Complex dishes made from mushroom vegetables. Vegetable and mushroom dishes

30.10.2019 Seafood dishes

This section contains recipes for vegetables and mushrooms, which may include eggs and milk. But also in the section there are many recipes for the actual lean dishes. They do not contain animal fats and proteins, so they can be included in the menu during Lent and other fasts. However, any vegetable dish can be prepared as lean, if you replace butter with vegetable oil, exclude eggs, milk and, of course, meat.

The nutritional value of dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms is due to their high content of vitamins, carbohydrates and mineral salts, which are necessary for the human body and are easily digestible. Fiber in vegetables helps the digestion process.

To prepare dishes, vegetables are subjected to heat treatment - boiling, stewing, roasting, stewing and baking. The amount of fried foods, especially during fasting, should be kept to a minimum.

When preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms, the following rules must be observed:

  • after primary processing, immediately subject vegetables to heat treatment, since vitamin C is destroyed during storage; for this purpose, put vegetables in dishes in sequence, so that they come to readiness at the same time, without undergoing excessive heat treatment; you can not often mix vegetables when cooking, store ready-made vegetable dishes for a long time;
  • so that vegetables retain vitamins, cook them in a container with a closed lid and with a low boil;
  • it is necessary to lay vegetables during cooking in boiling salted water (0.6-0.7 liters per 1 kg of vegetables, 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water);
  • cook beets, carrots and peas without salt, which impairs their taste and slows down the cooking process;
  • vegetables that are green in color, boil in a large amount of water (3-4 liters per 1 kg of vegetables), in an open container and boil vigorously so that their color does not change;
  • put quick-frozen vegetables in boiling water without defrosting;
  • boil potatoes and carrots peeled, beets in the skins;
  • Rinse dried vegetables and mushrooms before cooking, add water and leave to swell: vegetables - for 1-3 hours, mushrooms - for 3-4 hours; cook in the same water;
  • to prepare stews, pre-fry the vegetables so that they retain the cut shape;
  • when frying in a small amount of fat, put vegetables and products from them on a baking sheet or pan, preheated to 150-160 ° C, and fry on both sides until a crispy crust is formed; until ready to bring in the oven;
  • deep-fried vegetables to fry in special devices or in deep baking sheets; ratio of fat and vegetables 4: 1; temperature 175-180 ° C;
  • before baking, vegetables and mushrooms must first be boiled, stewed or fried (sometimes they are baked raw); bake vegetables at 250-280 ° C until golden brown on the surface. Before serving, it is recommended to sprinkle ready-made vegetable dishes with finely chopped parsley, dill (2-3 g per serving) or green onions (5-10 g). For potato dishes, you can additionally serve fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut, pickled and pickled mushrooms, canned vegetables (squash caviar, eggplant, stuffed peppers, etc.) in an amount of 50-100 g per serving.

Various complex hot dishes are prepared from vegetables and mushrooms. Depending on the type of heat treatment, boiled, stewed, fried, stewed, baked dishes are distinguished.

Vegetables are boiled with steam or in water. When steaming vegetables, the loss of nutrients is minimal, and the taste of the vegetables is well preserved. Vegetables are boiled with steam most often in cabinets with electric or steam heating. Steam can also be cooked in conventional cauldrons with a lid. To do this, a metal insert (grate) is made according to the dimensions of the boiler on supports, there should be a space of 4-5 cm between the grate inserted into the boiler and the bottom of the boiler.Instead of the insert, you can make a basket of thick wire or narrow metal strips. The grate or basket should be made of non-oxidizing metal - aluminum, stainless steel, or carefully cured. The amount of water should be poured into the boiler, which is necessary to only fill the space between the bottom of the boiler and the grate. When the water boils, put the vegetables and, tightly closing the cauldron with a lid, cook them until tender. Mostly potatoes and carrots are boiled for hot dishes. Steam can cook vegetables in the skins and peeled; peeled potatoes are sprinkled with fine salt during cooking.

When cooking vegetables in water, you should strive to cook them as quickly as possible in order to reduce the loss of nutrients. For this, vegetables are placed in boiling water and boiled in a cauldron with a lid. With an increase in the duration of heat treatment beyond the time required to bring the product to readiness, the destruction of vitamin C is faster. If you are preparing a dish that includes various types of vegetables, then first put vegetables in the pot, which are boiled for a longer time, for example, white cabbage, and then chopped potatoes, etc.

Vegetables, with the exception of beets and green peas, are boiled in salted water (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water). If beets are boiled in salted water, their taste deteriorates; peas in such water do not boil for a long time. When boiling beets, sometimes vinegar is added to the water (4-5 g per 1 liter of water) so that the color of the beets does not change. However, beets cook twice as long with vinegar as without vinegar. Potatoes and root vegetables during cooking should be covered with water no more than 1 cm.Asparagus, artichokes, beans, peas, green peas are boiled in a large amount of water (3-4 liters of water per 1 kg of vegetables) to preserve their color. Some varieties of potatoes are highly boiled and soaked in water. You cannot make delicious cutlets, croquettes, rolls, mashed potatoes from such a product. Therefore, when cooking crumbly potatoes, the water is drained about 15 minutes after it boils, then cover the dishes with a lid and cook the potatoes without water over low heat.

After cooking, most vegetables are either immediately discarded in a colander or rattler, or the broth is drained from them so that the taste of the vegetables does not deteriorate. It is recommended to peel vegetables cooked in the skins before they cool down, in this case they are peeled faster and easier than cooled ones, and waste is reduced.

The water in which vegetables and herbs were cooked contains many nutrients; for example, beet broth contains up to 5% sugar. If the broth does not have an unpleasant aftertaste, then it is used to make soup or sauce.

Mushrooms should be boiled over medium heat in a little water, as during the heating process, the mushrooms themselves begin to let out juice, which leads to an increase in the liquid in the pan. Moreover, it is better to throw them into the already boiling, slightly salted water, adding a little parsley, dill, bay leaf, allspice peas or nutmeg for additional aroma. However, these spices should be added very carefully so as not to drown out their true aroma. In addition, some mushrooms (porcini, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, mushrooms), due to their mild aroma, are not at all customary to supplement with spices. When boiling fresh mushrooms, we recommend putting a peeled onion in the water, if it turns blue, it means that there is a poisonous mushroom in the pan.

The approximate brewing times of the most popular varieties are:

- White - 30-35 minutes,

- Boletus mushrooms - 45-50 minutes,

- Aspen mushrooms, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms - 20 minutes,

- Russula, boletus - 30 minutes,

- Champignons - 5-7 minutes,

- Honey mushrooms - 50-55 minutes, periodically changing the water,

- Milk mushrooms - 15 minutes, must be pre-soaked for at least two days, and the water must be periodically changed to fresh.

After boiling, the mushrooms must be washed with cold boiled water. Large mushrooms cook faster than small ones. So that the mushrooms do not lose their taste and aroma during cooking, it is advised to cook them only over medium heat. Dried mushrooms should be soaked in cold water for at least 4 hours before boiling, this must be done in order for them to return to their original state. And then boil it (better in the same water, so as not to lose the aroma and taste). Dried chanterelles, for example, will boil better if you add a pinch of baking soda to the water. The cooking time for dried mushrooms is an hour and a half, to determine readiness, you can still navigate by when they sink to the bottom. Let's consider the technology of cooking some dishes from boiled vegetables and mushrooms (Table 1).

Table 1. Assortment of complex hot dishes from boiled vegetables and mushrooms

Name of the dish

Cooking technology


Potatoes in milk

Cut raw potatoes into cubes and place in a saucepan, cover with hot water and bring to a boil. Then drain the water, and pour the potatoes with hot milk, salt, add a little potato seasoning and cook. When the potatoes are boiled, season with butter. Serve in milk, sprinkled with herbs.

Mashed potatoes with carrots

Boil potatoes and carrots, rub through a sieve, not allowing to cool. Add hot milk, butter, salt, nutmeg, coriander to the puree and beat. Serve with boiled carrot slices.

French mashed potatoes with mustard

Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into large pieces. Pour in a little cold salted water, bring to a boil and cook until tender for about 20 minutes. Mash the mashed potatoes. Add milk, sour cream and mustard. Mix everything well. Salt to taste.

Steamed stuffed champignons

The champignons need to be washed, the leg cut out. Salt the hats, put them in a greased mold and sprinkle with lemon juice - a little so that they do not darken. The legs need to be finely chopped, add cheese, grated on a coarse grater, if desired, you can add fried onions. Fill the caps with minced meat and steam until cooked

Letting go is one of the most popular way of processing vegetables and mushrooms, almost eliminating the loss of mineral salts and vitamins. Add vegetables with a little liquid (water or broth) or with fat without water. When simmering, the dishes with vegetables should be covered with a lid. Without water and broth, let pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes and other vegetables easily release moisture. Cabbage, carrots, turnips, rutabagas do not have these properties, therefore they are allowed with the addition of liquid and fat (for 1 kg of vegetables, an average of 0.2 liters of water or broth and from 20 to 50 g of fat are taken). Add vegetables for 15-20 minutes. Certain types of vegetables are also allowed (white cabbage, pumpkin, spinach), as well as their mixtures. Let's consider the technology of cooking some dishes from stewed vegetables and mushrooms (Table 2).

Table 2. Assortment of complex hot dishes from stewed vegetables and mushrooms

Name of the dish

Cooking technology


Vegetables stewed in wine

Chop the celery root, carrots and leeks. Combine vegetables with tarragon, add broth, wine, salt, pepper and simmer until tender.

When serving, place the vegetables on a platter and arrange as desired.

Kohlrabi stewed with carrots

Cut kohlrabi and carrots into cubes, pour over boiling milk, salt and simmer. Add flour, dried, then mashed with butter, sugar to vegetables, mix and bring to a boil. When serving, place the cabbage with carrots on a dish, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Steamed champignons

Champignons are placed in a dish with a layer of no more than 20 cm, a little water is poured, citric acid or vinegar is added so that the mushrooms do not darken, cover with a lid and simmer with strong heating for 8-10 minutes. When serving, place the mushrooms on a platter and sprinkle with almond flakes.

Champignons stewed in wine

Cut the mushrooms into slices, cover with broth, wine, salt and pepper and simmer for 15 minutes. When serving, put the mushrooms on a dish, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and decorate with herbs.

Frying. Potatoes and vegetables are fried on the stove with a small amount of fat (5-15 g) or in electric fryers (deep fryers) in a large amount of fat (deep fat). Stove-top frying is the most common method. Peeled and chopped vegetables are placed on a baking sheet or pan with fat heated to 120-150 ° C, salted and fried on the stove; vegetables that are fried for a long time are brought to readiness in the oven. Frying in special devices (deep fryers) or in a wide dish with a large diameter is used for raw potatoes, cut into cubes, strips or thin slices, and onions, cut into rings. When deep-fried, potatoes and vegetables are immersed in fat heated to 170-180 ° C. The fat by weight should be four times the weight of the vegetables loaded. Fill the dishes with fat only one third or, in extreme cases, half of its capacity, given that fat can foam a lot during frying. As fat is consumed, it should be added at all times, maintaining the ratio indicated above. The best fats for deep-frying are ghee and lard; they also use refined vegetable oil and kitchen margarines. Butter and butter margarine are not recommended as they contain a lot of moisture and protein, which contaminate the fat when burned. For frying, parsley should be sorted out, rinsed, dried and fried in highly heated fat for 1-2 minutes. When it turns dry and dark green, you need to quickly remove it from the fat. They use fried greens as a side dish to various dishes.

All lamellar mushrooms must be soaked and boiled before frying, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning. Mushrooms can be simply fried or breaded. Only when frying can you mix several types of mushrooms, for other cooking methods this is not recommended. The average time for frying mushrooms is 20-30 minutes. Pour the sauce over the mushrooms after they are well browned and finally fried. Let's consider the technology of cooking some dishes from fried vegetables and mushrooms (Table 3).

Table 3. Assortment of complex hot dishes from fried vegetables and mushrooms

Name of the dish

Cooking technology


Grilled eggplants with olive oil

Pour some of the salt into a dry grill pan. Heat the pan. Spread the eggplants and leave on high heat until the grill strips are completely dark. Turn over and fry on the other side. While the eggplants are cooking, finely chop the garlic and herbs. As soon as the first batch of eggplants is ready, put it in a bowl, pour generously with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic and herbs, add black pepper, stir. We continue to cook the eggplants, gradually adding them to the bowl and stirring. At the end, pour with lemon juice.

Fried vegetables in Italian

Knead the batter dough - mix well the flour, egg yolks, milk and salt. Then beat the egg whites and add to the dough. Peel the artichokes by carefully removing all outside leaves and residues. Place them in a bowl of lemon juice diluted with water, then dry and cut into pieces. Wash and dry the courgettes, remove the ends and cut them lengthwise. Dip artichoke quarters and zucchini slices in batter. Be sure to make sure the batter is evenly spread over the pieces. Then fry in a skillet in olive oil. Place on absorbent paper to remove excess oil. Season with salt and serve.

Fried mushrooms

Rinse the mushrooms under cold water, peel. Cut into strips. Preheat a skillet, add the mushrooms and fry over medium heat until the juice has completely boiled away. Salt. Peel and chop the onion, add to the mushrooms. Pour in oil, stir and continue to fry for 20 minutes. Pepper. Chop dill and parsley finely, sprinkle with mushrooms and onions, stir and fry for three minutes. Pour in the sour cream and let it boil.

Deep-fried champignons

Remove the skin from the mushroom caps. Boil the mushrooms in salted water for several minutes, take them out and let cool slightly. At this time, we are preparing ice cream - we combine eggs, milk, salt and black pepper. Mix with a fork so that the eggs disperse well in the milk. Now put a plate of breadcrumbs, ice cream, wheat flour next to it. Roll each mushroom separately, first in flour, then dip in ice cream, then immediately roll in breadcrumbs, once again in ice cream and again roll in breadcrumbs. Immediately after breading, fry the mushrooms in small portions in a large amount of hot oil until golden brown. Spread on a paper towel so that excess oil is absorbed.

Quenching. Each type of vegetables separately or together is a mixture of vegetables. Before stewing, the vegetables are cut into strips, cubes, slices, then fried until half cooked or simmered, after which they are stewed with a small amount of broth or sauce with the addition of tomato puree, browned vegetables, bay leaves, pepper. Vegetables and mushrooms are stewed in a sealed container with a little water or broth, with the addition of onions, tomato puree, aromatic roots, bay leaves, black and allspice peas. Stews are used to prepare table beets, fresh and sauerkraut, potatoes and a mixture of different vegetables (ragout). When stewing fresh cabbage and beets, vinegar is added to improve the taste and appearance of the dish. Cabbage stewed without vinegar becomes too soft, and beets become brown. It is better to stew mushrooms, previously dried with a paper towel, so that they do not have too much moisture. First, the mushrooms are simmered in their own juice for about 20 minutes, then you can add vegetables or onions and simmer for about 10 minutes until they are ready, at the end you can add additional liquid or pouring and simmer without a lid for a few minutes, stirring. Mushrooms, as well as some vegetables, are fried before stewing. Let's consider the technology of cooking some dishes from stewed vegetables and mushrooms (Table 4).

Table 4. Assortment of complex hot dishes from stewed vegetables and mushrooms

Name of the dish

Cooking technology


Stewed vegetables with cheese and spinach

Chop peppers, courgettes and carrots. Fry carrots, bell peppers and spices in oil. Add zucchini and simmer for 10 minutes. Add spinach and stir. Cook for a couple more minutes. Add cheese and salt. Stir and remove from heat.

Mushrooms with vegetables

Cut the mushrooms, carrots, parsley root and turnip into slices, cabbage - checkers, potatoes - wedges. Cut the bacon into cubes, fry until crispy cracklings are formed, remove them with a slotted spoon. In the melted fat, fry the mushrooms and roots until half cooked. Then pour in hot water, add turnips, cabbage, potatoes, salt, pepper and simmer until tender. When serving mushrooms with vegetables, sprinkle with cracklings, chopped green onions and parsley.

Mushrooms stewed in cream

Peel fresh mushrooms, rinse and scald, then cut into wedges and lightly fry. After that, put them in a pot or saucepan and pour boiled cream over. Tie the parsley and dill, putting cinnamon, cloves, pepper, bay leaf in the middle of the bunch and put in a saucepan. Cover and place in a moderately hot cabinet for 1 hour to simmer.

Vegetable stew

Cut the peeled, washed vegetables into large cubes or slices, leave the small onions whole. Stew carrots, turnips, rutabagas, boil cabbage and beans in water, fry potatoes and onions in a pan with butter. Separately in a frying pan, fry the flour, dilute with a decoction of stewed or boiled vegetables, add finely chopped tomatoes or mashed tomato and boil. Pour the prepared sauce over the vegetables folded in one pan, add salt, pepper, cloves and cinnamon, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with parsley.

Baking. Potatoes, vegetables and herbs are baked in mashed potatoes or in pieces, with sauce or eggs in a portioned pan or on a baking sheet in an oven. Before baking, products are pre-boiled, simmered, fried or stewed. For roasting mushrooms in the oven, pasteurized mushrooms or fresh champignons may be suitable. If you use fresh champignons, then you do not need to boil them, but immediately rinse, chop and fry. Strain the pasteurized mushrooms and immediately put them in a frying pan. Let's consider the technology of cooking some dishes from baked vegetables and mushrooms (Table 5).

Table 5. Assortment of complex hot dishes from baked vegetables and mushrooms

Name of the dish

Cooking technology


Mushrooms stuffed with cheese

Cut off the stem of each mushroom and remove the pulp, freeing the cap. Prepare the filling for the caps with legs, pulp, dill, sour cream and spices. Fill the mushroom caps, place them on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Baked eggplant with mushrooms

Cut the eggplants into slices of about 1 cm, salt a little and set aside. Cut the mushrooms into circles and set aside, if the mushrooms are small, then cut them into cubes. Finely chop the garlic or onion, mix with sour cream and spices. Grate cheese and feta cheese on a fine grater. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Put the eggplants in a baking dish. Then we spread the mushrooms and tomatoes on top. Lubricate with sour cream mixture. Sprinkle with a mixture of cheese and feta cheese. We bake at a temperature of 180 0 С for about 30 minutes.

Summer vegetable casserole

Cut the vegetables into thin slices. We cook the sauce: for this we fry the flour with butter, add the milk, stirring continuously, cook until thickened. After removing from heat, add the egg, beating well. Pour the sauce over the vegetables. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake for about 30 minutes until golden brown.

Creamy soufflé with mushrooms

Slice the mushrooms, leaving the center for decoration. Finely chop the onion, fry. Add mushrooms. Simmer under the lid. Salt. Preparing the fill. We shift the mushrooms into a mold and pour out the mixture. Three cheese on a grater and gently spread on the mixture. We decorate the soufflé. We bake until golden brown - 200 degrees, 20-25 minutes.

Design and decoration of complex hot dishes from vegetables and mushrooms

On vacation, vegetable dishes are poured with sauce or butter, or the sauce is served separately in a gravy boat. Garnish with herbs or chopped vegetables that match the taste and color of the dish. Dishes can be decorated with various vegetable cuttings using various tools. Boiled vegetables, mostly served with butter. On mashed potatoes, it is imperative that a drawing is applied before serving. Boiled potatoes can be boiled in balls or barrels. Fried vegetables are served with fresh and pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Vegetable dishes in a restaurant environment, their serving is varied:

- cauliflower, artichokes are served on round dishes, on which they put a napkin folded in an envelope;

- asparagus - on a special wire rack covered with a napkin;

- green peas, bean pods, vegetables in milk sauce - in a round cupronickel bowl;

- baked vegetables - in cupronickel pans in which they were cooked.

- Potato cutlets, cabbage schnitzels, potato croquettes, zrazy, roll, casseroles and vegetable puddings are placed on round dishes.

- They need to serve sour cream or sauce in a separate gravy boat.

Vegetable dishes have always been a daily food, and at a festive feast they usually played a secondary role.

This was due to the fact that more than 200 fast days a year, the main food of Orthodox people was vegetables and cereals, only on certain days was the use of fish and vegetable oil allowed. And after the fasts, especially the lengthy Christmas and Great fasts, I did not want to put them on the festive table.

But times have changed. New types of vegetables have appeared, the recipes and the technology for preparing dishes from them have been constantly improved. This allowed them to occupy a special place on the modern table.

Many of the vegetable dishes are just as popular as the gourmet meat and fish dishes. Most vegetable and mushroom dishes can be served not only as a side dish, but also as an independent product.

Assortment of vegetable dishes:

Mashed potatoes . For mashed potatoes, it is best to use potato varieties with a high starch content. Hot boiled and dried potatoes (temperature not lower than 80 ° C) are wiped on a pulping machine. Melted butter or margarine is added to the mashed potatoes, heated continuously, stirring, pour in hot boiled milk or low-fat cream and beat until a fluffy mass is obtained.

When leaving, mashed potatoes are placed on a plate, a pattern is applied to the surface with a spoon, poured with butter, and sprinkled with chopped herbs. Mashed potatoes can be served with sautéed onions or boiled chopped eggs mixed with melted butter. Most often, mashed potatoes are used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Potatoes in milk . Raw peeled potatoes are cut into large cubes, then boiled in a little water until half cooked. The broth is drained, the potatoes are poured with hot milk, salted and boiled until tender. After that, put a part (50%) of the butter and bring to a boil. Let it go with the remaining oil, you can sprinkle with herbs.

Boiled pumpkin . The pumpkin, peeled from the skin and seeds, is cut into slices and boiled in salted water. On vacation, pour over melted butter with ground toasted breadcrumbs.

Boiled beans (vegetable).

Bean pods, peeled from coarse veins, are cut into diamonds, put in boiling salted water, boiled for 8-10 minutes and discarded in a colander. On vacation, pour over melted butter or milk sauce. soup hot dish complex

Boiled vegetable peas .

Quick-frozen peas are placed in boiling salted water, quickly brought to a boil and cooked for 3-5 minutes. Fresh pea blades, stripped of lateral veins, are boiled in the same way. Canned peas are heated in their own broth. The cooked peas are thrown into a colander. On vacation, pour over melted butter or milk sauce.

Boiled corn . Prepared ears are boiled in salted water until tender. When the ears are released, the leaves are completely removed, butter is served separately. You can remove the grains from the cob, season them with sauce and bring to a boil. Canned corn is heated together with the broth, after which it is drained, and the grains are seasoned with butter or milk or sour cream sauce.

Boiled asparagus . Prepared asparagus is placed in boiling salted water and cooked until tender. When leaving, bundles of boiled asparagus are untied, placed on a plate or a portioned dish, decorated with sprigs of parsley, and rusk sauce is served separately. You can season the boiled asparagus with milk sauce, warm it up and pour melted butter when serving.

Artichokes . Prepared artichokes are tied with threads, boiled in salted water. When the lower part of the base becomes soft, they are taken out and placed with the base up so that the water glass. On vacation, artichokes are decorated with greenery. Hollandaise or rusk sauce is served separately.

Carrot or beet puree . Carrots are boiled whole or cut into slices and simmered in a little water with the addition of oil. Beets are boiled, peeled. Then the carrots or beets are rubbed, combined with a medium-thick milk or sour cream sauce and heated. Dispense mashed potatoes with butter or sour cream.

Poached eggplants. The number of products per 250 g serving: eggplant - 200g, onions - 25g, oil grows. - 20g, matsun - 50g, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley. Peel the eggplants, cut into circles, put in a saucepan, add finely chopped and fried onions, salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley, vegetable oil, a little water (35-40 g), cover and simmer until tender. Serve the eggplants, sprinkling with matsun with chopped garlic.

Poached white cabbage. White cabbage is cut into slices or individual leaves are scalded and rolled into balls, placed in a bowl in one row, a small amount of broth or water is poured, butter, salt are added, brought to a boil, covered with a lid and allowed to cook until tender. When you leave, put it in a portioned pan, plate or in a ram, watered with milk, or sour cream, or sour cream with tomato sauce. If used as a side dish, then the cabbage is cut into checkers.

Assortments of complex hot cheese dishes:

Italian cheese fondue. Products: 300 g of hard cheese, 100 g of mushrooms, 300 g of soft cheese, 1 glass of milk, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of butter, 0.5 teaspoon of white pepper, 0.5 cups of Italian white wine, 800 grams of white bread. To prepare the fondue, coarsely grate both types of cheese, cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Cut the bread into equal pieces. Melt the cheese. Shake eggs with milk and slowly pour into the cheese mass. The fire should be low - the cheese mass should not heat up to more than 60 ° C. Gradually add mushrooms, oil and white wine to the mass. Serve hot Italian-style cheese fondue to the table. You need to dip white bread into the cheese mass.

Tessinian cheese fondue. Products: 800 g of cheese, 1.5-2 cups of milk, 4 tablespoons of butter, 0.5 teaspoon of white pepper, 1 teaspoon of sweet red pepper, 4 tablespoons of chopped onions, 1 tablespoon of starch, 100 ml of white wine, 200 ml of cherry juice, 800 g of white bread.

To make cheese fondue, grate the cheese and mix it with milk, butter, pepper (red and white) and onions. Put on the stove and heat well. Mix the starch with a little white wine, add to the cheese mass, pour over the cherry juice and boil the fondue. Serve the hot Tessinian cheese fondue immediately and cut the bread into small pieces. Bread should be dipped in cheese mass and eaten.

Dutch cheese fondue. Products: 800 g of hard cheese, 600 g of soft cheese, 1 clove of garlic, 400 g of juniper, 800 g of white bread, 0.5 teaspoon of white pepper, 1 pinch of ground nutmeg, 1 liter of white wine, 1 teaspoon of sugar, juice 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon of starch, 100 g of cream. To prepare Dutch cheese fondue, grate both types of cheese, mix with finely chopped garlic. Pour juniper over the cheese and leave for 2 hours. Cut the bread into large cubes. Melt the cheese over low heat, add pepper, sugar, nutmeg, white wine and lemon juice. Mix the starch with the cream, 100 ml of water, add to the cheese mass and bring the fondue to a boil. Serve the hot Dutch cheese fondue immediately. Eat by dipping slices of bread into the cheese mass.

Swiss cheese fondue. Products: 600 g of grated Swiss cheese, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 0.5 cups of white wine, 1.5 teaspoons of starch, 2 small glasses of cherry liqueur, 5-6 slices of white bread, black ground pepper, nutmeg to taste. To prepare cheese fondue, grate the inside of refractory porcelain or earthenware dishes with garlic, heat the wine over low heat in this dish. Grate or cut the fondue cheese into small cubes and melt in wine, stirring with a wooden spoon (stir not in circles, but along the line of eight).

Similar information.

At catering establishments, it is necessary to prepare dishes based on the Collection of recipes for dishes, but it often happens that the range of products recommended in the Collection is designed to meet the minimum requirements of the population. Therefore, due to the variety of requests and taking into account the peculiarities of nutrition, catering specialists are allowed to develop recipes and technology for preparing new dishes, thereby expanding the range of complex dishes.

Complex dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms include customized and specialty dishes, which include several ingredients.

According to the method of preparing complex dishes from vegetables and mushrooms, they are divided into:

  • - dishes from boiled vegetables and mushrooms;
  • - dishes from stewed vegetables and mushrooms;
  • - dishes from stewed vegetables and mushrooms;
  • - dishes from fried vegetables and mushrooms;
  • - dishes from baked vegetables and mushrooms.

The technological process of preparing complex hot dishes from vegetables and mushrooms

Fried potatoes with vegetables stewed in milk.

Sliced ​​raw potatoes are washed in cold water, dried, then sprinkled with salt, placed in a layer of no more than 5 cm in a pan or baking sheet with heated fat and fried for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until a crispy crust forms. If the potatoes are not completely fried, they should be placed in the oven for a few minutes.

When frying in a frying pan, close the lid and cook the potatoes until cooked before the end of the frying.

Vegetables are cut into cubes or slices, white cabbage - in checkers, cauliflower is disassembled into coots.

Vegetables stewed with fat separately, heated canned green peas are combined with milk or sour cream sauce, sugar, salt are added and boiled for 1-2 minutes.

Vegetable risotto.

Rice washed, put in a saucepan and poured with vegetable broth. Then add chopped garlic and mix. Finely chop the onion, cut the carrots into cubes. The pumpkin is cut into large cubes, the leeks are cut into rings. 15 minutes before the rice is ready, put in onions and carrots and stew for 5 minutes, then lay the Brussels sprouts. Stew until tender. Vegetables are added to the finished rice and broth is added.

Garnish with herbs when serving.

Stuffed leek.

Cut the leeks into 5 cm pieces, remove the middle and chop finely. Mushrooms, greens are finely chopped. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add the remaining ingredients, salt, pepper and fry for 20 minutes.

After that, the onion is filled with minced meat and baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Eggplant in batter.

The eggplants are washed, cut into rings, soaked in water for 10 minutes and then dried. After that, a batter is prepared from eggs and flour. Eggplants are dipped in batter and fried until tender.

Fried cucumbers.

The cucumbers are washed, peeled and cut into cubes. Prepare the marinade by mixing vinegar, salt, sugar. Cucumbers are seasoned with marinade and pickled. After that, fry the cucumbers until golden brown.

Potato croquettes.

In mashed potatoes, cooled to a temperature of 50 ° C, add 1/3 of wheat flour and egg yolks and mix. From the resulting potato mass, balls and pears are formed (3-4 pcs per serving), breaded in the remaining flour, then dipped in proteins, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in a large amount of fat.

When preparing croquet with champignons, finely chopped fried mushrooms and onions are added to the potato mass.

Vegetable stew.

Potatoes and roots cut into slices or cubes are lightly fried, and the onions are sautéed. White cabbage is cut into checkers, allowed, cauliflower - disassembled into separate cocks and boiled.

Then potatoes and vegetables are combined with sour cream and stewed for 10-15 minutes. After that, add chopped raw pumpkin or zucchini, peeled and seeds, stewed white cabbage or boiled cauliflower and continue to simmer for 15-20 minutes.

In 5-10 minutes. until cooked, put canned green peas, pounded garlic and spices. On vacation, the stew is poured with fat and sprinkled with herbs.

Potato roll.

Boiled potatoes are dried and rubbed while hot, mixed and spread on a clean napkin moistened with water. Minced meat is placed in the middle of the mass and given the shape of a roll or kulebyaki, which is transferred from the napkin with a seam down to a greased baking sheet, greased with sour cream, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, then 2-3 punctures are made with a knife along the roll, sprinkled with fat and baked.

For the preparation of minced meat: chopped or chopped cabbage is fried, onions, carrots, cut into strips or slices, sautéed, boiled mushrooms, or fresh porcini, or champignons, cut into strips or slices, lightly fried.

Cabbage or mushrooms, carrots, sautéed onions, boiled chopped eggs are mixed, pepper is added. You can add parsley or dill (5 g net).

The amount of minced meat can be increased to 80 g, thus increasing the yield.

Stewed vegetables with mushrooms are a great idea for a healthy lunch or dinner, lean diet. In the summer, we always use fresh vegetables to the maximum, but in the winter we make do with prepared supplies. You can always change the vegetable mix: add or remove an ingredient, add bright notes due to rich spices. You can also stew vegetables with mushrooms in a sauce - for example, tomato or cream will be good. We take the most affordable mushrooms that can be bought almost everywhere and always - champignons and oyster mushrooms. Dry mushrooms can be added if desired and possible.

We will prepare all the products according to the list: mushrooms, vegetables, some spices and fragrant fresh herbs.

Peel and rinse the red onion, chop it into thin half rings. Ordinary onions will also work.

Cut the carrots and cabbage into thin oblong strips. We try to cut vegetables in more or less the same shape, if you don't like the strip, cut everything into cubes, for example.

Pour literally a few tablespoons of oil into the pan, load the assorted vegetables. Next, add chopped bell peppers to the same pan.

At medium temperature, we sauté vegetables for several minutes, we sauté them, do not fry them.

At the same time, we wash out two types of mushrooms under running water, wash off the remnants of the soil, which is often found in purchased mushrooms. After that, dry the mushrooms a little and cut into medium pieces. If the oyster mushroom is small, we disassemble it into separate mushrooms, put it as a whole.

We cut off the tails of cherry tomatoes, divide each tomato into two or four parts. Put the tomatoes in the pan. Add spices at your discretion, also add finely chopped garlic. Pour a ladle of water or vegetable / mushroom broth, or tomato, to the vegetables, simmer everything under the lid for 12-15 minutes. At the end, add some green peas, mix again and cook for a minute. We remove a sample for spices, add the missing ones if necessary.