How to make rice paper spring rolls. Spring rolls with vegetables, a real recipe

10.04.2019 Bakery

A bit of history of Asian cuisine

Do you know that in Asia there is no way without rice and without fish too? An abundance of all kinds of spicy, sweet and sweet and sour sauces filled with outlets And after all, Asians eat all this with great pleasure. Spring Rolls is nothing but: stuffed pancakes in translation. Today we will talk about them. Spring pancakes are served for the spring festival in China and are also considered a ritual treat in Chinese. New Year... Spring rolls can be divided into two types: natural in quotes and fried spring rolls. The second option is the Vietnamese favorite pancakes "Nem", but we will tell about them in the next review - the "Cuisines of the world" section, the "Asian cuisine" section.

We will consider sheets of rice paper as the basis for making our rolls. Looking at these corrugated and rather brittle cakes, the question arises: "How is such a" lovely "made and is it edible?" Rice paper is edible! It is made from rice dough by drying on mats - hence the pattern on the surface. Spring roll fillings vary. Well, a small excursion was carried out, and now a recipe.

Spring roll ingredients

  • Rice paper - 1 pack;
  • Lightly salted red fish (salmon or pink salmon) - 300 grams;
  • Lettuce - 20 grams;
  • Funchoza noodles - 10 grams;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc;
  • Soy sauce - for serving.

Spring rolls - recipe with photo

  1. We prepare products for Asian pancakes stuffed with vegetables and red fish. Would need: glass noodles and round sheets of rice paper purchased from the supermarket or ordered online. Be sure to stock up on herbs and vegetables - fresh cucumber, carrots, bell peppers and your favorite lettuce... We use any red fish - we have salted pink salmon.
  2. Pass the pre-peeled carrots through a grater for Korean carrots... We put it in a bowl.

  3. Cut the red fish into elongated crowbars. We use lightly salted pink salmon, home salting and certainly in the form of boneless fillets.

  4. Cucumbers and bell pepper chop with strips or cubes, but always thinly. We can't do without cucumbers, because spring rolls with vegetables are perfect with cucumbers.

  5. So, the main components of the filling are prepared, let's start rolling the pancakes. Pour warm water in a tall bowl or plate under the first. We dip the rice paper, but so that the edges are softened first, and then the middle. You need to wet a kind of dough for spring rolls very quickly, otherwise everything will stick together faster than you stuff them. Don't worry if your first pancake comes out lumpy in Asian cuisine too. They have such a share of these pancakes, regardless of nationality.

  6. Let's continue. Transfer the slightly softened circle of paper to a mat or towel so that excess moisture is absorbed. In the middle, closer to the bottom edge, lay out the part vegetable slices... We do everything quickly - important point... Let's repeat: the paper will flicker with lightning speed.

  7. We attach the remaining filling. Plus funchose (rice noodles), which must be pre-poured for a couple of minutes hot boiled water, put in a colander, and then chop with scissors.

  8. We twist spring rolls according to the principle of forming ordinary cabbage rolls.

  9. We spread it on flat dish but at a distance from each other. Asian pancakes tend to stick together. An obligatory addition to the dish is fish or soy sauce (as in our case).

  10. We serve spring rolls with vegetables and red fish for a snack. Oh, how good they are in the context. The present spring dish, which can also winter evening remind of the gentle Asian sun.

Dish variations

  • Stuffed with shrimp, mango and lettuce, Asian pancakes are a gourmet fairy tale.
  • Stuffed minced meat fried spring rolls are cooked in a pan in sunflower oil. That's enough too interesting dish, very tasty and unusual.

The benefits of spring rolls

Asian rice paper pancakes are healthier than stuffed Russian pancakes, aren't they? They are less high in calories and are suitable for everyone who wants to lose those extra pounds. Great amount vitamins contains dried rice dough, and whole complex minerals: iron, sulfur, chromium, chlorine, iodine, zinc, potassium, selenium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, copper, boron, fluorine, cobalt, silicon, aluminum, nickel, sodium, phosphorus, etc. All this in one almost transparent sheet ...

It is also interesting that rice paper is edible for everyone without restriction, however, its taste is quite peculiar. Spring rolls are definitely a dish for everyone's taste. But, gentlemen, culinary experimenters, if you dropped by to us, then you should try them! KhozOboz will gladly accept any feedback about the received dish.

Cooking instructions

20 minutes Print

    1. Put the rice noodles in a bowl and pour over warm water, leave for five minutes, then put in a colander, dry and shorten, cutting across with a sharp knife, two or three times (depending on how long the spring rolls are).

  • 2. Carrots and white cabbage cut into the same thin straw... Peel the garlic and chop finely with a sharp knife or crush in a garlic press.
    Crib How to prepare garlic

  • 3. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into a well-heated wok and add the garlic. Fry for thirty seconds. Then add cabbage, carrots and sprouts. Fry, stirring occasionally, for another minute. Wok Tool The classic Chinese wok is a round steel pan that cooks swiftly, tossing the contents with the agility of street jugglers. If you really want to cook in a classic wok with a round bottom in an apartment where there is no gas stove, can be bought and embedded in work surface a special hotplate in the form of a ceramic funnel. It costs several times more than the most expensive wok, but it heats both the bottom and sides. The best choice for those who want to not only fry noodles and vegetables in a wok, but also use it as a deep saucepan, the Le Creuset enamelled cast iron wok. It is a versatile kitchen tool. In it, in one force, you can fry vegetables, meat and noodles or cook quick, almost like from a bag, soups. The focus of this pot is in its shape, which distributes heat in the most beneficial way and allows cooking with negligible amount of oil in negligible amount of minutes. At the same time, it is better to fry small amounts of food in a wok so that the food does not overflow and boil in a large, unwieldy heap.

  • 4. At the very last moment, toss the chopped rice noodles, mix gently with vegetables, add a tablespoon of soy sauce and immediately remove the pan from heat.

  • 5. In a wide tray or bowl with cold water soak all the sheets of rice paper one by one for thirty seconds. Transfer to a wide cutting board.

Summer is the time for toned figures and slender legs. So, it's time to cook something fresh and light in summer. For example, spring rolls - signature dish oriental culinary specialists. Fans will surely love them. asian food, and just for lovers of tasty and healthy food.

Spring rolls: what are they?

In the countries of Southeast Asia, spring rolls are called a whole group of cold snacks wrapped in a pancake, rice paper or other thin dough. Fillings can be very diverse: from fish and meat, to berry and fruit. These pancakes can be eaten raw, as an appetizer or main course, or they can be grilled until golden brown.

Traditionally rice pancakes served with soy, fish or peanut sauce... Although this is not at all necessary - spring rolls, in themselves, are very tasty. We suggest you make a small culinary journey without leaving home, and get to know the most popular recipes spring rolls from different countries.

Vietnam: Shrimp Spring Roll. Recipe


  1. Boiled shrimps (large) - 100 pcs.
  2. Funchoza (rice noodles) - 50 gr
  3. Carrots - 1 pc.
  4. Long cucumber - 1 pc.
  5. Parsley or cilantro - 3-4 sprigs
  6. Mint (optional) - 3-4 sprigs
  7. Lettuce leaves - 6 pcs.
  8. Rice paper - 8-10 pcs.

All spring roll ingredients, including rice paper, can be found on the counter in any major supermarket.


  • Pour half a pack of funchose (about 50 g) with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the water.
  • If you love spicy dishes, you can season the rice noodles with a special funchose sauce.
  • Wash the cucumber and carrots, peel and cut into strips. Cut the parsley and mint with a sharp knife: mint - very finely, parsley - medium.
  • Cut the lettuce leaves into 4 pieces. Traditionally, cooks use iceberg lettuce, but Beijing cabbage can also be substituted.
  • Dip the rice paper for a few seconds in cold water... Try not to overexpose, otherwise the paper will simply fall apart in your hands.
  • Place the soaked leaf on a cutting board. Wait 10-15 seconds for it to dry, and start spreading the filling on the bottom of the sheet.
  • Step back from the edges by about 5 cm, lay out in turn: 2 shrimp, 1 tbsp. l. cucumbers, 1-2 tbsp. l. carrots, ½ tsp. parsley and the same amount of mint, if you use it. Place ¼ of the lettuce on top.
  • Roll up the roll like a regular pancake. If desired, you can lightly deep-fry it. Serve immediately as the rice paper dries pretty quickly. For the same reason, it is better to do one, rather than several rolls at the same time.

Cooking spring rolls with chicken and shrimps from Thailand


  1. Chicken breast - 150 gr
  2. Boiled and frozen shrimps - 150 gr
  3. Carrots - 1 pc.
  4. White cabbage - 100 gr
  5. Bean sprouts - 100 gr
  6. Garlic - 2 wedges
  7. Funchoza - 50 gr
  8. Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
  9. Rice paper - 6-8 pcs.
  10. Vegetable oil - for frying


  • Pour boiling water over the funchoza and leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the noodles under cold running water.
  • Cut the chicken breast into long thin strips. Remove the head and intestines of the shrimp, rinse the shrimp under running water.
  • Chop the carrots and cabbage into strips. Crush the garlic using the flat side of a knife blade, then chop.
  • Heat 1-2 tbsp in a skillet. l. vegetable oil. Add the garlic and fry very quickly (no more than 30 seconds).
  • Add the bean sprouts, cabbage, and carrots to the skillet. Fry all together for 1 minute. Then set the vegetables aside and add the chicken. Cook for 1 more minute.
  • Add shrimp, stir and fry, stirring constantly, for 1 minute. Pour the soy sauce into the skillet, add the noodles, stir well and immediately remove from heat. Let the filling cool well.
  • Dip the rice paper in cold water for a few seconds, then place on a cutting board.
  • Put the cooled filling, roll the sheet into an envelope and fry on both sides in the remaining oil until golden brown.

Japanese spring rolls with fish and Tofu cheese


  1. Lightly salted trout or salmon (fillet) - 150 gr
  2. Tofu cheese - 100 gr
  3. Noria seaweed - 3-4 leaves
  4. Long cucumber - 1 pc.
  5. Avocado - 1 pc.
  6. Parsley or cilantro - 4-5 sprigs
  7. Soy sauce - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  8. Rice paper - 6-8 sheets
  9. Sesame seeds


  • Cut the fish fillet into long thin strips. Cut the tofu into squares. Cut nori sheets into 2 pieces.
  • Peel the cucumber and avocado, cut into thin strips. Finely chop the parsley (cilantro) with a sharp knife.
  • Moisten a sheet of rice paper with water and lightly brush soy sauce... Place half a sheet of nori on the edge of the paper, then place the rest of the ingredients in this order: fish, cheese, cucumber and avocado.
  • Sprinkle with herbs and sesame seeds on top. Fold the roll into a tight envelope and cut diagonally. Serve with fish or soy sauce.

Dessert spring rolls with fruit and cottage cheese


  1. Rice paper - 6-8 sheets
  2. Cottage cheese - 250-300 gr
  3. Bananas - 1-2 pcs.
  4. Kiwi - 3-4 pcs.


  • Peel the fruit and cut into strips or cubes. Mash the curd well with a fork. You can add some sugar to it if you like.
  • Place a sheet of rice paper on a work surface and dampen it with water. Put cottage cheese on a sheet, place fruits on top.
  • Roll the rice paper into a tight envelope and cut it diagonally. You can serve dessert spring rolls after sprinkling them with grated chocolate.

How to make spring roll fish sauce?


  1. Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Fish sauce - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Chili sauce (sweet) - 2 tbsp l.
  4. Sesame oil - ½ tsp.
  5. Ginger - 1 tsp


  • Fish sauce is very easy to prepare. To do this, mix soy and fish sauces, add some chili sauce and sesame oil.
  • Ginger root grate on fine grater, add to the mixture and stir. If the sauce is too salty, dilute it with water.

Spring Roll Nut Sauce Recipe


  1. Boiled water - 1 tbsp.
  2. Peanut paste - 4 tbsp. l.
  3. Soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l.
  4. Sesame oil - 2 tsp
  5. Mirin rice wine (optional) - 2 tsp
  6. Rice vinegar (can be replaced with apple cider) - 3-4 tsp.


  • Put in a small saucepan peanut butter, add 1/3 tbsp. water, stir and put on low heat.
  • Add another 2/3 tbsp. water and cook, stirring constantly, until the liquid evaporates. As a result, you should get a mass of medium density.
  • Remove the saucepan from heat, add soy sauce, vinegar, Sesame oil and rice wine if you are using it.
  • Stir the sauce thoroughly, refrigerate, sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. To give more spicy taste, grated apple or a little garlic is sometimes added to the sauce. You can try it too.

Today I will tell and show you how to cook spring rolls at home. I first tasted this Asian dish three years ago while on vacation in Thailand. Then I still did not know what it is and what they are eaten with. I bought a couple of rolls purely at random (there were vegetarian ones) and somehow was not very impressed with their taste, as I expected something “exotic”, but received “a simple salad in a transparent edible envelope”. But later I learned that there are a great many types of spring rolls with the most different tastes and cooking methods. Well, if you cook them yourself, then the number of recipes is limited only by your imagination.

As I already wrote, "spring rolls" (they are "spring rolls", they are "nems") is an Asian dish, which is a filling wrapped in rice paper.

Spring rolls are vegetable (vegetarian), meat or seafood, sweet (with fruits and berries), complex (with big amount various ingredients). Classic version this dish: vegetable filling plus some protein ingredient(chicken, fish, shrimp, crab sticks, etc.).

They are usually served raw, or they can be fried or steamed. Raw version spring rolls are more common in Thailand, and fried - in Vietnam, where they are called "nems".

The classic filling for spring rolls should be like this: vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, herbs, bean sprouts, green onions) are cut into small strips and wrapped in rice paper. As the main ingredient (if not vegetarian option) add: a piece of red fish, chicken, crab sticks, caviar, shrimp, tuna (canned), egg, cheese, etc. For satiety and volume in Thailand, thin rice noodles (like funchose) are often put on a roll.

Actually classic recipe this dish does not exist in nature. There is only rice paper and a set of products that you have J For example, in Japan, the filling is mainly made from fresh vegetables and seafood (including caviar and various algae), in Thailand and Vietnam - vegetables (necessarily carrots and cabbage) + meat or shrimps, in China they make complex minced meat from rice, mushrooms, sea reptiles and everything that is at hand.

The charm of this dish is just the fact that it can be quickly cooked according to the principle "I blinded it from what it was", and at the same time you will always get very tasty and beautiful appetizer, which you are not ashamed to put on the table.

You can also diversify the taste of your spring rolls within your means various sauces, it can be as ready-made commercial, such as, for example, soy sauce, spicy green sauce, sweet and sour, nutty, ginger, etc., as well as sauces prepared by yourself, for example, mayonnaise-garlic, sour cream, lemon, etc.

My favorite sauce recipe is this: Mix the grated ginger and garlic with lime juice and soy sauce. Add chili to taste. If you add more to this mixture sunflower oil(sesame, linseed, etc.), you get wonderful dressing to any salad in Asian style.

Basic rules for preparing fresh spring rolls

  • You can't spoil rolls with greens. Spring rolls should contain a lot of crispy greens.
  • The filling in the rolls should not be salty. All the salt is in the sauce.
  • All components are cut into strips.
  • When placing the filling on the roll, spread the brightly colored ingredients on top so that they shine beautifully through the rice paper (this is for aesthetes).
  • Before wrapping the filling, you need to lower a sheet of rice paper in warm water for 10 seconds so that it becomes soft and elastic.

My recipes

With Chiken:

With tuna:

  • Cabbage;
  • A tomato;
  • Zucchini or cucumber;
  • Green onions;
  • Cilantro;
  • Sunflower sprouts;
  • Canned tuna.

With crab sticks and scrambled eggs:

  • Cabbage;
  • A tomato;
  • Zucchini or cucumber;
  • Green onions;
  • Cilantro;
  • Carrot;
  • Crab sticks and a chicken egg omelet.

Step by step recipe with photo

Mode all vegetables and stuffing with straws;

Dip a sheet of rice paper in warm water for 10 seconds;

We put the filling on the paper and spin the roll. Twisting method: we make one turn so that the entire filling is covered with paper, then we bend the corners inward, we twist further.

Spring rolls can be served whole or cut in half. Bon Appetit!

Rice paper technology. Step-by-step instructions with photos for all occasions :)

Spring rolls are the collective name for snacks wrapped in rice paper or otherwise thinnest dough stuffing with vegetables, seafood or a variety of meats(including chicken), as well as berries and fruits. Where it came from, it is spread there - southeast Asia. Here you can try spring rolls in Thai, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese food... But why not try to cook them yourself? Sooo fascinating activity... It's also delicious! Especially if you come up with fillings from your favorite products :) Such pancakes can be eaten both "fresh" and fried on a grill or deep-fried until golden brown.

We need:

  1. rice paper;
  2. filling;
  3. a plate with a small depression, the diameter of which should be larger than the rice leaves;
  4. wooden cutting board(in general, take any, it's just a little more convenient to work with a tree);
  5. cold water, which we will pour into a plate.

The first step is to take one sheet of paper and carefully place it on the surface of the water. Press down a little so that the sheet is completely covered with water. We turn it over immediately and again make sure that the water covers the paper.

Quickly transfer the sheet to a cutting board.

We lay out the filling without any expectations. About 1.5-2 tbsp.

We overlap the filling with the left and right sides of the paper. Required condition: The resulting strip should be flat.

And now we begin to spin the roll from bottom to top. And be careful. Despite the fact that rice paper becomes resilient and elastic when it comes into contact with water, it is also very sticky and unruly. Therefore, my advice to you: when working with rice paper, concentrate all the tenderness of your body and character in your hands. You can neither rush nor dull in a fit of inhibition. Catch harmony even at the stage of opening the package with rice paper. And don't let go of this state. Don't panic or get nervous if this fentifle shows off. She is like a barking dog: it only barks at those who are afraid and panic :)

As a result, we have the following twist:

We remove the twist on the surface, slightly oiled, and repeat the full algorithm with all the sheets.

Thus, the spring rolls are ready! They can already be safely eaten, dipping each in some sweet and sour sauce or a delicate creamy dip (depending on the filling). And those who want to deep-fry the rolls, read on.

Deep-frying spring rolls:

If you know that you will fry the spring rolls, then even at the stage of wrapping the filling in rice paper, you should mandatory must be observed important rule: wrap the roll tightly! There should be extremely little air in it, as much as possible! Then we heat refined to 150 degrees vegetable oil(such an amount that the roll floats when frying). If there is no thermometer, it is very simple to understand that the oil has reached 150-180 degrees: throw some crumb-piece into it. It should start bubbling actively and persistently, creating a shell of boiling oil around itself :) We lower the rolls 1 piece at a time (otherwise they can stick together and break). They fried one, and only then threw in the second.

The rolls after deep-frying are extra-fatty. Shift ready-made to paper towels... But make sure they don't stick to the paper.

-Work technology-

#cooking with love