Making powdered sugar at home. How to make powdered sugar at home with your own hands: grandmothers and modern methods

03.03.2020 Vegetable dishes

Without powdered sugar, many desserts and scones feel imperfect. Without it, it is also impossible to decorate and make high-quality fondant or mastic. But what if there is no way to go to the store for powder, and you really need it to decorate a dessert? Of course, you can cook it yourself. Moreover, homemade powdered sugar will save you from the unpleasant surprises that often happen when you purchase products in the retail network. So, due to improper storage, it can be excessively moist, have third-party odors or contain other impurities that have nothing to do with sugar.

Making icing sugar at home will not be difficult. And the presence of a coffee grinder in your kitchen for this purpose is not at all necessary. Today we will tell you how you can make powdered sugar yourself at home using a wide variety of kitchen utensils.

How to make powdered sugar without a coffee grinder?

Powdered sugar can be prepared without a coffee grinder using other gadgets, or you can grind it by hand. To do this, we need a mortar, a little granulated sugar or refined sugar, which we will put in it, a fine strainer and a little patience. We grind the sugar crystals well, periodically sifting into another bowl and separating the finished powder, and again we continue to grind, adding a new portion of sugar. We do this until we get the amount of powdered sugar you need.

Some housewives use a regular hammer to make powdered sugar. To do this, put sugar between two sheets of paper, or in a cloth bag, tap with a hammer and sift. We proceed in the same way until the required portion of powder is obtained. Instead of a hammer, you can also use a glass bottle filled with water or a rolling pin by rolling it over paper and grinding the sugar grains underneath.

But, of course, making the powder by hand takes the lion's share of time and patience. It is much easier to use a blender for this purpose or, in extreme cases, a mixer or meat grinder. We will discuss this in more detail below.

How to make powdered sugar at home with a blender?

If you have a stationary blender with a bowl at your disposal, then, in fact, it will successfully replace the coffee grinder used for the purpose of preparing powder. It is enough to pour granulated sugar into the bowl, hold it for a maximum of two minutes at maximum speed, and the powder will be ready. It remains only to sift it from the admixture of unbroken crystals.

With a hand blender, the task becomes more difficult, but not impossible. To prepare the powder, turn the blender leg with the knives up. We put sugar in the recess under them, cover with two layers of cling film and press well to close the side holes in the blender leg petals (if any). We fix the film in the place where the blender petals end, moving to a narrowing in the rod, and turn on the blender without turning it over. Grind sugar for two minutes, shaking slightly.

Then we sift the powder and, if necessary, repeat the process.

How to make powdered sugar with a mixer?

Most stationary bowl mixers have a knife attachment. If you also have such a device, then with its help you can easily prepare powdered sugar from granulated sugar. It is enough to pour the latter into the mixer container and after a few minutes of operation of the device, get ready-made powdered sugar, which will only be sifted.

Whichever way you prepare the powdered sugar, its sweet taste can be varied with the addition of vanilla, cinnamon or other seasonings.

Powdered sugar is crushed sugar that is used to decorate baked goods. In the food industry, special equipment is used for this purpose - mills, and at the exit they receive a product of three types of grinding, the finest of which is sent to stores. It is not difficult to prepare the powder, the main thing is to achieve uniformity. Sugar is best to choose a bright white color, finely ground - then the powder will turn out to be of better quality. How to make powdered sugar at home for making meringues and other pastries? You will need a device for grinding sugar - a blender, a coffee grinder, one of the bowls for grinding in a food processor.

  1. To prepare the icing sugar in the grinder, fill the container 1/3 full. Continue grinding granulated sugar until the grains are no longer felt on the palms. For mastic, it is recommended to perform at least three grinding cycles in a coffee grinder.
  2. If you prefer a blender, the cooking process will take longer and more coarse particles will remain.
  3. If you don't have a blender or coffee grinder, you can try grinding the sugar in a mixer using the double knife attachments.
  4. The easiest way to grind sugar is a mortar, the best of all is a marble one. You can also put granulated sugar in a cloth bag and tap the grains with a hammer. At the same time, after considerable efforts, the powder will turn out to be heterogeneous and insufficiently crushed. It will have to be sieved through a fine sieve.

We've covered enough ways to make powdered sugar at home.... Now add vanilla, cinnamon or other flavoring to it for a flavor shade, and after use, store the remaining mass of the product in a transparent, tightly closed container in a dry place so that the powder does not get damp.

If your recipes often require powdered sugar, consider using a more suitable attachment than a coffee grinder so that you don't waste time cleaning it of ground coffee residues.

  • You will need 4 egg whites and 400 g of powdered sugar, a mixer.
  • It is better to take dishes made of metal or glass, except for plastic.
  • Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites, carefully separated from the yolks, and beat the mass for one and a half minutes with a mixer.

  • The total running time of the mixer is 10 minutes. Gradually add a tablespoon of powder while whisking the whites.
  • Readiness is determined as follows: scoop up strong foam with a spoon and hold it upside down - if it does not fall, then you can spread the "proteins" on a baking sheet.

  • Leave the baking sheet with the lumps of foam in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees, for 1 hour and a quarter.

  • When the time is up, turn off the oven and allow the meringue to cool down gradually so that the balls do not deform.

Do not forget that the proteins must be cooled before cooking the meringue; the yolk must not be allowed to enter, otherwise it will not be possible to beat the mass into a strong foam. And remember that the meringue should most likely dry out, not bake, so you need to monitor the temperature.

Hello my dear readers! How often do you buy a product in a store, thinking about how it is made? For example, powdered sugar. What is it made of? That's right, it's powdered sugar. Why then does it cost twice as much? Let's save a little and make it at home. Iā€™m happy to share with you tips on how to make powdered sugar from sugar in a blender.

To make icing sugar, you need three things:

  • sugar;
  • blender;
  • great mood šŸ™‚

When choosing sugar, prefer the smallest. This will be more convenient to grind. In no case should you buy refined sugar for this purpose. Lump sugar can ruin the device instantly. If you want the icing sugar to last for a while, buy cornstarch. When added, it will not damp or turn to stone.

You can choose any blender:. Personally, it's more convenient for me to be the second. But which one to choose is up to you.

So this is not a blender, but just a miracle of technology! Often the hand gets tired quickly and it is impossible to grind or whip something for a long time. But not with this treasure. He has such a comfortable grip and does not slip at all. Plus, it has all the necessary functions and is easy to clean. I was delighted. And how many attachments that you can cook in a blender are many. Okay, I've been dreaming so far.

So, some say that you can use a coffee grinder or a spice grinder to make powdered sugar. I would not advise you. These appliances are small enough to be difficult to clean completely. Looking for a hot black pepper mix? It's exotic, but hardly tasty. And even if you manage to extract every last grain from them, the smell will remain. After all, spices and coffee have a wonderful, but very strong aroma. It will overpower the subtle sweet scent of the powder.


Powdered sugar in a blender is very easy to prepare. The main rule is to add sugar in small portions. There is no need to rush anywhere. As I already said, in order for it to be stored longer, you still need to add cornstarch. He does not allow the powder to turn into a lump. This is exactly what they do in production: add up to 10% starch. Therefore, it is stored for a long time. At home, it is difficult to follow all the technologies. Therefore, you should not do much in reserve. Better to cook a small portion.

Read the instructions for your blender before cooking. It should tell you if you can make powdered sugar with a blender. For some models, sugar grinding is prohibited. You can ruin the technique. But new blenders can usually grind anything.

If you are grinding in a glass or other small, low container, cover the edges. You can use a towel or cling film. Otherwise, the whole kitchen will be covered with sweet flour.

When using a hand blender, you need to know which attachment to use. To prepare powdered sugar, use a special chopper attachment. You need to turn on the device at maximum speed. But be careful. 30 seconds is enough. If sugar is not finely chopped, shake the container. Then grind again. So until you get the ideal result in your opinion.

At the end, it is worth sifting the resulting sugar flour through a fine sieve. Then the remaining large crystals will not get into the finished product.

Here's what happened. The recipe for making powdered sugar is pretty simple and quick.

For clarity, I will write down the stages:

  1. pour sugar into a blender in a small portion;
  2. turn on the blender for 20-30 seconds;
  3. mix and if you need to achieve homogeneity, then repeat grinding again;
  4. if cooking in reserve, then mix with starch in a ratio of 10: 1;
  5. store in a container with a tightly closed lid.

Here I found 2 cool vidyushki in the topic.

how to make powdered sugar at home with the simplest blender without any special nozzles.

And here's another do-it-yourself powdered sugar without a coffee grinder or blender, but just a couple of kilos of powder in a 5-liter jar !!! šŸ˜†

What is powdered sugar for?

We figured out how to make icing sugar at home. Now let's discuss why we need this powdered sugar. Most people use it to decorate baked goods. And not in vain. White and lightweight, it is perfect for this. You can easily decorate any cake or cake with it. For apple pie, I recommend adding some cinnamon to it. The aroma will be amazing. Sprinkle chocolate muffins with vanilla powder, and vanilla muffins with chocolate. You can also add dried lemon zest.

When whipping cream for buttercream, it is better to use icing sugar instead of sugar. The powder is easier to combine with other components and forms a stable homogeneous mass. The foam turns out to be more delicate, and it will beat up much faster. The same applies to whipping the whites with sugar.

Very often, powdered sugar is used not only for decoration, but also for making sweets. For example, you can bake wildly delicious macaroons. And most importantly, the recipe is extremely simple. Mix 200 grams of ground almonds, half a glass of powder and an egg. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 Ā° C. It turns out tender cookies that just melt in your mouth. After all, powder has a uniform consistency, unlike sugar. And your family will simply be delighted.

If you like bright colors, buy colored, already colored sugar from the store. The powder from it will turn out to be very beautiful. You can even paint whole pictures. Take cookie cutters: heart or flowers. Place them on top of your cake or pie. Pour the powder either into the molds themselves, or, conversely, outside their borders. It will turn out to be a wonderful romantic gift for a loved one.

Making colored icing sugar at home

The easiest way to make desserts more attractive is to decorate them with colored sugar. I will share with you my simple recipe

  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • 2-5 drops of food coloring.

Cooking colored sugar:

1. Pour 1 tbsp into a blender. sugar (about 200 grams);

2. Add a few drops of food coloring. The fewer drops you add, the lighter the colored sugar will be. The more drops, the darker it will be;

3. Turn on the blender and blend to the desired consistency;

4. Use the powder straight away or place in an airtight container.

How to make sugar mastic

You can also make mastic. She can perfectly decorate cakes. Although, to be honest, I would recommend using purchased powder for the preparation of mastic. It is more homogeneous. But if you are 100% sure about what you cooked, you can try it. Such mastic is only suitable for making figures out of it. It is good to sculpt from it. But it will hardly be possible to cover the surface of the cake with it.

To make mastic, mix 2 teaspoons of gelatin with 10 teaspoons of water. Leave it on for 20 minutes to dissolve the gelatin. Then add the juice of 1 lemon and place in a water bath. Bring the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved (do not heat it to a boil). Then gradually add 450 grams of powdered sugar to the mass and start kneading the mastic.

To make the mastic more plastic and not tear when rolling into a layer, add 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

Then wrap in plastic and leave for 30 minutes to lie down. The more you knead the mastic, the more it becomes plastic from the warmth of your hands and the less it breaks.

You can paint it with food coloring in any color. For modeling, take out such mastic in small pieces. Put the rest in the refrigerator. It dries up very quickly.

Such beauty is obtained from sugar mastic.

You can also make icing, various creams and meringues. Do you know a delicious recipe? Then share urgently! Write it in the comments. And don't forget to my blog. Bye Bye!

  • Powdered sugar is a highly hygroscopic product. This is manifested in the fact that the powder quickly pulls on moisture. Lumps can form in it. For the manufacturer of this sugar product, such properties are extremely undesirable, since it is important for the buyer to bring home a free-flowing product. Indeed, it is in this state that it is used to sprinkle dishes and give them a special attractive appearance and aroma.
  • The disadvantages of this method are that the inner walls of the device are not completely cleaned of the remnants of the previously ground products. Therefore, there is a high probability that coffee grains will get into the sweet powder. Powdered sugar will also absorb the smell, because coffee beans have a strong aroma that can overpower the sweet powder.

How to make powdered sugar from sugar in a coffee grinder: instructions

What do manufacturers add to the sweet powder?

  • Store-bought cooking powder contains colorless non-lauin vegetable fats. They lack a pronounced taste. Added to icing sugar and other additives. But this does not change the essence: the use of additives is mandatory. Otherwise, the flowability of the product will quickly disappear and the powder will turn into stone.
  • Added to sugar flour with a delicate and sweet smell, sugarcane fiber, food wood.
  • Store-bought powdered sugar also contains invertase powder, rice flour, potato or rice starch. The amount and composition of supplements may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
  • A special mixer is used to mix powdered sugar with additives. Further drying takes place, which provides the finished product with the required minimum moisture content. This stage takes place in a drum dryer.
  • The grinding of sugar crystals into powder takes place in a disc mill or an industrial grinder is used for this. Previously, our grandmothers did not need to go to the store for powdered sugar. They knew how to do it themselves. Sweet pastries, which were prepared for grandchildren and great-grandchildren, were generously sprinkled with white powder. And they did it without having modern kitchen appliances and grinding equipment.

What manufacturers add to sweet powder

Making icing sugar using a coffee grinder:

We need the following: a coffee grinder, sugar, a thick strainer, a jar with a lid.

  • Pour a couple of tablespoons of sugar into the grinder.
  • Grind for one minute.
  • After that, we sift the resulting powder through a strainer. Thus, we will immediately get rid of the smallest crystals.
  • We will store the resulting powder in a dry jar. Pour the powder from the coffee grinder into a glass container and close it with a lid to prevent an increase in the moisture content of the white sweet powder.

The subtleties of making powdered sugar at home from omniscient bakers:

  • For storing homemade powdered sugar, like a store, you need to choose a place with an air temperature of up to 40 degrees and a humidity of up to 75%. Only in such conditions can the product be kept in a free-flowing state and it will not stray into the breasts.
  • The sugar powder retains its taste for 2 years. After that, the product is not recommended to be eaten, as it becomes bitter.
  • It is recommended to use vacuum packaging for storing powdered sugar. This will eliminate contact with air and moisture.
  • Powdered sugar, in which lumps have appeared, must be sieved through a fine sieve and only then used for its intended purpose.
  • Do not sprinkle powdered sugar on baked goods that have just been removed from the oven. This leads to the accumulation of moisture in the powder and it acquires the consistency of a paste.
  • For the same reason, baked fruit cakes are dusted with powdered sugar before serving.
  • To keep the powdered sugar grated in large quantities and not consumed in a free-flowing state, 5% of potato starch is added to it. The powder is mixed and closed with a tight-fitting lid.
  • In order for the powder to retain its flowability for a long time, it should be stored away from the stove, where there are sudden temperature changes and always high humidity.

How to make powdered sugar from sugar without a coffee grinder: recipe

How to make powdered sugar if there is no coffee grinder in the house? we reveal the secrets of making sugar powder by mechanical action and the use of the power of our own hands.
Method 1:

  • To prepare powdered sugar, we need a marble or porcelain mortar.
  • Pour sugar into it.
  • Rub the sugar with a pestle until we achieve a powdery state.
  • We need 2 sheets of clean thick paper.
  • Pour sugar on one sheet and cover with the second sheet.
  • Now, with a rolling pin or a glass bottle, we begin to roll on sheets of paper until the sugar crystals are rubbed into powder.
  • We take a linen bag. Pour sugar into it (fill only halfway).
  • We tie it well. Now we arm ourselves with a hammer and begin to knock on the bag.
  • This method has many disadvantages: you will have to hit the bag with a hammer for a long time to see the degree of sugar grinding, you will have to untie the bag many times.

Let's prepare powdered sugar using a mixer:

  • In order to make powdered sugar, we need an old Soviet mixer model. They were sold with a double blade attachment.
  • Pour small portions into the container, then the crystals will grind well.
  • If you do not often work with a product such as powdered sugar, then you may have some difficulties. To prevent this from happening, read about the nuances of working with powdered sugar.

How to make icing sugar from sugar in a blender: instructions

Powdered sugar from the store costs twice as much as homemade sugar. Therefore, for a lover of conjuring in the kitchen and delighting households with fresh baked goods, it will not be superfluous to have information on how to make sweet powder in a blender.

Cooking steps:

  • The preparation of culinary powder begins at the stage of choosing granulated sugar. It should be small. This will make it easier to grind.
  • If you use refined sugar, or as it is also called "lump sugar", it will instantly ruin the device. Adding cornstarch to the finished product will prevent moisture buildup and turn it into stone. Up to 10% starch is added to granulated sugar, after which the products are well mixed.
  • You can choose a submersible blender, or a stationary one, but be sure to read the instructions for the device: can it be used to make powdered sugar. There are models for which the sugar grinding function is not provided (this can only ruin the device). The new models can grind any dry products.
  • We figured out the blender and proceed directly to the preparation of the culinary powder. We take a suitable container. It is better that it is not high. Cover the edges with a towel or cling film. This will significantly reduce the cleaning time after preparing the sweet powder, because the kitchen will not be covered with sweet flour.
  • The best way to make powdered sugar is to use the chopper attachment. The device turns on at maximum power. Sugar is poured in small portions. After 30 seconds, you can turn off the blender and shake the container. After that, the appliance must be turned on again, and the insufficiently chopped sugar must be ground again. This action is repeated until a perfect result is obtained and the powder is homogeneous.
  • We sow the finished product through a fine sieve so that large crystals do not remain in the sugar flour.

How to make powdered sugar from sugar in a blender

How to make colored icing sugar at home in a blender: recipe

  • A sweet culinary powder of various colors is used in confectionery. It is added during the preparation of sweets and is also used as a decoration.
  • To make colored powdered sugar, you need to buy already tinted granulated sugar. The color of the sweet cooking powder depends on the sugar it was made from.
  • You can add culinary coloring to the sweet powder. But this must be done directly during the preparation of the powder. So the colored crystals are evenly distributed throughout the product.

Making colored icing sugar in a blender:

There were no difficulties with this method of making powdered sugar. Special electric grinding devices significantly reduce the time spent on the preparation of sugar powder. How to do it with a blender?

  • To quickly grind sugar into powder, it is better to take a finely dispersed sweet product. If we take refined sugar, then there is a high probability of device breakdown due to large crystals hitting at high speed between the blades.

  • Do not add all of the sugar at once. Add it in small portions to the blender bowl.
  • Let's add food coloring at once.

  • Stir in some cornstarch while whisking.
  • Don't make large portions of sweet cooking powder. When making a sweet product at home, it does not contain moisture-repellent additives and over time the white powder will turn into a large sweet lump.

Video: How to make powdered sugar without a coffee grinder using a blender

How is powdered sugar different from sugar?

  • White and light pastry powder is the perfect decoration for cakes, pies and other sweets.
  • In combination with aromatic spices such as cinnamon, vanilla, dried lemon peel, the powder can turn baked goods into a real masterpiece, giving the product a unique sweet aroma.
  • Powder is replaced by granulated sugar in butter cream: the powder easily combines with other ingredients during the whipping process, forming a stable homogeneous mass. Using powder, you can achieve a more delicate foam, and the time for whipping will take much less than when working with sugar. It is also better to use powdered sugar for whipping proteins with sugar.
  • Powdered sugar has a uniform consistency, which is why it is added instead of sugar to delicate almond cookies. Subject to the manufacturing technology, such sweetness simply melts in your mouth.

How much powdered sugar will be obtained from a glass of sugar: the ratio of sugar to powdered sugar

  • The amount of caster sugar in a glass is 130 grams.
  • 0.75 cups is 100 grams of powder, and if you take granulated sugar, then 100 grams of this product fits in half a glass. Thus, the ratio of the volume of sugar to powder is one and a half.

Nutritional value and chemical composition "Powdered sugar".

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible part.

NutrientamountNorm**% of the norm
in 100 g
% of the norm
100 kcal
100% normal
Calorie content399 kcal1684 kcal23.7% 5.9% 1684 g
Carbohydrates99.8 g211 g47.3% 11.9% 211 g
Water0.1 g2400 g
Potassium, K3 mg2500 mg0.1% 3000 g
Calcium, Ca2 mg1000 mg0.2% 0.1% 1000 g
Sodium, Na1 mg1300 mg0.1% 1000 g
Trace elements
Iron, Fe0.3 mg18 mg1.7% 0.4% 18 g

Energy value Powdered sugar is 399 kcal.

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the application
"My Healthy Diet".

Making powdered sugar with your own hands may seem like a stupid waste of time: why take on a homemade product when you can buy it at the store. In response, we will give two arguments: firstly, sometimes a recipe requires a very small amount of powder, which is easier to prepare at home than spending time on a trip to the store, and secondly, all purchased powdered sugar is combined with starch, which can do a good job. not in all recipes. Oh yes, among other things, you can turn any sugar into powder at home, for example, not only white, but also cane sugar. That is why, in the recommendations below, we will talk about how to make powdered sugar at home.

How to make icing sugar yourself at home?

Let's first discuss the general rules for preparing powdered sugar, and only then move on to using specific devices for this purpose.

Having chosen the sugar from which you decided to prepare the powder, start preparing the dishes with which you will carry out the grinding process. Such preparation does not conceal any tricks in itself, just rinse the dishes used and wipe dry by all means: any remaining moisture will lead to the fact that the sugar will be taken in lumps. Now to the very grinding. Depending on the power of the device and the amount of sugar, the process of preparing the powdered sugar can take from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. At the same time, in the process of grinding, you should definitely pause, otherwise the sugar may burn out. In order not to get a mixture of ground sugar crystals and powder, pass the powder through a sieve, and then pack and leave for storage.

Now about storage. In theory, powdered sugar is a product with an infinite shelf life, but in reality, powdered sugar instantly absorbs moisture from the air and gathers into lumps. In production, in order to avoid this, a little starch is added to the powder. The presence of the latter also helps in cooking, making it thicker, but if you want to beat, then the starch, on the contrary, will not allow you to achieve the perfect result. It is on the basis of further plans for the use of the product that you yourself decide whether to add starch to the powder or not. If you choose to add, then the amount of starch should represent about 3% of the total weight.

How to make powdered sugar from sugar in a blender?

The most popular way to make powdered sugar is to grind crystals using a blender or coffee grinder, which works in a similar way. There are absolutely no tricks here. For grinding, you should definitely use dry dishes, while filling it is not worth it to the end, but only on 2/3 so that the blades do not stand up from excess crystals. Keep in mind also that grinding can "eat" part of the sugar volume, and therefore you will not get exactly a glass of powder from a glass of crystals.

Slightly coarser powdered sugar, perfect for decorating items, can be prepared using an old Soviet-style mixer. These mixers have double-bladed attachments that handle sugar crystals easily. In this case, it is also better to beat the sugar in small portions so that the device can cope with the task more efficiently.

If you decide to use such a product for decoration, but do not know how to make sure that the powdered sugar does not melt, remember that it is better to apply the powder through a stencil and certainly on a completely cooled product. By the way, for a more interesting effect, you can combine powdered sugar with dry food coloring and add color to your favorite treats.