How to choose a ripe pomegranate? How to choose a ripe pomegranate according to external signs and characteristic crunch.

08.08.2019 Buffet table

Pomegranate is the king of fruits, because its beneficial properties are simply inexhaustible. This native of the East is present in any market with sultry merchants who like to invite people with stories about the juiciness and ripeness of their particular product. How to choose a good pomegranate? Let's talk about it in our article.

Good to know

First of all, its useful properties should be noted. Unlike many other fruits, it has remarkable qualities from roots to seeds. The grains themselves are used in cooking as an excellent component of second courses, desserts, sauces. And the bones have a positive effect on the digestive tract - it is enough to eat only a few pieces to increase intestinal motility, as well as saturate the body with the daily norm of fruit acids and oils. Well, pomegranate peel, bark and leaves are harvested and dried as a medicine. Their tannic and astringent properties put this tree on a par with oak. And there is nothing to say about its nutritional value.

It is not for nothing that doctors prescribe grains as an enhanced restorative agent. The fruit is rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, and therefore it is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, to improve health during pregnancy. Moreover, due to the high content of estrogen, it is extremely useful for women to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. But for men, this fruit is also useful - its properties in the fight against sexual impotence are impressive.

And pomegranate is useful for children - it acts as a stimulant for the growth and development of the body. It also increases hemoglobin levels, reduces the risk of cancer, and is also a natural sedative. And this is not a complete list of what this fruit can do.

Where is he from?

Based on botanical features, it can be more likely attributed to berries. However, in everyday life, almost all people believe that pomegranate is a fruit. How to choose the best from a pile of fruits on the market? First, let's find out where he comes from. Of course, we can safely say that he came to us from the Middle East. This is partly true. Its homeland is Mesopotamia, the Nile Valley, but given that, in general, they grow in tropical and subtropical climates, Greece and Spain are often their main suppliers. And then the distant country of Chile. However, from Turkey and Egypt, the fruits go on sale at least. So, we know where the pomegranate came from... How to choose it correctly?

Remember that the fruit is seasonal, and at this time it comes earlier than in the countries of Southern Europe. And in Chile, the season will be in the winter at all - after all, the state is located in. Therefore, in the spring, choose pomegranates from Egypt and Turkey, in the summer - Greek, Georgian and Spanish, and in winter the freshest fruits will come from South America.

Important note

As you know, pomegranate seeds are distinguished by a stunning deep color, which is called pomegranate. But after all, when buying, you can’t see the inside of the fetus, whatever one may say. Then how to choose the right pomegranate? This fruit is covered with a dense leathery shell on the outside. A ripe pomegranate has a glossy, rich red color. Make sure that there are no visible damage on the peel, as well as reddish spots - this can be a sign of rot. Also, you should not even stare at cracked fruits - even if the visible contents of such a pomegranate look attractive, the juice inside the grains could already turn sour or ferment, and they themselves will be covered with mold.

Well, a fruit with a wrinkled and rough skin, most likely, was plucked a very long time ago, and has already managed to dry out and deteriorate inside. True, you don’t need to take an overly smooth fruit either - it may not have ripened. So, our choice is only the neatest and most beautiful reddish garnets. In addition, a “crown” must be preserved on its crown, but there cannot be greenish sprouts on it.

And what size should a good pomegranate be? How to choose the best? On average, the weight of one pomegranate is from 400 to 800 grams. In order not to miss, try to choose larger fruits. You can also estimate their weight by weighing them in your hand. Those that feel heavier than they look are more likely to be juicy and ripe. By the way, in a good pomegranate, the amount of juice is 60% of the total weight. So feel free to take the bigger ones. And what should a pomegranate feel like? How to choose the one that will be a great treat? Press it a little in your hand - if it is fresh, the skin will be a little woody, but you will feel the relief of the grains under it, and you will not see depressions or voids in it. Also, when pressed, it can creak a little - these are grains rubbing against each other.

Where could I buy?

And the last question: where to buy pomegranate? To choose in the market or to give preference to the assortment of the supermarket? It's all about your personal attitude. On the one hand, the pomegranate is well stored in a cool place, lined with leaves or paper. In a supermarket, already substandard fruits can be stale for a long time - after all, only conscientious staff can sort them. On the market, on the other hand, they can overweight, stick low-quality goods and simply deceive. But if you know a few tricks, this can be avoided.

How to choose a ripe pomegranate in the market?

First of all, take the most pleasant and neat seller. They all sing sweet songs, and therefore choose not with your ears, but with your eyes - a decent-looking merchant, most likely, keeps his goods in order.

Then choose the fruits yourself, after holding each one in your hands. Watch the scale carefully when you are being served. And if, in your opinion, the declared weight does not match what you expect, feel free to go and check it on the control device. And inform the seller in advance. Sometimes this technique helps, if not to avoid deception, then negotiate a discount. And be sure to smile - according to statistics, positive-minded people are less likely to come across low-quality goods.


We hope that after reading our article, you have understood a lot. Now you know what pomegranate is, how to choose it, we also told.

Ripe pomegranates can be stored in the refrigerator for several months.

Pomegranates are large round fruits. On the outside, pomegranates are covered with a tough rind, and inside they are filled with many tiny seeds, each of which is covered with a shell filled with bright red juice. As the pomegranate ripens, it fills up with juice and becomes juicy. By the time the pomegranate peel dries and cracks, the fruit is overripe. Like any fruit, ripe and juicy pomegranates are more desirable. There are a few tips to consider when buying a pomegranate to determine its degree of ripeness and choose a ripe pomegranate.

Ways to Check the Maturity of a Pomegranate

Assess skin color and condition. Ripe pomegranates are bright red to dark red in color and are characterized by a skin without cracks or defects. Unripe pomegranates are light-skinned, while overripe pomegranates often have cracks and dark spots on the skin. Make sure that the skin covers the pomegranate tightly, it should be hard and smooth and should not be dry.

Check the size and weight of the fetus. Compare the size of the pomegranate with others available. Large fruits produce more juicy seeds than small ones, so you need to choose the largest fruit. Take a pomegranate in your hand and estimate its weight by raising and lowering your hand with it. Repeat this action with other grenades for comparison. Ripe pomegranates will be heavier than unripe fruits of the same size because they contain more juice in the grains. Always choose heavy grenades for your size.

Listen to the sound a grenade makes when tapped. Tap the peel with your index finger. Ripe pomegranates produce a "metallic" sound (similar to a metal container) when tapped due to the large amount of juice inside the fruit. Unripe pomegranates produce a dull sound, while overripe pomegranates produce muffled sounds and may be bruised when tapped.

Check the elasticity of the pomegranate. Take the pomegranate in your hand and squeeze it lightly. It should be firm and at the same time slightly elastic. If it is completely hard or very soft, or has soft spots, discard such a garnet in favor of another specimen.

The best varieties of cucumbers The number of zoned varieties and hybrids of cucumber increases every year. We list the most promising of them that can be grown in open and protected ground: Herman is the most popular, super early (38–40 days), super high-yielding hybrid. The fruits are large-tuberous, uniform cylindrical shape, 9–11 cm long, without bitterness. Recommended for cultivation in open and protected ground. Designed for fresh consumption and processing. Masha is parthenocarpic, the earliest gherkin cucumber hybrid: it begins to bear fruit 37–39 days after germination. The fruits ripen together and have an attractive presentation: pimply, standard in size, 8–11 cm long. Tasty both fresh and pickled. The hybrid is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, relatively resistant to downy mildew. Transportable. Karin is a very early high-yielding hybrid (40-42 days), small tuberculate. The fruits are uniform, cylindrical, high quality, excellent color, without bitterness. Recommended for cultivation in open and protected ground. Universal use. Greenland is an early ripe parthenocarpic hybrid for film greenhouses. Beautiful white-thorned fruits are ready for use 40–45 days after germination. Zelenets is large, tuberculate, without bitterness, good fresh. Resistant to olive blotch, powdery mildew, downy mildew, cucumber mosaic virus. Ginga is an early ripening (43-45 days) parthenocarpic hybrid for film greenhouses, shelters and open ground. Plants form 2-3 fruits at each node. Gherkin fruits are beautiful, 8-10 cm long, small-tuberous, genetically without bitterness, excellent taste qualities - both fresh and canned. The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew, downy mildew, cucumber mosaic virus, tolerant to olive blotch. Katya is an early, super-high-yielding, super-productive, lettuce hybrid. The fruits are uniform, smooth, 19–20 cm long, beautiful green in color, without bitterness, heat-resistant. It is recommended to grow in winter, spring, summer periods, in greenhouses of all kinds. Madita is an early high-yielding hybrid. The fruits are large-tuberous, uniform, cylindrical, high quality, excellent color, without bitterness. Recommended for cultivation in open and protected ground. Universal use. Marinda is an early ripe high-yielding hybrid. The fruits are large-tuberous with thorns, beautiful dark green color, 8–12 cm long. Recommended for cultivation in open and protected ground. Universal use. Meringue is a super-early (37-38 days), super-yielding hybrid. The fruits are large-tuberous, regular cylindrical in shape, dark green in color, 8–10 cm long. Recommended for growing in open and protected ground. Universal use. Liliput (breeder S. Gavrish) is an early maturing (38–42 days from germination to fruiting), parthenocarpic hybrid of the female flowering type, intended for cultivation in open and protected ground. Zelenets is cylindrical in shape, 7–9 cm long, weighing 80–90 g, tubercles are medium, often located. Each leaf axil produces 7–10 ovaries. Sowing seedlings in late April - early May. Landing in the ground is carried out in late May - early June in the phase of two or three true leaves under temporary film shelters. Sowing in open ground is carried out in late May - early June. Recommended for picking pickles and gherkins, preparing high-quality canned food. To obtain pickles, the collection is carried out daily, gherkins - every other day. Irregular harvesting leads to thickening of the fruit. The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew, downy mildew, olive blotch and root rot. Productivity - 10.5–11.5 kg / m2. The optimum soil temperature for seed germination is 25–30 °C. Harmonist (breeder S. Gavrish) is an early maturing (39–42 days from germination to fruiting) parthenocarpic hybrid of the female flowering type, intended for cultivation in open and protected ground. Zelenets is cylindrical in shape, 10–12 cm long, weighing 90–100 g, tubercles are small, often located. In each leaf axil, 6–8 ovaries are formed. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in late April - early May. Landing in the ground is carried out in late May - early June in the phase of two or three true leaves under temporary film shelters. Sowing in open ground is carried out in late May - early June. The use of fruits is universal (fresh, salting, pickling). The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew, downy mildew, olive blotch and root rot. Productivity - 12-13 kg / m2. The optimum soil temperature for seed germination is 25–30 °C. Kolyan (breeder V. Yurin) is an early (43–48 days) cucumber hybrid for growing in spring greenhouses. Ovaries 2-3 pcs. in node. Plants are relatively resistant to powdery mildew, downy mildew, olive blotch, root rot, cold hardy. The fruits are white-thorned, large-tuberous, dark green with light stripes. Length - 10-12 cm. Fruits without bitterness (the trait is fixed at the genetic level). The fruits are good in pickling and in salad, the taste is high. Productivity - up to 15 kg / m2. It is included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use in production since 2006. Sowing for seedlings - the end of April, planting an unheated greenhouse in the ground - the end of May, in open ground - from June 5. Planting density in greenhouses - 2.5 plants / m2, in open ground - 3-4 plants / m2. Plant care: tying plants on a trellis, removing the lower five side shoots. Watering before the start of the collection is very moderate, after the start of the collection - daily (1–3 l / m2). The Moscow delicacy is a parthenocarpic early ripe (42 days) hybrid. The plant is medium climbing, with bundle formation of ovaries. Zelentsy are beautiful, cylindrical, small tuberculate, genetically without bitterness, do not outgrow. Good fresh and canned. Recommended for open and protected ground. Differs in high productivity and marketability. Resistant to major diseases. Zozulya is a parthenocarpic early ripe (40–45 days) hybrid of a predominantly female flowering type. For spring greenhouses and tunnels. Zelenets is tuberculate, white-thorned, 14–22 cm long. It is characterized by a friendly massive and long-term return of the crop. Resistant to olive blotch, tolerant to root rot. April - self-pollinated, early, fruitful. The fruits are tasty, salad, but they can also be preserved. The length of the fruit is 14–22 cm. It is grown under a film. Primadonna is one of the earliest indoors. Parthenocarpic, early maturing, high-yielding hybrid with a predominantly female type of flowering. Fruits of excellent taste and commercial qualities: small-tuberous, beautifully shaped, crispy, good for canning, long-term storage. Productivity in the greenhouse - up to 28 kg / m2. Parker is a mid-early hybrid, used for growing in open ground and under temporary film shelters. Prone to parthenocarpy (self-pollination). Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, powdery mildew and root rot. Graceful fruits without bitterness, with excellent taste, pickling. Ripe on the 50th day after germination. Lord is a mid-season, productive, bee-pollinated hybrid, predominantly female type of flowering. Cultivated in open ground. Zelenets 10–12 cm long. It has high canning and pickling qualities. Resistant to downy mildew and olive blotch. The farmer is a productive, mid-season, bee-pollinated hybrid, predominantly female type of flowering. Grown in open ground. Zelenets 10–12 cm long. Relatively cold-resistant. Resistant to olive blotch (cladosporiosis), powdery mildew and downy mildew. A feature of the hybrid is the intensive growth of the main lash and the rapid appearance of side shoots, with the growth of which mass long-term fruiting occurs. Suitable for canning and salting. Graceful - medium climbing, universal use. From mass shoots to fruiting - 45-50 days. Differs in the increased endurance to adverse weather conditions and resistance to an olive blotch. Zelenets ellipsoidal shape, small tuberculate. Fruit weight - 90 g. Galina - a very early hybrid (38-40 days, analogue of Annushka), 8-12 cm, large-tuberculate with thorns, without bitterness, ideal for salting. Recommended for growing in arched and film greenhouses and in open ground. Natasha is an early hybrid (40–42 days), large-tuberous with thorns, without bitterness, universal use. Recommended for outdoor cultivation in vertical and horizontal ways. Safa is a highly productive, very early hybrid of lettuce mini-cucumber. The fruits are smooth, cylindrical, saturated dark green in color, 16–18 cm long. Recommended for cultivation in open ground and for fresh consumption and processing. Sonata - a consistently high yield. Mid-season (45–53 days) hybrid of predominantly female type of flowering. For open ground. The plant is medium. Zelenets 6–9 cm long, weighing 60–80 g, genetically without bitterness. The taste qualities are excellent. For fresh consumption and canning. Resistant to powdery mildew pathogens, cladosporiosis. Prestige - productive, long-term fruiting. Partnenocarpic, early maturing, highly productive hybrid. It is characterized by a long period of fruiting, resistance to diseases and stressful conditions. Gives stable and high yields both in open and closed ground: up to 25 kg of fruits per 1 m2. Gherkin fruits are not bitter, retain their marketable appearance for a long time, and are ideal for canning. Lightly salted cucumber - clusters of neat fruits just ask for a barrel for pickling! Crispy, fragrant and tasty lightly salted cucumbers are obtained very quickly! Naf-fanto - grown in open and closed ground. Early, high-yielding, bee-pollinated hybrid. The plant is powerful, with a predominance of female flowers. The fruits are small, suitable for pickling. A tomboy cucumber is a crispy vitamin appetizer “between the first and second” for any friendly feast. Yes, what Russian does not know a lot about this! Cucumber - well done! Droplet - excellent transportability. Early ripe (43-45 days) variety for open ground. The fruits are genetically without bitterness, 9–11 cm long, retain their green color for a long time. Universal use. Connie is genetically without bitterness. Early ripe (43–45 days). High yielding parthenocarpic hybrid. The plant is medium climbing, with bundle formation of ovaries. Zelenets is cylindrical, often tuberculate, white-thorned, does not outgrow. Resistant to major diseases. For open and protected ground. Picnic - friendly return of pickles! Early maturing (43-48 days), parthenocarpic hybrid of the female type of flowering. Due to the large bouquets of ovaries on the main shoot (up to 8–10 pieces), it is characterized by a very friendly return of the crop. Zelenets 10-12 cm long, often tuberculate, white-thorned, good fresh and canned. Relatively resistant to major cucumber diseases. For film greenhouses. Cucumber breeding, aimed at creating heterotic hybrids, has advanced very far, cucumber is one of those few vegetable crops, in the cultivation of which even amateurs prefer hybrids. This is due to the great advantage of the latter in comparison with varieties. Unfortunately, despite the relative cheapness of seeds, varieties, unlike modern hybrids, have a number of disadvantages. Of course, even today varieties have their fans, many gardeners have been growing them for a long time, they are used to them, besides, some varieties have a rather good quality of processed products (some varieties are especially good for pickling). Nevertheless, they also have many disadvantages: a small number of ovaries on the plant, late fruiting, large fruits, rapid overgrowth and yellowing of greens. One of the few varieties that is really worth paying attention to is Phoenix. Despite large fruits (up to 15 cm), late onset of fruiting, it was the most resistant to peronosporosis (downy mildew). Until now, this variety is grown as the best for canning. Hybrids differ from varieties in that they form fruits in the absence of pollination, they are called parthenocarpic, according to the type of flowering hybrids of the female type of flowering (without barren flowers). Usually, gardeners prefer early and mid-ripening gherkin-type hybrids 6–8 cm long. Mostly pickling ones are chosen. By the nature of the surface of the fruit, it is better to choose small-tuberculate ones. The main criterion: fruitful and resistant to fungal diseases. Oktyabrina Ganechkina.

Pomegranate is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in iron, manganese, iodine, potassium. Thanks to the regular use of juice or grains, immunity improves, hemoglobin increases, metabolism is restored. Unfortunately, many do not know how to choose a pomegranate. The answer to the question is contained in the article.


Pomegranate is a useful berry. It is enriched with many valuable elements, including minerals, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, antioxidants, fiber, fructose, glucose and citric acid.

Fruits are useful for heart problems: with hypertension, anemia or low hemoglobin. The fruit should be eaten by people with diseases of the lungs, liver and kidneys. In addition, seeds are considered a natural antioxidant, their use restores the hormonal system. Another product is able to reduce fever.

Fruit crust

In the East they say that the fruit should be juicy inside and dry outside. Therefore, if you are interested in how to choose the right pomegranate, you need to examine its crust. It should be slightly dried and "fit" the grains. This nuance is important, since the peel can dry out due to long-term storage, and this leads to drying out of the grains.

The smoothness and dryness of the crust indicates that the fruit was plucked from the tree before ripening. Red grains visible through the incised peel do not confirm the sweetness. It is necessary to evaluate the condition and color of the skin. The peel should not have defects and cracks. The color of the fruit varies from deep red to dark red.

Dark spots and small cracks appear on the skin of an overripe product, while an unripe product will have a light skin. The thickness of the fruit crust of a quality fruit is about 2 mm. Even if it is a rich red color, you should pay attention to the place where the flower was: a ripe fruit does not have anything green there.


How to choose a ripe and sweet pomegranate, taking into account other nuances? You need to pay attention to weight. The selected fruit must be compared with the rest that are on sale. It is advisable to choose them from two or more batches.

The larger the pomegranate, the more juicy its seeds. Therefore, it is better to choose a large product. If they are about the same size, you need to weigh them, mature fruits are usually heavier because they include a lot of juice.


How to choose a ripe pomegranate by sound? You need to knock on the fetus and listen to it. The ripe fruit has a "metallic" sound, reminiscent of tapping on a metal container. The reason for this is the abundance of juice inside. And in immature products, the sound is deaf.

With tapping on an overripe fruit, dents remain on the skin, and the sound will be muffled. It is necessary to check it for elasticity. You should take it and squeeze it. The pomegranate should be firm and its peel should be elastic. Fingerprints indicate that the fruit is overripe or was dented during transportation, it is better not to choose it.

A hard pomegranate may be green inside. The ripe fruit has pink, beautiful grains separated by thin membranes. Juiciness depends on the amount of pulp. Ripe pomegranate has no smell. You can taste the fruit to check its ripeness.

The country

How to choose a pomegranate by country of growth? It is advisable to choose fruits from those states that are closer. The further the country is located, the greater the risk that the fetus will be spoiled during delivery.

Usually, unripe fruits are picked for long-term transportation, which may not ripen on the way or be sour. Residents of Russia are better off buying fruits from Tashkent. It is advisable to purchase them in November or December, because during this period they are ripe and sweet. These nuances are the main ones on how to choose the right ripe and sweet pomegranate.

What if the pomegranate is not ripe?

Unripe fruit is allowed, but in small quantities. But after all, there will be no pleasure from such a product, it is sour. It is advisable to choose ripe fruits, as unripe ones upset the stomach.

Unripe products do not ripen at home. They have to do it on a tree, and if they were picked out of time, then they remain almost the same, so it is important to know how to choose a pomegranate.

How to squeeze juice?

You need to know not only how to choose a pomegranate, but also how to squeeze juice out of it. For this, a special juicer is used. The fruit must be cut in half, and juice is squeezed out of each half. The drink can be obtained with an auger juicer suitable for stone fruits: this requires peeling the fruit and separating it into grains, removing the partitions.

The juice is also squeezed out by hand. To do this, you need to strongly crush the product right in the peel. It is important not to damage the skin. When the fruit becomes soft, you need to make a hole through which you should squeeze the juice. You need to drink the drink in a diluted form, since the acid is harmful to tooth enamel and the gastric mucosa. The juice sold in stores is usually already diluted.

Benefits of Juice

Pomegranate juice is useful for many diseases. It is recommended to use it for sore throat, asthma, radiation exposure. Pediatricians advise giving the drink to children, but in small quantities. It is advisable to dilute the juice with water or mineral water, as well as drink through a straw.

The drink has fixing properties, so it is not recommended for constipation. And since it has a high acidity, it should not be consumed by people with chronic stomach ailments. It is important to know how to choose pomegranate juice for it to be beneficial:

  1. The label must contain the name of the manufacturer.
  2. If it says "nectar", then this serves as confirmation that the drink is diluted. The color of natural juice is red. The brown tone indicates that the juice is mixed with wild rose or pomegranate peels were used in the manufacture.
  3. This drink is expensive, so if there is a low price, it is better to refuse to buy.
  4. The container must be intact. It is advisable to choose juice in glass bottles.

Thus, it is necessary to be able to choose pomegranate and juice from it. Quality products are good for health and also have a pleasant taste.

How to choose a ripe pomegranate

When choosing a fruit, pay attention not only to its appearance, but also to other factors: the country of production, size, weight and smell. Of no small importance are the condition of the peel, the taste and appearance of the grains, but their ripeness can be determined already at home. Let's talk about this in more detail.

the art of consumption: how to choose a ripe and sweet pomegranate

How to choose a ripe pomegranate in a store where, at best, they are allowed to hold the fruit in their hands and inspect it externally without damaging the shell? There are several tricks.

Country of Origin

Choose pomegranates that grow closest to your country. The longer the fruit is on the road, the more likely it is that the grains will begin to rot. To make matters worse, grenades intended for long hauls are plucked green. Ripening on the road, the fruit acquires a sour taste.

Skin color and condition

Delicious fruit does not have to be presentable. But at the same time, the color of the peel should be even, uniform and slightly glossy. Depending on the variety, garnets are found in bright red, orange or pinkish hues. There are completely exotic options for green, yellow and even purple - but this is a rarity.

Brown spots on the peel are a clear sign that the fruit is rotting inside.

Take the fruit in your hands. The peel may feel slightly rough and dry to the touch - this is normal. Wet, soft peel with traces of damage is the first sign of a violation of the conditions for transporting and storing fruit.

Lightly press on the grenade. If it springs, the fruit is ripe and juicy. If a finger print remains on the peel, the fruit has been stored for a long time and may be sluggish.

Tap on the grenade. Ripe fruits make a thin sound, while unripe or overripe fruits give a dull sound.

Weight and size

How to choose the right ripe and juicy pomegranate if there is no way to hold it in your hands? Focus on its weight and size. A large fruit means that the fruit has been on the tree longer - it is more likely to be juicy and sweet.

If the pomegranate weighs a lot, it means that there are no voids in it. Compare several fruits of the same size and choose the heaviest one.


Examine the "tail" of the pomegranate. The inflorescence should be completely open and withered. The presence of green sprouts indicates that the fruit was picked unripe.

How to choose a ripe and sweet pomegranate: video

For more information on how to choose the right ripe fruit and how to peel it, see here.