Lemon tea: useful properties and contraindications. Lemon tea - will warm you on winter evenings and benefit your health

13.10.2019 Vegetable dishes

Tea with lemon, the benefits and harms of the drink is a popular topic. Let's talk about whether tea with lemon is useful, how to make it correctly and who shouldn't drink it. During a cold, few people think about whether tea with lemon and sugar or honey is useful. They just drink it, and for some reason the state of health improves. Probably useful. And even if not, that lemon tea is delicious! By the way, this drink can be called a typical Russian invention. So, it was in Russia that they began to add a slice of lemon to a cup of hot drink. Because on our roads, many were seasick (for obvious reasons), and there is nothing better from seasickness than something sour. And sour, tasty and hot, and even in winter - just a godsend for travelers. This is how the most popular type of tea in Russia, and then not only in Russia, appeared - with lemon.

Is tea with lemon useful? We began to think relatively recently. And immediately a lot of questions arose - how to make a drink correctly, who can drink it and who shouldn't, what is its benefit at all, which one is better to drink - black or green ... And in general, why shouldn't you put lemon in hot tea? There are many questions, but you can find answers to all of them. So, tea with lemon, benefits and harms, rules of use - we read.

Can i drink lemon tea?

Almost everyone will answer this question in the affirmative, and they will be right. Why is lemon tea useful? The fact that it combines the properties of black or green drinks, and lemon, the health benefits of which no one doubts.

So, drinking a cup of a delicious drink, you get a large amount of vitamin C - what you need for normal metabolism, elasticity and strength of blood vessels, strengthening immunity. In addition, lemon tea contains a lot of flavonoids and other substances that can lower the temperature, thin phlegm - that is why lemon tea is recommended for colds. And a large amount of antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the entire body, slowing down the aging process, protecting against neoplasms, and improving brain function. In addition, good black tea with lemon contains substances that help lower blood cholesterol levels and cleanse the liver.

Due to the content of tannins, lemon tea is good for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And, of course, hot lemon tea perfectly warms in the cold, and cold tea refreshes in the heat. If you can't stand the heat, try this particular drink instead of soda - you'll see, your well-being will improve a lot. Including, and due to a certain rise in blood pressure, which in the summer drops for many, due to vasodilation.

So, is it good to drink lemon tea? Definitely yes. Provided that you have no contraindications to it, and you are doing it right. Yes, even such a simple drink has its own subtleties, which we will talk about below.

Why not drink lemon tea?

Lemon tea can be harmful, it's true. First of all, for those who have increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis or ulcers - the use of any acidic foods in such cases is strictly contraindicated. The same applies to the tendency to heartburn - if there is one, you should refrain from a piece of lemon in tea.

Who else and how is tea with lemon harmful? For those who have problems with tooth enamel. Or right after dental bleaching. In either case, the acid will damage the already weakened enamel. It is especially bad if you go to brush your teeth right after a cup of such a drink, and even with a hard brush or an abrasive toothpaste - the enamel softened by acid is simply perfectly erased.

Why is lemon tea dangerous for hypertensive patients? Its stimulating properties. True, this applies only to strong tea, or normal, but drunk in large quantities. If the drink is overused, it can significantly increase blood pressure. The same applies to glaucoma - intraocular pressure from a large amount of tea rises as quickly as arterial.

Why is lemon tea harmful in large quantities? The nervous system is an interesting thing. It can be encouraged and stimulated for a long time, but, in the end, it exhausts all its reserves. And the result is chronic fatigue, drowsiness, depression. However, this effect can be obtained not only from tea, but also from coffee or energy drinks. There should be a measure in everything.

Why is it harmful to drink lemon tea for pregnant and lactating women? It cannot be said unequivocally that such a drink is harmful, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism. In pregnant women, tea can cause heartburn (although during pregnancy, whatever causes it). The drink will not hurt nursing mothers, but the child may develop allergies. Like sleep disorders, overexcitation - after all, young children should not drink tea, albeit in the form of separate substances that come with breast milk.

By the way, here is another answer to the question why it is harmful to drink tea with lemon. If you have a tendency to allergies or a severe reaction to citrus fruits, you should refrain from the drink.

Is drinking lemon tea harmful for the elderly? To a certain extent, yes. Because in old age, the metabolism is slowed down, respectively, the excretion of decay products of various substances. And the passion for delicious tea with lemon can lead to arthritis, gout, and the formation of kidney stones.

Here are the answers to the question why you can't drink tea with lemon. As you can see, there are not so many unambiguous contraindications, but in all other respects you just need not to exceed the recommended amount of the drink and its strength. It is recommended to drink no more than 6 cups a day, for the elderly - half as much.

How to drink lemon tea properly?

It would seem that so difficult in such a drink? Regardless of whether you drink green or black tea with lemon, there will be benefits, and making the drink is simple. What could be easier than putting a slice of lemon in a cup of hot drink?

And here is the catch. Can i put lemon in hot tea? If you want to get the most fortified drink, then no. Because vitamin C is destroyed by high temperatures. That is why lemon should be put in warm tea, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees. Yes, it's not that warm. But how much use ...

Well, if you just want to enjoy the taste of the drink, put the lemon in a hot one, the taste will not get worse from this. Is lemon tea harmful from this brewing method? No. At least, if there are no contraindications.

Material prepared by GreenFrogPlace.com


Tea with lemon, honey, sugar, milk, ginger, lavender, anise, various fruits, berries, even with rose leaves - in different countries they drink tea in their own way. But, probably, it will not be an exaggeration to say that they drink it with lemon everywhere.

Lemon tea is known as one of the most effective cold remedies. Many people use this drink for weight loss. Lemon itself has antioxidant agents, but when added to tea, its destructive effect on the gastric mucosa is significantly weakened.

The negative effect of citric acid on the mucous membrane is one of the harmful effects of lemon tea. This is especially dangerous for patients with gastritis. Therefore, gastroenterologists advise to take tea with milk, honey or herbal tea during an exacerbation of gastritis, but not with lemon.

For colds, many people make another mistake when drinking tea with lemon in unlimited quantities. They think that in this way they will help themselves faster. In fact, a large amount of tea - black or green - and even with lemon - will cause a disorder of the nervous system with the manifestation of insomnia, fatigue, drowsiness, in which it is very problematic to fall asleep. Tea caffeine - tannin - and vitamin C, which is abundant in lemon, are on the list of brain-enhancing foods that help revitalize blood circulation.

- Drinking tea with lemon in large quantities for several days is the same as constantly cheering oneself up with energy drinks, for the nervous system it does not pass without leaving a trace, - assures the candidate of medical sciences Tatyana Vasilchuk.

But the most damaging effect of lemon tea is tooth enamel. A study was conducted at King's College London, the subjects of which were 300 people with serious dental diseases. After analyzing the diets of the subjects, scientists established the main cause of the disease - acid and sugar in various drinks that people consumed. These drinks include fruit teas, juices, water or lemon tea.

However, scientists did not limit themselves to establishing the cause. In the course of further research, they found that drinks like lemon tea have the most negative effect on tooth enamel if they are drunk slowly over a long period of time. The results of this work were published in the British Dental Journal, a popular dental journal in England. It states that sugar and acid drinks are most harmful if consumed before or after meals. But if you do this while eating, then the risk of dental disease is halved.

How much tea with lemon can you drink per day? British scientists recommend no more than three to four cups. In extreme cases, a maximum of six cups are allowed.

As already mentioned, strong lemon tea can cause insomnia. For this reason, it should not be consumed by women who are breastfeeding. Tannins will not let the baby fall asleep, which will affect his fragile nervous system more negatively than even his mother's. And during pregnancy, women are not recommended to consume this tea more than two cups a day.

Lemon tea increases intraocular pressure. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited for patients with glaucoma.

And most importantly, those who are allergic to citrus should not even think about tea with lemon. By the way, neither tea reduces the effect of citric acid, nor does lemon reduce the strength of the tea, even though the addition of lemon makes the color of the tea much lighter. Therefore, it makes no sense to hope that when mixing tea and lemon will not be so harmful.

One of the most popular drinks in the world - tea - is rarely consumed without any additive: sugar, honey, dried or fresh fruit. Lemon is considered the most useful of them, due to a number of components in its composition, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. There are different ways to make lemon tea. But often such drinks are prepared incorrectly, nullifying all the benefits from them.

The benefits and harms of lemon in tea

A large number of active substances are concentrated in lemon, including:

  • citric and malic acids;
  • sugar (about 3-3.5%)
  • pectins;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins B1, B2, C, PP;
  • lemon oil is an essential oil that gives citrus its characteristic scent.

It is these substances that make lemon a useful remedy for the prevention of many diseases and for the general strengthening of the body:

  1. 1. Vitamin C enhances the body's resistance, improves its protective functions, as it promotes the production of antibodies. Therefore, tea with lemon becomes indispensable for colds, flu and other seasonal epidemics, because human immunity during this period needs stronger protection.
  2. 2. Lemon helps in the early stages to cure respiratory diseases - sore throat, asthma and the common cold. This is due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It will quickly remove inflammation of the mucous membranes and improve well-being.
  3. 3. Warm lemon tea also promotes healing of small wounds in the mouth. It will cleanse damaged areas and accelerate tissue regeneration.
  4. 4. A large amount of calcium in citrus has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and promotes the absorption of collagen in blood vessels, articular and bone tissues. It affects the normal condition of muscles and bones, restores and maintains a healthy looking skin. Lemon tea will help people suffering from hypertension, arthritis and scurvy.
  5. 5. Sour citrus is an active antioxidant. This property provides safe cleansing from toxins, free radicals, speeds up metabolism and normalizes metabolic processes. Therefore, lemon tea without sugar is a dietary drink that promotes the breakdown of fats and speeds up the process of losing weight.
  6. 6. A beneficial effect on the body is observed when drinking cold tea with lemon. It quenches thirst easily and improves the body's ability to absorb nutrients. This drink will be indispensable in the summer with dehydration.
  7. 7. Lemon provokes the secretion of gastric juice. This somewhat increases appetite and promotes fast and high-quality digestion of food.

This fruit has practically no contraindications, but it should be discarded by people who are allergic to citrus fruits.

During pregnancy, taking it in large quantities is also not recommended - it provokes heartburn. During feeding, it is impossible to abuse tea with lemon - the appearance of acids in breast milk can provoke stomach cramps or diathesis in a child.

The benefits of different types of lemon tea

Tea leaves, like lemon, contain many active substances that provide invaluable benefits to human health. These include essential oils, tannins, caffeine, vitamins and minerals. The main benefit of black tea lies in its effect on the body as follows:

  1. 1. It tones and encourages. Unlike the caffeine found in coffee, the same substance in tea is absorbed gently and slowly, which makes it healthier than other natural energy drinks.
  2. 2. Fluoride and tannin strengthen teeth and gums.
  3. 3. Black tea is an antioxidant, prevents the formation of cancer cells and cleanses the body of harmful cholesterol.
  4. 4. According to some studies, this drink reduces alcohol cravings, therefore it is used to treat alcoholism.

There are few contraindications for black tea, but it is important to choose high-quality raw materials and not reuse the tea leaves. To prevent it from causing harm, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. 1. If you are intolerant to caffeine, you should not drink tea. It should not be abused, especially before bedtime: this will lead to insomnia or other sleep disturbances.
  2. 2. With frequent use, tea increases blood pressure and is not recommended for hypertensive patients, but one cup will not significantly affect the state of health.
  3. 3. Pregnant women need to limit their use, but you should not give up the drink. Children should only brew weak tea.
  4. 4. Do not drink them with medicines - tannins can react with the main components of the drug and cause harm to the body.

Green tea is made from the same tea leaves as black tea, but the processing process is different. Their beneficial properties are similar, but green is characterized by the presence of more antioxidants, which explains its popularity for weight loss: it is more effective in cleansing the body of toxins.

The benefits and harms of drinking black and green tea are the same, which explains the same contraindications.

Drinking tea with lemon will also be an effective prevention of many diseases of the stomach, heart, liver, metabolic disorders. This is a dietary drink, low calorie content allows you to consume it every day without worrying about your figure. And you can sweeten it with honey, making it even more useful.

But you should always be careful - too large portions of any drink will have a negative effect on one of the body systems.

Water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach - benefits and harms for the body, is it effective for losing weight?

Drink recipes with the addition of various ingredients

The most popular is "Russian" tea - black with a slice of lemon. This fruit is also successfully added to green and mint tea, the most useful is considered to be a drink with ginger. But to get the most out of it, you need to cook it properly.

Black tea

To prepare the drink, you will need some tea leaves and a small slice of lemon. Recipe:

  1. 1. It is recommended to take a teaspoon of tea leaves for one cup, but the strength of the drink depends on the preferences of the person who will drink it. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and leave for 2-3 minutes.
  2. 2. Add lemon. The size of the piece is also determined by taste preferences. But it is important to throw the slice not into hot water, but into slightly cooled water - ascorbic acid breaks down in boiling water.
  3. 3. For a richer taste, knead the lemon with a spoon.
  4. 4. If you wish, you can add a little sweetener - sugar, sweetener (in case of illness, for example, diabetes mellitus), honey.

Sometimes a hot drink is prepared with lemon zest. This component gives a rich smell, but is not as beneficial. Use dried and ground pieces of rind. But in cold weather, tea with fresh citrus will be more appropriate.

Green tea

Its flavor is revealed without the addition of sweetener. Recipe:

  1. 1. Boil water and let it cool for 3-5 minutes.
  2. 2. 1 teaspoon of tea leaves should be poured with a glass of water and let it brew for a few minutes.
  3. 3. Add a slice of lemon, if desired, crush the pulp with a teaspoon.

A popular addition to this tea is jasmine. Its aroma becomes much more intense, and its taste becomes bright, but delicate, with a slight acidity of lemon. Another option that will also improve the quality of the drink is lemon balm. This tea is served cold - it quenches thirst, tones up and refreshes.

Guests can be treated to a more exotic option: green tea with sparkling water. For this, a drink is prepared according to the same recipe as a hot one, but it is completely cooled and sugar is added to it to taste, and then carbonated water.

Another way to diversify green tea with citrus is to prepare it with vanilla syrup. For 200 ml of tea, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and three tablespoons of vanilla syrup. He will make tea sweet, rich, unusual.

Mint with lemon

This drink is consumed both hot and cold. It is characterized by the following properties:

  1. 1. Mint tea helps with diseases of the respiratory system: it makes breathing easier due to the menthol contained in the leaves.
  2. 2. Mint is partly a pain reliever, and due to its ability to calm the nervous system, it is used for migraines.
  3. 3. Peppermint is able to reduce the level of testosterone in the blood, therefore tea from it is recommended for women with certain hormonal disorders, as well as to reduce the growth of hair on the body. But for the same reason, mint tea in large quantities is contraindicated for men.
  4. 4. A drink made from mint will help normalize blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Tea is brewed as follows:

  1. 1. If the mint is dried, then it should be put together with the infusion of black or green tea and pour boiling water over it. If the leaves are fresh, they must be added after the tea is brewed.
  2. 2. It is required to let the drink stand for 3-5 minutes.
  3. 3. Then add a slice of lemon and sweetener to taste.

Ginger tea

Ginger is another healthy addition to the classic tea leaf drink. Its taste is pungent and slightly bitter. But this drink is considered the most useful. It has the following effect on the body:

It is prepared as follows:

  1. 1. On a spoonful of tea leaves, take a piece of ginger root 2–3 cm long, grate or finely chop and put together with the tea leaves, pour boiling water over.
  2. 2. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, mix thoroughly.
  3. 3. Add lemon slice and sweetener to taste.

The spiciness of ginger can be removed by changing the recipe: it should be added not to the tea leaves, but to the finished tea.

Lemongrass tea

This drink does not fit into the list a little, because lemon and lemongrass are completely different things. The first is known to be sour citrus, and the second is referred to as flowering plants. For making tea, not only fruits are used, but also vines, bark and leaves. Its taste is more bitter, slightly pungent, and the smell is similar to lemon, but more spicy and strong.

Lemongrass tea recipe:

  1. 1. For a liter of water, you need to take 15 grams of raw materials (dried fruits, stems, leaves) and pour boiling water over the tea leaves.
  2. 2. Leave for 5 minutes without stirring or moving the vessel with tea.
  3. 3. Allow the drink to cool slightly, add sweetener to taste at the same stage.

Lemongrass is similar in properties to citrus, it strengthens the immune system. In addition, the plant is a natural energetic and can make mental and physical activity much more effective.

Tea with lemon is very useful, the main thing is to brew it correctly so that all the components in it are preserved and have a beneficial effect on the body.

Tea with lemon will warm you up, relieve colds, cheer you up and quench your thirst. You just need to observe moderation.

In many countries, tea with lemon is considered a truly Russian drink, a kind of visiting card of Russia, standing on a par with such “brands” as vodka, balalaika, bears in a circus on a bicycle, and so on. In overseas regions, it is unacceptable to put a slice of citrus fruit in a cup of drink. Most often, they flavor the contents of the teacup with leaves or various concentrates.

Why is tea with lemon so useful, since it has won all-Russian love, what does it give to our body, and of course, who better to refrain from this drink?

A bit of history

How exactly the combination of tea and lemon wedges appeared, historians, alas, do not give a clear answer. Most likely, this is a secret covered in darkness. But, nevertheless, many connoisseurs of the events of those ancient years, argue that this drink appeared thanks to the Russian roads, the glory of which can overshadow anything in this world.

As a rule, a journey along Russian roads cannot but leave its mark not only on the emotional component of an individual, but also on his physical health. Over time, a person can begin to feel sick in much the same way as with seasickness.

To alleviate the condition of the sufferers, many innkeepers, in those distant times, offered travelers exactly tea with lemon. The sweet and sour taste of this drink quickly brought travelers to their senses, and after that, they could eat very abundantly. Here is such an unpretentious, and at the same time interesting story.

About the benefits of tea

As a rule, this drink involves the use of black teas. But this is not at all a dogma, and if there is a desire, it can be replaced with a green analogue. The useful component from this will not only not decrease, but rather increase. In general, this is a matter of personal preference.

Source of caffeine

It should be noted that tea is a source of caffeine, and, more importantly, the amount of this substance in it is more gentle. So, for example, the well-known invigorating drink - coffee, contains 10 times more of this chemical compound, and its use is contraindicated for everyone suffering from arterial hypertension.

Tea, be it green or black, is devoid of such contraindications. But, nevertheless, for persons with the above disease, it is better to choose unfermented varieties, since they have an even lower caffeine content.

What is caffeine and how can it be useful for us? The thing is that this substance is the strongest catalyst capable of significantly increasing the speed and intensity of many biochemical processes that occur every second in the body of every person.

This feature looks very positive, especially if we take into account the fact that over the years the metabolic reactions of the body slow down significantly, which can serve as a trigger for the development of severe pathology.

For example, diseases such as obesity and atherosclerosis are largely due to the fact that the human body is unable to efficiently utilize many potentially harmful or even hazardous substances. This is where all the necessary conditions for the onset of the disease arise.

As you know, our thinking ability correlates with the intensity of cerebral circulation. The more oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood flows to our central nervous system, the higher our mental potential.

Caffeine, among other things, can have a positive effect here too. It is not in vain that after a cup of a fragrant drink, sleep, as if by hand, removes, and we prepare our nervous system for the upcoming working day.

The benefits of lemon

It's no secret that all citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C, and in very large quantities. Each of us knows firsthand about the benefits of this valuable substance for us. But, nevertheless, let me repeat myself a little.

Source of vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is a powerful immune stimulant that can significantly increase the body's defenses. When a person consumes a sufficient amount of vitamin C, and in a bioavailable form, he practically ceases to get sick with seasonal colds.

Of course, vitamin C can also be obtained from pharmaceuticals, but I did not use the words bioavailable for nothing. The thing is that artificially synthesized ascorbic acid is absorbed with great difficulty by the body.

Citrine source

Citrine is a substance found in lemon that is powerful in strengthening the vascular wall. In addition, it is able to have a detoxifying effect on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating the need for a person to resort to dubious cleansing procedures.

If you use pure and natural tea, devoid of any artificial flavors and colors, the added lemon wedge can be eaten. If you prefer inexpensive teabags, leave the citrus piece in the cup. It will be able to adsorb many potentially dangerous chemical compounds on itself, and thereby reduce the negative effects of the latter.


Lemon is contraindicated for persons suffering from intestinal diseases that increase the acidity of gastric juice. In addition, pregnant women and nursing mothers should also refrain from this product, due to its increased allergenicity.


Of course, lemon tea is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Just do not pour a slice of tropical fruit with boiling water, as this can destroy almost all valuable substances in it. The water temperature should be no higher than 80 degrees.

Tea drinking is one of the most enjoyable activities

Our country does not have a mild climate, because even in the southern regions there are severe frosts and it can be windy. The warm period passes so quickly, the time of cold weather, colds and blues comes. How can you avoid all this? Yes, it's very simple - to drink tea with lemon every day, because a high-quality drink in combination with citrus not only warms you up, helps you forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but can also significantly improve your health. How?! You did not know this - then read quickly, there will be a lot of interesting things further.

Tea drinking tradition in our country

If we talk about how long we have been drinking tea, and even more so we do it with lemon, then it is worth noting that this tradition appeared in our country relatively recently. In addition, such a symbiosis was invented in Russia. If we talk about time, it was around the 19th century, yes, here we, of course, lagged behind Asia. Tea came to us hundreds of years later, but we also could not know about it - not the climate to grow tea bushes. When, like in China, the tea ceremony is already thousands of years old. The drink came to us at a time when travel began, discoveries took place.

With lemon the same situation - we do not grow, and we did not know about it. But when two products appeared on the table of a Russian person, he did not have a denial of such an action as to combine lemon and tea. This was quite surprising for people from other countries. After all, lemons that grow in the Mediterranean regions are used in the Middle East as a seasoning for meat, fish, juice is added to sauces. In Asia, they are not grown and it is customary to value tea leaves for their original taste.

On a note! Of course, like many ingenious, and not only, discoveries, lemon tea was first invented by accident. It took a long time for it to become so widespread - now it is drunk all over the world.

A drink that warms body and soul

Agree that there is a tea party in every home. In addition, in our country, an active study of oriental traditions is currently underway, people began to learn about the drink and its quality. And rightly so, because good green or black tea with lemon is an elixir of good mood and health in your cup. Yes, if you suddenly did not know, then the drink is not just pleasant and quenches your thirst, it can also heal. But this only happens when you brew good tea leaves.
It is so pleasant to sit with such a cup on a cold winter evening - this is a special atmosphere, in addition, tea, when a neat lemon wedge floats in it, looks aesthetically pleasing. But let's talk in more detail about the useful features, we will analyze two options for the drink - tea with lemon of black and green varieties. Each drink has its own beneficial properties and contraindications.

For information! If you follow the figure, then you will be interested to know what is the calorie content of tea with lemon. We will answer you - 28 kcal with sugar, 5-7 kcal without sand. BJU - 0.2 grams, 0.05 grams and 10.6 grams, respectively.

Useful properties and contraindications of green tea with lemon

About the benefits

For the second decade, green tea has become more and more popular in our country. At the beginning of his journey, many were skeptical about the drink - someone believed that the green variety of tea smells like soap, someone thought it was fish, others echoed that it was bitter. But still, people began to get used to the new taste, and after that they learned that the drink has unique properties.

Green tea and lemon blend has a double benefit, which is described below.

  • An excellent remedy for the immune system, which strengthens it. You cease to be afraid of colds in autumn and winter, and the body also perfectly resists attacks by viruses, bacteria, and suppresses pathogenic processes.
  • Green tea together with lemon is very good at helping our blood vessels, which affects the cardiovascular system. The drink drives out bad cholesterol.
  • Drinking tea and using lemon green tea for cosmetic purposes makes the skin youthful, clean, toned.
  • Expels toxins, toxins, cleanses the liver, normalizes kidney function.
  • Green tea with lemon and honey is the best medicine for a sore throat, fever, it is a drink filled with a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.
  • It can relieve inflammatory processes in the body, has antimicrobial properties.
  • Improves memory, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia, stress.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Tones up, helps to wake up, while in the evening perfectly soothes after a nervous day.
  • Stimulates weight loss, burning fat and replenishes nutrient deficiencies during the diet.

All this is impressive, we can be healthier with just a simple tea, but remember that the choice of drink must be approached very carefully. You should also always remember about contraindications.

About harm

Unfortunately, in addition to benefits, such a healthy drink as green tea with lemon also has harm. It is contraindicated for people who have kidney disease in the acute stage, as well as chronic gastrointestinal diseases, for example, ulcers, gastritis with low acidity. It is not recommended to drink the drink even if a person has low blood pressure, mental illness. The latter is due to the fact that green tea strongly stimulates brain activity. Excess drink leads to vasodilation, stress on the kidneys and heart.

Did you know? Why does lemon brighten tea - can you answer? It's all about citric acid, which serves as a natural bleach. All with the same success it is used to whiten teeth, housewives use it in everyday life.

Useful properties and contraindications of black tea with lemon

About the benefits

Well, we moved on to the classics of the genre. If green varieties are still not suitable for all people, then no one will refuse black tea with lemon. Again, we will talk further about the benefits, but you should have already understood that it comes only from high-quality drinks. Opt for more expensive teas, leaf teas rather than tea bags. Remember that the correct brew is always the one where the tea leaves are washed first. Only the second time they are poured with water and insisted. So, let's find out why black tea with lemon is good for you.

  • Increases the body's defenses.
  • Improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels, expands them - this has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • The drink helps to reduce appetite, and the acid in lemon breaks down fat, as a result, a person gradually begins to lose weight.
  • Antioxidants in the composition reduce the risk of cancer, keep our skin young, and help the body not to age.
  • Stimulates the work of the brain, tones, invigorates, improves memory.
  • Removes bad cholesterol, toxins and toxins.
  • Helps to cope with nausea, hangover.
  • Tannins protect the oral cavity from pathogenic flora and diseases.
  • Helps liver and kidney function.
  • Tea with lemon and honey heals during illness - reduces fever, stimulates sputum production, eliminates dry cough.
  • If you drink the drink correctly, then it can become an assistant in the fight against diabetes mellitus, will prevent heart attack and stroke.
  • Normalizes the digestive tract.

Wondering how beneficial a simple lemon tea can be? Of course, the maximum positive effect of the drink can be obtained when it is combined with proper nutrition and physical activity. You also need to observe the measure, otherwise you can get the opposite positive effect, more about it later.

About harm

So, as you understand, lemon tea can be very harmful, but this happens most often if the drink is overused. Of course, you can not drink tea and those who are allergic to citrus fruits. A strong drink can lead not at all to cheerfulness, but, on the contrary, to apathy, chronic fatigue, aggression. Mental activity can slow down, along with physical activity, there is also a risk of pressure surges, exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. An excess of caffeine in tea has a very negative effect on the entire body - against this background, new diseases begin.

Can lemon tea be drunk during pregnancy?

There is nothing wrong with tea, green or black, together with citrus, again if you follow the measure. Of course, pregnant women need to consult with their doctor about everything. It is also important to take into account the presence of diseases so that their exacerbation does not happen. If you drink 1-3 cups of tea a day, adding honey and lemon, then you can very well compensate for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins that happens in all expectant mothers. A drink, green or black, expels fluid from the body well, so it can help cope with edema, gain less pounds. But, if you drink tea in excess, then this is already a serious load on the kidneys and heart.

Did you know? If lemon was added to the tea, then you should not pour milk into it, it will deteriorate. These two additional components are always added separately. But honey can be put with lemon or milk.

It is worth noting that after childbirth, the same green tea with lemon can help in losing weight, and without citrus, but with milk, the drink stimulates lactation. Weight loss occurs due to the burning of fat with citric acid. Also, the drink normalizes metabolism, which can directly affect body weight, and after childbirth in women in the body, many processes are disrupted. Tea stimulates the distillation of excess liquid, which also helps to lower the readings on the scales.