to eat too much nutmeg due to the content of essential oils. Therefore, nutmeg ether should be used carefully, because the product irritates the tissues of the liver and kidneys, and also provokes dysbacteriosis, gastritis and ulcers, accelerating the production of juices in the body. An overdose of fruits or a product based on them can manifest itself in the form of ordinary dry mouth, migraine, redness of the eyes. Exactly the same symptoms, by the way, indicate individual intolerance to nutmeg. Allergy to this product is possible regardless of whether you use it for food or for treatment.

Contraindications to taking nuts of this type include pregnancy, mental disorders, epilepsy, old age and childhood. Nutmeg essential oil, due to its strong stimulating properties, can be dangerous for people with problems of the nervous system, heart, with manic syndrome.

Nutmeg: Addiction

The crushed fruit is rarely used as a psychoactive drug. Among the effects that nutmeg leads to are hallucinations, confusion or loss of consciousness, absent-mindedness, lethargy. This product is not widely used among those who use drugs because it often causes stomach problems, accompanied by vomiting and nausea. In addition, in its pure form, the powder is very unpleasant in taste and smell.

The narcotic effect of the nut is determined by the presence of myristicin. Therefore, the most convenient and effective method of administration is the extraction of this substance. The resulting product does not smell and does not have a pronounced taste, so it is easily accepted. True, the extraction process is very complex and time consuming, so it is rarely used.

Nutmeg addiction

The intoxicating effect of the drug is observed a few hours after use:

  • the perception of reality changes;
  • humor appears;
  • there are doubts about the reality of the events;
  • possible defocusing of vision, visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • with a negative reaction, nausea, dizziness, and general weakness occur.

The consequences of using nutmeg as a drug:

  • irritability;
  • instability of the nervous system;
  • memory losses;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa.

Taking nutmeg orally in doses required to achieve a "trip" provokes nausea. Therefore, for this it is used on an empty stomach.

The danger of the drug lies in a slow, but long-lasting effect. Often the user thinks that the dose that has entered the body is not large enough to go into a state of intoxication, and decides to use the second one. This leads to an overdose. It, in turn, is fraught not only with severe nausea, but also with the preservation of a psychoactive effect for several days, which has an extremely negative effect on the psyche.

Growing nutmeg

For the development, growth and fruiting of fragrant nutmeg, tropical conditions are necessary, similar to those that prevail on the Indonesian islands. The minimum air temperature is +20˚C. The required level of precipitation is 2200-3700 mm per year. This nutmeg grows best in fertile volcanic soil. It also needs a lot of light, heat and high humidity. Under optimal conditions, the plant can reach 20 meters in height.

Fruiting of the tree begins in the sixth year of life. Therefore, in Russian realities, it is impossible to successfully grow nutmeg. Achieving the ideal combination of conditions is difficult, but even if it succeeds, winter will be the control blow. A tropical tree is not at all adapted to the cold.

Artificially grown nutmeg gives its first fruits at the age of 7-8 years and bears fruit up to 20-30 years. The crop is harvested in April and November, although the tree produces ripe fruit all year round.

Cultivation is carried out through pre-germinated seeds. First, they are planted on seedlings in well-drained and air-accessible soil, and after good rooting they are transferred to the ground. Peeled nuts are not suitable for planting, only those with a whole shell.

Growing nutmeg on the windowsill will not give any nuts, due to all the factors described. Ornamental varieties of plants will allow you to keep a small tree in the house, which plays only the role of decoration. So far, there is no other way to get spices, how to buy nutmeg in a store.

Where the walnut is grown on an industrial scale, harvesting takes place at least three times a year. The productivity of one tree at the same time rises to 2000 fruits per year. The process of further processing takes about 4 months:

  1. The seed is separated from the color.
  2. Seeds are dried on the covers of bamboo houses under a small branchy cover.
  3. Bamboo goats are placed inside the buildings at this time and a weak smokeless fire is lit.
  4. Bamboo grates are laid out on the goats to dry the seeds.
  5. The described drying process is carried out for at least 1.5 months. Nuts are periodically turned over for even processing.
  6. To check the readiness, the nuts are shaken - if they rattle, then they are dried.
  7. After drying, the fruits are briefly immersed in milk of lime, and then dried again.

Nutmeg, benefits and harms: how to choose and save

Nutmeg is offered for purchase in stores in crushed or whole form. Whole fruits have a more pronounced taste and aroma, but they are usually a little more expensive. It is possible to grind a nut on your own at home. For this, a regular kitchen grater is suitable. When rubbed just before use, nutmeg will have a lush and rich aroma. The crushed product does not have such an advantage.

Nutmeg fruit kernels are large, weigh about 8 g, have a round shape. The quality is checked with a needle - when pierced, a drop of oil should come out of the nut. When buying young whole nuts, you need to check the tightness of the package.

To store the powder or nut kernels, an airtight container is required to prevent the absorption of odors and contact with moist air. The storage place should be dark and cool, without high humidity. The whole product remains fresh for 12 months, and the ground product for up to 6, after which it loses its aroma.

To prevent leakage of oil after rubbing the nut, the rest of it must be wrapped in cling film.

Nutmeg has been known as a spice since ancient times. It gained its popularity due to its good taste and unique composition. It contains a large amount of vegetable protein, essential amino acids, as well as various vitamins and minerals.

It is actively used in the manufacture of some medicines in official and traditional medicine. In the perfume industry, it is popular as a natural aphrodisiac. In cooking, it is used to make many sweets. However, its unlimited consumption can lead to adverse effects.

What are the effects of eating nutmeg

The use of this spice in food is often accompanied by the development of a psychoactive effect. Some substances in its composition have such an effect, namely:

  • eristicin;
  • myristicin;
  • safrole.

Individually, these components produce a psychotropic effect similar to that of antidepressants. However, their synergistic interaction can lead to an excessive increase in the activity of the cerebral cortex.

It is also noted that nutmeg helps to improve digestion and a significant increase in appetite. Due to this property, it is used in medical practice for the non-drug treatment of anorexia. Regular use of nutmeg in small amounts strengthens the immune system and protects the body from viral and bacterial infections.

In addition, it has antiplatelet properties, providing moderate blood thinning, reducing the risk of thrombosis and resorption of formed blood clots. It also helps in relieving acute pain.

However, despite the useful properties, it should be consumed in strictly limited quantities. The permissible norm for a person is 3-5 grams of powder. This dose will complement the taste of food and will not cause side effects.

Causes of poisoning

The hallucinatory effect of nutmeg is due to the content in it of a large amount of the psychoactive substance myristicin, which belongs to the precursors of amphetamine. Due to the main effect of this particular component, such signs of a mental disorder develop as:

  • slowing down speech;
  • decrease in the speed of reaction;
  • inability to pay attention to details;
  • disturbances in thinking;
  • auditory and visual hallucinations;
  • rave.

In some situations, hallucinations can lead to a suicide attempt and, as a result, death.

For the development of these symptoms, it is enough to eat only a few fruits (2-3 pieces). Changes in consciousness appear within 15-20 minutes and can last more than a day, increasing in severity and symptoms.

Overdose symptoms

Nutmeg intoxication is similar to alcohol and drug intoxication and, in addition to the symptoms of mental disorders, it can manifest itself:

  • increased heart rate (tachycardia up to 120-140 beats per minute);
  • violation of the heart rhythm (ventricular and atrial extrasystoles);
  • allergic reactions (local redness of the skin, skin rash, urticaria, Quincke's edema);
  • headaches;
  • dyspeptic symptoms, nausea and vomiting;
  • toxic damage to the liver;
  • development of a convulsive syndrome.

The lethal dose of nutmeg is about 6-7 nuts. However, it all depends not only on the quantity, but also on their size. You also need to take into account the weight of a person: the lower the weight, the stronger the effect.

This product is not recommended for children under 7 years of age. It is also prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers: this can adversely affect the development of the child's brain.

Medical assistance in case of poisoning

First aid for intoxication should be provided immediately: the prognosis of the health and life of the patient depends on this. At home, before the arrival of an ambulance, you must:

  1. Rinse the stomach. To do this, give the victim the maximum possible amount of clean water to drink, you can use tap water. Its temperature should be at room temperature, since a warm liquid will only accelerate the absorption of active substances into the blood. You can add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution to the water until it turns light pink. Induce vomiting by pressing fingers on the root of the tongue.
  2. Give any available sorbent. It can be activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight), Polisorb, Enterosgel.
  3. Do not lose sight of the victim. A person during poisoning can experience severe hallucinations. It is important to constantly be near and remove sharp and cutting objects from the field of view.

There is no specific antidote for the active substances in nutmeg, in particular for myristicin.

Medical assistance includes the following activities:

  1. Gastric lavage. For this, a special probe is used. It is carried out to light wash water.
  2. Setting a cleansing enema.
  3. Sorbents.
  4. infusion therapy. It is necessary to relieve the symptoms of intoxication and more quickly remove the toxin from the body. It is carried out by a combination of colloid and crystalloid solutions.
  5. Diuretics. Used to create forced diuresis, which will provide an accelerated water-electrolyte exchange.

The consequences of an overdose for the body

The consequences of an overdose of nutmeg can be varied. The most common is liver damage. This can lead to the development of fibrosis (the replacement of normal liver tissue with connective tissue) and, with prolonged exposure, to cirrhosis.

There is also a negative effect on the structures of the brain. In the future, this can be manifested by insomnia, impaired memory for recent events, decreased concentration, and in severe cases, a significant change in mental abilities. The harm from exposure to the cerebral cortex is unpredictable.

The defeat of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is observed quite rarely, but in the presence of diseases of these organs, relapses and worsening of the pathology can be expected.

Nutmeg is one of the most useful spices in the world, which used to be worth its weight in gold, but is now available to everyone.

The aroma is slightly spicy, the taste is slightly spicy at first, and later intensifies. Sold as a whole nut, and ground. It is better to grind immediately before use, in order to avoid loss of aroma (essential oils), taste and healing properties.

Useful properties of nutmeg

Suitable for everyone and useful to everyone - in small quantities. Gives tenderness, peace, but also activity, strength and stamina. Nutmeg activates digestion, increases blood circulation and greatly improves immunity. Helps keep limbs warm.
The best time to consume nutmeg is between 11 am and 4 pm. Other benefits are described below.

Medicinal properties of nutmeg

Nutmeg gently and effectively heals the vessels of the whole body, the brain, heart, thyroid gland, stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs, bladder, joints of the whole body and spine. It treats benign tumors (for example, mastopathy), the immune system, brain diseases, prevents the growth of tumors, and is useful for stress. Muscat cures chronic rhinitis. Softly and gently dissolves atherosclerosis in small vessels, as well as blood clots (nutmeg is the best treatment for blood clots, it dissolves very gently and safely). Treats staphylococcus and other types of infections. Used to prevent tuberculosis. Bandages can be used for treatment. Relieves pain, spasms, tension. Dissolves gallstones (nutmeg bandage on left arm and leg, see details online). The main reason for the formation of stones is grain products after 4 pm. It is good to add nutmeg to milk in the evening (even better with honey) before going to bed - it relaxes, calms the psyche. In large quantities before bedtime, you do not need to use it - it will be difficult to fall asleep.

The use of nutmeg in cooking

It is used in the preparation of chocolate puddings and creams, cakes and various sweets, cookies, pear compote, jams. Added to baked apples, plums and apricots. Nutmeg can be added to all dishes in which nutmeg is present.

Nutmeg is used in the preparation of soups, sauces, various vegetable salads, asparagus, peas and tomato sauce, as well as vegetable dishes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks, spinach. Also used to prepare meat broths, rice dishes, mashed potatoes, fish, veal, minced meat and poultry. Nutmeg is widely used to flavor alcoholic beverages, it is used to improve the taste of tomato juice, dairy drinks, wine (including hot), punch and cocoa. In small quantities it is added to apple roll, fruit cake, ice cream and whipped cream.

Narcotic properties of nutmeg

When taken internally in large quantities nutmeg causes euphoria and clarity of thought, a state of peace and bliss. For this, he was unofficially awarded the status of a drug or psychedelic. But nutmeg is not a drug, although an overdose is extremely unpleasant and even dangerous (however, like an overdose of other spices).

Nutmeg - a natural remedy for depression

To relieve stress, remove nervousness or depression, freshly ground nutmeg is used, it can be added to tea, kefir, milk or other drink. Two medium-sized nuts will be enough for a person of average build (according to the materials of an Ayurvedic lecture) to get out of depression. However, remember that in such large doses, nutmeg should not be consumed often - it can be a one-time help from severe depression. But in small quantities, ground nuts can be consumed every day - this will only benefit.

Nutmeg in large doses toxic harmful to the liver and stomach. Detailed information about the use of nutmeg in large doses can be found on the Internet.

Nutmeg is a spice that is widely used in cooking. Spices are also inherent in narcological properties, if you use a nut in large doses. This is due to the presence of methylene dioxide-substituted substances in the composition of nutmeg, which are used for the manufacture of prohibited psychotropic drugs. Two or three fruits are enough for a person to have hallucinations, euphoria and other signs of drug intoxication.

What is the fruit and how does it work

Nutmeg is the fruit of an evergreen tree (nutmeg) that grows in the countries of the equatorial belt. In India, nutmeg for its properties has received the name "stupefying fruit." In the US, it is used instead of marijuana. As a narcotic, nutmeg has gained popularity due to its wide availability: the spice can be easily bought at any grocery store. In small quantities, it is safe for health, with the use of two or three fruits, a narcotic effect is manifested.

Psychoactive components are contained in the kernel of the nut and in its peel. These include:

  • Myristicin is the main toxic component, a precursor of 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine (mdma), a psychedelic from the category of phenylethylamines.
  • Elemicin and safrole are precursors of 3,4-methylenedioxy-amphetamine (MDA) - substances of the amphetamine group. Their content is 2 times lower compared to myristicin.

In the process of metabolism, the toxic substances of nutmeg are modified into the active components of ecstasy, LSD and amphetamine. They adversely affect the liver, quickly destroying it, and change consciousness when taken in large doses. To prepare a hallucinogenic extract, ground nutmeg is used, which is poured with alcohol. Many drug addicts get high by eating simply grated fruits.

The narcotic effect of the spice begins to appear two to three hours after consumption: visual hallucinations, coordination disorders, euphoria, a feeling of time dilation, blurred vision appear. The state of drug intoxication is accompanied by dry mouth, severe thirst, tachycardia, and problems with urination may appear. A person is characterized by talkativeness, causeless laughter, eyes redden. After a few hours, drowsiness and lethargy develop. In case of an overdose, severe health disorders appear that can lead to death - in narcology, deaths have been noted after consuming 80-100 grams of fruit.

How and how much is safe to consume

In order for the narcotic properties of nutmeg to manifest, you need to eat at least two fruits. A safe dosage is 3-6 grams of powder. The nutmeg fruit has healing properties, with proper use it contributes to:

  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Destruction of staphylococcal infection.
  • Elimination of sexual disorders.
  • Improving memory.
  • Sleep normalization.

Drinks from the fruits of nutmeg accelerate recovery from colds.

Nutmeg is recommended for tuberculosis, mastopathy, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, thrombophlebitis. Drinks from the fruits of nutmeg accelerate recovery from colds, liver pathologies, improve the condition of depression, disorders of the nervous system. By chewing the fruit, you can get rid of bad breath.

Nutmeg is effective in the treatment of varicose veins. Try to make a remedy according to this recipe: pour 50 g of fruits (previously grated) with a glass of high-quality vodka. Insist 10-12 days, take 1 tbsp. spoon once a day. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the tincture.

The use of nutmeg with kefir helps to lose extra pounds. This drink contains a lot of useful trace elements. Take a glass of yogurt, add grated nutmeg (half of the fruit), a pinch of black pepper, paprika, basil, salt, 2-3 sprigs of fresh parsley. Mix everything thoroughly in a blender. Drink the drink immediately after preparation.

Drug addicts use nutmeg in higher doses: at least 2-3 fruits are needed to achieve drug intoxication. With prolonged use, tolerance increases, that is, to obtain the desired effect, an increase in dose is required.

To achieve drug intoxication, you need at least 2-3 fruits.

To increase the bioavailability of a natural psychedelic, plants are used, which include components related to myristicin. Among them are fennel, zira, star anise, dill, cloves, bay leaf, walnut. They are used in the preparation of mixtures based on nutmeg.


Nutmeg is popular with drug addicts who have not used hard drugs, to which its psychedelic properties cannot be compared. This is a cheap and legal means to achieve drug intoxication. If a person is detained by the police after using it, a drug test will show a negative result.

The use of excessive doses of spices is fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • Nausea, constipation, weakness of the bladder sphincter.
  • Arrhythmia, dizziness.
  • Severe liver pathology.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Memory losses.

With an overdose of nutmeg, hallucinations are aggravated - both visual and auditory. After taking several fruits, a drug addict is able to commit inappropriate acts, he has thoughts of a suicidal nature. Experiments with increasing the dose can lead to loss of consciousness, and in the most severe case, end in death.

Nutmeg in small doses is an exquisite seasoning and a remedy for many diseases. The nut is not a drug, but it can be used to achieve a state of altered reality. It is important to remember: the use of excessive doses of spice undermines the health of the liver, kills the nervous system. And if you eat 10 fruits or more at the same time, this can cause death.

Nutmeg is such a spice that is not only tasty, but also healthy. This product is often used in canning or smoking meat and fish products, sausages. It also has a lot of medicinal properties. Therefore, it is better to learn more about what nutmeg is, how to use it for the benefit of the body.

Many years ago, this nut was more valuable than gold. The tree on which it grows is large, sprawling and, most importantly, evergreen. They call him a muskatnik or a myristik. Its native lands are the Moluccas, but it is often found in the tropics of Brazil and in India.

There are legends about. In ancient times, for their own purposes, it was used by priests for ritual ceremonies. This plant blooms all year round and when it matures, instead of a flower, a fruit appears, which can be compared in size to an apricot, and inside is the nutmeg itself.

how to use

In this small and rather valuable nut, one can find a wide variety of minerals, vitamins, which, by their properties, play an important role for the systems of the human body. With this ingredient, you can improve the taste of many dishes, such as mushrooms and vegetables, as well as sauces and gravies. Also, thanks to its pleasant spicy aroma and sweetish aftertaste, you can add spice to your sweet dishes: in flour products, in cocktails and punches.

In ancient times, this nut was often used as a pain reliever of natural origin. Nutmeg and its medicinal properties are widely used for pain in the muscles, joints, and stomach. With the help of this nut, you can eliminate pain in the head area. It has also been used many times to cure insomnia or a nervous breakdown.

If you take this nut daily in small doses, this will help strengthen the immune system, nervous and cardiovascular systems. But besides this, it is taken to cure impotence and other similar diseases.

And the systematic use of this medicine with food will help you cleanse your organs: liver, kidneys, as well as blood, lymph, and the whole body from toxins and poisons. Nutmeg can lift your spirits and stimulate your appetite.

But do not forget that this nut is a spice. It should not be taken more than a certain dose. To do this, of course, you need to know how to properly use nutmeg, that is, its dosage. And this dose is equal to one nut per day with food. Otherwise, headaches, vomiting, heart palpitations, and most importantly, hallucinations may begin. This is very dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract, you can damage the liver and pancreas.

How to use nutmeg

You need to either grind it yourself or buy ready-made ground spice in the store.

Most often you will find this spice in the form of whole nuts, because when they are crushed, the aroma is lost. Therefore, it should not be stored as a powder, but as whole nuts, and then grated before adding to dishes.

Application for treatment

If you purchased nutmeg, its preparation and use have their own rules.

As noted above, the beneficial properties of the product were noticed and used by ancient people. Valuable medicinal properties of this nut are used today.

How does nutmeg work? How to use it for various diseases?

To cure a headache, you should add it to milk in the ratio of 1 teaspoon to three glasses of milk and use it as a compress on the forehead.

To improve digestion, you need to make a mixture according to this recipe: dilute half a glass of natural yogurt with half a glass of boiled warm water. Next, add 1/3 teaspoon grated ginger and nutmeg. And then drink this composition before going to bed.

If you want to have a sound sleep, then you should add ¼ teaspoon of spice to a glass of warm milk and consume before bed.

A paste of nutmeg and vegetable oil (1:1) is good for relieving pain. You just need to heat it, then apply it to the affected area and wait until it cools down. This remedy helps with osteochondrosis, muscle inflammation and rheumatism.

If you add this spice to massage oils, they will increase the warming effect, which is also effective for colds.

Use in aroma lamp and bath

It is known that the essential oil has the same properties as the fruit itself. If you add two or three drops of it to an inhaler or aroma lamp, then this spicy aroma can soothe. It will also improve the condition of the respiratory system, and inflammation in respiratory diseases will decrease.

You can also use oil of such a spice as nutmeg as a compress. How to use it in this case? Simple enough: add about six drops of oil per hundred grams of water and make compresses. Such procedures have not only a relaxing effect. Thanks to them, the skin becomes more elastic and toned. This oil helps epithelial cells to regenerate. Also, such a bath has a good effect on the roots of the hair.

To achieve a good effect, you do not have to spend more than half an hour of your time. In the bath, you can add five to ten drops of oil. After that, you just need to dry yourself with a towel.

Erotic undertones of nutmeg

The nutmeg tree is the plant of Aphrodite. According to legend, it kindles love and passion, especially in women, but the effect lasts no more than six hours. If you decide to try nutmeg, how to use it for love purposes will be described below.

You can spice up your meals with nuts or make a drink.

The recipe is as follows - in the ratio 1:1:1:1: nutmeg, cloves, ginger, lavender + 5 pink rose petals. All brew in a ceramic or clay teapot. You can serve instead of tea, add a little to the dishes that you will eat for dinner.

The main thing is to first find out if your partner is allergic to this spice.

Intoxication, overdose

Undoubtedly, nutmeg, the uses of which are vast, is dangerous to take in large quantities.

Many people desire an extract that will allow them to hallucinate. This is often described as seeing dragons, as well as the appearance of euphoria and intoxication. This is how the body reacts to what is contained in this nut.

To get the result, you do not need to be limited only to the nuts themselves, you can also use the powder in a horse dose. But all this ends in failure, because it is very toxic and affects the liver.

The temperature may rise sharply, pressure rise, fainting, constipation may occur. It is not compatible with alcohol, drugs.

In cooking, this spice is used in an amount of 0.5 g per 2-3 liters of liquid or a kilogram of food. This is the norm that will add taste and not poison the human body.

You can not use nutmeg for pregnant women and people with psychological, epileptic disorders.