Crispy hot sandwiches in the oven. Hot sandwiches in the oven - recipes with photos

05.03.2020 Snacks

You can cook a snack in the oven, microwave or in a frying pan.

Main ingredients:

  • bread, loaf or baguette. "Toast" bread is perfect;
  • any sausage, minced meat, poultry, fish, shrimps, pate, mushrooms, potatoes, sausages;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers, dill, parsley, green peas;
  • favorite cheese;
  • for the sauce they use: mayonnaise or sour cream, mustard, garlic, ketchup, spices, green onions, herbs.

The five most commonly used ingredients in hot cheese sandwich recipes are:

Types of sandwiches

  • open sandwich. Bread is fried only from one side, from the bottom.
  • sandwich or closed sandwich. The filling is placed between two thinly sliced ​​crispbreads. Fried on both sides.

Five quickest recipes for hot cheese sandwiches:

Features of making hot cheese sandwiches

  1. What can I do to prevent the bottom of the sandwich from burning in the microwave? You need to take a foil, put a paper napkin on it, then lay out the sandwiches, and then bake.
  2. To make a hot cheese sandwich without overdrying it, observe the cooking times. Sandwiches are baked in the microwave for 0.5-2 minutes, in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 °.
  3. Do not put a lot of cheese on the loaves; when baked, it will spread over the entire baking sheet.
  4. You can fry bread in any oil. The sandwich will become crispy and juicy. If you fry without adding fat in a well-heated skillet, the bread will come out like in a toaster - dry.
  5. Serve hot sandwiches right away, cold ones are not so tasty.
  6. They are not stored for long, if necessary, they can be heated in the microwave.

Recipes for hot sandwiches are simple and affordable, there are for every taste. Choose and dare. Free creativity is also encouraged.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Often there is a need to come up with some kind of quick dish to feed hungry children or acquaintances who suddenly dropped in. Sandwiches are a good snack, especially if baked in the oven. You can even start the day with them, using them as breakfast.

How to make hot sandwiches

You don't need professional culinary skills to make a quick snack like this. Baked sandwiches are prepared using almost the same algorithm as ordinary ones, but there is still a difference. For example, before cooking, bread can be additionally fried in a pan, trying not to dry it out, but slightly brown it. Further, if desired, rub a piece with garlic for piquancy. Impregnation of bread is needed so that when baked in the oven, a stale rusk does not turn out. This can be cream, mayonnaise or butter.


It is desirable that the dish is not only tasty, but also satisfying. However, if the refrigerator is almost empty, and you need to cook something from the available products, then you will only have to think about the compatibility of the components. Cheese is an integral part. The main filling for hot oven sandwiches can be sprinkled with grated cheese or chunks on top. This will combine all the ingredients to create a nice crust like in the photo. The following components are common as the main ones:

  • sausage or ham;
  • egg;
  • a fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken's meat;
  • vegetables;
  • sausages.

Hot sandwich recipes

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a quick snack. If you have a loaf and a couple of ingredients in the house that go well with each other, consider yourself lucky. The recipe for sandwiches in the oven does not require a lot of time: a few minutes are enough for preparation and baking. If you wish, you can make the dish elegant by drawing ideas from photos of culinary bloggers, but if hunger is most important, then you do not have to fantasize. Before making hot simple ones and in the oven, stock up on parchment paper, otherwise the products will burn.

With cheese and tomatoes

Tomato is one of the first to come to mind when it comes to vegetables. This is no coincidence, because the tomato is a component of many snacks that people eat both daily and on holidays. The list starts with the simplest vegetable salads, where you can rarely do without tomatoes, and continues with all kinds of snacks, where the vegetable can be a filling or a mold for it. It is easy to bake sandwiches with tomatoes and cheese in the oven and very quickly, so they are increasingly popularized among housewives.

Cooking method:

  1. Take bread, cheese and tomatoes.
  2. Gently cut the loaf into as many slices as you want to cook.
  3. Place a cube of butter in a preheated skillet and brown the bread a little on both sides.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. If the bread slices are small, place one tomato mug on each. If large, you need two slices of tomato. Season with salt.
  5. Rub the cheese, determining the correct amount by eye. Sprinkle them over the tomatoes.
  6. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the sandwiches to bake for 7-8 minutes.

With sausages

Although doctors never tire of talking about the dangers of sausage products, these products remain one of the favorites not only for Russians, but all over the world. As for sausages, this is more often an everyday dish that you rarely see on a festive table. However, hot sausage sandwiches are so tasty and simple that they are best for a snack at university or at work.

Cooking method:

  1. Take bread, sausages, mayonnaise and some greens.
  2. Cut the loaf into medium slices.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the bread pieces on top. Brush with mayonnaise.
  4. Cut the sausages into circles, and divide each of them into 4 parts.
  5. Chop the herbs and add to the sausage bowl.
  6. Grate low-melting cheese in the same container. Mix everything well.
  7. Spoon the mixture gently onto the pieces of bread with a spoon.
  8. Preheat the oven, send the baking sheet into it. Determine readiness by baked cheese.


When half an hour is left before the unplanned arrival of guests, you have to turn on your culinary ingenuity. It will not work to set a large table, but to make an interesting appetizer is quite. Making hot sandwiches in a hurry is more fun if there is at least some choice of ingredients in the fridge. Do not think that you have to run to the store for expensive components, there will be enough products that are used every day in any family.


  • pieces of bread - 10 pcs.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • sausages - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ketchup - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the sausages into smaller pieces.
  2. Cut the tomato into small cubes. Before preparing the dish, you can remove the skin from the tomato.
  3. Combine both ingredients by adding chopped greens to them.
  4. Chop the garlic very finely or pass through a press. Place with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Combine tomato paste with mayonnaise and season the mixed ingredients with this sauce.
  6. Transfer the bread slices to a baking sheet and spoon the filling with a spoon.
  7. Rub the cheese, place on each sandwich.
  8. Hot sandwiches in a preheated oven should cook for about a quarter of an hour.

With cheese

If you just randomly throw different products on a piece of bread, then a single dish will not work. A connecting element is required. This is often grated cheese. When baked, it seals the flavors of the ingredients inside, mixing them together. Sandwiches with cheese in the oven are juicy and moderately salty, often you don't need to add salt to the rest of the products.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a loaf, cheese, herbs, and butter.
  2. Place the required amount of bread slices on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Beforehand, each of them must be greased with a thin layer of butter.
  3. Grate more cheese. For this, it is better to use a coarse grater.
  4. Chop the dill. If desired, you can replace it with any other greens.
  5. Toss the two ingredients together and spread over slices of bread.
  6. Gently move the baking sheet to the inside of the preheated oven. The food is ready when the cheese is golden brown.

With saury

Canned fish is a great option for budget meals. They are often used to make soups. During the festive feasts, you can see sprats familiar from childhood. However, not only they deserve attention and can be considered festive. For example, if you bake hot saury sandwiches in the oven, they will easily compete with slightly boring sprats. A warm snack perfect for small parties.


  • bread - 8 slices;
  • canned saury - 1 can;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Place saury in a bowl and mash the pieces thoroughly with a fork, removing large bones if necessary.
  2. Boil the eggs and chop them finely. Transfer to a bowl of fish.
  3. Chop the garlic and herbs into smaller pieces. Send to the rest of the components.
  4. Season with mayonnaise and mix well.
  5. Lightly grease the pieces of bread and distribute on a baking sheet. Lay out the filling.
  6. Rub the cheese, sprinkle each slice on top.
  7. Hot sandwiches should be kept in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

With mushrooms

Summer is not only berry but also mushroom season. Fans of mushroom picking, as a rule, try to preserve the gifts of the forest until winter and preserve them. However, such preparations do not disperse quickly, especially if the family is small and not all of them are lovers of such food. In these cases, sandwiches with mushrooms and cheese in the oven will help make room for new canned food for the next year. Fresh mushrooms can also be used: for example, champignons or forest mushrooms (honey agarics, boletus). Cheese will dilute the specific taste, adding spice and salinity.

Cooking method:

  1. You will need mushrooms, a loaf, onions, butter and cheese.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, fry in a pan with chopped onions.
  3. Prepare slices of bread by spreading butter on them.
  4. Lay out the onion-mushroom mass. Draw a small mayonnaise mesh on top.
  5. Sprinkle the grated cheese on the sandwiches.
  6. Bake on a baking sheet for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

With egg

A healthy and filling breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and tomato can get boring over time. If you serve the same set of products in a different form, you can introduce some novelty without spending money and time. Egg sandwiches in the oven are very original and delicious. You can even consider this as a kind of combination of two dishes: there is a sandwich and scrambled eggs. Males will like this option because of its increased calorie content.

Cooking method:

  1. You will need a loaf, eggs, butter, bacon, tomato and herbs.
  2. Take square pieces of bread, lightly brush with butter and place on a baking sheet.
  3. From exactly the same pieces, pull the crumb out in the center to form a hole. Place the slices on top of the baking sheet.
  4. Place a tomato circle one at a time in the resulting groove.
  5. Fry a little 100 g of chopped bacon, place on top of the tomatoes.
  6. Break the egg into the groove without letting it spread. Salt.
  7. Sprinkle chopped dill on the dish to make it look as elegant as in the photo.
  8. Hot sandwiches in a preheated oven should be kept until the protein is completely baked.


“You’re wrong, Uncle Fyodor, eat a sandwich!” Exclaimed the character of the famous cartoon. If you believe the words of Matroskin, putting the sausage on your tongue, you can experience a fundamentally different taste. However, the sandwich will become even tastier if you bake it! The ingredients list will remain the same, but you can add something else. If you want to cook sausage sandwiches in the oven, add hot sauce or savory vegetables for a richer taste.


  • bread - 10 pieces;
  • sausage - 200 g;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the garlic through a press, then combine with softened butter. Saturate the bread slices and place them on a baking sheet.
  2. Cut the sausage into cubes so that they easily fit on a piece of bread.
  3. Season the sausage cubes with egg yolk. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Spread out the filling.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place a baking sheet in there for 7-10 minutes.

With sausage and cheese

The cheese and sausage filling is a classic for quick sandwiches. If, under the influence of high temperatures, you bake sandwiches in the oven with sausage and cheese, you get a more interesting option. They will be juicy and warm, which is very valuable for a snack. It is better to take boiled sausage, since a lot of fat can be released from smoked sausage during baking, which can spoil the taste. The cheese must be easy to melt, but not spread over the baking sheet.

Cooking method:

  1. Take bread, cream, sausage, cheese, and herbs.
  2. Saturate the thinly sliced ​​loaf with heavy cream.
  3. Place the soaked slices on parchment paper.
  4. Chop the sausage into small cubes or strips.
  5. Rub the cheese coarsely.
  6. Finely chopped greens must be mixed with cheese.
  7. Place the sausage on the bread in a small slide.
  8. Sprinkle everything with a mixture of cheese and herbs on top.
  9. Send it to bake for 10-15 minutes before baking the cheese.

Ham sandwich

When a large number of ingredients are used, it becomes necessary to cover them with a second slice of bread. Then the usual hot ham sandwiches are transformed into sandwiches, which can be called a more satisfying dish. Bread slices can be pre-fried in a toaster or in a skillet. Hot sandwiches will be juicier with a little butter or a sauce of some sort.


  • ham - 200 g;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • egg yolk - 3 pcs.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • loaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the egg yolks in a bowl, mix them with a fork until smooth.
  2. Grind the cheese using a grater. Combine with yolks, stirring well.
  3. Cut the loaf into pieces of medium thickness, brush each with mayonnaise. Place them on a baking sheet.
  4. Cut the tomato into circles. For small sandwiches, the circle can be divided in half. Place the tomato slices on top of the mayonnaise layer.
  5. Take the ham and chop it as little as possible. Spread over the tomatoes.
  6. The top layer will be the egg-cheese mass. Cover the sandwich with a second slice of bread.
  7. Send inside the oven and bake until golden brown.

Delicious sandwiches in the oven - cooking secrets

Each recipe is unique in its own way, in connection with which there are both its admirers and those who do not like this option. Before preparing hot sandwiches in the oven, you need to determine its mandatory components:

  • Bread. The fresher it is, the more enjoyable the final meal will be. Do not cut the loaf into too thick slices: this is not the main element of the sandwich.
  • Impregnation. If we are not talking about egg sandwiches, where there are plenty of liquid ingredients, then the slices must be soaked in something. It can be cream, sauce, or butter.
  • Filling. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and refer to your personal preferences.
  • Connecting element. Traditionally it is cheese. If for some reason you do not want to use it, it can be replaced with egg yolk.


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Hot sandwiches in the oven according to delicious recipes

Often there is a need to come up with some kind of quick dish to feed hungry children or acquaintances who suddenly dropped in. Sandwiches are a good snack, especially if baked in the oven. You can even start the day with them, using them as breakfast.

How to make hot sandwiches

You don't need professional culinary skills to make a quick snack like this. Baked sandwiches are prepared using almost the same algorithm as ordinary ones, but there is still a difference. For example, before cooking, bread can be additionally fried in a pan, trying not to dry it out, but slightly brown it. Further, if desired, rub a piece with garlic for piquancy. Impregnation of bread is needed so that when baked in the oven, a stale rusk does not turn out. This can be cream, mayonnaise or butter.

Filling for hot sandwiches

It is desirable that the dish is not only tasty, but also satisfying. However, if the refrigerator is almost empty, and you need to cook something from the available products, then you will only have to think about the compatibility of the components. Cheese is an integral part. The main filling for hot oven sandwiches can be sprinkled with grated cheese or chunks on top. This will combine all the ingredients to create a nice crust like in the photo. The following components are common as the main ones:

Hot sandwich recipes

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a quick snack. If you have a loaf and a couple of ingredients in the house that go well with each other, consider yourself lucky. The recipe for sandwiches in the oven does not require a lot of time: a few minutes are enough for preparation and baking. If you wish, you can make the dish elegant by drawing ideas from photos of culinary bloggers, but if hunger is most important, then you do not have to fantasize. Before making hot simple and original sandwiches in the oven, stock up on parchment paper, otherwise the products will burn.

Sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes

Tomato is one of the first to come to mind when it comes to vegetables. This is no coincidence, because the tomato is a component of many snacks that people eat both daily and on holidays. The list starts with the simplest vegetable salads, where you can rarely do without tomatoes, and continues with all kinds of snacks, where the vegetable can be a filling or a mold for it. It is easy to bake sandwiches with tomatoes and cheese in the oven and very quickly, so they are increasingly popularized among housewives.

  1. Take bread, cheese and tomatoes.
  2. Gently cut the loaf into as many slices as you want to cook.
  3. Place a cube of butter in a preheated skillet and brown the bread a little on both sides.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. If the bread slices are small, place one tomato mug on each. If large, you need two slices of tomato. Season with salt.
  5. Rub the cheese, determining the correct amount by eye. Sprinkle them over the tomatoes.
  6. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the sandwiches to bake for 7-8 minutes.

Sausage sandwiches

Although doctors never tire of talking about the dangers of sausage products, these products remain one of the favorites not only for Russians, but all over the world. As for sausages, this is more often an everyday dish that you rarely see on a festive table. However, hot sausage sandwiches are so tasty and simple that they are best for a snack at university or at work.

  1. Take bread, sausages, mayonnaise and some greens.
  2. Cut the loaf into medium slices.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the bread pieces on top. Brush with mayonnaise.
  4. Cut the sausages into circles, and divide each of them into 4 parts.
  5. Chop the herbs and add to the sausage bowl.
  6. Grate low-melting cheese in the same container. Mix everything well.
  7. Spoon the mixture gently onto the pieces of bread with a spoon.
  8. Preheat the oven, send the baking sheet into it. Determine readiness by baked cheese.

Quick hot sandwiches

When half an hour is left before the unplanned arrival of guests, you have to turn on your culinary ingenuity. It will not work to set a large table, but to make an interesting appetizer is quite. Making hot sandwiches in a hurry is more fun if there is at least some choice of ingredients in the fridge. Do not think that you have to run to the store for expensive components, there will be enough products that are used every day in any family.

  1. Cut the sausages into smaller pieces.
  2. Cut the tomato into small cubes. Before preparing the dish, you can remove the skin from the tomato.
  3. Combine both ingredients by adding chopped greens to them.
  4. Chop the garlic very finely or pass through a press. Place with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Combine tomato paste with mayonnaise and season the mixed ingredients with this sauce.
  6. Transfer the bread slices to a baking sheet and spoon the filling with a spoon.
  7. Rub the cheese, place on each sandwich.
  8. Hot sandwiches in a preheated oven should cook for about a quarter of an hour.

Hot cheese sandwiches

If you just randomly throw different products on a piece of bread, then a single dish will not work. A connecting element is required. This is often grated cheese. When baked, it seals the flavors of the ingredients inside, mixing them together. Sandwiches with cheese in the oven are juicy and moderately salty, often you don't need to add salt to the rest of the products.

  1. Take a loaf, cheese, herbs, and butter.
  2. Place the required amount of bread slices on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Beforehand, each of them must be greased with a thin layer of butter.
  3. Grate more cheese. For this, it is better to use a coarse grater.
  4. Chop the dill. If desired, you can replace it with any other greens.
  5. Toss the two ingredients together and spread over slices of bread.
  6. Gently move the baking sheet to the inside of the preheated oven. The food is ready when the cheese is golden brown.

Hot saury sandwiches

Canned fish is a great option for budget meals. They are often used to make soups. During the festive feasts, you can see sprats familiar from childhood. However, not only they deserve attention and can be considered festive. For example, if you bake hot saury sandwiches in the oven, they will easily compete with slightly boring sprats. A warm snack perfect for small parties.

  1. Place saury in a bowl and mash the pieces thoroughly with a fork, removing large bones if necessary.
  2. Boil the eggs and chop them finely. Transfer to a bowl of fish.
  3. Chop the garlic and herbs into smaller pieces. Send to the rest of the components.
  4. Season with mayonnaise and mix well.
  5. Lightly grease the pieces of bread and distribute on a baking sheet. Lay out the filling.
  6. Rub the cheese, sprinkle each slice on top.
  7. Hot sandwiches should be kept in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Hot sandwiches with mushrooms

Summer is not only berry but also mushroom season. Fans of mushroom picking, as a rule, try to preserve the gifts of the forest until winter and preserve them. However, such preparations do not disperse quickly, especially if the family is small and not all of them are lovers of such food. In these cases, sandwiches with mushrooms and cheese in the oven will help make room for new canned food for the next year. Fresh mushrooms can also be used: for example, champignons or forest mushrooms (honey agarics, boletus). Cheese will dilute the specific taste, adding spice and salinity.

  1. You will need mushrooms, a loaf, onions, butter and cheese.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, fry in a pan with chopped onions.
  3. Prepare slices of bread by spreading butter on them.
  4. Lay out the onion-mushroom mass. Draw a small mayonnaise mesh on top.
  5. Sprinkle the grated cheese on the sandwiches.
  6. Bake on a baking sheet for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Hot egg sandwiches

A healthy and filling breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and tomato can get boring over time. If you serve the same set of products in a different form, you can introduce some novelty without spending money and time. Egg sandwiches in the oven are very original and delicious. You can even consider this as a kind of combination of two dishes: there is a sandwich and scrambled eggs. Males will like this option because of its increased calorie content.

  1. You will need a loaf, eggs, butter, bacon, tomato and herbs.
  2. Take square pieces of bread, lightly brush with butter and place on a baking sheet.
  3. From exactly the same pieces, pull the crumb out in the center to form a hole. Place the slices on top of the baking sheet.
  4. Place a tomato circle one at a time in the resulting groove.
  5. Fry a little 100 g of chopped bacon, place on top of the tomatoes.
  6. Break the egg into the groove without letting it spread. Salt.
  7. Sprinkle chopped dill on the dish to make it look as elegant as in the photo.
  8. Hot sandwiches in a preheated oven should be kept until the protein is completely baked.

Hot sausage sandwiches

“You’re wrong, Uncle Fyodor, eat a sandwich!” Exclaimed the character of the famous cartoon. If you believe the words of Matroskin, putting the sausage on your tongue, you can experience a fundamentally different taste. However, the sandwich will become even tastier if you bake it! The ingredients list will remain the same, but you can add something else. If you want to cook sausage sandwiches in the oven, add hot sauce or savory vegetables for a richer taste.

  1. Pass the garlic through a press, then combine with softened butter. Saturate the bread slices and place them on a baking sheet.
  2. Cut the sausage into cubes so that they easily fit on a piece of bread.
  3. Season the sausage cubes with egg yolk. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Spread out the filling.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place a baking sheet in there for 7-10 minutes.

Hot sandwiches with sausage and cheese

The cheese and sausage filling is a classic for quick sandwiches. If, under the influence of high temperatures, you bake sandwiches in the oven with sausage and cheese, you get a more interesting option. They will be juicy and warm, which is very valuable for a snack. It is better to take boiled sausage, since a lot of fat can be released from smoked sausage during baking, which can spoil the taste. The cheese must be easy to melt, but not spread over the baking sheet.

  1. Take bread, cream, sausage, cheese, and herbs.
  2. Saturate the thinly sliced ​​loaf with heavy cream.
  3. Place the soaked slices on parchment paper.
  4. Chop the sausage into small cubes or strips.
  5. Rub the cheese coarsely.
  6. Finely chopped greens must be mixed with cheese.
  7. Place the sausage on the bread in a small slide.
  8. Sprinkle everything with a mixture of cheese and herbs on top.
  9. Send it to bake for 10-15 minutes before baking the cheese.

Hot ham sandwich

When a large number of ingredients are used, it becomes necessary to cover them with a second slice of bread. Then the usual hot ham sandwiches are transformed into sandwiches, which can be called a more satisfying dish. Bread slices can be pre-fried in a toaster or in a skillet. Hot sandwiches will be juicier with a little butter or a sauce of some sort.

  1. Put the egg yolks in a bowl, mix them with a fork until smooth.
  2. Grind the cheese using a grater. Combine with yolks, stirring well.
  3. Cut the loaf into pieces of medium thickness, brush each with mayonnaise. Place them on a baking sheet.
  4. Cut the tomato into circles. For small sandwiches, the circle can be divided in half. Place the tomato slices on top of the mayonnaise layer.
  5. Take the ham and chop it as little as possible. Spread over the tomatoes.
  6. The top layer will be the egg-cheese mass. Cover the sandwich with a second slice of bread.
  7. Send inside the oven and bake until golden brown.

Delicious sandwiches in the oven - cooking secrets

Each recipe is unique in its own way, in connection with which there are both its admirers and those who do not like this option. Before preparing hot sandwiches in the oven, you need to determine its mandatory components:

  • Bread. The fresher it is, the more enjoyable the final meal will be. Do not cut the loaf into too thick slices: this is not the main element of the sandwich.
  • Impregnation. If we are not talking about egg sandwiches, where there are plenty of liquid ingredients, then the slices must be soaked in something. It can be cream, sauce, or butter.
  • Filling. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and refer to your personal preferences.
  • Connecting element. Traditionally it is cheese. If for some reason you do not want to use it, it can be replaced with egg yolk.

If you are looking for a win-win for a simple and tasty meal, take a look at sandwiches in the oven... Truly, there is nothing easier, faster, more satisfying and tastier. A hot sandwich in the oven is a truly versatile snack that will help you diversify your weekday breakfasts or easily prepare for unexpected guests.

- hit the children's menu. What kid would give up delicious melted cheese on a slice of mouth-watering toasted bread? There is no such child! This dish is a real salvation for mothers, because you can diversify it endlessly. Cheese, sausage, vegetables, sprats, saury - but you never know what you can put on bread and bake? Oven sandwiches - recipes, winning in any case.

But this is just the case when all ingenious is simple. Depending on the filling you choose, you always get completely different dishes. One thing remains unchanged: the attitude of your relatives and loved ones towards you, whom you spoil with such yummy food. Today you can find thousands of recipes for this wonderful dish.

Searching on the internet "Hot sandwich in the oven recipe", you will discover thousands upon thousands of cooking methods. You probably won't need all of these technologies. Having mastered the basic technique, then you can experiment as much as you like, adding products or changing their proportions.

Hot sandwiches: recipes with photos

Sandwiches- one of the most versatile and democratic snacks. And hot sandwiches have an even richer taste than cold ones. Using the oven to cook this dish is also the best way. You will never get such crispy bread in the microwave. By and large, all a microwave oven can do is heat food and melt cheese.

And cooking sandwiches in a pan, as well as toasts with filling, is dangerous because they can simply burn. It will also likely require more oil in the pan. And this is by no means the most advantageous option for your already not very dietary dish.

Hot sandwiches Is one of the best types of express snacks. Prepared foods can be refrigerated or even frozen. In the morning, all you need is to put the finished dish in the oven. After 5-15 minutes you can enjoy your breakfast. Of course, this cannot be said that this delicacy is as beneficial as possible for health and shape. The fats that fill a hot sandwich can play a trick on you.

However, if there are other foods in your diet, do not be afraid of the "bad sandwich." Also, remember that dried bread is much healthier for your figure than fresh bread. It's another matter if you generously pour oil onto a baking sheet ... However, you can get out here too: you can grease the baking sheet with a brush or use napkins to remove excess fat.

Any culinary specialist with any level of training can really master this dish. If your loved one has learned how to make hot sandwiches, you can safely praise him. And how interesting it is to make such sandwiches with the kids!

Under the supervision of their parents, they can easily cut bread, tomatoes or cheese and learn how to combine foods. This useful game will bring them so much joy! And how fun to do hot sandwiches in the oven, photo which can be shared on social networks so that friends will envy and rejoice! In general, the scope for experimentation is unprecedented.

Let's finally find out what are the basic recipes for hot sandwiches exist, how they differ and how to make the most delicious baked sandwiches in the oven.

Oven cheese sandwiches - recipe

You will need:

  • loaf or bun,
  • butter,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • greenery.

This is the maximum simple recipe for sandwiches, the preparation of which will take 15 minutes of your free time and a minimum of products that, as a rule, every housewife has in the refrigerator. However, this ease of preparation will not in any way affect the taste of these excellent sandwiches.

Take a bun or loaf, cut into pieces that are convenient for you to eat: not very large and moderately thick. Brush them with butter on both sides. On top, place a few sprigs of greenery that you have. Traditional parsley and dill go well, but you can choose the herb of your choice. Be sure to sprinkle it with salt and pepper, but know when to stop!

Put chopped cheese on top. If you don't have a lot of cheese, but you want to make sandwiches, you can grate the cheese and put it in a slide. Such sandwiches are not baked for long, because all the ingredients are already ready. It is important that the cheese melts. Once this happens (it will take you 5-7 minutes on average), turn off the oven and serve your dish.

Oven sausage sandwiches - recipe

You will need:

  • loaf or bun,
  • butter,
  • tomato sauce or mayonnaise,
  • sausage,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • greenery.

Any hot sandwiches are impossible without cheese, and greens decorate them very much. Therefore, you will find these ingredients in any recipe. You can take any sausage for such sandwiches, the one that you like best. Coarsely chopped bacon in some varieties of smoked sausage melts perfectly in the oven, soaking the bread.

If you like the lard to be finely chopped, this is also fine: it will saturate the bread perfectly in any case, while the appearance of the sausage piece will remain almost the same as before cooking. Lovers of boiled sausage also need not despair: absolutely any sausage products are suitable for such a sandwich, choose according to your taste!

Spread butter, mayonnaise or tomato sauce on the sliced ​​bread, then put herbs (except for parsley and dill, green onions are great). Send the sausage slices on top and cover them with cheese. This sandwich will take 10-15 minutes to bake.

Oven sprat sandwiches - recipe

You will need:

  • loaf,
  • sprats,
  • lemon,
  • greenery.

Which housewife does not know how delicious sandwiches with sprats are? They go with a bang at any holiday! But if you and your guests are fed up with cold sandwiches, modernize this appetizer - make hot sandwiches with sprats! It will take a little more time, but no effort. But every guest will appreciate your culinary skills!

Cut the loaf into pieces and place on a baking sheet. Place two or three fish on each piece, depending on its size. Chop the herbs and place them on top of the sandwich. Rub the grated cheese on top. Do not spare the cheese, pour in more! Place the sandwiches in the oven for 10 minutes. Put half a mug of lemon on a ready-made dish.

Believe me, this final touch sets the tone for the whole dish! Any fish and lemon are inseparable friends, and here this duet will simply have no equal! If you don't dare to surprise your guests with such a combination, replace the lemon with a slice of cucumber or tomato. It will also be tasty, but more traditional.

Sometimes garlic and boiled eggs are added to these sandwiches, they replace fresh cucumbers with pickled ones. Don't be afraid to experiment! All this is delicious!

Oven tomato sandwiches - recipe

You will need:

  • loaf or bun,
  • mayonnaise,
  • tomatoes,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • greenery.

Try cutting the ingredients in different ways and you'll be amazed at what different dishes you can get! For a more traditional recipe, cut the bread into slices and spread with mayonnaise. Don't overdo it! Then cut the tomatoes into washers. It is important to choose the "right" tomatoes here.

Too watery won't suit you. Those with a lot of seeds, too. Take tight, medium-sized tomatoes that have a small center. If possible, cook with cherry tomatoes. They are sweeter than our regular tomatoes. In addition, their stalk is very small and does not spoil the taste of the finished dish. Place the chopped tomatoes on top of the bread topped with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with salt and pepper if desired.

Send finely chopped greens on top, and finish shaping the sandwich with slices of cheese. Such a handsome man should spend about 7 minutes in the oven. If you want to make a more original dish, then cut the tomatoes and cheese into small cubes, mix with finely chopped herbs and mayonnaise. And put this mixture on a piece of bread. The cooking time for such sandwiches in the oven is 10 minutes.

Dill greens work best with tomato sandwiches. You can also add some garlic to the mixture. The taste will only benefit from this!

Oven saury sandwiches - recipe

You will need:

  • loaf,
  • saury,
  • egg,
  • greenery,
  • mayonnaise.

This recipe for sandwiches in the oven differs from others in that first you need to dry the bread in the oven, and only then put a mixture of all the ingredients on it and bake until a delicious golden crust. So, first prepare the spreading mixture. Boil two eggs, cut them into small pieces.

Chop or grate the onion finely. Open the saury. Now mix all the ingredients, crush them with a fork to get the most homogeneous mass possible. If it doesn't work out well, add a little mayonnaise. Only a little! We don't need the fish to swim in fat. Then add chopped herbs (traditional parsley and dill would be great). Leave the "putty" aside, it's ready. Rub the cheese separately and prepare the mayonnaise.

Next, send the slices of bread to be baked at first without anything. 5-10 minutes in the oven (for an amateur) will be enough for them. And then start conjuring. Put a few drops of mayonnaise, a few tablespoons of the saury mixture on the slice. Smooth out the mixture.

Sprinkle with cheese on top (don't be sorry!) And send to bake in the oven. You will need approximately another 15-20 minutes, but make sure that the cheese does not burn, but acquires a pleasant golden color. You need to eat these sandwiches slightly cooled down - then they are especially tasty. Once you master the basic hot sandwich recipes in, you can experiment further.

You can take the baguettes and not cut them into pieces, but bake them whole. You can make egg batter sandwiches. Or you can master the wonderful Italian dish bruschetta, which means nothing more than a sandwich appetizer. The main difference between bruschetta and "our" sandwich is that a slice of bread for bruschetta must first be dried (for example, in a toaster or in a frying pan without oil).

The benefits of hot sandwiches

Finally about benefits of hot sandwiches... It would seem that there is nothing easier than a sandwich (which, as you know, is translated from German as "bread and butter"). And at the same time, no other dish offers such scope for creativity. You can take absolutely any bread (white, gray, black, whole grain, baguette or roll) and stuff it with anything - from vegetables to meat and fish. Of course, the question of the benefits of hot sandwiches cannot be left unanswered. Or rather, about their dangers.

It is not for nothing that traditionally a sandwich is considered a "bachelor dish", simple and quick to prepare. However, the modern pace of life has long taught the beautiful half of humanity to sandwiches. True, most often ladies use sandwiches with a sense of guilt: they say, they are useless!

Are quick sandwiches so bad that they should be discarded immediately? There are so many calories in them! And this terrible cholesterol! And such an appetizing crust that is harmful to people with problematic gastrointestinal tract! And mom's warnings about the dangers of eating dry food!

True, if you look at it, the picture will be completely different. The secret is moderation. You're not going to eat only sandwiches, are you? And you won't eat them at night? Most often, sandwiches are made in the morning, and the calories from breakfast will be digested in an excellent way in the whole day.

In addition, instead of fatty mayonnaise and unhealthy sausage, you can use low-fat cheese and limit yourself to tomatoes or peppers, and also put more healthy greens. Thus, you will not damage your figure, but you will be provided with a charge of vivacity and good mood! Do not rule out hot sandwiches in the oven from the diet! Just eat them wisely.

Eggs for making fillings from them must be washed, dried and divided into whites and yolks. The easiest way to do this is as follows: split the egg in half with a knife and, transferring the yolk from one shell to another, drain the white. Eggs must be fresh, and not only for the best taste and safety, but also so that the yolk does not spill, but retains its shape when the egg is broken. Place each yolk in a separate bowl. Here the yolks are set aside in square gravy boats, or you can put them in any small gravy boats, in sockets for jam, or just in small glasses.

Lightly salt the whites and beat until firm. There are craftswomen who know how to whip the whites themselves with a whisk, someone entrusts this business to their husbands, but the easiest and most convenient way is to use an electric blender or mixer. Beat the egg whites for the first seconds at medium speed, and then for a few minutes at high speed. The longer you beat, the stronger the foam will be, which is your choice - very strong or softer, both are suitable for a sandwich.

Turn the oven on at 200 degrees, because sandwiches will need to be placed in a hot one to bake. Cut the bread into slices of the desired thickness from 0.5 to 1 cm. Grease the baking dish or baking sheet with butter or vegetable oil or line with baking paper. A silicone mat is also convenient for these purposes. Arrange the bread slices in one layer.

Spread the protein mass evenly over the surface of each bread slice. It is convenient to do this just with a spoon. You need to try to lay out the beaten protein carefully so that the mass remains fluffy, i.e. do not spread the protein mass on the bread, but lay in small portions.

Then use a teaspoon to form indentations in the center of each slice in the protein mass. Pour the yolk into these holes, one at a time.
Place the egg sandwiches in the preheated oven and bake. Aim for a time of five minutes, but consider the properties of your oven.