The benefits of cheese and its calorie content. Why cheese is useful

Cheese - is it good or bad for the body?

All about the benefits and dangers of cheese!

Cheese was invented by people thousands of years ago, but now there are hundreds of varieties of this dairy product, differing in composition and preparation technology. Despite the fact that in any house there is cheese on the table, not every person knows whether it is useful or harmful to use it every day.

Cheese, the beneficial properties of which have been known to mankind since ancient times, has always been a popular product. Those who often ate cheese have always stood out for their good health. The assortment of cheese varieties numbers in the hundreds, so any modern person can find a dairy product to their liking. The useful properties of cheese can hardly be underestimated, because it is made from milk, but if you understand this issue, there may be some negative effects on the body that are observed as a result of the abuse of this product.

When considering the benefits of cheese, it should first be noted that it is about 65% protein, which is necessary for the appearance of new cells. It is noteworthy that people living in the Caucasus, who are distinguished by good health, consume sheep and goat cheese, which in many ways ensures excellent health for them.

It should also be noted the high content of phosphorus and calcium in the cheese and a number of vitamins, which are necessary for the normal development of bones. People who eat a lot of cheese are less likely to suffer from fractures, rarely encounter such a disease as osteochondrosis in old age, and most interestingly, they almost never have caries.

There is no scientific research confirming that it is cheese that contributes to the formation of strong teeth, but, as practice shows, in those people who ate a lot of this dairy product in childhood, the enamel is more durable and is not subject to the influence of pathogenic microflora and damage caused by mechanical overload.

Although cheeses are high-calorie foods, they all belong to the dietary category. Even with the toughest diets, it is allowed to eat 20-30 g of cheese per day, because it allows you to get satiated faster and reduce your appetite. In addition to calcium and phosphorus, cheeses have a high zinc content, so this product is indispensable in the diet of people who, due to health problems, cannot drink milk and eat fish.

In addition to being rich in nutrients, dairy products also contain opiates. In cheese, pain relievers are contained in very small quantities and are the result of a long process of milk processing. It is noteworthy that morphine in cheese is contained in very small doses, but with systemic use, people suffering from the frequency of migraines feel a decrease in the frequency of attacks. When considering a product such as cheese, the beneficial and harmful properties cannot be separated.

There is no exact data on what cheese is bad for. However, given the high calcium content, this product is not recommended for people diagnosed with urolithiasis and arthritis. Cheese is a difficult enough product to digest, and those who suffer from gastritis should not eat it.

In cheese, not only useful, but also harmful microorganisms can live, therefore it is this dairy product that is a common cause of listeriosis and some other infectious diseases. Given the high calorie content of cheese, it should only be consumed in limited quantities. The optimal amount of cheese in the daily diet is from 70 to 100 g. If a person eats a lot of cheese, he should also exercise to burn unnecessary calories.

Cheese should be consumed in small quantities, since only in this case can you benefit from it. Benefit can only come from quality cheese made from natural milk. Cheese products containing vegetable fats are unlikely to provide any benefit to the body. Moderate inclusion of cheese in the diet allows you to make up for the lack of useful elements without harming your figure.

Everyone knows about the benefits of raw fruits and vegetables. Heat treatment destroys vitamin C and other nutrients in raw plant foods, and also deprives the body of the required amount of plant fiber, so essential for digestion.

Why is fiber (dietary fiber) from raw vegetables and fruits so beneficial? Vegetable fiber "cleans" the intestines from mucus, toxins, fats and toxins, improves the motor function of the intestines. Vegetable fiber is food for the intestinal microflora. People who daily receive the rate of vegetable fiber, provided a balanced diet, do not suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the use of dietary fiber helps to normalize weight, which means the prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.

Doctors recommend eating a minimum of 3 fist-sized servings of raw vegetables and fruits daily. Thoracic surgeon Nikolai Amosov suggested daily use of 300 grams of vegetables and fruits and a minimum of fat to improve the body. By the way, about how much this minimum fat is: nutritionists recommend dosing fats in food in proportion to the phalanx of the thumb, you can eat no more than two such "fingers" per day.

All this is great, but where to get vegetables and fruits in winter? Will "artificial" fruits from supermarket shelves contribute to your health? Here we need to remember that vegetables are healthier than fruits. Knowing this, you can leave expensive imported apples and pears lying on the shelves in the store. We will start hunting for fruits in summer and autumn, when there will be plenty of local apples, pears, plums and other various berries. In winter, it is better to concentrate your food on self-prepared dried fruits and root vegetables, as well as cabbage, pumpkin, and zucchini.

Thus, to benefit from eating raw vegetables in winter, it is necessary to make salads without dressing or with a minimum amount of oil. It is recommended to forget about the existence of mayonnaise altogether, trans fats and chemical components are useless for our health.

So, in winter we prepare healthy salads from cabbage, beets, carrots, onions and garlic, pumpkin and zucchini for the health and good mood of the whole family.

Raw carrot salad

To get the most out of raw carrots, grate them finely. Then you can combine carrots with onions or garlic, apples and cranberries, dried fruits. Beta-carotene (provitamin A) is absorbed by the body when combined with fats, so it is advisable to add vegetable oil or sour cream to such a salad.

Children can combine carrots with a banana. Better not to sprinkle sugar on the carrots.

However, it should be noted that in order to obtain vitamins from carrots, it is recommended to cook it. The cell walls of boiled carrots become softer, which allows them to give the right amount of beta-carotene, lutein and antioxidants. It is fair to say that these substances are not destroyed during heat treatment, and they are very important for the body. Beta-carotene strengthens the immune system, is a powerful antioxidant, and prevents cancer. Both lutein and beta-carotene are extremely beneficial for vision.

White cabbage salad

It is convenient to prepare salad in a 3-liter jar. Chop the cabbage, grate 3 carrots.

Prepare the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l 70% vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l of salt with a slide

Mix cabbage and carrots in a food bowl, add 3 cloves of garlic. To know how to bank. Boil the marinade and pour over the cabbage. After cooling down, you can eat.

Such pickled cabbage is rich in amino acids, vitamin C, anti-ulcer vitamin U. Some substances from pickled cabbage are absorbed even better than from raw unprocessed cabbage. The daily consumption of such a salad increases stress resistance.

Pumpkin and zucchini salad

Pumpkin and zucchini can be eaten fresh by making a salad from them. By adding grated pumpkin and zucchini to the pre-cooked pickled cabbage, we will enrich our body with vitamins and microelements. Potassium, folic acid and fiber from raw pumpkin and its varieties will only benefit the heart, pancreas and the body as a whole.

Raw beet salad

This raw vegetable salad will be beneficial for the intestines and blood. Beets need to be grated and can be combined with garlic, nuts, apples, carrots and even oranges. Use healthy unrefined vegetable oils or sour cream for dressing.

All these salads are useful to combine with raw onions and garlic. Onions are a source of vitamin C and phytoncides. These are the strongest natural antibiotics and must be included in the diet raw.

It is necessary to accustom your body to raw vegetables gradually. Inconsistent use of raw herbal products can lead to exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and flatulence. Graduality is especially necessary in old and childhood.

In case of ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist before changing anything in the diet.

It is useful to grow greens on your own windowsill. This will not only lift your spirits, but also add antioxidant activity and flavor to raw vegetable salads.

A raw food diet is not only a diet, but also a special worldview. And quite extreme: extremely raw food is rough for our digestive system. And not everyone can withstand strictly such nutrition without a special philosophy.

Many raw foodists are helped by their deification of nature. They believe that originally people ate raw food and cooked food could not be included in the cycle of substances in nature. In their opinion, this harms nature, to which they are extremely careful. Among their principles: do not kill animals (and do not eat them, of course), do not destroy plants by digging them up by the roots or cutting them down. What can you do? Pick up ripe fruits, berries and vegetables without harming the plant.

On the other hand, raw foodists quite rationally argue that any food after heat and other processing loses not only vitamins, but also other useful substances. And that when exposed to temperature, carcinogens, acrylamide, trans fats and other harmful components are formed. Basically, it all makes sense. But, paradoxically, experiments have shown that after cooking, many vegetables become even healthier. As they become softer, they more easily release vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients than raw foods. And as a result, the assimilation of these substances only increases. Whereas a lot of usefulness, "immured" in the fiber of raw vegetables, passes through the digestive tract in transit, not being absorbed.

In recent years, a trend has emerged in the West that is less fanatical about dogmas and philosophy of a raw food diet and uses such food only sporadically to cleanse the body or lose weight. For example, a week of "raw eating" is replaced by two months of simply healthy eating without radical prohibitions.

How raw foodists eat

The raw foodists' diet is different from the traditional one: there is no first, second and third course for lunch. In this regard, raw foodists are divided into two groups.

The first are monotrophs. At one meal, they consume only one fruit, vegetable or other plant product. For example, they start the day with an apple, after an hour they can eat an orange, after another hour - nuts, then - tomatoes, and so on.

The second group is mixed raw food. Several similar foods can be consumed in one meal. For example, different vegetables or different fruits, mixing fruits with vegetables or nuts is allowed. You can also mix animal products with dairy products, but not vegetable products.

Anatoly Gendin, gastronomic journalist, writer and blogger:

- Around the world, a variety of products that we are used to cooking, frying or baking, locals sometimes eat raw. This is, of course, not about banal vegetables and fruits, but about meat and fish, which in our domestic culture are consumed only cooked. So, I first tasted raw meat in Italian Piedmont. It was cooked in front of my eyes. A piece of fresh veal was not immediately thrown onto a plate, but first by hand, with two large knives, it was chopped to the consistency of large minced meat, lightly salted and sprinkled with olive oil. It turned out to be very tasty!

On the other side of the world, in South Korea, the wholesale fish market will be remembered for the rest of my life by the mouthwatering aroma of fresh fish from the sea. Fishermen and merchants ate its pieces with pleasure without any cooking or frying, dipping them in a spicy sauce.

The main criterion for selecting products for raw dishes is their unconditional freshness. We somehow do not think about the root cause of our culinary delights, but after all, the heat treatment of food raw materials is, first of all, a way to render them harmless. Giving the best taste and aroma was invented later.

Yes, our stomachs have long been unaccustomed to primitive natural food, and we need to be careful about adopting the everyday experience of other peoples. Not all meat can be eaten raw, even if fresh. Pork is still dangerous, it's better not to risk it. But try veal on occasion. Especially if you are in Piedmont.

What raw foodists can eat

  • Fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs
  • Dried fruits
  • Vegetables and herbs, dried without salt and seasonings
  • Cold pressed vegetable oils
  • Sprouted cereals, other grains and legumes

That raw foodists are not allowed

  • Heat-cooked food
  • Pickles and marinades
  • Salted fish
  • Cured and uncooked smoked meat products, lard
  • Everything that was frozen is stroganin

A raw food diet is different

Vegan (most common form of raw food diet)

Complete and absolute exclusion of food of animal origin.


Meat and fish are excluded, but milk and dairy products and / or eggs are often allowed.


75% of food is fruits and berries, the rest is many vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains and seeds. But only those gifts of nature are allowed, for the collection of which it is not necessary to destroy the plant, as, for example, it happens when digging up potatoes and other root-tuberous plants.


Dairy products are allowed, as well as meat, eggs, fish, seafood (but only raw or dried).

Raw meat diet (carnivorous raw food diet)

The basis of food is not fruits and vegetables, but raw or jerky meat, fish, seafood, as well as milk and eggs.

The harm and benefits of a raw food diet


  • Nausea and diarrhea in many who try a raw food diet.
  • Dental problems - due to rough food, enamel suffers more.
  • Cycle Disruption: Nearly a third of women under 45 who are raw food have no periods or have menstrual problems.
  • Lowered content of the so-called good cholesterol - high density lipoprotein, which helps cleanse blood vessels.


  • Reduced blood cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Improvement of the condition of some patients with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Vadim Krylov, endocrinologist, nutritionist, creator of the author's nutrition program:

- Today in dietetics, many people like to rush from one extreme to another. And a raw food diet is one of the extremes. Homo sapiens from the very beginning of its appearance 40-50 thousand years ago already cooked food on fire. Of course, he also ate raw, but, as a rule, it was vegetables, fruits and berries. Our digestive system is adapted to food that has undergone heat treatment, and when raw, only some of the gifts of nature are normally perceived. If you only eat raw, then there may be a lack of enzymes, because such food is much rougher and you need more of them to digest it. This can lead to nausea and diarrhea. And the excess of acids in vegetables and fruits is aggressive, contributes to the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Plus unprocessed meat, poultry and fish spoil very quickly and cause severe poisoning because of this. That is why such foods are consumed traditionally rather than raw. In addition, some raw foods, such as beans and other legumes, contain toxic substances that only break down when cooked. And raw eggs interfere with the absorption of vitamin H (biotin). Raw food aficionados say cooking destroys vitamins and other nutrients. This is only partially true: only some substances are destroyed, and even then not completely. But there is a simple and good rule of thumb for getting a ton of vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients: eat 5 fresh fruits and vegetables daily. For example, orange, apple, tomato, cucumber and pepper.

The benefits and harms of cheese cause a lot of controversy among consumers: those who like to enjoy this product, intended not only for the festive, but also for the everyday table, appreciate the variety of its tastes and forms, others consider it too high in calories and eat with caution. Despite the differences of opinion, the benefits of cheese for the human body have been confirmed by scientific research.

Cheese composition

The composition, benefits and harms of a particular variety depend on many indicators, among which the method of production of the product is important: rennet or fermented milk. The raw materials used - milk, cottage cheese - also affect the taste. In cheese making, cow and goat milk is most often used, a little less often - sheep's milk.

In general, the product includes:

  • water, mass fraction of which is 42-48%;
  • milk fat - 45-50%;
  • salt - 1.5-3.5%;
  • the rest is protein.

Attention! It is noteworthy that the property of cheese is absorbed by the human body much easier and to a greater extent than the milk from which it is produced.

Nutritional value and calorie content of cheese

The nutritional value of the main groups of cheeses is tabulated for clarity.

Table 1 - Nutritional value

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the product contains many vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

Important! The fat content of cheese and the content of nutrients in it are directly interconnected - in low-fat varieties, the amount of calcium is reduced.

Cheese is considered one of the most high-calorie foods. Calorie content of cheese per 100 g: varieties with low fat content contain 240 kcal, and in its fatty types - 350-400 kcal. The energy value also depends on the specific variety and can be 10-18 kJ per 100 g.

Useful properties of cheese

The benefits of cheese are due to its rich nutritional composition. You can consider the positive effect of its individual components on the human body:

  1. Benefits for the bones. The use of the product is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis. Vitamins A, D, K present in it, as well as calcium, magnesium, protein and zinc strengthen bones.
  2. Beneficial properties for blood and blood vessels. It helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, increases blood pressure, and therefore is one of the most indispensable foods for hypotension.
  3. Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract. Eating cheese promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Brie and Camembert varieties have a beneficial effect on performance.
  4. Impact on the mental state. The product has an anti-stress sedative effect, normalizes sleep in case of insomnia.
  5. Beneficial properties for the eyes. The high content of vitamin A improves vision.

The benefits of cheese for women

This fermented milk product is useful not only for women's health, but also for beauty:

  • Hair care properties. Zinc, which is one of the components, prevents premature hair loss by strengthening the hair follicles. Calcium restores dry and brittle hair. And vitamin A makes them shiny and healthy.
  • Benefits for the skin. Vitamin B contained in cheeses gives skin firmness and a healthy glow and helps to get rid of all sorts of skin blemishes.
  • Useful properties for teeth and nails. The product is rich in calcium, therefore it has a positive effect on the appearance of teeth and nail plates. In addition, it contains compounds that reduce acidity, so lovers of the product rarely experience caries and wear of tooth enamel.

Important! The beneficial properties of the product help to cope with painful and problematic symptoms of menstruation.

Cheese for pregnant and lactating

Pregnant women can eat some species in which there are no conditions for the appearance and reproduction of harmful bacteria. This group includes all hard varieties and some soft ones (feta, Philadelphia, processed, curd, mascarpone). It is undesirable to use this fermented milk product with mold, with unpasteurized milk included in the composition. This condition applies exclusively to fresh consumption; during heat treatment, these cheeses can also be used for food.

The benefits of cheese for breastfeeding, in addition to all the above advantages, are based on the optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus included in its composition. It is in the presence of the last element that calcium is absorbed by the female body as much as possible, and subsequently by the child.

During breastfeeding, women are encouraged to eat goat cheese rather than cow's milk. Women who are breastfeeding are advised to eat species that meet the following requirements:

  • low fat content (no more than 20%);
  • with a short ripening period (young);
  • low salt content - with an excess of this component, milk production worsens;
  • without any additional flavors and mold - such products cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and poisoning in newborns.

Advice! Overeating cheese during pregnancy and lactation is harmful to mom and baby, so it is important to limit the consumption of this product, despite all its benefits.

Why cheese is useful for men

Some types of low-calorie cheeses can increase male potency and help in the fight against other problems with male sexual activity: feta cheese, feta, ricot, suluguni. Other types with high calorie content, on the contrary, are harmful: they can reduce potency, increase blood cholesterol levels and contribute to obesity.

Important! An effective improvement in male sexual activity is observed only with the consumption of species based on natural milk fat, the cost of which is slightly higher than cheap products based on vegetable fats.

The benefits and harms of cheese for children

Cheese is very useful for a child - it strengthens the bones of the growing body and contributes to their proper development. But there are also negative properties of it - it often causes allergic reactions in children and is considered difficult to digest. In order not to harm the baby, there are some rules for introducing it into the diet.

How and when to give cheese to a child

You can start giving the product to a child at the age of 2 years. The first portion should not exceed 5 g, so cheese is added to the main course for children. If no harmful effect is manifested after its use, then from the age of 3 the child can eat cheese as a separate dish.

Is cheese possible with diabetes

Diabetics can eat cheese in moderation, as it does not cause sudden spikes in blood sugar: glucose is released gradually. Since this group of people is at risk of cardiovascular disease, it is recommended that they eat low-fat and low-salt species.

Is cheese good for losing weight

For people on a specific diet to lose weight, cheese should be included in the diet - it will help maintain muscle mass and health. In this case, special attention should be paid to the calorie content of the selected variety - it should be low-fat, up to 20%. A low-fat product inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates, thereby helping to fight excess weight.

Which cheese is healthier: hard or soft

Soft cheeses are healthier due to their increased biological value - some proteins contained in them are absent in hard varieties of the product. The composition of the solid product is distinguished by the presence of many important amino acids that the human body needs, but is not able to produce on its own.

Why homemade cheese is useful

Homemade cheese is considered more useful than purchased cheese: there is no doubt about the quality of selected products, the amount of salt and fat content can be controlled independently. All vitamins and nutrients of the milk used are also preserved. Housewives often improve the taste of the product by adding a variety of spices and seasonings.

Homemade cheese recipe

Below is a simple step-by-step recipe for making hard cheese at home:

  1. 700 g of cottage cheese is poured into a saucepan and the lumps are kneaded, after which 1 liter of milk is poured and put on low heat.
  2. The mass is constantly stirred until the curd becomes solid and the liquid whey turns yellowish. After that, the pan is removed from the heat, and the cottage cheese is dried on gauze.
  3. The bottom of the pan is greased with 2 tbsp. l. butter, set on the lowest heat, add cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda and stir for 30 minutes. (it will take less time when using soft curd).

When a uniform consistency is reached, it is laid out in a mold covered with a film, and removed to a cool place until it solidifies.

How much cheese can you eat per day

The benefits and harms of cheese for human health affect the recommendations for its daily consumption. In general, the optimal daily intake of this sour-milk product is considered to be 30-50 g. It is also important to take into account other dairy products eaten per day, for example, you can eat up to 50 g of cheese or up to 150 g of cottage cheese or drink up to 0.5 liters milk or kefir.

Harm of cheese and contraindications

The use of the product has its own contraindications. Cheese is not recommended for groups of people suffering from high cholesterol levels and acute gastrointestinal diseases.

The harm of the product in the general case lies in its consumption in large quantities. Daily overeating can result in migraines, insomnia, and spikes in blood pressure.

How to choose and store cheese

You need to choose a product by its appearance, consistency, taste and smell. The eyes-holes should be evenly distributed throughout the piece, the cut should be dried and not let out liquids, the color of the product should be even. To check the consistency, you need to lightly press your finger on the selected piece: if a dent forms, then you should abandon the purchase.

You need to store the product in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic wrap and a plastic bag. The shelf life of hard varieties is no more than 10 days, soft varieties - up to 3 days. Under improper storage conditions, cheeses lose their valuable properties and turn into a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.


The benefits and harms of cheese for certain groups of people may cause a desire to consume the product every day, or, conversely, completely abandon it. You can learn more about the benefits and dangers of the product by watching the video:

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In order for our body to function correctly and not bring us any unpleasant surprises, it must be taken care of. This applies to lifestyle, lack of bad habits and, of course, proper nutrition. The diet should contain a variety of foods that cover the needs of organs and systems in vitamins, minerals and other useful particles. So in the menu of each of us there should be dairy products, one of which is cheese, consider what benefits and harms can be from its consumption for our body.

Cheese is a popular dairy food. It is obtained by organizing the process of coagulation of milk (cow, goat, sheep). After the resulting milk curd is processed in a special way. In total, there are more than seven hundred varieties of cheese that differ in the technology of preparation.

What is the value of cheese, what is the benefit of eating it?

Cheese is, of course, a very useful product for the human body. It absorbs all sorts of useful qualities of milk, which was the basis for its preparation. So such a product is a source of significant amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins and fats. Cheese is a great find for people who cannot drink milk due to lactose intolerance.

Experts say that the protein that is part of the cheese is absorbed much better than the protein of regular milk. In addition, such a component in its amino acids is very similar to the protein of the human body, which makes it especially useful. Cheese is also a source of a number of essential amino acids, represented by lysine, methionine and tryptophan.

Such a food product also contains many B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12), it saturates the body with tocopherol, ascorbic acid, provitamin A and vitamins PP and D. Cheese is a source of many valuable minerals, including you need to allocate calcium. It also contains some zinc, iron, copper and phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur and magnesium.

Vitamins of group B, which cheese is rich in, are able to stimulate the processes of hematopoiesis, increase efficiency, increase energy production and take an active part in the course of tissue respiration.

It is believed that hard cheese is able to prevent tooth decay and support the health of the musculoskeletal system. When consumed in moderation, such a product has a positive effect on the state of the whole body, helping to eliminate stress and optimizing blood pressure. Consuming cheese will help improve the quality of your night's rest. Hard cheese is best eaten in the morning, and soft cheese before lunch or dinner. It is believed that such an additive to the diet prevents visual impairments, improves the appearance of hair, skin and nails by an order of magnitude, and takes an active part in metabolic processes.

The diverse mineral composition of such a product will help with many pathological conditions. Cheese is strongly advised to eat with fragility of bone tissue and tuberculosis. It should be included in your diet during the period of gestation, as well as during the breastfeeding stage. Cheese will also benefit children. Such a dairy product will be an excellent addition to the diet for hypotension and anemia.

Doctors say cheese is a must-have food for middle-aged and elderly people, as well as for smokers. Indeed, over the years, our body requires more and more calcium intake, and nicotine interferes with the optimal assimilation of this element.

Doctors say that the most useful type of cheese is cottage cheese. It combines all of the above qualities, contains especially a lot of protein and at the same time, little fat. The consumption of cottage cheese helps to maintain and improve the health of the liver, and such an addition to the diet has a positive effect on the activity of the heart, blood vessels and brain. Such cheese can be given even to small children.

Is cheese dangerous for health, can it harm the body?

Cheese is a very healthy product, but in some cases it may well bring harm to the body. So some of its varieties contain a small amount of bacteria that can provoke listeriosis. These particles are especially dangerous for women expecting a baby, because they can cause many fetal illnesses and even death.

Cheese contains the amino acid tryptophan. Its excessive intake into the body can lead to the development of migraines, sleep disorders and nightmares. Also, excessive consumption of such a product can lead to weight gain.

It is better not to give hard fatty cheese to children under the age of two, this applies to both spicy and salty varieties of such a product. They should not be eaten also for various problems in the activity of the digestive tract, for example, with a peptic ulcer or gastritis. Salty and spicy cheeses can be harmful to the body and with hypertension.

Some experts argue that excessive consumption of such foods can provoke kidney stones. They can also harm if not stored properly and the production technology is violated.

We have examined the benefits and harms of cheese for the human body. As you can see, the "pros and cons" of the product go hand in hand like everything else on earth. However, cheese can do more good to our body than harm. Moderate consumption of different types of such a product will help maintain health and avoid the development of many disorders.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.