Cooking stuffed peppers for the table diet 5. Stuffed peppers pp

29.10.2019 Meat Dishes

My family is not very fond of stuffed peppers in its classic design, and I found a recipe that my family liked. It turns out that if you bake a pepper in the oven, then all the vegetables are not so “boiled” and reveal their taste more vividly. Usually, girls try to eat lighter foods in order to look slimmer, therefore, I slightly improved the recipe for myself. I am pleased to reveal the secrets of the dietary stuffed pepper baked in the oven. Photos taken step by step will illustrate the preparation.

Let's take the following products:

  1. Bulgarian pepper - 4-5 pcs.;
  2. Minced meat - 200 gr;
  3. Rice - 3 tbsp. l .;
  4. Eggs - 1 pc.;
  5. Onions - 1 pc.;
  6. Carrots - 1 pc.;
  7. Salt and spices to taste.

How to cook stuffed peppers with meat and rice

The first thing to do is prepare all the vegetables.

Wash the pepper well, peel it from the middle, and cut it in half.

Peel and finely chop the onions and carrots. I grate the carrots on a coarse grater, I like it better.

Boil rice until half cooked and mix it with minced meat and egg. You can take any minced meat, it will definitely not be too fatty or dry.

Gently fill our pepper halves with minced meat and place in a baking dish.

Cover with a layer of onions and carrots, lightly salt and add spices as desired.

Fill the top with water so that it covers all the vegetables and send it to the preheated oven for 40-50 minutes.

To make the dish lighter, I did not use sour cream or mayonnaise, and I also did not sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil, as required by the standard recipe for stuffed peppers. As for me, the dish only benefits from this.

Stuffed peppers baked in the oven will be ready when its appetizing aroma is well felt, the vegetables on top are browned, and the water almost completely evaporates.

Diet stuffed peppers baked in the oven is ready. The dish turns out to be quite satisfying. It can be eaten as an independent main course, or it can be served with a side dish, for example, boiled potatoes.

Sometimes, when a girl or even a man is on a diet, restricting food intake can be maddening. Therefore, many have a logical question: is it possible to cook something tasty, while not deviating from the diet that you follow? The answer is simple: you can, but at the same time the recipes for the dishes you prepare must be dietary. For example, dietary stuffed peppers. Is it possible to cook it? Oh yeah!

A slow cooker is the most convenient way to cook stuffed peppers. Judge for yourself: in the morning you fill it up, turn on the automatic heating mode, and voila: come home from work, and a delicious dinner is already waiting for you! And you don't have to strain anyone!

Another tip is to never fry either the peppers themselves or whatever you are going to stuff it with. However, with regard to seasonings, especially dietary ones, this is always welcome!

Diet stuffed peppers in a slow cooker should have a hard wall. Otherwise, the dish will fall apart right in your hands!

Stuffed peppers in a slow cooker

The simplest and least high-calorie recipe for stuffed peppers in a slow cooker is as follows:

  • 8 peppers with removed seeds (you can remove them yourself)
  • 800 grams of chicken breast;
  • 4 pieces of egg white;
  • Half a glass with brown rice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • Low-fat yogurt without dyes;
  • Greens;
  • Salt (if you like).

The chicken must be cranked in a meat grinder, immediately adding celery root and grated carrots. Rice should be put in boiled water for 2 hours, rinsed and boiled until half cooked. Egg whites and rice are added to the finished minced meat. Next, everything needs to be mixed. Fold the minced meat in peppers, put the finished dish in a slow cooker and pour water over it so that it completely covers the peppers. Put on stewing for an hour, or on baking for 40 minutes.

Instead of sour cream, you can prepare a sauce: greens are chopped into yoghurt and removed for a while.

Peppers stuffed with brown rice

Many people think that rice is one of the main enemies of weight loss in the case when you want to cook dietary stuffed peppers. However, everything is simple here: you need to take not rice by itself, in a regular package, but unprocessed rice. Such rice usually has a distinctive feature: a brownish tint. Replacing the rice variety speeds up the process of digestion of the dish, and it does not stagnate in the intestines for a long time, passing through it quickly enough.

Chicken stuffed peppers

Minced meat - chicken breast, the most dietary meat of all.

Chicken breast is considered to be the meat that brings you the least problems and calories. It's white meat! In terms of "no calorie content", chicken can only compete with rabbit meat, which is much more difficult to get than chicken.

Here's a good recipe, for example. We will need:

  • 1 kilogram of chicken breast;
  • 100 grams of celery root;
  • 4 egg whites;
  • 100 grams of brown rice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 8 peppers;
  • Low fat yogurt
  • Greens;
  • Salt.

Minced meat should be made from chicken breasts and celery. If desired, they can be immediately salted. Boil the rice, grate the carrots, and beat the eggs. When everything is ready, the minced meat and prepared foods need to be mixed. Then the peppers themselves are stuffed with minced meat. You can cook in a double boiler, for this you need to put the peppers in a medium-sized bowl. They need to be steamed for about 30 minutes. Prepare the sauce in the same way as in the previous recipe - chop the herbs and throw them into yogurt.

Diet stuffed peppers without rice

Can you replace rice with vegetables? If you really don't want to put rice in peppers, even brown ones, then there is this option: cook it with vegetables! Minced meat remains the same, but vegetables that are replaced with rice can not only reduce the number of calories, but also completely saturate you. So, you will need:

  • 6-8 peppers;
  • 500 grams of chicken / veal meat;
  • 2 onions, onions;
  • 1 tiny carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.

When twisting the meat, add an onion to the mass. The second just needs to be cut along with the carrots and put in a pan, previously watered with vegetable oil. Roasting should be done for several minutes. Add a little water and simmer for 5 minutes. Then you need to mix the minced meat with these vegetables, add spices and stir.

Next, you need to process the pepper. Remove the seeds and wash the insides. Put the minced meat inside the peppers and fold the semi-finished dish onto a dish with sides. Then it can be put into the oven and cooked at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees for 40 minutes. If the pods are large, it is better to increase the time.

By the way, some people do not make minced meat at all without using meat, and always use only vegetables. Perhaps this makes sense!

Stuffed peppers without meat

But what if our person on a diet is a vegetarian? You can make peppers stuffed without meat. But no, meat in minced meat can be easily replaced:

  • Mushrooms. They need a special preparatory approach: first, it is better to cook them for about 5 minutes, and then chop and fry along with dietary spices;
  • First of all, eggplants should be soaked in slightly salted water for half an hour. This will help get rid of the bitterness inherent in any eggplant. In this case, it is better to take a little more at once - about 1 kilogram of eggplant. Then it needs to be cut and simmered for 20-30 minutes to make the vegetable softer. Then - everything is as always, we turn it through a meat grinder, put it in minced meat, stew it again and serve it with soy or yogurt sauce.
  • Red beans in their own juice. In this case, no precooking is required.

Each of these foods is good for weight loss and goes well with almost any diet.

Stuffed peppers with vegetables

What to replace rice with? However, not only meat can be replaced and completely removed, but also rice. If you don't like the brown rice option (or it pisses you off that it takes too long to cook), then try the following ingredients:

  • 8 peppers;
  • 500 grams of meat (chicken, veal, rabbit meat);
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • Spices, if you wish;
  • Tomato paste - exactly the same, if desired;
  • Salt. Optional.

The meat must first be rinsed in cold water, then cut into large pieces. Vegetables need to be peeled, washed and finely chopped. Put the finished mixture in a meat grinder and turn it carefully. Then chop the tomatoes and add to the minced meat as well.

Then salt and spices are added. We process the peppers, put rice in them and cook in the same way as described in several recipes above. We cook in saucepans, slow cookers and even bake in ovens - the cooking method can be any. It all depends on you and your capabilities!

Stuffed peppers in the oven

We already wrote above that you have the opportunity to cook dietary stuffed peppers in the oven. What are the features of this method? Well, the most important feature is that the pepper is folded in a place where it already takes on an edible appearance, raw.

No need to pour water into the baking dish before baking. When dietary stuffed peppers are treated with heat, liquid is released from them, and the peppers are literally cooked in their own juice.

Diet stuffed peppers differ from the classic recipe, perhaps only by using brown rice instead of white and yogurt instead of sour cream in gravy. In addition, when preparing this dish, you should choose the most lean meat, preferably beef or chicken fillet. However, you can do without meat at all by using vegetarian recipes. The main thing is to choose large, ripe, sweet red peppers with a thick wall so that the finished products do not fall apart in your hands, and try different recipes.

Diet stuffed peppers with meat

With beef

1 kg ground beef, 8 peppers, half a glass of brown rice, 1 large carrot, peppercorns, salt, water, some low fat yogurt and dill for the sauce.

Pour boiling water over brown rice for a couple of hours, then drain the water, boil the rice. Three carrots on a grater, add to the minced meat. If you like onions, you can add 1 white onion rolled through a meat grinder to the meat. Mix the rice with meat, fill the peppers with the filling peeled from seeds in advance, put them in a bowl with thick walls, pour water to the middle of the peppers and simmer over very low heat. Mix yogurt with dill and add to finished products.

With chicken in a double boiler

1 kg chicken breasts, 100 g root celery, 4 proteins, 100 g brown rice, 1 carrot, 8 peppers, yogurt and dill for the sauce, salt to taste.

We make minced meat from the breasts and celery, salt, leave. Beat the whites, boil the rice, three carrots on a grater. Mix the carrots and rice into the minced chicken, add the proteins, mix. Stuff the peppers with minced meat, cook in the middle bowl of a double boiler for about half an hour. Chop the dill finely, mix it with yogurt and pour the sauce over the prepared peppers.

With chopped beef

1 kg beef, 3 granny smith apples, 1 carrot, half a cup of brown rice, 8 peppers, 1 red onion, a bunch of basil, 2-3 large tomatoes, a little olive oil.

Cut the beef into very small cubes and steam for 20 minutes in a medium bowl of a double boiler. Three apples and carrots on a grater, cut red onions into rings, tomatoes into slices, fry in oil, add apples, basil and carrots, simmer until smooth. Boil rice, mix with vegetables and add ready-made meat. Stuff the peppers with the mixture, put them on a baking sheet greased with olive oil, bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Vegetarian Diet Stuffed Pepper

With champignons

1 kg champignons, 1 white onion, 1 carrot, 1 cup brown rice, 8-10 peppers.

Boil the champignons, then pass through a meat grinder together with carrots and onions. Cook rice, mix with mushroom minced meat. Sometimes minced meat is slightly fried in vegetable oil with the addition of marjoram, dried ginger and oregano, but this is not necessary. The peppers are stuffed with the mixture and baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Serve with low-fat yogurt or any diet sauce.

With eggplant

1 kg of eggplant, 1 red onion, 300 g of tomatoes, basil, 1 cup of chopped corn, 8-10 peppers.

Soak the eggplants in salted water, then bake in the oven until tender, mince with the rest of the vegetables. Boil the corn in salted water. Stir vegetables with porridge, stuff with peppers, bake in the oven, sprinkled with olive oil.

With red beans

4 jars of red beans in their own juice, 8 peppers, 1 cup of brown rice, 1 carrot.

Boil rice, mix with grated carrots and beans, stuff the pepper with the mixture and cook in a double boiler (medium bowl, 10-20 minutes). Serve with yoghurt or soy sauce.

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

September 13, 2013

Diet stuffed peppers (without tomato and carrots)

Simple dietary stuffed peppers are rarely cooked today. Basically, the Internet is dominated by recipes for stuffed peppers with carrots, fried onions and lots of tomatoes. Such recipes not only can be called dietary, but they also have little to do with the classic stuffed pepper.

On the same page, you will find a recipe for a classic dietary stuffed pepper that will appeal to both children and adults, and the preparation of which is unlikely to cause many difficulties for novice cooks.

Simple dietary stuffed peppers are rarely cooked today. Basically, the Internet is dominated by recipes for stuffed peppers with carrots, fried onions and lots of tomatoes. Such recipes not only can be called dietary, but they also have little to do with the classic stuffed pepper. On the same page you will find a recipe for a classic dietary stuffed pepper, which will appeal to both children and adults, and the preparation of which is unlikely to cause ...

6.2 The grand total

Traditional stuffed peppers

Pepper stuffed according to the traditional recipe, without numerous spices, carrots and other bells and whistles. Soviet classics

Number of ingredients

Ease of preparation

Time for preparing

Is it suitable for a festive table

Is it suitable for daily meals

Is it suitable for dietary and baby food


- 600 grams of ground pepper;
- 300 grams of ground beef;
- 2/3 cup rice;
- 50 ml of milk;
- salt to taste;
- dried or fresh greens to taste

About meat and minced meat from it must be said separately.

The most delicious dietary stuffed pepper according to the traditional recipe is obtained from boiled meat (beef). That is, you need to boil a piece of beef pulp (you can see how to do this) and make minced meat out of it.

Unfortunately, today, due to the abundance of ready-made purchased minced meat, people are usually too lazy to make minced meat from boiled meat and cook it with raw minced meat. For foods like stuffed peppers or stuffed squash, this is not good. But probably. We will also use ready-made raw minced meat. But still, minced boiled meat is preferable.

Now about herbs and other seasonings. Dill and / or parsley should be used as herbs. Do not use too much. Do not use stronger herbs like cilantro or basil. The thing is that the main tsimes of stuffed pepper is the very aroma of bell pepper, which seasonings simply eliminate.

1. Wash the pepper and cut out the centers. Free from seeds. All this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the peppers themselves.

2. Boil rice. You can see how to properly cook rice in a saucepan.

3. Mix rice and minced meat. Salt well.

4. Stuff the peppers with rice and meat.

Novice cooks often wonder how tightly peppers should be stuffed. It all depends on their size. Small peppers are best stuffed tighter. But big fruits should not be filled "through I can not." If you do this, then the pepper will contain too much "porridge" and very little of the pepper itself.

5. Place the peppers in a saucepan. Pour salted milk there and pour the herbs (if the greens were fresh, they must first be chopped). Add water to a saucepan so that it covers half the peppers.

6. Put a saucepan with peppers on the fire and cook for 35-45 minutes. Cook over low heat under the lid, slightly shifted to the side, so as not to run away.

All. A simple dietary stuffed pepper is ready.

Serve hot with sour cream.

Cut tomatoes cross to cross

We put it in boiling water for a minute, then under cold water. Remove the skin, cut into cubes.

Finely chop the onion, three carrots, chop the greens, add the egg.

We spread a kilogram of minced turkey there. Salt, pepper, mix everything.

We cut off the stalk from the peppers, take out all the seeds, rinse.

There is one caveat. According to the PP, lunch should contain carbohydrates, but dinner should not. So with rice, these peppers will be lunch, no-dinner. Therefore, we stuff only half of the peppers with this minced meat. And add brown rice soaked in advance to the second half of the meat.

And stuff with minced meat with rice. Cook for an hour in salted water.

And now about the nuances:

these peppers are an excellent PP semi-finished product. Depending on the time of day, you get the type of peppers you need from the freezer;

next time I'll stew the vegetables before mixing with the meat. And I'll boil the rice until half cooked. The fact is that the turkey is cooked faster than the usual beef or pork dishes. And by the time the vegetables and rice are cooked, the turkey becomes not very tasty.