Provencal herbs. Seasoning Provencal herbs - application, useful properties and contraindications

Provence is famous for its spicy herbs. It was in this region that the seasoning so beloved by many culinary experts was invented. Herbs of Provence are widely used in French, Mediterranean and other world cuisines.

The seasoning consists only of natural herbal ingredients. Contains many vitamins of group A, B and C, minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, iron), organic acids, tannins and essential oils.

With regular use herbs benefit the body if there are no contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Convulsions.
  4. Individual allergy to the components of the seasoning.

What is included in Provencal herbs

The composition may vary depending on the spices used and their amount in the mixture. The basic composition of the seasoning includes the following spices.

  1. Rosemary. Bitter-tasting spice, improves digestion processes, increases appetite. Heals the liver, fights asthma, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. It is an excellent tonic.
  2. Thyme or thyme. Natural antidepressant, tones and warms. Restores strength and energy.
  3. Marjoram. Helps digestion, heals headaches.
  4. Basil. Strengthens the immune system, helps fight respiratory diseases. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.
  5. Sage. It has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body, gives strength, strengthens memory.
  6. . Can be replaced with oregano. Calms the nervous system and improves mood. Prevention of colds, removes toxins.
  7. Mint. Soothes and cures insomnia, good pain reliever.
  8. Lavender. Natural antiseptic, normalizes sleep, soothes. It happens not in all mixtures.

You can prepare a fragrant assortment at home. All components are easy to find on the market, buy at a pharmacy or even grow on a windowsill. Dry and grind fresh herbs before cooking. The proportions given can be changed to your liking. Thyme and oregano 1 tablespoon each, lavender, mint and basil 0.5 teaspoon each, sage and rosemary each quarter teaspoon. Store the finished composition in a hermetically sealed container in a dark, cool place.

Where to add spices

You can make a marinade based on herbs... Soak the food in it for 2-3 hours, until full saturation and cook according to the traditional recipe. It is not recommended to add dry herbs directly to the breading, as the breading can burn, which will affect the taste of the dish. As a salad dressing, you can make spiced oil and salt with your own hands.

Spiced butter... Pour 1 tsp into a dry glass container. provencal herbs. Pour in 200 ml of olive oil. You can add some garlic.

Remove in a cool dry place and leave for a week.

Spiced salt... Coarse salt, pre-grind with a blender or coffee grinder. Add 3-5 tablespoons of chopped herbs mixture to a half-liter jar of salt. Store in a dry place for up to six months. You can use scented salt both separately for flavoring a dish, and for making spicy marinades.

What dishes are Provencal herbs added to

The aromatic herb of Provence was originally used only for making broths and soups. But, it is used in traditional cooking for meat and fish dishes, sauces and salads, baked vegetables and even baked goods. Diet dishes without salt with this seasoning may not become a culinary masterpiece, but they will get rid of the blandness, playing with interesting flavors.

A few recipes using the Provencal blend are listed below.

Spicy pork

Wash and dry a piece of pork weighing 2 kg... Make several cuts in the piece, in which put the pieces of garlic. Mix 5 tbsp. l. olive oil with 3 tbsp. l. Provencal mixture, squeeze out the garlic and salt to taste. Wrap carefully in foil and send to the oven. At a temperature of 180 degrees. Unroll the foil in an hour. And brown for another 30 minutes.


Add 15 grams of dry herbs, 250 grams of cottage cheese and 350 grams of flour to 200 ml of kefir. Pre-sift the flour and mix with 1 tsp. soda and 10 grams of baking powder. The dough consistency will be loose. Leave to proof.

At this time, the filling is being prepared... Melt 100 grams of butter, add 4 cloves of crushed garlic to it and mix. Grate cheese 100 g coarsely.

Roll out a layer of dough no more than 5 mm thick on a floured table surface. Pour the prepared butter and garlic filling onto the dough, sprinkle with cheese and form a roll.

Cut the roll into 3–4 cm pieces. Put on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Send to the oven for 20 minutes, at a temperature of 200 °.

Cream potatoes with Provencal herbs

Add 3 bay leaves and two chopped garlic cloves to 1.5 cups heavy cream... Heat the mixture over a fire, but do not boil. Potatoes, about 1 kg, peel and cut into slices. On the bottom of a greased dish, pour a little prepared cream and spread the potatoes. Season with salt and sprinkle with grated cheese. Pour over the remaining cream and sprinkle with cheese. Cover the form with foil, leave one corner uncovered. Bake at 200 degrees, about 40 minutes

All spices included in "Provencal herbs" have medicinal properties. Combining into a fragrant ensemble, they have a beneficial effect on the human body. They enhance the sense of taste and awaken sensuality.

The mixture of fragrant herbs got its name from Provence, a French region located between the Alps and the Côte d'Azur. But (French herbs) are known far beyond France - Mediterranean, Italian and other European cuisines make extensive use of this generous gift of nature.

Composition of provencal herbs :

  • rosemary
  • thyme
  • sage
  • basil
  • peppermint
  • garden savory
  • oregano (oregano)
  • marjoram

The proportions of seasoning, and sometimes composition of provencal herbs do not obey strict rules.

Culinary application

Perfect in the first and second courses. Light vegetable soups and sauces, the taste of meat and poultry will be revealed in a completely new way if you add a pinch of Provencal herbs. With the addition of these herbs, fish can be baked or steamed. This spice blend also goes well with vegetables: baking in the oven or on the grill is perhaps the most delicate way to cook vegetables, avoiding excess fat. completely in a new way will reveal the taste of tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, sweet peppers, onions ... Potatoes baked with this mixture of aromatic and aromatic herbs are wonderful. Unsweetened pastries made from yeast dough, incomparable pizza, pies - the aroma of Provencal meadows is commonplace everywhere.

Using a mixture of Provencal herbs is as easy as shelling pears during the process, about 10 minutes before cooking. Before adding to salads, you can warm the herbs a little in a dry skillet to enhance the flavor of the spice. With this mixture, even your usual favorite dishes will sparkle with new colors of taste! go well with garlic and a hint of lemon zest. If you decide to add herbs to the marinade, remember that they will give the aroma to the product in 2-3 hours, and finally it will open up during heat treatment. What not to do is add this herbal mixture to the breading: since the cooking oils are very hot, they are more likely to burn.

The benefits of Provencal herbs

They not only improve the taste of food: due to the content of essential oils, tannins, resins and organic acids, vitamins and minerals, they have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Basil boosts immunity and is often used for colds and various types of respiratory ailments. Few people know that basil is considered a real thunderstorm for bacteria that cause tooth decay and plaque.

You can buy a mixture of Provencal herbs by going to any supermarket. Many people love these seasonings, they are in demand in cooking. Improving the aroma and taste of dishes, Provencal spices make them special, piquant and unusual. The mixture is easy to prepare yourself. About what the Provencal herbs are - composition, proportions, what is included in them and in which dishes they are most appropriate - further on this page "Popular about health" in the article.

What is included in Provencal herbs?

For the first time, the seasoning began to be used in South-East France, namely in Provence, from where the name went. Initially, the composition of Provencal herbs looked like this:

Thyme or thyme

From this list, the main and essential ingredients are thyme, marjoram and rosemary. They create a unique bouquet of aromas when using seasonings in dishes. Lavender is also present in an exclusively Provencal recipe, due to its aroma is so enriched that it is impossible to repeat it with any other spice. It is due to lavender that dishes acquire the aroma of the sea and the southern coast of France.

The stores sell ready-made mixtures of Provencal spices. Each of the herbs included in their composition has unique beneficial properties and is considered medicinal. Therefore, they are used in cooking not only to improve taste, but also for health.

Rosemary is a fragrant spice that is bitter in taste and has a resinous aroma. Ideally, use the fresh leaves of the plant, but this is a very strong spice. Add a small amount when preparing a Provencal mixture, otherwise the dishes will taste bitter. Rosemary improves appetite and digestion. It is a natural disinfectant and tonic.

Marjoram - has a pungent taste. This plant has long been considered medicinal and is considered an assistant to the digestive system.

Thyme is a spice with a fragrant aroma, an integral component of French cuisine. The addition of thyme has a tonic and warming effect. The use of this herb helps to strengthen hair, calm down after stress, restore strength and energy. It also has an antihelminthic effect.

Basil is a spice that contains vitamins PP and C, strengthens the immune system, helps fight respiratory infections, etc. Once in the oral cavity, basil has a disinfectant effect and kills bacteria.

Oregano is in our nature. It has a choleretic effect, so it is added carefully if there are contraindications and. Oregano soothes the nervous system well, serves as the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Mint - As for this plant, it is known for its aroma and calming effect. Its addition to dishes will relieve headaches, eliminate indigestion, and cure insomnia.

Sage - It is believed to have unique anti-aging properties. It cures frigidity,. It soothes and prevents the formation of fungal diseases.

Provencal herbs are not combined with all products in a row. They are good for use with lamb and pork, with fatty fish and poultry. Provencal spices are added to potatoes when baked, as well as to a stew of vegetables or legumes. Baking and even bread with a small pinch of these spices are also distinguished by an amazing aroma.

If you want to give your lunch menu a touch of sophistication and Mediterranean piquancy, be sure to use Provencal herbs.

Provencal herbs - proportions for home cooking

It is not necessary to use absolutely all herbs from the proposed list. If you don't like a certain plant, its smell or taste, you can not add it at all. As for the proportions, according to the recipe, all herbs are taken in equal proportions. If you want to emphasize some note, you can add more of this or that component. In any case, the base is a marjoram-rosemary-thyme mixture.

The mixture also contains food salt. Its amount should not exceed one third of the total weight of all prepared and chopped herbs.

We grind all herbs, using both dry and freshly picked. Mix evenly with salt. Pour the resulting composition into a dry container and close with a lid so that the aroma does not disappear. Store no more than six months.

The composition of herbs for the Provencal mixture cannot be called strict and unambiguous. Each chef or hostess is guided by their own taste preferences, as well as the wishes of those for whom the dishes are prepared. Do not rush to say that the Provencal mixture is not to your liking. Perhaps, by removing any component, you will achieve the optimal and pleasant combination for yourself.

Provencal herbs

Provencal herbs

Provencal herbs - a mixture of herbs, which includes rosemary, basil, thyme, sage, peppermint, garden savory, oregano, marjoram. These herbs are selected ideally for their taste, they are perfectly combined with each other and complement each other. The name of the mixture comes from the name of the region famous for its spicy herbs in France - Provence.

Cooking applications

This seasoning is widely used by culinary experts around the world. Provence herbs are ideal for almost all first and second courses. This seasoning gives dishes a unique spicy and spicy taste. The proportions of individual herbs in the mixture are very arbitrary, it all depends on the preferences of the cook and the requirements of the recipe.

Provence herbs are used in French, Mediterranean and other cuisines of the world. It goes well with all types of meat. You can cook chicken with Provencal herbs. To do this, cut the chicken and vegetables into pieces, grate the chicken with garlic, mix everything, salt, add the mixture of herbs and bake in the oven for about an hour.

This herbal blend goes well with beef. You can cook an Italian steak for the festive table. This will require beef, spinach, onions, limes, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and, of course, Herbs of Provence.

Very often, "Provencal herbs" are added to a variety of soups. This mixture enhances the flavor of any dish. These herbs are widely used as an additive to sauces and salads. They are indispensable in the preparation of roast, minced meat, fillings and fish dishes. "Provencal herbs" are recommended for filling fatty dishes, add flavor and diversify dietary meals consumed without salt. Provencal herbs go well with any greens, various types of onions and peppers. Sometimes a mixture of herbs is added to baked goods. For example, you can make potato bread with Provencal herbs. Perfectly complement "Provence herbs" taste of fried potatoes. Looking for the only correct proportion of the famous mixture is like arguing about which borscht should be recognized as the standard: Poltava, Transcarpathian or South Ukrainian. They are all good! Each time the recipe is dictated by the fresh ingredients and personal preferences of the culinary specialist. Also with spices: some prefer the pine-camphor aroma of rosemary, some prefer the piercing freshness of tarragon. And who will calculate the proportions up to grams, when spices are picked and dried with their own hands, they are taken with pinches, obeying the whirlwind of culinary inspiration, or are they cutting off fragrant shoots right in the garden?

Only manufacturers adhere to the exact ratio. Buying a bag of Provencal herbs is a win-win option, always useful!

In order to "revive" and fully reveal the aroma of dry spices, they are heated for several seconds in a dry hot frying pan.

Each of the herbs of the Provencal mixture has bactericidal properties and stimulates digestion, but you cannot use a lot of seasoning: this can irritate the mucous membranes, and the dish will taste bitter.

Provencal herbs are a wonderful addition to first courses, poultry, fish, cheeses, savory pastries.

Savory with thyme are not synonyms, although the plants are related members of the lamb family. The former is distinguished by a stronger peppery aroma, which is especially pronounced in combination with marjoram. The spicy-aromatic bouquet of savory is complemented by a tangible bitterness, therefore, when used independently, the herb is not ground, but put in whole leaves.


A spice without which the Provencal cuisine would be incomplete! It is used in meat and fish dishes, vegetable stews, and soups. And besides that, it is loved by sausage manufacturers (it gives an appetizing smell and helps to cope with fatty foods), as well as winemakers and brewers. The strong, but subtle aroma of marjoram is unstable, therefore, when used independently, the spice is added to the dish before being ready.

The creeping shrub with small leaves has many names: thyme, Bogorodskaya herb, incense, hog pepper, lemon scent ... The thing is that the thyme family is quite branched. Creeping thyme is used as a seasoning for meat, fish and a base for fragrant medicinal tea. Caraway thyme goes well with garlic and wine. A more delicate lemon is a subtle seasoning for fish, seafood and sweet dishes. Thyme is harvested by cutting off the shoots with a knife or scissors. The dried bouquet is stored in a linen bag.


The shrub with the poetic name "sea dew" is the most "arrogant" of the herbs that make up the Provencal bouquet: a very rich resinous-coniferous aroma is carried by dense, almost needle-like leaves. When dry, they retain their aroma just as well. Therefore, rosemary is added very carefully to ready-made dishes and to spicy mixtures so as not to kill other smells. But for lamb and game, especially in a company with garlic, it becomes an excellent addition.


Today it is difficult to imagine Greek, Italian, French or Caucasian cuisine without the spicy herb, still nicknamed "royal" by the Greeks. Basil with green leaves is more often grown in the Mediterranean, and with purple leaves in the Caucasus. Continuing the journey to the East, it is worth mentioning the "Japanese basil" perilla: its smell is similar to that of basil, but it is distinguished by a slightly sharper camphor hue. For drying, choose green basil: it retains its aroma much better than purple.

Beneficial features

"Provence herbs" are not only a fragrant seasoning that gives dishes a unique taste, but also contain a large amount of active substances that have properties beneficial to the body. They contain essential oils, tannins, resins, organic acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. This spicy concoction enhances appetite and promotes good digestion. Also Provencal herbs are indispensable for a salt-free diet. They contain tannins and volatile oils, unique in their properties.

Interesting Facts

In Provence itself, not dried, but freshly picked, fresh aromatic herbs are used. In the 17th century, they grew along with flowers in the so-called "bouquet" part of the Provencal gardens. In addition to the "bouquet" gardens, there were also vegetable, fruit and "medical" gardens.

The French, recognized all over the world as the best lovers, believe that a dinner of dishes flavored with Provencal herbs is a wonderful prelude to a night of love.

By visiting any store, you can buy Provencal herbs. Not everyone knows what it is, although the presented product is one of the most popular in the field of cooking. Seasoning improves not only the taste, but also the aroma of the prepared dish. Even gourmets can appreciate the spicy and exquisite taste of the food to which it has been added.

This combination of herbs does not have to be purchased; you can prepare it yourself. In order for the mixture to be of better quality, it is necessary to clearly maintain the composition and proportions of the seasoning. Inexperienced cooks do not quite understand which dishes should be added to such a product.

Composition, proportions, description

This concept first appeared in France. The birthplace of the spicy seasoning was the town of Provence. Initially, the mixture consisted of the following types of herbs:

  • basil is an important component of the mixture that strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the respiratory organs;
  • thyme or thyme - has a tonic and warming effect, strengthens hair, restores strength and energy;
  • sage - has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates problems with potency, eradicates fungal diseases;
  • rosemary - has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves appetite;
  • oregano - strengthens the nervous system, acts as a prevention of acute respiratory infections;
  • marjoram - normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • mint - relieves headache, indigestion, insomnia.

What are the essential ingredients of Provencal herbs? Mandatory for today, from the list presented are thyme, marjoram and rosemary. Thanks to this combination, the dish has an extraordinary aroma. In some cases, lavender is added to this bouquet of plants. This spice adds a marine flavor to the food.

Important! It is recommended to add additional ingredients to this mixture to obtain a pleasant-tasting herb. They can be bay leaves, dill, tarragon, sage, mint, chervil.

When preparing the mixture at home, it is recommended to observe certain proportions. All herbs are recommended to be taken in equal amounts. In order for the mixture to have a special taste, it is necessary to take one of the ingredients in a larger quantity than the others. You can add salt to the prepared seasoning, and then mix with herbs. Pour the mixture into a dry container and store it for no more than six months.

Benefit and harm

This mixture has not only certain positive features, but also negative ones.

Provence herbs not only act as an excellent seasoning that stimulates taste buds, but also as a means of beneficial effects on the human body. Regular use of herbs can help improve a person's condition. The benefits of this type of herbs:

  • improved memory;
  • elimination of muscle pain;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • relieves swelling;
  • anti-aging effect;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • eradicates cough.

There are practically no negative aspects of these plants. They do not cause side effects in case of overdose. The negative side can only be considered an individual intolerance to the components, which can lead to an allergic reaction.

Provencal herbs what is it, where to add

Provencal herbs are considered a versatile condiment that suits any food. They are most successful when added to fatty foods. Such a product gives a special taste and aroma to unhealthy dietary dishes. Especially often the presented dish is used for making soups, various sauces and salads. The spice is an excellent seasoning for butter, fish, minced meat, pie filling. Often, a fragrant additive is used to make butter: butter, vegetable and olive.

Provencal Herbs Recipes


Aromatic oil with Provencal herbs has an amazing taste. The herbs included in the seasoning have an unforgettable aroma due to the abundance of essential substances. Sunflower oil absorbs such a seasoning the fastest, and retains its unusual smell and taste; in finished form it is used as a marinade for vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, salads. You can buy this oil at the store, or make your own.

The proportions that must be followed when creating a product:

  • oregano, rosemary, lavender - 1 part;
  • basil, thyme, marjoram, mint, sage -2 parts.

Such a seasoning is able to give a dish a light pungency, an unsurpassed taste.

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Creamy sauce, garlic and Provencal herbs can add spice to potatoes. This dish takes about 1 hour to prepare, it belongs to the dishes of simple preparation.

Components required for the dish:

  • heavy cream - 1.5 cups;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • butter;
  • potatoes -900 grams;
  • parmesan cheese - 0.5 cups;
  • provencal herbs;
  • salt.

The sequence of the dish:

    Preheat the oven to 205 degrees Celsius, heat up the cream, bay leaf, garlic and the main ingredient.

    Lubricate the baking dish.

    Pour the cream into a container with potatoes and mix thoroughly, sprinkle the blank with Parmesan, add salt to it.

    Pour some cream on the bottom of the mold and spread the potatoes in a thin layer.

    Pour the rest of the cream over the potatoes, sprinkle the blank with Parmesan, cover the dish with foil, send it to bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

A mixture of Provencal herbs: how to cook it yourself

The aromatic herbal spice is very difficult to find in the store. Creating a gourmet supplement can be done easily and simply at home.

There are a huge number of mixing options. The following option is considered traditional, for the preparation of which a number of ingredients are required:

  • thyme - 5 tablespoons;
  • marjoram -4 large spoons;
  • basil - 3 tablespoons;
  • 3 spoons of rosemary;
  • 3 spoons of tarragon and thyme;
  • 2 spoons of lavender;
  • 1 spoon of fennel.

All ingredients are recommended to be sent to a food processor or blender and chopped. Cutting them will take from 5 to 7 seconds. It is not recommended to grind them very much so that they turn into dust. From the presented amount of herbs, you get one large bowl of seasoning.

How to store

Provencal herbs should be stored for up to 6 months. After this period, it is not recommended to add them to dishes. A cool space should be chosen as the storage location. The seasoning should be tightly covered with a lid and kept in a strictly sealed container. This will allow the mixture to optimally preserve its taste. Only such a product will have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Calorie content

The total calorie content of the product is 259.3 kilocalories. Provencal herbs have a certain energy value. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in the product:

  • proteins -49.4 kilocalories (19%);
  • fats -58.5 kilocalories (22%);
  • carbohydrates -103.9 kilocalories (40%).

Product proportions, how many grams

When creating a dish according to a recipe, it is recommended to follow all the tips and instructions attached to it. The most important thing that must be considered are the proportions of the ingredients. The content of products in the most commonly used measuring instruments:

  • 1 teaspoon used in the recipe for preparing the mixture contains 5 grams of the product;
  • 1 tablespoon contains 11 grams of herb;
  • 1 package contains 250 grams.


Such a seasoning can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes; it will seem attractive even for true connoisseurs of culinary delights. Its versatility will allow the plant to be used as a main food supplement. Most housewives are often interested in: provencal herbs what is it such? These are aromatic spices that enhance the taste characteristics of any dish. By adding them to one of the culinary creations, a person will not only not spoil it, but, on the contrary, will decorate it.