If the cream from sour cream turned out to be liquid. How to make cream of sour cream with sugar - step by step recipes with photos

04.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

I never thought that you can brew sour cream, but it turns out you can also like that) The first recipe that I will share today is custard sour cream. How delicate in structure and taste it turns out cannot be conveyed in words. Perfect with sweet and other delicacies.

So, for the preparation of the cream we need:

  • Sour cream 20% fat - 300 g
  • Large egg - 1 pc
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Granulated sugar - 120 g
  • Vanilla extract - 0.5 tsp
  • Butter - 160 g

How to make sour cream custard:

All ingredients, except oil, are mixed in one bowl with a refractory bottom, put in a water bath and stirring, bring to a thick state.

Try not to allow the formation of lumps, for this, stir vigorously until smooth, passing along the sides of the bowl.

Beat the butter separately.

Add the custard base cooled to room temperature in small portions into the butter and beat until smooth. Cool the cream and use it as intended.

It turns out an excellent cream that keeps its shape well and can be used not only in the layer of cakes and cake filling, but also to decorate the tops of the cakes.

The following cream is perfect for a layer of cake. It goes especially well with biscuit cakes and fruits. You can add the fruit pieces directly to the cream before adding the gelatin.

Cream soufflé with sour cream


  • Sour cream 20% fat - 400 g
  • Granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 8 g (one small bag)
  • Instant gelatin (I use Dr. Oetker) - 10 g
  • Milk (or cold water for soaking gelatin) - 80 g

How to make sour cream cake soufflé:

So, put the sour cream in a wide bowl and begin beating with granulated sugar for 5-7 minutes with a mixer. The mass should increase in volume by 2-2.5 times, become airy. It may seem surprising that sour cream can grow so much. When I first tried to make this cream, I was also surprised.

You may have to experiment with sour cream from several manufacturers before you get an airy cream soufflé. For example, some hostesses achieve this result only with high-fat farm sour cream, for others the ideal fat content is 15%. In any case, you will succeed in a cream soufflé (gelatin will help thicken the mass even if the sour cream does not whip and remains liquid). The quality of sour cream determines only how porous and airy such a cream turns out.

I usually use sour cream like the one in the photo.

Ideally, 400 g of sour cream should make a cream with a volume of 1800 ml.

Dissolve gelatin (10 g) in cold milk or water (80 g).

When it swells (usually 10-15 minutes is enough), heat the mixture in a water bath to a liquid state.

Attention! It is impossible to overheat the gelatin, otherwise it will lose its properties! It is enough to heat it up to a temperature of 60 C.

Then cool the diluted gelatin a little, add a small portion of the cream to it, stir. After that, add this part of the cream to the main cream and mix everything again until smooth.

The sour cream is ready, you can layer the cakes. If you want to add berries to the cream, place them on top of the cream layer. They will sink a little until the cream thickens and end up in the middle.

The top three of my favorite creams based on sour cream are cream cheese.

Now this cream and all the cakes in which it is used (for example, cake) are mega-popular. This cream is prepared on the basis of curd cheese with the addition of butter and cream. I tried to use fat sour cream instead of cream and got a cream that is no worse than in the recipe with cream: delicate, silky, very, very tasty! The cream has a slight sourness from sour cream, and a pleasant cheese flavor.

Sour cream cheese

  • Fatty sour cream (fat content 20% and above) - 500 g
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (a 250 ml faceted glass is used)
  • Curd cheese - 220 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp (can be substituted with vanilla sugar)

How to make cream cheese with sour cream

To make the cream thick and dense, we first weigh the sour cream. To do this, put it in a cotton towel and hang it over a bowl overnight in the refrigerator. If you can't hang it, you can put it in a colander and put it on a saucepan. The excess liquid will drain and the sour cream will become denser.

If you use sour cream with a fat content of 30%, you do not need to weigh it.

Put sour cream, sugar in a large bowl, add vanilla extract, beat all ingredients until soft at high speed. Then we reduce the speed and add the curd cheese, continue stirring at low speed. That's it, the cream is ready!

I hope these recipes will help you make delicious cakes for your family and friends. Cook with pleasure, and if you have any questions - feel free to ask.

Bon Appetit!

Sour cream cake cream is a classic homemade recipe. Confectionery factories also produce desserts with this popular impregnation. But professional bakers manage to make thick sour cream, while at home it turns out to be more liquid, "wet". It seems that the same ingredients, the quality of the products are the highest - so what's the matter? Is it really impossible to make sour cream thick at home? Of course you can. It is enough to know and take into account several prescription subtleties that help thicken the sour cream to the desired consistency.

How is sour cream cake made? Composition and features of sour cream
Sour cream is one of the simplest and most affordable pastry fillings. And this also applies to the set of ingredients and the cooking technology. This is probably why the use of sour cream is so common. Most often, sour cream is made for a biscuit, for a honey cake, sour cream directly, for eclairs and other cakes. Sour cream can be mixed with cocoa, syrup, jam. The only thing that cannot be done with sour cream is to give it a stable shape. Because sour cream is by default impregnation, that is, a mass that is liquid enough to moisten dry dough.

The classic sour cream consists of only two or three essential ingredients:

  1. Sour cream.
  2. Sugar (sand or powder).
  3. Vanillin or vanilla sugar are already flavorings, which you can do without when preparing sour cream.
You can of course use the fattest sour cream you can find. Before use, you can also hold the finished cream in the refrigerator to "set" it. But all this will not make the sour cream really thick - perhaps a little more viscous. To noticeably thicken the sour cream, you will have to use other tricks and / or additional components.

How to make sour cream thick
There are several more or less effective ways to thicken sour cream. Which one to choose and implement depends on your gastronomic preferences, cake requirements and other possibilities. Here are the tools of your choice that allow you to make sour cream thicker than usual:

  1. Sour cream quality. Experienced housewives are sure that thick sour cream is obtained only from homemade sour cream, and the store is not suitable for this. To test, buy at least 30% fat sour cream for the cream on the market. To increase your chances of success, place sour cream in four-fold cheesecloth and hang over a bowl for at least 3 hours. This method will rid the sour cream of excess serum, that is, liquid, and the cream will turn out to be thicker.
  2. Time and conditions of preparation. Even the fattest and thickest sour cream becomes thinner upon contact with sugar. The longer you beat the cream, the longer this contact lasts and the less chances that the sour cream will turn out thick enough. Use a mixer to beat the cream as quickly and intensely as possible. The temperature of the food and tools also affects the consistency of the cream, so pre-cool the sour cream, bowl and whisk.
  3. Starch. Potato or corn, it will make the cream a little thicker without affecting the flavor. After adding starch, it is advisable to keep the cream in the refrigerator. You can even substitute flour for starch.
  4. Gelatin. A universal thickener, including for cream. Will require refrigeration and may affect the taste of the cream if used in large quantities. But it will definitely work.
  5. Butter. Inevitably affects not only the consistency, but also the nutritional value of the cream. Sour cream with butter turns out to be heavier and richer. By and large, this is a different cream, but it completely replaces the sour cream in cakes and pastries.
  6. Thickener for cream. This is the most modern and simplest way to thicken sour cream. Thickeners of different brands may differ in name and concentration, but the method of application is the same for all.
These methods allow you to make thick sour cream at the cooking stage. You can only try to thicken the ready-made cream if you beat it again by adding a thickening ingredient. It might be easier to skip this idea and make a thick cake cream using a different recipe. But if you want to make exactly the sour cream thick, read on.

Thick sour cream: recipes
For one medium cake, a cream is prepared from 500 grams of sour cream, give or take. This amount will require 1 glass of sugar (200-250 grams) or half a glass of powdered sugar (about 100 grams) and a drop of vanilla essence. The rest of the ingredients and / or thickeners are indicated in the detailed recipes:

  1. Thick sour cream with gelatin. In addition to these ingredients, you will need a bag of gelatin (10-15 grams) and 100 ml of water. Pour water into a glass and dissolve the gelatin in it. After 15 minutes, heat the water with the dissolved gelatin, but do not bring to a boil. Cool at room temperature. While the gelatin is cooling, whisk the sour cream with sugar or powder in a deep bowl. When the peaks begin to reach behind the whisk (this will happen after about 10-15 minutes of beating), add the vanilla essence and pour in the cooled liquid gelatin in a thin stream. Whisk the cream again for 1-2 minutes.
    Place the bowl of cream in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours before use, preferably overnight. During this time, the gelatin will harden, and the sour cream will become thick. If you want to further enhance the thickening properties of gelatin, dissolve it not in water, but in fatty confectionery cream. You need to heat them carefully so that they do not curl up, but the sour cream with gelatin and cream will turn out to be very elastic.
  2. Thick sour cream with starch. For the above amount of ingredients, you will need 2 teaspoons of starch. Place the fatty sour cream in a chilled bowl and beat with a mixer with / or a chilled whisk. After 10-15 minutes, sour cream will increase in volume. Then add sugar or icing sugar, vanilla and / or other aromatic essences. Beat for another 5 minutes, until the sugar dissolves. If time permits, put the cream in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. If in a hurry, add the starch immediately and whisk again. It takes some time for the starch to swell and take effect. Place the bowl of cream in the refrigerator for at least 20-30 minutes.
  3. Thick sour cream with butter. For a pound of sour cream, 50-100 grams of butter is enough (not a spread). Take it out of the refrigerator ahead of time to warm and soften it. In a deep bowl, stir in soft butter and half the sugar or powder. When the butter turns white and the sugar dissolves, put the sour cream, the rest of the sugar and vanilla in the same bowl. Whisk with a chilled whisk at high speeds. After 15 minutes, the cream will thicken and become firm and elastic. You can use it right away or put it in the refrigerator and chill it later with the cake.
  4. Thick sour cream with condensed milk. Condensed milk adds volume to the mass, so the cream is more creamy than other recipes. For a pound of sour cream, take a standard can of condensed milk, 50 grams of butter and you can do without sugar. Whisk the sour cream in a chilled bowl for 15 minutes. In a second bowl, combine butter, softened at room temperature, with condensed milk and beat until smooth and fluffy. Combine the contents of both bowls, mix evenly and whisk completely. This sour cream can be used for cakes and pastries, or as an independent dessert, sprinkled with crushed nuts.
  5. Sour cream with a thickener. Confectionery dry thickener-concentrate for cream is also suitable for sour cream. Focus on the volume of the product indicated on a specific package. As a rule, there are 1-2 sachets for a pound of sour cream. Put the sour cream in a bowl along with the sugar and beat until a noticeable increase in volume, or beat only the sour cream, and add the sugar after 10 minutes and continue beating until it dissolves. Then add vanilla and 1 sachet of thickener. Whisk everything together for another 7-10 minutes and refrigerate. After 15-20 minutes, take out the bowl of cream and check the consistency. If it suits you, you can start using the cream. If you want to make the sour cream even thicker, put a second bag of thickener in it, beat again and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Thick sour cream with cottage cheese. Fermented milk products are successfully combined with each other, and such a cream tastes almost the same as the classic sour cream, but it becomes much thicker. A pound of sour cream will need 300-400 grams of cottage cheese. It is advisable to use homogeneous cottage cheese in packs or rub crumbly cottage cheese so that it becomes soft and homogeneous. Fold the grated cottage cheese and sour cream into one deep container, add sugar and vanilla. Beat with a mixer at low speed at first. When the mass becomes like a cream, switch the mixer mode to maximum and beat until a thick cream forms.
To make thick sour cream, heat treatment is not needed - this is a definite plus. In cookbooks, you can find advice to thicken sour cream by boiling it with sugar and / or starch syrup, but this will already be a custard, that is, a completely different product. You can also whisk the sour cream with a ripe banana or other fruit pulp. This will only slightly thicken the cream, but it will make it acceptable for baby food. But the main thing that you need to remember is the direct dependence of the consistency of the cream on the sour cream. The fatter and thicker it is, the thicker the sour cream will turn out. Good luck with your culinary experiments!

Thick sour cream for decorating a cake, in fact, is a fluffy mass, which is achieved by mixing sour cream most often with powdered sugar or adding sugar. Sour cream as a basis for the creamy substance should be quite high in fat content - 33%. In this case, it is best to use the rustic one.

If you use sour cream with a fat content of at least 33%, then to obtain a creamy product with a thick consistency, you do not need to add additional ingredients. A thick consistency can be achieved by beating it with sugar. And in this case, the time and speed of the mixer directly affects the density of the creamy substance.

If there is no high-fat sour cream at hand for the preparation of a creamy product, then you can use what you have, but for this it makes sense to use the advice of experienced confectioners.

Nowadays, there are several methods to thicken sour cream product at home. How to thicken sour cream is discussed in this article.

Tools for thickening the cream

If your sour cream is too liquid, then it makes sense to ask the question: why this happened and how to make it thick in the future. How many and what ingredients to use in order to make the base itself thicker.

Each housewife should remember that the quality of the cream product directly depends on the quality characteristics of the sour cream itself. Therefore, it is best to make a cream from a homemade product. But if it is not possible to use homemade sour cream, then when purchasing it in a store, it is better to take it with a fat content of at least 30%.

And for a product with a fat content of 15-20%, you can use the following tools:

Whipping time and conditions. Sour cream, when mixed with powdered sugar, becomes in any case more liquid. Therefore, in order to correct the situation, you need to beat it as long and intensively as possible. Do not forget that it is better to cool the product before whipping;

Starch. In order to thicken the sour creamy substance, you can use starch. And it doesn't matter the starch from corn or potatoes. The most commonly used confectionery industry is corn starch. When using starch, it is imperative to refrigerate the creamy product. Some pastry chefs use flour instead of starch;

Gelatin powder. It belongs to the universal thickeners. In this case, the result is a cream that, after cooling, keeps its shape well and can be used in light cakes, as an independent cream cake;

Butter. Creamy product with butter and sour cream at the exit has a denser and thicker consistency. However, at the same time, it can rightfully be called heavy and high-calorie. In fact, this is a different variety, but it can replace sour cream when decorating a cake or eclairs;

Food thickener application. It is already purchased ready-made in the store and is used according to the instructions on the package.

Ways to make sour cream thicker

If, when preparing a creamy product for a cake, it turned out to be liquid, you can use the advice of experienced pastry chefs.

In this article, we will consider three main ones.

The first method allows you to make a creamy sour cream product thicker with a minimum of time and is suitable for preparing it at home for a novice pastry chef. It involves the use of a special food grade thickener in powder form. It is available in almost every store. It contains starch, powdered sugar, vanilla essence, etc. But it is better not to use it when decorating a cake for children. In this case, you can use a thickener prepared with your own hand using starch. To properly make a homemade thickener, you need to take 1 tablespoon of starch for 1 cup of sour cream. Use corn starch whenever possible. You will also need a small amount of water, one pinch of vanilla and 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Sour cream is whipped with powder and vanilla. And starch diluted in water is added only at the end. Be sure to cool the sour cream.

The second way to thicken a cream that is too liquid involves the use of gelatin or agar-agar. Thanks to these ingredients, as well as their gelling properties, a thick and dense cream is obtained. It should not be forgotten that it keeps its shape well. For this, many components are not required. One cup of sour cream will require approximately 10 grams of gelatin or agar agar powder and is prepared according to the instructions on the package. But generally they are soaked for 40 minutes (for gelatin powder) and 60 minutes (for agar) for swelling. Then they dissolve in a water bath, and the already cooled solution is added to the cream. In this case, before the introduction of the gelling solution, during and after the cream product is whipped. After decorating the cake, it must be placed in a refrigerator for a while.

There is also a third way to thicken a cream that is too thin. He is considered to be one of the most natural paths. No additives are used here. For this it is necessary to remove the serum. You need to take cheesecloth and roll it up in at least three layers. Then sour cream is laid out on cheesecloth, its ends are collected and tied at the top. Then it is hung in a cold room over a container for a day. Once the whey is drained, it will thicken.

Recipes for making thick sour cream

Sour cream recipe with gelatin

This recipe for making a creamy product for decorating a medium-sized biscuit cake will require the use of 500 grams of sour cream, as well as 250 grams of sugar. If desired, sugar can be replaced with 100 grams of powdered sugar. To add vanilla flavor, you can use a drop of vanilla essence.

This recipe involves the use of a gelling solution, which will make the cream thickest, as well as dense. To do this, 15 grams of gelatinous powder is poured with 100 milliliters of water and left to swell for forty minutes. Then it is placed in a water bath and heated until the crystals disappear completely. Then the jelly solution should be allowed to cool down.

While the gelatinous solution cools down, it is necessary to combine the sugar with sour cream and beat with a mixer. After about fifteen minutes, when stable peaks begin to form, it is necessary to add a few drops of essence and a gelatin solution is also added in small portions. After that, the creamy substance is whipped for another two minutes.

Thus, we can say that the creamy product is ready, but before making the layer of the cake, the cream itself must be placed in the refrigerator for four hours, which will allow the gelling component to solidify and make it itself a thick consistency.

Sour cream recipe with starch

If you are trying to thicken a creamy product using starch or flour, you can apply this recipe. For this, as in the previous example, 500 grams of sour cream, 250 grams of granulated sugar and vanilla essence are taken. But in addition, instead of gelatin powder, 2 teaspoons of starch will be used.

In this recipe, sour cream is pre-cooled and whipped with a mixer for fifteen minutes until its volume increases. After that, granulated sugar and powdered sugar, vanilla essence are added and everything is whipped for five minutes until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Then, for 40 minutes, the creamy substance is placed in a refrigerator. After that, 2 teaspoons of starch are added and everything is again put to cool for half an hour. And only after cooling can the cream be used for the layer of the biscuit cake.

Thickener Sour Cream Recipe

If using a creamy cake recipe with a thickener, follow the instructions on the package. But if we consider the recipes presented above, then 500 grams of sour cream will require about 2 bags of food thickener.

To prepare a creamy product, you need to beat 500 grams of sour cream for fifteen minutes until the volume of the mass increases. After that, granulated sugar or powdered sugar is added and it is necessary to beat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Next, essence and thickener powder are added to the creamy substance. The final step is to beat all the ingredients for ten minutes. Before proceeding to sandwich the cake, it is placed in the refrigerator.

Sour cream recipe with butter

The recipe will allow you to make a creamy product for a small biscuit cake thick, will require the use of 500 grams of sour cream, 250 grams of granulated sugar or 100 grams of powdered sugar.

This amount of sour cream will require 100 grams of butter. In this case, the oil must first be softened. After that, it is ground with 125 grams. Next, it must be whipped until a white color is obtained. When it turns white, add the remaining sugar, sour cream and essence to taste and beat everything with a mixer in a fairly intensive mode for fifteen minutes. The result is a thick and thick cream. Before a layer of biscuit cake, it is better to put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Recipe for sour cream with condensed milk

Condensed milk can also help to make the creamy substance for the biscuit cake from sour cream thicker. To prepare it, you will need 1 jar of condensed milk, 50 grams of butter, 500 grams of sour cream directly and vanilla essence.

Sour cream chilled in a refrigerator is whipped for fifteen minutes. The butter is mixed separately with condensed milk and whipped until smooth and airy. Next, the whipped sour cream mass is added to the butter, everything is thoroughly mixed with a silicone spatula and whipped again. The finished creamy product can be used for sandwiching a cake, as well as for filling and eclairs.

So, in order to make the sour creamy product thicker, you do not need to heat it. First of all, the fat content of sour cream affects its density.

Sweets are tastier than cake cream - very difficult to find. Everyone agrees with this statement.

How nice it was when in the kitchen they were preparing sour cream for a biscuit treat, and you dipped your fingers into a bowl and licked the sweetness. Indeed, it is very difficult to forget this pleasure!

Most likely, each of us has similar memories in our heads. If sour cream pie cream is so good, then imagine what a portion of biscuit dessert will be in the end!

General cooking principles

Sweets adore different eclairs, pastries, cakes, where there is a thick cream of sour cream. Recipes are presented in a wide variety.

There are simple recipes for biscuit desserts and sour cream creams that even a little cook can handle, but there are with increased complexity.

Those. every cook, regardless of the level of skill and experience, will be able to choose the very recipe that will allow him to prepare a classic sour cream for a biscuit cake, bake cakes and feed his loved ones with delicious pastries.

I advise you to choose simple recipes for mass from sour cream for a start. From them you will learn how to thicken the cream for a sour cream cake, as well as other secrets that allow you to show off your pastry talents in front of your home and guests.

A sponge cake with non-liquid sour cream for the cakes will be remembered for all its special taste. Remembering the taste of such a cake, each sweet tooth will have an increase in saliva production and begin to grumble in the stomach.

Why not try your hand at the kitchen too, because how much will you put off cooking delicious sweets from healthy sour cream?

I'm sure the sour cream mix for the interlayer of treats will be your favorite. But what kind of decorations will be on top of it is up to you.

In this article, you will find different recipes on how to make a thick cake cream from the base layers. All of them indicate the use of sour cream for this purpose; sugar will also be required.

The set of components is minimal. Sour cream must be of high quality. A quick sponge cake with sour cream without sugar will delight all guests, and its composition will not be liquid.

And you will also find out why a thick sour cream mix of cream mass is not always obtained. Decorate the sour cream cake with a bottle of cream.

I supplemented almost all cooking methods with a photo. Why? The answer is simple: to better understand the main points of the algorithm for cooking treats.

I propose to start with creams, and only then from other articles you will learn how to properly decorate a biscuit cake at home, how to thicken sour cream.

The classic recipe for sour cream with boiled condensed milk on a biscuit cake without sugar

Components: 1 can of boiled condensed milk; 200 gr. sour cream; 1 pack. vanillin.

As you can see, the list of products is minimal, you don't even need sugar. And it will take no more than half an hour to cook. The proportions indicated in the recipe should be strictly observed.

The sponge cake also bakes very quickly. If the sugar-free cream is liquid, you can thicken it with a special thickener.

Sugar is not needed, since the product is already included in the condensed milk. Sour cream can be substituted with an equal amount of heavy cream.

It is important that the sour cream is fresh and of high quality. A portion of sour cream mixture will replace sweets.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I put the sour cream in a bowl. If sour cream with a fat content of 15-20 percent, you need to throw it through cheesecloth to squeeze out the whey. So you learned how to make sour cream thick.
  2. I add the can of condensed milk gradually to the bowl where the sour cream is, but pouring out half, put the vanilla. I mix sour cream very well with food, you can beat it with a mixer. I try it for sweetness, if necessary, I add the remains of condensed milk, interfering, so that a layer is uniform in its composition.

This completes the step-by-step recipe for the sour cream composition. But I have a lot of other variations of its preparation.

A thick cream without sugar will be if you add a little flour to it, perhaps use a special thickener. You can buy a thickener at the store. Starch will also be helpful.

Read right now, you will be pleasantly surprised and you will definitely be able to find your perfect recipe to bake a delicious sponge cake for your loved ones and guests.

Even a novice cook can cope with this task! Try to make a layer of cake and you.

Sour cream layer with boiled condensed milk, butter for making homemade cake

Preparing a creamy mass for a cake is not difficult. It shouldn't even be supplemented with sugar. Let's get started!


200 gr. sl. butter and sour cream (30% fat); half a can of boiled condensed milk; 300 gr. walnuts.

Again, the cake layer will be ready in just 35 minutes. It is better to beat with a mixer, if necessary, you can add a thickener to the mixture. Use it as instructed in the instructions.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I start cooking by softening the sl. oils. I keep it at room temperature for 30 minutes. After I transfer it to a bowl, I add condensed milk. Beat with a mixer.
  2. By pouring in the condensed milk gradually, you will be able to control the sweetness. If it turns out not sweet, add more condensed milk.
  3. Sour cream is introduced. Sour cream is beaten especially carefully to get a homogeneous mass. Beat with a mixer is not difficult, but you get a delicious creamy composition.
  4. Now I grind the nuts with a rolling pin and add them to the creamy composition. Now you need to mix the mixture again and apply to the cakes. That's all, one more way of making a creamy mass at home is known to you. Covering the cake layers with thick sour cream, do not forget about decorating it in the form of cream.

Layer for a cake with sour cream on condensed milk with gelatin

The recipe calls for the use of sugar. powder, if you didn't have time to buy it, you can make the product yourself using a coffee grinder and simple sugar.

The composition will turn out to be thick. But if necessary, you can thicken it with flour or add starch. The taste, if the composition contains simple potato starch, will not suffer.


100 g sugar. powder (or sugar); 200 gr. sour cream (fat content 20%); 10 gr. gelatin; 50 ml of water; 1 tsp vanillin; 1 can of condensed milk; starch.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I fill the gelatin with water, let it stand for 20 minutes, so that the mass swells. I send it to a water bath and stir the composition until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Do not let the mixture boil, as the product will lose its bonding properties.
  3. I let the gelatin stand. It remains to beat sour cream, vanillin, condensed milk. I will add sugar to the composition. powdered (or add sugar). It is necessary to use chilled dishes, then the composition will have an air basis. You can beat with a mixer.
  4. Please note that sah. powder dissolves faster than sugar.
  5. I introduce gelatin into the air composition. I pour it into the mass with sugar in a thin stream. When it is homogeneous, I grease the cakes with sour cream.

That's all, make new desserts, create unique treats for your favorite sweet tooth at home.

Curd-sour cream with condensed milk and cherries for a cake

It should be mentioned that the cream with sour cream is very thick, and even useful. And if it also includes cottage cheese, so doubly!


400 gr. cottage cheese and sour cream; 200 gr. sah. powder (can be replaced with simple sugar); 300 gr. cherries; 30 gr. gelatin; 1 tsp vanilla; 1 can of condensed milk; half st. water.

Simple cooking algorithm:

  1. First of all, you need to wash the berries and squeeze out the seeds. Powdered sugar is needed to sprinkle cherries (possibly substituted with sugar) and use a home blender to process the berries into puree.
  2. I add cottage cheese (5% fat), vanillin to the sugar mass with sour cream. To make the composition homogeneous, I take a mixer. The sugar mass will become thicker if you add a little flour.
  3. Add the indicated amount to the gelatin with warm water, let it stand for 15 minutes, so that the mass begins to swell. I send it to a water bath and constantly interfere. Again, we do not allow the mass to boil. In this case, gelatin will lose all its beneficial properties.
  4. The gelatin should cool down. It is worth adding it to the workpiece with a thin stream. I add sour cream, condensed milk, mix well. The cream will turn out to be very tasty, goes well with biscuits. So try to make such an unusual biscuit covered with cream at home.

I am sure that such a biscuit will take pride of place even on the festive table, and therefore take this recipe to your attention, perhaps it will soon be useful to you.

Powdered sugar is sold in grocery supermarkets, or you should make your own using sugar and a coffee grinder. Sugar mass can be used to decorate the finished cake.

Sour cream crème brulee

Components: 500 gr. sour cream (take low-fat); 1 can of boiled condensed milk; 1 tsp vanillin.

A thick cream with boiled condensed milk and sour cream will taste like a classic biscuit brulee. By the way, you can brew condensed milk at home.

It is not difficult to do this, but it will taste no worse than boiled condensed milk from the store. The biscuit will be delicious! It is difficult to find thicker masses.

How to cook condensed milk? Very simple:

Put a simple condensed milk in the water in a jar. Leave on the stove to cook for 2 hours. The water in the saucepan may boil away, and therefore you will need to add boiled water. I let the product cool for 40 minutes. Only then I make a cream for the biscuit.

Cream preparation algorithm:

  1. I mix the thick composition of condensed milk and sour cream with a mixer to get a fluffy mass.
  2. I introduce vanillin. I use the cream as directed. You can cover a biscuit with it, you will just lick your fingers!
  1. Sour cream on condensed milk is very easy to make. Recipes can be complicated by the decision of the culinary specialist himself, for example, if additional components are added to the cream. It can be berries, fruits, cottage cheese.
  2. Only, no matter how complicated the preparation method is, all the same, the composition of the cream varies from 2 to 5 components.
  3. To have a cream that is homogeneous in composition, you need to take products of the same temperature.
  4. When choosing a filling for cream in the form of fruits and berries, you need to be sure that the products are fresh. Otherwise, the taste will be spoiled.
  5. Cream with fruit additives cannot be stored for a long time, since berries and fruits deteriorate very quickly. The filler should not be applied immediately. After all, you can mix the composition of the mass, and only then add the fruit before using the layer.
  6. If the mixture remains after the layer of cake, you can eat it tbsp. or use as sweet
  7. We cook in bowls of any kind. It can be plastic, aluminum, enamelled iron. It is better not to take aluminum if the composition needs to be heated.
  8. It is better to make a thick sour cream with starch, flour or other components using a mixer. A blender is a great appliance, but it cannot give it airiness.
  9. The taste of the cake cream must be chosen in advance. Since this will vary the choice of condensed milk. It can be classic, boiled, with coffee, with chicory, vanilla and other additions. Of course, they will all affect the taste. Even if you add more sugar than indicated in the recipe.
  10. The choice should fall exclusively on quality products. To buy condensed milk, you should know one piece of advice. The bank must be marked with GOST. It will be important to study the composition of the product.
  11. Only taking into account the preparation of high-quality products, it will turn out to mix the sour cream composition at home, which will decorate the cake. Cooking should be fun. The baked goods will turn out to be of high quality and beautiful if the hostess gets down to business in a good mood.

Not a single sweet tooth will refuse a portion of delicious biscuit treats! Bake an original cake at home and not only on the eve of important holidays, your family will definitely appreciate all the costs they deserve.

Decorations for the cake can be anything: grated chocolate, candied fruit, a portion of heavy cream, etc. Experiment, and then your pastries will be the most original and delicious! I wish you all good luck and good mood.

My video recipe

A holiday without a cake is not a holiday. And let the lovers of noisy feasts with strong drinks say that if it came to cake, then the celebration did not take place, everyone knows that this is not so. The cake is a sweet apotheosis of the festive table, which is eagerly awaited by all guests, from children to ladies who are always losing weight. And if the hostess wants to surprise her guests, then she will certainly take on baking the cake herself. Homemade cakes are tastier than homemade ones - this is a fact that does not require proof, but it will take many times more time to put a homemade cake on the table than buying a beautiful, but not very tasty delicacy in the nearest store. Therefore, not everyone dares to bake a confectionery masterpiece at home, especially since when baking a cake, even experienced housewives may face certain difficulties, for example, too liquid cream. The cream is usually made last, so there is no time left to prepare a new portion. Therefore, if the cream turns out to be liquid, you can try to thicken it.

Sour cream is deservedly one of the most popular. It perfectly impregnates the cakes and simply conquers with its delicate texture and sweet and sour taste. In order for such a cream to always turn out thick and airy, you need to use only fresh sour cream, the fat content of which should be at least 25%. It is advisable to use homemade sour cream or that store product, of which you are one hundred percent sure of the quality. To rid the sour cream of excess liquid, thereby making it easier to prepare the cream, it must be wrapped in several layers of gauze and hung in the refrigerator. In this case, do not forget to substitute a container into which the liquid will drain. Weighed sour cream is guaranteed to make a delicious, fluffy and thick cream. It is best to beat sour cream chilled and the finished cream should also be immediately put in the refrigerator.

But sometimes, for various reasons, the cream still turns out to be not as thick as we would like, and if you try to collect a cake with too liquid cream from sour cream, alas, the delicacy will be ruined. But we will tell you what to add to the sour cream so that it thickens, so do not get upset prematurely.

To make the sour cream thicker, you can prepare sugar syrup, cool it to a temperature of 30-40 degrees and add it to the failed cream. Then beat the softened butter with a mixer and, without stopping whipping, add a tablespoon of the future cake decoration there. In this case, you get a creamy sour cream - it is more high-calorie, but no less tasty. In addition, it keeps its shape perfectly and does not spread.
Another option for "resuscitation" of liquid cream made from sour cream is sour cream soufflé. For this, in addition to the cream itself, you will need instant gelatin and a little milk or cream. Pour gelatin with milk, let it swell and heat over low heat until completely dissolved. You cannot bring to a boil. After that, cool the gelatinous milk mass to room temperature, add it to the cream and mix with a mixer at the lowest speed. Then put the soufflé in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. When the mass thickens to the desired consistency, it can be safely applied to the cakes and even decorate the cake with it using a pastry bag or syringe.

Also, many housewives know what to add to the cream to thicken it, you can use a cream fixer or cornstarch. To do this, remove the sour cream from the refrigerator, add a cream fixer or starch, beat with a mixer at a slow speed and put it back in the refrigerator. The cream will definitely turn out thick and delicate.

What if the custard is runny?

But what about a custard that's too runny? First, you need to figure out the reason why the custard doesn't want to be the way you intended it to be. Perhaps the cream gave in to heat treatment too little, and if it turned out to be watery, then it just needs to be boiled. It is also possible that there is too much liquid in the custard. What to add to the thickening cream in this case? The answer is unequivocal - a little bit of flour. To do this, it is necessary to introduce flour in small portions through a sieve, constantly stirring the cream (without removing it from the heat) so that lumps do not form.

In general, in order not to worry about the density, you need to know a good and proven one, which you can read on our website.

Custard that is too runny can also save butter. But the cream with the addition of oil will be more "heavy". Beat softened butter with a mixer. While whipping in a thin stream, add the cooled custard and immediately put the mass in the refrigerator. In the process of solidification of the cream in the refrigerator, it must be mixed several times so that it turns out to be homogeneous and tender.

Also, many novice housewives will find it useful to know that a mixture of flour and eggs can also be added to the thickening cream. You need to mix 2 tbsp. l. flour and 2 chicken eggs. Bring the liquid custard to a boil, pour out a third of the total and mix with the egg and flour mass. Then pour the mixture into the remaining cream and simmer for a few more minutes over low heat. You will see how seemingly hopelessly spoiled kerm thickens right before our eyes. With such a cream, you can cook not only delicious cakes, but also a variety of homemade cakes, for example, eclairs.

By the way, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with, which will never let you down.

We hope that after reading our article, you will firmly know what to add to the cream so that it thickens, and you will not spoil your festive mood if only a few hours are left before the guests arrive, and the cream does not meet your expectations. Always cook with love and do not forget about the little culinary secrets that will always save your dish in a difficult situation.