All about whole grains in dietary nutrition. Whole grains - health benefits

05.09.2019 Soups

Healthy and wholesome food has become one of the important attributes of a successful person in our time, since it is such food that allows him to cope with the stresses of modern life and environmental environmental problems. Everyone wants to look better and younger, perform the usual amount of tasks and at the same time go to doctors less. Whole grains are considered one of the items on a healthy and complete menu. Many people do not know how they differ from other grains in the diet and whether they are as useful as they say.

What it is

The main task for the average consumer is to determine what exactly is hidden behind the meaning of "whole" in relation to grain products. In the Russian market, the name "whole grains" is often opposed to the word "crushed", but this is fundamentally wrong.

The term whole grains (whole grains) came from the United States, where it was introduced primarily for the food industry and authorities that control the quality and safety of food consumed by people, and not for the average consumer. This has led to the fact that ordinary consumers do not really understand what kind of product category it is and how to choose the right one in the store.

Types of Whole Grains

Whole grains and grains are both intact and crushed, as well as flaked cereals and cereals, containing the entire main set of natural components: germs, starchy endosperm, bran, while the amount of these components must correspond to their percentage in natural grain . Whole grains can be not only crushed and flattened into flakes, but also ground into flour. Even their culinary processing is allowed, since this does not affect the nutritional value of the product.

Whole grains, no doubt, are considered very, very healthy among nutritionists for a reason. But their use has its pros and cons. Before introducing them into the diet on a regular basis, you need to evaluate both the benefits and the specific risks. Consider the benefits of whole grains.


Today, almost everyone knows how simple or differ from complex ones, and why the latter are much more preferable. Whole grains are a source of “good” foods that the body uses differently from simple grains, getting energy from them without the risk of raising blood sugar and without storing excess in fat.

Whole grains contain a lot of healthy fiber, which helps to correct digestive disorders, relieves constipation, removes toxins, and simultaneously delivers a feeling of satiety with smaller volumes of food eaten.

Whole grains also contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins, which are extremely important for many metabolic processes. Vitamins of this group normalize the functions of the nervous system, participate in the rate of regeneration and renewal of body tissues. Such products also contain the necessary iron to regulate the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to all systems, organs and tissues. Regular and adequate intake of iron from food helps to prevent anemia.

It also contains a natural antioxidant - vitamin E, which protects the body from the action of free radicals that can provoke the development of even cancer. This vitamin improves the structure and appearance of mucous membranes, skin and hair.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of calcium, which is also contained in whole grains and its processed products: healthy and attractive teeth, nails and hair, strong bones, prevention of osteoporosis can only be ensured by sufficient intake of calcium in the body. And the presence of zinc, a powerful anti-inflammatory component, is very useful for men. Potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle, is also included in all whole grain products.

How to choose the right products

To properly assess the quality of whole grain products, you need to study their composition before buying.

It must contain whole grains, which can be in the form that fully applies to whole grain products. Unrefined cereals and flakes from them (for example, oatmeal) are also whole grains. At the same time, you should know that those products in which whole grains in the composition are indicated in the first place are considered more useful and of high quality, which indicates the content of the valuable component in the largest percentage. If whole grains occupy the second, and even more so the third position, then such a product is not truly useful.

The second important point is which place of production is indicated on the label. Environmentally friendly products can be grown and manufactured only in environmentally friendly cities or regions, at the appropriate production facilities.

The appearance of the product made from unrefined grain is also important. So, the brown color of rice is a sign that the shells have not been removed. does not look lush, white, but will have a gray tint. To the touch, it will not be soft, but dense, even harsh.

It is better to buy all products, and especially for a healthy diet, in trusted stores, including via the Internet.

How to cook

How should whole grains be prepared to get the most benefit? In principle, the cooking technology does not differ from the usual one. You can bake bread from flour yourself, but there are some peculiarities in making such a loaf: the dough will not rise and may seem wet.

Cereals can be poured with boiling water overnight, you can simply cook porridge or a side dish, but they will differ from the usual ones in a coarser consistency.

However, due to its good taste and undoubted benefits, whole grain foods will be appreciated by most people.

ANOTHER GROUP are fiber-rich, live grain foods such as sprouted grain bread, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and whole grain breakfast cereals.

Whole grains are rich in nutrients and provide your body with the minerals it needs. Whole grains are also high in fiber, which is a wonderful defense against toxins.

Remember, it's important to look on the ingredients list for evidence that the product is actually 100% whole grain, and not just to see the words "whole grain" sloppily used on the front of the package.

Sprouted Grain Bread

I encourage you to take it one step further - go beyond whole grain bread and start eating sprouted grain bread and unleavened bread. Ezekiel's bread and manna bread are amazing types of bread that are made without flour, but only from living sprouted grains.

When you buy cereal products, look for the word "sprouted" on the ingredients list (eg "sprouted wheat product").

Sprouted grains go bad faster, especially if you leave them on the counter instead of in the fridge, but there's nothing wrong with that. This means they are not loaded with preservatives. The product God sent to the Israelites during their time in the wilderness, manna, developed worms after just one day. This is typical for living food.

An easy way to incorporate whole grains into your diet

  • The next time you decide to make a cookie or cake, try replacing half of the white flour with wholemeal flour.
  • Add 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, wild rice, sorghum, or barley the next time you make homemade or canned soup.
  • Add 1/2 cup cooked wild rice the next time you make salad dressing or toppings.
  • Swap white rice for brown, basmati, or quinoa rice the next time you make risotto or plov.
  • Sprinkle a handful of rolled oats over salad, yogurt, or ice cream.
  • Use whole grain pasta for your favorite pasta dishes.
  • Stir your favorite ready-to-eat cereal with whole grains such as soft wheat or buckwheat.

Allergic to wheat?

Most often they are perceived negatively. It is their use that is associated with the appearance of extra pounds, health problems and a deterioration in immunity. Most of the time, however, we eat the bad carbs found in white bread, candy, cookies, fast food, and drinks. At the same time, about 95% of refined grains are included in our diet.

It is refined foods that increase the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and obesity, as well as the level of triglycerides in the blood, thereby provoking a heart attack and stroke. At the same time, whole grain products act in a completely different way. They can prevent all of the above diseases and even rid us of them.

Why choose whole grain products?

At the end of the 19th century, the so-called roller mills were invented, and it was they who completely changed the way grain was processed. From that time to this day, while preparing the grain for grinding, manufacturers remove bran and germ, which contain a huge amount of useful substances, making the product softer and tastier. Thus, the resulting refined flour loses most of the vitamins, minerals and almost all fiber, while whole grain products contain a “full package” of useful components:

  1. Bran and fiber slow down the process of starch breakdown to the final and stabilize blood sugar levels. Fiber also helps reduce bad cholesterol, cleanse the intestines, and prevent blood clots.
  2. Phytoestrogens and essential minerals magnesium, selenium and copper protect against cancer.

The benefits of whole grains

Scientists have proven that the quality of the carbohydrates we eat is just as important as the quantity. Research from around the world shows that a diet that includes whole grains as an integral part of the diet significantly improves human health.

Cardiovascular diseases

Eating whole grains instead of refined ones significantly reduces the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides and insulin.

This was proven in one study conducted by American scientists. Women who ate about 2-3 servings of whole grains per day were 30% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease (including death from heart attack and heart disease) compared to women who ate less than 1 serving per week (over a 10-year period).

A recent meta-analysis of 7 large studies showed that the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis) is 21% lower in people who consume 2.5 servings of whole grains per day than in those who eat less than 2 servings in Week.

Type 2 diabetes

It turns out that the benefits of whole grains are in reducing the risk of diabetes. This was proven in a study of over 160,000 women. For 18 years, their eating habits and health have been carefully studied and documented. It turned out that women who consumed about 2-3 servings of unprocessed grains per day were 30% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who rarely ate whole grains.

When scientists compared these results with other large studies, they concluded that eating 2 servings of whole grains reduced the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes by 21%.


At the moment, there is disagreement on this issue. Some studies show that eating whole grains protects against cancer, while others show nothing.

However, one large five-year study involving nearly 500,000 women and men found that eating unprocessed whole grains protected against colorectal cancer.


The fiber found in whole grains helps prevent constipation and other digestive problems. It also protects against diverticulitis by reducing intestinal pressure.

The benefits of whole grains also include:

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight;
  2. Reducing the risk of developing inflammatory diseases;
  3. Normalization of blood pressure;
  4. Reducing the likelihood of developing gum disease and tooth loss;
  5. Improving the health of the carotid (carotid) arteries.

Proper nutrition - whole grain products

To benefit from eating whole grains, be sure to include them in your daily diet. It can be:

  1. Pasta;
  2. Bakery products (bagels, pita bread, cakes, rolls, etc.).
  3. Whole grain porridge;
  4. Snacks (popcorn, wheat and rice crackers, corn chips);
  5. Whole grain flour (wheat, rye, rice, buckwheat).

Also replace the usual (refined) grain with:

Of course, you will need time to get used to the taste of new foods, but over time, thanks to whole grain products, you can not only improve your health, but also make your diet richer and more interesting.

According to materials:


grain food product

Alternative descriptions

Precipitation type

Buckwheat, barley (general)

Mouse pout provocateur

Snow in the form of small round grains

Whole or crushed grains eaten

Soldier shrapnel


Potential porridge

crushed grain

The character of the opera by the Slovak composer E. Sukhon "Krutnyava"

The food that the mouse pouts on


Whole or crushed grains

Pearl barley

Buckwheat in a bag

They cook porridge from it

Buckwheat, millet

Snow in the form of grains

Grain halfway to porridge

Almost hail

Solid atmospheric precipitation

Very small hail

Future porridge just off the bush

mouse puff object

Snowfall in a grocery store

. "grain" name for a light snowfall

The object of mouse resentment

Shelled grain

. "grocery package" from heaven

future porridge

Something between hail and snow

Snowfall in the form of "porridge"

Precipitation in the form of grains

Grains for cooking porridge

. "food shot"

Perlovka, semolina

Whole or crushed grains eaten

Grain used for food

Type of solid atmospheric precipitation

American jazz musician (1909-1973)

. "Grain" name for a small snowfall

. "Food shot"

. "Grocery package" from heaven

G. cereal grains, nutritious seeds, coarsely ground or only peeled peeled from husks, husks; boiled cereal porridge. White or semolina is made from wheat; black or rye, from rye; green, from unripe rye; barley, from barley; spelled, spelled; oatmeal, from oats; buckwheat and Smolensk, from buckwheat; millet crushed from millet ip r. Groats in general are all grainy, finely crumbly, but not mealy; small hail, a cross between snow and hail. Bit by bit, the bird collects, but it happens to be full. a fool will cook porridge, there would be a grain and water. A hat worth a ruble, and cabbage soup without cereals! Fed up with a grain, drunk with water. Puffed up (puffed up) like a mouse on groats. Jacob, brother of God, will send a grain, grain, hail, October. Like a pie with cereal, so everyone with a hand, but like a whip with a knot, and away with a knot! Derisive name for a soldier, esp. retired (Naumov). Krupka will diminish. the allegorical name of gunpowder, with its secret sale, poppy; and in Sib. thief gold. Rusten. Draba is correct. The first, coarse grinding of flour, going into grinding. Groats pl. crumbs, grains, leftovers. You will not be full of grains. Grain, grain, -night, cereal grain, grain, grain, crumb, grain. crumb. Grain after grain chases with a club. Krupinny, arch. crumbling, fine-grained, like groats. Cereal, related to cereals, prepared from it. Krupenik m. novg. cool porridge; porridge. baked in milk and eggs, sometimes with raisins, sugar. Arch. porridge pie. Krupe (ya) nickname, tv. plant Ptarmica vulgaris. Grain, grain. psk. krupenya novg. gruel, slurry, stew with cereals. Coarse, gritty, gritty, free-flowing, crumbly, granular. Coarse honey, which was candied, settled. Coarse caviar, in which the grains did not clot. Grossness property, comp. grainy. Krupchatka, krupyanka Cossack. krupodernya, krupodirka, krupodranka, kruporushka, -rushnya. mill for peeling, dressing cereals, wind, water, finishing. Grain, grain flour. Krupyanka? sib. young pine cones. What is the cereal, such is the cereal. The cereal eater is joking. abusive garrison rat, a parasite on government rations. Krupchaty, to krupchatka, or to dressing of groats relating. Krupchatnik m. Builder or owner of grits. Cereal flour, the best wheat, white and the finest grinding, purse, that is, pierced in a mill into a fine sieve. Grainy honey, grainy, sugary, stagnant. Generally, coarse. fine-grained, and finer than coarse. Bars are grainy, but rich; the peasants are rye, but with temper. Grain (incorrect grit), grit mill. Crush what, turn into groats, into grain; corn. Gunpowder is crushed into screens. It's grits in the yard, grits are coming. Oh, they're suffering. and return according to the meaning of speech; turn into cereals, into grains, into hard and even crumbs. Chop up the buckwheat. Grind lead into fractions. Cut out amber. It's busy in the yard. Screwed up, screwed everything up. Got it to my heart's content. Cheese crumbled, crumbled. Zoom in on what. grind into groats, grind into loose pitchfork. This ink does not crumble or crumble, does not curl, does not shrink. To coarsen, to turn into grits, or to be covered with grainy drops. Large, large, tall, large, in the most general and comparative sense. Large peas, gunpowder, wheat, coarse-grained, consisting of large, large grains; forest, shrubs, people, tall, tall, compared to small. Large and small bol. attached to collective concepts. A large file, a rare, non-small notch. If you sow large grain, you will be bread and wine. speak loudly, rudely, abusively, sharply; argue. Large, large gooseberry, large, but to a lesser extent. Largeness, - novelty. property, belonging by value. adj. Large size, large size fineness; degree of coarseness. us a berry and not such a grain, that is, larger than this. big, big, big; krupnekhonek, -neshenek, very large. The hail fell down large-large. Well, you talked to him a lot. Naked krupnenkie so smooth such. Krupen, krupnyak m. krupnyaga, -nezhka about. collected anything big. The pearl is large. Cobblestone coarse. Forest krupnyaga, drill. Krupets, Kaluga. well, source (Naumov). Krupnik (d) and well. lower large berry: garden strawberry. Fraction krupnyak or krupnyanka. the first number, or nameless. To grow larger, to become larger, opposite. shrink. Larger avg. comp. growing larger. Grains pl. perm. pine color? going to food. Coarse-furrowed arable land, coarse-grained flax, large-headed, -capitate pins, large-hole sieve, large-veined leaf, coarse-grained, -grained oats, large-grained forest, large-lapped, -lapist pattern, large-grained bread, rude), coarse-layer slate, forest, coarse-haired ram, etc. All adj. these are clear in themselves, as well as nouns. coarse-grained, - grained, - layered, etc.

Object of inflated mouse resentment

The character of the opera by the Slovak composer E. Sukhon "Krutnyava"

Snowfall in the form of "porridge"

Snow in the form of grains

Whole grain products are not the invention of modern culinary specialists, but the most primordial and very healthy human food.

A bit of theory

A whole grain is a product that contains all the parts of natural grain - in the form in which it has grown and ripened.

The main part of the grain and, in fact, the grain itself is called endosperm. It contains the main nutrients that make the product valuable and edible. These are carbohydrates and protein that are required for the development of the second important part of the grain - grain germ, which over time can turn into a new plant.

Surrounds and protects the storehouse of nutrients and the germ of the third part of the grain - grain shell, it is also called bran.

If the grain has undergone processing - peeling, peeling, peeling and grinding - only the endosperm remains in it. It is from the endosperm that wheat consists, which is used to make the finest white flour.

Along with the loss of the shell and germ, the grain loses most of its vitamins and minerals. At the exit, almost only carbohydrates remain.

A bit of history

Ancient ancestors lived hungry, and therefore saved on everything. To clean the grain from the shell seemed a terrible blasphemy and wastefulness - everything went into business.

There was simply nothing to turn rye and wheat into fine fluffy flour. Not to mention adding eggs, milk or sugar to the dough - the first and second were perfectly eaten anyway, and the third was taken on major holidays. Therefore, from coarse gray flour baked bread, and unground grain cooked porridge.

Archaeologists often find the remains of food that our ancestors ate at the excavation site. Including ancient bakery products. As scientists say, that bread neither looked nor tasted like our sliced ​​loaf, but, for all its external unattractiveness, it turned out to be much healthier and healthier than today's baking. What is the paradox?

A little about the benefits

Eating whole grain foods improves bowel function and relieves constipation due to their high fiber content. In addition, these products protect the body well from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Whole grains are enough low-calorie and takes a long time to digest. This means that a person will experience a feeling of satiety longer, and blood sugar levels will remain stable.

Let's not forget about the whole set useful substances: vitamins and, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc and phosphorus.

Undoubtedly cereals

These include brown and wild rice, uncrushed buckwheat, coarse and uncooked oatmeal wheat and barley flakes that have not undergone additional processing.

But this is only what you can buy in almost any store. Consumers will be more persistent in finding whole wheat, oat or barley grains and flour made from them.

Eat whole grains

Use whole grains in mixed dishes, such as barley in vegetable soup or stew, wheat grits in a casserole of rice and vegetables.