Sauce for river fish. How to make a delicious fish sauce from milk, herbs, cream? Recipes for Polish, fish, mayonnaise sauce for fish

24.08.2019 Bakery products

Fish is a unique product, rich in microelements and nutrients that are useful and necessary for our body, moreover, it is an excellent dietary product that helps to improve overall well-being, and also helps to quickly and without discomfort get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

What sauce goes well with fish

A properly selected fish sauce will help to make your dish exquisite and unique, with the secrets of preparation of which we will introduce you in this article.

Fish sauce - the perfect combination

Fish dishes are usually served with milk sauces, the basis for which is milk, cream or sour cream, as well as sauces in fish broth. When it comes to additional ingredients, most of the chefs recommend using a variety of roots, vinegar, wine, eggs and spices. It should be noted that you should be very careful when adding spices and seasonings to fish sauce, otherwise you run the risk of "interrupting" the taste of the main dish.

Parsley root is ideal for fish dishes, carrots, onions and celery, which must be sautéed before adding to the sauce. If you are preparing a sauce based on fish broth, then it is better to use the head, tail and fins of the fish as a base for the broth. To avoid the ingress of small scales and fish bones, the broth must be filtered through several layers of gauze before making the sauce.

The use of seasonings depends on the type of fish.So to give river fish additional aroma and taste, use parsley, basil and bay leaves, and saffron, paprika and dill are ideal for red fish.

Milk sauces, sour cream sauce for fish

Cooking complex sauces takes time, certain knowledge and experience, we recommend starting with a simple one - delicate sour cream sauce for fish. To make sour cream sauce you will need:

  • 15-20% sour cream - 200 grams;
  • butter - 30-50 grams;
  • flour - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • garlic, herbs and spices.

How to prepare fish sauce?

  1. Preheat a frying pan, melt the butter and pour in the sour cream mixed with flour. The amount of flour used depends on the thickness of the sour cream (for liquid sour cream, you can use 2 tablespoons of flour).
  2. Add a little garlic (literally 0.5 cloves), herbs and spices.
  3. Simmer the mixture for 1-2 minutes and turn off the heat. This sauce can be served separately or used to further stew fish.

Variation on the theme of milk sauces for fish - cheese and cream sauce, for the preparation of which it is best to use blue cheese and cream of 20-30% fat. In a saucepan, heat the cream (in a water bath) and add the cheese, cut into small cubes, to it. When the cheese is melted, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the sauce cool. Then add greens to the mixture. You can also use flour to thicken the sauce.

Fish sauce, tomato sauce

We all know tomato sauce for fish since childhood, and the taste of sprat and gobies in tomato is simply impossible to forget. Tomato sauce is an ideal addition to white fish dishes. Most often, fish dishes are stewed in such a sauce, saturated with a rich taste and aroma.

For making tomato sauce you will need fresh tomatoes or ready-made tomato paste, carrots, onions, herbs and spices. The fish must be fried on both sides before adding the gravy. Stew the fish in tomato sauce for no more than 15-20 minutes, otherwise the fish will be spoiled.

If you like spicy food, then tomato sauce is exactly what you need. You can add hot peppers, garlic and spices to it. Nutmeg, ginger, cilantro and paprika will not spoil the taste of sauce and fish. Little secret - adding a little sugar to the hot sauce will make it more pungent.

Salsa Verde and Shermula - green sauces for fish

This is what are called green sauces,which are offered to fish dishes in restaurants and expensive cafes. The base of the sauce is butter or olive oil, to which is added parsley or cilantromint, basil and garlic minced in a blender.

The sauce does not require heat treatment, but to give a more intense aroma and taste, it is recommended to cook it 20-30 minutes before serving. Anchovies, Dijon mustard and spices can be used to add a salty and pungent flavor to the sauce.

Fish sauce - ideas

Fish sauce - this is an excellent addition to the dish, which will give it new flavoring "notes". You can use tomatoes, cream, cheese, white wine, lemon, etc. as ingredients. Consider the variations we've picked up.

Sour cream sauce for fish

Melt 50 g butter in a frying pan, add a little flour. After 1 minute, pour in a glass of sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, turn off the heat. Add fish pieces to the resulting sauce, bring to readiness.

Red fish sauce

Chop the onions, fry them in a saucepan in butter. Combine with mushrooms, cut into thin slices. Bring the plates until golden brown. Add flour and toast everything together. Add cream in a thin stream, season, sprinkle with nutmeg, remove from heat.

Fish sauces with photo

Blue cheese recipe

Heat the cream, mix with diced blue cheese. It can be pre-melted in a water bath. For thickening, add flour to the mixture. There is no need to add any spices, not even salt.

Tomato sauce

Prepare fresh tomatoes, peel, remove seeds. If fresh tomatoes are not on hand, pasta or ketchup will do. Fry the fish until golden brown, pour tomato juice into the pan. It should only cover half of the fish pieces. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer. Finally, add a little chili, oregano and any traditional seasonings.

How amazing is it?

Try this gravy option too.

Simmer chopped onions in butter. Top with tomato juice, sprinkle with Italian herbs and onions. Simmer one third of the mixture over low heat. Finally, add red pepper. You can also add parsley, dill, herbs, garlic, paprika and cilantro if desired.

Fish sauce recipes with photos

Cumin recipe

Fry the coriander and cumin, chop finely. Grind parsley and cilantro, mix with salt, ground spices, lemon juice, paprika. Season the gravy with olive oil and garlic.

Honey and soy sauce

In a bowl, combine soy sauce and honey, add a little lemon juice, marinate the fish. This will take about 4 hours. While it is fried, drain the rest of the marinade into a saucepan, heat. If there is too little liquid, add a little more wine, honey and soy sauce. Evaporate the gravy by half.

Berry sauce

Grind red currants or lingonberries through a sieve, mix with lemon juice, starch and sugar. Heat on the stove, add some honey and serve.

Pomegranate sauce

Peel the pomegranate, transfer the seeds to a saucepan, squeeze the juice with a crush. Pour the juice into a separate container, put it on the stove for heating. About a quarter of the liquid should evaporate. Add salt and pepper, a little cinnamon, coriander.

Fish sauce: recipes

Potato recipe

You will need:

Medium potato - 3 pcs.
- vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
- garlic clove - 4 pcs.
- white wine vinegar - large spoon
- salt

Cooking features:

Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel, crush with a crush or blender. Add chopped garlic, add the rest of the ingredients. Finally, salt the mixture.

Caribbean recipe

Squeeze the lemon out of the orange half, measure out 1.5 tbsp. spoons. Stir in 1 tbsp. l. ketchup and rum, 95 g of mayonnaise. Taste and add spices to taste. Add a few drops of Tabasco sauce to the sauce for a savory and spicy sauce.

Sour cream sauce for fish

You will need:

Sour cream - 195 ml
- boiled egg - 2 pcs.
- garlic prong
- spices
- pickled cucumber

Cooking features:

Chop the cucumber finely. You can crumble one half, and grate the other. Chop the eggs and garlic. Combine the prepared ingredients with sour cream, season.


You will need:

Large tomato
- a bunch of parsley or cilantro
- medium onion
- strawberries
- 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
- sunflower oil
- salt

Cooking features:

Chop the herbs finely. Remove the skin from the tomato. Chop the strawberries and tomes into small cubes. Chop the onion. You can also use kiwi instead of strawberries. It needs to be grated. Combine the chopped ingredients with the rest of the products, give an hour to infuse.

White fish sauce


Fish broth - ½ liter
- butter - 60 g
- flour - 35 g
- egg yolk
- juice from half a lemon

How to cook:

Dissolve 30 g of butter, add flour, lightly fry. Put on the table, pour in cold broth, stir. When stirring, make sure that there are no lumps. Season with spices, combine with yolk, stir again. Instead of a spoon, a whisk is also suitable. Return the gravy to the stove and bring to a boil. After cooling the mass, add another 30 g of oil into it. Squeeze out the lemon juice. Try the gravy and add spices and juice to taste.

Fried fish sauce

Required products:

White pepper
- a teaspoon of honey
- onion
- small orange - 3 pieces
- butter - 195 g
- salt
- dry white wine - 145 g

Cooking features:

Rub the zest of one orange. It can also be carefully cut with a knife. Squeeze out the juice with a juicer. Chop the onion, combine with the zest and juice, wine, honey and onion. Place the mixture on the stove (you cannot boil it!). As soon as it starts to warm up, put it on the fire, throw in the pieces of butter. After the mass becomes homogeneous, add the seasonings, remove the dish from the heat, strain.

Polish fish sauce

You will need:

Egg - a couple of pieces
- chopped greens - 2 tablespoons
- butter - 90 g
- lemon juice - 2.1 tsp
- salt

Cooking features:

Boil the testicles, refrigerate, remove the shell, chop them into small cubes. Finely chop the green onion, parsley and dill. Dissolve butter in a saucepan, add eggs, add lemon juice. Stir, salt to taste.

Creamy fish sauce

Recipe number 1

Required products:

Water - 70 ml
- lemon juice - 10 ml
- cream - 145 ml
- butter - 40 g

Cooking steps:

Combine lemon juice, cream and some water. Place the mixture on low heat, evaporate until the volume is reduced by 1/3. Add butter, mix thoroughly, let cool. You can use white wine instead of lemon.

Recipe number 2

You will need:

Cream - 0.6 ml
- 55 g butter
- 20 g onions
- a tablespoon of granulated sugar
- martini - 40 ml
- fish broth - 95 g
- 1 g black peppercorns
- 10 g sunflower oil
- a teaspoon of beluga caviar
- a pinch of ground pepper
- juice from lemon

How to cook:

Peel the onion, wash and chop finely. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan, fry the onion on it. Toss in the black peppercorns. Pour in fish broth with martini, put on low heat. Season, add lemon juice, mix with granulated sugar and butter, continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Serve with beluga caviar gravy, stir.

Recipe number 3

Required products:

0.25 tsp nutmeg
- a glass of cream
- fish broth - 0.6 tbsp.
- 90 g butter
- half a bunch of fresh dill
- chicken egg - 2 pieces
- 90 g cheese
- spices

How to do:

Grate the cheese, melt the butter in a water bath. Combine these foods, keep heating. Pour in the broth with cream, stir to get a homogeneous mass. Be sure to stir the contents, season, combine with nutmeg. Continue cooking for exactly 5 minutes. Do not bring to a boil. Rinse the herbs, chop finely, add with the gravy.

Recipe number 4


- a large spoonful of flour
- champignons - 140 g
- cream - 190 g
- sunflower oil
- ground pepper

Cooking features:

Chop the peeled onion. Wash the mushrooms, dry, crumble with plates. Heat the butter, mix with the mushrooms, fry for 5 minutes. Add flour, stir. Pour in the cream, stir so that no lumps form. After boiling, cook for a couple of minutes, stirring regularly. Sprinkle with spices and chopped onions. Cover with a lid, leave for a quarter of an hour.

Mustard and apple option


Olive oil, mustard - 3 tsp each
- salt
- French mustard - 4 tsp
- seasonings
- juice from half a lemon
- medium apple

How to cook:

Bake the apple to soften. Remove the skin, inner part, and leave on a plate. Puree the apple, mix with French mustard, season, stir and taste to taste. The final accord is lemon juice. Stir the mass and serve with other dishes.

Sauces for meat, fish

Garlic-lemon marinade


Garlic clove - 6 pcs.
- a pinch of salt
- large lemon - ½ pc.
- half a bunch of parsley
- ground black pepper
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
- lemon zest

Cooking features:

Squeeze the garlic with a garlic press, season, mix with lemon zest, grind thoroughly. Squeeze out the juice, add oil. Wash the parsley, dry, chop finely, mix with the total mass. Fry the fish, bake it, pour it over with hot marinade.

"Green pleasure"


A tablespoon of mustard
- spices
- sugar
- sour cream - 245 g
- chicken egg - 3 pieces
- greens (basil, spinach, parsley, dill) - 90 g
- tartaric acetic acid - 3.2 tbsp. spoons

How to do:

Chop the greens, turn through a meat grinder, fill with sour cream. Boil the eggs, separate the whites and yolks, mash with a fork, combine with vegetable oil. Mix yolks with mustard, add vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar, stir until smooth. Combine with the yolk mixture, stir. Grind the proteins, add to the total mixture, stir

Many of us love fish, especially red fish - the tender meat of which, in addition to being very healthy, on top of everything else, is amazingly tasty. It can be fried, baked, grilled. But, some people prefer the dietary method of cooking red fish, so they boil it. Of course, boiled fish has a rather bland taste, and sauce for red fish can just fix the situation and make the dish very appetizing.

Whatever sauce for red fish you decide to cook, remember that it should emphasize the taste of the dish, in no case should it resonate. Below we will give you some recipes for how to make red fish sauce.

Tartar sauce"

This sauce is considered a classic fish sauce. Of course, there are a lot, but now we will talk about the most common.


  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt, pepper (black) - to taste.


Grate cucumbers on a fine grater, squeeze the juice and mix with salt and pepper. Squeeze out the garlic, add sour cream, mayonnaise and mix all the ingredients well. As you can see, preparing sauce for fish is quite simple, and it takes very little time.

White sauce for red fish

The second name of the sauce is creamy. You can replace the cream with sour cream by adding some sugar.


  • cream - 100 ml;
  • white wine (dry) - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • parsley, dill - to taste.


Prepare white or creamy sauce for red fish as follows. First, squeeze the garlic and mix with finely chopped herbs. Fry flour in butter, add cream and mix. Gently pour wine to the flour with cream, add garlic with herbs, salt, pepper and cook over low heat until thickened.

Sweet and sour sauce



Fry the flour in butter, then dilute with hot broth, stir. We filter the broth, mix with sugar, salt and lemon juice, put on fire, let it boil, add sorted raisins, herbs and a couple of lemon slices. We warm up for a couple of minutes and we can serve the sauce for fried red fish. And you can also diversify this dressing by looking at the recipe in the article about.

Fry a tablespoon of flour in a saucepan with the same amount of oil, dilute with two glasses of fish broth and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then add salt to the sauce, remove from heat, add lemon juice or diluted citric acid, a piece of butter, stir to combine the butter with the sauce, and strain.

For fish in brine, lemon juice and citric acid are replaced with cucumber brine (1-2 tablespoons).

Serve with steamed fish and fish in brine.

400 ml fish stock, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 1 cm. a spoonful of wheat flour, 1 egg (yolk), 1-2 cm. tablespoons of white table wine, lemon juice, butter, salt to taste.

Peel the parsley and medium onion, wash, chop finely and lightly fry in a saucepan with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter and the same amount of flour. Dissolve the fried flour with roots with 2 glasses of fish broth, salt and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then remove the sauce from the heat, add raw egg yolk mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, mix thoroughly and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Pour in white table wine and lemon juice, stir.

Serve with steamed fish.

160 ml water or broth, 50 g butter, 80 g wheat flour, 1 cm. a spoonful of finely chopped onions, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped parsley, 1/2 teaspoon of finely chopped chervil, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped basil, 1 cm. a spoonful of vinegar, 80 g of sour cream, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Melt the butter, add flour and onion and lightly brown. Pour in water or broth, add parsley, chervil and basil, as well as salt and vinegar and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Add sour cream and bring to a boil.

450 ml of white fish sauce, cooked in concentrated fish broth (broth from steaming fish or steaming it), 35 g butter, 50 g champignons or fresh porcini mushrooms, lemon or citric acid.

When preparing white fish sauce, add mushrooms, stewed until tender, and finely chopped into it before cooking.

Serve with boiled or stewed fish.

300 ml fish stock, 1-1.5 cm. tablespoons of wheat flour, 400 g cream, 1 cm. a spoonful of butter, 1 bunch of finely chopped dill, ground red pepper, salt to taste.

Dill can be easily sautéed with oil for 2-3 minutes. and set aside. Mix freshly boiled fish broth with lemon juice and cook for 15 minutes, strain. Combine dill, cream, fish broth and bring to a boil. Grind flour with butter and add to boiling broth, stirring occasionally, thicken. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve with boiled, stewed and fried fish.

75 g butter, 30 g shallots, 150 ml vinegar, black pepper, salt to taste.

Put chopped shallots in a saucepan, pour in vinegar, add salt and pepper to taste. Allow to evaporate until one quarter of the original volume remains. Remove from heat. Add butter, whisking the sauce. The sauce should come out white and slightly frothy.

Serve with boiled fish.

6 cm. tablespoons of butter, 3 cm. tablespoons of wheat flour, 800 ml of fish broth, 150 g of cream, citric acid, salt to taste.

Fry the flour in butter until golden brown. Pour fish broth in a thin stream and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, season with salt, add citric acid and whipped cream.

350 g butter, 4 hard-boiled eggs, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, parsley, salt to taste.

Melt the butter, mix with finely chopped eggs and salt, add lemon juice and finely chopped parsley, mix gently. You can add 1/4 cup fish stock if desired.

This sauce can be prepared with the addition of the main white sauce (200 g), cooked in fish broth, respectively, reducing the amount of butter (150 g).

Serve with stewed or boiled fish (pour the sauce over the fish or serve it separately in a gravy boat).

300 g of the main tomato fish sauce, 100 ml of white grape wine, 1 parsley root, 2 onions, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 3-5 peppercorns, bay leaf.

Chop parsley root and onions finely. Fry lightly in oil, then pour in dry grape wine, add bay leaves, peppercorns. Combine with tomato sauce, boil for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat, fill with butter.

Serve with boiled and baked fish.

100 g butter, 300 g walnut kernels, 250 g onions, 30 g wheat flour, 5 eggs (yolks), 25 g garlic, 100 ml wine vinegar, 4 cloves buds, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tsp .spoon (no top) ground red pepper, 2 bay leaves, a little saffron, 25 g fresh herbs, 2 g dried herbs, 20 g salt.

Sauté finely chopped onion and garlic in butter and fat removed from chicken broth, add flour, dilute with chicken broth, boil and set aside. Mix finely crushed nuts with dried and fresh herbs, ground red pepper, egg yolks, saffron tincture and boiled wine vinegar with spices. Add this mixture to the prepared sauce and heat, stirring occasionally, without bringing to a boil.

Pour portions of fried fish (sturgeon, pike perch, etc.) with this sauce.

300-400 ml fish broth or water, 2 cm. spoons of fat, 1 cm. a spoonful of wheat flour, 1-2 heads of onions, 100 g of sour cream, 1/2 teaspoon of "Yuzhny" -type sauce, salt to taste.

Fry flour with fat, dilute with hot fish broth or water and cook for 10-15 minutes, then add lightly fried chopped onions, sour cream, sauce like "South" and bring to a boil.

500 ml of strong fish broth, 400-600 g of sour cream, 50-80 g of wheat flour, salt to taste.

Prepare a white sauce from flour broth and broth (cook for 10-15 minutes), then add sour cream to it, boil for 3-5 minutes, strain and season with salt to taste.

Serve with chopped fish dishes, fried crucians and perches.

200 g of white fish sauce, 100 g of sour cream, black pepper and salt to taste.

Prepare white sauce, add sour cream, salt and pepper, boil and strain.

Serve with hot baked dishes and chopped fish.

200 g sour cream, 2 horseradish roots, 200 ml fish broth, 1 cm each. a spoonful of butter and wheat flour, salt to taste.

Peel the horseradish root, rinse, grate finely, put in a saucepan with heated oil, lightly fry, sprinkle with flour and heat. Add sour cream and broth, season with salt and boil.

Serve with hot and cold fish dishes and snacks.

400 ml of milk mixed with cream, 4-b tbsp. spoons of chopped onions, 2-3 cm. tablespoons of butter, 2 cm. tablespoons of wheat flour, black pepper, salt to taste.

Fry chopped onion and flour in butter. While stirring, pour in milk in small portions and cook the sauce for at least 5 minutes. Add a piece of butter to the sauce before serving.

Milk onion sauce is especially good with boiled or stewed flounder, halibut and sole. Can be served with other fish dishes.

300 ml milk, 1 cm. spoon of fat, 2 cm. tablespoons of wheat flour, pepper, salt to taste.

Fry flour with fat, dilute with hot milk, cook for 10-15 minutes at a low boil, then salt and add pepper.

300 g milk sauce, 500 ml fish broth, 150 g cream, 100 g crayfish oil, 150 g truffles, 1 lemon, ground red pepper.

Gradually pour the fish broth cooked with truffles into the milk sauce and heat to a boil, stirring with a spatula. After 5-7 minutes, pour in the boiled cream, add salt, red hot pepper and stir. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, season with crayfish oil and lemon juice or citric acid.

This sauce can be prepared without truffles. Serve with boiled and stewed fish.

900 g of the main white fish sauce, 200 g of mussels, 4 eggs (yolks), 1/2 lemon, 50 g of butter, 30 g of parsley.

Season the main white sauce, cooked with a broth of mussels, with raw egg yolks. After that add boiled mussels turned through a meat grinder. Heat the sauce to 70-80 ° С and serve with chopped parsley.

Serve with seafood dishes.

Oyster Sauce (Old Recipe)

Take 50 oysters, separate from the shells and put on fire with their water. Before boiling, remove the oysters with a slotted spoon, strain the water through a napkin, combine with 2 glasses (400 ml) of the main white fish sauce, boil until the desired thickness. Combine with 2 raw egg yolks and 100 g cream. Strain.

15 minutes before serving in a very hot sauce, put peeled oysters (only the fatty part of the oyster is used, and the dark rim is removed), a piece of butter, a little strained meat juice (from frying meat), a little chopped blanched parsley, lemon juice, pepper , slightly nutmeg color.

Steam under the lid until serving.

There are many different types of fish for food. Depending on the area, it can be marine, oceanic, river, living in artificial reservoirs. Due to its widespread prevalence, fish has not only different appearancebut also a taste well known to culinary and seafood lovers. This allows you to make almost any dish from it, from soups to desserts, but most often it is prepared and served with a side dish. Delicious sauce for rice with fish is an equally popular seasoning, as it allows you to fully reveal the taste of the main dish.

There are no less options for making sauces than a range of fish dishes. A properly selected sauce for fish and rice is considered the pinnacle of culinary art, because it is not easy to do. In addition to the fact that when choosing a recipe, you should consider not only the variety and type of fish. It is important to choose exactly those products that will be combined with the main dish and side dish, without obscuring their taste, but emphasizing it favorably.

Those gravy that are combined with rice are not always suitable for fish. That is why you should know a few simple secrets to help you prepare a real culinary masterpiece from different products.

Options for using sauces for fish and rice

The fish sauce is selected depending on the method of preparation of the main dish.

  • The most popular cooking methods for fish are: frying, boiling, stewing, baking in the oven or grilling. Cooked in one of these ways, the fish goes well with rice grits as a side dish. In this case, you can prepare a cold or warm sauce for rice or fish. A delicate, creamy sauce will soften the fishy taste and add juiciness to the garnish. Creamy seasoning can be used to marinate white fish.
  • In some cases, you can use these products to prepare complex dishes: pilaf, risotto, casseroles and more. Since fish and rice are part of the same common treat, which may include other ingredients, liquid seasoning is the most suitable option. It can be made separately and added both at the stage of preparation and before serving the finished dish to the table.
  • Fish cooked separately can be served with gravies and dressings, which can be served hot or cold. Most often they are prepared on the basis of fish broth.

Universal sauce for river fish

Freshwater fish has a very pleasant mild taste, but most often it has a special, specific odor of mud. To drown out the aroma of the river and enjoy the delicious meat of catfish, carp or pike, just add the creamy seasoning.

Time to prepare food and cook : 10 minutes
Output of ready-made portions : 4
Necessary products :

  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cream - 200 ml
  • Butter - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Lemon - 1/2 pc.
  • Salt to taste

How to cook

  1. Put a piece of butter in a frying pan and melt.
  2. Pour flour into butter, mix well and fry lightly.
  3. Pour the cream into the flour mixture, stir to prevent lumps from forming, and bring to a boil.
  4. Add salt and chopped fresh parsley to taste. Other spices can be added if desired.

The most suitable seasonings for river fish: basil, bay leaves, parsley. If you change the seasonings, this sauce can be served with red and other sea fish. Dill, green basil, saffron, and paprika work well.

Tomato sauce for boiled fish

Tomato sauce can be prepared for fried and boiled fish. It can also be used as a seasoning for stewing and roasting.

Time for preparing : 10 minutes

Number of ready meals : 6
Ingredients :

  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp l.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Water (fish broth) - 2 cups
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - a pinch
  • Salt (sea) - to taste


  1. Peel the onion and chop finely into cubes or thin rings.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan or stewpan and heat. Add the onion and lightly fry, stirring constantly.
  3. Mix the tomato paste and sour cream separately, put on the onion and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Pour in cold broth or water, add salt and seasonings to taste. Bring the sauce to a boil and simmer for another 2-3 minutes until the desired consistency is obtained. To thicken the finished gravy, you can add a little flour, diluted in water or broth, and bring the mixture to a boil.

Sweet and sour sauce can be refrigerated and served separately as a seasoning. If desired, it can be used to pour fish cakes and meatballs.

To increase the pungency of the gravy, add some red hot pepper and paprika for a richer flavor and aroma.

All basic gravy options go well not only with fish, but also with rice. This gives the same dish a completely new flavor.

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