Fresh fruits in jelly. Fruit jelly

18.08.2019 Dishes for children

Jelly cakes, sweets with jelly filling, just bowls with a mysteriously transparent dessert - no matter how the jelly is decorated, there will be no end to young sweet tooths.

Today we are preparing the most colorful and alluring jelly dessert - from fruits. One view is enough to freeze in anticipation, but after the first portion, no one will refuse the supplement!

Jelly with fruit - general principles of preparation

The easiest way to make jelly with pieces of fruit is to take factory-made jelly, packaged in packs, and dilute it according to the instructions. But this is too simple and not at home. It is better to prepare jelly on your own and can be based on juice, sour cream, milk, yogurt or fruit puree.

Gelatin is used as a binder for jelly at home. It is best to use instant gelatin granules. Before mixing the gelling agent with the base, it is pre-soaked and heated in a water bath. Do this with care, not boiling. If you miss the moment, gelatin will lose its properties.

Before mixing the loose gelling agent with the base, cool it well. Stir for a long time and slowly so that the solution disperses evenly.

Fresh and canned fruits can be added to the jelly. They are cut into small slices, wedges or cubes. When using canned fruits, it is important to dry them well so that excess moisture does not prevent the jelly from freezing.

Jelly with fruit in a glass: a simple recipe for a low-calorie dessert with kiwi and yogurt

The dessert consists of two colors of jelly: white and green, with kiwi pieces. The jelly is based on light grape juice. The dessert looks impressive, it is prepared simply and not for long. You will need two glass glasses and ice.


Unflavored yogurt - 200 gr.;

Half a liter of grape juice;

50 gr. granulated gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. In a small bowl, pour gelatin with a glass of grape juice. Without stirring, set aside, stand for a quarter of an hour.

2. Pour the remaining juice into a saucepan, heat it up, but do not boil it!

3. Pour the warm juice over the swollen gelatin and stir for a long time. We make sure that all the granules are completely dissolved.

4. Cut off the fleecy peel from the kiwi in a thin layer, cut the flesh into small, randomly shaped pieces.

5. Pour ice into a bowl. We put two glass glasses on it at an angle of 45 degrees and fill them with kiwi. Fill the pieces with half of the juice mixed with gelatin, put in the refrigerator.

6. When the jelly grabs well, take out the glasses and place them vertically on the table.

7. Mix the remaining juice with yogurt, pour it into glasses and put it back in the refrigerator. We are waiting for the jelly to solidify completely. As a result, you will get jelly, divided into layers diagonally, in addition to its delicious taste, it also looks very impressive.

Peach jelly with fruit

Delicate yoghurt-based dessert with peach and banana pieces. The jelly is based on fresh orange juice, which creates a richer color and flavor. If you don't want to squeeze citrus fruits yourself, you can take ready-made juice.


Three large peaches;

One banana, medium ripeness;

Three oranges;

450 ml fat-free yogurt;

Instant gelatin - 30 gr.;

A glass of sugar;

Half a liter of clean water.

Cooking method:

1. Using a special citrus juicer, prepare orange juice. We filter it through a sieve or cheesecloth.

2. Pour the gelatin into a small cup, pour a small amount of orange juice. After letting stand for ten minutes, place the cup in a water bath and heat, stirring occasionally, until the gelatin granules dissolve.

3. Pour the gelatin mixture to the main mass of freshly squeezed juice, stir well.

4. Pour sugar into a separate enamel bowl, pour water over it and place over low heat. Heat, stirring, until you get a clear syrup.

5. Wash the peaches and cut, break, remove the seeds. Dip the halves into syrup, boil for five minutes. Then we take out and carefully remove the peel.

6. Cut the peaches and bananas into slices. Set aside a little fruit, and collect most of it in a bowl.

7. Pour the yogurt on top and interrupt with a hand blender. Pour in orange juice with gelatin and beat again.

8. Put the previously set aside pieces of peaches and banana on the bowls, fill them with the prepared fruit mass.

9. Until solidification, place the jelly in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

Milk jelly with fruit

Jelly is prepared not only on the basis of yoghurt or juice. It turns out to be no less tasty with milk. We offer a simple recipe for two-layer milk jelly, with orange and apple layers.


Two oranges;

Two tablespoons of sugar;

Large sweet apple;

30 grams of "quick" gelatin;

Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.;

Fatty, best homemade milk - 700 ml;

50 gr. dark milk chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the orange, disassemble into slices and remove a thin film. Squeezing the pulp in the palm of your hand, squeeze the juice. Add some orange pulp and mix.

2. Pour half of the gelatin with water, according to the manufacturer's recommendations on the package. Letting it swell well, dissolve the gelatin granules in a water bath and mix with warmed milk (350 ml). Cool it down.

3. Pour the cooled milk into a bowl of orange pulp and stir in with half the sugar. Pour the mixture into small glasses and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.

4. While the milky orange jelly hardens, prepare the apple jelly.

5. Peel the peel from the apples and rub the pulp through a fine grater. Fill with the remaining milk, in which gelatin is previously dissolved. Pour out the remaining sugar, mix well.

6. After cooling the apple mixture, pour it into glasses with orange jelly in the second layer and send it back to the refrigerator.

7. Sprinkle the frozen jelly with chopped chocolate and serve.

Jelly with fruit: a recipe for an original dessert with grapes, apples and cream

Another apple jelly dessert based on grape juice and grape berries proper.


Light grapes - 200 gr.;

75 gr. Sahara;

A glass of clarified grape juice (light);

150 ml high-fat cream;

Sweet apple;

Large grapes;

Chopped nuts - 1 tbsp l .;

10 gr. gelatin granules.

Cooking method:

1. Fill the gelatin with half a glass of grape juice, place in a water bath. While stirring, we warm up, waiting for the granules to dissolve without residue.

2. Pouring the gelatinous mass to the remaining juice, stir thoroughly.

3. Pour part of the prepared mixture into a rectangular shape and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

4. After washing the grapes, remove large grapes from the ridges and select approximately the same size. Carefully remove the peel, cut and remove the seeds.

5. We take out the form with well-frozen jelly from the refrigerator and put the halves of the grapes on it.

6. Pour the remaining juice mixed with gelatin on top and put the jelly back in the refrigerator.

7. Cut off the peel from the apples, rub the pulp itself into a medium grater.

8. Pour the chilled cream into a dry bowl. Beating with a mixer, gradually add sugar. Mix the thick creamy mass with apples.

9. We take out the frozen jelly from the refrigerator and cut it into squares so that each has a grape.

10. Put the slices on bowls or wide glasses, put cream on top and sprinkle with nuts.

Sour cream cake with jelly and fruits "Mosaic"

A light cake made of sour cream, fruit and jelly looks bright and appropriate for any table. An easy-to-make dessert that does not require baking. The cake can be complemented not only with fruit, but with pieces of biscuit or cookies.


Sour cream, fat content above 15% - 400 ml;

Four jelly bags with different flavors;

2 gr. vanilla powder;

Two small bags of gelatin;

One banana and one kiwi;

Two canned peaches;

A small bar of dark chocolate;

A tablespoon of chopped walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Using the instructions on the package, separate the jelly. Pour into wide plates and set in the cold to solidify.

2. Pour gelatin into a small bowl, fill with a quarter glass of hot water, but not boiling water. Add vanilla and stir thoroughly until both components are completely dissolved. Cool it down.

3. Put the sour cream in a tall bowl. Whisking with a mixer, gradually add the gelatin mixture and sugar.

4. Peel the fruit, cut it into random pieces. Cut the frozen jelly into cubes.

5. Put pieces of fruit and jelly in a bowl. Pour sour cream into them and mix gently.

6. Cover the mold or any suitable bowl with a thin cling film and pour the prepared mixture into it. We put it in the refrigerator and keep it in it for at least 4 hours.

7. We take out the frozen cake, turn the form over onto a flat dish, raise the container. We remove the film from the cake and rub chocolate on top with small shavings, sprinkle with nuts and serve.

Jelly with fruit in watermelon


Watermelon, weighing three kilograms;

A kilogram of different fruits, you can also berries;

Two glasses of sugar;

Small lemon;

250 ml of Rkatsiteli wine or similar dry, white wine;

Five tablespoons of gelatin granules;

A quarter spoonful of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. After rinsing the watermelon, cut it lengthwise. Carefully select the pulp with a spoon and grind it through a sieve.

2. Align the inner surface of the watermelon halves, cut off all excess white pulp - the surface should be flat and smooth. Blot the inside of the watermelon with paper towels.

3. Peel the peel from the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into half-centimeter cubes. Put in a bowl, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and mix well.

4. Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan, pour a glass of sugar. We put on low heat and, stirring continuously, prepare a transparent syrup. Put the fruit platter in parts, blanch for at least 2 minutes.

5. Fill gelatin with 100 ml of cool water.

6. Pour wine into the syrup in which the fruits were blanched, add the remaining sugar and cinnamon. Bring to a boil, boil over medium heat for three minutes, remove from the stove, filter. Cool slightly, add the swollen gelatin and stir well.

7. In a large saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Turn the halves of the watermelon with the white pulp down and soak each over steam for five minutes.

8. Put some fruits in watermelon "bowls", fill them with a little syrup and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

9. As soon as the jelly sets well, add the fruit and add the syrup again, cool. Repeat until we fill it to the top.

10. Tighten the watermelon halves with cling film and place them in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

11. When serving, cut into slices like a regular watermelon.

Jelly with fruit - cooking tricks and tips

Sweet fruit jelly can be overly sugary, so it is recommended to sprinkle the slices with lemon juice before mixing with the base.

So that the jelly prepared on the basis of fresh juice is not cloudy, it is advisable to let it stand for a while, and then strain through cheesecloth.

Citrus fruits, apples, aromatic pears, vanilla or cinnamon can give a brighter taste to any jelly.

It's hard to imagine a simpler treat than jelly. For its preparation, you can use completely different ingredients and additives, which allows you to improve and diversify the taste. In addition, it is worth noting that the calorie content of jelly is quite low, so it can be eaten without fear for the figure. Recipes for a delicious dish will help out when there is no way to prepare some more complex dessert, for example, cakes.

Features of making fruit jelly at home

In order for the dessert to turn out delicious, it is important not only to know the recipe, but also some cooking rules:

  • do not use aluminum containers, since the liquid may become dark, and the taste will deteriorate significantly;
  • it is recommended to preheat the bottom of the dishes used, since the gelatin can take in lumps;
    the best solution is to put the container in hot water;
  • if you want to make the taste more intense, then you should add wine or lemon juice.

To make the consistency in the end homogeneous, it is recommended to pre-pour gelatin for an hour with cold water: 1 part of powder to 8-10 parts of liquid. Then everything is placed in a water bath and heated until it is completely dissolved. After that, it is worth filtering everything to remove the remaining grains.

If gelatin is used for cooking at home, not powder, but sheet, then for a start it is worth rinsing it with cold howl, and then pouring 11 parts of liquid for half an hour for 1 part of gelatin. After that, the remaining water should be drained, and the gelatin itself should be squeezed out of excess moisture. It is added to the boiling syrup, stirring constantly.

You can also use an analogue, agar-agar, which is prepared like gelatin in plates, but you only need to soak it for 2 hours. The amount of agar-agar required is 2 times less than the gelatin used.

Strawberry and gooseberry jelly recipe

The dessert prepared according to this recipe turns out to be truly festive, since we will decorate it with delicious cream. It's easy to cook, the main thing is to follow the recipe.

To prepare this dish, you need to take:

  • 300 g gooseberries, strawberries and sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. warm water;
  • 2 teaspoons of gelatin;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dessert wine;
  • to prepare the cream you will need: 350 g of sugar and 1 tbsp. sour cream.


  1. First you need to wash the berries. Pour the gooseberries with water and cook over a small fire. Strain the liquid. Add sugar and gelatin to the same container, which must first be dissolved in dessert wine;
  2. While constantly stirring the mixture, wait until it begins to thicken. After that, turn off the fire, and leave it to cool;
  3. At this time, wash the strawberries, remove the tails and place them on the bottom of the containers of your choice. Then fill the berries with the prepared liquid;
  4. Let the jelly harden, and at this time prepare the cream. Combine sugar with sour cream and grind it so that no lumps remain.

Garnish with cream using a pastry bag before serving the jelly.

How to make fruit jelly with milk?

Thanks to the use of milk, the dessert acquires a creamy taste that makes it even more tender. It is important to use as fresh food as possible, otherwise it will not work. As for the calorie content of fruit jelly with milk, it is slightly higher than that of conventional options.

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 30 g agar agar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond extract, fruits and berries.


  1. The first thing to do is to bring the water to a boil and dissolve the agar agar in it. Add there
    sugar and continue stirring until it is completely dissolved;
  2. It's time to add milk and almond extract. Mix everything well and pour the mixture into the mold;
  3. Add the selected berries and fruits, which must be pre-chopped. Place in the refrigerator until the mold hardens completely.

Fruit jelly recipe with gelatin and champagne

This dessert is more suitable for adults, for example, for a holiday. The combination of champagne and berries gives an incredible and unusual taste.

For this dish you need to take:

  • 2 handfuls of blueberries and raspberries;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 600 ml of champagne;
  • 4 sheets of gelatin and mint.


  1. Fill the selected containers halfway with berries and put them in the refrigerator;
  2. Soak the gelatin leaves as described above. After that, fill them with 150 ml of hot water, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved;
  3. When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, you can add champagne;
  4. Pour the resulting solution into molds and send them back to the refrigerator.

When the jelly has completely solidified, the molds must be dipped in hot water for a few seconds and gently turned onto a flat dish. Decorate the dessert with mint leaves.

Jelly Fruit Cake Recipe

This dish is a great substitute for the usual cakes. In addition, the dessert is lighter and more refreshing. It is perfect for both a children's party and an ordinary feast.

For cooking, you need to take:

  • 0.5 l of berry compote or juice;
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp. raspberries, blueberries and blackberries;
  • 200 g strawberries and a couple of peaches;
  • to decorate the cake, we suggest making a cream, for which you need to take 200 g of sour cream 30% and 0.5 tbsp. Sahara.


  1. To begin with, pour 50 g of compote gelatin and leave to swell for a while. On average, 30 minutes are enough;
  2. After the time has elapsed, put the container on fire and constantly, stirring, cook until the gelatin is completely dissolved. The main thing is not to bring the liquid to a boil, since the dessert will not freeze in the end;
  3. Add the remaining compote there and mix well. Take a deep mold in which the dessert will be prepared;
  4. Place the previously washed and dried berries and strawberries cut into halves on the bottom. Put peaches there, which should first be cut into large cubes. Pour the prepared solution over the berries and fruits;
  5. Cover everything with plastic wrap and leave in the refrigerator until everything hardens. After that, dip the container in boiled water for a few seconds, and then tip it over onto a flat dish to get the dessert.

Make a cream for which whisk the sugar and sour cream well until the consistency becomes thick. Put it in a piping bag and decorate the dessert.

Curd fruit jelly recipe

Curd desserts are very popular, and all thanks to their delicate and airy consistency. It is ideal for both daily use and celebration.

To prepare this dish, you must take:

  • 2 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 420 g of low fat cottage cheese;
  • 210 g of sugar, an incomplete glass of warm water, a package of gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa and peaches.

Jelly is that rare dessert that can be eaten in unlimited quantities with virtually impunity. Unlike cakes or pastries, which contain a lot of fat in the form of butter, condensed milk, or the same nuts, jelly has very few calories. It is made from fruits or milk that contain minimal or no fat.

Jelly is of two main types - based on natural pectin or thickeners such as gelatin or agar-agar. Pectin contains apples, black and red currants, plums, cherry plums and some other fruits and berries. The jelly from such products is very soft and tender. It is stored for a long time and has a large amount of useful microelements. Pectin itself serves as a kind of "broom" that removes all waste from the body.

Agar or gelatin jelly can be completely artificial, that is, it only includes sugar, thickener, colors and water. It looks hard and like glass. Despite the lack of other ingredients, it also carries benefits. Gelatin and agar-agar also bind harmful substances, which are then removed.

There is also a combined version of jelly, when fresh berries and fruits are used for its preparation, and the filling is prepared on the basis of juice and a thickener. The latter is most often gelatin, since algae agar is not very common in home cooking.

The popularity of fruit jelly recipes is easy to explain. This is the easiest and cheapest way to prepare an interesting and beautiful dessert that will suit all family members. It will be appreciated by both a losing weight mother and a demanding baby. The rest of the household will also not remain indifferent to the low-calorie and vitamin-rich dish, which is available in any season.

Transparent jelly with fruit

Bright portioned jelly for a children's party. Any fruit is suitable for dessert. Its main charm is in the beautiful cutting of products. Thanks to special tools for home carving, instead of ordinary cubes and slices, you can make crescents, stars, suns and even snowflakes.

Product dosage is indicated for approximately 4 servings.

Ingredient List:

  1. Gelatin - 1 pack.
  2. Water - 400 ml.
  3. Honey - 100 g.
  4. Sugar - 100 g.
  5. Vanillin.
  6. Pear "Duchess" or "Conference" - 1-2 pcs.
  7. Strawberries - 150 g.
  8. Melon - 150 g.
  9. Grapes "Kishmish" - 150 g.
  10. Apricot - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  • Dissolve honey in a water bath. Pour in water, add sugar, vanillin to taste, mix and bring to a boil over low heat.
  • Separately, in warm water, soak the gelatin in advance, following the instructions on the bag. Combine it with light honey syrup and cook for a couple of minutes.
  • Sand the pear and chop it into thin crescent plates with a vegetable peeler.
  • Peel the apricots and cut them into quarters, and the grapes into halves.
  • Cut the strawberries into small cubes. Choose a melon with a dessert spoon so that you get neat balls.
  • Arrange fruits in portioned molds in the following combination: melon balls with grapes, pear slices with strawberry cubes and apricot quarters also with strawberry cubes.
  • Pour the resulting fruit platter with honey base and refrigerate for solidification.

Festive jelly with fruit and yogurt

The recipe itself is simple, the filling method makes it unusual. This dish requires large glasses with a slightly narrowed neck. Two types of jelly are poured into them diagonally. Usually it is fruit and milk jelly, but it is quite possible to experiment exclusively with fruit varieties.

The dosage of the products is indicated for approximately 8 servings.

Ingredient List:

  1. Gelatin - 1 pack.
  2. Grape juice - 400 ml.
  3. Natural whipped cream - 200 ml. or
  4. Kiwi - 4 pcs.
  5. Natural yogurt - 150 g.
  6. Sugar to taste.
  7. Seedless grapes - 150 g.
  8. Vanilla sugar.
  9. Lemon zest.
  10. Cinnamon.

Cooking method:

  • Warm a quarter of the grape juice slightly and soak the gelatin in it. Boil the rest of the juice over low heat and add the prepared quarter with gelatin and sugar.
  • Stirring frequently to achieve complete dissolution of the gelatin. Boil the juice for 3-4 minutes and remove from heat. Strain from lumps.
  • Cut the kiwi figuratively, divide the grapes into halves.
  • Put the fruits on the bottom of the glasses (about a third of the volume) and pour over the gelling base. Set the glasses at an angle and refrigerate to solidify.
  • Mix yogurt or whipped cream with vanilla sugar, gelling juice and pour into glasses at the level of the frozen mixture with grapes and kiwi.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon on top and decorate with thin lemon rind spirals.
  • Natural apple jelly

    An old recipe for jelly, when no one knew about gelatin yet. Naturally, citric acid was not added to the dish before, but with it it turns out to be more delicious. The billet comes out well from soft, very ripe, sugary apples. The dosage of products is indicated for approximately 10 servings or for 2-3 half-liter cans.

    Ingredient List:

  1. Soft apples - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 1 kg. (ratio to juice 1 to 1).
  3. Water - 1 liter.
  4. Citric acid - 0.25 tsp.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the apples, cut off all the bad parts, divide into quarters and put in a saucepan directly with the seeds.
  • Cover with water and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Line the colander with a gauze cut and fold the boiled apples onto it so that all the resulting liquid is glass. Keep it up for about an hour.
  • Estimate the amount of juice and dissolve the corresponding amount of sugar in it. For example, one and a half liters of juice will require approximately 1.5-1.8 kg. Sahara.
  • Rub the remaining unboiled apples through a fine sieve. Set aside the resulting puree for the time being.
  • Boil the juice with sugar and citric acid over very low heat to a syrup, constantly draining the foam. Then add puree and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  • Pour into portion molds or roll up into jars. The jars themselves do not need to be turned over after capping.

Jelly with citrus and red currant berries

Delicate sweet and sour red currant jelly with pieces of sweet green grapefruit and juicy bright oranges. The dosage of products is indicated for approximately 4 servings of 200 g each.

Ingredient List:

  1. Red currant - 500 g.
  2. Sweetie green grapefruit - 1 pc.
  3. Orange - 1 pc.
  4. Sugar - 200 g.
  5. Vanillin or cinnamon - optional.
  6. Water - 400-500 ml.
  7. Citric acid - at the end of a teaspoon.
  8. Cooking method:

  • Sort the berries, rinse well and puree with an immersion blender along with sugar.
  • Pour puree with water and put on low heat. If you want a less thick and more transparent jelly, then strain the mixture of puree and water through cheesecloth.
  • Soak gelatin in a small amount of hot water, taking it at the rate of 1 liter. water. After it is well soaked, it must be drained. Add the resulting liquid to the currant puree.
  • Cook for a couple of minutes, then remove from heat.
  • Disassemble the grapefruit and orange into slices, which are peeled from hard films. Divide the resulting pulp into small pieces and put in portion molds.
  • Pour a slightly cooled currant base on top. Do not pour boiling liquid, as citrus fruits can acquire a bitter taste.
  • Put in the refrigerator and solidify completely.

New Year's tangerine jelly

Golden jelly for a bright New Year's table. It can be made not only from tangerines, but also from other sweet citrus fruits. The dosage of products is indicated for approximately 6 servings of 150 g each.

Ingredient List:

  1. Mandarins - 10 pcs.
  2. Water - 250 ml.
  3. Sugar - 200-250 g.
  4. Gelatin per 1 liter. liquids.
  5. Confectionery confetti from mastic.
  6. Chocolate.

Cooking method:

  • Wash three tangerines with soap to remove the preservative from the skin and carefully wipe off the zest from them. Peel these and the rest of the tangerines and pass through a juicer.
  • Put the juice on a very low heat.
  • Heat the water and soak the gelatin in it. Strain and pour over the juice. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Add zest to it.
  • Allow the mixture to cool to a temperature slightly above room temperature (the jelly will begin to thicken a little) and add chocolate and mastic confetti grated on a coarse grater into it. If the temperature of the mass is higher, then the decorative fillers will simply melt.
  • Pour quickly into portioned molds and place in a cold place until completely solidified.

Those with a sweet tooth who like to enjoy light desserts will love homemade jelly made with gelatin. The component is tasteless and odorless, so the finished dish will have the aroma of berries or fruits from which it is made. The dessert comes out very tasty, beautiful and healthy.

How to make jelly

The sweetness in the form of jelly is very popular all over the world, because it is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It can be prepared using gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. These ingredients help to achieve the required consistency. To make the dessert tasty, you need to follow some rules on how to make jelly:

  • Do not use aluminum containers for making sweets. In such dishes, the mass can darken and form a specific aftertaste.
  • The addition of a small amount of wine or lemon juice will help to improve the taste of the dish.
  • You can prevent the formation of gelatinous lumps by pouring it into a dish with a warm bottom. The best option is to put the container in a water bath.
  • The product should freeze inside the refrigerator. The substance needs to be made into an elastic, dense mass, and not frozen, so do not put it in the freezer.

Many housewives buy ready-made powders, since it is easy to prepare from them. The difference lies in the benefits of the product. At home, you can come up with many options: the jelly base is made from syrups, milk, sour cream, cream, alcoholic beverages, juices, compote, lemonade and other soda (the child will love the Cola dessert). Add various fruits (apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, lemons), berries (gooseberries, cherries, red currants, grapes, strawberries), pieces of cottage cheese soufflé as a filler.

The product can be used as an independent dish. The sweetness prepared for the winter is recommended to be used for breeding fruit drinks and making jelly. If you haven't canned compote, stir a small amount of jelly with water. The product is used for decorating and filling confectionery: cakes and pastries. Jelly brings lightness and is a brightly colored decoration element.

How to dilute gelatin

An important part of the process of making gelatin jelly is diluting the thickener. The correct proportions will help you create a delicious dessert quickly:

  • Maintaining the correct proportions is important. Dilute the gelatin powder at the rate of 5 g per 50 ml of water.
  • It is necessary to fill in the crystalline substance with boiled water, which must first be cooled. The gelatin will swell from half an hour to 40 minutes.
  • Heat the resulting substance with a water bath. The process should be carried out until the powder is completely dissolved.
  • The finished gelling component should be mixed with the base for the dessert (compote, juice, milk).

How to make jelly at home

Making sweetness that has a natural taste and aroma is best done in your own kitchen. The process of its preparation is not laborious, it does not take much time. You can find a huge number of recipes for the dish, all this due to the variety of ingredients that are suitable for use. You can take jam, juice or compote as a basis.

How to make juice jelly

To make a juice-based jelly candy, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit or berry juice - 1 liter;
  • gelatin - 4 tsp

How to make gelatin jelly step by step with a juice base:

  1. Pour gelatin crystals into a glass, pour juice to the top. Leave it on for 20 minutes to swell the gelatin.
  2. Mix the substance with the rest of the liquid in an enamel bowl, place on fire. While the juice is heating, stir it. Wait until it begins to boil so that the crystals dissolve completely.
  3. Pour the finished transparent mixture into molds, cool at room temperature, refrigerate until it solidifies.

How to make fruit jelly

For a sweet dessert with fruit filling, you will need the following ingredients:

  • food gelatin - 4 tsp;
  • juice - 400 ml;
  • fruit to taste;
  • granulated sugar.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make fruit jelly:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp of gelatin powder. cold water, let it swell for an hour.
  2. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add the swollen gelatinous mass. Taste the mixture, if it seems savory, add the right amount of granulated sugar. Put the mixture on fire, heat until sugar and gelatin dissolve, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour half of the resulting substance into molds, add pieces of fruit. Then, fill everything with the rest of the base.
  4. Cool the dessert at room conditions, place in the refrigerator to harden.

How to make jam jelly

The way to make gelatin jelly with jam will require the use of ingredients:

  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • jam - 2 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 5 tsp

Technology, how to make jelly from jam:

  1. Separate the jam syrup from the berries (if any). Dilute the first component with water.
  2. Dilute the gelatin as directed on the package.
  3. Place the swollen gelatinous mass in a saucepan, heat until it becomes liquid.
  4. Add jam and berry syrup, stir.
  5. Distribute the finished substance into the forms. Leave to harden in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Video: fruit jelly at home with gelatin

Fruit jelly is a simple and sophisticated dessert that can be easily made at home. The recipe is based on fresh or frozen fruits and berries, juice or syrup and gelatin. It is the latter that, when solidified, gives the jelly a thick consistency. Properly prepared jelly has a rich color, but at the same time remains transparent - pieces are visible through it.

Variety of ingredients

There are thousands of ways to make jelly, ranging from the simplest to the most complex layered dessert recipes. Both exotic and locally available fruits are suitable here. Often, jelly contains additives to add spice to the taste, such as alcohol (wine, liqueur, and others). Often, jellies are garnished with cream, mousse, or yogurt sauce. Nevertheless, whatever the jelly, it is always served chilled on the table.

Gelatin contains the substance glycine, an amino acid useful for the body. Glycine is essential for the functioning of the nervous system, it helps to relieve nervous tension. Also, glycine is one of the sources of energy for the body.

Pineapple jelly

To make this jelly you will need:

Jar of canned pineapples (1 pc.); - pineapple juice (1 l); - gelatin (30 g).

Before you start cooking, you need to fill the gelatin with apple juice. Do not add all the juice at once, use about 0.5 liters. After about an hour, the jelly will swell and you can start cooking.

Next, you need to heat the jelly, for this, pour the juice with gelatin into a small saucepan and heat over medium heat. However, it is very important not to bring the jelly to a boil. Remove the jelly from heat and add the remaining juice, then pour the jelly into the molds. Cut canned pineapples into cubes and add to jelly molds. Once the jelly has cooled, place the molds in the refrigerator. Your dessert will be ready in a couple of hours.

To make jelly, you need to observe the proportion. If you add too much water, the jelly may not solidify. With a ratio of 20 g of gelatin per 1 liter of water, the jelly will turn out to be trembling, and if you add 50 g of jelly, you can cut it with a knife

Jelly with fruit puree

To make this airy dessert you will need:

Ready-made fruit puree (250 g); - instant gelatin (15 g).

This jelly is especially delicious when made with applesauce, pear or strawberry puree. Mix gelatin and puree and leave to rest for 5 minutes. Add sugar if necessary. Heat the puree in a saucepan until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove mixture from heat and let cool to room temperature. Next, beat the jelly with a mixer, the mixture should increase in volume and become lighter. Divide it into molds and cool in the refrigerator.