Ground coriander: features of application and properties. Ground coriander - use, benefits and harms

One of the most popular spices in Asia. And it is also called Chinese parsley, kolyandra, kisnets, shlyandra, hamem, kishnishi, kinji, chilantro, kashnich. This plant is one of the few that combines spice (leaves) and spice (seeds). Coriander has been known to people as early as 5000 BC. Having spread throughout southern Europe, it found its way to northern Africa and then to Asia. At first, this plant was used in medicine, and then it came to cooking. Coriander even found its way onto the "pages" of ancient Egyptian papyri and Sanskrit texts. The Egyptians placed coriander seeds in the tombs of the pharaohs, believing that coriander was one of the necessities of the afterlife. The Chinese believed that coriander was arousing, and they prepared love potions based on it. And in China, it was believed that coriander makes a person immortal. The Romans whetted their appetite with coriander and took it with them on the road. It was with the Romans that coriander seeds first came to the British Isles and then to the rest of Western Europe. It was around this time that coriander made its way to eastern and central Europe. It is believed that coriander was brought to Russia from Spain in 1830, although this fact does not prove that the spice was not previously known in Russia.

It has been proven that cilantro (coriander) is very useful for the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the entire digestive tract. Chewing coriander seeds reduces the smell of alcohol and slows down the intoxication process. In addition, cilantro has choleretic, antiseptic, analgesic properties for stomach ulcers and gastritis. It is also useful with decreased appetite, weak intestinal motility and other unpleasant ailments of internal organs. Coriander nourishes the blood, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens blood vessels. Coriander contains a fairly large amount of essential oils, which give off all the aroma in alcoholic tinctures, and reduce the unpleasant properties of alcohol. Coriander oils help the digestion of heavy food, remove toxins, especially improve the absorption of starchy foods and root crops. Coriander seeds, or rather an extract of essential oils, are used in the recipes of some famous brands of gins. With cilantro, any food is absorbed easier, digested faster, does not leave a feeling of heaviness. It is no coincidence that in the Caucasus, where there are so many long-livers and "hot horsemen", cilantro is used to the maximum.

Different parts of the world prefer to use different parts of this plant. Somewhere like leaves (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia), and in other places - seeds (Mediterranean, China, Uzbekistan). But these are purely taste preferences - cilantro leaves, like its seeds, are equally useful and tasty. There are thousands of dishes that can be garnished with the spicy aroma of cilantro and coriander. Green cilantro is served to the table as an appetizer or seasoning for main courses. In Asian countries (especially in China) they love this fragrant herb and season many dishes with it. They are very fond of this green in the Caucasus, adding it to numerous meat dishes. The well-known beneficial effect of cilantro on digestion goes very well with heavy meat foods, and leaves rich in vitamins and microelements give health and decorate the taste of dishes.

Without coriander, Borodino bread, Abkhazian adjika, most Georgian sauces (satsibeli, tkemali, etc.), Korean carrots, canned fish, kharcho soup, lula kebab, Azerbaijani shashlik, Georgian lobio and other national dishes are unthinkable. The obligatory use of coriander in many dishes has become so commonplace that we do not notice it. For example, Baltic canned sprat simply cannot do without coriander. Indian condiments such as curries and mixtures collectively known as masala have a significant proportion of coriander. And in the entire eastern cuisine, coriander is added abundantly, making dishes not only fragrant, but also healthy. Coriander is used with pleasure in the Mediterranean countries, Africa and Eastern Europe. Slightly less popular in Western Europe, Latin America and South and North America. It is safe to say that coriander is a worldwide spice, along with salt, pepper and bay leaves.

Nutrients contained in fresh cilantro (100 g fresh leaves):

Caloric value: 216.4 kcal
Proteins: 3.0 g
Carbohydrates: 54.5 g

Vitamin A: 1.0 mg
Vitamin B1: 0.03 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.2 mg
Vitamin C: 5.0 mg
Vitamin PP: 2.1 mg

Trace elements:
Iron: 3.0 mg
Potassium: 2043.0 mg
Calcium: 115.0 mg
Magnesium: 92.0 mg
Sodium: 141.0 mg
Phosphorus: 192.0 mg

The taste and aroma of herbs and seeds are different, the purpose is also slightly different, as well as the action. Cilantro leaves have a fresh aroma, bright taste with a sharp color. The seeds have a woody aroma, sweet taste and aroma. Cilantro seeds (coriander) are good both as seeds (whole) and in powder (ground). Coriander is very good for adding to meat dishes, in the preparation of soups and sauces. Fresh cilantro leaves are often added to salads, in the last stage of cooking soups and sauces, served in the form of herbs for meat dishes, such as kebabs or kebabs, added to sandwiches. The leaves have a specific pungent odor and specific taste that few like, and they should be added with care. Cilantro seeds are much more widely used. Most often, chopped, that is, ground coriander is used. It is added to breads, soups, meat dishes, pasta, sausages, Turkish shish kebabs, Thuringian sausages, bean and lentil dishes (the ful dish in North and Central Africa). In Greece and Cyprus, literally everything is seasoned with coriander. The French, who don't like coriander very much, call salads flavored with coriander "Greek". And what about the famous "Aphelia" - stewed lamb in red wine with coriander. In the same Greece, olives and olives are canned with abundant addition of this spice. Coriander has an amazing combination with other spices, skillfully disguising itself among them, but at the same time, enriching with its taste and aroma. Many mixtures have been made on the basis of coriander as one of the main components.

Whole coriander is often infused in alcohol to make a coriander tincture. Many spirits contain coriander seed extract or whole seeds. Many famous gins contain coriander oil. Coriander is even added to beer. The drink, infused with coriander, has a calming effect, relaxes and strengthens the heart muscles. It is customary to add whole coriander to marinades. Caucasian marinades with the addition of this fragrant spice are especially famous. Also, coriander can be added to dough, vegetable salads or stews, dairy products. It is better to grind the seeds just before adding, then the aroma will be fullest.

Famous oriental sweets include candied coriander. Such a delicacy was widely sold in the eastern bazaars of Turkey, Iran and Arab countries.

Recipes with cilantro and coriander

1 kg of veal,
2-3 onions
2 bunches of cilantro,
2-3 grenades,
4-5 cloves of garlic
500 grams of mayonnaise
salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the veal, cut into centimeter cubes. Chop the onion finer than the meat, but not too finely. Peel the pomegranates and add the kernels, grate or crush the garlic, season with salt, pepper and add freshly chopped cilantro. Season with mayonnaise.

500 grams of boiled rice,
4 eggs,
1 piece of yellow, red and green pepper,
1 bunch of green onions
2 tbsp. tablespoons of ground coriander,
2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
salt, pepper (black) - to taste.

Chop the peppers and onions and fry for 2-3 minutes. Add boiled rice, heat it in a skillet, stirring occasionally, for five minutes. Add eggs after beating them. Stir the resulting mixture in a skillet until the eggs are cooked. Season with salt, pepper and sprinkle with coriander, turn off heat and cover. Let it steam for a few minutes and serve.

1/2 tbsp. brown lentils
3 bunches of fresh spinach
4 carrots,
1 large potato
1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground coriander,
2 cloves of garlic
2 lemons (for juice),
1 tbsp. l. olive oil,

Cut vegetables into medium-sized chunks. Rinse lentils in several waters, place in a saucepan, add vegetables, cover with water so that they are completely covered. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Add coriander, garlic and lemon juice. Salt. Simmer until tender. Drizzle with olive oil and add freshly chopped spinach before serving.

500 g boneless lamb,
1 tbsp. l. corn flour
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp sesame oil
2 tbsp. l. peanut butter
200 g broccoli cabbage,
2 green onion feathers,
1 clove of garlic
2 tsp sherry,
1 tbsp. l. soy sauce,
1 tbsp. l. ground coriander.

A concave wok pan is best for cooking. Cut the lamb into thin strips. Combine cornmeal and sugar with sesame oil and pour over the meat. Leave it on for half an hour. Heat the peanut butter in a wok, add the lamb and sauté over high heat, turning continuously for about 2-3 minutes. Remove the meat, put it in a separate bowl, and put chopped broccoli, onion and garlic in the wok. Saute the vegetables for a few minutes - the broccoli should soften. Pour the sherry and soy sauce into the pan, add the lamb and sprinkle with coriander. Cook over high heat for a few more minutes.

1 kg boneless lean pork
500 ml of dry red wine,
2 tbsp. l. ground coriander,
80 ml olive oil
salt, pepper - to taste.

Rinse the pork, cut into 1.5 x 1.5 cm cubes. Place the sliced ​​meat in a container with red wine, add one spoonful of coriander and leave to marinate overnight. The next day, remove the pork from the wine, shake off the wine (do not pour out the wine) and fry in a deep frying pan in olive oil until a crispy crust appears. Then pour the marianade into the pan so that it covers the top of the meat. Season with salt, pepper and simmer for about 2 hours over low heat, covered. Add the remaining spoonful of coriander 20 minutes before the end of cooking.

After cultivation, many weeds began to be used not only in cooking, but also in other areas of human life. They are actively cultivated for personal and industrial purposes. One such example is coriander.

So where is the former weed now applied?

Description and appearance

A cultivated herbaceous annual plant that is used as a spice not only in the culinary arts, but also in other industries.

Important! The greens of the plant are called cilantro, and the fruits are called coriander.

Its height can reach 70 cm, the root system is similar to a spindle. The erect, smooth stem branches towards the crown, and the leaf shape is the same as that of parsley. Coriander has pink or white flowers and fruits in the form of ribbed small balls.

Types of spices

  1. Amber- essential oil spice. It has abundant greenery and a distinct scent. The leaves are very delicate to the taste.
  2. Caribe(almost analogous to Amber).
  3. Debut- cilantro grown for greens. The spice grows up to 30 cm in height. It has a strong aroma, pleasant and delicate taste.
  4. Stimulus- variety for vegetable combinations.
  5. Borodinsky- a spice with juicy leaves and a bright aroma. It is used for the preparation of baked goods, salads, meat and fish.
  6. Taiga- an annual plant with a bright color, dense greenery and a bright smell.
  7. Venus- a late variety with a delicate aroma.
  8. Vanguard- undersized mid-season coriander with white flowers. The foliage is tender, therefore it is used for preparing salads.

Calorie content and nutritional value

100 g of the product contains:

  • 92.2 g of water;
  • 2.8 g dietary fiber;
  • 1.5 g of ash;
  • 0.87 g of mono - and disaccharides;
  • 0.014 g saturated fatty acids.

Did you know? Coriander is an excellent honey plant, therefore coriander honey is highly valued among true connoisseurs of this product.

Fresh herbs ingredients:

  • 3.8% carbohydrates;
  • 2% proteins;
  • 0.5% fat.
The calorie content of coriander is 216 kcal, and cilantro (leaves) - 23 kcal.

Chemical composition

Cilantro is a source of phytosterols, pectin and fiber. In addition, it contains vitamins (,) and minerals:

  • copper (Cu);

Beneficial features

Coriander is a unique plant. It is used as an antioxidant, digestive stimulant, antiseptic and aphrodisiac in folk medicine. The spice thins the blood and improves cardiac activity (cleans and strengthens blood vessels), has choleretic properties and increases appetite.

It is often used as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce swelling. Coriander is also effective in atherosclerosis - it reduces the amount of cholesterol deposits on arterial walls, and in addition normalizes the menstrual cycle and has an antibacterial effect.

The minerals contained in the leaves of the plant prevent the aging process of the eyes and fungal skin diseases. In addition, the result of its use is the elimination of toxins from the body.


Coriander (seeds, herbs, essential oil) can be used in various walks of life. Most often this is cooking, but traditional healers are still actively using the plant in their practice.


The seeds are used as a seasoning for dishes in the form of seeds or powder. Often on the shelves you can find bakery products with the addition of cilantro, sausages with herbs and other dishes.

Whole grains are also used to make marinades and tinctures. Manufacturers add them to their alcoholic beverages (such as gin or liquor).


Coriander greens are called cilantro, it looks similar to parsley, but has a completely different taste. Most often, such a spice is needed for cooking dishes of the Caucasian, Thai and Eastern cuisines. It is best to combine it with meat, poultry and fish.

Essential coriander oil is used in the production of perfumes. It is also used to improve the taste of certain medicines. In addition, oil is used as an ingredient in some cosmetics, liqueurs and soap products.

Cooking applications

The different parts of the coriander taste differently. Fresh greens have a pronounced aroma and taste, they are suitable for salads, meat dishes, soups and sandwiches (as a decoration). But you should be careful with such an additive: a specific taste can cause a negative reaction to the dish.

Important! Do not use the spice uncontrollably so as not to harm your body. Large amounts of seeds or greens can lead to gastrointestinal problems and allergies.

Also, coriander is often used for the preparation of preserves, pickles and marinades. It is also suitable for Borodino bread and rolls.
Delicious pairings with cilantro and seeds:

  • cabbage dishes (cabbage soup, stewed cabbage, etc.);
  • , peas;
  • , bird, ;
  • kvass, sour milk.
And remember that this plant does not tolerate heat treatment, so you need to add it at the last stage of cooking or when the dishes are ready directly into the plate.

Application in medicine

In folk medicine, coriander is used in combination with, anise and caraway seeds. Here are some examples:

  • oil is used to lower blood sugar levels;
  • tinctures of grains are effective in cases of treating liver diseases, inflammation of the gallbladder, bronchitis and others;
  • is treated with a mixture of cassia leaves, yarrow, buckthorn bark, coriander seeds and licorice roots (all mixed with hot water and applied daily);
  • gall inflammation can be treated with a mixture of caraway flowers, coriander seeds, watch leaves, and hot water;
  • an infusion of coriander seeds and hot water will help against fever.

This plant is effective for other diseases as well, but it is worth consulting with a specialist before using it.

Application in cosmetology

Essential oil of coriander promotes skin regeneration, it heals wounds and removes flaking. It is used to make face creams with antibacterial effects.

Oil is also necessary for hair masks, which are able to strengthen hair follicles. In combination with burdock extract, masks are created to restore the hair structure, enhance blood circulation and hair growth.

Perfume manufacturers use coriander oil to make eau de toilette, perfumes and colognes, combined with citrus notes, pine and sandalwood.

Useful properties of coriander tea

To make coriander tea, you need 1 tsp. seeds or powder and a glass of boiling water. It is used to treat allergic manifestations, relieve itching, soothe, improve well-being, remove toxins and toxins.

For women

Tea will help women:

  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • relieve abdominal muscle spasms;
  • improve well-being with PMS and menopause;
  • minimize the consequences of stressful situations;
  • protect yourself from migraines and nervous disorders;
  • cope with insomnia.

For men

Contraindications to use

For diseases and conditions that are listed below, it is better not to eat or use various parts of the plant for medicinal purposes:

  1. Ulcer.
  2. Gastritis.
  3. Heart disease.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Allergy.
  7. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

Did you know? Coriander was brought to Central and Western Europe by the Romans, and in addition to cilantro, it is called Chinese, Mexican and Arabian parsley.

Coriander is an oriental spice. It is used as a seasoning for culinary dishes, as a raw material for the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics, as well as a remedy for the treatment of various diseases. As a seasoning, cilantro is not harmful to the body. If you use it as a remedy for an ailment, then uncontrolled use can harm you. Remember that even in traditional medicine, consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous.

Spices give dishes a unique aroma and taste. But many of them can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, used in traditional medicine recipes. Coriander is a unique seasoning, correct use will help get rid of many diseases and extra pounds.

Benefit and harm

For the first time, the ancient Greeks and Romans drew attention to the useful and medicinal properties of coriander (Chinese parsley), a description of this spice can be found in the treatises of many healers. What does coriander look like? Fresh, this spice is called cilantro, it looks like parsley, only the leaves are slightly larger. The seeds are called coriander, they are sandy or light brown in color, have a bright, specific aroma.

Coriander contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, retinol, all B vitamins, rare vitamins PP, K. The amount of ascorbic acid in this spice is greater than in lemon. This plant is a powerful natural antiseptic and antioxidant, antispasmodic, and has choleretic properties.

All parts of Chinese parsley have useful properties:

  • seeds are used by pharmaceutical companies in the production of medicines - they have bactericidal properties, help to eliminate the manifestations of colds;
  • oil normalizes the work of the heart, blood vessels and brain, improves memory, helps with hemorrhoids, it is used to treat eye diseases;
  • massage with essential oil is useful for rheumatism, muscle and joint pain;
  • fresh herbs invigorate, helps with emotional overwork;
  • fruits reduce sweating, help prevent convulsions in epilepsy, infusions based on them have an expectorant effect.

Coriander is used to treat stomatitis, gingivitis, and respiratory pathologies. Spice helps to get rid of puffiness, normalizes kidney function, it is indispensable for anemia, loss of strength. Fragrant grains are recommended for use as a prophylaxis against lung cancer.

If you urgently need to freshen your breath, get rid of the smell of alcohol, hangover, just chew a few grains or twigs of cilantro. The seed of the plant helps to improve potency, helps to get rid of many male diseases.

There are few contraindications for coriander - open wounds cannot be treated with decoctions and infusions of this plant, the spice should not be used by diabetics. The spice is dangerous for thrombophlebitis, ischemia, gastritis. It is strictly forbidden to use the aromatic plant during the recovery period after a heart attack, at high pressure.

You should not get carried away with the spice too much - in case of an overdose, sleep problems may begin, sometimes women experience menstrual irregularities.

Important! Ground coriander is contraindicated in pregnant women. But you can use fresh cilantro - it helps get rid of heartburn, improves digestion, cleanses the body of harmful waste, and has a mild diuretic effect. But it should be consumed in small doses, and in the first trimester, spicy herbs should be completely abandoned.

Cooking applications

In cooking, coriander is widely used, to which dishes can it be added? Yes, almost everyone - confectionery, baked goods, pickles, marinades, alcoholic beverages, spices are widely used in conservation. Cilantro is a seasoning, without which it is impossible to imagine summer vegetable salads, soups, it gives dishes an extraordinary aroma.

Where to add coriander:

  • in homemade sausages, soups;
  • the spice is ideal for marinades and sauces for meat, fish;
  • gives a pleasant taste to dishes from cabbage, beets, pumpkin, legumes, vegetables;
  • sweet pastries - gingerbread cookies, bagels, cookies;
  • seeds can be candied for a quick, tasty and healthy dessert.

What foods and drinks is coriander suitable for? It is used in the preservation of cucumbers, when salting cabbage, mushrooms, in Greece it is added to marinades for olives. In Russia, a tasty and healthy infusion was prepared from aromatic seeds; in England and Germany, they are added to beer. In Thai and Vietnamese cuisine, Chinese parsley roots are added to many dishes. It is difficult to imagine popular Caucasian sauces without fragrant grains - satsebeli, tkemali, adjika.

The use of coriander in cosmetology

Various parts of Chinese parsley are used in home and professional cosmetology - they effectively fight against age spots, freckles, bruises and puffiness under the eyes, dryness and fading of the skin.

  1. Chinese parsley is also good for hair - it allows you to keep the natural color of the curls longer, strengthens the roots, normalizes the sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff, and restores the strands after dyeing. To prepare the rinse, mix 10 g of crushed cilantro and mint leaves, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes.
  2. A versatile tonic can be prepared from 15 g of chopped fresh cilantro leaves and 350 ml of boiling water. After 25 minutes, strain the infusion, wipe the face, neck and décolleté.
  3. In case of inflammation on the skin and acne, you should drink cilantro tea - pour 10 g of raw materials with 220 ml of boiling water, cool. Continue treatment for 14-15 days. This drink helps to get rid of allergic reactions, itching, burning.

Important! Essential oil of cilantro develops creativity, improves mental performance, and helps to concentrate.

Application in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of coriander are indispensable for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Decoctions and tinctures will help with colds, severe coughs.

Coriander medicine recipes:

  1. Classic infusion. Brew 12 g of seeds with 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a closed container for a quarter of an hour. For problems with the digestive system, take 75 ml of the medicine three times a day before meals. With a cold, nervous overexcitation, irritability, you can drink a drink instead of tea, but not more than 400 ml per day.
  2. Tincture for the treatment of depressive conditions. Grind 100 g of seeds, pour 1 liter of dry red wine, put in a dark room for 7 days, shake every day. Strain, drink 100 ml of medicine three times a day.
  3. Infusion at elevated temperatures, colds. Pour 15 g of seeds with 240 ml of cold water, leave overnight. In the morning, drink the entire portion of the medicine before breakfast.
  4. Means for the treatment of eyes, skin rashes. Pour 250 ml of boiling water with 6 g of seeds, leave for 35-40 minutes. Rinse the inflamed areas 5-6 times a day.

Coriander helps to get rid of extra pounds - the spice activates metabolic processes, accelerates fat burning. Promotes better absorption of food. 100 g of fresh leaves contains 23 kcal. Rules for using for weight loss - per day you need to consume 4 g of coriander seeds or 35 g of fresh cilantro. Subject to the rejection of sweet, fatty and starchy foods, you can lose up to 10 kg per month.

Important! Crushed coriander seeds are an excellent prophylactic agent against worms.

The use of coriander is quite diverse - the spice improves the taste of dishes, helps to eliminate many diseases, and enhances libido. From aromatic seeds, you can prepare various cosmetics that will help get rid of various rashes, age spots. To avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to consume cilantro and coriander in reasonable doses.

Cilantro or coriander is one of the most popular spices in Asia. And it is also called Chinese parsley, kolyandra, kisnets, shlyandra, hamem, kishnishi, kinji, chilantro, kashnich.

This plant is one of the few that combines spice (leaves) and spice (seeds). Coriander has been known to people as early as 5000 BC.

Having spread throughout southern Europe, it found its way to northern Africa and then to Asia. At first, this plant was used in medicine, and then it came to cooking. Coriander even found its way onto the "pages" of ancient Egyptian papyri and Sanskrit texts. The Egyptians placed coriander seeds in the tombs of the pharaohs, believing that coriander was one of the necessities of the afterlife. The Chinese believed that coriander was arousing, and they prepared love potions based on it. And in China, it was believed that coriander makes a person immortal. The Romans whetted their appetite with coriander and took it with them on the road. It was with the Romans that coriander seeds first came to the British Isles and then to the rest of Western Europe. It was around this time that coriander made its way to eastern and central Europe. It is believed that coriander was brought to Russia from Spain in 1830, although this fact does not prove that the spice was not previously known in Russia.

It has been proven that cilantro (coriander) is very useful for the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the entire digestive tract. Chewing coriander seeds reduces the smell of alcohol and slows down the intoxication process. In addition, cilantro has choleretic, antiseptic, analgesic properties for stomach ulcers and gastritis. It is also useful with decreased appetite, weak intestinal motility and other unpleasant ailments of internal organs. Coriander nourishes the blood, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens blood vessels. Coriander contains a fairly large amount of essential oils, which give off all the aroma in alcoholic tinctures, and reduce the unpleasant properties of alcohol. Coriander oils help the digestion of heavy food, remove toxins, especially improve the absorption of starchy foods and root crops. Coriander seeds, or rather an extract of essential oils, are used in the recipes of some famous brands of gins. With cilantro, any food is absorbed easier, digested faster, does not leave a feeling of heaviness. It is no coincidence that in the Caucasus, where there are so many long-livers and "hot horsemen", cilantro is used to the maximum.

Different parts of the world prefer to use different parts of this plant. Somewhere like leaves (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia), and in other places - seeds (Mediterranean, China, Uzbekistan). But these are purely taste preferences - cilantro leaves, like its seeds, are equally useful and tasty. There are thousands of dishes that can be garnished with the spicy aroma of cilantro and coriander. Green cilantro is served to the table as an appetizer or seasoning for main courses. In Asian countries (especially in China) they love this fragrant herb and season many dishes with it. They are very fond of this green in the Caucasus, adding it to numerous meat dishes. The well-known beneficial effect of cilantro on digestion goes very well with heavy meat foods, and leaves rich in vitamins and microelements give health and decorate the taste of dishes.

Without coriander, Borodino bread, Abkhazian adjika, most Georgian sauces (satsibeli, tkemali, etc.), Korean carrots, canned fish, kharcho soup, lula kebab, Azerbaijani shashlik, Georgian lobio and other national dishes are unthinkable. The obligatory use of coriander in many dishes has become so commonplace that we do not notice it. For example, Baltic canned sprat simply cannot do without coriander. Indian condiments such as curries and mixtures collectively known as masala have a significant proportion of coriander. And in the entire eastern cuisine, coriander is added abundantly, making dishes not only fragrant, but also healthy. Coriander is used with pleasure in the Mediterranean countries, Africa and Eastern Europe. Slightly less popular in Western Europe, Latin America and South and North America. It is safe to say that coriander is a worldwide spice, along with salt, pepper and bay leaves.

Nutrients contained in fresh cilantro (100 g fresh leaves):

Caloric value: 216.4 kcal
Proteins: 3.0 g
Carbohydrates: 54.5 g

Vitamin A: 1.0 mg
Vitamin B1: 0.03 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.2 mg
Vitamin C: 5.0 mg
Vitamin PP: 2.1 mg

Trace elements:
Iron: 3.0 mg
Potassium: 2043.0 mg
Calcium: 115.0 mg
Magnesium: 92.0 mg
Sodium: 141.0 mg
Phosphorus: 192.0 mg

The taste and aroma of herbs and seeds are different, the purpose is also slightly different, as well as the action. Cilantro leaves have a fresh aroma, bright taste with a sharp color. The seeds have a woody aroma, sweet taste and aroma. Cilantro seeds (coriander) are good both as seeds (whole) and in powder (ground). Coriander is very good for adding to meat dishes, in the preparation of soups and sauces. Fresh cilantro leaves are often added to salads, in the last stage of cooking soups and sauces, served in the form of herbs for meat dishes, such as kebabs or kebabs, added to sandwiches. The leaves have a specific pungent odor and specific taste that few like, and they should be added with care. Cilantro seeds are much more widely used. Most often, chopped, that is, ground coriander is used. It is added to breads, soups, meat dishes, pasta, sausages, Turkish shish kebabs, Thuringian sausages, bean and lentil dishes (the ful dish in North and Central Africa). In Greece and Cyprus, literally everything is seasoned with coriander. The French, who don't like coriander very much, call salads flavored with coriander "Greek". And what about the famous "Aphelia" - stewed lamb in red wine with coriander. In the same Greece, olives and olives are canned with abundant addition of this spice. Coriander has an amazing combination with other spices, skillfully disguising itself among them, but at the same time, enriching with its taste and aroma. Many mixtures have been made on the basis of coriander as one of the main components.

Whole coriander is often infused in alcohol to make a coriander tincture. Many spirits contain coriander seed extract or whole seeds. Many famous gins contain coriander oil. Coriander is even added to beer. The drink, infused with coriander, has a calming effect, relaxes and strengthens the heart muscles. It is customary to add whole coriander to marinades. Caucasian marinades with the addition of this fragrant spice are especially famous. Also, coriander can be added to dough, vegetable salads or stews, dairy products. It is better to grind the seeds just before adding, then the aroma will be fullest.

Famous oriental sweets include candied coriander. Such a delicacy was widely sold in the eastern bazaars of Turkey, Iran and Arab countries.

Like any housewife, I use aromatic spices and aromatic herbs in the preparation of my favorite food. It is they who give the dishes a piquant smell and add original flavor notes. Plus, the plants that make up most of the seasonings have medicinal properties that can dramatically improve the health of everyone in my family and increase the nutritional value of food.

One of my favorite spices is coriander, the greens of which are often called cilantro. For culinary purposes, all parts of an annual herb from the Umbrella family are used - thin roots, stems, leaves and fruits (seeds), both fresh and dried.

Coriander has found application not only in cooking, but also in traditional and folk medicine, in the production of perfumery and cosmetic products, as well as in soap making.

Archaeological excavations confirm that coriander fruits and other parts of the plant were used by the ancient Egyptians in funeral rites and for medical procedures, as evidenced by images found on stone and ceramic objects and in wall paintings. It is known for certain that Chinese healers have been treating their patients with spice extracts since the 4th century AD.

Currently, coriander is widely cultivated all over the world with the aim of extracting a highly valuable essential oil from the seeds - a colorless transparent liquid with a pungent, bitter, pungent taste and a pronounced aroma of cilantro. The main active ingredients of pure ether are linalool (60-80%) and geraniol (up to 5%).

The second most valuable product of coriander fruit extraction is fatty oil, the content of which in grains reaches 28%. Vegetable spruce is a unique source of oleic, linoleic, linolenic, myristic and other polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids.

Coriander - a seasoning in cooking

As a herb with beneficial properties, coriander is used in most cuisines around the world. Fresh herbs with a specific pleasant aroma, plucked before shooting, are served with meat, especially fried, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, poultry.

Due to the dietary fiber present in the leaves, cilantro activates the digestion of high-calorie and fatty foods, eliminating the heaviness in the stomach. Sliced ​​young shoots are an ideal dressing for soups, stews, stews.

Any dishes with fresh herbs, for example, vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, are enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements, which makes them much healthier. Chopped leaves are placed in soups, fish soup and borscht immediately before serving (preferably directly on plates) to preserve all biologically active compounds and volatile substances in them.

Powder from dried coriander twigs is used as a spice for minced meatballs, grating bird carcasses, marinating barbecue and added to any hot dishes. Dry cilantro is included in many spice mixtures and compositions, but it goes especially well with basil, oregano, marjoram, paprika, parsley, turmeric, celery, dill seeds, thyme.

Coriander fruits, which are large grains, are added whole or after grinding as a spice when baking rye bread (Borodinsky), to flavor and improve the taste characteristics of sausages, various cheeses, canned meat, vegetables and fish, pickles and pickles and even alcoholic beverages, in particular beer and liqueurs.

Useful properties of coriander

Coriander and its greens - cilantro

Due to the unique vitamin composition (carotenoids, rutin, ascorbic acid, B vitamins) and the content of biologically active components (essential and fatty oils, minerals, fiber, pectin fibers, proteins, amino acids, sterols, tannins, organic acids, sugars, polyphenols, etc. etc.), coriander is widely used for medicinal purposes.

Various extracts from useful coriander seeds (Latin Fructus Coriandri) are used as an effective means of stimulating appetite, while suppressing putrefactive processes in the intestines.

All parts of coriander have beneficial properties, including:

  • wound healing;
  • antihemorrhoid;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • expectorant;
  • bronchodilator;
  • choleretic;
  • carminative;
  • antihelminthic;
  • anti-cold;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • tonic;
  • fortifying.

Medical use

The main medicinal raw material is considered to be seeds that ripen in the middle lane by the beginning of autumn. In pharmacology and folk medicine, both essential oils from green and ripe fruits and various extracts and extracts from coriander seeds and greens are widely used.

The plant is included in many gastric, choleretic, breast, vitamin and cold preparations. The fruit is considered an effective remedy for pain relief and gastrointestinal rehabilitation in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. From time immemorial it was believed that cilantro greens are the best antiscorbutic agent, thanks to the high concentration of vitamin C.

To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of whole grains and steamed in 0.4 liters of boiling water. Healing elixir is insisted for at least an hour, filtered and taken for therapeutic purposes, 100 ml 2-4 times a day before meals.

The decoction of the fruits is prepared as follows: 10 g of whole seeds are poured with a glass of hot water and simmered in a water bath for about 5 minutes, then insisted under a lid until natural cooling. The medication is taken 75 ml three times a day before the main meals.

Chewing a few grains of coriander can clear the breath and get rid of the alcoholic odor. The same method is used to get rid of the hangover syndrome and to reduce the absorption of ethanol while drinking alcohol.

Caution and contraindications

Like any plant with a medicinal effect, coriander has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. It is not added to food and is not used in treatment in the presence of individual intolerance.

With care, extracts and preparations based on the plant are prescribed for those who suffer from kidney disease. In the presence of ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, increased acidity of gastric juice, as well as after myocardial infarction, it is better to refrain from spice treatment.

In the presence of chronic and acute diseases, all traditional methods of treatment with water extracts of coriander should be agreed with the attending physician.

Overdose and abuse of spicy herb and its fruits can provoke sleep disturbances, cause problems with memory and concentration, and lead to menstrual irregularities in representatives of an excellent poly.

To always have fragrant grass at hand, many housewives grow it on the balcony or glassed-in loggia in the summer, and on the windowsill during the rest of the year. Surplus crops can always be dried, so that they can then be added to your favorite dishes for a whole year.