Small calorie oranges. Harmful properties of orange

17.04.2019 Healthy eating

Oranges are familiar and beloved citrus fruits. They have a pleasant taste and aroma, they can be eaten both fresh and added to meat and poultry during cooking from them, to prepare sauces from them; from the peel of oranges, excellent candied fruits are obtained. Oranges, like other fruits, are good for the human body due to their high content of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, etc. Oranges refresh, satisfy hunger and promote the breakdown of fats, and the calorie content of oranges is quite low, so they are recommended for those who are on diets. How many calories are in oranges and how to use oranges for weight loss will be discussed.

The calorie content of oranges, like all citrus fruits, is low. The calorie content of oranges is approximately 43 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of 1 orange depends on its weight. Oranges, as a rule, do not differ too much in size, so the calorie content of oranges can be determined by eye. The calorie content of 1 medium-sized orange (6.5 cm in diameter) will just be 43 kcal. The calorie content of 1 large orange (7.5 cm in diameter) will be about 65 kcal.

More than 85% of the composition of an orange is water. The main source of energy in oranges is carbohydrates. Fat is only 0.2% of the mass of oranges, proteins - 0.9%. Oranges contain beneficial organic acids that break down fats, and dietary fiber that improves digestion and removes toxins from the body.

As we said, the calories in oranges are found primarily in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in oranges are represented by simple carbohydrates - monosaccharides and disaccharides (fructose, glucose, etc.). They are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and give fast energy to the body - that's why the orange is so invigorating and refreshing.

Orange juice is also very healthy and low in calories. The calorie content of freshly squeezed orange juice ranges from 40 to 60 kcal per 100 ml (depending on the degree of squeezing). The calorie content of Dobry orange juice is 50 kcal per 100 ml. The calorie content of Tonus orange juice is 45 kcal per 100 ml.

In addition to its low calorie content, orange is attractive to dieters because it satisfies hunger well. Orange can be used as a snack between main meals - so you can calm your hunger, invigorate and not suffer from hunger for the main meal, which means you do not overeat.

Why is orange useful?

Not only in the low calorie content of the orange lies its benefits for those who monitor their weight and health. Orange contains many useful vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the body. Oranges contain vitamins A and E - antioxidants that prevent the formation of cancer, improve the condition of the skin, vision, hair. There is beta-carotene in oranges, which also has antioxidant properties, promotes tissue regeneration and strengthens the immune system; nicotinic acid, which improves metabolism and normalizes blood sugar; vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and helps fight colds and viral diseases (the daily amount of vitamin C is contained in 2 oranges!); vitamin H (biotin), which plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism and regulates the production of insulin and glucokinase by the liver, and also improves fat metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, and skin. Oranges also contain B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids, pyridoxine). They regulate the functioning of the nervous system, prevent nervous breakdowns, mental illness, relieve stress, relieve depression, improve sleep, and also have a beneficial effect on brain activity and memory. Also, B vitamins are necessary for metabolism, they are involved in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for energy and regulate the acid-base balance; B vitamins improve the functioning of all internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract and liver. B vitamins are effective antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body, preserve youth and beauty, and are an effective prophylactic against cancer.

Oranges contain calcium, phosphorus and fluoride, which are extremely beneficial for bones and teeth; sulfur, like copper, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, like magnesium; magnesium is also essential for metabolism. Iodine is essential for the thyroid gland, iron is found in blood hemoglobin, zinc improves brain function, potassium strengthens muscles and improves heart function, and also removes salt and excess water from the body. Sodium maintains water-salt balance in the body.

Despite the low calorie content, oranges are very good at quenching appetite and thirst and provide the body with many useful substances. The content of vitamins, fiber, trace elements in them is very high, which allows the orange to quickly saturate and give the body everything it needs.

Oranges accelerate wound healing, improve metabolism and accelerate the breakdown of fats for energy; they have a beneficial effect on digestion, have a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Oranges are an anti-stress product, they have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and improve brain activity. Due to the content of phytoncides, oranges have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Oranges invigorate, tone and refresh, relieve fatigue and give strength. Dietary fiber, which oranges are rich in, improve digestion, remove toxins from the intestines and rid the body of excess cholesterol, as well as accelerate satiety. Orange improves the digestion of fatty foods and lowers cholesterol levels.

Oranges also contain limonoids - it is to them that oranges and other citrus fruits owe their characteristic bitterness. They block the multiplication of malignant cells, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and improve the functioning of the heart. Oranges normalize blood pressure and prevent hypertension from developing. Orange juice is good for diabetics.

Slimming orange

The enormous usefulness and low calorie content of oranges allows you to use oranges for weight loss during diets and simply include them in the diet to prevent excess weight gain. And not only the oranges themselves, but also orange juice for weight loss is very effective. There are many oranges and orange juice diets. Given the low calorie content of oranges and their high nutritional value, as well as their ability to satisfy hunger, oranges are really very good for those who control their weight. During the diet, oranges are combined with protein foods (eggs, meat, dairy products), cereals and vegetables; at the same time, the content of fats and carbohydrates in the diet is reduced. The total caloric content of the diet is thus reduced. For 3 weeks of the orange diet, you can lose up to 5-8 kg of weight. However, you should not get carried away with a diet on oranges for people who have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, incl. ulcerative manifestations, gastritis, colitis, enteritis, allergy, hepatitis, nephritis, cholecystitis.

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The healing properties of the orange have been known for a long time. This article will tell you about how many calories there are in an orange, what are its beneficial qualities, how to choose the right citrus and other useful information for lovers of this fruit.


Orange is a vitamin "sunny" fruit that grows on an evergreen tree. The family is rutic, the subfamily is citrus. In Dutch, "orange" is translated as the Chinese apple. The tree "migrated" along with the Portuguese travelers from China to Europe. This citrus quickly conquered the lands of the Mediterranean Sea and Central America.

Roughly, this fruit appeared more than 4000 years ago in Mesopotamia, according to other sources, oranges began to be grown in China around 2200 BC. Citrus came to Russia around the 18th century.

Now it is the most famous and demanded citrus in the world market!

The fruit is a round-shaped fruit covered with a dense orange peel. It consists of slices of sweet and juicy pulp of colors ranging from bright yellow, orange and red. Some varieties contain seeds.

Especially juicy is red orange, which contains anthocyanin - a pigment that slows down the aging process of the body.


Orange contains a large amount of vitamin C. It contains macronutrients (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium) and trace elements (copper, boron, fluorine, iodine).

100 grams of fruit contains 10.3 g of carbohydrates, 1.4 g of fiber, 0.9 g of proteins, 0.2 g of fats, 0.6 g of pectin, 1.3 g of acid, 0.5 g of ash.

The average calorie content of a fetus weighing 100 g, with a diameter of 6.5 cm is 40 kcal. The average calorie content of a fetus weighing 150 g, with a diameter of 7.5 cm is 65 kcal.


Like any food product, oranges should be consumed in moderation. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should use the fruit with caution. Fruit acid can damage enamel, so it is advisable to brush your teeth after every meal.


The rind is the healthiest part of citrus.

Orange peel is used on the farm and at home. Candied fruits, preserves, infusions, liqueurs and more are made from it. The essential oil from the peel is used to calm down and eliminate anxiety. By placing the peel near the houseplant, the pet will not chew on it. Also, the smell of citrus helps against mosquitoes, ants, flies.


Dietary properties of an orange:

Much has been said and written about oranges, their wonderful taste and useful properties. We want to find out in our today's article what their calorie content is. Orange, whose medicinal properties have been known for a very long time, is considered a dietary product. Many of us know that there are even special orange diets. Of course, those who want to get rid of the burden of excess weight or are simply used to counting calories in food, taking care of their appearance, could not help but be interested in simple questions: what is the calorie content of an orange, what is the use of an orange and what dietary properties it has. About the benefits:

The properties of an orange are due to its rich composition. This citrus fruit is a rich source of vitamins, such as vitamins A, B1, B2, PP. Its mineral composition is represented by magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium and iron. But still, the main thing for which the orange is valued, as well as other citrus fruits, is vitamin C (ascorbic acid). For 150 grams of this fruit there are 80 mg of ascorbic acid, which is equal to the daily human need for vitamin C.

Orange is good for our body as a whole, and in particular for the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The use of an orange promotes the speedy healing of wounds and abscesses, strengthens the nervous system, and "improves" its functioning.

Orange juice is a source of phytoncides. This is what determines its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Orange juice is a good remedy for scurvy. Orange juice has a stimulating effect on all body functions, improves metabolic processes, and has a tonic effect. It is beneficial for people with diabetes. It is recommended for vitamin deficiencies; as a remedy for coping with fatigue. Orange juice stimulates appetite, quenches thirst (especially in case of fever).

Oranges are a great dessert, they improve the appetite of children, are good as a general tonic. Due to the presence in them of a wide range of vitamins and other biologically active components, these fruits are recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, liver diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders. Pectins are one of the important components of oranges, they improve digestive processes, enhance the motor function of the large intestine, and prevent putrefactive processes in it.

How many calories are in an orange?

Now is the time to find out how many calories these fruits have. Orange is classified as a dietary product, and in fact:

The calorie content of an orange is:

36 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of orange in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 0.9

Fats - 0.2

carbohydrates - 8.1

And what is the calorie content of an orange prepared in different ways? But this one:

Orange calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of an orange prepared in different ways is as follows:

Orange nutritional value table, per 100 grams of product:

Recipe? Recipe!

What can you make from this fruit at home? Here's one of the recipes:

Peach Orange Lemonade:


  • Peach - 2 pieces
  • Orange - 1 piece
  • Carbonated water - 100 ml.

Peach juice has the property of softening the acidity of an orange, which makes our lemonade a surprisingly delicate taste. Peaches, peeled, are passed through a juicer. The oranges are peeled and squeezed out of juice. Orange juice is combined with peach and soda water. And that's it! Drink to your health, and the low calorie content of orange and its juice will not spoil your figure.

What is the use of an orange for weight loss?

The dietary fiber that is part of the orange, entering the intestines, swells and creates a feeling of fullness. This allows you to feel no hunger for four hours (after eating an orange).

Red Sicilian oranges are especially useful for weight loss. Italian scientists have found that regular consumption of them prevents obesity. For the experiment, they put three groups of mice on a high-calorie diet. Experience has shown that those who drank red orange juice did not gain weight, unlike those who drank regular orange juice and water.

An orange as a choice for weight loss is also supported by the fact that it is a low-calorie fruit: one citrus contains only 70-90 calories. And at the same time, oranges are easily digested without burdening the digestive organs.

As for orange juice, it is also very useful for weight loss, and not only. Its regular consumption helps to accelerate the growth and development of the child, plus it increases the body's resistance to various infections in the cold season, which is why it can be recommended for quenching thirst in febrile conditions.

The juice saves from vitamin deficiency, perfectly strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood biochemical parameters and lowers blood pressure when signs of hypertension appear.

It also helps with constipation, improves digestion, activates cell metabolism, and together with honey is very useful as a means for the prevention of heart attacks and ischemia. Regular consumption of orange juice allows you to confidently fight body fat, increases the body's defenses and eliminates harmful viruses and bacteria.

Diet for three weeks:

This is a very enjoyable diet, perhaps many have heard of it. You can lose weight and still experience pleasure if you eat a little more than one kilogram of orange a day. Feeling of constant saturation and filling of the body with useful microelements and vitamins.

The menu on the orange diet is simple, there is no division into three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is a list of foods that are eaten throughout the day. Combinations and combinations of products are not included, i.e. optional.

In the first week of the orange diet:

you need to eat two boiled eggs, a kilogram of oranges and drink 2 liters of clean water. Such a menu for every day.

The first week may seem daunting, but you can endure it. The main thing is that citrus fruits do not cause an allergic reaction.

In the second week of the diet, the menu is limited only to a kilogram of orange, porridge and two liters of pure water.

More about porridge. Porridge is cooked without salt, it is advisable to choose buckwheat for the diet. You can also eat porridge in any portions. Porridge gives excellent saturation and there is no painful feeling of hunger.

The third week of the diet is hard to bear, as the first, according to eyewitnesses. All week you need to eat during the day - a kilogram of orange, raw vegetables and fruits, plus some boiled vegetables.

For a week on an orange diet, it is possible to lose from 4 to 7 kilograms. Before applying such a diet, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

In the article, you will learn about how oranges and tangerines help you lose weight, how many calories and nutrients they contain.

Losing weight is a complex process that largely depends on how well you balance your diet.
It is not necessary to adhere to strict diets that exhaust the body and body.
The main thing is to eat “right”, consuming the whole range of nutrients, eat often and in small portions (this “starts” the metabolism and speeds up the metabolism).

When losing weight, it is important to consume large quantities of fruits and vegetables, replacing them with baked goods, sugar, butter and fat.

But unlike vegetables, fruits are higher in calories and that is why they should be eaten with extreme caution. It is believed that sweet fruit is a forbidden food for the evening.

Oranges can be different: sour, sweet and sour, sweet. It is the same with some other citrus fruits: grapefruits, pamelo, sweetti, tangerines. Depending on this, you should know when it is best to consume them:

  • Sweet - morning and afternoon
  • Acidic - in the evening

The calorie content and nutritional value of oranges and tangerines per 100 grams are shown in the pictures below.

Orange calorie content
Mandarin calorie content

How many calories are in one medium orange and in 100 grams with and without peel: table

It is known that oranges can be consumed along with the peel for greater health benefits. The peel contains a number of important trace elements and essential oils that prolong the youthfulness of the body and give it beauty. In addition, the fiber and pectins contained in the orange peel improve digestion, cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins, and give a feeling of fullness.

Orange peel: nutritional value

How many calories are in one medium tangerine and in 100 grams with and without peel: table

Compared to orange, tangerine is much sweeter, but this citrus is no less beneficial for human health, and most importantly, for weight loss.

Nutritional value of mandarin

How many calories are in one sweet Moroccan tangerine and in 100 grams with and without peel: table

Moroccan oranges and tangerines are often found on the shelves of modern stores, especially during the winter. It is very easy to distinguish the "Morocco" mandarin from the Abkhazian or Spanish by its external and taste qualities:

  • Flattened shape (a wide mandarin with a characteristic pit in the place of the former flowering of the fruit).
  • Bright, rich golden orange color (not light, not yellow, no green tints).
  • Sweet, full-bodied taste with a very weak and almost imperceptible sourness(the sweetest of the tangerines).

IMPORTANT: Since tangerines and oranges "Morocco" are very sweet, they should be consumed in limited quantities for those who want to lose weight. Moroccan mandarins are very high in carbohydrates.

Moroccan mandarin

How many calories are in 100 grams of dried and sun-dried tangerines?

In a dried fruit store, you can often find such a delicacy as dried or dried citrus. These are mainly oranges and tangerines. They are prepared by long drying or boiling in sugar syrup. Sun-dried tangerines are obtained by smoking.

Of course, as a result of heat treatment, some of the vitamins and nutrients "evaporate". However, if you want to “treat yourself to a sweet treat,” it is much healthier to eat 1-2 fruits of dried or sun-dried tangerines than a chocolate bar or candy.

IMPORTANT: For those who regularly count calories, it is important to know that dried tangerines are healthier than dried tangerines. However, dried fruits contain absolutely no useful microelements, and carbohydrates are concentrated in large quantities.

Are mandarins and oranges negative calorie foods?

The negative calorie content of foods is very important for those who are losing weight and keeping calories. Understanding a negative calorie content is very simple.

  • For example, 100 grams of green salad has only 33 kcal.
  • Eating 100 grams of lettuce, your body spends about 150 kcal on their digestion.
  • This process includes chewing, saliva production, enzyme production, digestion, and so on.
  • Therefore, 135-137 calories are not taken from the product, but from the body.
  • Oranges and tangerines can be safely attributed to the list of foods with negative calorie content.

In addition, the content of dietary fiber in them is so high that the digestion process is simplified and accelerated.

How do oranges and tangerines burn calories?

The "secret" of an orange as a weight loss fruit is that it is rich in dietary fiber. It is they who, getting into the stomach, begin to swell. The swollen fibers create a feeling of fullness by filling the stomach. Further, orange or tangerine fibers enter the intestines and there improve peristalsis (affect the intestinal musculature, improving the process of digestion and defecation).

How do oranges and tangerines help you lose weight?

Do oranges and tangerines speed up the metabolism while losing weight?

Metabolism is a series of biological and chemical reactions of the body that are needed to maintain the life of the body, release energy).
Oranges and tangerines are good for improving metabolism in that they contain not only a large amount of dietary fiber, but also fruit acids.

Video: "What are the benefits of tangerines?"

Oranges are rich in vitamin C useful for the immune system and other vitamins, as well as trace elements. But to find out if eating a lot of citrus fruits can lead to weight gain, you should know how many calories are in an orange.

Calorie content of oranges

Citrus fruits contain a small amount of carbohydrates, due to which the calorie content of an orange is only 47 kilocalories per 100 g of product. An orange with a peel weighing 200 g contains about 90-100 kcal.


Calorie content 1 pc. without a peel is 67 kcal, from this it follows that the orange peel contains about 20 kilocalories.

Orange juice

There are about 50 kcal per 100 grams of orange juice. One glass of the drink will contain about 100 calories.

Note! The values \u200b\u200bshown are for a freshly prepared beverage, store orange juice will have higher energy values \u200b\u200bdue to the addition of sweeteners, or lower values \u200b\u200bdue to dilution with water.

Dried Orange (Candied)

Citrus contains 80% water, therefore, after drying, the mass of the fruit is sharply reduced, and the energy value increases. The dried product contains a large number of calories per 100 g of product - 301 kcal.

Commercial candied fruits contain a large amount of sweeteners, which leads to an increase in energy value.

Orange oil

Orange oil is extracted from citrus peels. Its calorie content is very high - 888 kilocalories per 100 g of product. This product is not consumed, so the amount of calories in orange oil does not have any negative effect on the body.

Citrus oil is used primarily in the cosmetic industry.

Orange jam

The number of calories in home-made orange jam and jam is 268 kilocalories. A store product can have both higher and lower calories per 100 grams of product.

How is juicy fruit useful for the body? Even schoolchildren know that citruses are useful. Oranges contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system and the body as a whole. Consuming fruit or fruit juice on a daily basis helps the body resist viruses and germs, as well as cleanse the liver of toxins and toxins.

The use of citrus fruits contributes to weight loss, due to the normalization of the intestines and digestive tract. When the fruits are consumed, the body is completely cleansed of harmful substances and metabolic processes are activated.

A peeled orange is high in fiber, which helps digestion function properly. Fiber helps the body get rid of intestinal congestion, as a result of which the absorption of nutrients from incoming food products improves.

The limonoids in fruits contribute to the destruction of cancerous tissues. Experts have recorded cases of remission in cancer patients with the systematic use of citrus fruits. In their opinion, this is because the substances contained in the fruits block the blood flow in cancerous tumors, preventing their development. Also, these substances have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and muscle fibers in the heart.

  1. Orange fruits contain bioflavonoids that prevent premature tissue aging. Citruses actively cleanse cells of free radicals and toxins.
  2. Orange consumption is indispensable for people working in factories with high levels of pollution.
  3. A large amount of sodium, iron, potassium and copper helps to normalize blood pressure, improve physical and mental activity.
  4. Nutritionists recommend that people of retirement age include fruits in their diet.
  5. The synephrine contained in the white part of the peel breaks down plaque and removes cholesterol from the body.
  6. It also helps normalize blood sugar levels by promoting even insulin production.
  7. The systematic consumption of oranges helps to thin the blood, and prevents the development of coronary heart disease, bradycardia and atherosclerosis.
  8. Fruits contain folic acid, which contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, harmonious development of the fetus and easy labor. Daily absorption of fetuses during pregnancy prevents the development of congenital abnormalities in the child and postpartum depression in the mother.
  9. Citrus zest contains phytoncides. These substances help to restore the body in the postoperative period, reduce fever and eliminate the activity of harmful microorganisms.
  10. Daily consumption of orange pulp helps restore bones and tooth enamel.
  11. Children who eat fruits are less likely to suffer from rickets and other pathologies associated with impaired calcium metabolism in the body.

Eating fruit in the postoperative period allows you to eliminate the resulting constipation. The substances contained in the pulp improve digestion by promoting more active production of gastric juice and better absorption of food.

The benefits of citrus oils have not been forgotten either. When using orange oil in cosmetics, the structure of hair and nails is improved. The skin becomes firm and hydrated.

Men who consume citrus fruits have more active and viable sperm. Less prone to prostate diseases and erectile dysfunctions.

Important! The consumption of orange pulp is not recommended for persons with a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Eating healthy citrus fruits has a beneficial effect on the body. With proper consumption, you can forget about many health problems.