Berry fruit drink. Recipe how to cook? Cranberry juice - the most delicious recipes for a healthy berry drink

21.10.2019 Dishes for children

Step-by-step recipes for a refreshing drink: preparing a fruit drink from frozen berries

2018-08-18 Liana Raimanova





In 100 grams of finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


5 gr.

20 kcal.

Option 1. The classic recipe for fruit drinks from frozen berries

Frozen berries perfectly preserve vitamins and useful microelements. They are usually used for compotes, jams, or used as a filling in various baked goods. The recipe for fruit drink from frozen berries is also popular and loved; when preparing it, a mixture of berries or one type is used. Traditionally, fruit drink is cooked from three types of berry fruits at once: chokeberry, lingonberry and cranberry. Juice is squeezed out of the berries, the extracts are boiled in water, filtered and mixed with the previously squeezed juice. It turns out rich in taste, moderately sweet, with a pleasant sourness.


  • 300 g frozen lingonberries;
  • 300 g frozen cranberries;
  • 300 g frozen chokeberry;
  • 155 g sugar;
  • water - 4.5 liters.

Step-by-step recipe for frozen berry fruit drink

All fruits are mixed in a cup, filled with cold water, left for a few minutes to defrost.

Step 2:
The berries are crushed with a crush, transfer the mass to a piece of gauze, squeeze the juice.

The juice is poured into a clean container, and the squeezes are laid out in a pot of water and boiled over a low flame after boiling for 15 minutes.

The berry liquid is passed through a sieve, squeezed out, juice is poured into the water and sugar is added.

Stir well and allow to cool.

The drink is bottled and chilled in the refrigerator.

You can adjust the amount of sugar in the recipe to your liking, if you want to get a sweeter drink - take sand to 200 grams, less sweet - reduce to 100 grams. It is permissible to replace one of the types of berries with a completely different one, for example, cherries, raspberries, blackberries.

Option 2. A quick recipe for fruit drinks from frozen berries

The speed of the next option lies in the fact that the berry is not pre-thawed, it is simply covered with sugar, slightly crushed with a crush and infused in hot water. The result is a rich, rich and aromatic refreshing drink.


  • 460 g frozen lingonberries;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.

How to make fruit drink from frozen berries

The frozen berry is placed in a three-liter glass jar.

Fall asleep with sugar, turn in any convenient way into a puree-like gruel.

The water is preliminarily brought to a boil, the berries are poured over it.

Cool and filter before use.

For an even greater refreshing effect, you can pour a little lemon or orange juice into the prepared fruit drink.

Option 3. Fruit drink from frozen berries in a slow cooker

And this version of fruit drink from frozen berries is similar to the classic recipe, it differs only in the method of preparation. It also turns out to be healthy, with an excellent aroma and taste.


  • any three types of frozen berries - 200 g each;
  • sugar - 120 g

Step by step recipe

The berries are slightly thawed in cold water.

The water is drained, the juice is squeezed from the fruit, the squeezes are laid out in the container of the apparatus, filled with water to the required level.

Set the "First courses" option, time 15 minutes, cook until the signal with the lid closed.

Opening the lid, pour in berry juice, add sugar, close the lid again, leave on heating for 60 minutes.

The drink is filtered and drunk chilled.

Diet drink: replace sugar with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Option 4. Strawberry juice from frozen berries

Fruit drink from frozen strawberries is obtained original and aromatic. The main rule when preparing such a drink is not to completely defrost the berry. And the advantage is that you can add different natural juices of other berries to the ready-made fruit drink, thereby giving the drink a new taste and aroma every time.


  • slightly more than half a kilogram of frozen strawberries;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • water - 3.5 liters.

How to cook

After removing the berries from the freezer, leave for 10 minutes to defrost slightly.

After rinsing the strawberries with running water, put them in a saucepan.

Water is boiled in another container.

Strawberries are lightly crushed with a crush, squeezing the juice through cheesecloth, put the squeezes in boiling water together with sugar and boil for a couple of minutes.

After cooling the broth, filter and pour in strawberry juice, mix well, pour it into glasses and serve it to the table.

Strawberry juice can be consumed both cold and warm. If desired, a variety of aromatic additives can be included in the composition, for example, mint leaves, cinnamon and others.

Option 5. Healing fruit drink from frozen berries

When preparing fruit drink according to this option, frozen cranberries and sea buckthorn are used, which, due to their beneficial properties, perfectly cope with colds. In the finished form, it turns out to be rich, with a slight sourness and a pleasant honey-berry aroma.


  • 220 g frozen sea buckthorn;
  • 220 g cranberries;
  • 90 g honey;
  • 580 ml of water.

Step by step recipe

Pre-thawed berries are crushed, armed with a crush.

Spread the berry mixture on cheesecloth and squeeze the juice into a clean dish.

The squeeze is placed in a saucepan and covered with hot water, covered with a lid, set aside for 1.5 hours so that the liquid is infused and cooled.

They release the infused broth from the extracts, pour in berry juice, add honey.

It is consumed slightly warm.

Fruit drink will turn out to be even tastier and healthier if you add a little lingonberry or raspberry berries.

Option 6. Fruit drink from frozen berries with mint

To give the finished fruit drink even more freshness with a touch of coolness, use the following recipe. Contains only frozen lingonberry and mint leaves. In taste and color, this drink is somewhat reminiscent of the Mojito cocktail.


  • 440 g frozen lingonberries;
  • 1,200 liters of water;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 5 mint leaves.

How to cook

To begin with, boil water in a saucepan.

After crushing defrosted lingonberries in a cup, pour hot water over it.

Mint leaves are washed, finely chopped with a knife and introduced into the berry mixture, at the same time sugar is added, mixing well, insisted under a lid for 60 minutes.

Strain and cool in the refrigerator.

It is better to serve such fruit drink in special glasses for cocktails, if you wish, decorate it with mint leaves and throw a few ice cubes into each glass.

Option 7. Fruit drink from frozen berries with spices

And this version of fruit drink from frozen berries differs from all described with a breathtaking aroma thanks to the added sticks of cinnamon and cloves. The ginger root makes it slightly harsh. It can be consumed cold or warm.


  • frozen blackberries, blueberries - 300 g each;
  • water - 560 ml;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 piece;
  • cloves - 3 things;
  • ginger root - 3 cm;
  • honey - 60 g.

Step by step recipe

Defrost blackberries and blueberries, squeeze out the juice.

The extracts are put in a saucepan along with a cinnamon stick, cloves, ginger root and, pouring boiling water, left for half an hour under the lid.

Having filtered the liquid, pour in berry juice, introduce honey, stir well and cool in the refrigerator.

Spilled into glasses, served to the table.

If there is no cinnamon stick, it is permissible to add ground spice to the drink after straining.

Option 8. Fruit drink from frozen berries with lemon

Another great option for a fruit drink made from frozen berries. The combination of raspberries and cherries gives the drink an attractive dark red color and sophisticated aroma. Additionally, lemon juice added to the composition perfectly emphasizes and complements the slight sourness of the cherry.


  • frozen cherries - 200 g;
  • raspberries - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2,200 liters.

How to cook

After thawing the cherries, free them from the seeds, combine with thawed raspberries, sprinkle with sugar, leave in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Juice is squeezed out of the berries through cheesecloth.

Squeezes are laid out in a saucepan with water, boiled on a small burner for several minutes.

The strained broth is cooled, berry and lemon juices are poured in, stirring well, and poured into glasses.

If you want the drink to acquire a light astringency, you do not need to remove the cherry pits from the cherries.

In the traditional way, fruit drink is prepared from wild and garden berries with the addition of honey and freshly squeezed juice. Cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, currants and cloudberries will do. If you know how to cook fruit drink correctly, then you can keep all the useful qualities in the drink.


Honey 3 tbsp Water 1 liter Berries 1 stack.

  • Servings:4
  • Preparation time:10 minutes
  • Time for preparing:15 minutes

How to cook fruit drink: old recipes

The most useful fruit drink is obtained from fresh summer gifts, but you can also use frozen ones. The main thing is that the raw materials are of high quality, so the berries should first be sorted out.

Making an invigorating drink is easy:

  1. Mash the washed berries and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Pour the mass remaining after spinning with water, combine with honey, bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 to 12 minutes.
  4. Pour berry juice into the cooled broth, filter.

In winter, it is better to drink the drink warm, and in the summer heat - chilled, even with ice cubes. If a family member suffers from an allergy to bee products, use the same amount of granulated sugar instead of honey. For piquancy, you can add lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, mint, anise. They should be introduced 5 minutes before readiness.

Another way to prepare a healthy drink involves boiling whole fruits with honey or sugar. Then the broth is mixed with the juice obtained by squeezing the berries through a sieve.

How much fruit drink to cook depends on the raw material. A drink made from fresh berries is kept on the fire for 5-7 minutes. If you take frozen fruits, you need to cook for at least 10 minutes. If jam is used to prepare fruit drink, the preparation time for the drink is reduced to 3-5 minutes.

Winter fruit drink from frozen berries

It does not need to be boiled, but the cooking time is greatly increased. For fruit drink you will need:

  • frozen berries - 150 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.

An excellent choice would be a mix of 100 grams of black currant, a couple of large strawberries and 2 tbsp. lingonberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the washed fruits with boiling water, add sugar, cover with a lid and wrap with a towel.
  2. Insist in a warm place for 3 hours.
  3. Squeeze the berries, filter out the liquid.

You can drink fruit drink warm or chilled.

If you're short on time, make a quick cranberry drink. Grind the berries with a blender, combine with sugar and refrigerate. Before use, the mixture is diluted with water or tea to taste.

A healthy drink not only quenches thirst and saturates the body with vitamins. It is useful for flu and colds, as it has a tonic, tonic and diuretic effect.

Fruit drink made from frozen cranberries is identical in taste and presence of valuable microelements to juice squeezed from freshly picked berries. This rich sweet and sour drink with a stunning ruby \u200b\u200bcolor is incredibly beneficial for the body, and in some cases it can compete with drugs in the fight against colds. For pregnant women who need to stay away from antibiotics, this is a lifesaver. The main thing is to take the drink under the supervision of a doctor.

Cranberry juice is nothing more than natural juice squeezed out and diluted with cake decoction. What is water for? To soften the pronounced sweet and sour taste of the drink.

Morse is very popular in Russian cuisine. He is credited with practically miraculous properties due to the presence of a large amount of useful substances in the berries.

Chemical composition

Wild or cultivated berries are rich in glucose and fructose, organic acids and pectins.

Of the vitamins, the leading positions are occupied by ascorbic acid, A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, K 1 and PP.

Physicians have proven that the biologically active substances of the berry have an anti-inflammatory effect and.

Cranberries are capable of:

  • enhance the effect of antibiotics
  • accelerate the healing of wounds (abscesses, burns)
  • cure vitamin deficiency
  • prevent infections of the genitourinary system
  • overcome the temperature (fever)
  • relieve the patient's condition with rheumatism and cystitis.

Interesting! Before humans learned to make synthetic antibiotics, healers successfully used cranberries to fight ailments. Traditional healers still do not lose sight of the valuable berry.

How to cook frozen cranberry juice? We present tried and tested methods for processing raw materials, but first we recommend that you read the general tips.

  • unquestioning observance of the proportions of the components when brewing a drink. The amount of freshly squeezed juice in the fruit drink should be ≥ 30%
  • honey is put in a warm drink, otherwise it will quickly lose its medicinal properties
  • before dipping the berry into a blender, it must first be defrosted. The thawed water is poured
  • lemon balm, rose hips, lemon and other fruit additives dramatically change the aroma of fruit drink, and also expand the spectrum of useful elements.

So how to make frozen berry cranberry juice? Step by step instructions.

Classic recipe

  • 5-6 full art. tablespoons of sugar
  • 200 g frozen cranberries
  • 2 liters of water.

Frozen berries at room temperature are instantly covered with snow-white hoarfrost. Indescribable beauty, just right to take pictures. You cannot mash the ice beads by hand, so they are left in the bowl to thaw. To speed up the process, you can pour cold water over the berry for a quarter of an hour. After making sure that the product is soft, the cranberries are washed in a colander. Then it is ground into gruel (puree) using a crush or blender.

At the next stage, juice must be squeezed out of the raw material. You will need a fine sieve or a piece of gauze folded in 2-4 layers. Here you will have to try to squeeze out all the liquid from the berry to the last drop. You can't do without crush.

Ready natural juice is poured into a glass container. You can't drink it. It's too sour and concentrated. The remaining cake is poured with cold water and brought to a boil. It takes no more than a minute to cook the pomace. As soon as the water boils, add sugar and stir. Remove the pot from the hotplate. The broth is infused for at least half an hour.

It remains to strain it with a fine strainer and combine with natural juice. Morse prepared according to the classic recipe is ready. You can call guests, take a sample.

Interesting! Gourmets add turmeric, cinnamon and other favorite spices to the drink.

Cranberry + Rosehip

The variety of taste of the drink is achieved thanks to the companion products. This cranberry juice recipe contains rose hips. Is it worth focusing on the fact that the benefits of such a union are doubled? Rosehip is also a valuable medicinal berry, irreplaceable in the cold season, with edema, weakened immunity.

  • 2 l of water
  • 5-6 tbsp Sahara
  • 500 g cranberries
  • 100 g rose hips.

The beginning of the preparation of the drink is non-standard and comes down to the processing of rose hips. Dry fruits are thoroughly washed, poured into a thermos with a liter of water (at a temperature close to boiling water), let it brew for a day.

Traditionally, pure juice is squeezed out using gauze or a strainer. It can be sweetened immediately.

The cake is brought to a boil in a liter of water, boiled for 1-2 minutes. After removing it from the heat, filter it into a container with sweet cranberry juice. The present rosehip is poured there (of course, with the help of a sieve).

Healthy fruit drink from frozen cranberries and dry rose hips is ready.

Important! Long-term heat treatment of berries destroys valuable substances. You should not cook food and harvest fruit drinks for future use. It is best to prepare a fresh drink for 1-2 days.

Cranberry + lemon + honey

The scent of citrus fruits will give any berry drink such a unique aroma that involuntarily drools will flow. Cranberry juice is no exception.

  • a glass of frozen berries
  • half a lemon (lime)
  • 2-3 tbsp honey
  • litere of water.
Getting started with cranberries is standard. The ice beads thaw, soften to be crushed into a puree.

The seeds are removed from the half of the lemon. The product, together with the zest, is cut into pieces and chopped in a blender.

Combine cranberry and lemon gruel, season with honey.

The fragrant mass is left to infuse for 1-2 hours, after which it is poured with hot water. While the fruit drink is cooling, it is periodically stirred.

The cooled drink is filtered in any convenient way, poured into glasses, decorated with a slice of lime and crushed ice.

Cranberry + orange + cinnamon

The benefit of this cranberry juice is to tone up the body. Orange is generally credited with the ability to improve mood. Need to cheer up? Memorize the recipe.

  • 300 g cranberries
  • 2 large oranges
  • 1.5 l of water
  • 5 tbsp Sahara
  • cinnamon stick.

Oranges are washed, peeled, and a thick, homogeneous juice is squeezed out in a convenient way.

Defrost the cranberries, grind them to puree using a blender, pass through a sieve.

The strained juices are combined together, put into the refrigerator to cool.

Pour the orange zest and cake with water, bring to a boil. Pour in sugar and throw in a cinnamon stick. After 1-2 minutes, the broth is removed from the heat, set aside to infuse until it cools completely.

On a note! You can use tangerines or grapefruit in this recipe. The latter product will give the drink a spicy bitterness.

Cranberry + Ginger

Ginger root is indispensable in the ARVI season. The hot spice stimulates immunity well, and in combination with cranberries makes the body completely invulnerable.

Composition of fruit drink:

  • 250 g cranberries
  • 20-30 g ginger root
  • liter of boiling water
  • 2-3 tbsp liquid honey.

The frozen cranberries are placed in a colander to thaw. Excess water will drain off, and the soft product will be prepared for further kneading. With an ordinary spoon or crush, the berries are ground, literally squeezing out the ruby \u200b\u200bjuice.

Freshly squeezed liquid is passed through cheesecloth. The pomace is poured with boiling water and put on the fire to simmer.

The peeled root is turned into shavings on a grater. Ginger is sent to boiling water.

After 2-5 minutes, the broth is removed, cooled, filtered through cheesecloth into a jug. Natural cranberry juice and 1-2 thin sticks of ginger are also sent there.

It is better to sweeten the fruit drink with honey after it has cooled completely. This will preserve all the valuable trace elements of the product.

Cranberries + carrots

Frozen cranberry juice with carrots is also very useful. Caring mothers can take note of this recipe and prepare a drink for their beloved children. There is no need to talk about the value of carrots for a growing organism. This is the prevention of anemia, vision loss and many other ailments.

Composition of fruit drink:

  • a glass of frozen cranberries
  • ½ kg carrots
  • sugar to taste
  • 4 glasses of water.

Working with cranberries is similar to all the above recipes. If desired, the cake can be set aside altogether, and only squeezed berry juice can be used (then 1 glass is enough water).

Peeled carrots are chopped on a grater, pressed with a crush or passed through a juicer.

Combine juices, add sugar (honey). Spice lovers add anise stars or a little cinnamon to this cranberry juice.

Fruit drink recipe without cooking

Doctors are categorically against defrosting cranberries and even more so boiling berries. They believe that only quick freezing and vacuum storage can preserve the valuable substances of the product. The following drink will bring the maximum benefit to the body.

Frozen hard cranberries are ground in a blender. The gruel is poured into water at room temperature, mixes well. Sugar and honey are added to taste. Drink fruit drink after about an hour, when the berry transfers valuable substances to the water.

On a note! Re-freezing cranberries will lead to partial loss of vitamins and other trace elements.

Variety of supplements

Anyone who loves experiments in the kitchen should try cranberry juice with the addition of freshly squeezed juices or compotes from the following vegetables and fruits:

  • raspberries
  • blueberry
  • blueberry
  • viburnum
  • citrus
  • apples
  • mint, lemon balm.

Attention! Cranberry juice should not be drunk by patients with gastrointestinal problems and pregnant women in the early stages, at least without consulting a doctor.

Late spring will not deceive, people say. And, indeed, the weather was very warm, even hot. And we no longer dream of a hot cup of tea or coffee, but on the contrary, we want to refresh ourselves. In this article we will tell you how to make fruit drink - a very pleasant drink that quenches thirst well and saturates our body with useful amino acids of fruits and berries.

How to make berry fruit drink

Traditionally, fruit drinks are made from berries, usually cranberries and lingonberries. These berries are naturally sour, rich in vitamins, raise immunity and mood. But you can use other, no less useful and tasty fruits. We will tell you several options on how to make berry fruit drink.

For ten servings of berry juice, you will need:

  • 150 g berries (cranberries, blueberries, black currants, strawberries or raspberries),
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 liter of water.

Sort the berries and rinse well. Rub in a ceramic bowl. Place the berries in cheesecloth and squeeze out all the juice. Pour the rest of the berries with cold water and put on fire. Boil for 10-20 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to cool. When the broth has cooled, strain it and mix with the juice.

Before making fruit drinks, prepare a nice jug and freeze the ice. They drink fruit drink from glasses through a straw, or simply drink, as it is more convenient for anyone. Glasses are decorated with lemon and orange zest, and fresh fruit is thrown into the drink.

We offer you another option on how to make fruit drink, all vitamins are preserved in this drink, and for greater benefits, honey is used instead of sugar.

For 2 cups of 150 g each, you will need:

  • 150 g fresh or frozen cranberries
  • 2 teaspoons of honey.

Boil water in a kettle and leave to cool. Rinse the cranberries in a colander. Wipe clean berries through a fine strainer. Put the cake in a clean plate and fill it with a few tablespoons of boiled water. Rub the berries 2 more times. Pour the resulting juice into glasses and add cooled water from the kettle. Place a teaspoon of honey in each cup for sweetness. This option, how to make fruit drinks, is carried out in 15-20 minutes without much difficulty.

How to make fruit drink

If you do not like berries, but would not refuse fruit drinks, we will tell you especially for you how to make fruit drinks.

For one liter of fruit drink we need:

  • 1 orange or apple (whichever you like)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

The water must be boiled, and the fruit must be cut into small pieces. Place the sliced \u200b\u200borange (or apple) in a pot of water and let sit for 2 hours. During this time, the fruit will give its juice to the water. Strain the fruit drink and refrigerate. Garnish with fresh fruit when serving.

How to make lemon juice

This very pleasant soft drink can be made both in winter and summer. In the summer, to quench your thirst, in the winter, so as not to get sick.

Take for a liter of fruit drink:

  • 1 lemon
  • 40 g sugar.

Take a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Add lemon zest and sugar to water and boil it. Cool water and mix with lemon juice. To achieve a pleasant color of the drink, you can dissolve a little burnt sugar in it.

Now all spring and summer you can make fruit drinks and enjoy your drink.

Fruit drinks are present in abundance on store shelves today. Sometimes of quite acceptable quality. And yet you cannot compare with your home. There are a lot of recipes for making homemade fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries, although the differences between them are only in minor details.

Most obey the unshakable (so it is) canon: the berry must be crushed with a wooden spoon or crush, then squeeze the juice with gauze, boil the pulp and then mix with juice, sugar or honey. There are other options, but the main thing is to crush it with a piece of wood. To avoid oxidation.

But parts of modern kitchen equipment - for example, a blender - are made of food grade steel and therefore do not oxidize. Why not use a blender? Sometimes the fruit drink is cooked like a compote - it seems that this is the most classic version. We felt sorry for the vitamins, which are destroyed when heated.

How to make cranberry juice: simple recipes for home

I dare to suggest a variant other than the canonical one. The volumes, as always, are conditional: everything is a matter of taste. I indicate the ones that I have most often.

Ingredient List:

  • Cranberries or lingonberries (tastes different, but cooks the same; you can also mix) - 800 g
  • Water - 3 l
  • Sugar -4 tbsp. l.


1st option

2. Put the berries in portions in a blender bowl, grind. Transfer the juice together with the pulp into a saucepan or bowl made of non-oxidizing material - in a glass one, for example.

3. When the water in the pan boils and the sugar dissolves, pour in the juice along with the pulp

and turn off the stove immediately. Cover and let cool under the lid.

4. Strain the fruit drink through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, pour into a glass decanter. In this case, of course, after a short time, the pulp will sediment, it turns out that the fruit drink is transparent only on top. So what? Fruit drink with pulp - what's wrong? It is better to drink chilled or adding ice cubes to a glass, you can add a slice of lemon.

2nd option

1. Pour three liters of water into a stainless steel or enamel pot (the main thing is that the material does not oxidize), add sugar and put on the stove.

2. Put the berries in portions in a blender bowl, grind. With the help of cheesecloth, squeeze the juice into a glass dish, set aside.

Advice: how to cook lingonberry juice correctly

The lingonberry recipe uses less sugar. Therefore, lovers of more acidic cranberries sometimes even add a little lemon or lime to their fruit drink.

3. Pour the pulp with cold water, bring to a boil in a small saucepan and cook for five minutes. Then cool slightly and strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth.

4. When the water in a large saucepan boils, pour the juice and broth into it and immediately turn off the stove. Let the fruit drink cool under the lid and pour into a decanter. In this case, you don't need to filter, but if you really want to ...