Hoy sauce. Sauce "Hoisin": recipe, ingredients

04.03.2020 Meat dishes

Legendary oriental sauces have conquered the world. The top ten most popular of them is Hoisin sauce. The recipe for this seasoning includes many components. Some of them are not easy to get. But our compatriots always find a way out. We offer you instructions for the production of a worthy analogue of the famous sauce.

How to replace unusual ingredients

For many years, Chinese chefs have kept the secrets of preparing an unusually delicious marinade. The Europeans could only guess what this amazing Peking duck is served with. Now many people know how to mix Hoisin sauce. The marinade recipe involves the use of fermented beans, red rice, sesame oil, rice vinegar, garlic, adzuki beans, ginger, Chinese five spices, etc. In China, these ingredients are quite affordable. We will have to be realistic and adapt the recipe to the usual realities.

Interestingly, the name of the sauce is translated as "Seafood". It does not contain any seafood. But the fact is there. Apparently, Chinese culinary specialists have introduced some special meaning into this epithet. But let's not puzzle over such nuances. It is better to try to pick up domestic analogues for overseas ingredients. Know that sesame oil is almost indistinguishable from sunflower oil, and adzuki beans taste like canned red beans. What about rice vinegar? What can replace this component? Experts say that wine vinegar is no worse. And to find it on the shelves of domestic stores, you see, is much easier. Only the Five Spices remain indispensable. But even this misunderstanding can and should be dealt with.

Hoisin sauce. Ingredients

Here is the list of products for preparing our marinade in Russian conditions:

  • red beans (canned) - 60 grams;
  • juice from a jar in which canned beans were sold - 20 milliliters;
  • soy sauce - 60 milliliters;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • wine vinegar (6 percent) - 40 milliliters;
  • honey - 20 milliliters;
  • chili pepper - 10 grams;
  • sesame or sunflower oil - 20 milliliters;
  • seasoning "Five spices" - 2 pinches.

The last ingredient is sold in major stores. It usually stands on a shelf with Chinese products. However, it can be made from separately purchased spices:

  • cinnamon (kinamon) - one stick (4 centimeters);
  • cloves - 10 pieces;
  • fennel seeds - one tablespoon;
  • star anise (anise) - two stars;
  • ginger (Sichuan pepper) - one tablespoon.

All components must first be heated in a pan, and then crushed into powder.

How to make hoisin sauce at home

  1. First you need to peel and finely chop the garlic.
  2. Then you need to cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds and membranes from it. Then half the fruit should be crushed.
  3. Next, you need to place the pepper and garlic in a blender and combine them with canned beans. You should get a puree-like mass.
  4. After that, you need to melt the honey and pour it over the resulting slurry.
  5. Then you should add sauce, vinegar and vegetable (sesame) oil to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. In conclusion, it is necessary to pour in the Five Spice seasoning or a self-prepared mixture. Everything must be mixed again until smooth.
  7. If it seemed to you that the sauce turned out to be too dense, dilute it with the juice from the jar and beat it again with a blender.

  1. Chili peppers and garlic are part of the Hoisin sauce. The recipe says to crumble them into small pieces. We recommend doing this with gloves to protect your hands from burns. Alternatively, you can include garlic powder in the dish.
  2. Among the ingredients from which the sauce is created, honey is found. Moreover, it must be melted to a liquid state. It is better to do this in a steam bath so that all the beneficial properties are preserved.
  3. Seasoning should be uniform and smooth. This effect is impossible without the use of modern kitchen appliances. A blender is the best option for making the sauce. He is able to turn disparate components into a single whole.

Hoisin with orange juice

You can cook the famous Chinese sauce with the addition of orange juice. In this recipe, it is suggested not to rack your brains over what can be replaced with rice vinegar. You can use the usual table product in a 5% concentration.


  • soy sauce - eight tablespoons;
  • chili sauce - forty drops;
  • vinegar 5 percent - four teaspoons;
  • garlic powder - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • orange juice - two tablespoons;
  • honey (liquid) - two tablespoons.

Cooking method.

Place all ingredients in a mixer bowl and beat until completely smooth.

Hoisin on peanut butter

Another interesting seasoning option. The sauce contains the following ingredients:

  • peanut butter - 80 grams;
  • honey - 40 milliliters;
  • soy sauce - 160 milliliters;
  • wine vinegar (white, 6 percent) - 20 milliliters;
  • garlic powder - one pinch;
  • chili sauce - 40 milliliters;
  • seasoning "Five spices" - one pinch;
  • sesame oil - 20 milliliters.

Peanut Sauce Instructions

  1. First you need to put peanut butter in a blender.
  2. Then it must be sprinkled with honey.
  3. After that, add the chili sauce.
  4. Next you need to pour in the vinegar, soy sauce and sesame oil.
  5. Then you need to grind all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.
  6. Finally, add garlic and spices and mix everything thoroughly again.

Pairing with various dishes

As mentioned above, the famous Peking duck cannot do without Hoisin sauce. The recipe calls for mixing it with honey and brushing the bird with it before going into the oven. After that, the roast turns out amazing. It is covered with a magnificent golden-honey crust. Hoisin is also added to soups, and they acquire a unique taste and aroma. The sauce is often used as a barbecue marinade. The meat, which has lain in it for some time, becomes tender and unusually tasty. Chinese seasoning can be served with other dishes. Feel free to experiment, bon appetit!

Hoisin sauce is a traditional Chinese sauce, famous all over the world, thanks to the Peking duck, it is with this sauce that the bird is coated before baking. The sauce has a sweetish, even honey taste and aroma of spices. Translated from Chinese, the name of the sauce means - seafood. Hoisin sauce is ideal for preparing poultry and meat dishes, especially tender pork. Hoisin is made from fermented soybeans, potato starch (using sweet potatoes), rice, wheat, vinegar, garlic, and salt.

Its European counterpart is the British "brown sauce" and its American counterpart is BBQ sauce. But unlike its Western counterparts, Hoisin does not suppress other products, but brings out the best in them. In addition, it can be added to soups, to which it gives a smoky flavor. The sauce is thicker and more liquid. Instead of chicken breast, you can use any parts of the chicken.

Chinese chefs treat liquid seasonings with respect. It is difficult to find a Chinese dish that would be served without sauce. The legendary hoisin sauce is a must-have addition to Peking Duck. It is served separately with pork, poultry meat and other dishes, used as a marinade. It is curious that the name of the sauce is translated as "seafood", although it does not include seafood. The seasoning is made from fermented beans, red rice, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, rice vinegar, and other ingredients available in China but little known in other countries. It is unlikely that anyone will succeed in preparing the original hoisin sauce at home, but there are adapted recipes according to which the liquid seasoning comes out very similar to the real one, which is made in China.

Cooking features

The original hoisin sauce has a complex composition, but it is not difficult to make a seasoning similar to it from the available ingredients. It is enough to find a suitable recipe and learn a few secrets.

  • Almost all hoisin sauce recipes include a complex Chinese Five Spice seasoning. You can get it, but it is not sold everywhere. If it was not possible to get a jar of ready-made spices, you can cook the seasoning yourself. It will require a cinnamon stick about 4 cm long, 2 anise stars, 10 cloves, a tablespoon of fennel seeds and the same amount of Sichuan pepper. The last component can be replaced with the same amount of ginger powder. All spices are fried in a dry frying pan, then ground into powder and mixed.
  • Often the composition of the seasoning includes chili peppers, garlic. It is better to work with these ingredients with gloves so as not to damage the skin.
  • Often honey is included in the composition of the sauce. This component is pre-melted to a liquid state. If you want to preserve its useful properties, it is better to do it in a steam bath.

The products that make up hoisin sauce are usually not subjected to heat treatment, so it can be made quickly. You only need the help of kitchen appliances, which will help to make the consistency of the liquid seasoning smooth and uniform.

Recipe for hoisin sauce based on beans and honey

  • canned red beans in their own juice - 60 g;
  • juice from canned beans - 20 ml;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • seasoning "Five spices" - 2 pinches;
  • honey - 20 ml;
  • chili pepper - 10 g;
  • sesame oil - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the garlic and finely chop.
  • Cut the pepper in half lengthwise, remove seeds and membranes. Cut half of the pod into small pieces.
  • Put pepper and garlic in a blender bowl, add beans to them.
  • Turn on the machine and grind the ingredients to a puree.
  • Melt the honey, pour it over the resulting slurry.
  • Add soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil. If necessary, it can be replaced with any other vegetable oil.
  • Pour seasoning, pour in a spoonful of juice from a can of beans.
  • Whip the contents of the blender bowl until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

If the sauce seems too thick, you can add another spoonful of juice from the beans, beat the sauce again.

Hoisin Bean and Sugar Sauce

  • red canned beans - 100 g;
  • molasses - 5 ml;
  • brown sugar - 5 g;
  • wine vinegar (6 percent) - 40 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 5 ml;
  • seasoning "Five spices" - 5 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the seasonings into the pan, heat slightly so that their aroma is better revealed.
  • Dilute them with soy sauce and pour the composition into a blender bowl.
  • Put molasses and sugar in it. If necessary, molasses can be replaced with honey.
  • Add oil, vinegar and crushed garlic.
  • Whisk.
  • Add the beans, after mashing them with a fork. Mix the ingredients with a blender.

The sauce made according to this recipe has a thick consistency. It is convenient to serve with meat dishes, poured into a gravy boat.

Peanut Butter Hoisin Sauce Recipe

  • peanut butter - 80 g;
  • honey - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 160 ml;
  • white wine vinegar (6 percent) - 20 ml;
  • garlic powder - a pinch;
  • chili sauce - 40 ml;
  • sesame oil - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Place peanut butter in a blender.
  • Pour melted honey over it.
  • Add chili sauce.
  • Pour in vinegar and soy sauce, sesame oil.
  • Turn on the device and turn the components into a homogeneous mass.
  • Add garlic and spices, beat some more.

In hoisin sauce prepared according to this recipe, you can marinate pork, poultry meat. Serving it alone with Peking duck or other Chinese dishes is also a good idea.

Hoisin sauce with orange juice

  • soy sauce - 160 ml;
  • orange juice - 40 ml;
  • garlic powder - a pinch;
  • honey - 40 ml;
  • wine vinegar (6 percent) - 20 ml;
  • seasoning "Five spices" - a pinch;
  • chili sauce - 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Melt honey until liquid.
  • Combine all the ingredients that make up the sauce.
  • Whisk.

This version of the seasoning differs from the traditional hoisin sauce with orange notes, a liquid consistency and a less spicy taste. If you are not a fan of spicy dishes, this option should be preferred.

Hoisin sauce is the pride of Chinese cuisine. With it, poultry and pork acquire a unique taste. Seasoning can also be used as a marinade. Adapted recipes allow you to cook it in the home kitchen.

In Chinese national cuisine, sauces occupy one of the leading places. The Chinese have developed a special attitude towards the amazing "seafood". This is how hoisin sauce sounds when translated into Russian, in which you will not find a single piece of seafood. It is difficult to say where the name "hoisin" came from, apparently, Chinese chefs associated the taste and composition of the sauce with something boundless and beautiful.

Let's digress from searching for the essence of the name of the dish, let's turn to its content. Authentic hoising sauce is made with ingredients that are hard to find in our stores. It includes: fermented adzuki beans, garlic, ginger, chili peppers, the famous Chinese "Five spices", tangerine and lemon zest, rice vinegar, sesame oil and a whole list of spices and spices. The complex set of hoisinne confuses Chinese cooks, but leads to a slight shock of our hostesses.

However, you should not be afraid, it is better to find out than to replace all this culinary exoticism. Instead of sesame oil, you can take sunflower or olive oil, replace rice vinegar with wine vinegar, adzuki beans are very similar in taste to canned red beans. Agree, with such analogues of recipes familiar to us, hoisin looks already simpler, but what cannot be replaced is the five spices that give the sauce its unique flavor bouquet.

Homemade hoisin sauce

Cooking hoisin sauce does not take long, the main thing is to collect all the ingredients. For an option adapted to Russian cuisine, we will take the following components:

  • soy sauce - 150 ml;
  • wine vinegar - 10 ml;
  • soy paste to taste;
  • sugar - a teaspoon;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • "Five spices" - 1 tablespoon of the mixture.

A jar of "Five Spice" can be found in the store, on the shelves with Chinese products. If it is difficult to find such a product in your city, do not worry. The mixture can be made from separately purchased seasonings. This set looks like this:

  • cinnamon (kinamon) - 1 stick 4 cm long;
  • cloves - 10 pieces;
  • fennel seeds - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • star anise (anise) - 2 stars;
  • ginger or Sichuan pepper - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

These spices must be added to our homemade hoisin sauce to reproduce its aromatic aura. Each of them brings its own special sound to the overall melody of taste. Now that we know everything about the mysterious five spices, let's collect the rest of the ingredients. We will need:

  • red canned beans - 400 grams;
  • black molasses - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil (if you do not find sesame oil, take it to your taste) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • five spices (ready store mix or cooked on your own) - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Black molasses, brown sugar, and wine vinegar are responsible for the gravy's deep, deep red color, which is spectacular on garnishes and other dishes. If you want to enhance the color and diversify the flavor of the gravy, add some flower honey to it. Cloves and cinnamon pair perfectly with honey, and soy sauce takes on a warm, sweet note in alliance with it.

Cooking order:

  1. Star anise grind in a mortar.
  2. We heat the pan and put chopped star anise, cloves and half a spoonful of fennel seeds into it. We need to heat the ingredients so that the spices give a lasting aroma.
  3. Then pour them into a mortar, add half a teaspoon of chopped cinnamon to them. Rub thoroughly.
  4. Pour soy sauce into a saucepan, pour grated spices there, add soy paste (1 teaspoon). Add wine vinegar and add sugar. Heat the sauce to a boil, but do not boil. Sugar should be completely dispersed.
  5. We clean the garlic, crush it, put it into the gravy. We cool the whole mass. Hoisin is served cold.

As you can see, cooking gravy does not take much time, it takes 20-25 minutes for all operations. Preliminary preparation of products is minimal, complex manipulations with heat treatment are not required. Even a novice hostess can cook such a dish.

What dishes to serve?

In China Hoixing, this is an indispensable component in the preparation of a delicious Peking duck. By adding honey to the ingredients of the sauce, the cooks of the Celestial Empire grease the duck with it, and the bird comes out of the oven, covered with an amazing golden-honey crust. Our hostesses have adapted to use a unique Chinese culinary masterpiece for barbecue marinade. The meat, lying in such a bouquet of taste and aroma, becomes tender, satisfying and extremely appetizing.

The Americans came up with their own gravy recipe, very similar to the Chinese version. Use it in barbecue cooking. The British prepare a brown sauce that tastes like Chinese "seafood", but less aromatic. The foreign answer to the question of how to replace individual ingredients in the sauce turned out to be decent, but with a little clarification: the American and English versions clog the taste of the main dish, and the Chinese original nicely emphasizes it.

Some housewives, having compared the set of products for the sauce with other recipes, began to season chicken noodles with it, miraculously turning it into an exotic Vietnamese pho soup. Whatever metamorphoses you come up with for the gravy recipe, be sure to introduce the magical “Five Spices” into it. By the way, in China you can be served such a gravy with citrus notes, very spicy, with a delicate sourness, and in each of the proposed options you will certainly feel the enchanting notes of these spices.