Calorie funchose noodles. The benefits and harms of funchose or glass noodle myths

31.10.2019 Meat Dishes

Most of us, one way or another, have come across sage in culinary recipes or in the treatment of various ailments with folk remedies, but not everyone has an idea of ​​the full spectrum of the plant's properties. In this article, we will consider the medicinal properties of sage and contraindications to its use, the differences between different plant varieties and the features of its use depending on the disease.

Sage varieties

Sage is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Yaroslavl family with pubescent tetrahedral stems lining closer to the roots and forming a subshrub, ovoid petiolate or sessile leaves and with a densely branched root system. Flowers of wild plant species grow in a spikelet at the top of the shoot and are lilac-blue, blue or light lilac in color. What sage looks like can be seen in the photo.

The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean countries (Serbia, Albania, Italy, etc.), however, its relative unpretentiousness makes it possible to cultivate a dwarf shrub in a variety of climatic latitudes, and many of its varieties have long been growing everywhere in the wild. Proceeding from this, the question “where does the sage grow?” Can be answered - everywhere, except for Australia and the Arctic latitudes.

To date, there are about 900 different species and varieties of sage.. They differ not only in some morphological features (stem height, shade, size and integrity of the edge of the leaves, color of spikelets), but also in composition and properties, which is why they can relate to different areas of use.

Let's consider the most common plant varieties.

Salvia officinalis

In the wild, it grows up to 70 cm in height, has narrow, highly pubescent oblong leaves with a silvery tint. The flowers are purple with a bluish tint, the plant exudes a noticeable spicy aroma. This species loves a dry and warm climate, does not tolerate frost and strong moisture, therefore it requires good insulation before wintering. For use, it is harvested in the second year after planting.

In turn, on the basis of this species, many different varieties with modified characteristics have been bred. The most popular are:

  • Aibolit. Differs in high growth - up to 120 cm, leaves are pubescent, wrinkled, dark green. Used for medicinal purposes and as a culinary seasoning;
  • Breeze. It grows up to 60 cm in height, the leaves are serrated at the edges, the variety is frost-resistant. Harvested in the first year of life (stems and leaves), used fresh and dry. Popular in cooking for the preparation of first and second courses.


Meadow (field) sage

Reaches 80 cm in height, has large leaves, wide at the bottom and tapering to the top, the color of the spikelets is bright purple. Unlike the medicinal type, it does not have a noticeable odor and is inferior to it in medicinal properties. used in cooking and landscaping.


It grows up to 1 meter, has red flowers. The leaves of the plant have a fruity smell, which is why they are often used in cooking for preparing fruit salads and various desserts.

Oak sage

It has no medicinal value, but it is an excellent honey plant, along with species such as Ethiopian and steppe. It has many varieties, differing in the growth and properties of honey.


Differs in white inflorescences, has large leaves with finely toothed edges. In Mexico, this type of sage was endowed with magical properties and was used in the rituals of shamans as part of smoking mixtures. However, in fact, the so-called mystical properties of the plant are associated with the presence in the composition of substances with a narcotic effect - salvinorins.

In small amounts, white sage is useful in treating rheumatism, kidney disease, headaches and anemia, but is controlled by Russian law as a narcotic herb.

Due to the optimal combination of nutrients and essential oils, the most popular for use in various fields is the medicinal sage, which will be discussed below.

Sage as a seasoning

The aromatic smell and spicy bitter-astringent taste of sage have long been appreciated by chefs from around the world and are used in many recipes. Sage adds flavor to dishes and adds a spicy touch to the taste.

As a rule, in cooking, the plant is used in the following forms:

  • powder from dried sage leaves - added to various hearty dishes and sauces;
  • fresh young leaves and unblown tops of shoots - for a subtle aroma of fish and vegetable dishes;
  • roasted fresh leaves - added to a variety of sandwiches and hamburgers.

Sage can be used as a seasoning (for example, in hearty pies, cheese snacks) or as a component in a herb mix. The dry spice goes well with oregano, marjoram, juniper, rosemary, thyme and oregano, as well as bay leaves, garlic and onions.

The only food group that sage does not go well with are mushrooms, as the seasoning completely overpowers their taste. Otherwise, the range of products that the spice can improve is very wide:

  • Meat (especially beef and veal) and poultry dishes, including minced meat;
  • Fish dishes (for fatty or dietary varieties without a pronounced taste);
  • Hearty, vegetable and bean soups;
  • Cheese (mixed with a small amount of sage powder) - curd, processed and hard;
  • Egg dishes;
  • Vegetable dishes;
  • Baking - various types of bread (flat cakes, baguettes, burgers and pizza blanks), biscuits, filled pies (cabbage, meat, rice and egg);
  • By-products;
  • Marinades - sage is added to liquids for pickling or pickling vegetables, fish, lard, some fruits and berries;
  • Desserts - dairy and fruit;
  • Drinks - milk and sour milk, tea, beer, wine, sweet alcoholic drinks.

Important! In order to interrupt the taste of the dish and not cause bitterness, it is necessary to clearly measure the amount of added spice. For the same purpose, sage should be added to the dish at the very end of cooking, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.

Currently, the condiment in question is easy to obtain in many grocery stores, but it is also not difficult to prepare it yourself. . To do this, sage leaves collected during flowering are thoroughly washed with cold water and dried in a dark ventilated room, after which they are crushed to powder and stored in a cool place in an airtight container.

However, what can replace sage in cooking if it is unavailable for some reason? One of the herbs with which the spice is combined is suitable for replacement:

  • thyme;
  • marjoram;
  • savory;
  • rosemary.

These spices can be used in the same amount as sage. They will give the dish a similar aroma and flavor.

The healing properties of the plant

People have known about the benefits of the plant for a long time. This is evidenced by the name of sage in Latin - salvia, at the root of which is the word "salvere", meaning "to be healthy" and surviving evidence of the medicine of the civilizations of Ancient Egypt, Greece, China and India.

Currently, the benefits of the plant have been scientifically proven. In medicine, the green parts of medicinal sage are used - the leaves collected during flowering, as well as the tops of flowers that did not have time to bloom. It is in these parts of the plant that the optimal combination of nutrients is observed.

Sage chemical composition:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils (camphor, thujone, borneol, pinene and cineole);
  • vitamins (E, A, PP, K);
  • flavonoids (luteolin, salvitin, hispidulin, nepetin, cinaroside, etc.);
  • resin;
  • bitterness;
  • organic acids (triterpene - oleanolic, ursolic, diterpene - salvin and phenolcarboxylic - coffee, chlorogenic, etc.);
  • minerals (zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium).

The composition of the plant determines its benefits and harms - excessive amounts of grass can cause negative reactions of the body due to the increased intake of bitterness, alkaloids and other potent substances. However, when used correctly, sage can help solve many health problems.

The plant has the following beneficial properties:

  • astringent;
  • wound healing;
  • expectorant;
  • disinfectant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • bile and diuretic;
  • fortifying;
  • neurostimulating;
  • calming.

Sage herb is used to treat the following conditions:

  • fungal, viral or bacterial infections of the mucous membranes (stomatitis, gingivitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, etc.);
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract with allergies, colds or other infections (bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • disorders of the nervous system (depression, insomnia, neuroses, paralysis);
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, inflammation of the gallbladder);
  • toothache;
  • high blood pressure (with the exception of clary sage, which increases blood pressure);
  • ailments of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis) - the plant helps cleanse blood vessels, fights anemia, and also eliminates pain in the heart;
  • decreased concentration and memory;
  • female gynecological problems - menstrual irregularities, infertility, menopause;
  • overweight - sage herb stimulates metabolic reactions in the body, regulates appetite and digestion, which helps to reduce weight with a combination of reasonable physical activity and a proper diet;
  • inflammation of muscles and joints (sciatica, polyarthritis);
  • pathology of the urinary tract is not in the acute stage (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis);
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the prostate gland;
  • bruises and suppurations.

Contraindications to the use of sage

Sage is not always good for the body. In some cases, the use of the herb can cause serious harm to health.

The plant is prohibited from admission under the following conditions:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • low blood pressure (with the exception of clary sage);
  • sage allergy;
  • gynecological problems associated with hormonal disruptions (polycystic ovary disease, amenorrhea, endometriosis, fibroids, increased estrogen content and a lack of progesterone, undergone surgery to treat cancer of the uterus or mammary glands);
  • constipation;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • acute stage of pyelonephritis and nephritis;
  • hypothyroidism.

Contraindications should also be approached competently. So, despite the possible harm, therefore, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of its use only after consulting a doctor.

  • digestive disorders (heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea);
  • allergic reactions (urticaria accompanied by itching);
  • headaches, dizziness, weakness, rapid pulse, convulsions, tinnitus.

Medicinal properties and contraindications for men

Sage is especially beneficial for the male body. The herb has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system:

  • fights stagnation in the urinary tract;
  • stimulates the production of testosterone, which affects the production of sperm;
  • increases the effectiveness of drugs for conception;
  • improves blood flow in the genitals;
  • provides the prevention of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • supports the work of the prostate gland;
  • increases potency and libido.

Thus, salvia for men acts as an aphrodisiac and an adjunct in the treatment of infertility.

There are many ways to use sage to increase potency in men. One of the most effective and affordable is to take a decoction of the dry herb of the plant. For its preparation 2 tbsp. Spoons of salvia are poured with a glass of boiling water, after which, stirring, boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Then the mixture is cooled and filtered, drunk three times a day before meals for a quarter of a glass for a month.

In addition to general contraindications, sage is prohibited for use in men with oncological diseases of the reproductive system. . The herb is used with caution for prostatitis. In any case, a doctor's approval must be obtained before using the product.

Sage for children

As stated above, sage is very effective in treating many inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. This is of great importance for children who are especially susceptible to these pathologies. But at what age is it permissible to take this herb?

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion - up to 2 years old salvia should not be taken orally, only external use of infusion and decoction is permissible according to indications - for baby baths (including babies) or lotions for festering wounds, but even after reaching the permissible age, sage is used with caution, according to the testimony of a pediatrician.

In the treatment of colds in children, the herb is used in the following forms:

  • infusion for steam inhalation;
  • infusion for gargling;
  • infusion or decoction for ingestion;
  • sage-based pharmacological tablets for resorption.

For gargling, children are allowed sage when they are old enough to do it on their own and not accidentally swallow the liquid. In any case, up to 12 years old, a weak infusion of sage with the addition of sea salt is used. For its preparation, 1 dessert spoon of herbs is steamed with a glass of boiling water and 5 g of salt is added. The mixture is covered and allowed to cool, then filtered and used up to 5 times a day.

For ingestion, a weak broth of salvia is also used, which is often combined with boiled warm milk and honey.

Sage from the throat

Sore throat relief is one of the most sought-after medicinal properties of sage.

The herb is prescribed for chronic and acute forms of pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis, for angina and for burns of the larynx. In the case of purulent tonsillitis, sage clears the tonsils and larynx from plaque, helping to remove plugs on the ducts of the tonsils . Sage has an anti-inflammatory effect on the affected mucosa, relieves pain and destroys bacteria.

When treating the throat, the plant is used in the composition of lozenges for resorption, added to the infusion for steam inhalation (like grass or), or simply chewed dry leaves, but the most common and popular way is to use it for gargling.

Moreover, this method is one of the safest and allows you to give a positive answer to the questions whether it is possible to gargle with sage during pregnancy and hormonal disruptions. The only contraindication against rinsing is individual intolerance to the herb.

Depending on the stage of infection, rinsing is carried out from 3 to 7 days. Even with strong foci of sore throat, most patients notice an improvement in their condition on the second day of the procedure.

How to make sage to gargle

To gargle, sage is brewed as follows: take 1 tbsp. spoon of raw materials and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, then cover and let it brew for half an hour. Next, the mixture is filtered and used as directed. To preserve the benefits, it is advisable to prepare a fresh infusion every day.

It is also permissible to prepare infusions of salvia in combination with other herbs.. So, in the treatment of pharyngitis, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sage and St. John's wort, after which they are steamed in the same way as in the main recipe.

Another popular recipe is to combine equal parts chamomile and sage. This infusion for gargling effectively soothes the affected mucous membranes, accelerating recovery.

Benefit for other pathologies

Sage for colds

Sage for colds helps not only relieve sore throat and prevent complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia, but also has a tonic effect, increasing immunity and helping to fight viral or bacterial pathogens.

The herb is taken symptomatically (for rinsing, inhalation), as well as in the composition of a fortifying tea.

Sage with honey

Salvia pairs well with honey, which has anti-inflammatory and emollient properties. Honey perfectly complements sage tea or gargle tea, and can also be a component of a useful remedy such as cough syrup.

To prepare the syrup, prepare a decoction of sage - 1 teaspoon is poured with 0.5 liters of water and boiled for another half hour over low heat. Next, the broth is allowed to cool and filtered into a measuring container. The same amount of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of liquid honey are added to the mixture. Next, the mass is properly mixed, poured into sealed bottles and stored in the refrigerator.

The syrup is taken in 1 tsp. adults and 0.5 teaspoons for children 3 times a day.

Sage with milk for bronchitis

As mentioned above, and other inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract. The herb promotes the discharge of phlegm, destroys the pathogenic microflora, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory tract.

To make the action of the plant even softer, sage with milk is often used as a folk remedy for bronchitis. For its preparation 2 tsp. raw materials are poured with a glass of warm fat milk and brought to a boil over low heat. Then the fire is turned off, cooled and filtered. The filtered liquid is re-boiled and then used.

The remedy is drunk before going to bed hot, the taste can be improved with honey. For a better effect, before taking the medicine, you need to wrap yourself warmly in order to sweat well.

Sage for toothache

Salvia has a healing effect on a wide range of oral diseases. Sage is useful for the gums in pathologies such as stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis or periodontitis, eliminates ulcers on the oral mucosa, and also relieves or alleviates toothache in case of dental diseases or during the recovery period after dental treatment.

As a medicine for these problems, an infusion for rinsing the mouth or lubricating the gums is used, prepared similarly to the infusion for the throat.

Infusions based on simple or multicomponent mixtures of herbs are widespread. So, infusion of sage and chamomile (1 tablespoon each) is popular - relieves pain and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, or a mixture of 3 tsp. sage, 2 tsp chamomile, 3 tsp yarrow and 2 tsp St. John's wort.

Sage for type 2 diabetes

Scientists have proven the antidiabetic effect of sage, thanks to which the plant is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. The herb is often prescribed as part of special dietary fees, but a specific treatment regimen can only be prescribed by the attending physician after taking into account all the accompanying factors.

Sage for gastritis

For the stomach, sage is especially valuable in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity.... The following recipe is popular among the people - 2 teaspoons are poured with boiling water in an amount of half a liter, insisted for half an hour and filtered. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours.

Sage herb from worms

The treatment is carried out in a course of 4 times every 10 days and is very effective against pork and bovine tapeworms. It should be remembered that before treatment, the patient must follow a diet with the use of light vegetable or cereal soups.

In addition to the recipes described above, in traditional medicine there are effective methods of treatment with the help of salvia and other pathologies.


So, sage is used for the kidneys if the inflammation has not turned into an acute stage. The herb has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, removes pathogens.

The following infusion is popular: 1 tablespoon of dry salvia is poured with 0.2 liters of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Next, filter the mixture and consume 0.5 cups before meals three times a day.


Sage is also known for its benefits for blood vessels. To reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, prepare the following tincture: 40 g of dry herb, crushed to a powder state, placed in a glass jar, pour 0.8 liters of vodka and 0.4 liters of boiled warm water, cover and leave in light (but not sunny) place for 40 days. During infusion, the jar needs to be shaken from time to time.

It is not necessary to filter the tincture before use - the powder will remain at the bottom of the jar. The resulting alcoholic extract of sage is drunk in 1 tbsp. spoon diluted with water on an empty stomach every morning. Duration of use - until the jar is empty, the repetition rate is 1 jar every six months.

External use

Sage is also popular for external use, especially for washing and lotions on purulent wounds. But can you wash your eyes with sage? Popular experience allows us to answer this question in the affirmative.

The eyes are washed with conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other inflammation of the eyelids or lacrimal sac, accompanied by the release of pus.

In case of eye inflammation, not associated with an infectious agent, a simple infusion of 2 tbsp is prepared. tablespoons of sage with the addition of 1 tbsp after filtration. spoons of honey and make lotions with it several times a day.

For infectious inflammations, mix sage and odorous dill seeds in equal amounts. 2 tbsp. collection spoons are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours. The eyes are washed with the filtered liquid up to 6 times a day.

With a complicated form of conjunctivitis, 3 tbsp is brewed in the same way. tablespoons of sage and chamomile, combined in equal parts. The filtered liquid is used to rinse the eyes in the morning and evening for several days.

Sage: instructions for use

As follows from the above information, the use of sage in folk medicine is very versatile and has many recipes for various ailments. At the same time, the technology of preparation of drugs and the schemes of their use are very different.

How to drink sage for the general strengthening of the body? To increase immunity, strengthen the digestive and genitourinary systems, the herb is consumed in small concentrations as a tea.

How is sage made for tea? Place 1 teaspoon of herbs in a teapot or strainer and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water over it for 3-5 minutes. If desired, add sugar, lemon, cinnamon, chamomile or other spices to the tea.

For the best effect, sage tea should be taken after meals. It is better to divide the reception into 2-3 times for half a glass.

Like most other salvia remedies, sage tea is not recommended for longer than 3 months. After this period, you should take a break for a period of at least 21 days, so that there is no excess of resins and bitterness in the body.

Thus, sage can be called a very versatile plant in terms of the spectrum of its useful properties and domestic use. The substances contained in the plant are distinguished by high biological activity in the treatment of many ailments, however, they can harm if used improperly. Eat sage properly and be healthy!

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The inhabitants of our country are very lucky, because in its vastness it is easy to find many useful herbs that can support the health of your body. In this case, you can use medicinal, that is, chemically created, medications only as a last resort. Sage herb: instructions for use, benefits and many more interesting things about the plant - in this article.

What is this plant

You need to start with the most basic. So what is sage herb? This is an essential oil crop. The leaves are simple, pinnate. The flowers are bell-shaped, slightly tubular. It should be noted that this plant has been valued as a healing agent since ancient times. Perhaps that is why sage is translated from Latin as "one that promotes health."

It is important to understand that the sage that grows in meadows and along roads is not suitable as a medicine. Here you will need a completely different view of it. The same representative of this plant does not have such pronounced medicinal abilities.

About plant species

Based on the above, you should also talk about the fact that sage grass comes in different types. And depending on this, it has a different purpose.

  1. Healing sage. This is the most familiar and common plant for every inhabitant of our country. Used in medicine, by the way, also traditional. It can also be useful in industry and cooking.
  2. Ethiopian sage. It is a honey plant, as well as a material for making spices. In folk medicine, only its leaves are used.
  3. Rod-shaped sage. Also melliferous is used as a spice. It is especially good for cooking fish.
  4. Sage of diviners. This type of plant has a hallucinogenic effect, therefore it is highly valued by various magicians and shamans. If used in normal dosage, it has a medicinal effect.
  5. Clary sage. It is used as a flavoring agent for cigarettes, as well as in the confectionery and alcoholic beverage industry. Some argue that this is an excellent aphrodisiac.

Herb composition

Considering the properties of sage herb, you must also tell about what this plant consists of. After all, it is in the composition that all its benefits lie.

  1. First of all, this is due to which the plant has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Alkaloids help blood circulate better. They are able to dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow.
  3. Bitter substances primarily have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. They also improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  4. Flavonoids have a laxative and laxative effect. It is also an excellent diuretic.
  5. Phytoncides are useful for the work of the heart muscle, and also have a depressing effect on pathogenic microflora.
  6. nicotine, ursolic, ascorbic. This complex has many beneficial properties, including cholesterol regulation, detoxification, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Essential and fatty oils. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, central nervous system and heart. They also normalize metabolic processes and remove bad cholesterol.
  8. The sage herb also contains the vitamins of the B group, which are essential for the human body. They are responsible for the restoration of tissues and cells and, moreover, have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  9. Other useful substances: vitamins of group A (promote cell growth), phosphorus (strengthens nerves, is important for the production of enzymes), sodium (dilates blood vessels and promotes muscle growth), magnesium (useful for the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system), iron (the most important participant oxygen metabolism), zinc (important for protein metabolism, is also able to stimulate libido), copper (antiseptic, which has an astringent effect), selenium (increases the body's defenses).

Why is sage useful?

So, the subject of our close examination is the herb sage. How is it useful and when should it be used? Its beneficial effect is as follows.

  • Sage is beneficial for respiratory health. Moreover, this plant also helps with coughing, as it has an expectorant effect.
  • It is anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial and anti-fungal.
  • It is important for the normalization of the processes of the central nervous system.
  • Sage herb is used to tune metabolic processes.
  • This plant is useful for enhancing immunity.
  • Sage is an excellent diuretic that significantly improves kidney function.
  • It has a positive effect on memory and thinking.
  • Also, we must not forget that the plant contains a set of phytohormones in its composition. And this is extremely beneficial for the female body.
  • It must also be remembered that earlier this plant, in combination with other medicinal natural preparations, helped women to conceive children.

A few more words about the benefits of this plant

What else is the herb sage useful for? So, experts say that this medicinal plant should be taken in the following cases.

  1. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract. These are problems such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.
  2. This plant is excellent for various dental diseases. It can fight gingivitis and stomatitis.
  3. Sage also helps with a wide variety of skin diseases. So, he fights eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, as well as burns and frostbite.
  4. The healing herb sage will also be useful for those who have joint problems such as osteochondrosis, articular rheumatism, and dystrophic lesions.
  5. This medicinal plant also helps with ulcers, as well as gastritis with low acidity.
  6. Sage is also useful for a variety of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract: spasms, flatulence.
  7. Also, this plant has a positive effect on the body in a state of fever. First of all, it reduces sweating.

Important information

The medicinal herb sage, if used improperly, can also have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, before you start taking this plant for medicinal purposes, it is best to familiarize yourself with all its features.

  • It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to take this herb during pregnancy. After all, sage is a biologically active plant. Also, drugs based on it are not used during breastfeeding.
  • Sage tea is very useful for diabetics, because its components enhance the effect of insulin, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels.
  • Sage should also be used carefully for children. So, baths from this plant have no contraindications and can be prescribed to babies from one year old. But as a treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sage can be given no earlier than from the age of five. In any case, before using this plant, you need to consult a pediatrician.
  • It is believed that sage can also fight infertility. In this case, its unique complex of phytohormones works.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

What else needs to be mentioned if sage herb is being considered? The instruction for use states that it is not worth using medicines based on this plant in the following cases:

  • if there is an increased sensitivity to the components of this plant, simply if you are allergic to it;
  • women are prohibited from taking sage if they have elevated levels of progesterone and estrogen, as well as diseases such as uterine fibroids, polycystic and endometriosis;
  • nephritis and kidney inflammation;
  • hypothyroidism (insufficient content of thyroid hormones in the body).

It is also worth remembering that it is very important to observe the correct dosage of this plant when used independently and taken in the form of a medicine, because otherwise, a negative effect on the work of many organs from such a medicine is possible. It is not difficult to understand that a lot of the drug has been taken. In this case, an allergy will appear, or vomiting may also occur.

Sage tea

At this stage, it is already very clear what the sage herb is. Instructions for the use of this plant reads: both infusions and decoctions can be prepared from it. The cooking process itself will depend on what kind of disease you need to get rid of.

How to make a universal sage infusion? So, for its preparation you need boiling water and dried grass leaves.

  1. They ate dry sage, a ratio of 1:10 with water.
  2. If sage is fresh, mix 1: 5 with water.

Everything fits in a thermos for about an hour. After that, it is filtered. You can not put the medicine in a thermos. But in this case, it will need to be simmered in a water bath for the same amount of time.

Sage broth

To prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, they took sage flowers (dried or fresh), as well as boiling water. The proportion is the same as described above. The only difference in the preparation of the medicine: it must be boiled over low heat. Time is about 15 minutes. Further, the broth is filtered and taken as a medicine. You need to drink this remedy on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal.

Sage for diseases

When else is sage (herb) used? The medicinal properties of this plant are so wide that they can have a positive effect on a variety of diseases. It is used in folk medicine.

  1. Dental problems. In this case, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction or infusion. This can be done every 2-3 hours until the condition improves.
  2. To make it easier to cough up phlegm, you need to prepare a sage broth in milk. The proportions are the same. It is best to use this medicine together with honey.
  3. Skin problems: neurodermatitis, psoriasis. In this case, wounds or painful areas should be washed with sage infusion. This should be done at least three times a day. And to get rid of the fungus on the skin, you need to blot the affected areas, holding a cotton swab for a couple of minutes.
  4. If there is a problem such as hemorrhoids, you can deal with it with an enema. For this, an infusion is prepared, which is introduced once a week. Alcohol should not be taken during treatment.
  5. Women's problems. You can cope with thrush or inflammation with douching or sitz baths. In this case, a sage decoction is used.

Other ways of using medicinal sage

When else can sage (herb) be used? The instruction reads: this plant is widely used in cosmetology. Especially if you have hair problems. To cope with dandruff and hair loss, you need to rinse your hair in a decoction of this herb. Next, wrap it with a towel (preferably an old one, since the broth can stain it) and dry it without a hair dryer.

Sage tea

Tea from this plant is an excellent supportive agent. It is simple to prepare it: you need 1 tsp. dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes. The maximum dose of such a drink per day is one glass. This is an excellent prevention of colds, memory problems, support of the central nervous system. It is also a good invigorating and uplifting drink.

Sage is a perennial herb, the healing properties of which can hardly be overestimated. Its beneficial effect on the body is very multifaceted. Medicinal compositions made on the basis of sage are used not only to cure all possible ailments, but also to alleviate painful conditions, and for the purpose of prevention. Sage has been used as a medicinal drug for a long time. Ancient Greek healers knew about its healing properties and widely used this plant in their practice. This wonderful herb is also mentioned in the works of Hippocrates. The starting point for the widespread settlement of sage (salvia) are Italian lands. The plant spread along the trade routes, gaining an increasing number of admirers.

Sage as a medicinal plant

Modern official medicine also could not bypass him. Scientists have studied in detail sage - medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as possible side effects from its use were identified and systematized. This knowledge is now being successfully applied to the targeted management of various health problems in patients. It should be noted that in Russia, with the exception of the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimean Peninsula, the medicinal form of sage is not found in the wild. But it is widely cultivated as a garden plant.

There are also wild varieties of cultivated grass. But meadow sage grows everywhere, but its healing abilities are expressed to a much lesser extent. Official medicine does not recognize it as a medicinal plant. For medical purposes, the leaves are used, as well as the apices of the sage along with the inflorescences. The grass (by the way, it often takes the form of a half-shrub) begins to bloom only in the second year of life.

Flowers, as well as green foliage, exude a pleasant tart aroma due to their high content of essential oils. It should be noted that sage is thermophilic; severe frost can completely destroy it. But he tolerates drought well and does not need special care. Therefore, it can often be seen in personal plots. It is also suitable for apiaries - a melliferous plant.

Sage - medicinal properties and contraindications

Having studied the chemical composition of sage, they found the presence of essential oils in all its parts. Various odorous substances are present here, including camphor.

The composition of the plant. Sage contains alkaloids, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, tannins, vitamin and mineral compounds. This composition provides its versatile effect on the human body. This plant is used as a raw material for the preparation of decoctions, essential oils, infusions, alcoholic tinctures, tablet preparations.

Sage is used externally for:

  • Compresses.
  • Masks.
  • Body wraps.
  • Lotion.
  • Trays.

In addition, it is applicable for vaginal douching, enemas, rinsing, and oral administration. Also, one cannot fail to note the widespread use of sage oil for aromatherapy.

Properties of medicinal sage

Sage has a number of medicinal properties that have found application in various fields of medicine and have been used for many centuries to cure various diseases. In the process of research, the following properties were revealed in salvia:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Antifungal (mild).
  • Antioxidant.
  • Immunomodulatory.
  • Regenerative (stimulate tissue regeneration).
  • Decongestants and tonic.
  • Expectorants.
  • Diuretics.
  • Astringents.
  • Antitoxic.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Pain relievers.
  • Sedatives.
  • Antisecretory (inhibit the work of sweat and sebaceous glands, but stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, choleretic agent).

So, all the healing properties of the plant have been identified, studied and now they are successfully used to solve various health problems. It is prescribed for the treatment of colds, female diseases and menopause, to normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, with some dental problems. It also helps with diabetes, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, arthritis, stomatitis, hyperhidrosis, diarrhea, neuritis, cystitis. It is also used in dermatology, traumatology, cosmetology and as an aromatic additive.

Contraindications and warnings

Despite a lot of useful properties, sage has some limitations in its use. It is recommended to refrain from using it in the following cases.

  1. With the manifestation of epilepsy.
  2. During gestation.
  3. At the stage of feeding the baby with breast milk.
  4. For kidney problems.
  5. In case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  6. Until the age of five (especially when using essential oil preparations).
  7. If there are problems with blood pressure (hypo- or hypertension).
  8. With a high level of estrogen and related diseases - endometriosis, breast tumor, polycystic, fibroids, etc.
  9. In the presence of allergic intolerance and individual rejection.

It should also be remembered that sage has a pronounced expectorant effect. Therefore, in the treatment of colds, it should be used only to facilitate the discharge of sputum in the initial stages of the disease. Continued use of sage medications will stimulate its strengthening, not cure. Strictly speaking, long-term continuous use of sage is contraindicated in any case. This can lead to poisoning. After a course of therapy (up to 1 month, maximum - 3), you should take a break.

Possible side effects

If the dosage is exceeded, as well as as a side effect, the following is observed:

  • Dizziness, migraines.
  • Itching, redness of the integument.
  • A sharp change in pressure.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Signs of poisoning.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Hallucinations.

Sage infusion and decoction - how to prepare a medicine at home

Essential oil, tincture, sage tablets, and pastilles are available over the counter. But you can prepare a product for both internal and external use yourself.

Broth. The dry grass is poured with raw water 1:10. When using a fresh plant, the ratio changes to 1: 5. The liquid is brought to a boil and kept on minimum heat for 15 minutes.

Infusion. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and placed in a thermos until they cool completely, or they are kept in a steam bath for about an hour. The mixture must not be allowed to boil! The proportions are the same as in the manufacture of the broth. For oral administration, both infusion and decoction should be diluted with water after preparation (approximately 1: 4). For rinsing, more concentrated compositions are used, and for an enema, they can not be diluted at all, as well as for external application.

Tincture. 3 large spoons of raw materials are poured with half a liter of vodka and insisted for about a month. When using alcohol, its ratio to dry grass should be 10: 1. For oral administration, the tincture is diluted with water.

The use of sage - at home and traditional medicine

Sage is widely used in folk medicine, and quite successfully, it helps against various diseases.

Sage broth. Effective for colds (facilitates expectoration, reduces mucosal edema), helps to normalize glucose levels, relieves inflammation and relieves pain in gastrointestinal diseases. It is used externally in the treatment of rashes (including acne) and other dermatological diseases, as a wound healing agent, as well as to strengthen and stimulate hair growth. It is also used for atherosclerosis and for the treatment of gynecological diseases, including infertility. The broth is used in the form of rinses for the treatment of stomatitis, for periodontal disease, to eliminate toothaches, and also during sore throat. We can also apply it in the form of inhalation.

Sage tea. Use a decoction of pleasant concentration. It is convenient to prepare tea using pharmacy packaged herbs.

Drink a drink:

  • as a diuretic and perspiration;
  • with a cold to relieve the condition and reduce intoxication;
  • with colitis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract to relieve pain and normalize functions;
  • if necessary, cessation of lactation;
  • to smooth out climacteric conditions;
  • as an immunostimulating and restorative agent;
  • to relieve overvoltage and prevent chronic stress conditions;
  • for the prevention and treatment of sclerotic vascular damage;
  • as a tonic that helps to activate thought processes.

Sage oil. It is used externally in cosmetic formulations. Also used for the preparation of baths, compresses and lotions. Helps with problem skin, is effective in reducing pain in injuries and joint pain. Used in aromatherapy for relaxation and prevention of chronic stress conditions.

Salvia oily extract. Applicable for:

  • rinses for dental problems to relieve inflammation, disinfect and reduce the intensity of pain;
  • ingestion with inflammation and ulceration of the gastric mucosa, cholecystitis, bronchitis;
  • solutions to dermatological problems (topical application);
  • cosmetic purposes (rejuvenation, improvement of skin condition, treatment of acne and acne formations, strengthening of hair follicles, combating excessive perspiration).

Sage tincture. It is used for rinsing with inflammatory and infectious lesions of the oral cavity and pharynx. Helps with atherosclerosis (effective for the prevention of its development), diarrhea, cystitis, spasms of the digestive tubes, activates the nervous system. Also helps to alleviate climacteric manifestations.

Tableted sage. Tablets (lozenges) should be kept in the mouth until they are completely dissolved (dissolve). Used for sore throat. These tablets help relieve pain, swelling, have antimicrobial effects and accelerate the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes. They are used according to the instructions.

Sage for the treatment of the respiratory system. Salvia as an integral component is included in the pharmacy breast fees. The plant is also used as an independent medicine for solving various problems with the respiratory system. It provides essential assistance in the fight against lung diseases, including tuberculosis. For colds, salvia has a number of positive effects.

  1. Relieves swelling of the mucous membranes.
  2. Eliminates headache.
  3. Stimulates the immune system.
  4. Fights germs.
  5. Stimulates the production of phlegm and facilitates its excretion.
  6. Relieves sore throat.
  7. Promotes the elimination of toxins.
  8. Tones up and relieves the general condition.

For this purpose, various pharmaceutical preparations are used, as well as home remedies.

Sage for hemorrhoids. With manifestations of hemorrhoids, sage broth will help to relieve the condition, relieve pain and itching, stop bleeding, and block the inflammatory process. It is consumed as a tea, and is also used to prepare enemas and warm sitz baths. Before introducing the broth through the rectum, you should first carry out a cleansing procedure. Then 100 ml of undiluted broth is injected, after which you should not get up for about 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day in a seven-day course.

Salvia's assistance in the field of gynecology. Phytohormones and aphrodisiacs were found in sage, therefore this plant is used to normalize various disorders in the genital area, as well as to solve many gynecological problems.

  1. Frigidity is eliminated.
  2. Infertility is treated.
  3. Hormonal imbalance is eliminated.
  4. Menstrual cycles are normalized, the process itself is facilitated, the volume of discharge decreases.
  5. Bleeding is prevented and stopped
  6. Inflammation is stopped and their causes are eliminated.
  7. Labor activity improves.
  8. Breast milk production is suppressed.

To obtain these effects, tea, decoctions, tinctures are used. They are needed for internal use, douching and preparation of sitz baths. In case of infertility, an infusion of leaves and salvia seeds is used. The course is carried out as prescribed by the gynecologist, who also monitors the patient's condition. It can also be assigned to men.

Sage treatment helps to eliminate the lack of estrogen, which is responsible for:

  • among women - for the formation of follicular structures, growth of the intrauterine lining, normalization of menstruation, increased desire;
  • in men - for the maintenance of sexual function, libido growth, sperm vitality.

But an excess of estrogen causes serious consequences, so uncontrolled intake of sage remedies is unacceptable.

Sage and cessation of lactation. Sometimes situations arise when a woman needs to reduce or completely stop the release of breast milk. Sage tea will help here. It smoothly reduces the secretion of the mammary glands, so the process is easily tolerated by women. It is also recommended to treat the breasts with an oily sage extract to prevent the development of inflammation and the appearance of lumps.

Salvia with menopause. The climacteric period is characterized by the appearance of various unpleasant sensations. Many women take it very hard. To alleviate the condition, reduce sweating, relieve pain, eliminate dizziness, normalize the psycho-emotional sphere, it is recommended to take sage both externally and internally. It is also recommended to use salvia essential oil as an aromatic additive for relaxation.

Herbal formulations for the treatment of bronchial diseases must contain sage. This plant is an excellent expectorant. In addition, sage is used to treat kidney failure. The incredible benefits of sage were noted by the ancient inhabitants of Europe and Asia: already at that time the grass was harvested for future use, thoroughly dried in the sun and ground into powder.

Sage improves brain function, restores brain cells, improves memory. This biological component is recommended for creative people, scientists, children who experience mental overload at school.

The healing properties of sage: treatment and prevention

The Almighty Creator created about a thousand varieties of sage, but not all of them contain healing components. In folk medicine, pharmaceutical sage is used. This plant contains a huge amount of essential oil compounds, from which the medicinal effect of the herb is composed.

Of course, other varieties of the plant also contain some amount of essential oil, but its amount is much less than in the pharmaceutical sage.

Sage oil

In the foliage of sage, the concentration of essential oils reaches 3%. Oils destroy bacteria, relieve inflammation. Here are just a few of the healing ingredients in sage:

  • Camphor (improves the condition of the lungs and nasopharynx).
  • Thiamin (calms the nerves, accelerates metabolic processes in the body).
  • Flavonoids (improve the condition of the circulatory system).
  • Ascorbic acid (strengthens the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses).
  • Vitamins PP (have a beneficial effect on the energy balance).
  • Tannin (stops bleeding, heals poisons, acts as an antidote).

Herbal preparations based on sage are extremely beneficial for women. The phytohormone present in sage has a rejuvenating effect on the female body, delays the onset of menopause, and eases the condition during hot flashes. In folk medicine, sage is used as a remedy for infertility (the plant strengthens the fallopian tube and walls). Sage drink helps women cope with gynecological inflammatory diseases.

For sore throat, inflammation in the mouth and on the skin, it is necessary to use sage decoctions. Sage destroys microbes and fungi, so the plant is included in ointments for the treatment of lichen, psoriasis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis.

One of the most effective methods of treatment is the use of kysta al hindi and (bloodletting) according to the Sunnah.

Sage - the benefits of the plant


The impact of sage on the human body is enormous and, in key positions, is beneficial. But, of course, such a powerful remedy cannot but have some contraindications. The harm of sage, like its benefits, was identified in ancient times. Healers noticed that the use of sage during exacerbation of chronic diseases leads to a worsening of the condition. Also, ancient doctors did not advise using a herbal remedy for pregnant women.

Scientific medicine of the 21st century fully agreed with the conclusions of colleagues who lived 2 millennia ago, and added to the list a few more cases in which sage should not be used:

  • Polycystic ovary disease.
  • Nephritis.
  • Corrosion of the cervix.
  • Myomas.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Lactation.
  • Depressive states, nervous diseases.
  • Hypothyroidism

Doctors do not advise using drugs with the active ingredient "sage" for too long, since the substances contained in the grass are deposited in various human organs, which can lead to disruptions in their work. In addition, long-term use of sage irritates the mucous membranes. It is important to observe the dosage and not drink too strong sage tea. Extreme caution with dosage should be observed when treating children with sage.

In what forms is sage used?

Sage is used for many diseases and in many different forms. In official medicine, the herbal supplement is considered a general tonic. Traditional healers prepare several types of medicine:

  • Tincture.
  • Broth.
  • Infusion.
  • Sage oil.
  • Powder.

The infusion is used to treat skin inflammation, ulcers, wounds, gangrene, burns and traces of prolonged exposure to severe frost. Herbal water infusion stops the multiplication of microbes. Many people mistakenly believe that a decoction and an infusion are one and the same. The decoction is used to treat skin diseases, thrush, infertility. In addition, the broth of sage has a tonic and immunomodulatory effect, relieves diabetes.

Sage powder is the name given to the grated leaves and tops of sage. The taste of the powder is bitter, the smell is weak vegetable. The powder improves the secretion of gastric juice, treats gastritis, is a mild antiseptic.

Sage oil is an excellent antiseptic. The drug perfectly treats angina and acute laryngitis. In addition, the oil has a positive effect on a person's mood and helps to overcome depression. The use of sage oil must be strictly dosed.

Sage for conceiving a fetus

Add to 200 ml. steep boiling water Art. a spoonful of sage. We place the container in a water bath, wait 10 minutes, stirring the broth. We remove the container from the bath, cool for about 1 hour. Having filtered the medicine, we leave the liquid, and discard the solid components. We store the broth in the refrigerator.

Sage is drunk as a stimulant that prepares a woman's body for conception. The beginning of admission is on the 5th day of the cycle. A woman needs to drink 50 ml at a time. broth. In total, we do 4 doses per day. We eat sage strictly after meals. The treatment course lasts from ten to eleven days. The end of the reception is signaled by the onset of ovulation. After ovulation, we take a break until the next menstruation.

Sage for pregnancy should not last longer than three months. The course can be repeated only after 2 months. If conception has occurred, the woman should immediately stop using the decoction so that it does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Huge contribution of Muslim scholars

Using sage oil

One of the common medicinal forms of sage is oil. You can prepare it yourself in about 2 months using olive or sunflower oil.

Sage leaves, stems and flowers are taken to make oil. Raw materials must be collected in the morning when the dew has dried. The collected sage is dried in the shade, then after one day it is placed in a glass container and poured with an oil base. Sage oil should be infused for 2 weeks in a warm place out of reach of sunlight.

Stir the oil regularly during the first two weeks of infusion. After this period, the product is insisted for another 4 weeks, but this time without stirring. The temperature in the room must be stable - sage does not tolerate temperature changes. The finished oil is passed through several layers of gauze, ridding it of pieces of leaves and stems.

Sage oil is ideal for a relaxing massage. The tool relieves hot flashes, sweating. For angina, you can prepare an emulsion based on sage oil and gargle with it. The oil quickly heals minor wounds and burns, acting as an antiseptic. By lubricating the gums with oil, a person gets rid of bacteria in the mouth and strengthens the vessels that feed the teeth. Sage oil can help cure gingivitis.

Sage essential oil cannot be made at home - you have to buy it at the pharmacy. You cannot use this product in its pure form. Small amounts of oil are added to the water when taking a bath, they inhale its pleasant smell during nervous tension and stress.


Using sage infusion and powder

In the West, sage has become a very popular spice. With this use of the herb, contraindications must be taken into account. Sage should not be added to food for pregnant women and persons with inflammatory diseases.

The sage-based seasoning leads to a sharp release of digestive juice in the stomach. A person experiences a "brutal" appetite, and food is much faster and easier to digest. It is not difficult to prepare the powder - we dry the collected sage foliage in a dark and warm room. Dried leaves easily turn into powder when manually rubbed. It is better to get rid of tough stems.