Banana baked goods without eggs. Banana cake without butter

27.11.2019 Vegetable dishes

First, take the right amount of food and leave it to heat at room temperature. I recommend that you do this 2-3 hours (or earlier) before the start of cooking, then you will not have to wait. Butter can be put on warm to soften.

When all the products are not cold to the touch and the butter is soft, let's start making a delicious cake.

Before starting cooking, turn on the oven, we need to warm it up well.

To make our cupcake fluffy, we begin to beat the butter itself first. When we get a homogeneous fluffy mass, and this is no more than 2 minutes at medium speed (or 5–8 minutes with a broom), start adding sugar and vanilla to it. We pour them in portions of 3-4 tbsp. l. and beat for 2 minutes. After 3 times add half of the milk, and then before the last batch of sugar, add the rest.

Your mixture will be thicker, milk will make the process easier, and the mixture will be fluffier. If you use food that is too cold, oil may separate out. It's okay, it won't affect the quality of our dessert.

Now let's set aside the mixture and take care of the bananas. Peel them and mash them in mashed potatoes with a fork. It is not necessary to make mashed potatoes too homogeneous. So, the cake will be tastier.

At the next stage, add bananas to the sugar-oil mixture and beat with a broom (you can also use a mixer, but no more than 1 minute).

Now break the eggs into the mixture and beat again for 1 minute.

We put flour last. It must first be sieved through a sieve. We do this not to remove lumps, but to make our dough more airy.

Flour should also be added in small amounts (3-4 tablespoons at a time). Perhaps your dough will take less flour than stated in the recipe - that's okay. It should be thick and resemble thick sour cream or cream.

Now it remains to prepare the form. I usually smear it with butter. But very good and refined vegetable.

Pour the dough into our mold and place in the preheated oven on the middle shelf. The temperature in it should already be 180 C.

We bake the cake for 30-40 minutes. You cannot look into the oven earlier than half an hour later. This should only be done after the brownish crust appears on the cupcake.

Use a fine toothpick or other wooden stick to check if the dough is done. After piercing the cake to the bottom, and pulling it out, you need to keep the stick dry, without signs of damp dough.

The banana muffin will have dark brown mouth-watering dots inside - the banana has changed color during cooking.

Cooking tips:

  • The butter will not break if the milk is at the same temperature as it (30 C).
  • If the dough is thin, add a little flour, if too thick, add milk.
  • Take a special cake pan - it will bake better in it. If not, pour the cake into any shape, no more than 5–6 cm in layer.

Banana cake with walnuts on kefir

The banana muffin comes in a variety of options. One of the most magnificent is prepared with kefir. If you add walnuts to it, you get a lush and very tasty dessert. At the same time, the cost of products for him will not be great. The delicacy banana cake on kefir will appeal to both adults and children.

Cook, drink tea and socialize for health.

No more than 5 servings will come out of our number of products. Although the goodies are sold in greater quantities.


  • Bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 0.4 kg (2 tbsp.);
  • Kefir - 200 ml (1 tbsp.);
  • Nuts - 1 tbsp (peeled);
  • Sugar - 0.2 kg (1 tbsp.);
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Oil (vegetable, odorless) - 100 ml (1/2 tbsp.);
  • Baking powder - 12 g (1 tsp);
  • Vanilla sugar - 5 g;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. We will prepare the dough in several stages. Prepare food for baking at room temperature. Do not forget to turn on the oven, it should be preheated by the time we put the cupcake in it.
  2. First, take the amount of sugar and eggs, add vanilla and beat everything until white foam. Our mixture should double in volume (3-4 minutes with a mixer).
  3. Put butter and kefir in a bowl with a mixture, beat everything again for the same amount of time. Separately, in a plate, grind the bananas until puree and add to the mixture.
  4. Now let's set aside our mass and deal with dry products: sift (for splendor dough) flour and add baking powder to it.
  5. The next step is to combine the components. In a bowl with a liquid mixture, we will spread the flour with a spoon. But not all at once, but gradually: put 3 tablespoons of flour, beat for 1 minute, then add more and so on until the cooked flour with baking powder ends.
  6. Nuts are the last to go into the dough; it is better to fry them a little in a dry frying pan beforehand. Remember to blow carefully before adding to the dough so that there is no husk.
  7. The cake dough should resemble thick sour cream. Let it stand for 10 minutes, and during this time we will prepare the form: slightly warm it up and grease it with vegetable oil.
  8. Bake a banana cake in an oven preheated to 180 C. Put in preheated and oven for 45-50 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar.

Cooking tips:

  • The dough should be exactly the consistency of thick sour cream, if liquid, feel free to add flour, if thick - kefir.
  • The baking powder can be replaced with soda, for this recipe you need 5 g, this is half a teaspoon.
  • Check readiness with a dry stick or toothpick, but do not open the oven earlier than 40 minutes after starting cooking and only after the top is browned.
  • These muffins are very fluffy and are great for making small muffins. They need to be baked for 10–20 minutes.

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Banana cake with chocolate

The banana muffin recipe has a variety of options. One of my favorites is the chocolate banana muffin. Here, the combination of products gives a sweet and very festive taste. The cake is moist and porous. Delicious warm. I love to cook such a delicacy for the New Year holidays.

I bake muffins on weekends and place them on a plate next to the fruit. My family members enjoy a slice of chocolate cake after a walk in the fresh air, washed down with a chocolate treat with milk or tea.

Ingredients for 5-6 servings:

  • Dark chocolate - 100 g (or bar);
  • Milk chocolate - 50 g (0.5 bars);
  • Bananas - 3 pcs. (if small);
  • Butter (butter) - 150 g;
  • Flour - 150 g (1 glass);
  • Sugar - 200 g (1 glass);
  • Cocoa - 75 g (3 tbsp. L);
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Baking powder - 10 g (1 sachet);
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.

Cooking method:

  1. First we need to melt the dark chocolate. I do this in the microwave, set it up for 1 minute 20 seconds. The tile does not melt completely, I bring it to a uniform consistency with a wooden spatula.
  2. Finely chop milk chocolate into pieces.
  3. At this time, I also turn on the oven to warm up
  4. Now soften the butter and whisk it with sugar. When the mass becomes light (2-3 minutes), first add the melted chocolate, and then one egg at a time. Beat each one for no more than one minute.
  5. Then add salt and whisk everything together for a couple of minutes.
  6. Now sift the flour, add cocoa and baking powder to it and sift again. This will help our cake rise well and be more fluffy.
  7. Add 2-3 tablespoons of dry ingredients to the liquid mixture and beat very slowly.
  8. It was the turn of the chocolate chips and banana puree. Add them to the dough and mix until smooth. We get a thick and viscous consistency, slightly thicker than pancakes.
  9. Cover the pan with baking paper to make sure the baked cake comes out well.
  10. We have already preheated the oven to 180 C, put the cake and bake for 35–45 minutes. A feature of this version of the banana cake will be its slightly damp, friable consistency when finished.
  11. To get it, you need to remove the baked goods from the oven in time.
  12. After 30 minutes, try the readiness with a wooden stick (or toothpick). If there is still batter on it, let it stand for up to 7 minutes. If there is only melted chocolate on a toothpick, take out, our cake is ready.

Cooking tips:

  • Be sure to add salt, it will enhance the taste of chocolate.
  • It is important not to dry the cake, do not leave it in the oven after the end of the process.
  • Baking powder can be replaced with 5 g of soda, quenched with 10 g of vinegar.
Banana cake with raisins and sour cream

Among banana muffins, this recipe is best known. A cake with bananas on sour cream is good because it is very easy to prepare and always turns out to be lush, tasty and satisfying.

It can be prepared as a dessert just like that or for a festive table, it will be in place and on time everywhere.

For a festive serving, bake a treat in a special cupcake tin. And bake every day in a regular baking dish.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • Bananas - 2 pcs. (small);
  • Raisins - 50 g (2 tbsp. L.);
  • Sour cream - 0.2 kg (1 glass);
  • Flour - 0.32 kg (2 cups);
  • Butter - 0.1 kg (1/2 pack), butter;
  • Sugar - 0.15 kg (1 glass);
  • Vanilla - 5 g (1 sachet);
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Baking powder - 25 g or soda 12 g and vinegar 20 g;
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the food out of the fridge in advance so that it warms up to room temperature.
    Prepare the raisins: rinse them with cold water, and then pour boiling water over them and let them brew (10–20 minutes). Do not forget to discard the swollen raisins in a colander to glass the water.
  2. Let's turn on the oven. And while it is warming up, knead the dough.
  3. First, soften the butter to a liquid consistency, leave a small piece to grease the mold. I soften the butter in the microwave (a little over 1 minute). But this can be done successfully on the stove. You just need to let it cool down to room temperature.
  4. Now in a large bowl, beat 3 eggs and sugar with a mixer. The mass should become white and airy (this is 3-4 minutes).
  5. Add cooled butter, vanilla, salt and sour cream to the resulting mixture and beat again for 2 minutes, if this is done with a mixer or a broom, the procedure will take longer. Our mass should become airy again.
  6. Now add the raisins and banana puree to it. Bananas need to be peeled and mashed with a fork. Stir a little again. Now we only need the uniformity of the ingredients.
  7. It's time to add flour and baking soda or baking powder. Do not forget to sift the flour, and add baking powder or slaked soda to the already sifted flour.
  8. Pour this mixture into our bowl with the preparation in small portions, 2-3 tablespoons each and stir. Now our dough will get the consistency of thick pancakes or like a thick cream.
  9. Let's leave it to stand for a while, and prepare a baking dish ourselves. It should be at room temperature. We grease the bottom with butter and sprinkle flour on top.
  10. Pour the dough into a mold and place in the oven. Bake on the 3rd shelf, at 180 C. After 30–35 minutes, you need to check the degree of readiness, the first test test will be the presence of a golden brown crust on top, if not, do not open the oven until it appears.
  11. Then pierce the cake with a wooden stick. A dry stick without traces of dough will indicate readiness. If there is dough on a stick, let it stand for another seven minutes.
  12. The final moment in cooking will be sprinkling with powdered sugar. You can serve.

Cooking tips:

  • Be very careful with the oven. Take a hot form only in special potholders.
  • The powdered sugar will stick to the cake better if you let it cool for about 15 minutes.
  • Make the banana puree just before adding it to the batter. It will be brighter.
Lean banana muffin

In winter, you always start counting calories, because our movement in the cold season is significantly limited. But you still want something sweet. For many with a sweet tooth, a Lean Banana Cake recipe is the answer. Calling it lean is not entirely correct. But there is a considerable restriction on the number of calories in comparison with the usual muffin, and it is also a healthy meal.

This lean banana cake will taste different from the traditional one, but it has its own unique notes and many will like it. You will want to cook it not only in Lent.


  • vegetable oil - 40 ml (3 tbsp. l.);
  • sugar - 100 g (0.5 cups);
  • water - 50 ml (1/4 cup);
  • bananas (net weight) - 190 g (1.5-2 pcs.)
  • whole grain flour - 80 g (0.5 cups)
  • premium flour - 80 g (0.5 cups);
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp. or 0.5 liters of soda;
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • dried apricots, nuts, seeds (optional or all together) - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. First, turn on the oven, and while it is heating, prepare the dough. We also need to rinse and chop dried apricots and raisins if we are going to use them. Very well after rinsing, pour boiling water over them and let stand for 15 minutes.
  2. Peel the bananas and mash in a bowl with a fork, add sugar, soda and cinnamon to them and beat until frothy. Now let's add water and oil. Stir well again.
  3. Now let's mix both types of flour and add a little to the mixture with a spoon.
  4. Now combine the dough with seeds and dried apricots, nuts (everything that is). And mix again. We get the dough as thick as cream with nuts.
  5. It is better to line the form with baking paper, but you can also grease it with vegetable oil.
  6. We put in a preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes.
  7. We check the readiness when a golden brown crust appears on top, but not earlier than after 35 minutes. If the toothpick has no traces of dough, the cake is ready. If there is dough on the stick, then let it stand for another 10 minutes. But you can also do this: turn off the oven and leave the cake in it until it cools completely.
  8. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar on top for decoration.

Cooking tips:

  • If you bake a cake with different varieties of seeds or with different varieties of nuts, then each time you can get a new dish.
  • For the filling, you can use dried apricots, raisins and prunes. It is better to steam them, and then dry them well and only then cut them into small pieces.
  • Remember that the oven is very hot. Be sure to use special oven mitts.

What fruits can you use to make tasty and healthy sweetness? You can use bananas for this purpose, which go well with kiwi, dairy products, dried fruits. Banana muffins can be made in various shapes. You don't need a lot of cooking time, and the products for such baking are not expensive.

How to bake a banana muffin

To make banana muffins, you need to wash the fruit, cut the top off with a sharp knife, pull the peel with your hands, pull out the banana, cut into pieces, and place in a blender. Then add the rest of the necessary products: spices, flour, butter, additives, beaten eggs. The mixture must be homogeneous. Dessert should be cooked in the oven, microwave oven, bread maker, multicooker.

Oven Banana Cupcake Recipe

In order to make a fruit muffin, it is necessary to combine all the ingredients following the recipe. We heat the oven to the maximum temperature. Cut the fruit and pour it into the dough. Then pour the banana mixture into food grade silicone molds and send them to the oven. We do not reduce the temperature. After 30 minutes, see if the muffin is ready.

Recipe for muffin with bananas in a slow cooker

Prepare a banana cake in a modern multicooker for about 50 minutes with a power of 860 watts. At low power, the cooking time increases. A banana cake in a multicooker is baked in the "Baking", "Cake" mode. The bowl of the multicooker must be greased with oil so that the cake does not stick to the bottom. This kitchen technique is convenient in that the touch display will inform you about the end of cooking.

Banana cupcake recipe easy in the microwave

How to make banana muffins quickly and efficiently? You can make lemon filling, add dried fruits and berries, chocolate. How to make beautiful banana muffins in the microwave? Pour the dough into a mug, put it in the microwave (800 W.) for 3 minutes. We decorate the surface with chocolate or sesame crumbs.

Banana cupcake recipe

What to do with fruits that no one eats? They can be used to make banana cake, which is an easy recipe. Before starting to cook the cake, all products should be at room temperature, since the butter will not stratify when mixed. This banana muffin goes well with cocoa and milk.

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • 100 grams - butter;
  • 2 things - bananas;
  • 270 grams - sugar;
  • 250 grams - flour;
  • 1 teaspoon - vanilla extract;
  • 2 things - eggs;
  • 150 milliliters - milk.

Cooking method:

Melt the butter in a frying pan, then process it with a mixer, pouring out the vanilla extract, sugar, pour out the milk. We cut the fruits, process them with a blender, and then pour the resulting mass into the oil mixture along with sifted flour, baking powder and eggs. Cover the banana cake pan with oil, cook for 30 minutes at 180 C.

Chocolate banana muffins recipes

A person who does not have culinary skills can make a banana cake using this recipe. The most important thing in the cooking process is near the oven in order to get the dessert on time. The finished culinary product will turn out with a golden hue and a cocoa smell. You can also add finely chopped or grated chocolate.

Ingredients (for 10 servings):

  • 250 grams - wheat flour;
  • 125 grams - dark chocolate;
  • 4 things - ripe bananas;
  • 2.5 teaspoons - baking powder;
  • 2 things - chicken eggs;
  • A little salt;
  • 240 grams - sugar;
  • Taste: sunflower oil (margarine), vanillin.

Cooking method:

We warm up the oven with the maximum temperature. Pour vanillin into a deep bowl to the sugar-egg whipped mixture. Grind the fruits with a fork or blender. Combine the fruit puree with the sugar and egg mass. Combine flour with salt and baking powder in a separate bowl. We mix all the products with chopped chocolate. Cover the baking dish with butter (margarine), and pour the dough into it. The banana muffins will be ready in an hour if the temperature in the oven is set to maximum.

Banana curd muffins recipes

Kiwi tastes like gooseberry. By adding such an ingredient to the recipe, the product will have a sour taste, giving it a fresh sensation. This banana muffin can be made in place of cake and other desserts. It is better to try such a dessert right away, because when the delicacy is still warm, it tastes much better.

Ingredients (for 8 servings):

  • 150 grams - cottage cheese;
  • 60 grams - butter;
  • 120 grams - sugar;
  • Taste: bananas, kiwi, powdered sugar, vanillin;
  • 2 things - chicken eggs;
  • 120 grams - wheat flour.

Cooking method:

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Combine eggs with sugar and stir until foam forms. Melt butter in a frying pan, pour in a bowl, pour cottage cheese there. Mix the curd mass into the egg mixture using a mixer. Pour in the vanillin and baking powder, mix. Pour the flour, process the dough with a mixer.

Peel the fruits, cut them into squares, and pour them into the rest of the products. Put parchment in the banana dessert mold or coat the bottom with oil. Pour the banana dough there.

We send to the oven (180 С).

Lean banana cake recipe

This recipe is suitable for people who observe all fasts. On such days, you will not have to give up sweet desserts. The recipe does not require any special culinary skills. And banana muffins are good the first time. Now let's take a closer look at the lean banana cake recipe. Fruit must be ripe. You can add various spices, but it is advisable to use cinnamon, from dried fruits: cranberries, dried apricots, prunes, raisins.

Ingredients (for 8 servings):

  • 225 grams - flour;
  • 3 teaspoons - cinnamon (mix of pie spices), baking powder;
  • 100 grams - brown sugar;
  • 3 things - ripe bananas;
  • 75 grams - sunflower oil;
  • 50 grams - nuts (dried fruit);

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven at high temperatures. Peel and knead the fruit. Combine fruit puree with butter, sugar, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, finely chopped nuts, dried fruits. Cover the banana cake pan with oil, send it, cook for 40 minutes. After the dessert has cooled, cut it into pieces.

Banana kefir cupcake recipe

This dessert is light, airy and tender for tea drinking for breakfast and dinner. No kitchen appliances are used for this recipe for banana muffins. Sour cream, nuts, yogurt, and apples can be added to the recipe. It is not necessary to add cocoa, but only use kefir, but then there will be no chocolate smell. Cupcake goes well with coffee, tea, compote.

  • 2 things - chicken eggs;
  • 2 cups - wheat flour;
  • 1 glass - kefir, sugar;
  • 1 thing - banana;
  • 2 teaspoons - baking powder;
  • 3 tablespoons - cocoa powder;
  • 50 milliliters - sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Combine eggs with sugar and stir until foam forms. Pour in there: cocoa, baking powder, kefir, flour and fruit. Mix well after each added product. Cover the mold with oil, pour the banana dough into it. Cooking for 50 minutes (180 C).

Banana Oatmeal Cupcake Recipe

Banana muffins are very tender and very aromatic. To make banana oat muffins, you need to purchase walnut oil. This product is expensive but well worth it. After all, the desserts are very tasty. It comes out quite appetizing if served with yogurt.

Ingredients (for 12 servings):

  • 200 grams - wheat flour;
  • A little sea salt;
  • 1 piece - chicken egg;
  • 100 grams - brown sugar, oatmeal;
  • 1.5 teaspoons - baking powder;
  • 60 milliliters - sunflower oil;
  • 1 teaspoon - baking soda;
  • 75 grams - walnuts;
  • 4 things - bananas.

Cooking method:

We combine products: soda, sugar, sifted flour, salt, baking powder. We process the fruits with a blender, pour in proteins, sunflower oil. Finely chop the nuts. We combine all products, interfere. Pour the banana dough into the molds. We put in the oven for 25 minutes (180 C).

Banana muffins recipe without eggs

Lean baked goods are delicious too. For example, the egg-free banana muffin recipe. This recipe uses whole grain flour. The culinary experts believe that this flour is more valuable and airy. Sprinkle the cake with bananas on top with powdered sugar, which is not difficult to prepare: grind the sugar in a coffee grinder until small particles are formed.

Ingredients (for 5 servings):

  • 2 things - ripe bananas;
  • 3 tablespoons - sunflower oil;
  • ½ cup - wheat flour (whole grain), sugar;
  • Taste: cinnamon, nuts, soda, dried apricots, seeds, raisins;
  • 1/4 cup - water.

Cooking method:

Mash bananas, add sugar, cinnamon, soda. Pour flour, oil, water. We stir so that there are no lumps. Soak dried fruits in water for three minutes, chop finely, and add to the dough. Add the dough with nuts and seeds, mix. We coat the mold with oil and send it to the oven (180 C) for 40 minutes.

Banana Cupcake Recipe

Not everyone loves banana muffins, due to the fact that they are very colored. Can they be served in a convenient mold? For example, a banana cupcake in a mug. This recipe differs from others in the simple preparation of a banana muffin. To do this, a microwave just needs to be available. It is necessary to remember good design - the key to making a wonderful culinary product. It's great to drink coffee with a banana muffin in the morning. Sugar can be used instead of honey.

Ingredients (per serving):

  • 1 piece - medium-sized banana, egg;
  • Not much - salt, vanillin, flax seeds;
  • 3 tablespoons - milk;
  • Taste: finely chopped nuts;
  • 2 tablespoons - honey;
  • 1 teaspoon - baking powder;
  • 4 tablespoons - flour.

Cooking method:

Knead the banana until puree. Pour honey and vanillin, pour out milk. We supplement the mixture with beaten eggs, nuts and salt, mix. Pour in flour with baking powder. Stir until smooth. Pour the mixture into a mug. Cover the surface of the banana muffin with flax seeds. In the microwave, we set the power to 800 W. We put a banana dessert in a mug in the microwave for three minutes.

Banana Nut Cupcake Recipe

Many people wonder how to surprise their relatives with something tasty and new? This muffin contains two of the most delicious and healthy ingredients: bananas and hazelnuts. Such cupcakes will be eaten with pleasure even by those who individually do not like these products. Because in combination they create a unique taste. You can also add raisins.

Ingredients (for 12 servings):

300 grams - hazelnuts;
100 grams - margarine;
2 things - chicken eggs;
250 grams - wheat flour;
2 things - bananas;
1 teaspoon (2 teaspoons) - soda, slaked with vinegar (baking powder);
150 grams - sugar.

Cooking method:

We knead bananas, pre-washed and peeled. Pour margarine, sugar, eggs into another bowl. We stir, grind. Pour bananas, flour, soda. Let's start kneading the dough. The dough will be neither liquid nor thick. Finely chop the hazelnuts and add them to the rest of the ingredients. Pour the dough all the way into the banana muffin tins. Cooking for 20 minutes in the oven (180 C).

Banana muffins recipe without butter

You can make banana muffins without oil. You can bake them in the oven, multicooker, bread maker. You should always pay attention to the temperature. It is necessary to get the banana muffins on time so that they do not burn. The readiness of the cake can be checked with a match or a toothpick, piercing it with it, if there is no dough left on it, then it is ready and you can take them out of the oven.

Ingredients (for 5 servings):

  • 1 glass - sugar, milk;
  • 2 things - not big bananas;
  • 0.5 teaspoon (2 teaspoons) - baking soda (baking powder);
  • 2 cups - wheat flour.

Cooking method:

Mash peeled bananas, add sugar. Pour the flour mixed with soda in parts, pour out the milk. Knead the dough with a spatula or an ordinary spoon. Or knead the dough by hand. Pour into a mold, cook in a bread maker in the "Pie" mode (180 C).

No flour

You don't always have to go to the store and buy sweets. At home, you can make a flour-free banana muffin. Add strawberries there, which will give the product a berry smell. You can use frozen strawberries that were collected in the country, or purchased at a store.

Ingredients (for 3 servings):

  • 3 things - frozen strawberries;
  • 4 things - eggs;
  • 3 things - bananas.

Cooking method:

We wash, peel the bananas. Knead them until puree is formed. Pour in the eggs and mix with a whisk. Place foil in cupcake tins or coat them with oil. Put strawberries on the bottom, then pour the fruit and egg mixture into each mold. Cooking in the oven for 20 minutes (180 C). Before removing the muffins from the molds, it will be possible to do this after 5 minutes.

Baking secrets

When buying bananas, choose the ripe ones. If there are no products from the recipe, then they can be replaced with those that are in the kitchen: the baking powder can be replaced with slaked vinegar soda. The dough will be as airy as if baking powder was added. Silicone and paper molds can be used. When cooking a large one banana cake, you need to take a baking dish for this. It needs to be smeared with oil or parchment paper placed in it.

This egg-free muffin recipe is perfect for fasting (as well as vegetarians). The pastries are filled with a rich banana flavor, they are moderately sweet and very aromatic. The preparation process itself will take no more than 15 minutes, and as a result, you will get 8-10 pieces of muffins. A great option for healthy pastries for tea for the whole family!


  • Flour - 180 Grams
  • Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Salt - 1 Pinch
  • Bananas - 400 Grams (about 3 medium)
  • Sugar - 50 Grams
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 Tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon juice - 1-2 Teaspoons
  • Vanilla extract - 1 Teaspoon

Servings: 8-10

Cooking time: 45 min

How to make Egg-Free Muffins

1. First of all, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and prepare the mold. It is very convenient to use paper molds.

2. Cut bananas into small pieces, add sugar to them.

3. Use a fork or potato pusher to mash everything in the puree.

4. Here is such a homogeneous mass as a result.

5. Pour in vegetable oil. You can use any butter without a strong smell in this simple egg-free muffin recipe.

6. Stir everything until smooth.

7. To set off the sweet taste, pour in lemon juice.

8. Separately sift flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt.

9. Add small portions to the mashed banana, kneading into a smooth, lump-free dough. Add a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla to make egg-free muffins at home more flavorful.

10. Put the finished dough into tins and send to the oven.

11. Muffins are baked for about half an hour. That's the whole secret of how to make egg-free muffins. You can serve them to the table. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top, if desired.

  • 1 Egg-Free Cupcake - A Simple Recipe With Water
  • 2 Chocolate treat
  • 3 Cooking in a mug in the microwave
  • 4 Curd cake without eggs
  • 5 Quick baking with kefir
  • 6 How to cook in a multicooker
  • 7 Banana cake without eggs
  • 8 On sour cream

What to do when you want to bake something, but there are no eggs in the refrigerator? Experienced housewives will always find a way out of such a situation. In addition, vegetarians and those for whom they are contraindicated will be interested in baking recipes without the use of eggs. A selection of recipes will help you prepare a melting in your mouth and delicious egg-free cupcake.

Egg-free cupcake - a simple recipe on water

Required products:

  • a glass of hot water;
  • 155 g sugar;
  • 295 g flour.


  1. Boil with sugar and cool water until hot. The amount of sugar can be increased or decreased if desired. It can also be replaced with sucrose.
  2. Add hot water to it, it will allow the dough to acquire a custard consistency.
  3. The dough should look like a pancake. It is then poured into silicone muffin tins. If you take other forms, they need to be greased.
  4. Bake until tender, remove from the mold, cool.

Lack of eggs is not a reason to go without baking for tea. Wet and easy to melt in your mouth, muffins are obtained by brewing water and flour. If desired, you can add flavors to the dough, and decorate the top with powdered sugar.

Chocolate treat

Required products:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3.5 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • flour -285 g;
  • chocolate bar.


  1. Mix cocoa with sugar in a separate bowl, add sifted flour.
  2. Pour kefir into a bowl, pour soda into it and stir to extinguish.
  3. Add dry ingredients to kefir. You should have a pancake-like dough.
  4. Break the chocolate into pieces.
  5. Put the dough into the molds, deepen a piece of chocolate inside.
  6. Add dough on top and send to bake until the delicacy is ready.

Any chocolate is suitable for this recipe, if not, take candy or prunes. The chocolate muffin is delicious with nuts inside.

If you pour chocolate fondant on the cupcakes, they will not only be tasty, but also outwardly strike you with a similarity to pastry baked goods.

Cooking in a mug in the microwave

This recipe will require a minimum of products, it will help out when you urgently need to feast on something. Take just 5 minutes to make a simple cupcake in the microwave!

Required products:

  • 155 ml of milk;
  • 2, 5 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 spoon of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp lemon juice.


  1. Pour milk into a fireproof cup or small mold, add sugar and mix well. The sugar should dissolve.
  2. Add lemon juice. As a result, the milk should curdle.
  3. You need to put enough flour so that you get a not thick dough. Mix with a spoon and send to the microwave.
  4. Cook for 3 minutes on high power.
  5. The finished cake is not taken out, eaten from a cup.

Egg-free curd cake

Cottage cheese in baked goods is a very advantageous option for preparing a hearty and tasty treat for tea. Cheesecakes are loved by adults and children. Serve cheesecake without eggs with milk or tea. They do not stale for a long time, because there are no eggs in the composition.

Required products:

  • 245 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 spoonful of sour cream;
  • 185 g sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of raisins;
  • flour -300 g.


  1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream to get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Sift flour, add raisins to it, mix everything. This will distribute the raisins evenly in the baked goods.
  3. Bake in tins, if they are not silicone, grease them.

Quick baking with kefir

You can almost always find kefir in the refrigerator, especially among those who follow a healthy diet. Egg-free kefir muffins exceed all expectations in taste.

Required products:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • baking powder - 1/3 spoon;
  • flour - 280 g;
  • sugar - 135 g;
  • flavoring or vanilla.


  1. Mix kefir with sugar, add drops for flavor and baking powder.
  2. Pour in the rate of sifted flour, mix everything well.
  3. Spoon the resulting mass into the molds.
  4. If desired, you can add raisins or candied fruits.

How to cook in a slow cooker

A slow cooker will always help out in the kitchen, it is enough to put food inside to get fragrant pastries soon.

Required products:

  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 190 g sugar;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. butter;
  • juice of one orange.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the orange, remove the seeds. Pour it into a bowl of kefir.
  2. Add baking soda, flour and sugar. To mix everything.
  3. Melt butter in the microwave, cool and pour into the dough.
  4. Let it brew a little, after which you can bake the muffins.
  5. Grease the multicooker bowl with fat, put the dough there.
  6. Switch on the "Baking" mode. Cooking time depends on the multicooker model. After the signal about the end of cooking, remove the bowl, cool slightly and turn it upside down. Knock lightly.

The muffin takes longer to cook in the multicooker than in the oven. However, this is a good alternative if you don't have a mold or oven. If you don't have time, try cooking a cupcake in a mug, it takes only 3 minutes to cook in the microwave!

Banana Cupcake Without Eggs

The banana taste of baked goods will impress even gourmets who are used to tasting restaurant dishes. The taste of the muffins is great, and if you tell them that they are egg-free, even vegetarians will appreciate it.

Delicate banana muffins are a real treat for adults and children! Very easy to cook and delicious to eat!

Delicate wet banana-based baked goods. This type of pastry is quite popular in Europe and America; you can find all kinds of variations of this dish on many English-language blogs. Some call it banana bread, and some call it banana muffin. If you put less sugar and butter, then you will have banana bread, and if you add more, then, accordingly, a cake.

But in any case, you will get a very delicate, soft and fragrant crumb. I advise, be sure to use overripe bananas, they will turn out to be much more aromatic.

I tried baking with the addition of nuts and chocolate, and I liked these muffins much less, although, of course, this is a matter of taste. There were too many flavors in my opinion - banana, chocolate, nuts. In addition, due to the fact that the structure of the finished baked goods is moist, the nuts were also moist. It seems to me that it is better to bake them without additives or, if you add, then some kind of cream in the middle, for example, a custard.

I got 18 small cupcakes.

  • 3 bananas (overripe)
  • 200 g flour
  • 170 g sugar
  • 70 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • a pinch of salt

Peel bananas, I had 430 g of peeled bananas.

Puree them with a blender (or mash them very thoroughly with a crush).

Add eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, melted and cooled butter, stir.

Add baking powder, flour, mix well. The dough is not thick.

Grease the molds with butter (or insert paper inserts), spread out the dough.

Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for about 20-25 minutes.

You can bake in one form, preferably oblong or with a ledge in the middle. The baking time will then need to be increased.

Inside. Banana muffins are good, both warm and completely chilled.

Recipe 2: Oven Banana Cupcake

The fragrant banana muffins we bake in the oven in portioned tins are simple and delicious homemade baked goods. In addition, this is a lean recipe, so for sure it will come in handy for many. The most delicate islands of fragrant banana, which are hidden in soft and airy honey dough, are waiting for you. With tea, coffee or milk - the perfect combination.

  • banana - 390 gr
  • wheat flour - 220 gr
  • natural honey - 120 gr
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • baking powder - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 0.25 tsp

To prepare delicate and aromatic muffins, we need the following ingredients: bananas, wheat flour (I have the highest grade), natural honey, refined vegetable (I use sunflower) oil, baking powder and salt. All foods should be at room temperature.

Sift 220 grams of wheat flour into a separate bowl, add a flat tablespoon of baking powder and a quarter teaspoon (generous pinch) of edible salt.

Mix thoroughly so that the dry components are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

Peel the bananas and break the pulp into another container. I have 3 large bananas, each weighing about 180 grams. Pure fruit pulp is about 390 grams.

Knead the bananas with a fork, not very finely, so that not a homogeneous puree is obtained, but pieces remain.

Add 120 grams of natural honey and 50 milliliters of odorless vegetable oil to the bananas. If the honey is sugared, heat it up in the microwave (Defrost mode) or in a water bath.

We mix everything.

Pour dry mixture to the liquid base.

We quickly mix it in so that there are no traces of flour. Do not stir for a long time, as muffin dough does not like this.

Place the dough into portioned muffin tins. I have silicone, so I do not lubricate them with anything. I advise you to prepare metal ones in advance: grease with a small amount of refined vegetable oil or butter (in this case, additionally sprinkle with wheat flour or semolina). In total, from the specified amount of ingredients used, I get 9 large banana muffins, but since the dough grows a lot when baking, I recommend baking 10-12 pieces - this way the caps will be more accurate.

Bake the banana muffins in a preheated oven on a medium setting at 180-190 degrees for about 25-30 minutes. Important: the baking time depends on the characteristics of your oven and may differ from the indicated one. I have a Hephaestus gas stove, bottom heating, no convection. Since the muffins are not very brown in my oven, I additionally turn on the grill for 5 minutes.

Ready-made banana muffins are very tender, soft and flavorful, while being made as easy as shelling pears. Cook for your health and bon appetit, friends!

Recipe 3: Chocolate Banana Cupcake

Do you happen to have bananas die in the kitchen, and home people demand muffins? We ran into the store a couple of days ago, impulsively bought an unplanned bunch of tight, elastic, fresh handsome men, with appetite on the way home we ate two at once. By the morning, the fruits were no longer so attractive, after a day they acquired unattractive brown specks.

And you look at these few bananas in a couple of days, like a suitcase without a handle - it's a pity to throw it away, it's inconvenient to carry. It seems like just sending them to the trash can - conscience does not allow, but there will definitely not be any of them. What to do? There is a solution to the problem!

Bake a small culinary masterpiece - a chocolate banana muffin. Its recipe is very simple, almost primitive, but the taste of baked goods is incredibly aromatic, rich, bright!

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 overripe bananas;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • ½ glass of cocoa;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • ½ tsp soda;
  • ½ tbsp. l. lemon juice or vinegar.

We extract the bananas, inspect them meticulously, approve.

We take out the prepared butter - it should be soft. Not melted, but soft (2-3 hours of "rest" at room temperature).

Beat butter with eggs and sugar. The mass should become fluffy, airy.

Adding salt is a must: it is this detail that makes sweet pastries rich and bright. Add bananas one at a time. Pour in soda, quench it with lemon juice. The mass will become thinner. Beat until smooth. Pour in cocoa, knead.

Sift flour into the dough - you may need a little less of this product (it depends on the size of bananas, eggs, fat content of the oil, humidity in the room and many other factors). Pour the dough into a greased mold (or silicone - not greased).

We bake at 180 degrees for at least 45 minutes, check readiness with a wooden stick, it should come out of the dough completely dry. When stirring the dough, you can add prunes (sounds great with bananas and chocolate), nuts (add substance to baked goods), coconut (a slight tropical note), raisins (sourness and juiciness), however, I prefer the laconic combination of chocolate and bananas.

Recipe 4: multicooker banana muffin

Baking with the addition of berries or fruits turns out to be tasty, fragrant and beautiful. Try making a banana muffin in a slow cooker and see for yourself. In addition, bananas loved by many are rich in fiber, and also contain potassium, magnesium, manganese, B vitamins and other substances useful for the body.

One of the main conditions for a successful result is the use of very ripe bananas. The second, no less important condition is a properly prepared dough. Follow the recommendations below and you will surely delight your loved ones with a delicious and aromatic banana muffin.

  • 3 very ripe bananas;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 80 ml of kefir or sour cream;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 ml of refined sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tea. baking powder.

It is better to start the preparation of the cake with the preparation of dry ingredients. To do this, sift the flour and mix it with baking powder and salt. If soda is used, then you need to take less - 1 teaspoon without top. Then you can start preparing the filling: wash and peel the bananas, then chop them with a blender or simply mash them with a fork. In this case, small pieces of bananas will come across in the finished muffin.

Preparation of liquid components can be started. To do this, beat the eggs into a thick foam. Of course, this is best done with a mixer. If this is not possible, then use a whisk. Gradually adding sugar, without ceasing to beat the eggs, ensure that they turn into a light and fluffy mass. Then add kefir (or sour cream) and refined sunflower oil. A little oil should be left to lubricate the multicooker bowl. Mix carefully. Put mashed bananas in this mass and mix everything again.

It remains to combine dry and liquid components. Little by little adding flour, you need to slowly, in one direction, stir the dough until it becomes homogeneous. However, it is not recommended to do this for too long, so that the whipped proteins do not have time to settle. If done correctly, the dough will turn out to be very tender, like a cream.

Now you need to grease the multicooker bowl with the remaining oil. To easily remove the finished cake from the bowl, the bottom can be covered with baking paper. To do this, put a steaming container on the paper, circle it with a pencil and cut along the contour. This circle also needs to be slightly oiled. It is advisable to make these preparations in advance. When the bowl is prepared, you need to pour the dough into it, place it in the multicooker and select the "Baking" program. In the multicooker Redmond RMC-M170, 900 W, set the timer for 1 hour and 20 minutes. For other models, this time will need to be adjusted up or down.

After the multicooker beeps about the end of the program, you can leave the cake in the "Warm up" mode for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the bowl with the muffin from the multicooker and leave it to cool for another 10 minutes. After that, transfer the muffin to the dish using a steamer container.

When the cake is cool enough, you can sprinkle it with icing sugar or chocolate icing. The main thing is not to overdo it, because it turns out to be quite sweet. You can garnish the muffin with banana slices.

Now you know how to bake a banana muffin in a slow cooker. Brew aromatic tea, cut the cake into portions and serve.

We wish you all a pleasant tea party!

Recipe 5, step by step: curd banana cake

If you find some curd in the fridge, and a couple of bananas in a bowl of fruit, I suggest baking these fragrant curd-banana muffins! The dough is prepared simply, muffins are baked, if they are portioned, quickly - in less than an hour, you will have fragrant banana muffins for tea with delicate, thanks to curd, crumb and charming golden tops.

The recipe is good in that even overripe, soft bananas with a darkened peel are suitable for the dough - those that do not have a very presentable look to eat them just like that. But for baking - banana bread, muffins and cakes - these are the fruits that are best suited! You can also take frozen bananas.

Cupcakes can be baked in small tins or large (rectangular for bread or muffin with a hole).

  • 2 medium or large eggs;
  • 150-180 g of sugar (depending on how sour the cottage cheese is and how much you like sweets - we take into account that there are bananas in the dough);
  • 2 small bananas or 1 large;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 2 cups of flour (1 two-hundred-gram glass without top \u003d 130 g, we need 260 g);
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (or vinegar 9%)
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt.

Combine eggs and sugar in a bowl; beat with a mixer for 30-45 seconds, until lightly fluffy. At the same time, melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove over a small fire.

Wash bananas, peel them, cut into pieces and add to the curd.

Puree with a blender until a homogeneous curd-banana mass is obtained.

Add melted butter to the beaten eggs, then - banana-curd puree and beat everything together or just stir well with a spoon.

Then we sift the flour into a bowl, after mixing it with baking soda and baking powder.

Pour the lemon juice directly into the dough and mix quickly but carefully. It turns out a fairly thick dough, the banana puree gives it a beige color.

We lay out the dough in portioned molds (I put in each silicone one on a paper mold) or in a cake pan greased with sunflower oil or covered with an oiled sheet of parchment paper.

A rectangular, round, ring shape is suitable - only the baking time of the cake in different forms will vary depending on the height and thickness of the dough layer.

Small muffins were baked at 200C for a little over half an hour; the big one spent almost 1 hour in the oven.

You look in your oven - they are all different.

Once the muffins are light golden on the crust and the skewer remains dry to check, they are ready.

Recipe 6: microwave banana muffin

I like to cook muffins in the fall and I often cook this banana muffin for myself and for my family. The cupcake can be cooked right away in a mug, but I prepared it in a special cupcake pan.

  • small banana - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • butter - half tbsp. l .;
  • sifted wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l;
  • baking powder - half tsp.

Puree banana in a mug or bowl, mix sugar and vanillin, beat in an egg.

Melt the butter in the microwave for 20 seconds. Then add to the banana mixture. Add flour and baking powder. Stir again.

Pour into molds if you made the mixture in a bowl.

Place the mug in the microwave and cook the cake for 1 minute 30 seconds or 2 minutes at 800 watts. If the cake is not ready, put it in the microwave for another 20 seconds. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 7: silicone banana muffins

To make banana muffins, you need to knead the dough, put it in silicone molds, and bake the muffins in the oven.

  • 140 gr sugar
  • 60 gr butter
  • 2 pcs banana
  • 2 pcs chicken egg
  • 170 gr wheat flour
  • vinegar slaked soda

Put 140 grams of granulated sugar and 60 grams of butter in a deep bowl.

Mix ingredients. Add two peeled bananas.

Mash the bananas and add two chicken eggs.

Add vinegar slaked soda to the dough. After adding baking soda, add 170 grams of flour to the dough.

Knead until smooth.

Place the banana muffins in silicone molds. Pour up to 1/3 of the mold.

Bake the muffins in the oven at 160-170 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

The prepared banana muffins are golden brown, tall and fragrant.

Remove hot from the molds and serve with tea.

Recipe 8: Lean Banana Cupcake (Step by Step)

The phrase "lean muffin" may sound rather strange. Fasting is a harsh time of restraint, abstinence and repentance, during which it is not proper to think about pleasures. Cupcake is something crumbly, juicy and tasty, which pretty much brightens the life of sweets and is able to cheer up on a bad day ... However, as practice has shown, one thing is not a hindrance to the other. You can take care of your soul, even if you occasionally arrange small indulgences for the body.

For the base

  • 600 grams wheat flour
  • 3 pcs ripe banana
  • 100 grams of poppy seeds
  • 200 ml Water
  • 100 grams sugar
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 tbsp vinegar

For glaze

  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 4 tablespoons Water
  • 2 tsp lemon juice

Chop the poppy. This can be done in different ways: scroll the grains through a meat grinder, roll with a rolling pin through a plastic bag, combine with sugar and "beat" with a blender. But since the recipe for lean cake here involves using very little poppy seeds, it's easier to use a mortar and pestle or coffee grinder. Before grinding the poppy seeds, it should be steamed with boiling water for 20-30 minutes.

Mash the bananas thoroughly with a fork. Mash ripe fruit is a matter of a few minutes.

Combine banana gruel with poppy seeds, sugar, vegetable oil, water and a pinch of salt. Grind until smooth. Thanks to the poppy seeds, the mixture will acquire a thick black color.

Add flour in portions ... Sifted flour will make the cake more tender.

And then add the soda slaked with vinegar. You can use a regular baking powder.

Pour the dough into a greased mold and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. A little more, and the treat is ready!

While the finished treat is cooling, combine the powdered sugar with water and lemon juice. The mass should not turn out to be either too thick or too liquid.

Cover the cooled muffin with lemon icing and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Each hostess decorates baked goods in her own way. You can start tasting!

Make sure the baking bananas are very soft, even ripe. Otherwise, the taste and consistency of the dough will be completely different.

Recipe 9: banana cake without eggs (with photo)

I continue to post the recipes that Taravali shared with us in culinary courses. Delicious delicious muffins that are surprisingly easy and quick to prepare. From this amount, 10-12 delicious muffins are obtained.

  • bananas (large, ripe) 2 pcs.
  • sugar 150 gr.
  • butter (softened) 100 gr.
  • sour cream 2 tbsp
  • soda 1 tsp
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch

For decoration - powdered sugar, cherries (or any other berries) or fresh mint leaves.

You need to mash the bananas with a fork or blender.

Now we knead the butter along with the sugar.

Add sour cream, soda, vanilla sugar. (To be honest, I was not at home at the time of making the sour cream and I added homemade yogurt instead.

Combine with mashed bananas and add flour until the consistency of very thick sour cream.

This shape is more suitable for muffins.

But you can use any silicone muffin molds. Or bake in special disposable paper tins, for example, like this.

But we will do this next time :), but for now we put the dough in our silicone mold,

align with wet fingers on top.

We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until golden brown.

Gently remove from the mold, cool

and decorate according to your mood.

Recipe 10: banana cake with chocolate

  • Bananas 3 pcs
  • Black chocolate 100 g
  • Yogurt 75 ml
  • Brown sugar 100 g
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade 300 g
  • Butter 100 g
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs
  • Cinnamon 1 tsp
  • Soda 0.5 tsp
  • Baking dough 0.5 tsp

Beat the softened butter with white sugar.

Mash bananas with a fork.

Add eggs one at a time. Sift flour with baking soda and baking powder. Mix with salt and cinnamon and add to the butter and egg mixture. Stir in milk or yogurt.

Chop the chocolate and gently add it to the dough along with the bananas.


All recipes are carefully selected by the site's culinary club