Yeast pizza dough cooking recipe. Yeast pizza dough is delicious like in a pizzeria: recipes with photos

03.03.2020 Lenten dishes

Probably every housewife knows how to bake pizza at home. However, you don't always want to mess around with kneading dough. We offer you a recipe for a quick pizza dough in 15 minutes, the preparation of which will take a minimum of food, effort and time. At the same time, the dough, and therefore the pizza, turns out to be very tasty.

For a dough for 3 pizzas (3 small baking sheets) you will need:

  • 3 cups flour;
  • 1 sachet of dry fast yeast;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 1 glass of water or whey
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil (if olive oil is not available, you can use any odorless vegetable oil).

How to make pizza dough quickly

Prepare food, a large saucepan, a wooden spoon and start kneading quick dough:

Pour 1 cup flour, yeast into a saucepan and mix well.

Pour in a mug of warm water, add salt and mix well again.

Add flour gradually. When the dough practically stops sticking to your hands, pour vegetable oil on it and knead until elastic.

The pizza dough should be such that it can be easily rolled out without dusting it with flour. Now it can be divided into 3 parts, rolled out on a baking sheet and added to the filling.

Pizza should be baked for 25-30 minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees.

Options for toppings for homemade pizza

Pizza toppings can be anything you like. We offer you 3 options for fillings, which you may also like:

Lubricate the rolled dough with mayonnaise and put on it boiled sausage cut into cubes (preferably without fat), pickled cucumbers, tomatoes in slices. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

The second option: semi-dry sausage, some pickles, pre-fried wild mushrooms or champignons, tomatoes, cheese.

Favorite filling: boiled chicken breast, canned pineapples, some tomatoes and cheese.

Good appetite!

Heat the butter in the microwave to a liquid state, let it cool slightly.

We drive eggs into the butter,

add sugar and salt, mix.

Pour water into the resulting mixture and mix with a fork until smooth.

Pour 2 cups flour and yeast into another bowl.

Thoroughly mix the flour with yeast, then pour in the mixture of butter and eggs.

Mix everything together until smooth and pour in 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

We begin to knead the dough, it should turn out to be quite homogeneous and soft in consistency. If the dough sticks to your hands a little, then gradually add flour (0.5 cups will be just right). Let the dough come up in a warm place for 1 hour, during which time it will double.

We distribute the dough with our hands according to the size of the mold, sprinkling the dough with flour on top.

Put chopped mushrooms on top (for this pizza I used oyster mushrooms, which were previously boiled for 10 minutes in salted water and frozen in the freezer). If the mushrooms are frozen, defrost them and squeeze out excess moisture. The canned mushrooms are easy enough to chop.

Put the ham on the dough with mushrooms. I usually put tomatoes on top, cut into thin slices (this time I did not add tomatoes).

Top it up with grated cheese, for a delicious result I mix Russian cheese and Suluguni cheese, but you can get by with just one kind of cheese.

We bake homemade pizza with yeast dough in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes (be guided by your oven).

Delicious, aromatic pizza is ready! Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs before serving.

I ask everyone to the table! Homemade pizza with delicious yeast dough is sure to please.

Enjoy your meal!

They say that the taste of pizza depends on the filling. I disagree, because the dough in baking is no less important. Today we'll talk about the types of yeast dough for pizza, in water, milk, kefir, made with dry yeast. Did you notice the difference? The taste of homemade products made from ready-made dough based on a certain batch also gives its zest.

Preparing a yeast pizza requires more free time, since the dough must "ripen", but the pie with toppings only benefits from this. The pizza will turn out fluffy and delicious.

Yeast pizza dough on water

I think this recipe is the best, fastest, easiest. The dough comes out very tasty, it is prepared with fast-acting yeast.


  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Flour - 500 gr.
  • Oil, sunflower - 50 ml.
  • Dry yeast - 12 g sachet.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A little sugar.

Recipe with photo step by step

Warm up the water, make it a little warmer than room temperature. Splash in half of the vegetable oil specified in the recipe. Do not measure on purpose, pour it by eye.

Sprinkle some flour. Knead the dough with a spoon, a little thinner than for the pancakes. Try to break up the lumps. But if there are a few tiny lumps left, do not worry, do not waste time on the perfect consistency.

Separately, in a cup, prepare the quick yeast. Fill them with warm water, add a spoonful of sugar, stir until the crystals dissolve. Add a spoonful of flour, stir the mass again.

Pour the yeast mixture into the dough. Mix well.

Start adding flour. Do not add the entire amount again. Add, stir the contents, refill and work with a spoon. The mass will become very thick, it will begin to fall off the spoon hard, but not steep yet, not for baking pizza.

Place the pot in a warm place. You don't need to cover. After 10-15 minutes, the dough will begin to bubble, the yeast will start working. When the mass rises a little, it's time to move on to the next action.

Pour the rest of the flour onto the work surface of the table. Stir the dough in a bowl, put it on the table, on the flour. Knead with your hands. In total, you should take 0.5 kg of flour, stated in the recipe. If the arms still stick at the end, add a little more.

When the dough is almost ready and there is no flour left on the table, pour the rest of the sunflower oil onto the countertop.

Start kneading the lump again so that the butter, like flour, is completely absorbed into the mass. Leave to "rest" for 10 minutes and soak.

Tip: everyone has a different quality of flour, so if the dough continues to stick to your fingers, add a little, and knead well again.

Quick Yeast Pizza Dough

The previous dough reaches readiness quite quickly, however, this recipe on water is even faster thanks to a slight change in technology. After 20-25 minutes, you can cook pizza.

  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - a teaspoon.
  • Flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Fast Acting Yeast - Teaspoon
  • Salt - ½ small spoon.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 large spoons.


  1. Pour warm water into a bowl, add yeast and sugar. After stirring, leave for 7-8 minutes.
  2. Pour oil into the dough, mix. Start adding flour product little by little. First stir with your hands in a bowl, then, continuing to pour, as the coma grows and strengthens, move to the table.
  3. After kneading the dough well, cover it with a towel, leave it to “ripen” on the table for 10-15 minutes. If you want to speed up the process even further, place the bowl with the dough ball in a water bath.

Video recipe for dough like in a pizzeria

On milk with eggs

An equally delicious homemade dough will turn out if you take milk as a basis. The elastic, pliable dough mass is easily rolled into a thin cake.

You will need:

  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Dry yeast is a large spoon.
  • Granulated sugar - spoon.
  • Milk - ½ cup.
  • Egg.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon.

We knead:

  1. Heat the milk to about 40 o C. Dissolve the fast yeast in it, beat in an egg, add sugar, salt.
  2. Sift flour into a separate container. Slowly adding the milk mixture, knead the dough onto the pizza.
  3. Form a ball, wrap a bowl of dough with foil, put in a warm place.
  4. After 1-1.5 hours, wrinkle and start cooking pizza.

Yeast dough with milk


  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Dry yeast - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Granulated sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Milk - 250 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Vegetable oil - Art. the spoon.

How to knead:

  1. Combine sugar and yeast in a bowl. Pour in 2 tablespoons of warm milk, stir.
  2. Set aside, wait for the yeast to start working.
  3. Salt the rest of the milk, pour the brew that has earned into it.
  4. After stirring well, start adding the flour product.
  5. When the mixture is quite thick, stir in the sunflower oil. Then transfer the dough to the table.
  6. Continue adding flour until the dough is soft but firm.
  7. Roll up a ball, cover with a towel. Place in a warm place for 45-60 minutes to ripen.
  8. Pound the well-fitting dough and start shaping the pizza.

Yeast dough for pizza with kefir

A very simple recipe for homemade yeast dough. The dough will come out rich, it will rise easily. True, this option has nothing to do with Italy, the inhabitants of the country do not make pizza on kefir. To get in at least somehow, replace your native sunflower oil with olive oil.

Would need:

  • Kefir - 0.7 liters.
  • Flour - how much it will take.
  • Warm water - ½ cup.
  • Dry yeast - 3 tsp.
  • Lean oil - ½ cup.
  • Sugar - 2 tsp.
  • Salt to taste.


  1. Pour half of the lukewarm water indicated in the recipe into a bowl. Add sugar, quick yeast, stir.
  2. Pause for 15-20 minutes by placing the dishes in a warm place.
  3. Pour kefir into the yeast, add flour (not all). Stir the mass. Add a second batch of flour, stir again.
  4. Add flour until you knead a tight, homogeneous dough. Don't make the dough roll out too steep.
  5. Add the oil shortly before the end of mixing. Finish the batch when the oil is completely absorbed.
  6. Cover the dough ball with a towel, transfer to a warm place. Take care of the filling, or other matters.
  7. An hour later, when the mass rises well, beat the lump. Take another 15-20 minutes pause, and then start forming the pizza.
Attention! It is very convenient to make dough for several pizzas at once. Wrap a part in plastic and hide in the freezer. Next time you find it.

A video with a detailed recipe and step-by-step steps. This is a pizza dough with mayonnaise. I didn’t, but I plan to do it in the near future. Join us and may it always be delicious for us!

This article will show you several ways to make a delicious yeast pizza dough. From several recipes, you can definitely choose the one that you like the most. Delight your family and friends by preparing an interesting and beloved dish.

Other interesting recipes:

Quick dough


Step by step cooking

To make a quick yeast pizza dough, follow the step by step recipe:

  1. Pour warm water into a large bowl, add yeast and stir to dissolve.
  2. Add salt, flour, and mix everything gently with a spatula. Then knead with your hands.
  3. We dust the surface of the table with flour and lay out the dough. We continue to knead it with our hands on the table. You should have a smooth springy dough. Add a little flour if necessary.
  4. The pizza dough can be rolled straight into a layer, placed on top of the filling and baked.
  5. Or you can let the dough stand for an hour and a half, then knead, roll out, add the filling and bake in a well-heated oven until golden brown, and when the cheese melts.
  6. This dough can be kept in the refrigerator for several days if you don't plan on making the pizza right away.

Thin yeast dough


Step by step cooking

  1. Pour water into a bowl and add sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves.
  2. Spread dry yeast evenly over the surface of the water, mix and leave for 10 minutes to form a foam.
  3. Sift flour into another bowl, add salt, mix. Pour in the water with yeast and knead the soft dough.
  4. We dust the table with flour and continue to knead the dough for 5 minutes, until it becomes elastic, smooth and soft. Add a little flour if necessary.
  5. Lubricate the inside of the bowl with oil. We make a ball out of the dough, place it in a bowl, rotate it several times so that the entire surface of the ball is covered with oil and cover it with a lid, towel or cling film. We put in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  6. We spread the dough on the table, knead a little. Stretch with hands into a cake about 18 cm in diameter and leave for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Stretch out a little more and leave again for 2-3 minutes.
  8. We do this several times until the dough layer is 30-35 cm in diameter.
  9. Grease a baking sheet or form with vegetable oil, sprinkle with starch and lay out the blank for the future pizza. Put the filling on top and put in the oven.

Italian recipe pizza dough


Step by step cooking

In order for the dough to turn out like in real Italian pizza, follow this recipe:

  1. Pour water into a bowl, dissolve sugar. Add yeast and stir everything well.
  2. Add salt and oil, mix again.
  3. We introduce gradually sifted flour in small portions.
  4. Stir until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
  5. Leave for 10 minutes, covering the bowl with something.
  6. Lubricate your fingers with olive oil and stretch the dough to the shape of the desired pizza.
  7. Put the filling on top and put in a well-heated oven to bake until tender.

Pizza dough with milk


Step by step cooking

  1. Pour warm milk (+35 degrees) into a bowl and dissolve the yeast in it.
  2. Add salt, egg, sugar, olive oil and whisk everything well.
  3. Sift flour into a separate bowl to oxygenate it.
  4. Add flour to the liquid ingredients a little at a time.
  5. When the dough is kneaded, put it on the table, sprinkled with flour, and knead a little more.
  6. After that, we send the dough into a bowl, cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place for 1.5 hours so that it comes up.
  7. After that, knead the dough with our hands, cover with a towel or food wrap and put it back in the heat for 30 minutes.
  8. After that, we divide the dough into two or three parts, depending on the size of the future pizza.
  9. Roll out pizza cakes, place them on baking sheets covered with parchment. Put the filling on top and put it in the oven to bake.

Kefir pizza dough


Step by step cooking

To make kefir dough for several pizzas, use the following recipe:

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl, add sugar and yeast, mix everything well until dissolved. Leave the dough warm for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour in kefir and mix everything well.
  3. Sift half the flour into a bowl and knead the dough. It should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. Sift the second part of the flour and pour in the oil. Knead a soft pliable dough, cover it with a foil or towel and leave to rise for 1 hour.
  5. After that, roll out 4-5 cakes, on which we spread the filling.
  6. We bake in a preheated oven.

Enjoy your meal!
Dear readers, do you like pizza? We suggest not to go to a pizzeria, but to cook this dish yourself at home. Simple and interesting recipes for making yeast dough will help you cope with this task. Write down which recipe you like the most. If you are making your own signature pizza dough, share your secrets. We are waiting for your recommendations, tips, recipes and comments.

And after you cook pizza, be sure to go to the official site of the Drift casino and play the best gaming software. It will be tasty and interesting for you, and perhaps you will also get a big win.

The dough is prepared quickly enough, the dough turns out to be thin, crispy (if you roll it out in a thin layer). But at the same time, the quick yeast pizza dough is also very tasty. Recipe, as always, with step by step photos.

I have been making pizza using this recipe for a long time. Once my friend shared a pizza recipe with me.

Since then, all my recipes, which I used to cook earlier, moved to another plan. It is according to this recipe that I cook pizza. Not so long ago, Hawaiian pizza was made with chicken and pineapple. Unlike other recipes that I have previously tried, this dough recipe pleased our whole family, and I like the recipe for its speed and ease of preparation.

This dough is simple enough, does not include eggs and milk. The dough is prepared with dry yeast. The dough recipe and proportions are designed specifically for the use of dry yeast. The use of compressed yeast implies different proportions of ingredients.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 100 ml. warm water
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1.5 cups flour (250 grams)

I will write you the dough preparation process itself so that you do not doubt its simplicity and speed of preparation.

And then, in more detail, with step by step photos, I will show you the whole process of making yeast pizza dough on water.

Pizza dough. Cooking process

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl and add sugar and dry yeast
  2. After 7-10 minutes add salt and vegetable oil
  3. Add flour in small portions immediately
  4. Knead the dough and leave for 15 minutes
  5. After the specified time, the dough increases in volume several times
  6. The dough is ready, you need to roll it out and lay out the filling
  7. Then we immediately place the pizza in the oven.

For the dough, we need boiled warm water, salt, sugar, dry yeast, vegetable oil (you can replace olive oil), flour. These are all components.

I pour warm water into a bowl, please note, it is warm water, not hot. I pour in sugar and dry yeast. I mix everything and leave for 7-10 minutes.

If desired, vegetable oil can be substituted with olive oil. I have not tried it, I am preparing a quick yeast pizza dough with vegetable sunflower oil. It's just that olive oil gives a little bitterness, in other dishes, so we don't do it with it.

Now add the sifted flour in small portions. You do not need to add all the flour at once, add a few tablespoons.

You may need a little more or a little less than the amount of flour indicated in the ingredients.

Stir the dough with a tablespoon or silicone spatula. Gradually add flour and mix the dough.

When it is no longer possible to stir the dough with a spoon, continue kneading the dough with your hand, right in the bowl, without putting the dough on the table.

Knead the dough for about 2 minutes. The dough is quite plastic, does not stick to hands, and it is very pleasant to work with it. All thanks to the vegetable oil included in its composition.

Now cover the dough with a clean towel. Leave the dough to "come up" for 15 minutes. For this process to take place faster, the dough must be placed in a warm place.

We have come up with a very original way. Heat water in a saucepan. We put a bowl of dough on the pan, and do not forget to cover the dough on top with a towel.

Agree, the dough preparation process is very quick and simple. The ingredients are very affordable. You don't need to mess around with the dough for a long time. This has great advantages.

The dough turns out to be soft, elastic, not sticky, perfectly rolled out with a rolling pin, and there is no need to additionally "dust" the dough or the surface with flour.

From the specified number of pizza ingredients, one pizza is made. The pizza is 25 cm in diameter. I will cook pizza with chicken, tomatoes, olives, mozzarella and herbs. I don't cook pizza every day, so I always want to please my family with delicious pizza.

After the dough has stood for 15 minutes and "came up", you immediately start working with it. Roll out the dough into a circle, if desired, if you have a square baking sheet, the shape can be square.

The pizza dough turns out to be thin, crispy, very tasty, and a variety of delicious fillings will give the pizza an unforgettable aroma and taste.

After rolling out the dough, immediately spread the filling and send the pizza to the oven. A quick yeast pizza dough, done, recipe with pictures will guide you through the process and step-by-step instructions.

This pizza is enough for a family of 4 people. Our kids love pizza, especially the corn and sausage pizza. You can decorate the finished pizza as you wish. I use any fresh herbs in the fridge (dill, parsley, basil).

Quick pizza: dry yeast dough recipe

Traditionally, the dough base is made with live yeast. But here you have to tinker a lot. Will help out dry yeast dough recipe: for pizza it will take less time, and the result will be no worse than that of professional pizzaiols.


Fast and delicious pizza dough cooking is easy - for recipe need dry yeast, and even an inexperienced housewife can always find other products. The ratio of ingredients is as follows:

  • 400 gr. wheat flour;
  • 2 tsp without a slide of dry yeast;
  • 2-3 tsp Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp fine salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 200-250 ml. slightly warm water.

In general, dough is a very delicate matter. It must be "felt", especially when it comes to adding flour and water. It is better to take these ingredients for dry yeast pizza with a margin.

Practice: how to make the fastest and most delicious dough

As seen by recipe with photo, quick yeast pizza dough prepare on the water. Step by step it goes like this:

  1. ¼ Pour some of the warm water into a container, dissolve the sugar. Add yeast immediately and stir a little until they are completely dissolved. Once in a warm and sweet environment, dry yeast comes to life and begins to work.
  2. Pour pizza flour into a deep bowl with a rounded bottom, make a depression. We start preparing the dough: add salt, oil, pour in the rest of the water, mix a little with flour until a liquid homogeneous mass. Now add the divorced dry yeast.
  3. Mix the ingredients gradually with a spoon to create a soft pizza dough. While it is with lumps, heterogeneous consistency. We continue to stir it until the mass acquires a dense, plastic consistency.
  4. Further along recipe for pizza dough with dry yeast we shift it to the table, stir it with our hands. If the mass sticks to the table and hands, you need to add a little flour.
  5. Put the quick dough on a plate sprinkled with flour or a thick cloth, cover with a cotton towel, put it in the heat for ripening. The average holding time is 20-30 minutes. The doubling of the volume indicates the readiness of the base.
  6. Dry yeast pizza dough responds well to warm hands, therefore it must be re-kneaded. It is enough to mash the workpiece for 5-7 minutes. Fold the layer in half, three times, four, so that the flour mass is saturated with oxygen and acquires an airy texture.

The flour base for an Italian dish according to the fastest recipe is ready. Let's get down to the fun process of preparing tortillas and baking:

  • divide the flour layer into several parts, depending on the future eaters;
  • roll out the blanks with a rolling pin, put in a mold or on a baking sheet;
  • let the base stand for another 10 minutes, then prick the cakes with a fork in several places. This will prevent them from rising too much, since good pizza is thin pizza.

According to the recipe, the cake is smeared with tomato sauce, after which the filling is laid out. By the way, it is not at all necessary to start baking right there. The dough on dry yeast is so good that it can be prepared for future use.

If you do not plan to arrange an Italian evening right away, roll the blank into a ball, cover it in a cotton towel and put it on the top shelf of the refrigerator. So the dough can be stored for a day or two. For a long time, it is better to place the flour blank in the freezer of the refrigerator.

How to properly bake the base with dry yeast

Do not leave the process "to the mercy of fate" - watch the baking. Determine the readiness of the flour base of the pizza in the old proven way: by piercing with a match or a toothpick.

A delicious recipe for dry yeast pizza dough will become indispensable for every housewife

Almost all people love to feast on pizza, because it is very tasty, satisfying and quickly prepared. Traditionally, the dough for such a dish is made with wet yeast, but it is no less appetizing from dry yeast. A simple recipe will make it possible, without much hassle, to make a snack that will conquer anyone with its delicate structure and crispy crust.

Step by step recipe with photo

This mixing option has long been loved by experienced housewives and is popular. You will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • sugar - 2 pinches;
  • dry yeast - 10-12 g;
  • olive oil - 1-2 tbsp. l .;
  • wheat flour - 450 g.

Tip: If the dough sticks to your hands, you can add more flour. But it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the mass will turn out to be excessively hard - it must remain soft and elastic.

Video instruction

What ingredients can you use to make an Italian Super Base?

Many experienced chefs have long noticed that dry yeast dough turns out to be much tastier if you add the following components to it:

  • milk - improves the taste of products, they do not stale for a long time;
  • baking powder - makes the mass more lush and friable;
  • margarine - gives the dough plasticity, and when baked it becomes flaky, crumbly;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - the base becomes softer and more aromatic;
  • egg - makes the dough more porous, fixes its structure.

How to make a delicious filling at home?

Quite popular is the snack, which also consists of the following components:

Stages of dish formation:

  1. The dough is divided into 2-3 parts, each of which is rolled out or stretched by hand into a cake.
  2. The surface of the base is pierced with a fork or a special device so that it does not lose its shape during baking, and it is liberally greased with sauce with an indent of 3-5 cm from the edge.
  3. Next, the workpiece is covered with a thin layer of sausage, cut into slices, and slices of olives.
  4. The top is sprinkled with grated cheese.
  5. The pizza is sent to an oven preheated to 280 degrees and baked for no longer than 10 minutes (until golden brown).

Now you know how to properly make a thin dry yeast base for a delicious pizza. Let's experiment together and try to add additional foods to the dough to improve the dish. Tell us which ingredients, in your opinion, can make the appetizer crisp, fluffy and as thin as possible.

It is worth noting that when there is absolutely no time to make pizza, do not rush to order it at home or go to a pizzeria, because yeast dough recipe with dry fast yeast will significantly reduce your time in the kitchen and will help you to quickly and tasty feed a large company. If you want the dish to remain as fresh as possible even the next day, then it is best to cook it on milk and dry yeast... This way of mixing will fill the whole house with the aroma of baked goods and everyone will salivate. For those who still doubt that Italian food can be baked independently, at home, we recommend trying to make quick and tasty pizza dough with dry yeast... It will be in perfect harmony with any filling option. It is also worth learning another one quick dry yeast base recipeto become the best chef and become famous for your skills.

Quick Pizza Dough with Dry Yeast

Making yeast dough for classic Italian pizza takes a lot of time, which is often simply not enough for modern hostesses. However, this does not mean that you can enjoy a delicious dish only if you have a few hours of free time.

I bring to your attention an excellent recipe for making quick pizza dough with dry yeast. Just half an hour - and you can please your family and friends with a delicious meal!

To make a quick dry yeast pizza dough you will need:

flour - 1 tbsp.
dry yeast - 1 tsp
water - 1/3 tbsp.
sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
honey - ½ tbsp. l.

How to make a quick dry yeast pizza dough:

1. Sift flour into a medium bowl.
2. Pour warm water into a separate container. Add honey and dry yeast there (1 tsp. With a slide). Stir the mixture until the honey and yeast are completely dissolved.
3. Pour water with honey and yeast into a bowl of flour, add a spoonful of sunflower oil and a pinch of salt.
4. Mix all ingredients well and knead for a soft, elastic dough.
5. Cover the dough with a dry tea towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 5 minutes.
6. While the dough is coming up, you can start preparing the filling.
7. Lightly grease a round baking dish (or baking tray) with sunflower oil.
8. Roll out the dough into a cake and put in a mold. In principle, rolling can be dispensed with. In this case, you just need to put the dough in the prepared form and evenly distribute it with your hands over the entire surface.
9. Grease the cake with ketchup (mayonnaise, sauce or something else of your choice), put the filling on top.
10. Place the pizza dish in the oven and bake at 180 degrees until the dough is ready.
11. Cut the finished pizza in portions and serve.

During the cooking process, you can add a little garlic or onion powder, Provencal herbs, and caraway seeds to the dough. Various additives will make the dough tastier and more aromatic, give it an original touch.

For pizza filling based on quick dough with dry yeast, you can use absolutely any ingredients of your choice: meat, fish, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, nuts, olives and olives, herbs and, of course, cheese.

In this recipe for making quick dough with dry yeast, the number of ingredients is calculated for 1 pizza. If you want to make 2, 3 or more pizzas, the number of all ingredients must be multiplied by the desired number of servings.

By the way, from such a dough you can make not only mouth-watering pizza, but also deliciously delicious pies!

Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!