Rice: the secrets of proper cooking. How to cook loose rice properly

28.09.2019 Beverages

Rice is one of the most common foods. It is used in the preparation of many dishes. The most popular culinary creation using this cereal is pilaf. Very often you need to boil rice so that it is crumbly and tasty. Despite all the simplicity, this is not so easy to do. It all depends on several conditions, from the choice of cereals to the cooking technology. How to cook rice so that it is crumbly? Let's talk about this.


One of the most important rules for preparing friable rice is the choice of the starting product. There are many varieties of cereals that differ from each other and are designed for specific dishes.

If you choose the wrong variety, then boiled, crumbly rice will not work in any case, despite its excellent culinary abilities. Some types of this cereal boil well, with increased stickiness. They will not make a crumbly side dish. Therefore, this fact is worth paying attention to.


Let's take a look at a few of the most popular varieties that are most often found in our kitchens. Traditional round grain rice is a classic among cereals. In the old days, housewives, not spoiled by great abundance, used only it. This variety perfectly absorbs water and sticks well. Loose rice, the recipe for which we will consider further, will not work out of it.

Medium grains should also not be selected if you want a nice side dish that won't stick together. It can be used to make risotto or added to soup. It also absorbs water well and does not stick together. The best option for making a crumbly side dish is long-grain cereal. It does not boil over and does not absorb water as quickly as previous varieties.

A few tricks

In addition to choosing the most suitable variety, you also need to know a few subtleties of cooking. The first is the preliminary washing of the cereal. This must be done many times until the drained water becomes transparent. This will remove excess starch and stickiness from the cereal. Better yet, soak the rice in cold water a few hours before cooking. Water should be poured in twice the volume of cereals. Rice is put only in boiling water. After boiling, cover the pan with a lid and do not open until the end of cooking.

The cooking time is usually about 12 minutes. We make the fire minimal so that the cereals languish and steamed. Turn off the finished rice and leave it in the pan for another 10-15 minutes, so that the dish, as they say, reaches. You can then add other ingredients and seasonings to it. If you don't know how to cook rice so that it is crumbly, then follow these tips.

Choice of dishes

Another important point is the choice of dishes. At first glance, it may seem that this is not the main thing. Of course, you can cook rice in any container, but there is still a difference. It is better to take a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls for cooking. Cast iron containers are ideal for this.

The rice should not stick to the bottom and sides. The lid of the pot should fit snugly and not let off steam. Rice is not just cooked, but steamed. Many modern housewives use the help of miracle technology. This is also a quick cooking option. Still, the old way, in our opinion, is the best.

Classic recipe

How to cook crumbly rice? Here's the easiest recipe. Take a glass of rice, two glasses of water, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt. Before boiling rice, it must be thoroughly rinsed or soaked in water. Boil water separately. We choose a suitable container, preferably with a thick bottom. We put the saucepan on the fire and pour oil into it.

Then put the rice there and fry it for about 3 minutes. This will give it a golden color. After that, pour boiling water into the pan and add salt. Mix everything, close the lid and cook the rice until tender. The fire should be minimal. When the water is absorbed, the delicious crumbly rice is ready.

Another easy way

If you need cereals without adding other ingredients, then cook them according to the following recipe. Rinse loose rice thoroughly before cooking. Then fill with water so that there is more cereal by about two fingers. Now we set it aside for one and a half to two hours. During this time, the rice will swell and absorb almost all the moisture. Next, add a little water, about one finger, and set the cereal to boil. We make the fire small. After 10 minutes, all the liquid has evaporated and crumbly rice remains.

Fragrant dish

Loose rice, the recipe for which is given in this article, should also be delicious. This is especially true when a side dish is being made. Let's prepare it in the following way. First, fill the cereal with water and set it aside for 15 minutes. Then put the rice on a sieve and let all the liquid drain. It must stay dry. We take a large frying pan, heat it up and put the rice on it. Dry the cereal, stirring constantly. It should dry completely. In a separate saucepan, boil water, the volume of which is twice the volume of rice. Then add salt and all the necessary spices to it (herbs and seasonings that will give the dish aroma and taste).

Next, put rice in water and bring to a boil. After that, reduce the heat to a minimum and close the lid. The dish will be ready in 10 minutes. If you do not know how to cook rice so that it is crumbly and at the same time tasty and aromatic, then use this recipe. Surely it will be a discovery for you.

Simple and tasty

This is another way to prepare crumbly cereals. Rinse the rice before boiling it. This rule remains the same for any cooking method. Then we put it in boiling water and wait for it to boil again. Next, put the cereals on a sieve and rinse. Now you need to pour cold water into a saucepan and place rice there. It will be ready in 7-10 minutes. The garnish is tasty and crumbly. At the end of cooking, you can season it with butter and sprinkle with herbs.

Rice in vegetable broth

For a richer rice flavor, you can use meat or vegetable broth instead of water. First, rinse the cereal and fill it with water. Then we put a pot of water on the fire and put vegetables (carrots, onions, various roots, etc.) into it. When the broth is cooked, strain it. We put the rice in a colander and fill it with broth. We set it to cook for ten to twelve minutes. The pot should be tightly closed with a lid. Do not forget to add salt to taste. This can be done at the end of cooking.

You can also cook crumbly rice using modern technology. It will take less time, but the result will be almost the same. For cooking, take two cups of rice, salt to taste, a little garlic, a little olive oil and 4 cups of water.

Loose rice in a multicooker is almost always obtained. As usual, rinse the cereals until the water is transparent. Then we put it in the multicooker bowl, add chopped garlic, water and salt. We set the cooking mode for buckwheat and wait for the end of the process. At the end, pour in olive oil and mix everything. It turns out crumbly rice in a multicooker is delicious.


Using all of the above tips and tricks, you can prepare exactly the dish that you have in mind. Choose the right kind of rice, the right dishes and follow the technology, then the process of creating a culinary masterpiece will not be difficult.

Now you know how to cook rice so that it is crumbly. Rinse the cereal well, soak it, if there is time, and use seasonings to add flavor to the dish. Use these recipes to make side dishes to decorate any meat, vegetable or fish dish.

Rice is an extremely versatile cereal: you can serve it sweet, like Japanese desserts, mix it with hot sauces, or practically without spices. It can be either a main course or a side dish for meat. It often happens that the hostess's rice comes out too viscous, boiled and soft, no matter how hard she tries. In this article, you will learn several methods on how to avoid such cooking of rice, as well as the secrets of the correct preparation of this cereal.

How to cook loose rice properly

If you want to get a grain to grain side dish, then you should choose long-grain and round rice varieties. Such rice absorbs too much water, gradually boiling. You don't need any special ingredients, everything is extremely simple:

  • Take a glass of rice.
  • Two glasses of clean water.
  • The pan should be with thick walls, like a cauldron.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Put the water to a boil, only then start rinsing the rice. This algorithm is due to the fact that the contact of cereals with water should occur almost before cooking, otherwise the rice will have time to absorb excess water, which will lead to boiling.

Rinse the groats at least 8-10 times until the water becomes completely transparent. You can use a colander for this if its holes do not allow grains to pass through.

As soon as the water boils, add salt. Add other free-flowing spices if desired. It is necessary to send rice into a saucepan strictly in hot boiling water so that the cooking process begins immediately. The cooking temperature must be changed, namely:

  • Once you put the rice in the pot, the heat should be high to bring the water back to the boil as soon as possible.
  • Reduce heat to minimum when the water is boiling.

Cover the saucepan and leave for 15-20 minutes. Just forget about her. When you open the lid. you will see crumbly cooked rice. Leave it to stand for another 15 minutes under a closed lid with the fire turned off, so that the remaining moisture is absorbed into the cereal.

How to properly cook rice in a slow cooker

Usually, for cooking good rice in a multicooker, a little less water is taken. Take one and a half glasses of water for a glass of cereal. Remember to rinse the rice well.

  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl.
  • Pour in the washed and squeezed rice.
  • Add spices.

Please note that the groats must be evenly distributed over the bottom of the bowl, otherwise some of the kernels will not cook well.

Now close the lid and put on the “Rice” or “Pilaf” program. Some multicooker differ in the set of options. The cooking time will be 15 minutes.

If you have the “Keep warm” function, then keep the rice to warm for another 20 minutes with the lid of the multicooker open. So all the moisture will go into the grains, leaving them crumbly.

Do not forget about the thoroughness of washing the cereals, since there is rice flour between the grains, formed in the process of rubbing the grains in the bag. If this dust is not removed well, the rice will start to stick together in the early stages of cooking.

If you cook rice for dishes such as sushi, mochi or onigiri, then the very concept of proper rice turns upside down. For Japanese cuisine, rice should be sticky, but not boiled. This is difficult to achieve, so ideally a special Asian vinegar is used, which can be found on store shelves in the sushi section. Add a few tablespoons of this vinegar when cooking rice and you have a sticky side dish. It can be used to sculpt onigiri and rolls.

When rice is cooked for desserts, the vanilla extract and other flavorings must be added directly to the water during the cooking process. Do not forget that such cereals in desserts should have only a slight aroma.

Do not add to rice:

  • Lemon.
  • Butter.
  • Plain table vinegar.

These are all culinary myths that will only spoil your side dish. Loose grains begin with experience when you have the perfect cooking time and exact amount of water.

To enjoy the cereal for a long time, transfer it from the saucepan to a wooden container or plastic container. This will keep it crumbly longer, even if stored in the refrigerator.

Not all of us know how to cook rice properly so that it is not just tasty, but crumbly. Often the dish turns out to be like a viscous porridge, in which all the grains are stuck together. Next time, in order to prepare the perfect side dish, you only need to remember a few important rules, which we are going to talk about in our article. But, first, let's find out how much to cook rice, depending on the variety.

How much to cook rice

Approximate cooking times by variety:

  • white: 18 - 25 minutes, in a multicooker - 35 (min) without soaking overnight;
  • brown: 30 - 40 (min);
  • wild: 45 - 60 (min).

Rice should be cooked no longer than the allotted time. If liquid remains at the bottom, it must be drained and the saucepan removed from the stove.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly

Housewives often ask how to cook rice for a side dish so that it is crumbly. The answer is simple: use a 1: 2 ratio (one measure of cereal and two measures of water). If you are cooking in a multicooker, then take a ratio of 1: 3.


1. Rinse the beans well in a colander or bowl.

2. Take the correct ratio of cereal and water (1: 2).

3. First, boil the water, and then pour the washed cereal into it. Add salt (1/2 teaspoon or less) and butter (1 tablespoon optional), setting the stove to slow cooking.

4. Do not lift the lid of the saucepan during the process.

5. 5 minutes before serving the dish, open a saucepan, put a tea towel on it. The fabric will absorb excess moisture and condensation, preventing the grains from sticking to each other.

6. Before serving, gently stir the garnish with a fork to separate the beans.

7. Loose rice for garnish is ready. Serve meat or fish dishes with it.

Try also the perfect recipe for weight loss with vegetables. It is simple, but with a surprise: it satiates and helps to lose those extra pounds.

Prepare vegetables:

  • boil green bean pods in salted water, fresh: for 5 (min), cook frozen for 3 (min), and steam for 8 (min);
  • chop the onions and simmer in vegetable oil for about three minutes over medium heat;
  • boil carrots and cut into cubes.
  • buy green peas and canned corn from the store.

2. Toss all vegetables with crumbly rice. Serve and savor the new flavor of a familiar dish.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

We will tell you how to deliciously cook rice in a slow cooker so that it still turns out to be crumbly.

The recipe for cooking in a multicooker.

1. Wash the cereals first in cool and then warm water.

2. Transfer to a container and pour hot water (1: 3). One glass of cereal versus three glasses of liquid.

3. Turn on the appropriate mode, as written in the instructions for the multicooker and wait for the signal to finish cooking the dish.

4. Place the loose rice on a side dish in bowls. It goes well with vegetables, meat, chicken or fish. Add them as desired. Drizzle with sauce or ketchup.

Many housewives ask how to cook rice for sushi. Today I offer them my own recipe. It is simple and only takes 25 minutes. You can use your favorite foods to make sushi. I like carrots, cucumbers and avocado pieces.

My original recipe is for five servings.


  • white rice (2 cups)
  • water (3 glasses),
  • rice vinegar (1/2 cup)
  • vegetable oil (1 tablespoon),
  • white sugar (1/4 cup)
  • salt (1 tsp).

So how to cook sushi rice? The recipe includes two steps.

1. Preparation of cereals (5 min.).

2. Heat treatment (20 min.).

Step-by-step instruction.

1. Rinse the beans in a colander until the liquid is clear.

2. Combine with water in a medium saucepan without a lid. Put on high heat.

3. Wait until it boils and switch the hotplate. Cook with the lid closed for 20 minutes.

4. In a separate saucepan, combine the rice vinegar, oil, sugar and salt. Cook over medium heat until sugar dissolves.

5. Cool and add to cooked rice.

6. Stir until it absorbs the sauce.

If you are cooking in a multicooker, select the (buckwheat) mode.

How to cook delicious rice for a side dish

You can cook any rice for a side dish (brown, white round or long-grain). Whether you are counting calories, exercising weight, or preparing rice dishes for children, information on the nutritional value of these foods will be helpful.

For the growth and development of children, brown and long-grain are considered the most useful. And for weight loss, as an ideal option, grinded round grain is better suited.

How to cook long grain rice? Just like round! Add another new recipe to your notebook.


  • 2 teaspoons of butter or vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup long grain white rice
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.

How to cook rice, cooking recipe.

1. Rinse the beans under running water in a colander.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

3. Add cereal, stir for 1 - 2 minutes, add salt and oil.

4. Close the pot and switch the stove to low power. Cook for 20 (min) or until all liquid is absorbed into the grains.

5. Remove from heat and let it brew for 2 (min). Cover the pot with a napkin to keep the rice crumbly. Stir with a fork before serving.

How to cook parboiled rice

Housewives know that steamed rice is found in stores. It is darker than the polished variety we are accustomed to, and, as it turns out, is much more useful. It contains more trace elements and vitamins. If you are interested in such a product, we will tell you how to cook parboiled rice on the stove and in a multicooker.

Stick to proportions 1: 2. Boil water, salt and add washed cereals. After boiling, simmer in a covered saucepan over low heat for 12 minutes. Remove from the stove and let the cereal brew. Add oil and spices to taste.

Parboiled rice can be cooked in another way, with cold soaking for an hour. Then, after boiling, it is cooked for only about 10 minutes. First you need to add a little water.

How to cook parboiled rice in a slow cooker?

In the instructions for the multicooker, find information about the cooking time. Observe the proportions 1: 3. Rinse the grains and soak for an hour. Transfer to a container, add water and turn on the (pilaf) mode. Switch to (heating) mode 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

How to cook brown rice

Supporters of healthy eating may find useful information on how to cook brown rice.

Preparatory stage.

1. Soak brown rice overnight.

2. Rinse with running water.

How to cook brown rice, the main step.

  • Cover with cold water and put on fire.
  • After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from stove, rinse again.
  • Pour cold water a second time and put on fire.
  • Cook 15 minutes after boiling.
  • Remove from the stove, close the pot and place it under a warm blanket.

After such a long process, the side dish is crumbly and delicious!

What food can be simpler and more unpretentious? What food can be more sophisticated and refined? All of these seemingly conflicting definitions refer to the same product. To rice.

White rice is able to please any mood, because it is the only cereal that has a truly neutral and pure taste. Thanks to this, rice tends to be combined with absolutely any food. Meat and fish, vegetables and milk - you can add whatever your heart desires to rice, thanks to which you can get a new dish at least every day.

In addition, due to its simplicity and even some amazing "modesty" of its taste, rice is very good "friends" with any spices, which opens up almost limitless horizons for the culinary specialist's imagination.

Boiled friable rice is an unfading classic not only of the Oriental, but also, today, of any everyday cuisine. It is a versatile side dish for anything, an indispensable ingredient in some salads and just a delicious dish, in itself, without any additions.

Do you know how to cook such a real, versatile rice - crumbly, not sticky, grain to grain? If not, let's learn.

There is also a useful article on my blog -. I advise you to read, there is a lot of useful information.

How to prepare crumbly rice for a side dish

Rice, as we have already mentioned, is a simple and unpretentious dish. But in order for this dish to be also tasty, it is not enough just to take and boil it. To prepare the "right" rice that will please anyone, even the most picky taste, you need to know a few secrets. We will now reveal them to you.

Let's go to the kitchen, we will master all the subtleties in practice. Take a bag of cereals and a saucepan out of the cabinet.

As you know, theater begins with a hanger, and cooking begins with the necessary utensils. What kind of saucepan have you prepared for cooking rice? Set aside the enamelled one immediately - the dish will definitely burn in it. Aluminum won't work either.

1. Now you will learn the first secret of properly cooked rice: boil it in a deep bowl with thick walls. Yes, a cast-iron cauldron will be just right. A heavy-bottomed saucepan is also suitable.

The fact is that this cereal "loves" uniform heating. In a good cast-iron saucepan, the rice is thoroughly warmed up from all sides, and at the end of cooking, when the outer shell of the cereal has already softened, the uniform heat allows the core of the grain to be steamed. Thus, each grain of rice maintains a uniform structure.

This is difficult to achieve with aluminum cookware, since thin aluminum is not able to accumulate heat and send it into the depth of the product.

2. Now about the rice itself.

Which one, by the way, are you going to sprinkle with a generous hand for cooking? Set aside the round one without regret - it is suitable only for cereals, casseroles and sushi. When you think of making crumbly rice, take long grain, ideally Jasmine or Basmati. And this is the second secret of the right rice. I don't like parboiled rice - it has a slightly different taste and density, regular rice tastes better.

So, take 1 cup of dry long rice. If there is, choose litter and dark grains, we don't need them.

3. First of all, rinse it thoroughly with water. Do it as thoroughly as possible! The cloudy and white water should become clear and transparent, so rinse without laziness as many times as necessary.

And this is the third secret of the right rice - thorough rinsing before cooking.

Rinse at least 7 times.

4. Take your time to relax. Water for rinsing should only be cold. Not warm or hot. And this is the fourth secret of proper rice - wash it only in cold water.

The fact is that before cooking, we need to preserve the natural texture of the grains. Rice is a very delicate product, and from warm or hot water, starch in its outer shell can be brewed, and the texture of the cereal will be disturbed.

5. So, you rinsed the rice with cold water and put it in a cauldron with thick walls. Now you need to fill the cereal with water.

And here, attention, there is the fifth secret of well-cooked rice. Groats and water must be measured strictly in a 2: 3 ratio.

Therefore, since we have one glass of rice, we take one and a half glasses of water.

6. We put the cauldron on the stove and proceed directly to cooking.

Important! First, we make a large fire on the stove under the rice. Exactly great!

And this is the sixth secret of the right rice - to start cooking it with high heat.

So, our cauldron with rice is on high heat. Bring the rice to a boil and immediately cover with a lid.

7. Now immediately reduce the heat to tiny. So, abruptly.

And this is the seventh secret of proper rice - it is necessary to bring it to condition on a small, "quiet" fire.

From the very beginning, when the rice in cold water was just put on the stove and until the very end of cooking, 15 minutes should pass.

So, the required 15 minutes have passed, you should turn off the fire. Do not open the lid!

Leave the cauldron with rice, covered with a lid, for another 15 minutes.

8. And here, please, remember the last, eighth secret of correct rice. The lid for dishes with rice should be very tight, leaving no gap between itself and the pan. After turning off the heat, the rice should stand for a while and steam warm. So it will reach the desired condition, but it will not boil down. Therefore, a tight cover is needed - so that there is a "greenhouse" effect.

And in conclusion, good advice: it is very good, before boiling the rice, add vegetable oil to a pot of water (for one - one and a half glasses of dry cereal, about a tablespoon of oil is required). This technique will even better prevent the grains from sticking together.

There is another interesting way to cook loose rice in a skillet. Unlike the first recipe, washed and dried cereals are first fried in oil and only then water is added. A clove of garlic can be added for flavor. Let's see a step-by-step cooking recipe.

The proportions of water and rice are the same - for 1 glass of rice - 1.5 glasses of water.

Now you know all about cooking real, proper crumbly rice. Remember the eight secrets of its preparation, and you will definitely get that very rice - beautiful, tasty, grain to grain.

And one more important tip: any rice is best stored in a glass jar with a tight lid along with a dry hot pepper pod. Thanks to this, our rice will be saved from mustiness and retain its original delicate and neutral taste.

So, as you can see, rice is a truly versatile product. He simply must be present in the bins of any hostess, becoming for her a great help and relief in the culinary field.

Now you know the secrets and subtleties of handling this wonderful product. Having mastered the simple recipes for making friable rice offered by us, you can proceed to more complex and sophisticated recipes in the future.

Rice is a popular cereal crop all over the world, and this is not surprising, because it goes well with any meat, fish, vegetables. Rice is suitable for making all kinds of soups, puddings, casseroles, desserts, cereals. However, in order for the listed dishes to be tasty, it is necessary to be able to properly prepare this universal cereal. For experienced housewives, cooking rice will not seem difficult, but for novice cooks it can be a real challenge. How to cook crumbly rice so that it turns out appetizing, while retaining its useful properties?

What kind of rice to choose

To cook crumbly, tasty rice, it is important not only to follow the rules for its preparation, but also to choose a variety of cereals suitable for a particular dish. Depending on a particular recipe, different varieties of rice are used, which differ in useful properties, shape, color, processing method, and cooking time. Parboiled rice is a universal type of cereal for a crumbly dish. This type does not stick together during cooking and does not require prolonged heat treatment, due to which it retains a maximum of useful components. There are such varieties:

  • Long-grain rice, also known as basmati, is ideal for boiling crumbly porridge. Thin, oblong grains do not stick together during cooking. The long-grain variety is often used as a side dish for meat or fish.
  • Round rice is not a good option for cooking crumbly dishes, as it absorbs liquid very quickly and sticks together. It is better to use round grains for making rolls, casseroles, puddings.
  • Medium-grain rice, like round-grain rice, is not suitable for preparing crumbly porridge. The reason for this is the high content of starch and, in addition, this variety absorbs too much water, becoming viscous. Medium grains are often used for risottos or soups.

Step-by-step recipes for making loose rice with photos

The main rule that any housewife who wants to learn how to cook crumbly rice should know is that cereals must be rinsed several times before cooking until the water passing through it becomes transparent. This will remove excess starch, husk and dust from the rice. After that, it is worth soaking the grains in cold water for at least half an hour. This is necessary so that the rice is saturated with water, then it will be easier to cook the cereal crumbly.

Multicooker Loose Rice Recipe

Grains cooked in a multicooker are soft and crumbly. In addition, with this method of heat treatment, cereals retain a maximum of useful substances. By adding different spices to the dish, you can get different flavors and give the cereal an appetizing color. For example, seasoning a dish with curry or turmeric is easy to achieve a beautiful golden hue.


  • 3 multi-glasses of water.
  • 2 multi-glasses of rice.
  • Salt, seasonings.
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

How to cook crumbly rice using a multicooker:

  1. Rinse the cereal several times, put it in a multicooker container and fill it with hot water so that the liquid covers the grains by 1.5 fingers.
  2. Add salt, spices, vegetable oil. Stir containing bowls.
  3. Close the multicooker with a lid and turn on the "Buckwheat", "Pilaf" or "Normal cooking" mode. If you decide to use the "Pilaf" option, then a few minutes before the dish is ready, switch the program to "Heating" so that the bottom layer of cereal does not burn.

How to cook crumbly parboiled rice in the oven

With all the variety of rice recipes, one of the most successful is considered to be cooked in the oven. This dish has a unique taste. Despite the fact that you have to spend a lot of time, as a result you will get an original and healthy dinner. Using the oven allows you to combine cereals with any meat, vegetables, fish, as well as various seasonings and spices. Below is a recipe for making rice with chicken and vegetables.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of any chicken parts (fillets, drumsticks, wings).
  • 700 g of rice.
  • 2 onions.
  • A can of canned peas.
  • 1 carrot.
  • Spices, bouillon cube.

How to cook rice in the oven:

  1. Peel and chop the onion into thin rings. Fry it until golden brown. Cut the carrots into slices and add to the onion in the pan.
  2. Simultaneously with the toasting vegetables, do the rice. Rinse it off by changing the water several times.
  3. Strain the peas so that there is no moisture left in the jar.
  4. Wash the chicken, cut the meat into small pieces.
  5. Place all ingredients in a foil-lined baking sheet (or in a mold) one at a time. First onions and carrots, then peas, pure raw rice. Smooth the surface and sprinkle with crushed bouillon cube.
  6. Pour a liter of boiling water over the dish, top with the spiced meat.
  7. Cover the baking sheet tightly with a piece of foil and place in the oven for 90-120 minutes. If, after turning off the oven, you leave the rice in it for another half an hour, then it will become even more aromatic and tasty, nourishing the rest of the broth.

Cooking long-grain crumbly rice in a saucepan


  • A glass of rice.
  • One and a half glasses of water.
  • Salt.

How to cook rice for a side dish in water:

  1. Rinse the grains thoroughly in a colander under running water until you see a clear liquid pass through them.
  2. Wait for the rice to dry, pour it into a saucepan, cover with water, salt and put on fire.
  3. When the liquid comes to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover the container and cook for about 15 minutes more. And do not constantly stir the rice, just leave it for a while.
  4. When the dish is ready, let it sit and soak up any remaining moisture. To do this, cover the pot with a towel.
  5. Loosen the rice a little with a fork before serving. If you did everything right, you get a delicious airy side dish that should be served with absolutely any main course.

How to cook crumbly rice in the microwave


  • A glass of rice.
  • Two glasses of water.
  • Salt, spices optional.

How to cook crumbly rice porridge using the microwave:

  1. Pour the clean cereal into a microwave-safe dish and fill it with water.
  2. We wrap the container with cling film and send it to the microwave oven for 4-5 minutes, turning on the maximum power. Switch the power to medium and cook the beans for another 15 minutes.
  3. Leave the cooked rice under the film for another five minutes after turning off the oven. You can serve the dish as a side dish for fish or meat, or use the product as an ingredient in salads.

Video recipe for cooking friable rice for a side dish

Loose rice is prepared by gourmets all over the world. For example, people in eastern countries eat it every day. There is a theory that this makes them healthy and longevity. Cooking a crumbly porridge is not as difficult as it might seem to inexperienced cooks, but it is worth knowing the basic rules for its preparation. Improperly cooked cereals will have an unappetizing appearance, not to mention the loss of taste and valuable substances. With the help of the video, you will learn how to cook rice so that it turns out to be crumbly, tasty and healthy.